My advice, as a returning player, is to just take your time and read, what the cards of your opponent do. Don't waste your Raigeki on monsters that can't be destroyed by card effect. It gets overwhelming by the sheer amount of different cards, but after some time you remember certain cards. And when your opponent expects you to sit there and watch him summon monsters for 10 minutes during his first turn, he should be ok with you taking 10 seconds to read the effects of them.
Sounds great but I don't want to read a two paragraph text to only get to the end of it and realize the card can't be destroyed while also being able to destroy multiple times a turn not to mention if you do get a monster off the board it have gy affect as well which just makes the game slow and boring battling the same 4 decks over and over
this is actually a good advice, i started doing this just recently ever since that one cyber dragon beat me with its DOUBLE piercing damage on my defense position monster..
@@timduke6120 wait so your problem is the game is too slow because of all the cards that generate tons of advantage that’s literally the opposite of slow
@@kaison12205 you must not play alot of Yugi or just get lucky and play against players who can from main 1 to end of turn get everything done in under 30 secs... because I sit there while players have to read every card "due to copy and not actually putting together their own deck" or they just slow playing...if I play a 12 turn game "rather I win or lose" 99%of those 6 turns of my opponent will avg 2mins a turn or when I use a older deck and take B.E. or D.M. or even time lord in to a deeper turn game those games can run up to 30mins or longer because so much is lighting up on their side and you can tell they are avg turn is 30 to 40 secs..I built all 9 of my decks so I know every card..I know what I'm playing and how that card works without reading during I know the meta decks well enough that I already know what 5 moves they about to do with what cards are on field and in gy..not to mention the fact I have to destroy the same monster over and over and over and over and will you get my point due to and the effects to just bring cards back...I'm having fun in this XYZ exhibition tho... currently on a 16 game win streak and been killing it most the day and I believe games have been around 5mins tops..that is Yugi to me a great battle/ game and you get it over in under 5mins..but hey this all just imo and I'm sure we all have the love/ hate things with yugi
another tip, try to always buy the 10 pack set that guarantees SR, because if you dont pull any UR in that purchase, the next one gets upgraded to guaranteed UR.
When you‘re close to finishing a secret pack, you should not keep buying 10 packs. There is a high chance you will overspend on that pack if you do. The SR guarantee is useless and the UR guarantee only kicks in after buying 20 packs. It is unlikely that you haven‘t pulled a UR by then. If you had bought singles, you could have stopped whenever you pull a UR. Even if it‘s not your desired UR, you can use it for crafting.
@@Arcwise UR guarantee happens after buying 10 packs with no UR. Getting repeat URs and SRs also isn't bad because you can dismantle and craft what you need with it.
One tip I'd give is also to consider how many of the high rarity cards in your deck are mandatory to perform and how much are just a bit extra. If you look up Eldlich decks, you'll often see a bunch of UR or SR cards in the extra deck that do technically improve the deck and give them a few options, but realistically Eldlich is almost never touching the extra deck in most games and you could make a deck that's almost as good with 15 normal rarity extra deck monsters since most of the time they'll just be prosperity or extravagance fodder anyways
Yeah, if you play Eldlich, you can just throw in the Link Spider and the World Chalice Dragons you get for free to have something to get rid of the trap monsters if you really need to. I play Invoked Dogmatika Eldlich and for the Eldlich portion of the extra I only play Pleiades, Link Spider and Black Luster Soldier to have room for the other engines. The only thing I miss occasionally is something like a Knightmare Phoenix or Cerberus.
There are a fair few budget decks that don’t care too much about high rarity ED staples, True Draco comes to mind as an obvious example but other decks exist. For instance, Zoo has 2 URs required in the extra, Drident and Zeus.
@@Maaster0 So you have your main deck, which is full of your monster/spell/trap cards, which is on your right-hand side. On the left-hand side, that's where your Extra Deck is, which is up to 15, and contains your "special" monster types. Fusion/Synchro/XYZ/Link Monsters, that sort of thing. You never draw these cards from your main deck and keep them in your hand, you instead just summon them directly from the Extra Deck by using materials you already have out. Each Extra Deck monster will have its own summoning requirements.
@@DrakodanSRL Thanks, but I do know what the Extra deck is, I meant in reply to the OP saying that some cards are "extra", as in not needed, just there to provide more power, but the deck still works without them.
I've been surprised in how well my Machina/Karakuri deck has been performing in Ranked Duels... It's genuinely been a lot of fun, and I never would have tried out the archetype if I didn't see how cool they looked in the solo mode.
It seems really really strong for some reason, ridiculous boards and ridiculous swarming and draw power with hyper librarian and all their synchros which get a free summon. Maybe it loses hard to interruption, but if they are allowed to go off, god they can go off.
Also, dont forget about using YGOPro/EDOPro to test out decks, especially things like Synchron decks where adding/removing things isnt particularly straightforward.
Or better yet, just use those instead since Konami put the micro transactions in the wrong spot, knowing full well (even if they will not, or legally cannot, say) that this is how their competition does it.
@@rorschachozymandias2821 The Fan made systems like "Dueling Book" simply let you build your deck will all cards unlocked. What I think they should have done was add in a ton more cosmetics at launch, and have players pay for those exclusively instead of paying for cards. I'm tired of Lootbox mechanics.
@@A88mph Bro it's a trading card game, it's the original IRL lootbox lol it was always going to be like this, and they wouldn't make any money if they just let us use all the cards.
Just a word of encouragement: I never played IRL tcg and made it to platinum both seasons without spending money on any of the cards in my deck that I made for fun.
@@baddragonite nicee im planning on making a cyber dragon deck since i remember using it a while back before quitting and how efficient i was against my friends
Here's a good tip for Secret Packs specifically: if you want to know whether or not crafting a SR or UR card will make that specific Pack, see if it has "related cards" on the left-hand side. Typically, if it does, the game will say "oh, that means it's in an archetype" and give you the ability to purchase that Pack. Not every card that you expect would be supported in an archetype spawns a Pack, so you can craft one that you know you need and guarantee the Pack can be purchased. EDIT: Okay, the "how to obtain" button does the exact same thing a lot easier. But where's the fun in that?
Are there any examples of SR or UR cards that are in a pack and do not give you access to said pack on crafting them? You can find out if a card is in any secret pack by clicking the "how to obtain" button and if any secret pack is listed I am pretty sure crafting an UR or SR card will give you access to its secret pack (at least I have not found any case where this doesn't work yet)
Two video ideas: Tips on the crafting system: differences between cards that can and can't be broken down, how the 'finish' affects the crafting material, and such. Another good one would be a discussion of the most important differences between the IRL and Master Duel ban/limit lists and how it impacts play (working around Maxx C for instance)
I spent about two hours reviewing the cards accumulated from eight packs earned, within three days. Best believe, that time invested alone was VERY beneficial towards building my first Dragunity deck. Just imagine how beneficial dismantling cards can be, versus spending your hard-earned gems towards packs of cards that will not guaranteed what you are looking for. Save time and effort building. So, you can enjoy the game more. :D
Just another note that if you buy a secret pack there's a good chance you get a card that resets the 24 hour counter. Probably meant to get you to play daily
There are also a bunch of good R cards you can start with before you can effort the strong staples. Maybe we can get a list for that as well: Generic Stuff: Forbidden Lance Lost Wind Geonator Transverser More Situational/Deck Dependent: Dimensional Fissure(this is at 3 alongside 1 Macrocosmos SR) Banquet of Millions
Thank you. My thoughts are to get the UR staples and hand traps that work with many strategies before committing to any expensive decks. Then get the engine deck that is most fun for you and really learn the mechanics of it and that will make you competitive. Enjoy
Even through I went straight to Resonators/Red Dragon Archfiend, I did get the special boxes first. I may be a casual, but even I know the power of Ash, Solemn, and Storm. I will say that Storm relying on you going second or being behind does cause it to be dead in some cases, and my only hope is that it's a MST bait. Still, they were worth delaying my main deck to grab.
While I agree for the whole don't buy the structure deck thing, I was planning on playing utopia when the game came that utopia structure had a lot of value for me
@@definitelynotetro7954 I also think Utopia is relatively competitive as well, multiple routes for OTK potential, searchable counter traps, chain blocking with ZS monsters into utopia double to guarantee your searches. Has reliable plays under 4 summons.
