The HU - Agaar Negen Bui (The Same) 28.06.2019 - Tons of Rock - Norway - Blackie Davidson 4K

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
  • The HU «Full Show» • Video
    Blackie Davidson: / @blackiedavidson
    Blackie Davidson FB: / youtubeblackiedavidson
    Tons of Rock 2019: • Tons of Rock 2019
    Tons of Rock 2018: • Tons Of Rock 2018
    Tons of Rock: / tonsofrockfestival
    The HU: / thehuofficial

Комментарии • 525

  • @rietepieteke
    @rietepieteke 5 лет назад +43

    I`m 76 year old and I love the HU band!!!!!!!

  • @Chris_Clark1MaidenFan
    @Chris_Clark1MaidenFan 5 лет назад +678

    I don’t care what anyone says, but from a diehard Iron Maiden and Megadeth fan, The Hu Band kicks ass. I love the beat of the songs and the music. Plus the singing style is awesome, I wouldn’t change a thing even putting the lyrics in English would take away from the songs, just like Rammstein singing in German the song Du Hast isn’t the same in the English version. Great job guys. 🤘👏👏👏👏🤘

    • @marthajf73
      @marthajf73 5 лет назад +16

      Hey sweetie. I love this music too even though I'm an old woman. Just an aside: I know someone who is?fluent in American sign language. She corrected me with my "love" sign which is 🤟. She told me that 🤘means bullshit. Lol

    • @Chris_Clark1MaidenFan
      @Chris_Clark1MaidenFan 5 лет назад +14

      marthajf73 I’m 53 so I’m not a spring 🐓, 🤣😂🤣🤣😂. I love all types of music except for hip-hop. There’s no harmony in hip-hop.

    • @wyattsmith8808
      @wyattsmith8808 5 лет назад +5

      @@Chris_Clark1MaidenFan I'm not a hip hop fan though I like some old school stuff but you should listen to Russ. He is "hiphop" but a way different style. His music is aimed toward a psychadelic world in a way.

    • @Chris_Clark1MaidenFan
      @Chris_Clark1MaidenFan 5 лет назад +3

      Wyatt Smith I’ll have to do that. I liked the old school like The Show and Word Up. I loved Gap Band You Dropped a Bomb on Me, the 13:00 version. It was our song in Marine Corps Aviation Ordnance

    • @wyattsmith8808
      @wyattsmith8808 5 лет назад +2

      @@Chris_Clark1MaidenFan forgot to mention that Russ also writes, produces manages and does everything him self as an artist and always has so tha just makes him that much better of an artist. i am also a fan of megadeath and IM.

  • @RahimRahmat
    @RahimRahmat 4 года назад +45

    If you understand the lyrics, you will understand why.... I want this song played at my funeral.
    It would serve as a reminder to those who survive me that it doesn't matter what we are in our life, we are all the same in the end.

  • @stephenpetrovich2383
    @stephenpetrovich2383 5 лет назад +262

    Im not normally a fan of music where I cant understand what they are saying...but damn these guys are just so freaking good. I have liked every song I have heard so far.

    • @ernestodelgado8794
      @ernestodelgado8794 5 лет назад +10

      I agree with you. However I'm thankful for google Lyrics

    • @icedriver2207
      @icedriver2207 5 лет назад +5

      Heard one song and instantly subscribed

  • @soyolmaagendenjamts784
    @soyolmaagendenjamts784 5 лет назад +131

    Энэ дууг сонсоод, ер нь Хү-гийн дууг сонсохоор огторгуйд, далайд ч юмуу, тэнгэр газрын савслагад очоод цээж дүүрэн амьсгалах мэт эрх чөлөө, эрхэмсэг сайхныг мэдрэх мэт болох юм. Баярлалаа та нартаа. Монголчууд маань ийм эрхэмсэг, бишрэм, сүрдэм, омголон дайчин, эрх мэдэлтэй, эзэн хүн шиг мэдрэмжийг төрүүлж мэдрүүлж өгсөнд. Товчоор Монголчуудын сүнслэг оршихуйг сэрээж байна даа. Бахархмаар, баярламаар энэ сайхан дуун эгшиг хөг айзамд талархая.

