@@whitefolks282 Being overly aggressive usually isn't a masculine trait depending on the environment or circumstance they're in for example if one is in prison they're just to be that way but if someone is walking around everyday life like that it's usually because of the lack of male influence on their life, lack of confidence or they're closet homosexual
So because we that are not gays lesbians etc are now no longer allowed to have our own opinion. If you know y'all are so 100% right in your reality then it don't matter what the mass think
Yeah, but the action is not the being gay is it? That would be having gay sex. Being attracted to the opposite sex is the bring gay, so how can you control that? I don't find my own sex attractive, and can't see any way I could just decide to.
We can learn to fly by jumping off a cliff by that logic. Being gay is a state-of-being, like left handedness, race and eye-color, for example, as it embodies our minds, bodies and souls. The only choices are whether to have sex, and with whom. You imply gays can suppress their urges to have sex, but celibacy is a non-starter, except for asexuals. The sexual act is a way for humans to become fully alive, and the major way the species is promulgated. But reproduction isn't destiny, nature is. Homosexuals are natural, and homosexuality is their destiny. Understand that "homosexuality & homosexual," and "hetrosexuality & heterosexual," each one, are often "distinctions with a difference," as many homosexuals have children the "old fashioned way," and imprisoned heterosexuals often sexually engage their gender, for instance. You speak of "controlling your actions." Fine. Here's a moral-ethic we would do well to embrace: Every human relationship should be centered in love, that when promiscuity & adultery, hate & coercion, and pedophilia & pederasty, are present, individuals, families, communities and nations suffer. It's something heterosexuals have made difficult for homosexuals to inculcate, as they often make life hell for them, which make them go underground, and this often leads to drinking, drugging, promiscuity, suicide, etc. I'll give you "being gay is a choice." "You know my name. Say your name. And call theirs." With all due respect.
Estrogen and Testosterone levels don't determine if you are gay or straight. Maybe cause issues such as breast cancer and lack of body hair growth, but doesn't determine sexual preference.
Scientific evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that inherent sexuality is centered in human evolution, genetics, epigenetics, hormones and timing, all within the context of fetal development. Family, social and cultural dynamics play no role. Offer some, and I'll explain why not. Those dynamics, however, play central roles in attitudes about sexuality as well as policies and laws regulating it
Romans 1:25-32 25.Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator,who is blessed forever amen. 26. For this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27. And likewise also the men , leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. 28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,wickedness,covetousness, maliciousness,; full of envy,murder,debate,deceit,malignity; whisperers, Romans 30-32.
I never had a choice....the thought of being gay never crossed my mind.. If someone offered a hundred million, one billion, 10 billion dollars, I CANNOT be gay...it's just not possible... Period
That’s because we are naturally born to like the opposite sex as we get a little older whenever we hit puberty. Anyone who is gay decided to be that way for whatever their reasons may be. It’s definitely unnatural and people are not born that way
The ignorance is profound. Did Vlad really compare drug addiction to a sexual orientation? On that note, Dodson suggested that he was born gay by saying that he was attracted to his male classmates in school at an early age. There are heterosexual men who were raped by men as children and aren't gay. He's only deflecting by blaming his environment and upbringing. Let people be who they want to be. Just make sure you practice safe sex.
***** you're always gonna have homosexuals feeling attacked even by a simple conversation because of insecurity. dude did say he looked at boys but he also said he was raised by females so wouldnt you say looking at boys was happening alot around him, homosexuals realize that the more ppl understand this the more ppl are going to realize the b.s. the talking
inquisitive871 I don't see one fucking neuroscientist or psychologist validating anything they have discussed. Science has disproved all of that and yet they cling to the notion because they want to. I'm blown away though by Vlad's comment...
Hard Head How is it sensitive when the man is talking about rape and molestation. There is nothing funny or light hearted about that. Instead of giving two fucks about that they sat here and joked about it and made it seem as if BECAUSE he was raped he now likes to fuck men because it opened his eyes to the possibilities... ITS IGNORANT... Most black households only have 1 mother and no men just girls but you don't see them turning out truck loads of gays... thats a fucking cop out and Antoin is GUESSING! He said he THINKS!
inquisitive871 his comparison was totally justified. and antone said he was that way from an early age because he grew up surrounded by other females, i know two friends like that and though they are straight they act very camp. but let me guess they were born that way right?
***** And Religion or normality is not? Science at least tries instead of having a bunch of contradictions and exceptions. Of course its easy to denounce science when it doesn't agree with the way someone wants to think... like they sit around and make shit up for the hell of it. Why even have scientists if noone is going to take their hard work and dedication seriously?
That part about goods being outlined with estrogen is true. They also do the same with plastic baby bottles and water bottles. When baby bottles are warmed up, it releases the estrogen. These mofos try and make you gay for real.
That's true, but most gay people are gay in perception, not physically. When talking about estrogens, that deals with the physical like breasts, ass, and hips. When you talk about being homosexual, that deals with the brain, and perception. Most gay people are like that from stress on the brain, whether from trauma when young, and the brain is still developing, or when in the mothers stomach. Stress can come from different things. It can be traumatic experiences, drugs or from diet. For example lot of people drink a lot!drinks with caffeine in them, and this can cause the brain to being hyper sensitive. This hyper sensitivity can overtime make one attracted to the same sex due to the taboo of it. This causes their brain to be more stimulated then regular sex because the over use of stimulants has lowered their brain blood flow, and that means less neurotransmitters, and that means a brain that will be sensitive to most stimuli. Unfortunately, most people aren't going to change their lifestyles, so homosexuals will always be a part of our world, so we might as well let them be, as long as they aren't harming anyone. Look how many people smoke all the time, or drink coffee in the morning only to sit down all day. Coffee, and tea, are meant to be used to get you active, and do physical work much easier. Most people just sit down all day after drinking caffeinated drinks, and that means more stimulation of the brain that isn't good for it. In the end, WE created this, so its up to us to admit our lifestyle is to blame. Not the media, not the devil, US!
If you want to learn more, google bisexuality, and serotonin/dopamine. You will see that low dopamine, and serotonin, is connected to bisexuality/homosexuality, at least in fruit flies, but once you learn how those neurotransmitters effect perception, you can see how that the research can easily translate to humans.
tyrone Jones read about this. Scary. Glass bottle all the way, preferably brown glass bottles or the best route: #breastfeeding, natural. What's annoying with 'how #LordJamar answers or responds to Vlad's questions?' Some of commenters, how they translate that: as LJ being obsessed with "this topic," versus The One that poses the questions on this topic. How is that balanced thinking? Now, don't know if Vlad is obsessed with "this topic," I don't care. But we're all watching the same video here, yet some will comment like they saw 'something else.' Like they saw LJ "bringing up this topic," but that's clearly not what's shown herein. Lord Jamar, stay sober-minded and keep droppin' jewels!
Reincarnation makes totally no sense, I once talked to a person on discord who believed in reincarnation & you know what he/she told me, that she thinks that committing suicide is okay because of reincarnation you'll be born again, dude that fucked up
@@KhalilSonic you were obviously talking to a sick person. The Buddhist religion most certainly does not teach anything so sick. But would you like me to show you the chapters in the Bible that condone murder, war, slavery and rape. I see the Christians are still demonizing other people's religions
@@punkanellylovejoy702 where does the bible condone that stuff. Funny when god specifically stated that he was against it. Trying to twist the words in the bible to fit your narrative. Smh
@@0Doves0 Ok you dumb uneducated brainwashed behind the times bitch. All you have to do is go to Google and say: which chapters of the Bible condone murder war slavery rape, and killing of homosexuals and the killing of women who are not virgins at marriage, excetera excetera. And then for all the deniers who try to tell you that Jesus was sent to to do away with the old testament, ask Google: where in the New testament did Jesus say You must obey everything in the old testament? And that's all you have to do, and after reading that sick s***and you still don't believe that the Bible is man-made then you truly are one stupid ass brainwashed bitch. Now shake your head on THAT! Better yet, shake your whole body honey, shake EVERYTHING you got! You may as well throw on some Jacksons and shake your body down to the ground, you ignorant slut!
Our sexual preferences are learned through experience, as there is no way someone (a foetus) can be born wanting to be intimate with a specific sex that they have no comprehension of. Everyone has the potential to be attracted to whatever they want. If you are claiming that people are born gay or straight, then the burden of proof lies on you, and there is no evidence of this.
my uncle (moms brother) grew up with 5 older sisters. he did not pick up on any women behaviour, and i think being around women all the time teaches you how to better relate to women, and that way you'll attract more women and get more women in your life. In 99% of the time i think this is the way it goes.
Anyone who is okay with literally anybody burning in hell forever and ever is not a good person. That's so fucked up and you literally hope people burn for eternity.
Being an 88 year old gay man who grew up in a heterosexual family, married, had 4 children, of course divorced, I never accepted my gayness! Due to a prostate removal two years after my divorce, I was unable to have sex. It is sooo sad that from my childhood, I had to hide my sexuality. Yes, living an immoral life in neither good for a heterosexual or a homosexual person, but being born that way is not a choice. Churches need to wake up to the reality that one is born to have a sexuality and they need to accept this!
The gay CEO of apple has used his power to promote his homosexual agenda, by making new emojis of two men kissing, holding hands, and even marrying each other, jamar is right!!
Baxter I have the urge to drink 🍹 I have the urge to do immoral things and I choose not to because I know is not right,,but I guess is what kind person you are,I respect every person no matter their Believe but to me every thing is a choice we decide what we do💓
@@michaelm3943 prove his comment was idiotic . There is no science to show you are born gay , so to call this person names with no counter argument is the most foolish thing you can do . There is no gay gene , let alone a "trans" gene . Humans are the only creatures on earth that chose to be in same sex relationships.
