He just spoke at our church this past weekend. He is amazing and very cordial to everyone even behind the scenes when no one is looking. He even scheduled a Sunday evening q&a and graciously answered a lot of tough questions.
I teach these same things to my 4th-5th grade Sunday School class. It wasn't about the tree, it was about obedience. The Tree of Life may have looked identical to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or possibly an entire grove of the same type of tree, but it was the specific one of which God said "Do not eat" this seemingly simple disobedience has led to every heinous act in the world, not because of something intrinsically wrong with the tree but because of something intrinsically wrong with man's heart.
Keep on preaching, Martyn Iles❤ it's very good to see you preach the TRUTH. God is Love. God is Freedom from bondage of this corrupt worldly lifestyle.
Martyn, sobering truth have you spoken here today. It is by sinning that we fully understand, as Christians who read our bibles, that God is a consuming fire. Obey Him. Amen. 🙏📖🔥✝️💟🇦🇺
"Happiness" comes from obedience, and God's blessing. Hap. Study "hap." Not an emotion, in God's kingdom. It is a state of being. I do not agree that it means luck or chance. It is a state of being. Christians understand obedience, blessing, joy, contentment. The UN pushes "happiness" as a right. Large study. Interesting study.
2 Timothy 3 shows the cost of believing the world religion. And it matches the cause and effect of the lies within the ideas shared amongst the woke ideas
Well done. The Tale of Two Trees. Life and Death. Death of their innocence. All The Law and the prophets hang on Two Commandments: Love God and love your neighbor. Matthew 22:37-40
I think of millions of people who to some degree, while still honoring their parents, elders, others in authority, and others in society, need to engage in some sort of rebellion and disobedience if they are ever to become loyal followers/disciples of Jesus. This theme runs through the book of Acts to some degree, but also in the book of Daniel, and elsewhere in the Scriptures. Just so we don't equate God's authority with the authority of religious leaders who claim to speak for God. It is true that to idolize rebellion is an evil, but it can also be a sin to commit to never engaging in any act of rebellion at all. It is not a rebel spirit that God is looking for, but a heart that is so devoted to Him that one is willing to turn one's back and everything and everyone else for His sake, just as He showed Himself willing to forsake all for our sake.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE FACE to LIGHT. At THIS POINT, MAN is NO LONGER the FORMER, he has LONG DISAPPEARED the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and BECAUSE the PEOPLE are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
About the 6 minutes in mark, my mind thought of this verse. Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ESV "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, 20 loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.” And I was reminded, they weren't obedient, I have not been obedient, all of mankind have fallen short of God's glory- BUT JESUS CHRIST WAS OBEDIENT - EVEN TO THE CROSS AND DEATH. That is why He is THE ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE - because He is The God/Man. Hebrews 2:10 ESV For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering. Messiah - once humbling Himself in human flesh but now robed in majesty forever. 🙌 Thank you Jesus for the redemption of our souls by enduring the wrath and pouring out to us through Your blood Your forgiveness of our sins and the gracious and merciful gift of new life in Your blessed and holy name! 🙏❤️
CHOICE Lili With innocence you know you’re blest, you would do nobody harm Your Lord has washed away your sins, you’re bright and squeaky clean Dispatched into the closet of your mind, locked, chained, forgotten, gone But every now and then they escape to haunt you in your dreams This Lord you love has let you down, he took you in his arms Promised all your sins were gone but they’re still there it seems. - Your Lord might have forgotten them, they surface just to tempt Satisfaction from revenge, those evil hateful thoughts The live for lust and carnal pleasures lost, those were the times, the life They’re waiting still, you can return, to that which you have dreamt But take it slow, drift with the flow and take what life has brought Your Christian friends will leave your side, no loss for their contempt. - Let them bow, scrape and cry, it’s the stuff of mirth and fun They’ll do whatever it takes, for eternal life way up in the sky They’ll sacrifice their life on Earth for a promise that’s a lie Gather others to their dream with fear, fire and pain for everyone But it’s a lie we’ll take our chance with life for what it’s worth A life in Heaven cold and drab, with eternal boredom cursed. - And what will Jesus do once he’s gathered up his flock Burden them with eternal prayer, sing hymns and constant praise? An eternity of being good would be Hell you can’t unlock Better take the jar and drink, and love your life away For once in Heaven it’s all forbidden, you can’t turn back the clock One life of pleasure on this Earth than Heaven dull and gray. Blessed be.