    • @baigalmaasodov8537
      @baigalmaasodov8537 5 лет назад +3

      Сайхан хэллээ

    • @bilguunkhurelbaatar6118
      @bilguunkhurelbaatar6118 5 лет назад +4

      Энн хамтлаг бол өнөө цагт тохиосон гайхамшгийн нэг. Гэхдээ Норовбанзадын дуулсанаар уяхан замбутивиийн наран сонсчоод дараа нь сансар огторгуйн мэдрэмж ярьсан нь дээр байхаа.

    • @MonItalian
      @MonItalian 4 года назад +3

      Бидний сонсож өссөн, дунд сургуулийн уран зохиолын хичээл дээр ч үздэг байсан Монгол түмний ардын аман зохиол, үндэсний урлагийн маань нэг л хэсэг. Монголын минь соёл, уламжлал агуу юмаа. Нас нэмэх тусам улам л ойлгох шиг... Тэгээд Монголынхоо соёлыг ертөнцөд дуурсгаж буй энэ залуус бол жинхэнэ чадаж байнаа. Амжилт, амжилт өөр юу хэлэхэв!

    • @mongolianstatehoodlongsong3002
      @mongolianstatehoodlongsong3002 4 года назад +1

      @@bilguunkhurelbaatar6118 Хэн ч яаж ч мэдэрч болно. Зөвхөн "Уяхан Замбативийн наран"-аар сансар огторгуйн мэдрэмжийг хэмжиж болохгүй юм. Ташрамд дурдахад, уг уртын дууны жинхэнэ нэр нь "уяхан" биш "Баяхан Замбатив" гэдэг, хоёронтаа өвдөглөж /хамгийн доод өнгөөр аргилуулж/, хоёронтаа шуранхайлдаг учир "Дөрвөлжин Замбатив" гэж ёсчлон нэрлэдэг байсан. Харин энэ дууг Норовбанзад гуай хасаж танан, тайзны болгон хялбаршуулж дуулсан тухай зууны манлай уртын дууч Ж.Дорждагва гуай өгүүлсэн буй. Энэ дуу нь ихэсдээдсийн найран дээр Төрийн дууч хүн өдөрт нэг л удаа дуулах учиртай төрт ёсны гүн хүндэтгэлийн дуу байжээ.

    • @osiristomo9457
      @osiristomo9457 4 года назад +1

      яах аргагүй сайхан хэллээ

  • @toniatchison3678
    @toniatchison3678 5 лет назад +36

    My daughter sent me The HU,thinking it was the Maori rock band I'd checked out a couple of months ago. I'm hooked. And I've also learned about throat singing. Frickin awesomeness.

  • @martinescalante1429
    @martinescalante1429 5 лет назад +163

    I love there outfits, the mongols boots, the hair style are super cool... the music gets your blood flowing and makes you feel you riding a horse in to battle.. Maybe it is just me.. being Part Apache...

    • @jwcinc12
      @jwcinc12 5 лет назад +4

      I want some boots!

    • @marchillis6079
      @marchillis6079 5 лет назад +8

      Makes this Navajo want to ride also. Was teaching my students about the old warfare and raiding in AZ and NM

    • @marks.3798
      @marks.3798 5 лет назад +3

      @@marchillis6079 ..and dying by the bullets of the US Calvary. Go Blue!!

    • @thehairybeast9707
      @thehairybeast9707 5 лет назад +16

      I think they appeal to everyone who remembers their ancestors. We all came from a tribe once. The Hu is reminding people of that.

