Thank you for your work. Complementary transistors have different structures and cannot be completely mirrored. This scheme allows you to get rid of unnecessary nonlinearity and use the most similar transistors from the same production sequence. I don't have enough sound evaluation to figure out which amplifier to choose for assembly, I like the character of the old NAIM devices.
Thank you. You are absolutely correct about your comment. I have mentioned how to adjust the crossover distortion issue in Project 58. I hope this will help you in your future projects.
Thank you for your work. Complementary transistors have different structures and cannot be completely mirrored. This scheme allows you to get rid of unnecessary nonlinearity and use the most similar transistors from the same production sequence. I don't have enough sound evaluation to figure out which amplifier to choose for assembly, I like the character of the old NAIM devices.
Thank you. You are absolutely correct about your comment. I have mentioned how to adjust the crossover distortion issue in Project 58. I hope this will help you in your future projects.
Thank you for all of your hard work, much appreciated.
But: Why is your website gone?
Where is your current location?
I like the simplicity of it. Were your measurments done with the +- 50v p.s.?
Yes at ±50VDC. Thanks.
Thanks for the video. Excellent job. Where to buy trusted parts?
From authorized distributors, this ensures you get genuine parts. Thanks.
Website looks fine to me. Good job!