Who was Abu Hanifa? With Shaykh Hamza Karamali

  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
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Комментарии • 524

  • @raivihossain4127
    @raivihossain4127 2 года назад +59

    Paul loved this episode. Could you do more episodes on the 3 other Imams, I learned so much!

  • @furkatbobojon4255
    @furkatbobojon4255 2 года назад +144

    “The Great Imam” was not self-proclaimed title, but it was given by the people and scholars, and other people of authorities of his time and later. That tells something of his scholarship and integrity.

    • @Bism_illaah
      @Bism_illaah 2 года назад +4

      Proclaimed by God, And prophecised by all previous prophets peace be upon them

    • @michaelalan5520
      @michaelalan5520 2 года назад +1

      Can you show me here, one Arabic reference or more from scholars of that time (not themselves hanafi) to label Imam Abu Hanifa ra. as IMAM E AJAM ""?
      It is OK for you to declare your favourite Imam as "IMAM E AJAM", no problem with that. But don't tell there was a consensus from all rival Imams.

    • @alhassangangu4357
      @alhassangangu4357 2 года назад +6

      @@michaelalan5520 Imam Dhahabi in his multi volume “Siyar A’lam Nubala described Imam Abu Hanifa as someone whose knowledge could have reached the sky in reference to a prophetic Hadith in which the Prophet of Islam SAW talked about Salman Farisi and the people of Persia

    • @yahya__
      @yahya__ 2 года назад +1

      @@alhassangangu4357 ​
      The harsh historical truth:
      I begin with the words of the three imams of Ahl al-Sunnah, Malik, al-Shafi’i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
      Imām Malik:
      "Abū‬‬ ‫‪Hanīfa plots against religion, and whoever plots against religion has no religion."
      ‫‪Abū ‘Abdir-Rahmān said: Mansūr‬‬ ‫‪ibn‬‬ ‫‪Abū‬‬ ‫‪Muzāhim‬‬ ‫‪narrated‬‬ ‫‪to‬‬ ‫‪me‬‬ ‫‪(and‬‬ ‫‪said):‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪heard‬‬ ‫‪Mālik‬‬ ‫‪ibn‬‬ ‫‪Anas‬‬ ‫‪mention‬‬ ‫‪Abū‬‬ ‫‪Hanīfah,‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫‪he‬‬ ‫‪mentioned‬‬ ‫‪him and criticized him severely ‫‪and said:‬‬ ‫‪
      “He‬‬ ‫‪conspired‬‬ ‫‪against‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫”‪religion.‬‬ ‫‪And‬‬ ‫‪he‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫‪“Whoever‬‬ ‫‪conspires‬‬ ‫‪against‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪religion‬‬ ‫‪he‬‬ ‫‪is‬‬ ‫‪not‬‬ ‫‪from‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫”‪religion.‬‬
      ‫Abū ‘Abdir-Rahmān said: ‪Mansūr‬‬ ‫‪narrated‬‬ ‫‪to‬‬ ‫‪me‬‬ ‫‪another‬‬ ‫‪time‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪heard‬‬ ‫‪Mālik‬‬ ‫‪say‬‬ ‫‪words‬‬ ‫‪regarding‬‬ ‫‪Abū‬‬ ‫‪Hanīfah‬‬ ‫‪which‬‬ ‫‪put‬‬ ‫‪him‬‬ ‫‪out‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪religion.‬‬ ‫‪And‬‬ ‫‪he‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫‪“Abū‬‬ ‫‪Hanīfah‬‬ ‫‪did‬‬ ‫‪not‬‬ ‫‪conspire‬‬ ‫‪against‬‬ ‫‪anything‬‬ ‫‪but‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫”‪religion.‬‬ ‫
      ‫Abū ‘Abdir-Rahmān said: ‪Abū‬‬ ‫‪Ma’mar‬‬ ‫‪narrated‬‬ ‫‪to‬‬ ‫‪me,‬‬ ‫‪from‬‬ ‫‪Al-Walīd‬‬ ‫‪ibn‬‬ ‫‪Muslim‬‬ ‫‪who‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫‪Mālik‬‬ ‫‪ibn‬‬ ‫‪Anas‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫‪“Is‬‬ ‫‪Abū‬‬ ‫‪Hanīfah‬‬ ‫‪mentioned‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪your‬‬ ‫”?‪country‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫”‪“Yes.‬‬ ‫‪He‬‬ ‫‪said:‬‬ ‫‪“One‬‬ ‫‪should‬‬ ‫‪not‬‬ ‫‪live‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪your‬‬ ‫”‪country.‬‬
      Abū ‘Abdir-Rahmān said: Jafar said: Al-Hasan bin Ali Al-Halawani told us, he said: I heard Mutref say: I heard Malik say: "The destruction of religion is the incurable disease, and Abu Hanifa is the incurable disease."
      Abū ‘Abdir-Rahmān said: Al-Hasan ibn As-Sabbāh Al-Bazzār narrated to me (and said): Al-Hunaynī narrated to me, from Mālik ibn Anas who said: “Nobody was born in Islām worse for the people of Islām than Abū Hanīfah.”
      Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Khatib said: Uhud bin Muhammad Al-Ateeqi, Al-Hussain bin Jaafar Al-Salmasi and Al-Hasan bin Ali Al-Jawhari told us, they said: Ali bin Abdul Aziz Al-Barza’i told us, Abu Muhammad Abdul-Rahman bin Abi Hatim Al-Razi told us, Abi told us Ibn Abi Sarij, he said: I heard Al-Shafi’i say:
      Do you know Abū Hanīfah? He said: Yes, what do you think of a man, if he said this pole was made of gold, he would have stood at it until it was made of gold, and it was of wood or stone. Abu Muhammad said it means that he was steadfast on the error and argued for it and did not return to the right even after it became obvious to him.
      Imām al-Shafi’i :
      Ibn Abi Hatim said: My father told us, Harun bin Saeed Al-Aili said: I heard Al-Shafi’i say: "I don't know of anyone who has written books that are more indicative of the invalidity of his statement than Abū Hanīfah."
      Ibn Abi Hatim said: Al-Rabi` bin Suleiman told me he said I heard Al-Shafi`i say: "Abū Hanīfah commits an error in the first issue (mas'alh), which he then analogizes (yaqīs ʿalīhā) throughout the entire book"
      Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
      ‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal - rahimahullāh - said: Muhannah ibn Yahyā Ash-Shāmī narrated to me (and said): I heard Ahmad ibn Hanbal (radiAllāhu ‘anhu) say: "The dung and the opinion of Abū Hanīfah are the same."
      ‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: And it was narrated to me from Ishāq ibn Mansūr Al-Kawsaj who said: I said to Ahmad ibn Hanbal: “Is a man rewarded for hating Abū Hanīfah and his companions?” He said: “Yes, by Allāh.”
      Al-Khatib said: Bushra bin Abdullah Al-Russi told us, Ahmad bin Jaafar bin Hamdan told us, Muhammad bin Jaafar Al-Rashidi told us, Abu Bakr Al-Athram told us, he said, Abu Abdullah informed us of a chapter on the “Aqeeqah” in which there are chains of hadiths from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and his companions and the followers. Then he said: Abū Hanīfah said: It is from the work of ignorance and he (i.e. Ahmad) smiled in amazement.
      Al-Khatib said: Talha bin Ali Al-Kitani told us, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Shafi’i told us, Abu Sheikh Al-Asbahani told us, Al-Athram told us, he said: I saw Abu Abdullah criticizing Abū Hanīfah and his doctrine, and he tells some of his sayings on denial and astonishment.
      Imām Al-Bukhārī (died 256 hijrī) - rahimahullāh - said in his book “Ad-Du’afā As-Saghīr”:
      388. An-Nu’mān ibn Thābit Abū Hanīfah Al-Kūfī. He died in year 150 (after hijrah).
      Nu’aym ibn Hammād narrated to us (and said): Yahyā ibn Sa’īd and Mu’ādh ibn Mu’ādh (both) narrated to us and said: We heard Ath-Thawrī (He is from Kufa, a contemporary of Abū Hanīfah died 161 AH) say: “Abū Hanīfah was asked to repent from kufr two times.”
      Nu’aym narrated to us (and said): Al-Fazārī narrated to us and said: I was with Ath-Thawrī when the death of Abū Hanīfah was announced, so he said: “All praise is due to Allāh.” And he prostrated. He said: “He used to untie the knots of Islām, one knot after another.” And he (i.e. Ath-Thawrī) said: “No-one was born in Islām more calamitous than him.”
      A companion of ours narrated to us, from Hamdawayh who said: I said to Muhammad ibn Maslamah: “What is it with the opinion of An-Nu’mān (i.e. Abū Hanīfah), he entered all of the cities except Al-Madīnah.” He said: “Verily the Messenger of Allāh (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘The Dajjāl will not enter it, nor will the plague.’ And he is a dajjāl among the dajājilah (pl. dajjāl).” (Ad-Du’afā As-Saghīr, Bāb An-Nūn)
      And he said in his book "al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr”:
      Dirar bin Surd said to me: Sulaym told us, Sufyan heard, Hammad bin Abi Sulayman said to me: Inform Abū Hanīfah, the polytheist (ālmushrik), that I disavow him.
      He said: He used to say: The Qur'an is created.
      Many people are unaware that Imam Al-Bukhari, in his book "Sahih Al-Bukhari," refutes Abū Hanīfah.
      Jamal al-Din al-Zaylaʿī al-Hanafi said:
      "Al-Bukhari looks hard to see what has a rebuttal to Abū Hanīfah from the Sunnah, so he mentions the hadith, then makes a hint at Abū Hanīfah, so he says:
      "The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "such and such." and some people said: "Such and such," referring to him and condemning him for violating the hadith.
      ...and he says in the beginning of his book: Chapter: Prayer is part of faith, then he narrates the hadiths of the chapter, intending to refute Abū Hanīfah's statement that Actions are not part of faith."
      Furthermore, none of authors the six books (Kutub al-Sittah) have a Hanafi narrator in their books, including Abū Hanīfah himself. They avoid them and reject their narration.
      Ibn Abū Dawūd As-Sijistānī (died 316 hijrī) rahimahullāh ta’ālā:
      Ibn ‘Adī said: ”I heard Ibn Abū Dāwūd say: ‘The criticism of Abū Hanīfah (came from) a jamā’ah of the scholars. Because the Imām of Basrah is Ayyūb As-Sikhtiyānī and he verily spoke about him. And the Imām of Kūfah is Ath-Thawrī, and he verily spoke about him. And the Imām of Al-Hijāz is Mālik, and he verily spoke about him. And the Imām of Misr is Al-Layth ibn Sa’d, and he verily spoke about him. And the Imām of Shām is Al-Awzai’ī, and he verily spoke about him. And the Imām of Khurasān is ‘Abdullāh ibn Al-Mubārak, and he verily spoke about him. So the criticism of him is an agreement from the scholars in all horizons.” (Al-Kāmil fi Du’afā Ar-Rijāl)
      Al-Khatīb narrated in his “Tarīkh” with a sound chain of narration from Ibn Abū Dāwūd that he said to his companions:
      “What do you think about an issue which Mālik and his companions, As-Shāfi’ī and his companions, Al-Awzā’ī and his companions, Al-Hasan ibn Sālih and his companions, Sufyān Ath-Thawrī and his companions and Ahmad ibn Hanbal and his companions all agreed upon? So they said: ‘O Abū Bakr, there could not be an issue more correct than that.’ So he said: ‘These people, all of them agreed upon the misguidance of Abū Hanīfah.’” (Tarīkh Baghdād)
      Ibn Hibbān (died 354 hijrī). He said in “Al-Majrūhīn”:
      ”I do not know any disagreement between them regarding the fact that the leaders of the Muslims and the people of fear (of Allāh) in all times and places rebuked him and criticized him, except the one (rare) person after the one person. And we have verily narrated what was narrated regarding him of this in the book ‘At-Tanbīh ‘alā At-Tamwīh.”