When you get your free deck(s) at the end of a solo mode campaign(s), it also unlocks the secret pack associated with that deck's archetype. And since you only have to win one duel to get the deck, the pack unlock is basically free, no crafting required. And that's why my Ruin/Demise deck was strong enough to clean house before I got to bronze. On top of that, since some packs share more than one archetype, you can use this to start building certain non-solo mode decks without crafting. Some of these include: Ruin/Demise (also works with Megaliths) -> Heralds and Impcantations Geargia -> Ancient Gear and Gadget Gem-Knight -> Adamancipator Digital Bug -> Inzektors, Battlewasps, and other generic insect support
All your advice is valid. The one thing I would add is that, even if you want a meta deck so that you can easily win, be sure to also set aside the crafting points and gems so that you can also create a deck you love. It allows you to switch things up if you get bored playing meta. Not every duel has to be about winning. For me, the first deck I made was Rikka (which got me pretty far), and while it doesn't do very well against most meta decks, I've still had fun playing it.
I've actually been "training" and re-learning yugioh since about 2017/2018 after playing as a teenager from 2002-2004 and I still at times have no clue about certain strategies being used. For example, I just played against a "Cubic" deck. No clue what was going on. Every time my opponent plays a card, I read it and as the game unfolds, I begin to understand the cohesion of each strategy and what they're trying to do. It's fun, a challenge and helps me improve my own strategies and deck building. These are some great tips. I've built a few "Rogue" decks (Vampire, Ogdoadic) while keeping my Top Tier Meta deck in the wings(Lyrilusc/Tri-Brigade). Its been fun playing against a bunch of different types of decks (A LOT of Eldlich though). I still wish this game had more comprehensive AI duels so I can learn how to use other decks too! But its been fun and great way to pass time at work when there isnt much going on.
I think on the last point, learning something new every match is a great way to familiar yourself with many different archtype gimmicks. Some banish, some float, some special summon a whole ton. I also like to use the Duel Speculation to get inspired to make new decks and new combos. and to just have fun. Enjoy yu-gi-oh.
Another tip I'd like to include is that after you map out the rarity spread of your deck, use the "how to obtain" feature to find out which secret packs the Ultra Rares come from. Sometimes, at least 2 Ultra Rares in your list come from the same Secret Pack, so you save on UR resources by pulling them from that pack instead of crafting them. I found out that Halqifibrax and Borresword Dragon come from the Stalwart pack, and managed to pull them.
Log in every day, even if you don’t want to play, not only to get a few gems, but to build up daily missions. From what i’m seeing, daily missions do not go away until the end of the month. Doing a weeks worth of daily missions can net you around 500-600 gems
Sounds cheesy, but the last tip is pretty good. With the season/rank reset my sister and I went from gold back to silver. While she plays a good cyber dragon drytron deck, and still lost often, I play not even a rough deck with pure dark world. So playing what you like and having fun through the frustrating 5 minutes OTK is important.
I was lucky enough to get pretty much everything I needed for a Speedroid/Crystal Wing Deck in my first batch of packs, and was able to dismantle enough junk from the Speedroid decks to start turning my Synchro Starter deck into a Satellite Warrior deck. Without that crazy luck pulling Crystal Wing in my first few packs, I definitely think I would've had a harder time putting together a viable deck.
Being a crystron player from duel links its taken me a while to start using the combos correctly (and correct cards) so I agree that practicing in competivate is a top tier tip
Step 1: Get the Handtraps and generic Negates. (Max C first) Step 2: during step 1 Pick a modern deck that you understand well with a cheep core, for me it is @Ignister, since their monsters are all rare and below i use this for solo. Step 3: Build up your cores well.
Great video! I really hope more people can enjoy playing yugioh with master duel. I put together a fluffals deck that I’ve been having a blast with ( based off your og list! )
I am sort of a returning player that stopped past the Goat format and went straight into Duel Links knowing nothing about synchro, xyz and pendulum and I find Master Duel as a huge steppingstone to actually returning to the TCG. Duel Links, as fun as it is, never prepared me for the actual game but still gave me the idea of how to use certain decks and combos. I haven't played ranked duels in Master Duel yet but I am excited about what I will find and learn there.
Konami's greed knows no bounds. They could have easily put Effect veiler in a stardust dragon box or something, Instant fusion in an elemental hero box, I can go on and on. But NOOO, they would put those types of cards in the master box just because they're meta.. -_-
@@highsol222 I’m pretty sure it’s because they’re generic and don’t fall into a specific archetype. Same for Terraforming. And it’s not like you have to pull them from the packs you can always search and craft them. I usually focus on building one deck, then once it’s done I’ll buy a few master packs. Breakdown the URs and SRs I get that aren’t important and then move on to another deck.
Another thing is that, (depending on the platform), setting up additional accounts is really quite easy, and you can pretty much build whatever you want with with the up front piles of stuff the game gives you. There will be a certain time sink, but each person can weigh that against the money sink for additional decks, and decide accordingly.
Taking your time and deciding on what kind of deck you want to make is definitely good advice before spending gems. Though I didn't regret my decision of getting all three dragon maid packs in the structure deck, that was more me starting at the right time and getting a deck I enjoy playing, even when I wasn't playing it at its peak. But there are also a bunch of decks I want to create like a blue eyes deck or Black Magician deck, something I should've saved the gems for by looking for the secret pack that gives those cards. I especially should've saved those Rank Points for the few cards I want to get to complete the deck.
Another tip there is literally nothing stopping you from making a separate burner account and testing out a separate deck considering how much the game gives you for free.
One other thing I would have mentioned is that building a deck in master duel is different than the TCG since there’s just one game and not a match. Pulling cards like a Kaiju, dimensional barrier, or other side deck exclusive cards aren’t worth keeping.
With the structure decks, they do offer a good value. If you want a good starter Utopia or Pendulum Magicians deck, they cover a lot of good staples for both that are of high rarity and a few good general staples that can be useful with a lower overall cost. For Solo Mode: the decks that are great base level decks are the Gem Knight, Emporer, and Gladiator decks. They are a good baseline deck for the archetypes they represent and has enough themed staples to lower the cost of either crafting or buying packs. Also, you can get all thee starter decks offered to you when you start by earning them through the permanent quests. I recommend the Syncro deck because it gives you access to Mystical Space Typhoon to help with back row removal.
I think the coolest deck that I lost to was a burn deck that didn’t have any monsters. Most damage came from “Bad Reaction to Samochi” to turn cards that gave the opponent life points in exchange for an effect into burn damage plus whatever bonus the card already had.
know your deck, it doesn't matter if you win or loose, its about if you learned something new about your structure and how to improve by constantly changing cards. Some people might copy/paste meta decks but that doesn't mean they know how to use it properly make a deck that you think you can win with and improve it. The moment you find yourself in a tough situation read its effects and find a way to counter it next time.(it doesn't matter if you win or loose just be prepared next time).
Oh boy, this is one thing I really like about YuGiOh, only having recently gotten into it. There are way more intricacies and interactions than I'm used to from other card games. This is fun, in a way, but it also means that weeks into playing my current deck I'm still learning new things about how its combos work (and can work).
@@hannessteffenhagen61 if you don't undertsand a combo you can always practice it with ai's or a friend there is also youtubers and deck guides out there, if you constantly think you draw a bad hand try changing cards a bit to improve the consistency and ask to yourself do you really need this x card in your deck and how often do you use it.
@@rationaldemon195 It's not that I don't "understand" the combos; It's just that there are a bunch of nuances to how the combos in the deck I'm playing play out (a lot of different cards I can go into/through depending on the board state). That's the _fun_ part of the game for me. I don't _want_ to reduce this to a single "ideal" board state I always get into, and a single path to get there. That's my idea of a nightmare. Boring as heck. It's not as consistent as topping meta decks (because it's not one), but it's good enough to win games against most decks (can't do much about anti-monster floodgates, but if I come across those I just scoop and move on with my life). The only bricks I'm playing are handtraps and board clears, and I kinda have to play them because the main strategy isn't good at playing through negates.
Some returning players who are like me last week and think that they shouldn't get rid of cards just in case they want to build a deck around it later or because of nostalgia, ask yourself if you really like the card and what the archetypes is about (if it belongs to one) if the answer is not or a doubtful maybe, then mercilessly pull the trigger. I remember getting Ra and the first few seconds were like "holy sh*t" followed by anime flashbacks, followed by the realization that i will never use it, so it became 10 more UR points, no regrets.
a bonus tip i would suggest is talk to the community. a yugioh discord helped me out with my deck and suggested some changes that actually helped me out. i hit gold yesterday thanks to that :D hopefully platinum soon :D
So, a few cool things I learned there's a dismantle all button that'll drop all your extra's. If you pull a double shiny card, dismantling it is worth 30 points in that rarity If you create a card in a pack for the first time SR or UR you get a free pull of that pack, which is great if your just farming for points. If you don't surrender, and Just take the L you still get points towards stuff. Its not much, but it's something and can net you extra things. You can't dismantle cards from decks the game gives, or pulls of that card. If you don't care about winning or losing you can have a deck that you swap cards in and out of to complete your dailies which can net you gems. The Mek knights in solo mode have at least one hand trap, and are a pain in the ass. That's it for now.