Paradise is freedom of religion, freedom of choice, but most importantly, it is freedom from religion. Freedom to think for yourself freedom to work hard, freedom to love who you will, and freedom to teach your children truth and not psychologically abuse them with lies from the book of myths.
He that believes (trust Him, not themselves, for salvation)on the Son of God has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son of God shall not see life; but the wrath of God will stay on him. John 3:36 KJV. This is a great example of why we should stick with the KJV. ESV twist salvation into a works trip. If we could obey perfectly from birth we would not need a savior. If it is possible to earn salvation why did He die? Eternal Life is a free gift received by faith see Romans 10:9. Faithfulness, works done by His power, is how we receive an inheritance and rewards. See 1 Corinthians 3. Born again believers obey because He has made it possible to “ hear His voice “ and gives us the power to obey Him by His Holy Spirit. See Romans 7.
@@Unknownfisherman Without the Holy Spirit given (for free) to us, we would not be ABLE to obey God's commands. Our sinful nature is very strong in this world. Once we are born again we are able to live and walk in the spirit -- and NOT of our own abilities. When we allow that we are weak and follow HIM, we are strong. I do not follow God's commands to be sanctified or saved. I have already been saved. I follow His commands because I LOVE Him and love to please Him by loving what He loves and hating the sins that He hates (while, like Him, loving even those who act out as enemies of truth). The Bible is VERY important and for the past 10 years I would have agreed that the KJV was the only "safe" Bible. But now I realize I have been given a lot of KJV-only propaganda without questioning it. The fact is that MANY modern Bibles were translated well and do NOT disagree with the KJV. Bible tribalism is a VERY unnecessary division that can trip up the unity of Christians, who have a hard enough time resisting all things ecumenical (which is head by the Catholic system and part of the New World Order religion). The FACT is, the Bible must be read as a WHOLE. That really puts things in perspective in most Bibles. Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Notice that? EVERY word -- not the words of just one or two verses here and there. The whole Bible needs to be read in order to get CONTEXT. Note re Bible reading: I have at least 8 translations of the Bible I like to refer to these days, but none of them are the ESV. Just felt I had enough, and I know that it is very similar to the NASB, which I do have. I highly recommend everyone have at LEAST two translations of the Bible especially for checking out verses that might puzzle or particularly interest you. It can be very helpful. I think I may have quoted the ESV only because Martyn Iles had used it, not sure. I often also look up various ways the same verse is quoted on Bible Gateway, which is where I no doubt copied that quote.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE FACE to LIGHT. At THIS POINT, MAN is NO LONGER the FORMER, he has LONG DISAPPEARED the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and BECAUSE the PEOPLE are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
I do, the best I can. Food laws are easy. Sabbath is very easy and such a blessing. I listen to parts of the Torah daily, and try to study parts daily, so I can continue to improve and keep it better. And always praying for the Father to teach me and order my steps so I stay in His will. If you truly want to be in His will, He will guide you.
@@kaylascheckel6001 I appreciate your saying "try". You know if you believe that "Keeping the Law" justifies you, then you are obligated to keep the WHOLE LAW...& keep it perfectly?? So where does trusting in Jesus' finished work on the cross & simply trusting in that is what saves me & keeps me saved? Where does grace apply to those of us who blow from time to time?
I an not saved because I keep the law. I keep the law because I am saved. I am at work so I can't give you a complete answer right this minute. I'm not ignoring your question. Just need more time to get the scriptures together to show you.
Yes most people have no idea what should I say most Christians have no idea that the arc of the covenant had two pieces of stone which contained the 10 commandments Ahryn's rod that budgeted and the jar of manner . But most Christians have no idea that Moses law that was against us that was contrary to us that was written in a book of ordinances that was nailed to the cross was put in a pouch on the outside of the Ark. And if we don't know these two laws it is impossible to understand Romans and Hebrews. But one thing is amazingly clear all Christians believe that site and was kicked out of heaven for breaking one of gods 10 commandments he covered. Tell me if you are alive when Jesus comes which commandment can you be breaking without repentance and obedient for Jesus to take you back home because this is Satan's life insurance if Jesus translates one person who is not repentant and obedient Satan has a legal right to go back to heaven can you see Jesus problem
Isn't it amazing that by God's grace, the tree that leads to death is called the Tree of knowledge of good and evil? Yes, they got to know what evil is (which they didn't know before, maybe in a story but not experiential), but they also got to know what good is like they never knew before. They learned that God will give Himself for them, which is the unimaginable depth of God's grace and love (which we also now can accept, try to comprehend and experience). Praise be to God!