    • @alhassangangu4357
      @alhassangangu4357 2 года назад +3

      @@yahya__ Imam Shafi'i studied with the student of Abu Hanifa, Imam Hassan ash-Shaybani. What did Imam Shafi say about Imam. Hassan?
      Ahmad ibn Hanbali started his hadith studies with Abu Yusuf Al- Qadi. What did Imam Shafi say about Imam Abu Hanifa? الناس عيال علي ابو حنيفة رحمه الله في فقه. What did Awza'i say to Abdallah ibn Mubarak concerning Imam Abu Hanifa? What did Sufyan At-Thawri say about Abu Hanifa?

  • @DI-li6ji
    @DI-li6ji 2 года назад +21

    Brother Paul is the best interviewer and highly learned. Lots of respect and and a big thank you for your work.

  • @muhiuddininamdar2495
    @muhiuddininamdar2495 2 года назад +56

    My respect my love to hazrat Imam abu Hanifa. R. A

  • @F-Cornucopia
    @F-Cornucopia 2 года назад +13

    Paul, I like how you have kept your name. Many a times it’s a person that makes the name and you, having kept what we regard as a Christian name, are contributing to uniting Muslims more than many born Muslims.
    Please continue your great work and keep your name!

  • @mohammadshahanshahakbar874
    @mohammadshahanshahakbar874 2 года назад +21

    I follow Hanafi Madhab and I respect other classical Madhabs like Maliki, Shafi, Hanbali, and even the Madhab of Sufyan-ath-Thawri which are on Haque as well. Jazakallah Paul may Allah keep you happy and increase your knowledge. Ameen Ya Rabbul Alameen.

  • @vol94
    @vol94 9 месяцев назад +6

    Imam ash-Shafi’i said, "All those who study Fiqh are (like) children of Imam Abu Hanifa." Imam Yahya ibn Mu’in said, "There are no accusations on Imam Abu Hanifa, and he is clean from all lies."
    Iman Abdullah ibn Mubarak said: "He was the greatest of all those who were well versed in Islamic laws."

  • @Saa42808
    @Saa42808 2 года назад +54

    Brutal honesty (when intellectuals find out the ultimate truth):
    If any Muslim who wants to see someone thirsty for knowledge (real knowledge, knowledge of Deen not science or any other knowledge) with full integrity and humility then watch brother Paul. And I bet you he is saying in his heart “how come no one introduced me to Islam when I was much younger, so I can spent my full youth learning and serving Islam”.
    And Allah is all wise and knows better.

    • @jackieramsbottom7458
      @jackieramsbottom7458 2 года назад

      Honesty isn't a word that can be associated with Paul Williams. Paul's been caught lying about Jesus and Christianity so so many times.

    • @SonGoku-io7sh
      @SonGoku-io7sh 2 года назад

      ​​@@jackieramsbottom7458 Even if that was true, your whole bible is a lie and has been lied about for centuries. Then your Christian preachers tried to lie against Islam when they realised they had lost the battle, back during Islamic Spain and have steered the conversation away from the Bible, ever since.

    • @onnoysaad1697
      @onnoysaad1697 2 года назад

      Brother, did you just listen the whole conversation ? God bless you.