Jamar hit the nail on the head talking about residual feelings from past lives. I think that's a huge component, but definitely abuse/trauma are huge components to it also.
They displayed their intellectual superiority in this discussion and it's a damn shame that these perfectly natural perspectives are condemned in modern society.
People do realize and are purposely damaging a fragile child’s mind from 0 Months- adolescent, young adults. They know how this influence of transsexual, homosexual and bisexual can affect their environment and experiences to change their future
Allow me to throw something into the discourse. I use to think that being gay was a choice but now I'm leaning more to people being born that way. The reason? I don't think people actually realize what they are truly saying if they say it is a choice. If being gay is truly a choice or an option on the table then that means that "straight" people are actually choosing to be straight. If being gay is a choice then what you are admitting is that, "Yeah, I could be gay but I choose to be straight." When I looked at it from that perspective I had to change my position. Why? Because being straight is not a choice. I didn't come out of my mom's womb and then some coin was flipped that on one side had gay and on the other side had straight and I just happened to pick the straight side. I was straight inside of my mother's womb and being attracted to women is hard wired into my very being. Also, the rape and molestation excuse doesn't really make sense either. Because if that is truly the case why doesn't it work in the opposite? How many stories do you have of gay children being molested by an adult of the opposite sex and that made them straight? Do you see where I'm going with this? If our sexuality is so pliable and malleable then why does it offend our sensibilities so much when people CHOOSE to be gay? If you are saying it is an option on the table then why is a person demonized for choosing that option? It doesn't make any sense to me. So, when you do the research you will discover that approximately 96% of the population is straight: www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/07/15/what-percentage-of-the-u-s-population-is-gay-lesbian-or-bisexual/ So you are talking about 4% of the population that label themselves LGBT. This means that statistically the so-called "GAY AGENDA" is an EPIC FAIL. There is never going to be a 100% success ratio for ANYTHING. So, if heterosexuality is clocking in at a 96% success ratio then that pretty much debunks the entire so-called "Gay Agenda" rhetoric. What that shows to me is that no matter what people try to do to demonize or control the sexuality of other people your sexuality is pretty much hard wired into you out of the womb. So if 96% of children are born heterosexual and 4% of children are born LGBT, what is the fuckin' issue or problem? If anything it should make you feel pretty good about yourself that no one can change your sexuality. Also, we need to admit and acknowledge that rape and molestation are crimes and not sexuality even though the person is being sexually assaulted. There have been men who have been sexually assaulted in prison by the same sex and they didn't turn gay because of it. There is nothing sexual about rape and molestation to the victim. The victim isn't going, "Damn, this feels kinda good!" The victim feels VIOLATED. So, let just put that into perspective. This is why people who go so hard body at homosexuality really need to be looked at with a raised eyebrow: www.ranker.com/list/top-10-anti-gay-activists-caught-being-gay/joanne Straight people don't waste their time sitting around and wondering what gay people are doing in private or how they have sex. Straight people are busy living their lives and smashing members of the opposite sex. If you are concentrating on how nasty gay sex is and about how members of the same sex have sex with each other then, in my opinion, you are just a little bit too curious and probably want some same sex action in your life. You are just a coward and too afraid to pursue what you want openly because it isn't socially acceptable with the masses of people to do so. In other words, you are just like the so-called "anti gay activists" in the article above; a hypocrite. These are just my opinions for what it is worth and I wholeheartedly accept that I can be 100% wrong and don't know wtf I'm talking about. LMAO
Babatunde24 I didn't say you choose to be male, Family. I'm completely ok with people being pissed with a position I take. BUT...at least get my position right. lol
Babatunde24 I'm not a liberal, btw. I'm not a conservative either and I'm not an independent or a centrist. I believe the positions you take depend on the circumstances you are dealing with. How would you know what tool to use unless you can identify what the problem is? If you say you are a hammer then you treat everything like a nail. If you say you are a scalpel then you treat everything like a surgery. I think it is much more intelligent to pick the tool for whatever the job is. IJS
Babatunde24 "you were buddy with that half breed who claim he Asian and cry about white movies" Hmmm...not sure who you are talking about, but...I subscribe to channels that have content I'm interested in. It doesn't make them my "buddy."
Lord Jamar reminds me of that one uncle who comes to family functions just to complain. Like he'll be at a BBQ complaining about flies and how the beers too cold. This nigga'll be like "It's mad flies out here, yo. All these fuckin' flies like, yadameeeaaan, like". lol
@rigged ref this might be true for some bc i have never experienced it so how would ik. but not all gay people have been sexually assaulted so this is kind of a shaky argument
This Jewish white man (VLAD) actually compared smoking weed or crack to Sex, to gay sex. I don't understand why two grown straight men are having a debate about homosexuality? That's like grown men having a debate about rape against women and if rape should be legal or not!
Kamari Christopher Watson Unfortunately, a small community within the rap and hiphop community have created an atmosphere of suffocation for LGBT*+ people.
@@TheJustme121 Nah, attraction isnt a choice. But ignorance, lack of information/truth in ones life, IS a choice. Still doesnt dismiss the clear programming/mind control all around us tho. U'd be a fool to deny that.
@@truth-sucks6143 How TF would you know it's a choice or not if you're not gay yourself? You didn't choose to become straight, it just happened. My whole life I've tried to be straight cause it would make my life easier, but it just hasn't happened.
Growing up around women does not make you gay!! My mom had 7 girls & 3 boys And although my oldest brother was gay, my sisters said he feminine at a early age. My other 2 brothers were women magnets because they were so good looking!! Born gay..not sure but its a good argument!
Growing up isolated from masculine male influence does. Just cause it don't guarantee it doesn't mean it isn't causal. You can get soaked in the rain and not get sick when you hut the AC. That don't mean you can say that cause everyone who got soaked didn't fall ill then being wet and cold don't make people sick. It does and we all know it does. Gay people are a small population. At the least single mother raised boys end up short on masculine traits and acquire traits that are female like being overly emotional and how they deal with conflict.(pettiness etc.)
@@Will-st4sy being wet and cold doesn't make you sick.... That's been proven by science. What causes illness is being exposed to virus and bacteria. Now stress, being really tired, etc all lowers your immune system, which make you get sick easier. Being wet and cold doesn't do make you sick. Only way cold could make you sick if you are near freezing. This based on medical science. So you saying "it does and we all know it does" is just wrong, and the whole being cold and wet comes from old wives tales. And not based on anysort of medical research. Shit men even masculine men are overly to emotional, a tough guy feels threaten/slighted and fight happens. That's letting your emotions run you. Yeah, masculine men may not cry over small stuff, but they can be overly emotional in a violent way. Dudes are just as capable of being petty even if not feminized. I am going get my lick back on the dude who jumped me.... That is petty, they couldn't take the L. Pettiness and revenge is universal between the sexes, it a human trait. So in another words your are full shit with what you said.
I grew up with four brothers and being the only girl I didn't think nothing of it, until the age of 12, when my mother who is very ladylike had me stop hanging out with them as much as I did and had me hang around her more. That's when I learn how to act more like a lady, my mom knew she had to step in to influence what a lady should be like. .
99% of the people here disagree with LordJamar but he's right, it's a choice.. and the last comment about the Apple CEO is on point as well, he will influence his lifestyle into the products because that's what money and power do. I have the money and power so I WANT it like this..
Wrath Of Yen LOL Nah the Truth just came out.They want to be considered a race of people or some different form of human being and not just a lifestyle. I knew a few gay females that say the samethingggggggggggggg. They choose to love females because its easier for them than dating men.
Wrath Of Yen They can't but to me whoever created you created you with either a dick or vagina for a reason. I just look at things logically and there is a reason why only a human man and woman can only naturally have children together. I guess to me it just seems illogical you can be born gay and same sex couples can't naturally have kids. . I think nature would allow for something like that if it was something more than a choice.
@Samir Ra Bashir omg that isnt how it works. Why tf would anyone choose to be gay? I mean we get ridiculed, hated, called names, our parents dont accept us and our friends abandon us. Its almost as if we dont make a choice. I literally never fucking chose to be gay. No real gay person wakes up and goes "I'm gonna be gay now" because that isnt how it works
Look up Ex-Stud testimony by Jackie Hill. Check out her spoken word on it too. She lived that lezbo lifestyle and talked about how God lead her out of it. Today she is happily married and with a new baby.
Some of these gays etc feel they were born that way Wich is a lost argument, I just pray for them, he said reincarnation, what? Bro there is only hell and heaven
topangel101 I saw this other documentary about a woman. She was a mega stud. She used to be a female pimp too. She got saved and started dressing like a women and become sober after being addicted to crack and alcohol. People are able to change
@@corneilmadison9436 if someone sees suicide as a way out as opposed to coming out as gay or lesbian how can you possibly believe thats a choice. My friend of 22 years Alex Riley hung himself after coming out to his parents. They sentbhim to 3 gay conversion camps. 6 month stay then and 8 month stay then a 12 month stay because to quote the pastor "It needs time to stick and reprogram his preference." 1 year after he came out he hung himself all because hypocrites couldnt accept him. My wife told me we should have let him live with us and supported him but its to little to late. You'll are fake Christians your god is a lie and an excuse for hatred and bigotry. Nothing in my Christian faith justifies killing, torturing, and breaking down young boys and girls so that we can feel more comfortable around them wtf is that? We are worse the the demons from hell who prey on innocence and corrupt and destroy it. Please open your eyes a persons preference is no choice and that guy saying hes straight now is gayer then super gayness on steroids give me a break.
aarons_picks ... Lmao what? How is that “toooo on point!” It’s complete bullshit, and something only an ignorant, uneducated person that doesn’t know anything about evolutionary biology would say
Orientation isn’t something that can be chosen. It happens on a atomic, molecular, and neurological. Preference is a choice, orientation is NOT. You’ll take advice from a rapper but their are many people in the psychological community that will tell you other wise that it’s not a choice. Attraction is something that you cannot control, no matter how hard you try. Society tried to force people to make it a choice because I know plenty of people that grew up in a two parent household, with brothers and all of that, and they turned out gay. And they didn’t choose that. I don’t care what any of y’all say and if to say that you choose it is pure ignorance.