I built a blue eyes deck in master duel, cuz I could never afford to even build a real one irl, so it did use most of those gems. I don't regret it, mind you, I love that deck, it's been pretty reliable thus far and it's a childhood dream come true for me. But again it took a long time to make and used most of my free gems so doing research beforehand I can absolutely agree on, on the deck you want and it's possible counters.
new player myself. Played as a kid according to the anime but never actually played. I do play magic, UFS, and the DBZ card game though so I find myself adapting well. Started with toons because they were my favorite as a kid and they got me to gold very quick. However eventually I started having non good match ups and am now running a slightly more competitive dark magician and buster blader lockdown deck. I think master duel is great considering how much I have gotten out of it for free so far and how much support they have for the early cards so that blue eyes, dark magician and such are usable
I made it to gold tier with burning abyss. Pretty cheap deck to make to. Most of the regular monsters are either N or R. I’d recommend it for players who want to get the most out of their craft materials
One deck Ive put together as my first deck is Earth Machines or Dozer Control (trains, infinitraks, machina), and it was pretty easy to do cause the few URs the decks main engine runs are not at a lot of copies (most at 1) leaving you a lot of room to spend on some of the good generic staples, and the UR xyzs are good in plenty more decks then pure machines, and from what ive found the deck to be pretty strong and a really impressive grind game. On top of that theres conveniently a secret pack with infinitracks and trains already, and you dont need too many cards from machina
They can be tricky if you are not used to them. I advise making it heavy on the Magicians and lighter on Performapals. The two varieties have some synergy, but you will need to choose between what kind of deck you want. The Magicians are better if you like extra deck summoning, with better access to good Syncro and Fusion monsters. Performapals work better without too much in the extra deck and boost each other in interesting ways. Either deck can use Heavy Metalfoes Electrimite, which is very versatile for either deck.
The pendulum structure deck is good if you want to build pendulum magicians as it has most of the core but the utopia one is far better just because pot of avarice and utopia are good generic staples you can put in any deck.
Personally, I think not being afraid to get rid of UR's you don't want at the moment is something necessary. SR's and below you get a fair amount of crafting mats for, but UR's are understandably a lot rarer. Like sure, that UR you pulled might be a lynchpin card on X or Y archetype, but are you playing that archetype, or even interested in it? If not, get rid of it, and invest it in a card you'll actually use. I had to do as much for my Sky Strikers, which has like, 4 commons in the whole damn deck.
Utilize the duel log (not the youtube channel lmao). Avoid confusion by sequentially analyzing what activates, where does it activate, what does it mechanically do, and whether or not you can respond to it. I've won my share of duels from analyzing the log and finding out what cards can be exploited when they're moved elsewhere at a certain point in the duel.
I want to play this game. Like I genuinely want to. BUT I also understand that I am a very competitive person, and as a die hard YuGiOh fan, I stopped playing this game years ago because I saw the path it was going down after the making of pendulum summoning. Long behold I wasn’t wrong. So now I’m stuck with deciding if I want to get back into this game with all of this extra stuff being in it.
I think you should give it a shot! I literally only collected the cards n watched the anime as a kid so I only knew the basics coming into master duel. I can fully say this game is SUPER og and new player friendly! Im killing all these new decks with simple stuff like eldlich n xyz budget decks, and with the solo mode it teaches you about the archetypes too. I think you should just try it out cuz you might miss out on a really good time👌🏽
The game is in a good place right now. Pendulums got nerfed hard, and you don't need to Link Summon to use other summoning methods. As for Master Duel itself, it's generous early on with Gems so you can buy packs for whatever you want to run, then craft whatever you're lacking. Solo Mode introduces you to a few archetypes, and offers rewards, acting as decent practice. Give it a try, and if things feel overwhelming, you can always back out.
It's pretty hard not to get obsessed with tiers especially when it's the only reliable source of gem but if I can get some stupid wins with my rogue deck, I guess i'm happy
I picked a bad deck on purpose cause it is more fun. I'm running plant link only to find out that some of the cards I want aren't in the game so I may need to play with some stuff
ngl: I'm super tempted to theory craft with Gem Knights now after playing around with Black Garden Lapis Lazuli OTK. It makes me wonder if there's other stupidly good builds for Gem Knights, especially aggro builds.
I remember thinking when I first started playing that building a deck may be tough and maybe I should get a structure deck. And hearing how magicians is an ok pendulum deck, I just straight up bought 3 copies, because I thought it would be a good way to start, not really knowing the archetype besides a few cards in duel links lol
My biggest tip would be to not stress about the battle pass time limit. You absolutely should buy the battle pass, but I maxed it in the first month with an incredibly half-assed Six Samurai deck. Take your time, have fun, and don't worry too much about the battle pass.
Secret Packs were how I pretty got MOST of my Rikka deck put together. It also had Aromages and generic plant stuff like Lonefire Blossom. So that particular pack was like the ONE STOP SHOP for a lot of plant stuff. And other SR and UR cards (that aren't generic) that I didn't need, I could "dismantle" and near the end, I can "craft" cards that I needed that WEREN'T in the pack . Same applies to when I was putting Lunalight together. Definitely take advantage of that for a theme or two that you really want to get. But also consider how many SR and ESPECIALLY UR cards you might need.
@@Slash-XVI That honestly can be quite the turnoff... Especially when a lot of those SR and UR cards are like mandatory THREE OF's... 😅 And this is especially true for the Extra Deck if you're playing Pot of Extravagance. Meanwhile, the Tri-Brigade core has like... 2 SRs and 1 UR XD It was how I was able to start two different Lunalight decks (one pure and one Tri-Brigade version) because they run a lot of the same cards.
Another master duel question, how do I view the forbidden list? I remember you like tabbing over to something in one of your videos and you showed for a few seconds the forbidden list in game. I play master duel on Nintendo switch, so yea I realize that the buttons and stuff might be different from the platform you play master duel on.
I’m very new to modern YGO, so the absolute biggest hurdle is whenever a card effect triggers, the game gives me no time to understand what the card is doing (I.e. conditions to trigger, what it’s effect is, etc) before it resolves and it’s even worse for GY or Banished effects as navigating to those cards can sometimes be a pain
(This is especially true for meta decks) it's just practice, after a while when you've played against each deck a few times you'll eventually know by memory what they do. That said there are plenty of decks that I have no idea how they work and they are scary match ups, haha.
There was a moment while my opponent was flexing on me for like 15 minutes that I realized that I could be having fun actually playing something else and I completely stopped playing this game. It's so hard to want to keep playing when your turns take an doesn't feel like you have a chance to play back a lot of the times.
For the structure deck advice it actually depends if the player plays those decks în other yu ghi oh games too or not. For example i play utopia and that structure deck helped me make faster my utopia deck
I spent everything on building an Ancient warriors deck, made it all the way to plat 4 and couldn't get any higher, sitting at plat five at the moment, just trying to get plat four back, I refuse to play one of the meta decks, but as time goes on I might just to rush plat one.
I want to slowly build up a Dino Deck! I have a very good Blue-Eyes and Dragon Deck so now I am aiming for that one! I love dragons , dinos and other animal like cards a whole lot💕 I am still new to this game but I am training a lot with my current decks in the Solo stages and I hope I can soon find the secret pack with the dinos. Tbh like this it reminds me a tiny bit of dinosaur king with a Dino Deck! I actually did spend a lot of gems but only in master packs and secret packs and had luck with many good trap and magic cards aswell as monsters. My blue-eyes for example also all came from simple Packs! Even the Chaos Max dragon and so on! Basically also a lot of UR cards! And even tho I am new I was able to beat my big brother XD but tbh only because he helped me to create me best deck for a duel, with a normal one I wouldn't have stood a chance
big pro typ here if you want to turbo out ur/sr crafting material always always pul from stall wart force or reival of legends both work in this case both have alot less cards and have the highest drop chance for an ur period you can easily get from a 10 draw 2-4 ur constantly thats should be enough to build if you are free to play always pull from stallwart nothing else
If you are a pendulum player I don't think the structure deck is a bad investment. 1500 gems and you get 3 UR Sorcerer, 3 UR Timestar Magician (don't really need three but not bad), 3 SR Joker, 3 SR Wisdom Eye Magician , 3 SR Duelist Alliance, and 3 SR Pendulum Call. Honestly I thought it was a steal.