No problem with adam and eve for they had no plan to disobey God because they were still innocent to disobedince. The problem entered when the serpent preached that the words of God was a lie that triggers the flesh of eve and pushed her to disobey the words of God. The big lesson to this is not to listen to any preacher who teaches different from the words in the bible as paul has warned.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE FACE to LIGHT. At THIS POINT, MAN is NO LONGER the FORMER, he has LONG DISAPPEARED the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and BECAUSE the PEOPLE are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
@@nayon9379 i love you and with pleasure i read fully your message my only problem is the understanding. Please every narrative you wanted to convey support it with the verse from the words of God. Anyway may i know the church you are attending. About me i am a member of the southern baptist church. God blesses you.
this is not Eden this garden is another garden read your bible Genesis 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. this reads that God planted another garden in the eastern side of Eden, and in this garden the 2 trees were planted, and another thing is that it was Adam and the woman, not Adam and Eve please read your bible, you might just as well scratch out woman where it is mentioned 7 times and write Eve in its place, satan lied to you about the garden of Eden
Jesus/Yeshua is a " Mighty God " Isaiah 9:6 and the father the Almighty God... Christ is the end of the law...Christ gave us 2 commandments.Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness. Matthew 22:37 -40 Love Jehovah God with your whole heart mind and soul. 38.This is the greatest and first commandment. 39.The 2nd is love your neighbour as yourself. 40 On these 2 commandments the WHOLE LAW HANGS and the prophets.
The Messiah is returning to RAPTURE His Church (1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18). Watch: "A MAN WALKING WITH GOD JEHOVAH YAHWEH IN THIS DAY & AGE" on Repent & Prepare the way. Amen
Martyn mentions paradise comes from obedience yet In another of his videos he discourages obedience to Gods 4th commandment. Looks like he picks and chooses what what he's going to be obedient to
Peter Williams. The saints of old expressed their faith through obedience to the voice of God. The saints under the covenant which came through Moses, expressed their faith through obedience to the law. The saints in the new covenant express their faith through obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit which was brought by the shedding of Jesus' blood, the Lamb of God. THIS IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW GIVEN THROUGH MOSES, which was a shadow of the things to come. The law has been fulfilled in the body of Christ Jesus, from the smallest 'iota' of the letter to the greatest, when he said 'It is done'. Jesus fulfilled from 1 to 10. He became the Sabbath rest for the people of God. Don't go back to the SHADOW which was the law and reject the SUBSTANCE which is Christ and which many are still continuing to falsely teach. Cheers
@@peterwilliams843 Roms 6:14-16 'For sin will have no mastery over you, because you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not! Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?' Roms 7:6, 'But now we have been released from the law, because we have died to what controlled us, so that we may serve in the new life of the Spirit and not under the old written code.' Roms 10:4, 'For Christ is the end of the law, with the result that there is righteousness for everyone who believes.' Roms 13:10, 'Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law'. Ephs 2:15, 'when he nullified in his flesh the law of commandments in decrees. He did this to create in himself one new man out of two, thus making peace'.
@@peterwilliams843 Yes. The apostle Paul says, 'Whatever does not proceed from faith, is sin', Romans 14:23. This is because the new covenant made through the Christ/Messiah, is by faith, expressed through obedience to the Spirit. When we break faith, we break fellowship with God. Breaking faith with God is sin. So, if we think something is wrong and we do it, regardless if it meaningless or not, we sin against our consciences which are to be kept clean in the Holy Spirit.
They didn't need to eat from the tree of life. For They were eternal at the time. As death ( being mortal) was the reward for eating from the tree of good and evil. It was not Satan, or lucifer. It was a serpent. Serpent is a representation of the prior worship of snakes 🐍, in the older religions.. when monotheism was not yet attractive.
esv is worth a peek at its origin much discussed by many here follow and absorb its trivia. soon after you will fall away. Then welcome to the gnostic teaching from two snakes snake hort, snake westcott both willingly seeking to take you to the lake of fire feeding off the siniaticus vaticanus and alexandria's teaching. you will not find the fingerprint of the Holy Spirit upon its pages.