I agree. They think that one day you see a man nude and all of a sudden you switched sides. NO. If you was straight and been straight you will always be straight. And if you have that option in the bag that you can just be gay without problem then you been lying to yourself and never come to terms with your sexuality
When they discussed why being gay is a choice, it makes sense. Because when I was born I didn’t know what I would like and the kind of person I would be. I learned things that shaped me into being who I wanted to be. Because of my environment I learned certain behaviors and what to like and what not to like.
My environment so homophobic like my country so u really think I've chosen to be gay? Rlly? That's illogical cuz it's dangerous for me to be gay but I'm not attracted to women still so it's not really a choice. Yes that's so many factors coincidence but not a choice actually. If it would be a choice i will not be a gay
Kinda right but no. If it would work there was no gay people in homophobic countries but I'm exist so that's wrong. Sexual orientation is complicated topic and so many factors for everyone. You said right thing but not enough to define sexual orientation unfortunately.
@@filinmitya That guy just said gay isn’t a choice. What he said was gay is something that you decide as a child. But at the age of 5 or whatever your not older enough to make that decision. Also that means he’s saying for the adult gay man it isn’t a choice and cannot switch genders because he’s not 5 ? I think thats what he was saying. I think gay is definitely not a choice and you definitely cannot change your sexuality. Anyone who thinks its a choice is stupid.
@@thehitman6963 yeah, in 5 years you have no much knowledge or experience to define or just think about that things. Actually it's hard to have a conversation about it. Like a child have no gender until parents teach about it(social behavior not sex. Sorry, that's different terms for me) But i still disagree with the phrase like( maybe i misheard because of my language barrier) his someone he know became gay cuz that guy was raped or smth about that... There's a correlation about that two different things but not a causation... Again it's so hard topic to discuss
This man is so on point! He is tapped on, and tuned in. I am so impressed with how his mind is so open. Lord Jamar is so interesting in how he communicates. I need a mind like his in my life one day. Someone who is awake and aware.
Being gay is a choice. They say it's not a choice because they're born that way. You pick up on things if you child's does something gay you tell them it's bad just like when your child says racist things it's picked up from their surroundings....admit it something happened abd your parents did nothing now your paying for it
X02Overdose what are you talking about? I never said or even insinuated such bullshit. I didn't decide shit. Puberty that that for me. I'm straight by the way. Just because I don't complety disregard the "born this way" theory doesn't automaticly mean that I'm gay.
Being gay or straight is not a choice, living the gay or straight lifestyle is...meaning you can be gay but choose to live a straight lifestyle but deep down u still gay
My one issue with people saying being gay is a choice is how religious people, use this as a means to say that somehow these people made the wrong choice and that they chose this lifestyle, and should feel shame. For me personally I had convinced myself for the longest time I was straight, I went to a Christian High School, went to church plenty of times, even had a pretty big crush on quite a few girls who went to school with me. Then as I turned 20 I began to experience new feelings towards men that made me feel icky because I thought it was somebody else trying to corrupt me, when in reality I now feel like it was just my pubescent emotions reaching full strength. At around age 24 I came out as Bi. Before I accepted these emotions as part of me, and myself as Bi, I had been unbelievably miserable depressed, and I hated these new feelings I had and I wanted them to go away. After I accepted these new feelings towards men as part of who I was, I noticed I was a much happier then I had been before. I am now more confident in myself because of accepting myself as Bi, so for me I feel like being gay is just something that you don’t know about until you reach a specific age, but perhaps it’s not so cut and dry for everyone else. One thing I can know for sure, is that while you might or might not get to be able to choose whether or not you are gay, I do know one can definitely choose whether or not to be happy.
Makes no sense people who use this has no argument. I choose to be straight when I seen how better men looked than women and choose to only like men and stick with it. I choose not to be bi, gay just straight. Just like they choose to be gay and only like the same sex.
Men and Women are biologically Supposed to attract one another reason we reproduce reason we have penises and reason they have vaginas reason they have eggs and we have sperm
So you believe there is such thing as knowing you're gay at such a young age where you don't even know what being attracted to someone even means? You don't know if someone is gay until they come out and admit to it, you dolt. There's been cases where young boys liked to dress up in women's clothing just because they LIKED to, but they didn't turn out bi or gay. So to say someone is born gay, you should be able to pinpoint it when they're only a month old because they don't even know what being attracted to someone even means at that age. And don't tell me "the gay gene takes time to fully function before you can tell" either. Being attracted to someone of your preference is a fucking choice.
Why would someone like the color blue? Because the sight of that color attracts them. They like the way it looks which is why it's their favorite color.
I have come to the conclusion that gay is definitely not a choice and it’s something the individual is born with and cannot change. Ok first when you say that being gay is a choice. Do you also agree that it’s a choice that all men can make or a choice that only gay men have ? Because by saying it’s a choice you are admitting that every man also has this option. I don’t know about you but I definitely cannot choose to be gay. I don’t have the sexual and romantic feeling for men. And that’s because I’m straight and its the same for gay people. They can see attractive women all day. They will never switch sides. That’s because you can’t choose what your sexuality is. And if you feel that you can choose to be gay then you probably was already gay and never tested yourself into knowing your sexuality.
The reason why they can't admit that is a choice it's because it been a choice do not come with any benefits to say that you was born that way and can't do anything about it that's where all the rights and everything come in at
Ok first when you say that being gay is a choice. Do you also agree that it’s a choice that all men can make or a choice that only gay men have ? Because by saying it’s a choice you are admitting that every man also has this option. I don’t know about you but I definitely cannot choose to be gay. I don’t have the sexual and romantic feeling for men. And that’s because I’m straight and its the same for gay people. They can see attractive women all day. They will never switch sides. That’s because you can’t choose what your sexuality is. And if you feel that you can choose to be gay then you probably was already gay and never tested yourself into knowing your sexuality.
i can definitely say that jamar is right about living in big cities, i feel so moody when im returning back into london but when im in the suburbs or outskirts of london, my mood & energy seems to be a lot higher.
This is crazy. If u are not gay then how the hell can u know if it's a choice or not! Why wouldn't you listening to ppl that's actually going through this. Time after Time u you hear the same thing. I'm Born This Way... Just accepted it and move the fuck on!!!
He's still Gay, he's just fighting it. Why doesn't Vlad and Jamar tell us when they decided not to be gay since they agree its a choice. I'm straight, but I never chose, it was never a question, it just was.
If being gay is a choice, could one of you gentleman out there choose, for the sake of debate, to be attracted to men for a limited period of time? Or can you not conceive doing that because it's not in your nature? Who would choose that lifestyle? Just because it's weird doesnt mean it's a choice.
@@raggahiphop46 They cant force themselves to actually like it though, I know the gay people in the parades and shit sure ain't forcing themselves to like it
I debate this in mind also because how do we explain how a kid from a traditional straight environment and they are so scared to tell their family they are gay? Not abused or around any gay people or any influences. I think there is a chromosome balance in each person and some have more male tendencies and some have more female tendencies regardless of their gender. I think some are truly gay and some are just being fashionable and trying different things and that's 2 different things. Some people I know wish they weren't gay because it makes life harder for them and they wanted a family but cant lie to themselves and pretend to be straight. I think for some it's not a choice and for some it is.
I’ll just tell you this. I did exactly what I was told as a black Christian boy growing up in the church. I didn’t even know what “gay” was I didn’t even have that vocabulary in me, but I knew VERY early on that I liked boys. Innocently I wrote my crush name on my arm, his name was Tyler, and when I got home I immediately was being berated and yelled at “WHOS name is that? WHO is that? Is that a BOY?!” And from that moment on my entire life changed. I didn’t even know why they were yelling but in that moment I figured out exactly what was wrong, so I lied. “Tyler is a girl she’s in my class you’ve met her before.” And in that moment I “chose” to be straight for 23 years. It’s not a choice. We never activated a magical power in our brains to choose who we are attracted to and have feelings for. The choices we do make are the ones that destroy us. We choose to hide, pretend to be straight because we were already TOLD from a young age shag who we are is NOT LOVED and will NEVER BE ACCEPTED.
@@KayJ2012 Well, its not natural. if it was normal, then how come the men and women's bodies and sexual organs are designed to compliment each other and reproduce. Can you say the same about two men or two women? If it was normal,. then should be natural.
@Nirmala Prabhakaran An attraction to someone or something is to an extent a choice It’s called free will m No one can force you to like something or someone
Jamar has a great practical straight forward thinking mind... Interesting guy to listen to.... Will definitely seek out more of his interviews.... Irish fan 🇮🇪
I believe it is somewhat of a choice. Gays/Lesbians decide to give into the temptation of dating the same sex, but they didn't choose to have the desire. It's almost like an addiction. Just my thoughts.
What ? 🥴 You just admitted its not a choice. Because normal straight men don’t have that feeling to want men. Its only gay people who have feeling. Which is because only gay men have that choice. NOT all men
It’s IS a choice. If you’re attracted to a person sexually then you discover they are a minor, you turn that attraction off. Literally. You turn the shit off. You like a someone you later learn is a family member? You turn that part off. We choose who we’re attracted to.