    • @fjeldfross9327
      @fjeldfross9327 5 лет назад +6

      @@thehairybeast9707 I believe it s the same for a the lot of ancient bands, doenst matter which ancient culture is presented.
      I love the HU, and also (and the most) Warduna, Heilung, danaheim... People all over the world are searching and remembering, thats why this kind of music is getting so popular today. just my thoughts.

  • @tseketsek5511
    @tseketsek5511 4 года назад +18

    The Hu үндэсний эд эсийг маань сэргээж өгч чадсан гэж боддог шүү. Одоо бол гадаад дуу гэхээсээ илүү монгол дуугас ялангуяа ардын уртын дуугаа сонсвол цаанаа л нэг тайвшралыг мэдэрдэг болоод байгаа.😊

  • @bluedamsel1185
    @bluedamsel1185 5 лет назад +35

    I listen to different genres of music and when it comes to rock/metal I tend to sift through it very quickly because I find that something is missing in the song/music compositions. Now, since listening to Wolf Totem, I thought WOW! The HU are something else, they are like the heartbeat of Earth, an electro magnetic overload crackling with suffused energy.

  • @dwaynegoodin9103
    @dwaynegoodin9103 5 лет назад +37

    The more I hear of The HU, the more I like them.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @megmorgex631
    @megmorgex631 5 лет назад +117

    looking forward to the album anyone else?

    • @yannickg6904
      @yannickg6904 5 лет назад +3

      Yes, and looking forward to seeing them live too, they're coming to my city!

    • @brucefreadrich1188
      @brucefreadrich1188 5 лет назад +3

      Best thing -in music - that I have stumbled upon completely by accident since. . Buckethead. . . I guess.

    • @laupstad
      @laupstad 5 лет назад

      @@BlackieDavidson I can't seem to be able to see it. Was this footage from Tons of Rock? I was there, but it was such an amazing concert I'd like to see it again!

    • @ankhaa7485
      @ankhaa7485 5 лет назад +1

      pls see to billboard chart

  • @ajisenramen888
    @ajisenramen888 5 лет назад +238

    They start to play and the testosterone level increases 1000%

  • @createdude9081
    @createdude9081 4 года назад +22

    this song sounds so powerful. wow

  • @markusnilsen1406
    @markusnilsen1406 5 лет назад +177

    Eeeeeeeey I was there! It was really friggin awesome!

    • @teripop4381
      @teripop4381 5 лет назад +6

      I was there as well. Actually I visited, and spent that weekend in Oslo because they were playing there :)

    • @grandpaj5096
      @grandpaj5096 5 лет назад +1

      I will be at the Dallas show

    • @sadwingsraging3044
      @sadwingsraging3044 5 лет назад +2

      PLEASE tell me you stuffed a rag in the mouth of the giggler! ;-)

  • @cindchan
    @cindchan 5 лет назад +33

    Man, that song really digs down deep, doesn't it? It pulls at the hidden parts of your soul!

  • @deldan1909
    @deldan1909 5 лет назад +14

    I will not be surprised if this one song is used for an action warrior war type movie..SOOO freaking awesome

  • @dustermcclean2517
    @dustermcclean2517 5 лет назад +122

    Wow, this is incredible. Each new song made by these musicians is an extraordinary experience. The Hu you’re great!

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +3

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

    • @Och.A0704
      @Och.A0704 4 года назад +2

      Bathuu haana

  • @Ravenwatchman
    @Ravenwatchman 5 лет назад +44

    Отличное выступление, шикарный перфоманс. Так держать, The HU

    • @naranchimegmaamuu9534
      @naranchimegmaamuu9534 5 лет назад +3

      Спасибо большое и привет из Монголии

  • @Inspired_rider
    @Inspired_rider 5 лет назад +41

    The sound is massive. Primal. I'm sold.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @user-bh3yb9py7r
    @user-bh3yb9py7r 4 года назад +18

    Манай «the Hu” сайн байна!