Still no response or apology on the Sabbath video, where you’ve been thoroughly challenged If you’re gunna deceive people in these last days then there will be consequences We can’t ignore the plain teaching of the Bible
Franco. The saints of old expressed their faith through obedience to the voice of God. The saints under the covenant which came through Moses expressed their faith through obedience to the law. The saints in the new covenant express their faith through obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit which was brought by the shedding of Jesus' blood, the Lamb of God. THIS IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW GIVEN THROUGH MOSES, which was a shadow of the things to come. The law has been fulfilled in the body of Christ Jesus, from the smallest 'iota' of the letter to the greatest, when he said 'It is done'. Jesus fulfilled from 1 to 10. He became the Sabbath rest for the people of God. Don't go back to the SHADOW which was the law and reject the SUBSTANCE which is Christ. Cheers
@@louiseevans7750 When John would say that sin is the breaking of God's law, he was speaking in the context of the unrighteous who reject the truth. The apostle Paul speaks of sin this way, Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin'. 2 Cor 3:6, 'who made us adequate to be servants of a new covenant NOT based on the letter (of the law) but on the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.' Romans 8:5, 'For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit.' Galatians 2:16, 'yet we know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. And we have come to believe in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by the faithfulness of Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified. I think Paul makes clear his opinion on the law and its value in 1 Tim 1:3-11, 'As I urged you when I was leaving for Macedonia, stay on in Ephesus to instruct certain people not to spread false teachings, nor to occupy themselves with myths and interminable genealogies. Such things promote useless speculations rather than God’s redemptive plan that operates by faith. BUT THE AIM OF OUR INSTRUCTION IS LOVE THAT COMES FROM A PURE HEART, A GOOD CONSCIENCE, AND A SINCERE FAITH. Some have strayed from these and turned away to empty discussion. THEY WANT TO BE TEACHERS OF THE LAW, BUT THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE SAYING OR THE THINGS THEY INSIST ON SO CONFIDENTLY . But we know that the law is good if someone uses it legitimately, REALIZING THAT THE LAW IS NOT INTENDED FOR A RIGHTEOUS PERSON, but for lawless and rebellious people, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, sexually immoral people, practicing homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers-in fact, for any who live contrary to sound teaching. THIS ACCORDS WITH THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF THE BLESSED GOD THAT WAS ENTRUSTED TO ME' . Cheers
@@louiseevans7750 Paul says, 'Whatever does not proceed from faith, is sin', Romans 14:23. This is because the new covenant made through the Christ/Messiah, is by faith, expressed through obedience to the Spirit. When we break faith, we break fellowship with God. Breaking faith with God is sin. So, if we think something is wrong and we do it, regardless if it is meaningless or not, we sin against our consciences which are to be kept clean in the Holy Spirit. Cheers
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE FACE to LIGHT. At THIS POINT, MAN is NO LONGER the FORMER, he has LONG DISAPPEARED the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and BECAUSE the PEOPLE are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
Amen He desires Obedience over sacrifice.
Absolutely right, Martyn, obedience to God is true freedom, the freedom of the world is bondage to sin.
There are some teachers that take the deep meanings and make it simple and practical. Thanks Martyn!
He just spoke at our church this past weekend. He is amazing and very cordial to everyone even behind the scenes when no one is looking. He even scheduled a Sunday evening q&a and graciously answered a lot of tough questions.
I teach these same things to my 4th-5th grade Sunday School class.
It wasn't about the tree, it was about obedience. The Tree of Life may have looked identical to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or possibly an entire grove of the same type of tree, but it was the specific one of which God said "Do not eat" this seemingly simple disobedience has led to every heinous act in the world, not because of something intrinsically wrong with the tree but because of something intrinsically wrong with man's heart.
Keep on preaching, Martyn Iles❤ it's very good to see you preach the TRUTH.
God is Love.
God is Freedom from bondage of this corrupt worldly lifestyle.
children need barriers. It was the only one at the time & now we are paying for it. Thank God for Jesus, that we can be redeemed
Boundaries and limitations
Thank you Sir. "I am learning to obey GOD!"💪🙏❤️
Wonderful Word Brother...thank you for always sharing Truth!