The problem with the analogy of weed and wanting to kill someone isn't a great one imo, because the difference is attraction is not a choice. You don't *choose* to be attracted to a woman when you initially see them, when they walk in the door - you're either attracted to them, or you're not, there's no choice. I'm talking physical attraction here, sexuality in that sense isn't a choice. You can get to know someone and not be attracted, but physically, you don't consciously think "okay, i'm gonna decide to be attracted to Beyonce", you see her and bam hormones are going. SO if a man thinks another man is sexually attractive, he's not deciding to feel/think that, it's a natural state. But I do think there's a spectrum, it's not black/white. Some people most likely choose to be gay, and some people are naturally born gay. Antoine is def still gay though.
Attraction is taught. We usually are attracted to the things that had played prominent roles in our life. Say for instance I could lived around black people my whole life, but if I grew up watching white people on tv and that had more of an influence on me than my environment more than likely I will grow up to be more attracted to white people and I would avoid interaction with black people. Most people was taught to believe that you can’t help who you love but even that is a contradiction because the key word is taught. Now this may not apply to every situation but for the situation it doesn’t apply to I’m pretty sure it’s an experience in their life that lead to their likes and dislikes. Not to mention data is passed through the dna so even before we are born we already have info living within us that we know nothing about when we are born and grow into adults. Now on the other side I could assume that the information that the creator put within me is the correct information (after all the creator made all of this possible) now when I look at the information the creator put within us it’s clear to see that it was meant for a man and women to be together hence reproduction. That is direction from the creator. Now anything other than that is the choice of man.
@@DonPTellemVision Funny how animals have gay sex.... you are talking about what you prefer not attraction... You know those gay conversion therapy places that try to turn gay people straight by getting them to act straight watch straight stuff doesn't work. Because they aren't attracted to other sex. You can get gay person to act straight, and straight person to act gay, but no one can make the not be what they are, otherwise gay conversion therapy would work. Thus I believe that you cant make straight person gay. So all this BS people been saying about the gay agenda is bull shit. People may not be born gay... I don't think kids are born either gay, or straight but isn't a choice. Reason why I say that little kids aren't sexually attracted to others. Sexual attractions shows up when you hit puberty. Yes your creator who or what ever that may be made people like this. Plus your creator made gay animals. if animals do it is natural.... So your creator is really just reflecting your personal views. And one sins is really should between their god and them, not you. Because you aren't as pure as you think you are either, we all are faulty with are sinful nature.
6:22 perfect point. No one is "born that way." No one is born a racist, an athlete, a liar, a thief, a bully, etc.. I have had this debate for years, and almost to the last person I asked, have never met anyone who is gay who did not have some history of sexual abuse in their childhood.
Vlad is wrong when he says there is a "controversy within the gay community" about whether or not being gay is a choice. This is only debated by those outside the community and laughed at by most inside.
@Punkanelly Lovejoy I didn't have them in hand, cause I was not prepared for some random person on RUclips not believing me. But anyway 5-sec Google search and here you go
I'm a proud gay man, and I am totally open to debating the extent to which being gay is a choice or not, and the underlying mechanisms causing it. This guy backs up his statements with no evidence whatsoever, no scientific studies, nothing like that. He wouldn't provide much of an intellectual challenge whatsoever.
Thing is that it doesn't even matter whether it's a choice or not (although it is.) As long as it's between consenting people and they aren't harming other one, homosexuality is not immoral. Homosexuality isn't even moral, it's simply a-moral.
Some people have an attraction to the same sex at a very early age, some even go through an experience that steers them in that direction. Some people gain an attraction toward the same sex over time and some even lose that attraction. The choice comes in when it comes to actually acting on the attraction. Consensually participating in homosexuality is in my opinion when one can say for sure that he/she is in fact gay or bi-sexual.
Even if it's a choice - which I don't believe it is. But still, lets assume it's a choice. Then let people choose whatever they please to. Is that so hard?
Gays don't really bother me. Its their power rangers that piss me off. Quick to call you homophobic because you don't agree with their views.
@Punkanelly Lovejoy do you know that from personal experience?
Lol. Power rangers??
@@klech8 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Some call them the pink mafia😂😂
vlad, the example you made using weed, was terrible
damnation 😂😂😂 I swear I was thinking the same thing when I heard it!
"We fuckin' get it, Vlad, you smoke weed..."
Sure was.
damnation OMG Yess! It was such a cringe🤦🏽♀️
Right 😂😂🤣
I know plenty of men who grew up in an all-female household and there ain't nothing feminine about these men. From Punkanelly Lovejoy aka Just Me
I'd love to meet those men and evaluate that statement because I don't think that's possible. Either they become docile or over aggressive.
They're called anomalies
Joshua marshall over aggressive is a masculine trait
@@whitefolks282 Being overly aggressive usually isn't a masculine trait depending on the environment or circumstance they're in for example if one is in prison they're just to be that way but if someone is walking around everyday life like that it's usually because of the lack of male influence on their life, lack of confidence or they're closet homosexual
John Miller there is no such thing as a closet homosexual either you choose to be gay or not
So because we that are not gays lesbians etc are now no longer allowed to have our own opinion. If you know y'all are so 100% right in your reality then it don't matter what the mass think
grace tshituka what's yo IG u fine
ashin kusher miss.g.t
Quentin Miller-Lite she isn’t anybody
Exactly grace
Vlad: Is being a gay a choice? You see I smoke weed.....
thebohemiangroove I was like Georl whaaat
Lollllll gay weed
Yeah taking a hit off a joint and liking the high is much different than choosing to suck on a dick one day and enjoying that 😭
Being gay is a choice. You might not be able to choose how you feel, but you can ALWAYS control your actions.
Yeah, but the action is not the being gay is it? That would be having gay sex. Being attracted to the opposite sex is the bring gay, so how can you control that? I don't find my own sex attractive, and can't see any way I could just decide to.
Chris Richardson lol somebody’s mad
@@Armere. Meaning me? Eh? How you figure that lol. I was just trying to input some facts as I saw them.
We can learn to fly by jumping off a cliff by that logic. Being gay is a state-of-being, like left handedness, race and eye-color, for example, as it embodies our minds, bodies and souls. The only choices are whether to have sex, and with whom. You imply gays can suppress their urges to have sex, but celibacy is a non-starter, except for asexuals. The sexual act is a way for humans to become fully alive, and the major way the species is promulgated. But reproduction isn't destiny, nature is. Homosexuals are natural, and homosexuality is their destiny. Understand that "homosexuality & homosexual," and "hetrosexuality & heterosexual," each one, are often "distinctions with a difference," as many homosexuals have children the "old fashioned way," and imprisoned heterosexuals often sexually engage their gender, for instance. You speak of "controlling your actions." Fine. Here's a moral-ethic we would do well to embrace: Every human relationship should be centered in love, that when promiscuity & adultery, hate & coercion, and pedophilia & pederasty, are present, individuals, families, communities and nations suffer. It's something heterosexuals have made difficult for homosexuals to inculcate, as they often make life hell for them, which make them go underground, and this often leads to drinking, drugging, promiscuity, suicide, etc. I'll give you "being gay is a choice." "You know my name. Say your name. And call theirs." With all due respect.
Propel who are gay are not by choice. They cannot control who they are attracted to
Vlad fronting like he was really talking about weed knowing damn well he's talking about being gay too.
SSTelevision Lord peeped that shit too..lol
Stop! 😂🤭
Jamar look disgusted LoL
I know! lol
He always looks disgusted whenever Vlad brings up the Gay Subject LMAO!
He ain't gonna go for Vlad's interviews again
I bet Lord Jamar got some good dick
Lmaooooo yeah he did 😂😂😂
I believe a lot of what Lord Jamar is saying but I wish human beings had a factory default setting when really bad shit happens to them.
100% truth that would be very helpful
It would help alot of us in so many ways. The world would not be so jacked up!!!!!
Estrogen and Testosterone levels don't determine if you are gay or straight. Maybe cause issues such as breast cancer and lack of body hair growth, but doesn't determine sexual preference.
Scientific evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that inherent sexuality is centered in human evolution, genetics, epigenetics, hormones and timing, all within the context of fetal development. Family, social and cultural dynamics play no role. Offer some, and I'll explain why not. Those dynamics, however, play central roles in attitudes about sexuality as well as policies and laws regulating it
Romans 1:25-32 25.Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator,who is blessed forever amen. 26. For this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27. And likewise also the men , leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. 28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,wickedness,covetousness, maliciousness,; full of envy,murder,debate,deceit,malignity; whisperers, Romans 30-32.
@@melissaisrael3905 Hmmmm, scientific facts, or book with a plethora or plotholes....
@@Ray03595 Definitely going with the book full of potholes, and then replying to all of these videos with the hashtag #facts to solidify it all.
I love intelligent people. It makes a person look more interesting and attractive.
Yess! me 2
Zarasha1 one of the few females that cares about intelligence instead of length or some shit like that
you must find Lord Jamar ugly as hell then
@@spideydudenof7085 they dont care about length either. Just money, status or power and popularity
I never had a choice....the thought of being gay never crossed my mind..
If someone offered a hundred million, one billion, 10 billion dollars, I CANNOT be gay...it's just not possible... Period
Marak Lia It’s environmental / choices based deffff not born that way
And you choose not to be gay by expressing you cannot.
Facts. Gay is only a choice that gay men have. The normal straight guy shouldn’t have that option.