    • @jackieramsbottom7458
      @jackieramsbottom7458 2 года назад

      @@onnoysaad1697 Paul Williams is a liar ! He's been caught lying threw his teeth about my faith Christianity many times.
      How can a Muslim be openly gay but teach against homosexuality, but also teach that the Islamic law doesn't say anything about gay homosexual acts done behind closed doors as long as there's no witnesses ?? That's this devil of a man stating as long as no one knows about homosexual acts done behind closed doors nothing is going to be said ..
      Do you want to see the video of Paul admitting he's gay ?? Plus him teaching gay acts done behind closed doors isn't mentioned in any Islamic law.. Trust me my friend this man is a devil of the highest order. The bible says " the devil comes as an angel of light ". That's Paul all over .

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад

      Imam Abu Paul ..he should learn arabic too..he'd make a good scholar himself

  • @ash4h
    @ash4h 2 года назад +6

    Good job Paul
    Always nice to hear from a tradional scholar like Shaykh Hamza

  • @shorpo
    @shorpo 4 месяца назад

    Thank you brother Paul for this video! Big thank you for your work!

  • @ckotty
    @ckotty 2 года назад +6

    Sharks Hamza many thanks for sharing your knowledge about Abu Hanifa. You sound well informed and your views seem balanced.
    Really greatful for your insights, this gentleman was unknown to me and know I understand the importance of people like him.
    Leaves me with more questions but hopefully we'll see you again 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @Azamkhan-yv5th
    @Azamkhan-yv5th 10 месяцев назад +3

    May Allah bless all the 4 Imaams ❤❤❤❤

  • @nastohkohistani4196
    @nastohkohistani4196 2 года назад +10

    Very Informative Br Paul.
    Along with Imam Abu Hanifa other great islamic scholars from Persia (Afghanistan) :
    -Ibn cina - Farabi - Al-Bironi - and the famous poet Rumi and many more ...

  • @szlyar
    @szlyar 2 года назад +4

    I really like this background, Paul. Shows a variety in your knowledge bank, Al Hamdulillah.

  • @yusraqureshi7622
    @yusraqureshi7622 2 года назад +4

    Simply loved your discussion brother Paul JAZAKALLAH ❤

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад

      my cat loves u too🐱♥️♥️♥️

  • @akumezzy1092
    @akumezzy1092 2 года назад +5

    Commenting for the algorithm. Great work as usual.

  • @EiChing123
    @EiChing123 Год назад +1

    I enjoy listening to Shaykh Karamali, Imam Tom, and Brother Paul any chance I have. 💚

  • @reliabletaxservices431
    @reliabletaxservices431 2 года назад +4

    may allah preserve all the 4 imams and all the scholars that followed each madhhab. thanks br paul for your thirst for knowledge and islamic history.

  • @mikhan5191
    @mikhan5191 2 года назад +63

    Imam Abu Hanifa was taught by 4000 teachers. Among them, according to different sources, seven were Sahaba [companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.)}, ninety-three from the Tabieen (Companions of Sahabas) and the rest from the Tabi Tabieen (companions of Tabieen).
    Hammad Ibn Sulaiman was Abu Hanifa’s teacher for 18 years. After Hammad died, Abu Hanifa was appointed as the Head of the Madrasah.
    Imam Abu Hanifa had the opportunity to study with 5 of the 7 fuqaha'a of Madina. He studied with Jafar Saadiq and his father Baqir, zaynul Abideen, ATA Ibn Abi Rabat, Qatada, Ikrima, Nafi'i and in Kufa he inherited the school of Abdallah Ibn Masud and Ali Ibn Abi Talib. He, Abu Hanifa is reported to have said, I took the knowledge of Umar, Ali, Ibn Masud and Ibn Abass. According to Imam Dhahabi, Abu Hanifa's knowledge is encompassing.
    After Kufa n Basrah, Abu Hanifa went to Makkah and Madinah as the center of religious teachings Islam. In Makkah, he learned hadith from Ata Ibn Rabah who was student of Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A.). He educated Abu Hanifa with great care and attention.
    Some of the Sahabas he had met with includes
    1. Anas bin Malik (R.A.) in Basra
    2. Abu Tufail ibn Waasila (R.A.) in Makkah
    3. Abdullah Ibn Abu Awfa (R.A.) in Kufa
    4. Suhayl ibn Saad Saidi (R.A.) in Madinah.

    • @mikhan5191
      @mikhan5191 2 года назад +8

      @@maktabahal-sahaba283 - says the madkhali salafi who declares Imam Abu Hanifah to be a kafir - astaghfirullah!

    • @stephenconnolly1830
      @stephenconnolly1830 2 года назад +5

      @@maktabahal-sahaba283- what Daleel \ evidence do you have to support your claim of "This is incorrect."?

    • @khairt1731
      @khairt1731 2 года назад +2

      @@maktabahal-sahaba283 do you promote the Najd dawah ?

    • @khairt1731
      @khairt1731 2 года назад +2

      Jafar Saadiq and Baqir the grandchildren of Imam Hassan RA?

    • @bondys-video-kucing
      @bondys-video-kucing 2 года назад +4

      @@khairt1731 yes thats correct. It's what i heard. One critic from imam jafar to him was his logical-thinking methodology (induction technique?), which i i believe the center of his technique, that imam jafar said not everything related with syariah law can be done with this technique.
      Wallahualam bissowab

  • @mumtazzafar1576
    @mumtazzafar1576 2 года назад +2

    Great discussion brother paul. May Allah almighty bless you for your efforts.

  • @Farrukhsiyar159
    @Farrukhsiyar159 2 года назад +14

    He was the most influential Tabi'i on Fiqh. Abu Hanifa RA.

  • @suzysara3786
    @suzysara3786 2 года назад +2

    Thank you so much and god bless you Mr Williams for all you do :) Jazakallah khayr ❤

  • @Azhar_shaikh1
    @Azhar_shaikh1 2 года назад +15

    He was a tabaeen.
    A student of the companions of the Prophet s.a.w.
    Let's start with that

  • @Dontbeasheep345
    @Dontbeasheep345 2 года назад +6

    Assalmu Alleykum warahmatu Allah wabarakatu brother Paul may Allah reward you for spread the knowledge of Islam.

  • @harriskhan7671
    @harriskhan7671 2 года назад +2

    jazakAllahhukhair brother paul by giving us deep information about imam e Azam Abu Hanifa (RA).

  • @Wahid_on_youtobe
    @Wahid_on_youtobe 2 года назад

    is this a great series 😭, please continue it

  • @yeh3009
    @yeh3009 2 года назад +15

    people title him with "Imam-e-azam"
    Imam-as-shaafi'i(r.a) said everyone is in need of Abu hanifa(r.a) fiqh that is enough for people to understand his level of understanding of Quran & sunnah.
    Most followed fiqh among the Alhulsunnah . Allahuakbar .
    May Allah(swt) grant him Jannatulfirdaus Alaa. Aameen.

    • @alhassangangu4357
      @alhassangangu4357 2 года назад +1

      @YEH, Sufyan Al-Thawri is reported to have said that they Sufyan and the rest of scholars were like little birds in front of a falcon ie referring to Abu Hanifa as a falcon.