Martyn, sobering truth have you spoken here today. It is by sinning that we fully understand, as Christians who read our bibles, that God is a consuming fire. Obey Him. Amen. 🙏📖🔥✝️💟🇦🇺
Thanks PS Martin we miss you in Australia 🦘🦘❤
This message is very well spoken. Thank you, sir! But above all, praise the Holy Spirit!!
Excellent Word! and Succinctly Delivered. Yes, I needed to hear it..
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet
"Happiness" comes from obedience, and God's blessing.
Study "hap."
Not an emotion, in God's kingdom. It is a state of being.
I do not agree that it means luck or chance. It is a state of being. Christians understand obedience, blessing, joy, contentment. The UN pushes "happiness" as a right. Large study. Interesting study.
Beautiful! Praise God!
Amen! Thank you Martyn!!!
"To obey is better than sacrifice" ❤
Amen. Clear and direct to the point!
I greatly appreciate that as an Australian I still have access to the wisdom you share, even if you live in USA
Obedience is objectionable to "intellectuals" and idiots alike.
Psalms 14 and 53!
It's also favorable to people without identity or bravery.
So well explained, thank you Martin
2 Timothy 3 shows the cost of believing the world religion. And it matches the cause and effect of the lies within the ideas shared amongst the woke ideas
Well said ❤
Amen and thank 🙏 you
Well spoken
Thank you Martin, solid message as usual, from you sister from Oz, love the message❤
All His Commandments are good for us, Exodus 20 : 1 - 17. But sadly not everyone follows all these with love, as the Law is Love Matthew 22 : 40
Well done. The Tale of Two Trees. Life and Death. Death of their innocence.
All The Law and the prophets hang on Two Commandments: Love God and love your neighbor. Matthew 22:37-40
Baruch HaShem ❤
The similar tree of obedience is in the garden of marriage
I think of millions of people who to some degree, while still honoring their parents, elders, others in authority, and others in society, need to engage in some sort of rebellion and disobedience if they are ever to become loyal followers/disciples of Jesus. This theme runs through the book of Acts to some degree, but also in the book of Daniel, and elsewhere in the Scriptures. Just so we don't equate God's authority with the authority of religious leaders who claim to speak for God. It is true that to idolize rebellion is an evil, but it can also be a sin to commit to never engaging in any act of rebellion at all. It is not a rebel spirit that God is looking for, but a heart that is so devoted to Him that one is willing to turn one's back and everything and everyone else for His sake, just as He showed Himself willing to forsake all for our sake.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️
THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
About the 6 minutes in mark, my mind thought of this verse.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, 20 loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.”
And I was reminded, they weren't obedient, I have not been obedient, all of mankind have fallen short of God's glory- BUT JESUS CHRIST WAS OBEDIENT - EVEN TO THE CROSS AND DEATH.
That is why He is THE ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE - because He is The God/Man.
Hebrews 2:10 ESV
For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.
Messiah - once humbling Himself in human flesh but now robed in majesty forever. 🙌
Thank you Jesus for the redemption of our souls by enduring the wrath and pouring out to us through Your blood Your forgiveness of our sins and the gracious and merciful gift of new life in Your blessed and holy name! 🙏❤️
With innocence you know you’re blest, you would do nobody harm
Your Lord has washed away your sins, you’re bright and squeaky clean
Dispatched into the closet of your mind, locked, chained, forgotten, gone
But every now and then they escape to haunt you in your dreams
This Lord you love has let you down, he took you in his arms
Promised all your sins were gone but they’re still there it seems. -
Your Lord might have forgotten them, they surface just to tempt
Satisfaction from revenge, those evil hateful thoughts
The live for lust and carnal pleasures lost, those were the times, the life
They’re waiting still, you can return, to that which you have dreamt
But take it slow, drift with the flow and take what life has brought
Your Christian friends will leave your side, no loss for their contempt. -
Let them bow, scrape and cry, it’s the stuff of mirth and fun
They’ll do whatever it takes, for eternal life way up in the sky
They’ll sacrifice their life on Earth for a promise that’s a lie
Gather others to their dream with fear, fire and pain for everyone
But it’s a lie we’ll take our chance with life for what it’s worth
A life in Heaven cold and drab, with eternal boredom cursed. -
And what will Jesus do once he’s gathered up his flock
Burden them with eternal prayer, sing hymns and constant praise?
