Excellent Class by far! But I just have to point something that I think it was an error. At 26:01 his script to calculate the hour and minutes of the dep variable is: mutate(flights, hour = dep %/% 100, minute = dep %% 100) So... Isn't that wrong? Cause the dep is in minutes and to pass to hours is minutes/60, so the right script should be: mutate(flights, hour = dep %/% 60, minute = dep %% 60) I've not finished the class yet, so I don't know if he'll correct it later, but if someone could just feed back me later, I would be thankful!
Hello. I used the following piped formula but I think the last part is wrong. I essentially want to divide sum by number of instances BUT within each breakdown. I think it's taking the list of ALL instances because the resulting number is too small. How can I adjust? by.month % group_by(Months) %>% summarize(no = sum(total), yes = sum(BED.Contracts)/length(BED.Contracts))
wrt code snippet at 45:40 When i try the following piece of code.... flights %>% group_by(carrier, flight, dest)%>% tally(sort = TRUE)%>% filter(n == 365) ... i get an error saying -> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "desc" BUT, if i remove the "sort = TRUE" part in the tally command, it runs fine!!! What might be the reason??
Excellent Class by far! But I just have to point something that I think it was an error.
At 26:01 his script to calculate the hour and minutes of the dep variable is:
hour = dep %/% 100,
minute = dep %% 100)
So... Isn't that wrong? Cause the dep is in minutes and to pass to hours is minutes/60, so the right script should be:
hour = dep %/% 60,
minute = dep %% 60)
I've not finished the class yet, so I don't know if he'll correct it later, but if someone could just feed back me later, I would be thankful!
The Dropbox link is broken, from where can I download the datasets
hadley wickham is brilliant man
Hello. I used the following piped formula but I think the last part is wrong. I essentially want to divide sum by number of instances BUT within each breakdown. I think it's taking the list of ALL instances because the resulting number is too small. How can I adjust?
by.month %
group_by(Months) %>%
summarize(no = sum(total), yes = sum(BED.Contracts)/length(BED.Contracts))
wrt code snippet at 45:40
When i try the following piece of code....
flights %>%
group_by(carrier, flight, dest)%>%
tally(sort = TRUE)%>%
filter(n == 365)
... i get an error saying ->
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "desc"
BUT, if i remove the
"sort = TRUE" part in the tally command, it runs fine!!!
What might be the reason??
datasets link is not working. How to download these csv files
I think the datasetes are from the "nycflights13" package.
Actually, these are the Houston 2011 flights dataset, which is the "hflights" package, but you could probably use "nycflights13" just fine.