    • @j.dpowerman5031
      @j.dpowerman5031 4 года назад +1

      Саша скоро HU выступит переполненном Уэмбли, завоюет ГРЕММИ тэр үед бид Дэлхийг Эзэллэ гэсэн үг... Подожди братан скоро этот час наступит

  • @MrAkrebimsi
    @MrAkrebimsi 5 лет назад +18

    This group makes your soul feel free

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      Cihan Veteran Yes 🙏🏼

    • @oyuntuyatse2176
      @oyuntuyatse2176 5 лет назад

      Yes, feels like No attachment

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

    • @maha-vb5cq
      @maha-vb5cq 5 лет назад

      yes,This is the first song that makes me feel that my soul is going to run out of my brain.

  • @68camaro86
    @68camaro86 5 лет назад +19

    I only speak English but I can understand this way easier than rap or modern country music

  • @MariaMartinez-tz9rs
    @MariaMartinez-tz9rs 4 года назад +14

    The day i heard your first song last year i know ya where going to b bad ass band hope ya can come to USA one day would love to see ya concert yeah im from west Texas but ya bad ass band i love ya music you rock HU!!!

  • @ganibarmgl96
    @ganibarmgl96 5 лет назад +20

    Everyday I watch this video 3 times

  • @joselynludtke3877
    @joselynludtke3877 5 лет назад +71

    Their music resonates with my soul. I am so happy to find more of their work.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @chimgeebaatar7966
    @chimgeebaatar7966 5 лет назад +32

    Gala and Jay's voice are incredible phenomenal in this song. Awesome

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +2

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

    • @ritadeterding1092
      @ritadeterding1092 Год назад

      PLEASE !!!
      Whitch Name is the 😋 Handsome Man with the long, Black hair???

  • @Cube_Ernator1077
    @Cube_Ernator1077 5 лет назад +29

    I could listen to this, ALL day .. and I DO!!!!!!

  • @michaeltsai2796
    @michaeltsai2796 5 лет назад +65

    coolest band those years

    • @yearsmonths-ow6eu
      @yearsmonths-ow6eu 5 лет назад

      Micheal tsai you know tsai means tea in mongolia right?

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @kingschultz3770
    @kingschultz3770 5 лет назад +89

    Another incredible performance. I don't know about anyone else but, I like everything they've done so far and can't wait for the album in September.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @wyattsmith8808
    @wyattsmith8808 5 лет назад +24

    I so bad want to slap a few tabs on my tongue and go see these guys. They sound incredible on the home theatre system so I can only imagine live is crazy

  • @georgedelorean344
    @georgedelorean344 5 лет назад +54

    This shit is the shit. Beats rap anyday. The music sounds sinister and mysterious. Love this band.

    • @walsjell
      @walsjell 5 лет назад +2

      anything beats rap or hip hop.. shity shit which pretend to be a music... THIS IS MUSIC!@

    • @raingirl98275
      @raingirl98275 5 лет назад +1

      You can like more than one genre of music. I LOVE this...I love classical, I love rap, mountain music, Abby the spoon lady is the shit, two cellos make me cry, Post Malone always makes me smile, Transiberian Rock Orchestra makes me not want to poke my ear drums out when I hear their version of Christmas music. Why does liking one kind of music mean hating on another?

    • @eaalders628
      @eaalders628 5 лет назад +1

      @@raingirl98275 Same! Big hiphop, rap, metal, jazz, classical fan and this sounds good to me as well.