I didn't know about that Master Pack special, I'll prolly direct some of my gems towards those next time provided they don't expire. I've been good about how I've spent my gems, though I prolly didn't need to get 20 packs for the Six Samurai deck that immediately blew chunks and died lol
The only tip i can give is,get a pillow on the desk for a nap,theres people that spend literally 10-15 minutes taking their turn to fill the board with negates and stuff so you cant really do anything,and the game basically turns into multiplayer solitaire
Real tip: If your deck can't do anything against a combo deck turn 1, then you should consider building a better deck or adding some more handtraps. And if you see your hand and it's not good against a combo deck, then don't wait for your turn and just surrender. This is what real competitive players do irl btw, it's just that it's more fair in a Best of 3 match because you have a chance of winning
Dear Dzeeff, what deck would you recommend for a noob as myself? As you mentioned, I am a bit overwhelmed by the enormous amount of cards, and after seeing Gravekeepers has several UR's I was discouraged from playing the only deck I have the faintest bit of experience with (feom Legacy of the Duelist)...
I’m a returning player myself, used to play old-school machine otk. My advice is to go ahead and craft a “beta” version of the deck you are comfortable with mechanically. It might not have all the cards you want, but you can at least start recapturing the fun you have with the game right away. Take that beta deck through solo mode and a few ranked games, then see how you feel about where to go next.
The problem is that I don't know what decks work in what ways. I was planning on trying some of Rata's deck profiles for Madolche and the sort, but I think building a deck with some low rarity cards from an archetype is a good idea to start. Thank you!
I personally started with sky striker without having any idea about modern Yu-Gi-Oh or the deck itself. The archetype specific cards are easy to get via the special packs. Besides of that what you really need is a couple of hand traps (ash blossom*3 (1 you get via the featured pack), effect veiler*2 or 3, halqifibrax, selene (I got it by buying the secret pack), Accesscode talker). Those ultra rares you have to craft. In addition you can play a lot more generic cards like dzeef mentioned. Yes they are expansive and you don't need them right away but you can use them in a lot of decks later on. In sky striker I play Maxx C, Infinite impermanence, forbidden dropplet, called by the grave and pot of desires. I would recommend to just search online for deck lists of this archetype and you will find good inspiration. For the gameplay: In the beginning it always takes some time to understand the rulings and your card mechanics and combos. But the more duels you have the easier it gets. Sky striker is not one of those crazy combo decks which can get very complicated at the beginning but you can pull off some smaller "basic" combos which are fun to play and very effective. Here I would recommend some RUclips videos on how to play the deck. They will help a lot. After some days of playing I managed to get into platinum IV rank which is quite decent but if you are a good player this deck can easily go up to platinum 2 and 1.
I recommend tri-brigade zoodiac, i just start playing recently and im currently platinum 5 and undefeated, the deck is relatively cheap and easy lo learn the combos
Play around in the Solo mode for a bit. You can get a bunch of good decks to play with out of the gate and gets you a lot of expensive cards for just a little effort.
There's only one tip and that's have money because other wise you'll have to play A LOT of hours to get the deck you want. It took me roughly a week, week and a half just to make my exodia deck.
Tip #6: Always have spare activities to do, like watching a long podcast (I recommend EFAP theyre often over 5 hours) as this game has no real timer for turns and your opponent will spend 15 minutes throwing cards around or even just doing nothing. Also, dont for a moment think that because its your turn, that you will be playing, because the moment you put down your first card your opponent will spend 10 minutes reading out the big words before considering to use a trap card which will then summon a creature, which will then use its ability, which will then destroy your creature, which will then allow them to summon another creature, which will then let them draw a card, which will then lead to them using a spell to negate you and force your turn to end...Then its their turn again the cycle continues.
I would like to know the opinion of you fine people and of Deezff about Yu-Gi-Oh in general, maybe make a video topic on it. My question is, do you believe that the modern Yu-Gi-Oh TCG/OCG/video games are non- competitive/anti-competitive? The reason I asked this question is (and no I am not asking this because I suck at Yu-Gi-Oh or that I don't understand the rules and mechanics of Yu-Gi-Oh) I've played Yu-Gi-Oh TCG since day one in the USA off and on, I've played nearly every Yu-Gi-Oh video game, so I love the Yu-Gi-Oh game. I am playing master duel (same type of thing happened frequently in devpro/ygopro). I enter the duel. I take my turn 1 or go second and wait for opponent. Then the opponent spends 5 minutes playing cards to, get 3-5 3000 attack monster out and that's game. Now I would say it's just bad luck I didn't draw into the cards I needed to win or be competitive, but what I described above happens in nearly every duel. I've played master duel since day 1 on switch and I keep records of every duel, win/loss, turns to win/lose and other factors. I have 27 wins 165 losses, of those 165 losses 4 have been to exodia, 36 we're due to my misplay or bad draws, or opponent out drawing me and that's fine and fun, but the remaining 125 losses were due to the above one turn kill loss types. I feel that this anti/non-competitive trend has taken over Yu-Gi-Oh and began with pendulum and has exponentially increased with link summoning. Yu-Gi-Oh I feel used to be about the cards you drew and what strategy you used to try to win and out smart/play the opponent and that was fun, it challenged the intelect and made you think better. But now idk I just feel it's more about winning in turn 1 or 2 then it is about both players have fun a competing to see who the better duelist is. I would love to know your opinion, do you agree or disagree, but please if your reply is "get good/gud" or whatever idiot troll reply it is don't bother replying. Thank you all.
Great vid, solid advice Could you make another vid discussing current day staples newcomers should consider using ? using maxx, ash and crow already helped me out a lot
The good generic card section is the current day staples cards. Focus on trying to get the majority of them then look on youtube at a more comprehensive list of master duel staples.
My advice, as a returning player, is to just take your time and read, what the cards of your opponent do. Don't waste your Raigeki on monsters that can't be destroyed by card effect. It gets overwhelming by the sheer amount of different cards, but after some time you remember certain cards. And when your opponent expects you to sit there and watch him summon monsters for 10 minutes during his first turn, he should be ok with you taking 10 seconds to read the effects of them.
Sounds great but I don't want to read a two paragraph text to only get to the end of it and realize the card can't be destroyed while also being able to destroy multiple times a turn not to mention if you do get a monster off the board it have gy affect as well which just makes the game slow and boring battling the same 4 decks over and over
this is actually a good advice, i started doing this just recently ever since that one cyber dragon beat me with its DOUBLE piercing damage on my defense position monster..
@@timduke6120 wait so your problem is the game is too slow because of all the cards that generate tons of advantage that’s literally the opposite of slow
@@kaison12205 you must not play alot of Yugi or just get lucky and play against players who can from main 1 to end of turn get everything done in under 30 secs... because I sit there while players have to read every card "due to copy and not actually putting together their own deck" or they just slow playing...if I play a 12 turn game "rather I win or lose" 99%of those 6 turns of my opponent will avg 2mins a turn or when I use a older deck and take B.E. or D.M. or even time lord in to a deeper turn game those games can run up to 30mins or longer because so much is lighting up on their side and you can tell they are avg turn is 30 to 40 secs..I built all 9 of my decks so I know every card..I know what I'm playing and how that card works without reading during I know the meta decks well enough that I already know what 5 moves they about to do with what cards are on field and in gy..not to mention the fact I have to destroy the same monster over and over and over and over and will you get my point due to and the effects to just bring cards back...I'm having fun in this XYZ exhibition tho... currently on a 16 game win streak and been killing it most the day and I believe games have been around 5mins tops..that is Yugi to me a great battle/ game and you get it over in under 5mins..but hey this all just imo and I'm sure we all have the love/ hate things with yugiвидео.html
another tip, try to always buy the 10 pack set that guarantees SR, because if you dont pull any UR in that purchase, the next one gets upgraded to guaranteed UR.
Happened to me when I purchased Ignister packs once.
When you‘re close to finishing a secret pack, you should not keep buying 10 packs. There is a high chance you will overspend on that pack if you do. The SR guarantee is useless and the UR guarantee only kicks in after buying 20 packs. It is unlikely that you haven‘t pulled a UR by then. If you had bought singles, you could have stopped whenever you pull a UR. Even if it‘s not your desired UR, you can use it for crafting.
@@Arcwise UR guarantee happens after buying 10 packs with no UR. Getting repeat URs and SRs also isn't bad because you can dismantle and craft what you need with it.
I wasted all my gems on some random secret pack, do I make a new account 😔?