That’s because we are naturally born to like the opposite sex as we get a little older whenever we hit puberty. Anyone who is gay decided to be that way for whatever their reasons may be. It’s definitely unnatural and people are not born that way
The ignorance is profound. Did Vlad really compare drug addiction to a sexual orientation? On that note, Dodson suggested that he was born gay by saying that he was attracted to his male classmates in school at an early age. There are heterosexual men who were raped by men as children and aren't gay. He's only deflecting by blaming his environment and upbringing.
Let people be who they want to be. Just make sure you practice safe sex.
***** you're always gonna have homosexuals feeling attacked even by a simple conversation because of insecurity. dude did say he looked at boys but he also said he was raised by females so wouldnt you say looking at boys was happening alot around him, homosexuals realize that the more ppl understand this the more ppl are going to realize the b.s. the talking
inquisitive871 I don't see one fucking neuroscientist or psychologist validating anything they have discussed. Science has disproved all of that and yet they cling to the notion because they want to. I'm blown away though by Vlad's comment...
Hard Head How is it sensitive when the man is talking about rape and molestation. There is nothing funny or light hearted about that. Instead of giving two fucks about that they sat here and joked about it and made it seem as if BECAUSE he was raped he now likes to fuck men because it opened his eyes to the possibilities... ITS IGNORANT... Most black households only have 1 mother and no men just girls but you don't see them turning out truck loads of gays... thats a fucking cop out and Antoin is GUESSING! He said he THINKS!
inquisitive871 his comparison was totally justified. and antone said he was that way from an early age because he grew up surrounded by other females, i know two friends like that and though they are straight they act very camp. but let me guess they were born that way right?
***** And Religion or normality is not? Science at least tries instead of having a bunch of contradictions and exceptions. Of course its easy to denounce science when it doesn't agree with the way someone wants to think... like they sit around and make shit up for the hell of it. Why even have scientists if noone is going to take their hard work and dedication seriously?
That part about goods being outlined with estrogen is true. They also do the same with plastic baby bottles and water bottles. When baby bottles are warmed up, it releases the estrogen. These mofos try and make you gay for real.
That's true, but most gay people are gay in perception, not physically. When talking about estrogens, that deals with the physical like breasts, ass, and hips. When you talk about being homosexual, that deals with the brain, and perception. Most gay people are like that from stress on the brain, whether from trauma when young, and the brain is still developing, or when in the mothers stomach.
Stress can come from different things. It can be traumatic experiences, drugs or from diet. For example lot of people drink a lot!drinks with caffeine in them, and this can cause the brain to being hyper sensitive. This hyper sensitivity can overtime make one attracted to the same sex due to the taboo of it. This causes their brain to be more stimulated then regular sex because the over use of stimulants has lowered their brain blood flow, and that means less neurotransmitters, and that means a brain that will be sensitive to most stimuli.
Unfortunately, most people aren't going to change their lifestyles, so homosexuals will always be a part of our world, so we might as well let them be, as long as they aren't harming anyone. Look how many people smoke all the time, or drink coffee in the morning only to sit down all day. Coffee, and tea, are meant to be used to get you active, and do physical work much easier. Most people just sit down all day after drinking caffeinated drinks, and that means more stimulation of the brain that isn't good for it.
In the end, WE created this, so its up to us to admit our lifestyle is to blame. Not the media, not the devil, US!
bubblehashman I meant mothers belly, not stomach.
If you want to learn more, google bisexuality, and serotonin/dopamine. You will see that low dopamine, and serotonin, is connected to bisexuality/homosexuality, at least in fruit flies, but once you learn how those neurotransmitters effect perception, you can see how that the research can easily translate to humans.
tyrone Jones read about this. Scary. Glass bottle all the way, preferably brown glass bottles or the best route: #breastfeeding, natural.
What's annoying with 'how #LordJamar answers or responds to Vlad's questions?' Some of commenters, how they translate that: as LJ being obsessed with "this topic," versus The One that poses the questions on this topic. How is that balanced thinking? Now, don't know if Vlad is obsessed with "this topic," I don't care. But we're all watching the same video here, yet some will comment like they saw 'something else.' Like they saw LJ "bringing up this topic," but that's clearly not what's shown herein. Lord Jamar, stay sober-minded and keep droppin' jewels!
Lord Jamar went over a lot of heads when he started talking about reincarnation perspective
Reincarnation makes totally no sense, I once talked to a person on discord who believed in reincarnation & you know what he/she told me, that she thinks that committing suicide is okay because of reincarnation you'll be born again, dude that fucked up
No it didnt.
@@KhalilSonic you were obviously talking to a sick person. The Buddhist religion most certainly does not teach anything so sick. But would you like me to show you the chapters in the Bible that condone murder, war, slavery and rape. I see the Christians are still demonizing other people's religions
@@punkanellylovejoy702 where does the bible condone that stuff. Funny when god specifically stated that he was against it. Trying to twist the words in the bible to fit your narrative. Smh
@@0Doves0 Ok you dumb uneducated brainwashed behind the times bitch. All you have to do is go to Google and say: which chapters of the Bible condone murder war slavery rape, and killing of homosexuals and the killing of women who are not virgins at marriage, excetera excetera. And then for all the deniers who try to tell you that Jesus was sent to to do away with the old testament, ask Google: where in the New testament did Jesus say You must obey everything in the old testament? And that's all you have to do, and after reading that sick s***and you still don't believe that the Bible is man-made then you truly are one stupid ass brainwashed bitch. Now shake your head on THAT! Better yet, shake your whole body honey, shake EVERYTHING you got! You may as well throw on some Jacksons and shake your body down to the ground, you ignorant slut!
Our sexual preferences are learned through experience, as there is no way someone (a foetus) can be born wanting to be intimate with a specific sex that they have no comprehension of. Everyone has the potential to be attracted to whatever they want. If you are claiming that people are born gay or straight, then the burden of proof lies on you, and there is no evidence of this.
Oscar facts
Where are the evidences for your claim
Please hand me a CREDIBLE source
Sharax Leh that is Bs if that were the case then people are born Christian's or muslims
Oscar .. if you can be attracted to whatever you want, then that makes us bisexual. You're contradicting yourself
Oscar it's proven that opposites attract
my uncle (moms brother) grew up with 5 older sisters. he did not pick up on any women behaviour, and i think being around women all the time teaches you how to better relate to women, and that way you'll attract more women and get more women in your life. In 99% of the time i think this is the way it goes.
Lots of people sexually abused as children or who had trains run on them in county among their ranks. They can't forget that stuff.
God wants His rainbow back...
Letucces Satan.. Bullshit, devil. I saw a double rainbow in the valley just today. In your face, Trick...
@Letucces Satan I bet He does. And, I am more sure your burn in hell.
@@alijahanyagwosi5061 Amen to that!
Anyone who is okay with literally anybody burning in hell forever and ever is not a good person. That's so fucked up and you literally hope people burn for eternity.
That’s not the point of the fucking rainbow dumbass read the damn bible
that weed analogy went over my head 😂
4everbrina cus it was lame and irrelevant...
Weed is bad for you
Being an 88 year old gay man who grew up in a heterosexual family, married, had 4 children, of course divorced, I never accepted my gayness!
Due to a prostate removal two years after my divorce, I was unable to have sex.
It is sooo sad that from my childhood, I had to hide my sexuality.
Yes, living an immoral life in neither good for a heterosexual or a homosexual person, but being born that way is not a choice.
Churches need to wake up to the reality that one is born to have a sexuality and they need to accept this!
The gay CEO of apple has used his power to promote his homosexual agenda, by making new emojis of two men kissing, holding hands, and even marrying each other, jamar is right!!
Its the IOS 10 update
He keep it real some people can’t handle the truth 💯
That’s just his truth - doesn’t mean he or you are actually speaking any truth
Whatever you say man lol
No need to scream David Cyr - ya fucken goof
Homosexuality is a choice no matter what people say it is a choice
Baxter I have the urge to drink 🍹 I have the urge to do immoral things and I choose not to because I know is not right,,but I guess is what kind person you are,I respect every person no matter their Believe but to me every thing is a choice we decide what we do💓
@@michaelm3943 prove his comment was idiotic . There is no science to show you are born gay , so to call this person names with no counter argument is the most foolish thing you can do . There is no gay gene , let alone a "trans" gene . Humans are the only creatures on earth that chose to be in same sex relationships.
Bitch tf??? I'm gay and I never fucking made that choice
@@viankarby7599 no shit we decide what we do moron. you cant decide on how you feel.
Maybe some choose to be gay and some are born gay. Why must everything be all or nothing?
Jamar hit the nail on the head talking about residual feelings from past lives. I think that's a huge component, but definitely abuse/trauma are huge components to it also.
They displayed their intellectual superiority in this discussion and it's a damn shame that these perfectly natural perspectives are condemned in modern society.
People do realize and are purposely damaging a fragile child’s mind from 0 Months- adolescent, young adults. They know how this influence of transsexual, homosexual and bisexual can affect their environment and experiences to change their future
Allow me to throw something into the discourse.
I use to think that being gay was a choice but now I'm leaning more to people being born that way. The reason? I don't think people actually realize what they are truly saying if they say it is a choice. If being gay is truly a choice or an option on the table then that means that "straight" people are actually choosing to be straight. If being gay is a choice then what you are admitting is that, "Yeah, I could be gay but I choose to be straight." When I looked at it from that perspective I had to change my position. Why? Because being straight is not a choice. I didn't come out of my mom's womb and then some coin was flipped that on one side had gay and on the other side had straight and I just happened to pick the straight side. I was straight inside of my mother's womb and being attracted to women is hard wired into my very being.