    • @yahya__
      @yahya__ 2 года назад +1

      This phrase is attributed to Al-Shafi’i, and I did not see it with a chain of transmission from him. Rather, it is attributed to Ibn Abi Hatim’s book Al-Manaqib, and this is not its wording in it.
      Ibn Abi Hatem said in al-Manaqib p. 161: al-Rabi' ibn Suleiman al-Muradi told us, he said: I heard al-Shafi'i say, "No one into ra'y (opinion), except that he is a indebted to the people of Iraq."
      Rabih ibn Suleiman said again: I heard al-Shafi'i say: "The people are dependent on the people of Iraq, in Fiqh."
      As you see, Abu Hanifa was not mentioned, but Shaykh al-Islām interpreted this text to mean that counting on them was in branching out matters rather than knowing the evidence. It means that they were the first to arrange Fiqh in the order now known.
      Furthermore, I'm not sure why a lot of passages from this al-Shafi'i biography that condemned Abu Hanifa were avoided.
      Ibn Abi Hatem said in al-Manaqib p. 129: al-Rabi' ibn Suleiman al-Muradi (Prominent disciple of Shafi'i) told me he said I heard Al-Shafi`i say: "Abū Hanīfah commits an error in the first issue (mas'alh), which he then analogizes (yaqīs ʿalīhā) throughout the entire book"
      Ibn Abi Hatem said in al-Manaqib p. 130: My father told us, Harun bin Saeed Al-Aili said: I heard Al-Shafi’i say: "I don't know of anyone who has written books that are more indicative of the invalidity of his statement than Abū Hanīfah."

    • @hasanaliqadri1508
      @hasanaliqadri1508 Год назад

      @@yahya__ wahabi zombie cult need support to downgrade Sunni Muslim from other Sunni Muslims that's your job but devilish evil wahabi cults that you adhere and your hate and jealousy towards Sunni Imams will vanish as before umpteen times fitna used to rised and vanished without a trace Inshallah.

    • @bd4645
      @bd4645 8 месяцев назад

      @@yahya__ LOL ok brother. so can you explain why imam shafi studied under Muhammad shaybani, one of the main students of Imam Abu Hanifa for at least 3 YEARS if he was so misguided?

  • @noonereally3252
    @noonereally3252 2 года назад +14

    pseudo salafis are so angry for this episode, they don't know what to do, their godfathers hated imam Abu Hanifa (rh) but they also realize they can't fully reject Imam Abu Hanifa (rh) because of his contributions

    • @vectorclassic6403
      @vectorclassic6403 2 года назад

      Abu hanifa is nothing in Hadith neither fiqh The salaf criticized Abu Hanifa:
      Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawud said:
      "Bad talk about Abu Hanifa is an ijma amongst scholars, because
      the Imam of Basra Ayyub Al Sakhtiyani has spoken about him and
      the Imam of Kufa Sufyan Al Thawri has spoken about him and the
      Imam of the Hijaz Malik Ibn Anas has spoken about him and the
      Imam of Egypt Al Layth Ibn Sad has spoken about him and the
      Imam of Sham Al Awza'ee has spoken about him and the Imam
      of Khorasan Abdullah Ibn Al Mubarak. So speaking bad about
      him is an ijma in all territories" (Al Kamil Fi Dhuafa by Ibn Adi 8/241)

    • @noonereally3252
      @noonereally3252 2 года назад

      @@vectorclassic6403 i see what do you think about dajjal ? you guys are his worshipper right ? you must be ahlul dajjal!

    • @vectorclassic6403
      @vectorclassic6403 2 года назад

      @@noonereally3252 We are Ahlul Tawhid,We Worship Allah عزوجل alone without associating any partners with him , now u can ponder over your statement and think which Hudud is most applicable to you

    • @noonereally3252
      @noonereally3252 2 года назад

      @@vectorclassic6403 spoken just like a true follower of dajjal, you are a fasiq and a jahil al akbar that's very clear and simple, so you believe Allah has two eyes, two feet, wear clothes sits on arsh don't you ? yes im really thinking what to do with you pagans

    • @noonereally3252
      @noonereally3252 2 года назад

      @@vectorclassic6403 who is your Allah ? does he have two literal eyes ? like your godfather uthaymeen said ? how about two feet ? like another one of your godfather al bani said ? albani also said their Allah wear clothes, and then you have the wahabi who said Allah sits on arsh..do you believe this things and still think you are not pagan, can you say this things in a public place in muslim majority country other than saudi ? ya ahlul dajjal!

  • @stevenv6463
    @stevenv6463 2 года назад +2

    One of the better talks on imam Abu Hanifa (ra). It gave a good feel of the history and philosophy of his thinking that goes beyond the basic summaries I'm sure most of us are familiar with.
    I would love to see similar talks about the other madhhab imams and also the great Hadith scholars. Although it would be great to know about the seven jurists of Medina as well as the other scholars are more often mentioned.

  • @arakibhosen434
    @arakibhosen434 2 года назад +5

    ALHAMDULILLAH ❤️ ALLAH bless you all ❤️ JAJAKALLA KHIRAN ❤️🙂❤️

  • @wakeupmedia2025
    @wakeupmedia2025 Год назад +1

    Assalaamu alaikum would love a continuation of this topic.

  • @MoeedKhan1979
    @MoeedKhan1979 2 года назад +5

    Imam abu hanifa is the greatest scholar of islam who has a millions of follower across the globe. May allah have mercy on him. ❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹👍👍

  • @ashfaqahmedsyed8421
    @ashfaqahmedsyed8421 2 года назад

    Masha ALLAH, great knowledge
    Jazakallah khair..

  • @fidelcatsro6948
    @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад +3

    May Allah bestow mercy and peace upon Abu Hanifa ameen

  • @teenaakhir9105
    @teenaakhir9105 Год назад

    Beautiful presentation ❤ JZK

  • @sj4695
    @sj4695 2 года назад +11

    Please follow up with video biography of the remaining 3 imams

  • @abuakmal9618
    @abuakmal9618 2 года назад +4

    During my uni day here in Malaysia, sometimes I purposely went to Masjid India in KL for Jumaat solah. Great experience. The khutbah in Tamil though, only understand the Arabic part 🤣

  • @fahidhussain2780
    @fahidhussain2780 2 года назад +5

    I wish Muslims today understood that many early Muslims held into an oral tradition, we however are too obsessed with what is written rather than what was transmitted and considered to be acceptable.
    As for The Imam (rah) some consider him to be a Taba’in (though most commonly a Tabi Tabain), he also learned from Ahlul-bayt (ra)

    • @ighfirlee
      @ighfirlee 2 года назад +1

      So true. Chains of transmissions are passed through experiential connections.

  • @fy3219
    @fy3219 2 года назад +7

    Next please do imam al shafi student Ahmed ibn hanbal may Allah have mercy upon them

  • @mohdamjaddehlvi3063
    @mohdamjaddehlvi3063 10 дней назад

    I learnt so much from blogging theology.....thanks to brother Paul Williams....He is string to a rosary.....

  • @mikhan5191
    @mikhan5191 2 года назад +11

    The Hanafi School is not based upon the teachings of 1 person as the other 3 are.
    Imam Abu Hanifah had thousands of students from various cities and he chose 40 of his best students to form a committee to check everything before it got written down as the Sunnah.
    ".... one day and a man said: “Abu Hanifah erred!”
    Waki‘ said to him:
    How can Abu Hanifah err when with him are the likes of Abu Yusuf and Zufar in their logic;
    and the likes of Yahya ibn Abi Za’idah , Hafs ibn Ghiyath, Hibban and Mindal in their memorisation of hadith;
    and the like of al-Qasim ibn Ma‘n in his knowledge of language and Arabic;
    and Dawud al-Ta’i and Fudayl ibn ‘Iyad in their asceticism and their scrupulousness?
    The one whose sitting partners are such, he does not come close to erring, because if he erred they would correct him."

    • @motipatang
      @motipatang 2 года назад +1


    • @kenkaneki9138
      @kenkaneki9138 2 года назад +1

      No school is based on the teaching of one person.