An eternity of being good would be Hell you can’t unlock
Better take the jar and drink, and love your life away
For once in Heaven it’s all forbidden, you can’t turn back the clock
One life of pleasure on this Earth than Heaven dull and gray.
Blessed be.
Paradise is freedom of religion, freedom of choice, but most importantly, it is freedom from religion. Freedom to think for yourself freedom to work hard, freedom to love who you will, and freedom to teach your children truth and not psychologically abuse them with lies from the book of myths.
That's a paradise worth creating. We don't even have to pretend we'll have it after we pass.
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36 ESV)
He that believes (trust Him, not themselves, for salvation)on the Son of God has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son of God shall not see life; but the wrath of God will stay on him. John 3:36 KJV.
This is a great example of why we should stick with the KJV. ESV twist salvation into a works trip. If we could obey perfectly from birth we would not need a savior. If it is possible to earn salvation why did He die?
Eternal Life is a free gift received by faith see Romans 10:9. Faithfulness, works done by His power, is how we receive an inheritance and rewards. See 1 Corinthians 3.
Born again believers obey because He has made it possible to “ hear His voice “ and gives us the power to obey Him by His Holy Spirit. See Romans 7.
@@Unknownfisherman Without the Holy Spirit given (for free) to us, we would not be ABLE to obey God's commands. Our sinful nature is very strong in this world. Once we are born again we are able to live and walk in the spirit -- and NOT of our own abilities. When we allow that we are weak and follow HIM, we are strong. I do not follow God's commands to be sanctified or saved. I have already been saved. I follow His commands because I LOVE Him and love to please Him by loving what He loves and hating the sins that He hates (while, like Him, loving even those who act out as enemies of truth). The Bible is VERY important and for the past 10 years I would have agreed that the KJV was the only "safe" Bible. But now I realize I have been given a lot of KJV-only propaganda without questioning it. The fact is that MANY modern Bibles were translated well and do NOT disagree with the KJV. Bible tribalism is a VERY unnecessary division that can trip up the unity of Christians, who have a hard enough time resisting all things ecumenical (which is head by the Catholic system and part of the New World Order religion).
The FACT is, the Bible must be read as a WHOLE. That really puts things in perspective in most Bibles. Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Notice that? EVERY word -- not the words of just one or two verses here and there. The whole Bible needs to be read in order to get CONTEXT.
Note re Bible reading: I have at least 8 translations of the Bible I like to refer to these days, but none of them are the ESV. Just felt I had enough, and I know that it is very similar to the NASB, which I do have. I highly recommend everyone have at LEAST two translations of the Bible especially for checking out verses that might puzzle or particularly interest you. It can be very helpful. I think I may have quoted the ESV only because Martyn Iles had used it, not sure. I often also look up various ways the same verse is quoted on Bible Gateway, which is where I no doubt copied that quote.
Yahweh's law is a great blessing and easy to keep!
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️
THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
Curious, do you keep it?
I do, the best I can. Food laws are easy. Sabbath is very easy and such a blessing. I listen to parts of the Torah daily, and try to study parts daily, so I can continue to improve and keep it better. And always praying for the Father to teach me and order my steps so I stay in His will. If you truly want to be in His will, He will guide you.
@@kaylascheckel6001 I appreciate your saying "try". You know if you believe that "Keeping the Law" justifies you, then you are obligated to keep the WHOLE LAW...& keep it perfectly??
So where does trusting in Jesus' finished work on the cross & simply trusting in that is what saves me & keeps me saved?
Where does grace apply to those of us who blow from time to time?
I an not saved because I keep the law. I keep the law because I am saved. I am at work so I can't give you a complete answer right this minute. I'm not ignoring your question. Just need more time to get the scriptures together to show you.
The Eucharist ❤
Garden which is( IS,IS,IS)
In Eden not ,( of Eden)
Also Psalm 19:9-11
so much more meaningful listening to u post Paris Olympics parody
Yes most people have no idea what should I say most Christians have no idea that the arc of the covenant had two pieces of stone which contained the 10 commandments Ahryn's rod that budgeted and the jar of manner . But most Christians have no idea that Moses law that was against us that was contrary to us that was written in a book of ordinances that was nailed to the cross was put in a pouch on the outside of the Ark. And if we don't know these two laws it is impossible to understand Romans and Hebrews. But one thing is amazingly clear all Christians believe that site and was kicked out of heaven for breaking one of gods 10 commandments he covered. Tell me if you are alive when Jesus comes which commandment can you be breaking without repentance and obedient for Jesus to take you back home because this is Satan's life insurance if Jesus translates one person who is not repentant and obedient Satan has a legal right to go back to heaven can you see Jesus problem
God Emanuel 🇪🇹 🖤 said wisdom of this world is foolish anto God 👑. 👿 Satan comes like a angel of light 🚦 🔥 🔥. One ❤🇯🇲.