Also, the rape and molestation excuse doesn't really make sense either. Because if that is truly the case why doesn't it work in the opposite? How many stories do you have of gay children being molested by an adult of the opposite sex and that made them straight? Do you see where I'm going with this? If our sexuality is so pliable and malleable then why does it offend our sensibilities so much when people CHOOSE to be gay? If you are saying it is an option on the table then why is a person demonized for choosing that option? It doesn't make any sense to me.
So, when you do the research you will discover that approximately 96% of the population is straight: www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/07/15/what-percentage-of-the-u-s-population-is-gay-lesbian-or-bisexual/
So you are talking about 4% of the population that label themselves LGBT. This means that statistically the so-called "GAY AGENDA" is an EPIC FAIL. There is never going to be a 100% success ratio for ANYTHING. So, if heterosexuality is clocking in at a 96% success ratio then that pretty much debunks the entire so-called "Gay Agenda" rhetoric. What that shows to me is that no matter what people try to do to demonize or control the sexuality of other people your sexuality is pretty much hard wired into you out of the womb. So if 96% of children are born heterosexual and 4% of children are born LGBT, what is the fuckin' issue or problem? If anything it should make you feel pretty good about yourself that no one can change your sexuality.
Also, we need to admit and acknowledge that rape and molestation are crimes and not sexuality even though the person is being sexually assaulted. There have been men who have been sexually assaulted in prison by the same sex and they didn't turn gay because of it. There is nothing sexual about rape and molestation to the victim. The victim isn't going, "Damn, this feels kinda good!" The victim feels VIOLATED. So, let just put that into perspective.
This is why people who go so hard body at homosexuality really need to be looked at with a raised eyebrow: www.ranker.com/list/top-10-anti-gay-activists-caught-being-gay/joanne
Straight people don't waste their time sitting around and wondering what gay people are doing in private or how they have sex. Straight people are busy living their lives and smashing members of the opposite sex. If you are concentrating on how nasty gay sex is and about how members of the same sex have sex with each other then, in my opinion, you are just a little bit too curious and probably want some same sex action in your life. You are just a coward and too afraid to pursue what you want openly because it isn't socially acceptable with the masses of people to do so. In other words, you are just like the so-called "anti gay activists" in the article above; a hypocrite.
These are just my opinions for what it is worth and I wholeheartedly accept that I can be 100% wrong and don't know wtf I'm talking about.
You are a liberal.....I figured that much when you were buddy with that half breed who claim he Asian and cry about white movies......
Saying you chose to be straight is like saying you chose to be male.....your ignorance is amazing.
Babatunde24 I didn't say you choose to be male, Family. I'm completely ok with people being pissed with a position I take. BUT...at least get my position right. lol
Babatunde24 I'm not a liberal, btw. I'm not a conservative either and I'm not an independent or a centrist. I believe the positions you take depend on the circumstances you are dealing with. How would you know what tool to use unless you can identify what the problem is? If you say you are a hammer then you treat everything like a nail. If you say you are a scalpel then you treat everything like a surgery. I think it is much more intelligent to pick the tool for whatever the job is. IJS
Babatunde24 "you were buddy with that half breed who claim he Asian and cry about white movies"
Hmmm...not sure who you are talking about, but...I subscribe to channels that have content I'm interested in. It doesn't make them my "buddy."
Lord Jamar reminds me of that one uncle who comes to family functions just to complain.
Like he'll be at a BBQ complaining about flies and how the beers too cold. This nigga'll be like "It's mad flies out here, yo. All these fuckin' flies like, yadameeeaaan, like". lol
why would sexual abuse cause someone to be gay? Im genuinely asking why would that change a persons orientation, I can not connect it
Early sexual stimulation
@rigged ref this might be true for some bc i have never experienced it so how would ik. but not all gay people have been sexually assaulted so this is kind of a shaky argument
Its common sense! No one is born gay.
Very Interesting ignore the negative feedback.. Much respect to Lord Jamar as always for his perspective.
Ersh Man Yeah, let's all respect some punk-ass 50-year-old drug-addicted rapper. You dumb-ass.
If it's natural, why is there no gay lions ,tigers, and bears? Just a question.
HalleluYah my Brother! Teach!
Oh my
I always say that bruh...
@Alex9000 Word? Show me a gay Crocodile or a gay bald eagle... You are F.O.S
This Jewish white man (VLAD) actually compared smoking weed or crack to Sex, to gay sex. I don't understand why two grown straight men are having a debate about homosexuality? That's like grown men having a debate about rape against women and if rape should be legal or not!
Kamari Christopher Watson Unfortunately, a small community within the rap and hiphop community have created an atmosphere of suffocation for LGBT*+ people.
Kamari Christopher Watson rape should be legal
Civil Rights I watched that video last night.
potlovingchef14 Right! Because Russian is indeed a religion. Who knew?
I had hunch that Vlad is Jewish and now it makes sense to me how he plays a role in dumbing down our youth.
I've come to realize that it's def a choice. It's all programming.
No it isn’t you moron
So you believe you have chosen the sex you are attracted to?
@@TheJustme121 Nah, attraction isnt a choice. But ignorance, lack of information/truth in ones life, IS a choice. Still doesnt dismiss the clear programming/mind control all around us tho. U'd be a fool to deny that.
@@ashsusjsjekwek8282 where's the gene
It can't be a choice, who in their right mind would choose to make their life way more difficult by being gay?
Yes it is, When you chose to do something that you feel is right too you people would do it no matter the cost.
@@truth-sucks6143 How TF would you know it's a choice or not if you're not gay yourself? You didn't choose to become straight, it just happened.
My whole life I've tried to be straight cause it would make my life easier, but it just hasn't happened.
@@truth-sucks6143 if it was so easy to choose i woulda been straight when i was trying to be straight
beep boop makes no sense to me. I’m sorry but I just don’t get it
Lord Jamar never disappoint with his facts
all printer no fax
Lol no facts
@@rlast4698 He speaks facts
Growing up around women does not make you gay!!
My mom had 7 girls & 3 boys
And although my oldest brother was gay, my sisters said he feminine at a early age. My other 2 brothers were women magnets because they were so good looking!! Born gay..not sure but its a good argument!
Growing up isolated from masculine male influence does. Just cause it don't guarantee it doesn't mean it isn't causal. You can get soaked in the rain and not get sick when you hut the AC. That don't mean you can say that cause everyone who got soaked didn't fall ill then being wet and cold don't make people sick. It does and we all know it does. Gay people are a small population. At the least single mother raised boys end up short on masculine traits and acquire traits that are female like being overly emotional and how they deal with conflict.(pettiness etc.)
@@Will-st4sy being wet and cold doesn't make you sick.... That's been proven by science. What causes illness is being exposed to virus and bacteria. Now stress, being really tired, etc all lowers your immune system, which make you get sick easier. Being wet and cold doesn't do make you sick. Only way cold could make you sick if you are near freezing.
This based on medical science. So you saying "it does and we all know it does" is just wrong, and the whole being cold and wet comes from old wives tales. And not based on anysort of medical research.
Shit men even masculine men are overly to emotional, a tough guy feels threaten/slighted and fight happens. That's letting your emotions run you. Yeah, masculine men may not cry over small stuff, but they can be overly emotional in a violent way. Dudes are just as capable of being petty even if not feminized. I am going get my lick back on the dude who jumped me.... That is petty, they couldn't take the L. Pettiness and revenge is universal between the sexes, it a human trait.
So in another words your are full shit with what you said.
I grew up with four brothers and being the only girl I didn't think nothing of it, until the age of 12, when my mother who is very ladylike had me stop hanging out with them as much as I did and had me hang around her more. That's when I learn how to act more like a lady, my mom knew she had to step in to influence what a lady should be like. .
Feminine at a early age comes from him picking those traits when he was younger
99% of the people here disagree with LordJamar but he's right, it's a choice..
and the last comment about the Apple CEO is on point as well, he will influence his lifestyle into the products because that's what money and power do. I have the money and power so I WANT it like this..
danielwcas you nor LJ have no scientific proof that it’s a choice
I don’t think it’s a choice tbh
@@kingofloveandwar93 That's cause you probably gay lol
Supie badazz Well yea I am bi so u half right lol
You're a moron, it's not a fucking choice.
1st of all. Why can't it be both: either a choice or something you're born with
2nd. Why the fuck DO y'all even care who is gay and who isn't gay?
Wrath Of Yen LOL Nah the Truth just came out.They want to be considered a race of people or some different form of human being and not just a lifestyle. I knew a few gay females that say the samethingggggggggggggg. They choose to love females because its easier for them than dating men.
***** Yeah but how can those few females speak for every lesbian tho?
Wrath Of Yen They can't but to me whoever created you created you with either a dick or vagina for a reason. I just look at things logically and there is a reason why only a human man and woman can only naturally have children together. I guess to me it just seems illogical you can be born gay and same sex couples can't naturally have kids. . I think nature would allow for something like that if it was something more than a choice.
Wrath Of Yen "Why can't it be both: either a choice or something you're born with"
This cannot be a serious question
andrewszombie It is. Why do people who aren't gay even give a fuck what gay people do?
Saying that someone is born is gay is like saying someone is born racist.
You're an idiot. attraction is different than a ideology. People are amazingly idiotic.
Jon Giron nice one, you must've used your whole head that time. Proud of you.
andrew Ccv if you don't like the opinions of anyone else then don't read my comment, and move on.
How is that?
***** You.. you can not be serious? I had my phone down, bursting into laughter.
I think their sexual lifestyle is a choice, not their psychological disorder. Love Antoine by the way, he is cool, smart and honest!