    • @mikhan5191
      @mikhan5191 2 года назад +1

      @@kenkaneki9138 - Maliki School emerged from the teachings of Imam Malik who didn't have a group of Scholars to help him.
      Shafi'i School - same.
      Hambali School - same.
      Later on, all 4 Schools were developed further and refined as more Scholars joined/followed these Schools/mathabs and wrote more useful books.

    • @nutzhazel
      @nutzhazel 2 года назад +2

      @@mikhan5191 They did actually, just not as massive as Imam Abu Hanifa

    • @bd4645
      @bd4645 8 месяцев назад

      @@nutzhazel no they didn't .

  • @orangbiasa5629
    @orangbiasa5629 2 года назад +3

    Assalâmu 'alaikum my brother Mr. Paul.
    I'm from Indonesia

  • @arifmunshi6833
    @arifmunshi6833 2 года назад

    Great discussion. The fact still remains that the biggest objection to islam from christians and jews is not our scriptures it is our collective actions. We need to change and bring words of islam into our life then you will see them accepting islam in the multitude.

  • @alberxenos
    @alberxenos 2 года назад +3

    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
    As-Salaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

  • @ayyazsiddique5381
    @ayyazsiddique5381 2 года назад +1


  • @tazkiya-e-nafs4962
    @tazkiya-e-nafs4962 2 года назад +2

    Make a video on this KITAB AL ATHAR please

  • @abdullahkhan-qk3lk
    @abdullahkhan-qk3lk 2 года назад +2


  • @fiazalikhan
    @fiazalikhan 2 года назад +2

    Fiqah hanfi is product of elite intellectuals, great scholars, students of sahaba, students of tabayeen of kufa, at that time kufa was centre of knowledge.

  • @taherrangatling7624
    @taherrangatling7624 2 месяца назад

    Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah! Barakallah feekum! What was the name of the book in the beginning?

  • @seletarroots3258
    @seletarroots3258 Год назад

    Another thing: the part about King Offa is of course intriguing and also underlines the strength of the early to mid Medieval period of the Islamicat civilisation. But it falls short of drawing the conclusions you would expect from a more nuanced and objective reading and analysis: that this superiority, this strength and special status of the Medieval Islamicate civilisation stemmed from it´s focus on learning and being open and analysing and questioning. Not on the Shahadah! Or on Islamic practices such as prayer or fasting or wearing of beards and so on. It was the spirit, the way the society ordered itself and how it let this inform it´s culture and values. This is what should be taken out of it and not some partisan "oh they were so great because they said the Sahadah" or some such. I am wondering when educated and clearly highly intelligent people professing to be Muslim will finally dare to make this conclusion and begin a new journey out of the recent dark ages of the Islamicate world.

  • @abuaisha6014
    @abuaisha6014 Год назад

    On the question of how the Hanafi school was established, I think this comes down to the Usools (the principles used to derive a ruling) that was deployed by Imam Abu Hanifa. So while his students may have disagreed with him on certain rulings, and while the scholarly discourse that carried on in the following generations between teacher and student, the common denominator between them is the adherence to the Usool of Abu Hanifa. This is why it became the Hanafi school.

  • @ImAbdullah123
    @ImAbdullah123 2 года назад +1

    The more You know about the Prophets pbut, Sahabah R.A.A and Imams R and Awaliaullah the more you love them and this is not the case with anyone else.

  • @dradia1983
    @dradia1983 2 года назад +3

    A Caliph after the 4 Caliph is like a King .. as simple as that

  • @galbisabdi5807
    @galbisabdi5807 2 года назад +1

    He was the student of the Ahlu Al bayt Imam Ja'afar Al Saddiq. The great^5 grand child of the prophet ﷺ and an imam highly revered by Shia and sunnis. As a sunni when I found out about this I thought it is a nice common ground for all muslims to start from and may be follow the teacher instead of the student to make amends between us.

    • @yahya__
      @yahya__ 2 года назад

      That's not true!

    • @galbisabdi5807
      @galbisabdi5807 2 года назад

      @@yahya__ Which part is not true brother?

  • @ImAbdullah123
    @ImAbdullah123 2 года назад +2

    After the rightly guided caliphs the caliphs were more like kingship to caliphate and caliph was just a title.

  • @skywalkersohan8656
    @skywalkersohan8656 2 года назад +9

    Shouldn't you add something like at least 'Imam' with the name of Imam e azam Abu Hanifa (R) in the title ?

    • @mdmuizzrafid
      @mdmuizzrafid 2 года назад +2

      Imam hanifa(r.a) was a great schooler.But hanafi mazhab has nothing to do with him...hanafi mazhab established after 200years of imam hanifa..and his Student like imam yusuf or imam Muhammad differ in many fiqh even in usul...
      And the great imam said.."if you get any authentic narration of prophet that is my mazhab"...but todays hanafis are good to go where imam fiqh goes against hadith because he was a human till those people blindly follow that mistake...and prefer hanifa over prophet (s.a.w).This is shirk. May allah give us..may allah grant jannah for those great imam and forgive there mistakes

    • @skywalkersohan8656
      @skywalkersohan8656 2 года назад +10

      @@mdmuizzrafid Typical pseudo salafi accusations.

    • @mdmuizzrafid
      @mdmuizzrafid 2 года назад +1

      @@skywalkersohan8656 if anyone said something like that to me i may first ask about evidence. If there evidence than its the way...but what how people have that much of blind faith!! Islam is straight, islam unit us not to divide..there may have difference in fiqh its the beauty of islam...but in aqida and clear evidence, there has no chance to divide...cause after getting the true massage you still disobey..and what prophet said its from Allah

    • @skywalkersohan8656
      @skywalkersohan8656 2 года назад +3

      @@mdmuizzrafid In my comment i only asked for the respect that one of the greatest scholars in the history of Islam deserves. But, you didn’t have the decency to say the same instead you attacked the followers of Hanafi Fiqh and some deviants among them to belittle the greatness of Imam Abu Hanifa (R).

    • @mdmuizzrafid
      @mdmuizzrafid 2 года назад

      @@skywalkersohan8656 i never attack hanafi fiqh... I respect imam hanifa(r.a) and believe that he was one of the geart people of ummah....if anyone says abu hanifa whats wrong there,how it becomes disrespect ????

  • @ortspoon320
    @ortspoon320 2 года назад +16

    I think the title should get 'Imam Abu Hanifah - Rahmatullahialaih' out of respect. Jazakallah khairun

    • @mdmuizzrafid
      @mdmuizzrafid 2 года назад

      Imam hanifa(r.a) was a great schooler.But hanafi mazhab has nothing to do with him...hanafi mazhab established after 200years of imam hanifa..and his Student like imam yusuf or imam Muhammad differ in many fiqh even in usul...
      And the great imam said.."if you get any authentic narration of prophet that is my mazhab"...but todays hanafis are good to go where imam fiqh goes against hadith because he was a human till those people blindly follow that mistake...and prefer hanifa over prophet (s.a.w).This is shirk. May allah give us..may allah grant jannah for those great imam and forgive there mistakes

    • @mikhan5191
      @mikhan5191 2 года назад +8

      @@mdmuizzrafid - you are obviously a sectarian Salfi or ahlihadith from the sub-continent who doesn't know the difference between Sunnah and Hadith.

    • @TruthofKashmir
      @TruthofKashmir 2 года назад +8

      @@mdmuizzrafid "unread is disaster", I can say for you.

    • @mdmuizzrafid
      @mdmuizzrafid 2 года назад

      @@mikhan5191 you make me laugh..there has absolutely no difference between sunnah and hadith as far i know. What prophet did and said to do and also not stoped any action is sunnah.. We know what was prophets sunnah by narration...
      Now teach me whats the different??