  • @michellelilley1617
    @michellelilley1617 5 лет назад +12

    My son turned me onto them a year n half ago, they are freaking amazing! And there instruments are mind blowing!🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻

  • @LucianaMendes2014
    @LucianaMendes2014 5 лет назад +5

    Got me f.... chills. And I am a Brazilian, look to this guys!! Awesome

  • @bayarchoijil2086
    @bayarchoijil2086 5 лет назад +13

    Tsogtsaikhan Battsengel
    Tsogtsaikhan Battsengel
    3 days ago
    Here is the translation of The lyrics.
    It is a ancient poem written by The Prince Tsogt, who was noble in Khalkha Mongolia during 1600s. He was fighting against the danger to Mongolia from Qing dynasty. He wrote the poem to his beloved Aunt Khaluut, carved on the rock so it is known as “Tsogtyn Khadnii Bichig” (Rock Inscription of Tsogt Prince). In the song, they trimmed the part for his Aunt (last two pharagraphs).
    Inscription of Duut Rock (The Same)
    By The Prince Tsogt in 1621
    Supreme Tengri above us
    And the great Khaans on Earth
    Differ in their existence in upper and lower realms,
    But have a similarity in happiness and kindness.
    Bodhisattvas in the Aginista's cave
    And bodhicitta on golden Earth
    Differ in their presence of resistance,
    But have a similarity in compassion and mercy.
    Fine regents of Khaans
    And great lords of King of the Death
    Differs in ethic and appearance,
    But have similarity to judge right and wrong.
    The greedy human for gain and profit
    And the beast rooting around mountains and forests
    Differs in the form of existence,
    But have similarity to kill and prey.
    The thief stealing from the far and near
    And the wolf sneaking around the corral
    Differs in the appearance of the body,
    But have similarity in lust to devour.
    My beloved Aunt Khaluut living in Onon river
    And me living around Orkhon and Tuul rivers
    Have a long distance between us,
    But have similarity to miss each other.
    If we cannot meet again in this life,
    We will help each other
    With love of a mother with the only child
    Again in every life afterward.

  • @fredyaltagracia7140
    @fredyaltagracia7140 5 лет назад +28

    I love this band!! We'll be waiting for you in Argentine! Can't stop hearing them!

  • @chimkayanjka5549
    @chimkayanjka5549 4 года назад +10

    Real goose bumps. Lyrics, melody, visuals WOW

    @САНДАЛКИИБЭС-к3ы 5 лет назад +16

    Удивительно прекрасно!

  • @alyssadaniels8801
    @alyssadaniels8801 5 лет назад +12

    The HU is a awesome band love there music 100%

  • @allwright5662
    @allwright5662 5 лет назад +4

    I love the man with the long hair!

  • @LeeRaldar
    @LeeRaldar 5 лет назад +9

    I regret being so ancient, these guys played in Manchester not so far away but I am past standing for a couple of hours.

  • @limbudipen8464
    @limbudipen8464 5 лет назад +8

    I heard and saw music has no boundaries but this band prove it

  • @gbell1985
    @gbell1985 5 лет назад +18

    These guys give me chills!!!💪

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @Nakelp86
    @Nakelp86 5 лет назад +40

    For last two weeks I did not play/ listen anything else The HU messed my head totally

    • @ganibarmgl96
      @ganibarmgl96 5 лет назад +3

      Nakelp86 me too

    • @rogueone3538
      @rogueone3538 5 лет назад +5

      Bro,just in case check your DNA test.It might be the call of ancestors. To many dudes same shit happened and most of them realized that it was the hidden inside gene"s call.XD

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

    • @rajeshmb6745
      @rajeshmb6745 5 лет назад +2

      Same here.

  • @saobui741
    @saobui741 5 лет назад +65

    The strongest sounds that I've ever heard. So Great!

    • @maha-vb5cq
      @maha-vb5cq 5 лет назад +3

      I almost didn't control myself,this sound is so powerful

    • @saobui741
      @saobui741 5 лет назад +2

      @@maha-vb5cq it's powerful than ever. After i'd heard the sounds of the Hu i feel our sounds (electric guitar: guitar solo, guitar rhythm and drum) become weak. Do you feel like that?