I DNT choose to like woman I just Doo
@Samir Ra Bashir its not
@Samir Ra Bashir omg that isnt how it works. Why tf would anyone choose to be gay? I mean we get ridiculed, hated, called names, our parents dont accept us and our friends abandon us. Its almost as if we dont make a choice. I literally never fucking chose to be gay. No real gay person wakes up and goes "I'm gonna be gay now" because that isnt how it works
@Samir Ra Bashir No I didnt
@Samir Ra Bashir I don't hate it. And I cant just stop being gay. I'm physically not attracted towards boys why is this so hard to understand?
@Samir Ra BashirHuh??
That smoking weed analogy is a bs analogy.
Look up Ex-Stud testimony by Jackie Hill. Check out her spoken word on it too. She lived that lezbo lifestyle and talked about how God lead her out of it. Today she is happily married and with a new baby.
Some of these gays etc feel they were born that way Wich is a lost argument, I just pray for them, he said reincarnation, what? Bro there is only hell and heaven
topangel101 I saw this other documentary about a woman. She was a mega stud. She used to be a female pimp too. She got saved and started dressing like a women and become sober after being addicted to crack and alcohol. People are able to change
@@corneilmadison9436 if someone sees suicide as a way out as opposed to coming out as gay or lesbian how can you possibly believe thats a choice. My friend of 22 years Alex Riley hung himself after coming out to his parents. They sentbhim to 3 gay conversion camps. 6 month stay then and 8 month stay then a 12 month stay because to quote the pastor "It needs time to stick and reprogram his preference." 1 year after he came out he hung himself all because hypocrites couldnt accept him. My wife told me we should have let him live with us and supported him but its to little to late. You'll are fake Christians your god is a lie and an excuse for hatred and bigotry. Nothing in my Christian faith justifies killing, torturing, and breaking down young boys and girls so that we can feel more comfortable around them wtf is that? We are worse the the demons from hell who prey on innocence and corrupt and destroy it. Please open your eyes a persons preference is no choice and that guy saying hes straight now is gayer then super gayness on steroids give me a break.
CRUUUUUUUUCIAL ON THE "impressions from the last life"!!!! Too on point! Speak dat truth!!!
aarons_picks ... Lmao what? How is that “toooo on point!” It’s complete bullshit, and something only an ignorant, uneducated person that doesn’t know anything about evolutionary biology would say
yo im starting to believe Vlad is not that bright.
sowithit2336 right! The stuff he says is cringeworthy and irrelevant...
Well, he asks good questions but the things he says made me realize he is quite naive.
Can't be doing these interviews with all this attention and not be bright THAT'S TUFF
Lord Jamar just said some real shit
You still have gatekeepers who can control the mainstream which effect what is popular on the internet.
Orientation isn’t something that can be chosen. It happens on a atomic, molecular, and neurological. Preference is a choice, orientation is NOT. You’ll take advice from a rapper but their are many people in the psychological community that will tell you other wise that it’s not a choice. Attraction is something that you cannot control, no matter how hard you try.
Society tried to force people to make it a choice because I know plenty of people that grew up in a two parent household, with brothers and all of that, and they turned out gay. And they didn’t choose that. I don’t care what any of y’all say and if to say that you choose it is pure ignorance.
So straight ppl are born straight? Lmao
@@HoweyJR_ yea they are
I agree. They think that one day you see a man nude and all of a sudden you switched sides. NO. If you was straight and been straight you will always be straight. And if you have that option in the bag that you can just be gay without problem then you been lying to yourself and never come to terms with your sexuality
I only like these interviews when the guest is intelligent, I don't like Vladimir, this was a great guest
Vlad has to hold ALL the Ls for that weed analogy.
When they discussed why being gay is a choice, it makes sense. Because when I was born I didn’t know what I would like and the kind of person I would be. I learned things that shaped me into being who I wanted to be. Because of my environment I learned certain behaviors and what to like and what not to like.
So your saying you don’t have that choice anymore and it’s a choice you only have at a young age?
My environment so homophobic like my country so u really think I've chosen to be gay? Rlly? That's illogical cuz it's dangerous for me to be gay but I'm not attracted to women still so it's not really a choice. Yes that's so many factors coincidence but not a choice actually. If it would be a choice i will not be a gay
Kinda right but no. If it would work there was no gay people in homophobic countries but I'm exist so that's wrong. Sexual orientation is complicated topic and so many factors for everyone. You said right thing but not enough to define sexual orientation unfortunately.
That guy just said gay isn’t a choice. What he said was gay is something that you decide as a child. But at the age of 5 or whatever your not older enough to make that decision. Also that means he’s saying for the adult gay man it isn’t a choice and cannot switch genders because he’s not 5 ? I think thats what he was saying.
I think gay is definitely not a choice and you definitely cannot change your sexuality. Anyone who thinks its a choice is stupid.
@@thehitman6963 yeah, in 5 years you have no much knowledge or experience to define or just think about that things. Actually it's hard to have a conversation about it. Like a child have no gender until parents teach about it(social behavior not sex. Sorry, that's different terms for me)
But i still disagree with the phrase like( maybe i misheard because of my language barrier) his someone he know became gay cuz that guy was raped or smth about that... There's a correlation about that two different things but not a causation... Again it's so hard topic to discuss
This man is so on point! He is tapped on, and tuned in. I am so impressed with how his mind is so open. Lord Jamar is so interesting in how he communicates. I need a mind like his in my life one day. Someone who is awake and aware.
I just looked at his birth chart and he has Mercury conjunct Venus.
@@Patrick-de8qg OK, do tell?
Serious question for people who think being gay is a choice,
why would you choose to be stigmatized???
Because you have deep mental and psychological scars and doing with naysayers here and there is easier than facing your demons.
The reason why people commit crimes why do they when they know the consequences
If being gay isnt a choice then being a pedophile isnt either. Its 100% a choice, and if you chose it thats all good, but gtfo with that bs.
@@Amgeezy did you choose to be straight?
@@izoedyourbabydaddy7628 If course I did. Everybody got choices, just like how people choose to act blind to that fact when they want to.
Being gay is a choice. They say it's not a choice because they're born that way. You pick up on things if you child's does something gay you tell them it's bad just like when your child says racist things it's picked up from their surroundings....admit it something happened abd your parents did nothing now your paying for it
Seddy White ur a moron
***** any care taker you idiot
So when did you decide to be straight?
I guess when I did my first gay act and my mom beat my ass for it or when I decided cooties didn't exist
X02Overdose what are you talking about? I never said or even insinuated such bullshit. I didn't decide shit. Puberty that that for me.
I'm straight by the way. Just because I don't complety disregard the "born this way" theory doesn't automaticly mean that I'm gay.
Being gay or straight is not a choice, living the gay or straight lifestyle is...meaning you can be gay but choose to live a straight lifestyle but deep down u still gay
My one issue with people saying being gay is a choice is how religious people, use this as a means to say that somehow these people made the wrong choice and that they chose this lifestyle, and should feel shame. For me personally I had convinced myself for the longest time I was straight, I went to a Christian High School, went to church plenty of times, even had a pretty big crush on quite a few girls who went to school with me. Then as I turned 20 I began to experience new feelings towards men that made me feel icky because I thought it was somebody else trying to corrupt me, when in reality I now feel like it was just my pubescent emotions reaching full strength. At around age 24 I came out as Bi. Before I accepted these emotions as part of me, and myself as Bi, I had been unbelievably miserable depressed, and I hated these new feelings I had and I wanted them to go away. After I accepted these new feelings towards men as part of who I was, I noticed I was a much happier then I had been before. I am now more confident in myself because of accepting myself as Bi, so for me I feel like being gay is just something that you don’t know about until you reach a specific age, but perhaps it’s not so cut and dry for everyone else. One thing I can know for sure, is that while you might or might not get to be able to choose whether or not you are gay, I do know one can definitely choose whether or not to be happy.
Lord Jamar knows alot of shit
Have you noticed when a woman says she was raped, they play the sad music and go all serious but when a man says he was raped, it's like who cares?
Watching these old Lord Jamar Video. These Videos compared to the ones now. Lord Jamars his Growth reconizable & amazing.
He’s a Very woke man...good interview 💯
Looser Kid not as woke as you think
Why Vlad. Why?
@@1lonewolfbeats a bitch named lonewolf
If it's a choice then when did you "choose" to be straight ...or was it something you always knew/felt 💁🏾
Makes no sense people who use this has no argument. I choose to be straight when I seen how better men looked than women and choose to only like men and stick with it. I choose not to be bi, gay just straight. Just like they choose to be gay and only like the same sex.
@@truth-sucks6143 lmfaoo you just said u had an attraction to men rather than women out the gate. Thats not a choice lol that was great
@The Black Dawn/Ajjqi
When you saw that men were more attractive, did you choose to find them attractive?
Men and Women are biologically Supposed to attract one another reason we reproduce reason we have penises and reason they have vaginas reason they have eggs and we have sperm
lol, stop it. Nobody is born gay. Were you born to believe blue is your favorite color?
So you believe there is such thing as knowing you're gay at such a young age where you don't even know what being attracted to someone even means? You don't know if someone is gay until they come out and admit to it, you dolt. There's been cases where young boys liked to dress up in women's clothing just because they LIKED to, but they didn't turn out bi or gay.
So to say someone is born gay, you should be able to pinpoint it when they're only a month old because they don't even know what being attracted to someone even means at that age.
And don't tell me "the gay gene takes time to fully function before you can tell" either. Being attracted to someone of your preference is a fucking choice.
Why would someone like the color blue? Because the sight of that color attracts them. They like the way it looks which is why it's their favorite color.
I have come to the conclusion that gay is definitely not a choice and it’s something the individual is born with and cannot change.