    • @mdmuizzrafid
      @mdmuizzrafid 2 года назад

      @@mikhan5191 who said salafi,ahlehadith,athari,firqatunagia all are same...and all imam and all sahaba on this path...
      If not then before 9th century what was the madhab????

  • @_f_
    @_f_ 2 года назад

    Ma Shah Allah!

  • @idolwrecker
    @idolwrecker 2 года назад +2

    Majority of the Muslim ummah follows imam e Azam imam Abu hanifa ra. Subhanallah

    • @yahya__
      @yahya__ 2 года назад +1

      This is the result of political authority during the Abbasid state. Abu Yusuf used to appoint judges only from his Hanafi circle. The Ottoman Empire was the same way. Endowments for schools are also given to those who adhere to the Hanafi school of thought, so you will find those who convert from other doctrines in the hopes of gaining judicial and teaching positions.
      Surah:6(al-An`am) Verse:116
      And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.

    • @nawabsaifudin3945
      @nawabsaifudin3945 Год назад

      there is an history behind the cheif judges of Muslims from Qadhi Abu Yusuf all the way to Zahid Kausari

  • @dxxnish7170
    @dxxnish7170 2 года назад +1

    Can someone provide me with the text and/or source for the conversation between the caliph and Ata about the leading scholars of the leading centres of knowledge please?

  • @mzballer9192
    @mzballer9192 2 года назад +10

    Most of the greatest scholars of Islam came from Afghanistan actually. Afghanistan was a province of Persia. Historically known as Khorasan. Avicenna, Ganjavi, even Rumi were from modern day Afghanistan.

    • @onnoysaad1697
      @onnoysaad1697 2 года назад +1

      The march of black flag will be from khorasan as well.

    • @astroflyinsights
      @astroflyinsights 2 года назад +1

      The scientists too, from Greater Khorasan. (I wouldn't say Afghanistan in particular.)

    • @نسيتكلمةالمرور-ذ5ب
      @نسيتكلمةالمرور-ذ5ب 9 месяцев назад

      No that's wrong
      The muslims scholars came from diffrent cities of the islamic world not only Afghanistan, such as (Damascus, Cordoba, Bukhara, Madina, Cairo, Baghdad ... etc)
      If we named the scholars from iraq it will be much more

  • @zohayerhossain55555
    @zohayerhossain55555 День назад


  • @mrnomad1737
    @mrnomad1737 Год назад +1

    Today, We have people suffering from inferiority complex only think that as long as one is an arab scholar, they can not be in error and more so if they studied in Madinah (set up in late 70s). There are plenty of english speaking qualified scholar in Hanafi schools in UK i.e Mufti Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf, Shaikh Riyadul Haq, Akram Al Nadwi, Mawlana Seedat etc.

    @DHUL_QRNAIN 9 месяцев назад

    #Article: Did Imam Abu Hanifah رحمه الله follow Rai or Sunnah?
    Imām Abu Hanīfah said “Beware of speaking about matters of Deen based on Raï (personal opinions) and hold firm to the Sunnah for the one who leaves the Sunnah goes astray” (i)
    Raï means juristic opinions. Al-Tūfī said, "There are two types of raï: (1) One which is based purely on one's intellect (2) One which involves using the intellect to extract rulings from Quran and Ahādith. And this is what is meant when it is said, “this is the Raï of Imām Abu Hanīfah or this is the Raï of Imām As-Shafei.”(ii)
    _In essence, Raï signifies Fiqh. Therefore, when it is asserted that Imam Abu Hanifah and his disciples were "Ashāb Al Raï", it does not imply that they disregarded Hadith and relied solely on personal opinions; rather, it signifies their proficiency in jurisprudence. Moreover, being adept in fiqh does not preclude one from also being well-versed in Hadīth. This is because there is no inherent conflict between fiqh and Hadīth, as Hadīth constitutes the recorded teachings of Rasūlullah صلى الله عليه وسلم, while fiqh represents the methodology for interpreting them._
    Imām Khattābi said, “Hadīth is like a foundation and Fiqh is like it's edifice. Every edifice devoid of a foundation will collapse and every foundation without an edifice is uninhabited and dilapidated.” (iii)
    Imām Tirmidhī narrated the Hadīth of Umm ‘Atiyya about the ritual bath of Zaynab رضي الله عنها and explained it by quoting the rulings of the Fuqaha (Experts in Fiqh) and then commented, *“And this is what has been mentioned by the Fuqaha and they are more knowledgeable regarding meaning of the Hadith”* (Tirmidhi no 990)
    Imām Mālik said, “We only take Ahādith from the Fuqaha"(iv)
    Ibn Wahb said, “Every Muhaddith who does not follow an Imām in Fiqh is misguided. If I had not studied under Imām Mālik and Abu Layth, I would have been astray too” (v)
    Al-Khatīb Al-Baghdādi, said “Know that one does not become a Faqīh merely by narrating abundance of Ahādith. One only becomes a Faqīh by extracting the meanings of a Hadith and by pondering over it” (vi)
    Ibn ‘Abdil Barr says, *“No Imām rejected a Hadīth except that the Hadīth was abrogated according to him, or that there was a defect in the chain of transmission*[...] People have criticized Abu Hanīfah and have labelled him as a Murji’ite[...] People were jealous of him and have levelled various accusations against him and have fabricated stories about him which are unbefitting" (vii)
    Ibn Taymiyyah says “He who thinks that Abu Hanīfah or other Aimmah have preferred Qiyās over Sahih Ahādith has erred and has spoken out of speculation and desires” (viii)
    Ibn Qayyim says “Abu Hanīfah preferred weak Ahādith over Qiyās. For e.g, logic demands that laughing in Salāh does not break Wudhu, but there is a weak Hadīth that suggests that laughing in Salāh break both Wudhu and Salāh and Abu Hanīfah adopted that view. So, if he was following Raï, he would have discarded the Hadīth and followed logic instead” (ix)
    In fact, Imam Abū Hanīfah abhorred using intellect only to derive rulings so much that he said “To urinate in the Musjid is better than some of the Qiyās that people do” (x)
    May Allah safeguard the reputation of Imām Abū Hanīfah and dispel any misunderstandings about him. Āmīn.
    Yāsin Ibn Yūsuf
    Shawwāl 1445
    (i) Mīzān Al Kubra, ‘Abdul Wahhāb Al-Sha’rāni (973AH), Maymaniyya, Cairo
    (ii) Sharh Mukhtasar Al-Rawdah, Vol3 Pg 288, Al Tūfi (716AH), Risālah, Beirut
    (iii) M’ālim As-Sunan, vol1 Pg 3 , Al Khattābi (388AH), Ilmiyya, Aleppo
    (iv) Tartīb Al-Madārik wa Taqrīb Al Masālik, Ibn ‘Abdil Barr (544AH), Fadhāla, Morocco
    (v) Al Jāmi’ Fi Sunan Wal Adāb Wal Maghāzi Wat-Tārīkh, pg 119, Ibn Abi Zayd Al Qayrawāni (386AH), Risālah, Beirut
    (vi) Al Faqīh Wal Mutaffaqīh, Vol2 Pg 159, Khatīb Baghdādi (463AH), Dar Ibn Jawzi, Saudi Arabia
    (vii) Majmū' Al Fatāwa, Vol 20 Pg 304, Ibn Taymiyyah, Fahd
    (viii)Jāmi’ Bayān Al ‘ilm, Ibn ‘Abdil Barr (463AH), Dar Ibn Jawzi, Saudi Arabia
    (ix) ‘Ilām Al Muwaqqi'īn, Vol 1 Pg 26, Ibn Qayyim, Ilmiyya
    (x) Siyar ‘Alām Nubala, Vol 6 Pg 401, Al-Dhahabi (748AH), Risālah, Beirut

  • @TTO2023
    @TTO2023 Год назад

    Where can we get this book kitab Al athar?

