Usually people always talk about kevin this kevin that this is actually the first time I've seen them being referred as gideon and his partner lmaooo 😂
How great hand-eye coordination give you massive impact in the way you react, predict, and control the shuttlecock just like what do you want... In some level, it's scary and sometimes gives you a goosebumps... Wow... 👏🏻
Smash from india Awesome defense from Indonesia fantastic,wonderful match between 🇮🇳💜🇮🇩😘 I am playing with my Indonesian friends in lockdown they are really good in badminton...
Ya ampuuun...defense nyaaa...super sekaliiiii.....smash lawannya udah pasti keras. Tapi herann banget...bisa balik mulu...luar biasa...pantes banget menyandang peringkat 1 dunia.
Bangga boleh, jangan berlebihan pake ngatain negara nehi lah, pup sembarangan lah. lebih bijak lah kalo komen guys. atlet udah mati2an bikin harum nama bangsa, kalian seenaknya komen bikin malu netijen indonesia
The minions sdh gak di ragukan lg skill kontrolnya luar biasa. Badminton india makin berkembang, bs masuk final super series itu keren, jumping smesh nya kenceng cm kdng krng kontrol.
In badminton, speed is one of the most deciding factors to get ahead of your opponent. Plus, Kevin and Marcus are really effective in front of the net. Also, the drive shots and return shots kill the Indian momentum. Alongside their great defenses, of course.
They both are way too small compared to their opponents, but they killed it very well. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 Love to see how Kevin always swings left-right when Marcus doing the services. 🤣🤣
Jangan malu2in. Komen yang wajar Jan sampe spam, kasian yang punya channel + nambah kesan buruk pandangan orang lain ke Orang2 kita. Yang akan dicap jelek negaranya bukan kaliannya (yang komentar lebay2)
@@pemula4075 lu kalo gabisa bahasa Inggris mending diem, daripada keliatan bodohnya. Lagian dia juga bangga kepada Marcus & Kevin, daripada lu gaada yg bisa dibanggakan dari lu.
I see lot of comments pointing at 7:24 backhand smash but to be honest only an amateur player would like that shot. In reality he was coming in the way of Gideon plus it disturbed the co-ordination. Only experienced players will agree this
@@gradeez kl komen yg enak d bca ya. Kl gk ska gk usah kmen. Km mau kmen brti nunjukan km jg ska sm yg km komen ya gaes. UCAPAN ADLAH DOA. JK UCPAN ITU GK GK CO2K DNGN YG D UCAP, ITU AKAN BERIMBAS/KEMBALI KE SI PENGUCAPny. Mf sbenerny aku lbh "NAJIS" bc komen km dng ucpan ky gtu.
Saya gak suka ma pemain india ini karena delay nya itu kebangetan, tapi harus diakui duo india ini hebat, kecepatan ma smashnya luar biasa, ditambah mereka masih muda, lawan yang patut di waspadai oleh indonesia
What a aggresive gamepalay by satvik and chirag nice gameplay sir 🥶 It was a great Honour to have these type of player in our country 🙏❤️🇮🇳 No matter whether you win or loose but you are inspiring so many young players 🙏❤️
Pasangan ini sangat solid, hanya saja ada sedikit perbaikan : Gideon hrs dilatih lagi agar dpt berposisi di depan (punya kecepatan) sama spt saat Kevin di posisi depan. Ada kesan bhw jika Gideon di depan makan sulit utk mendapatkan point.
Yes you are right. You have to change to bevel grip from frying pan grip when it comes a little far in fore hand. At 0:07 is not the right way to take it, though it looks well taken you should not do it as it exposes more. If it's close to body don't change your grip and take it with backhand frying pan grip itself. Check 1:49 in this video :видео.html
indonesian players defense are good but mostly bcos of indian players smash placement are too predictive and easy to reach. both pairs are still young but indians are younger. they can improve much more in the future
Gideon and his partner make defense become art. This reason why they stand #1 in world badminton rank
Gideons partner is kevin
H mới biết indo trùm cầu lông
@@angelamrsla8132 and Kevin's partner is Marcus
Usually people always talk about kevin this kevin that this is actually the first time I've seen them being referred as gideon and his partner lmaooo 😂
7:27 perfect back hand
its not perfect if he didnt get a point :)
But ballerina backhand is the most harder type backhand in badminton....if kevin do with power like that i think is a perfect backhand
7:25, 7:26
đỉnh bạn nhỉ
2:32 he didn't even watching. Unbelievable
fun fact - if you watch the bird, you'll actually miss it. Top players will visualize the "flight path" of the bird and will hit it that way
When Good Offense Meets Greater Defense
When gideon shout "Kevin!!!!" And made a point, thats so satisfying..