One tip I'd give is also to consider how many of the high rarity cards in your deck are mandatory to perform and how much are just a bit extra. If you look up Eldlich decks, you'll often see a bunch of UR or SR cards in the extra deck that do technically improve the deck and give them a few options, but realistically Eldlich is almost never touching the extra deck in most games and you could make a deck that's almost as good with 15 normal rarity extra deck monsters since most of the time they'll just be prosperity or extravagance fodder anyways
Yeah, if you play Eldlich, you can just throw in the Link Spider and the World Chalice Dragons you get for free to have something to get rid of the trap monsters if you really need to. I play Invoked Dogmatika Eldlich and for the Eldlich portion of the extra I only play Pleiades, Link Spider and Black Luster Soldier to have room for the other engines. The only thing I miss occasionally is something like a Knightmare Phoenix or Cerberus.
There are a fair few budget decks that don’t care too much about high rarity ED staples, True Draco comes to mind as an obvious example but other decks exist. For instance, Zoo has 2 URs required in the extra, Drident and Zeus.
I gotta admit, especially since Im a new player, it is hard to differentiate what is "extra" and what is not.
@@Maaster0 So you have your main deck, which is full of your monster/spell/trap cards, which is on your right-hand side. On the left-hand side, that's where your Extra Deck is, which is up to 15, and contains your "special" monster types. Fusion/Synchro/XYZ/Link Monsters, that sort of thing. You never draw these cards from your main deck and keep them in your hand, you instead just summon them directly from the Extra Deck by using materials you already have out. Each Extra Deck monster will have its own summoning requirements.
@@DrakodanSRL Thanks, but I do know what the Extra deck is, I meant in reply to the OP saying that some cards are "extra", as in not needed, just there to provide more power, but the deck still works without them.
I've been surprised in how well my Machina/Karakuri deck has been performing in Ranked Duels... It's genuinely been a lot of fun, and I never would have tried out the archetype if I didn't see how cool they looked in the solo mode.
Oh hello 2009, you were the best of times and the worst of times
I ended up doing rank 4 and 10 trains with machina mixed with it
I like that the game is affordable enough that people can experiment with decks they normally wouldn't play with.
Best part
It seems really really strong for some reason, ridiculous boards and ridiculous swarming and draw power with hyper librarian and all their synchros which get a free summon.
Maybe it loses hard to interruption, but if they are allowed to go off, god they can go off.
Also, dont forget about using YGOPro/EDOPro to test out decks, especially things like Synchron decks where adding/removing things isnt particularly straightforward.
Or better yet, just use those instead since Konami put the micro transactions in the wrong spot, knowing full well (even if they will not, or legally cannot, say) that this is how their competition does it.
@@A88mph can you explain friend?
@@rorschachozymandias2821 The Fan made systems like "Dueling Book" simply let you build your deck will all cards unlocked.
What I think they should have done was add in a ton more cosmetics at launch, and have players pay for those exclusively instead of paying for cards. I'm tired of Lootbox mechanics.
@@A88mph Bro it's a trading card game, it's the original IRL lootbox lol it was always going to be like this, and they wouldn't make any money if they just let us use all the cards.
Just a word of encouragement: I never played IRL tcg and made it to platinum both seasons without spending money on any of the cards in my deck that I made for fun.
Out of curiosity, what deck did you use?
@@Entei9000 cyber dragons
@@baddragonite nicee im planning on making a cyber dragon deck since i remember using it a while back before quitting and how efficient i was against my friends
Here's a good tip for Secret Packs specifically: if you want to know whether or not crafting a SR or UR card will make that specific Pack, see if it has "related cards" on the left-hand side. Typically, if it does, the game will say "oh, that means it's in an archetype" and give you the ability to purchase that Pack. Not every card that you expect would be supported in an archetype spawns a Pack, so you can craft one that you know you need and guarantee the Pack can be purchased.
EDIT: Okay, the "how to obtain" button does the exact same thing a lot easier. But where's the fun in that?
Are there any examples of SR or UR cards that are in a pack and do not give you access to said pack on crafting them?
You can find out if a card is in any secret pack by clicking the "how to obtain" button and if any secret pack is listed I am pretty sure crafting an UR or SR card will give you access to its secret pack (at least I have not found any case where this doesn't work yet)
You can just click on "How to obtain" and it'll say what pack it's in and it'll appear as locked. That's the secret pack it'll unlock.
Or just click the How To Obtain button..
There's also the how to obtain button that just straight up tells you if it's in a secret pack and if you have the secret pack unlocked
Or, y’know, just check “How to Obtain” and the Secret Pack is right there, if there is one.
Two video ideas: Tips on the crafting system: differences between cards that can and can't be broken down, how the 'finish' affects the crafting material, and such.
Another good one would be a discussion of the most important differences between the IRL and Master Duel ban/limit lists and how it impacts play (working around Maxx C for instance)
I spent about two hours reviewing the cards accumulated from eight packs earned, within three days. Best believe, that time invested alone was VERY beneficial towards building my first Dragunity deck.
Just imagine how beneficial dismantling cards can be, versus spending your hard-earned gems towards packs of cards that will not guaranteed what you are looking for. Save time and effort building. So, you can enjoy the game more. :D
You can use your own decks in Solo too, and it's a great way to test new decks before going into ranked and playing frustratingly slowly
You can but it annoys me that you can't complete things with ur own deck. You can win but u don't get the prize and it won't say complete
Gotta use the demo/example decks
Just another note that if you buy a secret pack there's a good chance you get a card that resets the 24 hour counter.
Probably meant to get you to play daily
Oh buy a pack to unlock a pack to buy that is just obvious gacha mechanics to get you to spend money 💰
There are also a bunch of good R cards you can start with before you can effort the strong staples. Maybe we can get a list for that as well:
Generic Stuff:
Forbidden Lance
Lost Wind
Geonator Transverser
More Situational/Deck Dependent:
Dimensional Fissure(this is at 3 alongside 1 Macrocosmos SR)
Banquet of Millions
Thank you. My thoughts are to get the UR staples and hand traps that work with many strategies before committing to any expensive decks. Then get the engine deck that is most fun for you and really learn the mechanics of it and that will make you competitive. Enjoy
Wish this came out awhile ago. Gonna just stick with my toon deck
This toon deck goofy tho
How I feel about my tier nothing red eyes deck
You could always make another account to play with, Gems are pretty frontloaded, pretty quick to make a deck if you start fresh.
same but with my blue eyes chaos max dragon
gets me to plat then i just can’t win anymore lmao
I'll keep working on my hybrid Junk/Synchron/Warrior/Stardust deck, then.
Even through I went straight to Resonators/Red Dragon Archfiend, I did get the special boxes first. I may be a casual, but even I know the power of Ash, Solemn, and Storm. I will say that Storm relying on you going second or being behind does cause it to be dead in some cases, and my only hope is that it's a MST bait. Still, they were worth delaying my main deck to grab.
Or you’re just dumb like me and place a continuous spell/trap before LS
Ayyyyy. Fellow Resonator enjoyer!
While I agree for the whole don't buy the structure deck thing, I was planning on playing utopia when the game came that utopia structure had a lot of value for me
Don't underestimate the Utopia gang my guy. That can do a lot.
Utopia structure deck is actually good. The secret packs for utopia staples are god awful.
same thing applies to the Pendulum Magicians as well, overall I had a great time with Utopia deck running 3x structure decks so that's a steal imo.
@@definitelynotetro7954 I also think Utopia is relatively competitive as well, multiple routes for OTK potential, searchable counter traps, chain blocking with ZS monsters into utopia double to guarantee your searches. Has reliable plays under 4 summons.
buying burning spirits all times could even be worth it to get 3 balelynx
When you get your free deck(s) at the end of a solo mode campaign(s), it also unlocks the secret pack associated with that deck's archetype. And since you only have to win one duel to get the deck, the pack unlock is basically free, no crafting required. And that's why my Ruin/Demise deck was strong enough to clean house before I got to bronze.
On top of that, since some packs share more than one archetype, you can use this to start building certain non-solo mode decks without crafting. Some of these include:
Ruin/Demise (also works with Megaliths) -> Heralds and Impcantations
Geargia -> Ancient Gear and Gadget
Gem-Knight -> Adamancipator
Digital Bug -> Inzektors, Battlewasps, and other generic insect support
All your advice is valid. The one thing I would add is that, even if you want a meta deck so that you can easily win, be sure to also set aside the crafting points and gems so that you can also create a deck you love. It allows you to switch things up if you get bored playing meta. Not every duel has to be about winning. For me, the first deck I made was Rikka (which got me pretty far), and while it doesn't do very well against most meta decks, I've still had fun playing it.
I have build 2 decks. My first was Blackwing for fun and now eldlich to learn more modern tactics
@@sadriposting nice! What do you run in your Blackwing deck? Also, what have you learned from the Eldlich deck?
That last tip is my motto, how to use Junk Speeder's effect in my Junk/Synchron/Warrior/Stardust deck as best as possible.