    • @maha-vb5cq
      @maha-vb5cq 5 лет назад +1

      @@saobui741 me too, so powerfull than ever. and the sounds indeed have problem, and many other video. i guess

    • @maha-vb5cq
      @maha-vb5cq 5 лет назад

      @@saobui741 i guess the reason is the recording was disturbed by speakers or other Sound equipment。

    • @maha-vb5cq
      @maha-vb5cq 5 лет назад +1

      @@saobui741 I believe the sound is good at the scene, but I am not here, hahaha

  • @alexwejs5595
    @alexwejs5595 5 лет назад +67

    The Hu have joined Heilung in a war against plastic!

    • @chingunchinbat2818
      @chingunchinbat2818 5 лет назад +6

      alex wejs it is the best comment in Hu’s videos hahah

  • @michellediederich3031
    @michellediederich3031 5 лет назад +8

    Motörhead has competition!!! Can’t get enough of the Hu !!!!!

  • @boldbaatarenkhbold8952
    @boldbaatarenkhbold8952 5 лет назад +14

    үнэхээр гайхалтай, залуусаа та нар үнэхээр саак байна

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @tserenchimedbibish7062
    @tserenchimedbibish7062 5 лет назад +4

    Үнэхээр омогшиж байна хамлагийнхандаа уран бүтээлийн өндөр амжилт хүсье

  • @connieweiss376
    @connieweiss376 5 лет назад +9

    Another great one, fantastic. Very Mongolian, love that.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🐱

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

    • @alexwejs5595
      @alexwejs5595 5 лет назад

      see you like them as much as me Connie,Think this song is very special,so moving and deep,

  • @user-Ingvar2il2kn8i
    @user-Ingvar2il2kn8i 5 лет назад +10

    Рок еще жив.

  • @magnuscylo
    @magnuscylo 5 лет назад +19

    this is why mongols are my favoutite in age of empire back in the days

  • @user-bh3yb9py7r
    @user-bh3yb9py7r 5 лет назад +13

    Сайн байна!

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

    • @naranchimegmaamuu9534
      @naranchimegmaamuu9534 5 лет назад

      Спасибо и привет из Монголии

  • @georgiatechur
    @georgiatechur 5 лет назад +12

    Total kick ass band. They come to USA, I'll go!!!

    • @Fasnic
      @Fasnic 5 лет назад

      They are touring the States... I'm going to see them in Cleveland next month

    • @paladino3732
      @paladino3732 5 лет назад +1

      I'm seeing them in la October

  • @samirdaric2493
    @samirdaric2493 5 лет назад +7

    I was looking up Nordic Metal and you tube recommended The HU 😂 😂 😂

  • @gtgt7303
    @gtgt7303 5 лет назад +30

    Best of best

  • @SaberNL-1
    @SaberNL-1 5 лет назад +33

    Feels like vikings are knocking on my head.. great music

    • @UltraTotenkopf
      @UltraTotenkopf 5 лет назад +7

      *Poor they can be seen in your head banging, these guys are descendants of Genghis Khan!*

    • @SaberNL-1
      @SaberNL-1 5 лет назад +1

      @@UltraTotenkopf i know they are from mongolia but its logic what i said..😂 music sounds like some fierce warriors are walking down to fight a blood war

    • @UltraTotenkopf
      @UltraTotenkopf 5 лет назад +7

      @@SaberNL-1 *I assure you that the Golden Horde were much tougher warriors than the Vikings, we fought with them for 300 years, and these were the best warriors who ever came to Russia with the war!*видео.html

    • @simonnoorloosvan1514
      @simonnoorloosvan1514 5 лет назад +1

      @@UltraTotenkopf i guess you were there? Otherwise you cannot know for sure. Both were warriors for centuries and concered big parts of the worlds they lived in. Both were feared all around. It is not a pissingcontest

    • @UltraTotenkopf
      @UltraTotenkopf 5 лет назад +3

      @@simonnoorloosvan1514 *No, I was not there, but I studied history, and I know that the Vikings attacked only few opponents, they never went to Russia at all, and many of them served the Russian princes in the army as mercenaries, and Genghis Khan did not care what the enemy before him, he was stronger than all!*

  • @zoljargalerdenebaatar9741
    @zoljargalerdenebaatar9741 5 лет назад +22

    I wish i could translate lyrics from Mongolia to English but the meanings and old Mongolian words are so deep . It's so above my head.