How great hand-eye coordination give you massive impact in the way you react, predict, and control the shuttlecock just like what do you want... In some level, it's scary and sometimes gives you a goosebumps... Wow... 👏🏻
Smash from india Awesome defense from Indonesia fantastic,wonderful match between 🇮🇳💜🇮🇩😘 I am playing with my Indonesian friends in lockdown they are really good in badminton...
Ty btw im from indonesia 💕
Good game
And i think ur such a great player too❤️
4:21 that was amazing broooo
The smashes seemed crisper, faster in this angle. Suprisingly, More entertaining than most tv shots. Amazing.
A lot faster if you see it real than TVs
Vip seat
sigitrock all for free hehe
7:26 istimewaa🤣
both team are good 😍 7:26 i keep replaying this part
Ya ampuuun...defense nyaaa...super sekaliiiii.....smash lawannya udah pasti keras. Tapi herann banget...bisa balik mulu...luar biasa...pantes banget menyandang peringkat 1 dunia.
Pas latihan kan kenyang dihujanin smes geledeg Babah dan ucok
@@rachelklinsmann2474 lskwkspsousoeo
Very good high quality game between both teams, really interesting match to watch. Congratulations to Indonesia for the win.
fast, power, technique and accuracy level max
Reflexes and Stamina
Bangga boleh, jangan berlebihan pake ngatain negara nehi lah, pup sembarangan lah. lebih bijak lah kalo komen guys. atlet udah mati2an bikin harum nama bangsa, kalian seenaknya komen bikin malu netijen indonesia
setuju bro..
+1 Yoi, cuman jd penonton aja sombong.
jangan2 yg model gini juga yg bully atlet negara sendiri kalo kalah..miris
begitulah mrk berasa paling berjuang padahal mah nol hahaha dukung tuh sebijak mungkin ga harus merendahkan lawannya
Just masterful defense. With the other pair attacking so much you’d think they’d be leading, but you look at the score and…
The minions sdh gak di ragukan lg skill kontrolnya luar biasa. Badminton india makin berkembang, bs masuk final super series itu keren, jumping smesh nya kenceng cm kdng krng kontrol.
Ada orang indo jg yg berjasa
10:10 is taking smash right in front of the net, reminds me of some fun training that many players used to do...
7:26 errgh so cool bro
In badminton, speed is one of the most deciding factors to get ahead of your opponent. Plus, Kevin and Marcus are really effective in front of the net. Also, the drive shots and return shots kill the Indian momentum. Alongside their great defenses, of course.
수카물조 넘 잘 쳐요.
완전 내 이상형!!!
저렇게 작은 키로 세계랭킹 1위라니..
옛날 야킵혹 생각나네요.
Ath sheriya
Kelebihan duo minions emang di deffend, harus ditingkatkan lg attack nyabiar tambah mematikan saat membalik keadaan nyerang
Febri Hilmawan siap coach
ga perlu lol, dia defense paling bagus sedunia. bikin musuh kecapean energy abis., gausah mematikan jg masuk bola. strategy itu namanya
@@irfanion endo watannabe yang defensenya bagus ga bisa mereka kalahin
Lebih seneng lihat wasitnya, tengok kiri kanan dengan cepat tapi kok gak nyebrang2
Lalu lintas padat 😂
Saa aee :v
Numpang ketawa HAHAHAHA😁😁
Vangke 😂
Auto liat wasit
Minions amazing atlet badminton terbaik no1 dunia
skills + practice + training + patience + passion
Good view
Even The Two Tower of India had to play so hard against The Minions from Indonesia. Respect to all of them. What a game! 👏👏👏
7:25 nice skill
What does that mean
13:11 i ll do the same haha
- Gideon shouted to kevin : "vin!!..."
- kevin while jump "aarghh puaaah..."
- game ends..
Kayaknya sinyo terakhir "kev" dah
jangan lupa mampir ke chanel "BADMINTON UHUY TV" yaaa
dan bantu like , comment & subcribe yaaa
Sama Si penonton bilang: "sikattt!"
Smash yg tajam tidak lh cukup untuk memenangkan pertandingan
Butuh strategi dan kerjasama.. tidak semudah itu Ferguso 🔥
Hehehee, iya..betul,,minions klo lagi tanding udh fokus susah fi lawan..pokoke
They both are way too small compared to their opponents, but they killed it very well. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Love to see how Kevin always swings left-right when Marcus doing the services. 🤣🤣
Jangan malu2in. Komen yang wajar Jan sampe spam, kasian yang punya channel + nambah kesan buruk pandangan orang lain ke Orang2 kita. Yang akan dicap jelek negaranya bukan kaliannya (yang komentar lebay2)
@@pemula4075 apanya yg malu maluin sih. Org dia muji minion tanpa menghina lawan nya. Bisa bahasa inggris ga sih
The guys in the orange are abnormally tall badminton players
@@somewhereoverit711 They are 1.84m, 1.86m tall, not abnormally tall even for badminton players
@@pemula4075 lu kalo gabisa bahasa Inggris mending diem, daripada keliatan bodohnya. Lagian dia juga bangga kepada Marcus & Kevin, daripada lu gaada yg bisa dibanggakan dari lu.