I've actually been "training" and re-learning yugioh since about 2017/2018 after playing as a teenager from 2002-2004 and I still at times have no clue about certain strategies being used. For example, I just played against a "Cubic" deck. No clue what was going on. Every time my opponent plays a card, I read it and as the game unfolds, I begin to understand the cohesion of each strategy and what they're trying to do. It's fun, a challenge and helps me improve my own strategies and deck building.
These are some great tips. I've built a few "Rogue" decks (Vampire, Ogdoadic) while keeping my Top Tier Meta deck in the wings(Lyrilusc/Tri-Brigade). Its been fun playing against a bunch of different types of decks (A LOT of Eldlich though). I still wish this game had more comprehensive AI duels so I can learn how to use other decks too! But its been fun and great way to pass time at work when there isnt much going on.
I think on the last point, learning something new every match is a great way to familiar yourself with many different archtype gimmicks. Some banish, some float, some special summon a whole ton.
I also like to use the Duel Speculation to get inspired to make new decks and new combos. and to just have fun. Enjoy yu-gi-oh.
I bought blue eyes packs and crafted the cards. Did the special bundles and bought the duel pass worth it because you get your gems plus some back.
Another tip I'd like to include is that after you map out the rarity spread of your deck, use the "how to obtain" feature to find out which secret packs the Ultra Rares come from. Sometimes, at least 2 Ultra Rares in your list come from the same Secret Pack, so you save on UR resources by pulling them from that pack instead of crafting them. I found out that Halqifibrax and Borresword Dragon come from the Stalwart pack, and managed to pull them.
I got mega lucky and pulled Halq from the master pack (don’t worry, I only bought the special bundles lol)
Log in every day, even if you don’t want to play, not only to get a few gems, but to build up daily missions. From what i’m seeing, daily missions do not go away until the end of the month. Doing a weeks worth of daily missions can net you around 500-600 gems
Sounds cheesy, but the last tip is pretty good.
With the season/rank reset my sister and I went from gold back to silver.
While she plays a good cyber dragon drytron deck, and still lost often, I play not even a rough deck with pure dark world.
So playing what you like and having fun through the frustrating 5 minutes OTK is important.
I was lucky enough to get pretty much everything I needed for a Speedroid/Crystal Wing Deck in my first batch of packs, and was able to dismantle enough junk from the Speedroid decks to start turning my Synchro Starter deck into a Satellite Warrior deck. Without that crazy luck pulling Crystal Wing in my first few packs, I definitely think I would've had a harder time putting together a viable deck.
I have traptrix dogmatika deck if you want we can duel
Being a crystron player from duel links its taken me a while to start using the combos correctly (and correct cards) so I agree that practicing in competivate is a top tier tip
Step 1: Get the Handtraps and generic Negates. (Max C first)
Step 2: during step 1 Pick a modern deck that you understand well with a cheep core, for me it is @Ignister, since their monsters are all rare and below i use this for solo.
Step 3: Build up your cores well.
Great video! I really hope more people can enjoy playing yugioh with master duel. I put together a fluffals deck that I’ve been having a blast with ( based off your og list! )
I am sort of a returning player that stopped past the Goat format and went straight into Duel Links knowing nothing about synchro, xyz and pendulum and I find Master Duel as a huge steppingstone to actually returning to the TCG. Duel Links, as fun as it is, never prepared me for the actual game but still gave me the idea of how to use certain decks and combos. I haven't played ranked duels in Master Duel yet but I am excited about what I will find and learn there.
wish some UR's would be available in secret packs... getting 3ofs of so many UR's is heavy.
Droplets I got 3 (I from crafting)
Konami's greed knows no bounds. They could have easily put Effect veiler in a stardust dragon box or something, Instant fusion in an elemental hero box, I can go on and on. But NOOO, they would put those types of cards in the master box just because they're meta.. -_-
@@highsol222 I’m pretty sure it’s because they’re generic and don’t fall into a specific archetype. Same for Terraforming. And it’s not like you have to pull them from the packs you can always search and craft them. I usually focus on building one deck, then once it’s done I’ll buy a few master packs. Breakdown the URs and SRs I get that aren’t important and then move on to another deck.
Another thing is that, (depending on the platform), setting up additional accounts is really quite easy, and you can pretty much build whatever you want with with the up front piles of stuff the game gives you.
There will be a certain time sink, but each person can weigh that against the money sink for additional decks, and decide accordingly.
Dzeef you’re the best your tips advice and knowledge over the years has really helped me Out
You 5 tips yugioh players should know is the first video I watched getting back into the game in early 2020. Hyped to see one for Master Duel!
Taking your time and deciding on what kind of deck you want to make is definitely good advice before spending gems. Though I didn't regret my decision of getting all three dragon maid packs in the structure deck, that was more me starting at the right time and getting a deck I enjoy playing, even when I wasn't playing it at its peak. But there are also a bunch of decks I want to create like a blue eyes deck or Black Magician deck, something I should've saved the gems for by looking for the secret pack that gives those cards.
I especially should've saved those Rank Points for the few cards I want to get to complete the deck.
Absolutely the most important one is "Just have fun". Having fun is always the most important
I made a shark deck which was very cheap but then I made a D/D/D which costed a lot 😂
Another tip there is literally nothing stopping you from making a separate burner account and testing out a separate deck considering how much the game gives you for free.
I made a successfully used deck from just master pack cards. It wasn't hard at all tbh, but i knew what to look for as a returning player
One other thing I would have mentioned is that building a deck in master duel is different than the TCG since there’s just one game and not a match. Pulling cards like a Kaiju, dimensional barrier, or other side deck exclusive cards aren’t worth keeping.
After trying with so many account, my best strategy would be buy the 3 discounted bundle, and buy only the featured pack. Craft the rest of them.
Doug don't try and convince people to play Eldlich don't give the enemy more soldiers 😂
With the structure decks, they do offer a good value. If you want a good starter Utopia or Pendulum Magicians deck, they cover a lot of good staples for both that are of high rarity and a few good general staples that can be useful with a lower overall cost.
For Solo Mode: the decks that are great base level decks are the Gem Knight, Emporer, and Gladiator decks. They are a good baseline deck for the archetypes they represent and has enough themed staples to lower the cost of either crafting or buying packs.
Also, you can get all thee starter decks offered to you when you start by earning them through the permanent quests. I recommend the Syncro deck because it gives you access to Mystical Space Typhoon to help with back row removal.
when this game came out I immediately looked up some decks. I stopped playing it like 4 years ago and I am doing pretty well in ranked :)
I think the coolest deck that I lost to was a burn deck that didn’t have any monsters. Most damage came from “Bad Reaction to Samochi” to turn cards that gave the opponent life points in exchange for an effect into burn damage plus whatever bonus the card already had.
AYYY a nurse burn deck... Miss that damn anti-meta deck.
It actually has monsters but it can perform its endgame without it.
know your deck, it doesn't matter if you win or loose, its about if you learned something new about your structure and how to improve by constantly changing cards. Some people might copy/paste meta decks but that doesn't mean they know how to use it properly make a deck that you think you can win with and improve it.
The moment you find yourself in a tough situation read its effects and find a way to counter it next time.(it doesn't matter if you win or loose just be prepared next time).
Oh boy, this is one thing I really like about YuGiOh, only having recently gotten into it. There are way more intricacies and interactions than I'm used to from other card games. This is fun, in a way, but it also means that weeks into playing my current deck I'm still learning new things about how its combos work (and can work).
@@hannessteffenhagen61 if you don't undertsand a combo you can always practice it with ai's or a friend there is also youtubers and deck guides out there, if you constantly think you draw a bad hand try changing cards a bit to improve the consistency and ask to yourself do you really need this x card in your deck and how often do you use it.
@@rationaldemon195 It's not that I don't "understand" the combos; It's just that there are a bunch of nuances to how the combos in the deck I'm playing play out (a lot of different cards I can go into/through depending on the board state). That's the _fun_ part of the game for me. I don't _want_ to reduce this to a single "ideal" board state I always get into, and a single path to get there. That's my idea of a nightmare. Boring as heck.
It's not as consistent as topping meta decks (because it's not one), but it's good enough to win games against most decks (can't do much about anti-monster floodgates, but if I come across those I just scoop and move on with my life). The only bricks I'm playing are handtraps and board clears, and I kinda have to play them because the main strategy isn't good at playing through negates.
Some returning players who are like me last week and think that they shouldn't get rid of cards just in case they want to build a deck around it later or because of nostalgia, ask yourself if you really like the card and what the archetypes is about (if it belongs to one) if the answer is not or a doubtful maybe, then mercilessly pull the trigger.