    • @yellowman4337
      @yellowman4337 5 лет назад

      They are just shitalking Ghengiz Khan , that's all.

    • @aaraamasreesreekumar7783
      @aaraamasreesreekumar7783 5 лет назад +2

      @@yellowman4337 get outta here

    • @yellowman4337
      @yellowman4337 5 лет назад

      @@aaraamasreesreekumar7783 Ok

    • @Mike-du8bx
      @Mike-du8bx 5 лет назад

      old Mongolian ? and deep ?? i can understand that clearly it is poem from one prince

    • @tsekathomas6486
      @tsekathomas6486 5 лет назад +1

      @@yellowman4337 No, they aren't!!! His name spelled as Chinngis Khaan.

  • @Arunkumar-bg5xk
    @Arunkumar-bg5xk 5 лет назад +28

    This and Khar Ayanga are my favorites. And both have basically the same riff but man the guys on drums take it to another level

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @efo1358
    @efo1358 5 лет назад +4

    Preservation of good! Thank you.

  • 5 лет назад +6

    Heavenly music..... Love The Hu ❤💜💚

  • @maggiepure6704
    @maggiepure6704 5 лет назад +15

    The lyrics of this song has deeper meaning.: The cultures, people can be different, but common sense of right and wrong is the same, the air we breath is the same. Agaar negen bui means: we breath the same air.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @sg3596
    @sg3596 5 лет назад +10 amount of superlatives can describe how good these guys are.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @terrencepaul2156
    @terrencepaul2156 5 лет назад +6

    I’ve been following Hu for months now on YT. This music is intoxicating. Void the language’s So awesome. It reminds me of early Tool with a hardcore Asian/Russian influence.

  • @shadow-womanmotorbiker4897
    @shadow-womanmotorbiker4897 4 года назад +4

    Ohhh its perfekt, i love this band!!!!!!

  • @ssakimoto7817
    @ssakimoto7817 10 месяцев назад +1

    I love the HU! HU HU HU

  • @whocares941
    @whocares941 5 лет назад +3

    They sound and look EPIC

  • @rvail136
    @rvail136 5 лет назад +5

    This band (& others' like them) are smiting western music like the Huns of yore...oddly enough, they're the descendants of them! They're a clean, new take on guitar rock to had emerged in that last 20 years. The only thing lacking are subtitles in the appropriate language. Despite that, The HU are refreshing and new!

    • @lorriemiller6750
      @lorriemiller6750 4 года назад +1

      If you watch a lot of their official videos they have lyrics in English if you turn on captions.

  • @muansimte8047
    @muansimte8047 2 года назад +1

    Gave up listening to heavy long time back.. Thu Hu made me return..

  • @jontiswe
    @jontiswe 5 лет назад +10

    So they do have other songs than Wolf Totem, Yuve Yuve Yu and Shoog Shoog, for some reason those are the only ones I can find in non-live versions on RUclips! Hope they will release a whole album soon! Awesome!

    • @romanchristopher4399
      @romanchristopher4399 5 лет назад

      The HU Live concert at Sama'Rock Festival 2019 Samara France, Full Performanceвидео.html

  • @tommyandersen4134
    @tommyandersen4134 5 лет назад +32

    Awsome concert, saw them in Pumpehuset-Copenhagen. I will look forward to see them another time with more new music on hands. Looking forward to hear their new CD or LP

    • @champ-FarmAnd
      @champ-FarmAnd 5 лет назад

      Du er heldig! Læg mærke til hestelyden når de spiller.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @xaviervega468
    @xaviervega468 5 лет назад +6

    Always enjoy new Hu songs.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @kagar3465
    @kagar3465 2 года назад +2

    This song is so haunting 🥶

  • @tuumusu8653
    @tuumusu8653 5 лет назад +7

    Brilliant song!!!