I am not sure I believe your meaning for obedience. I think it is about free will and consequences of decisions. Abide and obey are not the same.
Isn't it amazing that by God's grace, the tree that leads to death is called the Tree of knowledge of good and evil? Yes, they got to know what evil is (which they didn't know before, maybe in a story but not experiential), but they also got to know what good is like they never knew before. They learned that God will give Himself for them, which is the unimaginable depth of God's grace and love (which we also now can accept, try to comprehend and experience). Praise be to God!
The word of God is Jesus, and the more you eat the word the more you become like Jesus
No problem with adam and eve for they had no plan to disobey God because they were still innocent to disobedince. The problem entered when the serpent preached that the words of God was a lie that triggers the flesh of eve and pushed her to disobey the words of God. The big lesson to this is not to listen to any preacher who teaches different from the words in the bible as paul has warned.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️
THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬
@@nayon9379 i love you and with pleasure i read fully your message my only problem is the understanding. Please every narrative you wanted to convey support it with the verse from the words of God. Anyway may i know the church you are attending. About me i am a member of the southern baptist church. God blesses you.
Nothing!!! Rebellion is witchcraft
Wait Adam and Eve lost their salvation? Thanks OSAS for nothing........
this is not Eden this garden is another garden read your bible
Genesis 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
this reads that God planted another garden in the eastern side of Eden, and in this garden the 2 trees were planted, and another thing is that it was Adam and the woman, not Adam and Eve please read your bible, you might just as well scratch out woman where it is mentioned 7 times and write Eve in its place,
satan lied to you about the garden of Eden
We can't have it that individuals might be independent from our religion.
Jesus/Yeshua is a " Mighty God " Isaiah 9:6 and the father the Almighty God... Christ is the end of the law...Christ gave us 2 commandments.Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness. Matthew 22:37 -40 Love Jehovah God with your whole heart mind and soul. 38.This is the greatest and first commandment. 39.The 2nd is love your neighbour as yourself. 40 On these 2 commandments the WHOLE LAW HANGS and the prophets.
The Messiah is returning to RAPTURE His Church (1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18). Watch: "A MAN WALKING WITH GOD JEHOVAH YAHWEH IN THIS DAY & AGE" on Repent & Prepare the way. Amen
Hear Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself. A MYSTERY NOT known before the world began. Romans 16:25
Martyn mentions paradise comes from obedience yet In another of his videos he discourages obedience to Gods 4th commandment. Looks like he picks and chooses what what he's going to be obedient to
Peter Williams.
The saints of old expressed their faith through obedience to the voice of God.
The saints under the covenant which came through Moses, expressed their faith through obedience to the law.
The saints in the new covenant express their faith through obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit which was brought by the shedding of Jesus' blood, the Lamb of God. THIS IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW GIVEN THROUGH MOSES, which was a shadow of the things to come.
The law has been fulfilled in the body of Christ Jesus, from the smallest 'iota' of the letter to the greatest, when he said 'It is done'. Jesus fulfilled from 1 to 10. He became the Sabbath rest for the people of God.
Don't go back to the SHADOW which was the law and reject the SUBSTANCE which is Christ and which many are still continuing to falsely teach. Cheers
@@robertcain3426 so it's ok to now willfully break Gods 10 commandments?
Roms 6:14-16 'For sin will have no mastery over you, because you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not! Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?'
Roms 7:6, 'But now we have been released from the law, because we have died to what controlled us, so that we may serve in the new life of the Spirit and not under the old written code.'
Roms 10:4, 'For Christ is the end of the law, with the result that there is righteousness for everyone who believes.'
Roms 13:10, 'Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law'.
Ephs 2:15, 'when he nullified in his flesh the law of commandments in decrees. He did this to create in himself one new man out of two, thus making peace'.
@@robertcain3426 do you know how the bible describes sin?