Ini.kaya pelatih lagi latih muridnya buat nyemess
Awokaowkaokaeo ngakak
5:04 Just *WOW* lol :v
I am a fan of Sukamuljo, I know for sure he will reflexively get the ball in such a position
@@malikhanasywat630 percuma jelasin panjang lebar mereka ga akan perduli
Videonya kaya gini enak nih nontonnya seperti kita lagi ada nonton di sana...👍👍👍
Kevin...marcus that was an amazing defense...
Latihan difens nya minions dibombardir oleh ahsan, ucok, mas jom
Latihan Kevin defense di bombardir oleh militer Amerika 😉🏆
That smash so strong !
Team work so good too
Kevin has far far experiences as compared to indian pair. We also see about the game Kevin is legend and they play fabulous as compared to reddy .
dont fotget gideon
Yeah sry bro . Kevin in the sense markus and kevin both😅
They are not legend yet imo. The Indonesian pair are on their way to become a legend
you have made such a great video. keep it up bro.
Bangga punya atlit kaya gini bikin harum Indonesia
The minions. Amazzing top superstar
13:12 🔥🔥🔥💢👏
kevin looks enjoy so much in this games
The Minions squeezing out their opponent energy, smart play.
The youngsters played really superb. They competed well. Future stars
@@kalyankishore2042 totally agree!!
Future stars? They the world no 1.
@@kierantan1526 no . The indian MD pair has a highest rank of 7.
Gamers. House how is rank no.7 better than World No.1? What a logic!
7:25 backhand Kevin sanjaya
he was flying lol
Damn getting your full power smashes returned is pretty demoralising. Especially against this pair.
Not only that, the harder you smash, the faster it comes back. Opponents are using your power against you.
@yingxun zhou hahhaha that is true 😄
@@yingxunzhou9458 Can't agree more. See how devastating minions with all their attacks against Yuta/Endo's wall.
I see lot of comments pointing at 7:24 backhand smash but to be honest only an amateur player would like that shot. In reality he was coming in the way of Gideon plus it disturbed the co-ordination. Only experienced players will agree this
This is why I like to watch duos, unless it’s lcw playing singles lmao
Gideon/Sukamuljo are in another level.
he had time stone
Semangat selalu demi mengharumkan negara indonesia 😘
Kevin sanjaya adalah anugrah utk indonesia..
Anugerah taie najis! Ga pernah ada pemain badminton Indonesia yg paling Sombong, biadab dan kurang ajar! Dia cuma babi najis!
@@gradeez kl komen yg enak d bca ya. Kl gk ska gk usah kmen. Km mau kmen brti nunjukan km jg ska sm yg km komen ya gaes. UCAPAN ADLAH DOA. JK UCPAN ITU GK GK CO2K DNGN YG D UCAP, ITU AKAN BERIMBAS/KEMBALI KE SI PENGUCAPny. Mf sbenerny aku lbh "NAJIS" bc komen km dng ucpan ky gtu.
@@gradeez itu bukan sombong, dia cuma buat mental lawan down
@@gradeez orang malaysia psti ini. Wkwkwk
@@gradeez prestasi lu buat negra paan?
Bacot aj bisanya
7:26 That handback smash tho...🤯🤯🤯
LOL handback 😭👌🏿
@@AhmedAberga Thanks
@@앤절 I will assume you've never made a mistake and you're perfect 🤷♂️
@@jorgesabori1222 no problem :)
7:28 best back hand Kevin. Edan koyo smash jump shot.... Pantes duo minion andalan dunia
Its impressive that the no1 is the most defensive team.
Pukulan2 minions aneh2 menakjubkan
민턴 정말좋아하는 동호인입니다^^
잘보구 손도잡고갑니다^^
Indian players have been very impressive at international circuits so far; I am wondering whether they are using local or foreign coaches.
Indian Coaches.
A mix of both
for mens double they use Indonesian coach..
Coach India Flandy limpele from indonesia 👏😊 amazing India have defence good too
Saya gak suka ma pemain india ini karena delay nya itu kebangetan, tapi harus diakui duo india ini hebat, kecepatan ma smashnya luar biasa, ditambah mereka masih muda, lawan yang patut di waspadai oleh indonesia
Penghalang india itu cuman the minion saja...