  • @kenkaneki9138
    @kenkaneki9138 2 года назад +1

    The Caliph was supposed to not only be the political leader but also the religious leader which what the sahaba did by electing their best to be Caliphs until the split of political leadership and religious leadership got split to two parties the Caliph and Scholars.
    Very few times was the Caliph also the scholar aka the religious authority like Umar Abdulaziz at the end of Umayyad.

  • @ArshadAli-no9pe
    @ArshadAli-no9pe 2 года назад

    Can I expect the episodes on other two Imams too and may be on other personalities?

  • @redvoice2385
    @redvoice2385 2 года назад +7

    La ilaha illallah ☝🏻🌹

    @SSYOLO 10 месяцев назад +1

    Paul Williams is not Paul anymore..I saw once you denied to call yourself related to Muslim. Now Allah chose you to say Allah word every day and night..Allah heard my prayer which I prayed for you to, that day to wake you up and let you accept Allah. And Allah accepted my prayers 🙏 ❤️ ♥️

  • @waleedmalik4648
    @waleedmalik4648 10 месяцев назад

    Imam Abu Hanifa gave bayt to Imam Zayd that a forgotten part please also talk about Imam Zayd bin Ali bin Hussain bin Ali bin Abu Talib

  • @sudaysfreepalestineandfree6212
    @sudaysfreepalestineandfree6212 2 года назад +3

    Assalamualeykum Warahmetullah may Allah Free Palestine and Free Uyghur and other suffering muslims inshAllah.

  • @KingM-tk8je
    @KingM-tk8je 9 месяцев назад

    @blogging. It isn't very difficult to pronounce the word Muslim and not as Muzlim.

  • @seletarroots3258
    @seletarroots3258 Год назад

    As for the establishment of law through the scholars of the time and the manifestation of their rulings in the form of a highly mobile "Shariah", this was not solely established by an independent judiciary. Independent of the Caliph and his court as it were. Instead it is more complicated and more intertwined and this idea of the independent judiciary ruling and working independent of the state authority is misleading at best.

  • @noreenismail3832
    @noreenismail3832 2 года назад

    Sahih al-Bukhari 3455
    Narrated Abu Huraira:
    The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number." The people asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What do you order us (to do)?" He said, "Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfil their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for Allah will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those Allah has put under their guardianship."

  • @taimoorqureshi46
    @taimoorqureshi46 2 года назад

    It's written in History that Abu Hanifa told the founder of Keraites Jewish leader to tell Mansour that Keraism is a new religion and not a Jewish branch to get out of prison.
    Keraism is Quranism.
    But to us Muslims Abu Hanifa gave his own law to follow and find his way out of prison.

  • @spiralink1984
    @spiralink1984 2 года назад

    Mowla has many different meanings one of which is freed slave. A better translation in this context is probably something like 'client' which basically denotes a non-Arab. The conversation quoted at the beginning is thus probably better translated as: "Is he an Arab or a non-Arab?"

  • @Mzd10006
    @Mzd10006 2 года назад

    @36:10 I wonder if Imam Malik's Muwatta preceded this?

  • @rimacalid6557
    @rimacalid6557 2 года назад +3

    The Safavids destroyed everything the Muslim Persians built, and the rule of Ismail I was bloody and unfortunate

  • @Husayn0318
    @Husayn0318 2 года назад +1

    Which school of jurisprudence do you adhere to?

    • @mughal_r9374
      @mughal_r9374 2 года назад

      None as far as im aware- hes part of the salafi sect aka “quran and saheeh hadith”

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад

      School of Quran and Authentic hadith of the Prophet s.a.w.

    • @kingjames2156
      @kingjames2156 2 года назад

      He's adhering to the school of Abdul Wahab a.k.a. Wahabism.

  • @christianityexposed
    @christianityexposed 2 года назад +4

    And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.
    - Quran 16:89

  • @mirwaisnoori351
    @mirwaisnoori351 2 года назад

    As an Afghan historian I would like to correct Shykh Hamza that Imam Abu Hanifa is from Balkh Afghanistan which is in the the North but Kabul is in the central Afghanistan.
    Nafi RA is from Kabul. Imam Bukhari I think narrated more than 300 Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari from him.

  • @activemeasures6251
    @activemeasures6251 10 месяцев назад

    Hazrat Abu Hanifa is the greatest Imaan from the 4 Imaams of the 4 madhabs

  • @zaidsafadi1869
    @zaidsafadi1869 2 года назад

    41:00 don't Jews have their own version of Zakat? I don't know if it's obligatory though.

    @STIGGARRIUS 2 года назад +6

    People get sceptical of this Imam for having different opinions than that of the three others, as if he preferred his judgement over the command of the Holy Prophet (s), but little do they know:
    1) 90% of his fiqh come front Imam Ali, ibn Mas'ud and Abu Musa Al Ash'ari ( r.t.a.ajmaeen) ; and
    2) it's not "his" opinion, rather its the consession (ijma) of 40 of his greatest students who were stars in the fabric of Islam.
    These sceptics take blindly whatever sh. Ibn Taymiyyah or bin Baz say, although they come centuries after the three great generations, but have doubts about a well-known sunni Scholar, who has met several Sahaba.

    • @4040tee
      @4040tee Год назад +1

      They have brain damage

  • @saliksayyar9793
    @saliksayyar9793 2 года назад

    He confuses nations in the Persian culture due to empire and Iran itself. Imam Abu Hanifa was from the Islamicate, not a Persian.
    Did Abu Hanifa write a book or was it written by students like Socrates and Plato?

  • @kalijasin
    @kalijasin 2 года назад +5

    He was a Mujtahid

  • @syedrashedali2325
    @syedrashedali2325 2 года назад +4

    Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) was a direct student of imam Zafar Sadiq (ra) who was the direct descendant of prophet Muhammad pbuh and the great-grandson of imam Hussain (ra). I believe having such a great teacher as imam Zafar Sadiq (ra) tremendously helped imam Abu Hanifa to be what he ultimately became.

    • @badinhaq
      @badinhaq 2 года назад

      Imam Abu hanifa was spiritual student ot hazart jafer sadiq r.a ( mureed). Imam hanifa became mureed Just three years before his death.

    • @FishingAdventuresDubai
      @FishingAdventuresDubai 2 года назад

      Brother it is written Jaafar As'Saadiq

    • @syedrashedali2325
      @syedrashedali2325 2 года назад

      @@FishingAdventuresDubai No. In the Afro-Arab region he is called Jafar al Sadiq not "As Sadiq" as you have mentioned but "al Sadiq". Also, in other parts of the world it is pronounced differently.

    • @FishingAdventuresDubai
      @FishingAdventuresDubai 2 года назад

      @@syedrashedali2325 As'Saadiq or Al Sadiq doesn't matter, it is the same thing. What i pointed out eas the original commenter writing the name as "zafar sadiq"

    • @FishingAdventuresDubai
      @FishingAdventuresDubai 2 года назад

      @@syedrashedali2325 oh it is you who is the original commenter who wrote "zafar sadiq"

  • @fire.smok3
    @fire.smok3 2 года назад +1

    I didn’t know Abu Hanifa lived during the same time as Harun al-Rashid

    • @ahemadalisayyed3797
      @ahemadalisayyed3797 2 года назад

      He didn’t.