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @СашаМанаев-щ9э
    @СашаМанаев-щ9э 5 лет назад +7


  • @batboldbattsengel4473
    @batboldbattsengel4473 5 лет назад +9

    Best one from the Album

  • @liliansalinas5725
    @liliansalinas5725 5 лет назад +2

    Primera vez que escucho esta canción y es un agasajo

  • @pattymiller2458
    @pattymiller2458 5 лет назад +6

    Traveling in the music. Thank you.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @zoomzzoom1304
    @zoomzzoom1304 5 лет назад +4

    Super cool 😎

  • @wendiebailey6210
    @wendiebailey6210 5 лет назад +2

    80's Hair Bands, Heavy Metal, look out! These Mongolian warriors got it down. Awesome music, love that deep sound. Original and inspiring. Eclectic mix of Heavy rock meets chanting monks. Love it!

  • @rosaspe
    @rosaspe 5 лет назад +5

    Son buenísimos!!! Freaking awesome

  • @Nivenization
    @Nivenization 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you.

  • @drii2293
    @drii2293 5 лет назад +3

    Accidentally found them on my youtube homepage, their vocalist playing "Karinding" instrument 😍

  • @nightbird6782
    @nightbird6782 2 года назад +1


  • @marcusraidien1543
    @marcusraidien1543 5 лет назад +2

    I have the same reaction to these guys as I did to listening to Far East Family Band, Eloy, or Omega singing in their own languages too, back when all there was on American radio was disco. American and western Rock is derived from blues, but after the nineties rock died having lost its roots. These guys are good because they are doing blues from Mongolia, or what passes for blues in Mongolia.

  • @deldan1909
    @deldan1909 5 лет назад +2

    The video to this song is gonna be epic!!! Can't wait to see it!

  • @Arunkumar-bg5xk
    @Arunkumar-bg5xk 5 лет назад +6


    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @AyeshaDeborahPankopf
    @AyeshaDeborahPankopf 5 лет назад +4

    Love this band

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @deecowling7757
    @deecowling7757 5 лет назад +5

    Yeahhhhhhhhh more music! !!!! BRING IT

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @erdenebulganchuluunbat1432
    @erdenebulganchuluunbat1432 5 лет назад +6

    If you're afraid don't do it
    If you're doing it don't be afraid
    -Ghengis Khan

  • @davaasurenbaker5851
    @davaasurenbaker5851 5 лет назад +11

    I like this song so much especially meaning of song and ending sound they made. Awesome the HU.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад +1

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @sandeepnair3862
    @sandeepnair3862 Год назад +1

    They still rule

  • @spinynorman887
    @spinynorman887 5 лет назад +7

    Nice video. I would have loved to be able to hear the singing. Because THE HU BAND ROCKS!

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @buyungrachminto6247
    @buyungrachminto6247 5 лет назад +8

    THE HU..war cry band specialis from the Great Chingis Khaan Country
    " If you afraid don't do it"
    " If you do it don't be afraid"
    by Chinngis Khaan

  • @Vanle-
    @Vanle- 5 лет назад +2


  • @superfly19751
    @superfly19751 5 лет назад +10

    Keep rocking guys!
    I’m getting that album comes September.

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @markm4033
    @markm4033 5 лет назад +24

    Their music is awesome, inspired me to go back to Skyrim and create a mongolian warrior to fight evil. 😁

  • @naranara6873
    @naranara6873 5 лет назад +7

    I hope for these guys. Awesome🇲🇳

    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @bleucielganaa8169
    @bleucielganaa8169 5 лет назад +9


    • @BlackieDavidson
      @BlackieDavidson  5 лет назад

      The HU «Full Show»видео.html

  • @XcuddleXbearX11
    @XcuddleXbearX11 5 лет назад +1

    Beautiful. Just so damn rock ass beautiful!