Makanya minion sudah siapkan strategi. Untuk nanganin Semes musuh..
What a aggresive gamepalay by satvik and chirag nice gameplay sir 🥶 It was a great Honour to have these type of player in our country 🙏❤️🇮🇳
No matter whether you win or loose but you are inspiring so many young players 🙏❤️
Pasangan ini sangat solid, hanya saja ada sedikit perbaikan :
Gideon hrs dilatih lagi agar dpt berposisi di depan (punya kecepatan) sama spt saat Kevin di posisi depan.
Ada kesan bhw jika Gideon di depan makan sulit utk mendapatkan point.
Tpi defensenya sangat tidak diragukan kali
Kalau dapat live sudut kayak begini lebih seru lihatnya ne
Iyaaa bro keliatan semua... Lebih alami
Kebanyakan smash loyo sendiri otot dilawan otak, hebat taktik pelatih Indonesia... lanjutkan terus kemenangan minion...
Di kash capek musuh,akhirnya lemes cemesannya
Kevin / Marcus ..lawanya siapa ini ..yg menangin siapa .dan brapa set . Apikkk tenan
No drops▫️.no fake.only smash smash smash💭 . ultimate 🔥 match
8:24 i wanna know the speed of this shot confirm above 350kmph
A민턴님 조회수 터지네요 축하드려요 잘보고있습니다
Give me a translate please
Kecil2 tapi greget... siapa yg punya. (Indonesia). Good like
The Titans
This Indonesian pair is good n of all
Kevin / markus number one....!!!!
Tangan yg kuat dan pergerakan yg sangat cepat .. hanya dimiliki kevin- markus
The best smash and defense ever I seen....
Teruskan prestasi from🇲🇾to🇲🇨
incredible, power, skill, patient & passion
The minions.... The best double player, number one in the world....!!!
ケビンのノールックレシーブすこ .smash every ..between the two best ...
ഈ കുട്ടികളുടെ കളി കണ്ടിട്ട് ശരിക്കും അത്ഭുതം തോന്നുന്നു ഇവർ എങ്ങനെ ഇത്ര മനോഹരമായി കളിക്കുന്നു അത് കണ്ടിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ തന്നെ രോമാഞ്ചം വരുന്നു
Ini ha na ca ra ka versi acha acha
Siplah indonesia punya kevin n gedeon kami bngga indonesia bangga jooos gandooos
Video seperti enak di tonton. nontonnya puas. klo dari atas bagus tapi lebih bagus posisi spt ini. keren banget. the best video ever.
What a Play... Just Amazing ❤️
Indonesia and India ❤️
wow, Marcus's smash 9:37
koreans defense are still the best in the world, I miss seeing LYD in his prime...
Move on, man !!
I think indonesian better than koreans
@@theunreadchapter9950 in terms of defensive play, no...
@@langsz cungur sia
Agreed. Peak LYD slightly better than Kevin and Watanabe, in terms of defense.
that backhand spin smash is harder than my forarm smash
2:30 7:25 8:55 10:10 11:02 12:31
7:26 Balerina 😂
Im a gr8 fan of minions especially kevin, bt wen it comes to India, Im with my country 🇮🇳🇮🇳💯🙏
기본수비는 백핸드그립으로 쥐고있는데 포핸드 쪽으로 콕이 오면 (퍼올릴때 말고) 그립을 바꿔서 치는건가요, 그대로 백핸드로 치나요?
제가 보기에는 00:07처럼 포헨드쪽으로 스매싱이 왔을때는 백핸드 그립으로 헤드만 돌려서 치는것 같아요
Yes you are right. You have to change to bevel grip from frying pan grip when it comes a little far in fore hand. At 0:07 is not the right way to take it, though it looks well taken you should not do it as it exposes more. If it's close to body don't change your grip and take it with backhand frying pan grip itself. Check 1:49 in this video :видео.html
Amazing game. Both team were agile and super skilled.
Im indonesian but i love indian players too, they both amazing ❤️
their reflexs are crazyyyyy
indonesian players defense are good but mostly bcos of indian players smash placement are too predictive and easy to reach. both pairs are still young but indians are younger. they can improve much more in the future
thanks for the great video
안 때릴수도 없고 ㅎㅎ 때리면 힘들고
Proud Of Indonesia 🇮🇩
ষটঘছঝিন। চঁছ
Lihat pemain india lompat2 sampe ngerasa ngeri2 capek sendiri wkwkwk tp the minions kek santai gitu. Gilak... keren parah.
yg menang Indonesia kan
persis kek pas minions lawan endo/yuta ga bisa apa apa
Waw! Amazing match!
7:07 merinding coyyy denger teriakan om markus 😅😅 smash an nya mantep banget