I remember getting Ra and the first few seconds were like "holy sh*t" followed by anime flashbacks, followed by the realization that i will never use it, so it became 10 more UR points, no regrets.
a bonus tip i would suggest is talk to the community. a yugioh discord helped me out with my deck and suggested some changes that actually helped me out. i hit gold yesterday thanks to that :D hopefully platinum soon :D
So, a few cool things I learned there's a dismantle all button that'll drop all your extra's.
If you pull a double shiny card, dismantling it is worth 30 points in that rarity
If you create a card in a pack for the first time SR or UR you get a free pull of that pack, which is great if your just farming for points.
If you don't surrender, and Just take the L you still get points towards stuff. Its not much, but it's something and can net you extra things.
You can't dismantle cards from decks the game gives, or pulls of that card.
If you don't care about winning or losing you can have a deck that you swap cards in and out of to complete your dailies which can net you gems.
The Mek knights in solo mode have at least one hand trap, and are a pain in the ass.
That's it for now.
I built a blue eyes deck in master duel, cuz I could never afford to even build a real one irl, so it did use most of those gems. I don't regret it, mind you, I love that deck, it's been pretty reliable thus far and it's a childhood dream come true for me. But again it took a long time to make and used most of my free gems so doing research beforehand I can absolutely agree on, on the deck you want and it's possible counters.
new player myself. Played as a kid according to the anime but never actually played. I do play magic, UFS, and the DBZ card game though so I find myself adapting well. Started with toons because they were my favorite as a kid and they got me to gold very quick. However eventually I started having non good match ups and am now running a slightly more competitive dark magician and buster blader lockdown deck. I think master duel is great considering how much I have gotten out of it for free so far and how much support they have for the early cards so that blue eyes, dark magician and such are usable
Dismantling a Royal Rare card gives you back its full value
You think the solo mode will add some new stuff in there and the game eventually?
I made it to gold tier with burning abyss. Pretty cheap deck to make to. Most of the regular monsters are either N or R. I’d recommend it for players who want to get the most out of their craft materials
One deck Ive put together as my first deck is Earth Machines or Dozer Control (trains, infinitraks, machina), and it was pretty easy to do cause the few URs the decks main engine runs are not at a lot of copies (most at 1) leaving you a lot of room to spend on some of the good generic staples, and the UR xyzs are good in plenty more decks then pure machines, and from what ive found the deck to be pretty strong and a really impressive grind game.
On top of that theres conveniently a secret pack with infinitracks and trains already, and you dont need too many cards from machina
I was able to finally build my old elemental hero based deck that I use IRL and so far, it handles well in ranked
Out of the two available structure decks, the Utopia one does seem like a good starting point, can't really say the same for the pendulum one.
I've been using the pendulum deck and it's been super great it's really cheap to make a decent deck
The pendulum one is very good if you make a pendulum magician deck, it has many staple cards for a very good amount of gems
Maybe I'm just not good at playing pend magicians.
They can be tricky if you are not used to them. I advise making it heavy on the Magicians and lighter on Performapals. The two varieties have some synergy, but you will need to choose between what kind of deck you want. The Magicians are better if you like extra deck summoning, with better access to good Syncro and Fusion monsters. Performapals work better without too much in the extra deck and boost each other in interesting ways. Either deck can use Heavy Metalfoes Electrimite, which is very versatile for either deck.
The pendulum structure deck is good if you want to build pendulum magicians as it has most of the core but the utopia one is far better just because pot of avarice and utopia are good generic staples you can put in any deck.
Personally, I think not being afraid to get rid of UR's you don't want at the moment is something necessary. SR's and below you get a fair amount of crafting mats for, but UR's are understandably a lot rarer.
Like sure, that UR you pulled might be a lynchpin card on X or Y archetype, but are you playing that archetype, or even interested in it? If not, get rid of it, and invest it in a card you'll actually use.
I had to do as much for my Sky Strikers, which has like, 4 commons in the whole damn deck.
Utilize the duel log (not the youtube channel lmao). Avoid confusion by sequentially analyzing what activates, where does it activate, what does it mechanically do, and whether or not you can respond to it. I've won my share of duels from analyzing the log and finding out what cards can be exploited when they're moved elsewhere at a certain point in the duel.
I want to play this game. Like I genuinely want to. BUT I also understand that I am a very competitive person, and as a die hard YuGiOh fan, I stopped playing this game years ago because I saw the path it was going down after the making of pendulum summoning. Long behold I wasn’t wrong. So now I’m stuck with deciding if I want to get back into this game with all of this extra stuff being in it.
I think you should give it a shot! I literally only collected the cards n watched the anime as a kid so I only knew the basics coming into master duel. I can fully say this game is SUPER og and new player friendly! Im killing all these new decks with simple stuff like eldlich n xyz budget decks, and with the solo mode it teaches you about the archetypes too. I think you should just try it out cuz you might miss out on a really good time👌🏽
The game is in a good place right now. Pendulums got nerfed hard, and you don't need to Link Summon to use other summoning methods. As for Master Duel itself, it's generous early on with Gems so you can buy packs for whatever you want to run, then craft whatever you're lacking. Solo Mode introduces you to a few archetypes, and offers rewards, acting as decent practice. Give it a try, and if things feel overwhelming, you can always back out.
Thank you
Honestly I’m new to YGO but I’ve got something: save frequently when building a deck, especially from scratch: the deck editor LOVES to crash on you.
I'll never forgive Konami for not giving ojamas their own secret pack
It's pretty hard not to get obsessed with tiers especially when it's the only reliable source of gem but if I can get some stupid wins with my rogue deck, I guess i'm happy
Play all the meme decks too. Ironically they can help get alot of quests and secret objectives done
I picked a bad deck on purpose cause it is more fun. I'm running plant link only to find out that some of the cards I want aren't in the game so I may need to play with some stuff
Currently running Macro Monarchs with Macro Cosmos and D Fissure at 3, late 00's meta was fun.
ngl: I'm super tempted to theory craft with Gem Knights now after playing around with Black Garden Lapis Lazuli OTK.
It makes me wonder if there's other stupidly good builds for Gem Knights, especially aggro builds.
As soon as I get to platinum 5 I just stop y’all are soo sweaty af hope a normal quick playlist comes soon cuz fuck ranked
I remember thinking when I first started playing that building a deck may be tough and maybe I should get a structure deck. And hearing how magicians is an ok pendulum deck, I just straight up bought 3 copies, because I thought it would be a good way to start, not really knowing the archetype besides a few cards in duel links lol
My biggest tip would be to not stress about the battle pass time limit. You absolutely should buy the battle pass, but I maxed it in the first month with an incredibly half-assed Six Samurai deck. Take your time, have fun, and don't worry too much about the battle pass.
Secret Packs were how I pretty got MOST of my Rikka deck put together. It also had Aromages and generic plant stuff like Lonefire Blossom. So that particular pack was like the ONE STOP SHOP for a lot of plant stuff. And other SR and UR cards (that aren't generic) that I didn't need, I could "dismantle" and near the end, I can "craft" cards that I needed that WEREN'T in the pack . Same applies to when I was putting Lunalight together.
Definitely take advantage of that for a theme or two that you really want to get. But also consider how many SR and ESPECIALLY UR cards you might need.
Yep, getting together a Madolche core, with most of them being SR was rather tedious
@@Slash-XVI That honestly can be quite the turnoff... Especially when a lot of those SR and UR cards are like mandatory THREE OF's... 😅 And this is especially true for the Extra Deck if you're playing Pot of Extravagance.
Meanwhile, the Tri-Brigade core has like... 2 SRs and 1 UR XD It was how I was able to start two different Lunalight decks (one pure and one Tri-Brigade version) because they run a lot of the same cards.
Another master duel question, how do I view the forbidden list? I remember you like tabbing over to something in one of your videos and you showed for a few seconds the forbidden list in game. I play master duel on Nintendo switch, so yea I realize that the buttons and stuff might be different from the platform you play master duel on.
I’m very new to modern YGO, so the absolute biggest hurdle is whenever a card effect triggers, the game gives me no time to understand what the card is doing (I.e. conditions to trigger, what it’s effect is, etc) before it resolves and it’s even worse for GY or Banished effects as navigating to those cards can sometimes be a pain
(This is especially true for meta decks) it's just practice, after a while when you've played against each deck a few times you'll eventually know by memory what they do.
That said there are plenty of decks that I have no idea how they work and they are scary match ups, haha.
Just a quick reminder: You get a total of 2800 Gems in Solo Mode, 200 from each Gate.
There was a moment while my opponent was flexing on me for like 15 minutes that I realized that I could be having fun actually playing something else and I completely stopped playing this game. It's so hard to want to keep playing when your turns take an doesn't feel like you have a chance to play back a lot of the times.