    • @fire.smok3
      @fire.smok3 2 года назад

      @@ahemadalisayyed3797 but the video indicated he did. Was it an error?

    • @maxwellmallery5638
      @maxwellmallery5638 2 года назад +1

      @@fire.smok3 The video said that his students worked in the court of Harun al-Rashid

  • @liban4679
    @liban4679 2 года назад +1

    Naafi'i a servant of ibn Umar was black African who was teacher of Imam Malik

  • @gulsurkh5069
    @gulsurkh5069 2 года назад

    Imam Abu Hanifa was originally from Afghanistan Persian province of Parwan Kabul. Persian are not only Iranians. It includes Afghanistan and Tajikistan the Farsi people. Farsi means Persian old Great Iran. The heart of Great Iran was Afghanistan. Politics separated great Persia and changed great Khorasan name to Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Afghanistan means Pashtoon that is unfair to Farsi people of Afghanistan and that is why there ethnic war in Afghanistan. Pashtoon who are the minority by politics made them majority and give them power over other groups. Taliban are mainly Pashtoon most Pakistani.

  • @fiazalikhan
    @fiazalikhan 2 года назад

    Hadith are of three types
    1) haq hadith.
    Hadith which sahaba and tabayeen memorised and practised
    2) Sahi hadith
    Again there are groups
    Sahi hadith of bukari, Sahi hadith of Muslim,
    Tirmizi so on
    3) zaeef Hadith
    Zaeef hadith of bukari,
    Zaeef hadith of Muslim, tirmizi and so on
    Sahi hadith of bukari means, Moulana bukari had imposed some conditions on himself based on conditions he classified hadith as Sahi and zaeef
    There are many hadith which are zaeef in bukari but are sahee in Muslim and other books depending on their approach.
    In Islam Qur'an is only book at no.1.
    There is no No.2,3 or4 book in Islam.
    Bukari, Muslim and other books are just collection of hadith. (Data book)
    Hanfism is based on haq hadith.
    Hanfism is not the product of one person,
    Abu hanifa had 40 to 50 members in his group, one of the member was Mohammed sirin who was student of 17 sahabas, similarly other members were students of sahaba and elite tabayees.
    Each member was Hafiz of Qur'an and 2 to 3 lakhs of hadith, they were students of sahaba and tabayi of kufa(kufa was centre of intellectuals, students of sahabas like hazrath Omer,hazrath Ali).
    Kufa was established as centre of intellectuals by hazrath Omer later was continued by hazrath Ali.
    Just by reading few haddis you won't become expert, but sure you will become ahlae ade(.5) haddis, dummy salafi.
    Hanfism is the product of around 50 great scholars(student of sahaba,tabayeen+Hafiz of Qur'an+Hafiz of lakhs of haddis)
    The greatest joke of ahlae adae(1/2) Haddis is they are around 5% but they have more than 50 jamaat among themselves.
    They are step brothers of Shia, they do exactly opposite to shia
    Shia hate Kulfa eh rasideen, dummy
    Wahabi, dummy salafi have I'll feeling about ahlae bait,
    Now a days they are showing fake love towards Ahlae bait, but if you read their old books it is full of venom against ahlae bait,
    Even they won't spare hazarth Omer in their books.
    They even change the books of real Muslim like abu hanifa (r.a), moulana asraf Ali thanvi and moulana Ahmed Raza,
    Ahlae adae(1/2) haddis, dummy salafi are very very cheap.
    Thier policy is blame other groups and make illiterate, illogical,poor, unscientific, innocent People fool and convert them from Islam to ahlae ade (1/2), Abdul wahabi, Salafi dummy.
    Most of the hadis use by so called wahabis,ahlae haddis and salafi quote contains the sentence "I saw prophet Mohammad doing this" for example take the case of namaz prophet Mohammad use to pray (nafil namaz)for hours, due to strain he use to change the position of placement of hand, even he untied the hand in qayam, when it was hot and sweating he allowed air to enter his armpit all this positions were recorded in various hadith and as I said the words used by sahaba was " I saw" so it was nafil namaz.
    Were as hanfis fallow hadith in which sahaba certifies as most preferable method.
    for example regarding namaz.
    Masood (r.z) gathers people and announces oh people I will teach you namaz the way prophet offered.
    In hadis also you will find sahaba offering namaz with some deviation, it was the practice of sahaba to fallow prophet Muhammad in all terms atleast once. So sometime they use to offer namaz in which prophet deviated due to some excuse.
    Quran guides, it is sign for Muslim.
    Each word of Qur'an has it's significance
    And Allah knows the enemies of Islam within,each and every word Allah uses has purpose, There are many words better than word hanif in Arabic but Allah uses it as sign in Quran to declare righteousness of prophet Ibrahim.
    Surah nisa ayat 69 is sign for shia(rafzi),
    And 3:67 is sign for ahlae haddis , salafi(dummy).
    Quran is time independent.

  • @taimoorqureshi46
    @taimoorqureshi46 2 года назад

    Sheikh is saying that Abu was founder of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law , kept Quran and God's law aside.

    • @mikhan5191
      @mikhan5191 2 года назад

      Taimoir - r u saying he didn't believe in the Qur'an or act on the Qur'an????¿?

  • @laylaali5977
    @laylaali5977 2 года назад +1

    Abu hanifa was a great scholar

  • @Ashfaq556
    @Ashfaq556 2 года назад +6

    Numaan bin saabit r.a ( Abu Hanifa) is my Imaam.

  • @yahiyakhan6546
    @yahiyakhan6546 2 года назад

    Almost All international English lectures have positive opinion about Abu Hanifa but not so of their followers without exceptions.

  • @ziauddin7948
    @ziauddin7948 Год назад

    though Abu Hanifa was a great scholar of Islam in early Islamic period after the death of Prophet & he ( Abu Hanifa ) met with companions of Prophet ( تابعی ) but Abu Bakar Al Jassas ابو بکر الجصاص & Sarkhasi سرخسی ، who were Hanafi Scholars have clearly declared that all the Khabray Wahid خبر واحد Ahadith provide only doubtful knowledge علم الظن or ظنى علم & no Islamic law can be created or derived on any Khabray Wahid خبر واحد Ahadith except faith عقيدة #

  • @afanbaig7173
    @afanbaig7173 2 года назад

    Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa was great scholar in fiqh but his fiqh is very much contrary to hadiths because his fiqh was made earlier to the hadiths which were recorded later.
    Shah Wali Ullah Dhalwi

    • @mikhan5191
      @mikhan5191 2 года назад +3

      Afan - you are confused!
      The Fiqh is based upon the SUNNAH !!!!
      This is the SUNNAH which he saw with his own eyes being practiced everyday by his Teachers and from what they had learned and saw from the earlier Generation - the Companions.
      Sunnah and Hadith are not the same.

  • @bactriantv616
    @bactriantv616 Год назад

    Imam Jafar AL Sadeq (AS)

  • @blade4048
    @blade4048 2 года назад

    I agree that religious authorities must be separated from government influences. The government must not be able to threatened and influence scholars. Even today general population would mostly listen to scholars than government. If state is to control scholars it would easily create dictatorship by controlling mind of the masses. So religious universities should be financed independently rather than by government.

    • @kenkaneki9138
      @kenkaneki9138 2 года назад

      First four Caliphs were the religious authorities at the time just like how the prophet was the religious and political authority.

    • @blade4048
      @blade4048 2 года назад

      @@kenkaneki9138 this is not the age of righteous caliphate. That might not be possible until mahdhi again

  • @Hi-os9lv
    @Hi-os9lv Год назад

    Mawla means a person who made allegiance to a certain tribe leader so that person would be called mawla