Yes. The apostle Paul says, 'Whatever does not proceed from faith, is sin', Romans 14:23. This is because the new covenant made through the Christ/Messiah, is by faith, expressed through obedience to the Spirit. When we break faith, we break fellowship with God. Breaking faith with God is sin. So, if we think something is wrong and we do it, regardless if it meaningless or not, we sin against our consciences which are to be kept clean in the Holy Spirit.
They didn't need to eat from the tree of life. For They were eternal at the time. As death ( being mortal) was the reward for eating from the tree of good and evil.
It was not Satan, or lucifer.
It was a serpent. Serpent is a representation of the prior worship of snakes 🐍, in the older religions.. when monotheism was not yet attractive.
They were eternal at the time? I don't find that in scripture? Would you give me scriptures to confirm they were eternal beings, thanks!
esv is worth a peek at its origin
much discussed by many here
follow and absorb its trivia.
soon after you will fall away.
Then welcome to the gnostic teaching from two snakes
snake hort, snake westcott
both willingly seeking to take you to the lake of fire feeding off the siniaticus vaticanus and alexandria's teaching.
you will not find the fingerprint of the Holy Spirit upon its pages.
Still no response or apology on the Sabbath video, where you’ve been thoroughly challenged
If you’re gunna deceive people in these last days then there will be consequences
We can’t ignore the plain teaching of the Bible
The saints of old expressed their faith through obedience to the voice of God.
The saints under the covenant which came through Moses expressed their faith through obedience to the law.
The saints in the new covenant express their faith through obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit which was brought by the shedding of Jesus' blood, the Lamb of God. THIS IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW GIVEN THROUGH MOSES, which was a shadow of the things to come.
The law has been fulfilled in the body of Christ Jesus, from the smallest 'iota' of the letter to the greatest, when he said 'It is done'. Jesus fulfilled from 1 to 10. He became the Sabbath rest for the people of God.
Don't go back to the SHADOW which was the law and reject the SUBSTANCE which is Christ. Cheers
Please explain more?
When John would say that sin is the breaking of God's law, he was speaking in the context of the unrighteous who reject the truth. The apostle Paul speaks of sin this way, Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin'.
2 Cor 3:6, 'who made us adequate to be servants of a new covenant NOT based on the letter (of the law) but on the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.'
Romans 8:5, 'For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit.'
Galatians 2:16, 'yet we know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. And we have come to believe in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by the faithfulness of Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.
I think Paul makes clear his opinion on the law and its value in 1 Tim 1:3-11, 'As I urged you when I was leaving for Macedonia, stay on in Ephesus to instruct certain people not to spread false teachings, nor to occupy themselves with myths and interminable genealogies. Such things promote useless speculations rather than God’s redemptive plan that operates by faith. BUT THE AIM OF OUR INSTRUCTION IS LOVE THAT COMES FROM A PURE HEART, A GOOD CONSCIENCE, AND A SINCERE FAITH. Some have strayed from these and turned away to empty discussion. THEY WANT TO BE TEACHERS OF THE LAW, BUT THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE SAYING OR THE THINGS THEY INSIST ON SO CONFIDENTLY .
But we know that the law is good if someone uses it legitimately, REALIZING THAT THE LAW IS NOT INTENDED FOR A RIGHTEOUS PERSON, but for lawless and rebellious people, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, sexually immoral people, practicing homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers-in fact, for any who live contrary to sound teaching. THIS ACCORDS WITH THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF THE BLESSED GOD THAT WAS ENTRUSTED TO ME' . Cheers
@@louiseevans7750 Paul says, 'Whatever does not proceed from faith, is sin', Romans 14:23. This is because the new covenant made through the Christ/Messiah, is by faith, expressed through obedience to the Spirit. When we break faith, we break fellowship with God. Breaking faith with God is sin. So, if we think something is wrong and we do it, regardless if it is meaningless or not, we sin against our consciences which are to be kept clean in the Holy Spirit. Cheers
@@robertcain3426 amen brother
These fairy stories are great. They only become a problem when people start believing they are true.
Well what is faith?
@@louiseevans7750 Believing something you don't know is true
God's Word Bible is TRUTH.
It's not a fairytale.
Worldly entertainments are fairytales that lead to death.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL PEOPLE are HAVING DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT BEHIND. ☀️
THEREFORE, PEOPLE have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
📝 Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven . 🙏 📬