A simple tip I’d say is buy the duel pass as soon as possible. The extra rewards aren’t super great, but still worth it.
For the structure deck advice it actually depends if the player plays those decks în other yu ghi oh games too or not. For example i play utopia and that structure deck helped me make faster my utopia deck
Everytime i face someone wielding a pendulum deck, I go do some pushups and by the end of the day it's my turn
Great general tips!
I spent everything on building an Ancient warriors deck, made it all the way to plat 4 and couldn't get any higher, sitting at plat five at the moment, just trying to get plat four back, I refuse to play one of the meta decks, but as time goes on I might just to rush plat one.
I want to slowly build up a Dino Deck! I have a very good Blue-Eyes and Dragon Deck so now I am aiming for that one! I love dragons , dinos and other animal like cards a whole lot💕 I am still new to this game but I am training a lot with my current decks in the Solo stages and I hope I can soon find the secret pack with the dinos. Tbh like this it reminds me a tiny bit of dinosaur king with a Dino Deck! I actually did spend a lot of gems but only in master packs and secret packs and had luck with many good trap and magic cards aswell as monsters. My blue-eyes for example also all came from simple Packs! Even the Chaos Max dragon and so on! Basically also a lot of UR cards! And even tho I am new I was able to beat my big brother XD but tbh only because he helped me to create me best deck for a duel, with a normal one I wouldn't have stood a chance
big pro typ here if you want to turbo out ur/sr crafting material always always pul from stall wart force or reival of legends both work in this case both have alot less cards and have the highest drop chance for an ur period you can easily get from a 10 draw 2-4 ur constantly thats should be enough to build if you are free to play always pull from stallwart nothing else
If you are a pendulum player I don't think the structure deck is a bad investment. 1500 gems and you get 3 UR Sorcerer, 3 UR Timestar Magician (don't really need three but not bad), 3 SR Joker, 3 SR Wisdom Eye Magician , 3 SR Duelist Alliance, and 3 SR Pendulum Call. Honestly I thought it was a steal.
I built tri-brigade bujins and I've been having fun so far. I brick sometimes but its fine until it isn't.
Would love to see your altergeist deck profile, or just deck profiles as a whole
My 1st 5 matches was me waiting over 5 minutes to be otk'ed. The game has changed since i was majorly involved.
I didn't know about that Master Pack special, I'll prolly direct some of my gems towards those next time provided they don't expire. I've been good about how I've spent my gems, though I prolly didn't need to get 20 packs for the Six Samurai deck that immediately blew chunks and died lol
Hadnt played yugioh since the 2009 start of synchro era, there are so many new cards and ways to play lol 😅
Big oof where was this last night when I bought 3 pendulum structure decks
Bro just start over
@@thaisennj9781 yes, because making an alt account is a reasonable solution. This game is trash
after only 2 days of playing i was able to build 3 competitive decks without money. i also have enough UR staples to at least get me started.
The only tip i can give is,get a pillow on the desk for a nap,theres people that spend literally 10-15 minutes taking their turn to fill the board with negates and stuff so you cant really do anything,and the game basically turns into multiplayer solitaire
Real tip: If your deck can't do anything against a combo deck turn 1, then you should consider building a better deck or adding some more handtraps.
And if you see your hand and it's not good against a combo deck, then don't wait for your turn and just surrender.
This is what real competitive players do irl btw, it's just that it's more fair in a Best of 3 match because you have a chance of winning
Great tips thank you
I started master duel ranked today with salamangreat structure deck, now im silver 1, ranked seems chill in this
Dear Dzeeff, what deck would you recommend for a noob as myself? As you mentioned, I am a bit overwhelmed by the enormous amount of cards, and after seeing Gravekeepers has several UR's I was discouraged from playing the only deck I have the faintest bit of experience with (feom Legacy of the Duelist)...
I’m a returning player myself, used to play old-school machine otk. My advice is to go ahead and craft a “beta” version of the deck you are comfortable with mechanically. It might not have all the cards you want, but you can at least start recapturing the fun you have with the game right away. Take that beta deck through solo mode and a few ranked games, then see how you feel about where to go next.
The problem is that I don't know what decks work in what ways. I was planning on trying some of Rata's deck profiles for Madolche and the sort, but I think building a deck with some low rarity cards from an archetype is a good idea to start. Thank you!
I personally started with sky striker without having any idea about modern Yu-Gi-Oh or the deck itself. The archetype specific cards are easy to get via the special packs. Besides of that what you really need is a couple of hand traps (ash blossom*3 (1 you get via the featured pack), effect veiler*2 or 3, halqifibrax, selene (I got it by buying the secret pack), Accesscode talker). Those ultra rares you have to craft. In addition you can play a lot more generic cards like dzeef mentioned. Yes they are expansive and you don't need them right away but you can use them in a lot of decks later on. In sky striker I play Maxx C, Infinite impermanence, forbidden dropplet, called by the grave and pot of desires. I would recommend to just search online for deck lists of this archetype and you will find good inspiration. For the gameplay: In the beginning it always takes some time to understand the rulings and your card mechanics and combos. But the more duels you have the easier it gets. Sky striker is not one of those crazy combo decks which can get very complicated at the beginning but you can pull off some smaller "basic" combos which are fun to play and very effective. Here I would recommend some RUclips videos on how to play the deck. They will help a lot. After some days of playing I managed to get into platinum IV rank which is quite decent but if you are a good player this deck can easily go up to platinum 2 and 1.
I recommend tri-brigade zoodiac, i just start playing recently and im currently platinum 5 and undefeated, the deck is relatively cheap and easy lo learn the combos
Play around in the Solo mode for a bit. You can get a bunch of good decks to play with out of the gate and gets you a lot of expensive cards for just a little effort.
There's only one tip and that's have money because other wise you'll have to play A LOT of hours to get the deck you want. It took me roughly a week, week and a half just to make my exodia deck.
Tip #6: Always have spare activities to do, like watching a long podcast (I recommend EFAP theyre often over 5 hours) as this game has no real timer for turns and your opponent will spend 15 minutes throwing cards around or even just doing nothing. Also, dont for a moment think that because its your turn, that you will be playing, because the moment you put down your first card your opponent will spend 10 minutes reading out the big words before considering to use a trap card which will then summon a creature, which will then use its ability, which will then destroy your creature, which will then allow them to summon another creature, which will then let them draw a card, which will then lead to them using a spell to negate you and force your turn to end...Then its their turn again the cycle continues.
Also the structure decks are honestly ok, at least the magician pendulum one is I've found.
I got a new phone as an early birthday present and it has over a 100GB for games and I just finished downloading Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel a little bit ago
I would like to know the opinion of you fine people and of Deezff about Yu-Gi-Oh in general, maybe make a video topic on it.
My question is, do you believe that the modern Yu-Gi-Oh TCG/OCG/video games are non- competitive/anti-competitive?
The reason I asked this question is (and no I am not asking this because I suck at Yu-Gi-Oh or that I don't understand the rules and mechanics of Yu-Gi-Oh) I've played Yu-Gi-Oh TCG since day one in the USA off and on, I've played nearly every Yu-Gi-Oh video game, so I love the Yu-Gi-Oh game. I am playing master duel (same type of thing happened frequently in devpro/ygopro). I enter the duel. I take my turn 1 or go second and wait for opponent. Then the opponent spends 5 minutes playing cards to, get 3-5 3000 attack monster out and that's game.
Now I would say it's just bad luck I didn't draw into the cards I needed to win or be competitive, but what I described above happens in nearly every duel. I've played master duel since day 1 on switch and I keep records of every duel, win/loss, turns to win/lose and other factors. I have 27 wins 165 losses, of those 165 losses 4 have been to exodia, 36 we're due to my misplay or bad draws, or opponent out drawing me and that's fine and fun, but the remaining 125 losses were due to the above one turn kill loss types.
I feel that this anti/non-competitive trend has taken over Yu-Gi-Oh and began with pendulum and has exponentially increased with link summoning.
Yu-Gi-Oh I feel used to be about the cards you drew and what strategy you used to try to win and out smart/play the opponent and that was fun, it challenged the intelect and made you think better. But now idk I just feel it's more about winning in turn 1 or 2 then it is about both players have fun a competing to see who the better duelist is.
I would love to know your opinion, do you agree or disagree, but please if your reply is "get good/gud" or whatever idiot troll reply it is don't bother replying. Thank you all.
Great vid, solid advice
Could you make another vid
discussing current day staples
newcomers should consider using ?
using maxx, ash and crow already helped me out a lot
The good generic card section is the current day staples cards. Focus on trying to get the majority of them then look on youtube at a more comprehensive list of master duel staples.