Ok first when you say that being gay is a choice. Do you also agree that it’s a choice that all men can make or a choice that only gay men have ? Because by saying it’s a choice you are admitting that every man also has this option. I don’t know about you but I definitely cannot choose to be gay. I don’t have the sexual and romantic feeling for men. And that’s because I’m straight and its the same for gay people. They can see attractive women all day. They will never switch sides. That’s because you can’t choose what your sexuality is. And if you feel that you can choose to be gay then you probably was already gay and never tested yourself into knowing your sexuality.
Nirmala Prabhakaran Being gay is enviormntal/choice .
@@OGKWAM no it isn’t
Lmfaooo Vlad tried to come out of the closet using weed
This dude is just too real. 💯
The reason why they can't admit that is a choice it's because it been a choice do not come with any benefits to say that you was born that way and can't do anything about it that's where all the rights and everything come in at
Ok first when you say that being gay is a choice. Do you also agree that it’s a choice that all men can make or a choice that only gay men have ? Because by saying it’s a choice you are admitting that every man also has this option. I don’t know about you but I definitely cannot choose to be gay. I don’t have the sexual and romantic feeling for men. And that’s because I’m straight and its the same for gay people. They can see attractive women all day. They will never switch sides. That’s because you can’t choose what your sexuality is. And if you feel that you can choose to be gay then you probably was already gay and never tested yourself into knowing your sexuality.
i can definitely say that jamar is right about living in big cities, i feel so moody when im returning back into london but when im in the suburbs or outskirts of london, my mood & energy seems to be a lot higher.
This is crazy. If u are not gay then how the hell can u know if it's a choice or not! Why wouldn't you listening to ppl that's actually going through this. Time after Time u you hear the same thing. I'm Born This Way... Just accepted it and move the fuck on!!!
I'm not born Straight or Gay. I was born BLACK FIRST!!!!!!!
I prefer women,so i choose straight.
I was definitely born straight tf
@Mason Moore how are you confused
@Mason Moore you said alot of nothing... no one is saying you can't be gay... that's your CHOICE
@Mason Moore yes it Is... and clearly hes saying so by saying he chose to be straight
there you go its a choice
It's a lie and confusion
He's still Gay, he's just fighting it. Why doesn't Vlad and Jamar tell us when they decided not to be gay since they agree its a choice. I'm straight, but I never chose, it was never a question, it just was.
Cause that's natural 😂
🤣🤣 I'm laughing so hard rn
Your straight cuz all men where born that way it's natural stop advocating going against nature
If being gay is a choice, could one of you gentleman out there choose, for the sake of debate, to be attracted to men for a limited period of time? Or can you not conceive doing that because it's not in your nature? Who would choose that lifestyle? Just because it's weird doesnt mean it's a choice.
We never seem to get a rational answer to this challenge, do we?
@@cchris874 I'm gay and i know for a fact it wasn't a choice. There we go challenge completed lol. :-)
@@bboybreaks6487 touché
To be fair on could force them selves to do it
@@raggahiphop46 They cant force themselves to actually like it though, I know the gay people in the parades and shit sure ain't forcing themselves to like it
I debate this in mind also because how do we explain how a kid from a traditional straight environment and they are so scared to tell their family they are gay? Not abused or around any gay people or any influences. I think there is a chromosome balance in each person and some have more male tendencies and some have more female tendencies regardless of their gender. I think some are truly gay and some are just being fashionable and trying different things and that's 2 different things. Some people I know wish they weren't gay because it makes life harder for them and they wanted a family but cant lie to themselves and pretend to be straight. I think for some it's not a choice and for some it is.
I’ll just tell you this. I did exactly what I was told as a black Christian boy growing up in the church. I didn’t even know what “gay” was I didn’t even have that vocabulary in me, but I knew VERY early on that I liked boys. Innocently I wrote my crush name on my arm, his name was Tyler, and when I got home I immediately was being berated and yelled at “WHOS name is that? WHO is that? Is that a BOY?!” And from that moment on my entire life changed. I didn’t even know why they were yelling but in that moment I figured out exactly what was wrong, so I lied. “Tyler is a girl she’s in my class you’ve met her before.” And in that moment I “chose” to be straight for 23 years.
It’s not a choice. We never activated a magical power in our brains to choose who we are attracted to and have feelings for. The choices we do make are the ones that destroy us. We choose to hide, pretend to be straight because we were already TOLD from a young age shag who we are is NOT LOVED and will NEVER BE ACCEPTED.
@@KayJ2012 Well, its not natural. if it was normal, then how come the men and women's bodies and sexual organs are designed to compliment each other and reproduce. Can you say the same about two men or two women? If it was normal,. then should be natural.
Nobody is born gay...or straight. We make the choice after we’re alive
@Nirmala Prabhakaran
An attraction to someone or something is to an extent a choice
It’s called free will m
No one can force you to like something or someone
@@dumisatonyjohnson8145not at all thats like saying I can choose to like the taste of dogshit. Or choose to like the sport of basketball.
Whether being gay is a choice or not, I lost faith in humanity when the "Intruder Song" went platinum.
Jamar has a great practical straight forward thinking mind... Interesting guy to listen to.... Will definitely seek out more of his interviews.... Irish fan 🇮🇪
I believe it is somewhat of a choice. Gays/Lesbians decide to give into the temptation of dating the same sex, but they didn't choose to have the desire. It's almost like an addiction. Just my thoughts.
What ? 🥴
You just admitted its not a choice. Because normal straight men don’t have that feeling to want men. Its only gay people who have feeling. Which is because only gay men have that choice.
NOT all men
@@thehitman6963 That’s not true. Some do, but don’t give in.
Who are the some ?
Your talking about gays right. Because not all men are gay dude
😂😂😂😂 There’s no such thing as a straight man who likes men sexually. Because your now either gay or bisexual then
@@thehitman6963 You have a comprehension problem…
I’ll never know if being gay is a choice or not, nor do I care
@10:15 Dr. Umar Johnson said the same thing. Justification of behavior via the denial of the cause
You DO NOT choose your preference you discover them. Being gay is nothing more than a PREFERENCE. There is an illusion of free will.
Officer Vlad pops up in my timeline all the time
Antoine is either lying to himself/the society or simply is bi, how difficult is it to understand?
+fooloof do you really think people are born gay or something
+fooloof ?
+fooloof if he's into that then yes
+fooloof and I know. all I'm saying is that being gay is a choice
+fooloof technically you can lol
Lord Jamar keeps it trill
Wow! What's in the baby formula, vaccines and food. Tell it !!
If you can change your mind on anything then it's a choice.
And that the thing u can't change from being gay he's just confused or bisexual
It’s IS a choice. If you’re attracted to a person sexually then you discover they are a minor, you turn that attraction off. Literally. You turn the shit off. You like a someone you later learn is a family member? You turn that part off. We choose who we’re attracted to.
@@shangee2275 you can only turn off what's on. Which would make you a bisexual
@@ilovebeinggay6794 What's that have to do with it being a choice or not?
@@shangee2275 only a bisexual can choose to not be gay (anymore) and instead choose to act only his heterosexual urges.
The problem with the analogy of weed and wanting to kill someone isn't a great one imo, because the difference is attraction is not a choice. You don't *choose* to be attracted to a woman when you initially see them, when they walk in the door - you're either attracted to them, or you're not, there's no choice. I'm talking physical attraction here, sexuality in that sense isn't a choice. You can get to know someone and not be attracted, but physically, you don't consciously think "okay, i'm gonna decide to be attracted to Beyonce", you see her and bam hormones are going.
SO if a man thinks another man is sexually attractive, he's not deciding to feel/think that, it's a natural state. But I do think there's a spectrum, it's not black/white. Some people most likely choose to be gay, and some people are naturally born gay. Antoine is def still gay though.
Naveed Akhtar so pedophiles should be accepted? You know they didnt make that choice to be attracted to children
Attraction is taught. We usually are attracted to the things that had played prominent roles in our life. Say for instance I could lived around black people my whole life, but if I grew up watching white people on tv and that had more of an influence on me than my environment more than likely I will grow up to be more attracted to white people and I would avoid interaction with black people. Most people was taught to believe that you can’t help who you love but even that is a contradiction because the key word is taught. Now this may not apply to every situation but for the situation it doesn’t apply to I’m pretty sure it’s an experience in their life that lead to their likes and dislikes. Not to mention data is passed through the dna so even before we are born we already have info living within us that we know nothing about when we are born and grow into adults. Now on the other side I could assume that the information that the creator put within me is the correct information (after all the creator made all of this possible) now when I look at the information the creator put within us it’s clear to see that it was meant for a man and women to be together hence reproduction. That is direction from the creator. Now anything other than that is the choice of man.
@@DonPTellemVision Funny how animals have gay sex.... you are talking about what you prefer not attraction... You know those gay conversion therapy places that try to turn gay people straight by getting them to act straight watch straight stuff doesn't work. Because they aren't attracted to other sex. You can get gay person to act straight, and straight person to act gay, but no one can make the not be what they are, otherwise gay conversion therapy would work. Thus I believe that you cant make straight person gay. So all this BS people been saying about the gay agenda is bull shit.
People may not be born gay... I don't think kids are born either gay, or straight but isn't a choice. Reason why I say that little kids aren't sexually attracted to others. Sexual attractions shows up when you hit puberty.
Yes your creator who or what ever that may be made people like this. Plus your creator made gay animals. if animals do it is natural.... So your creator is really just reflecting your personal views. And one sins is really should between their god and them, not you. Because you aren't as pure as you think you are either, we all are faulty with are sinful nature.
6:22 perfect point. No one is "born that way." No one is born a racist, an athlete, a liar, a thief, a bully, etc.. I have had this debate for years, and almost to the last person I asked, have never met anyone who is gay who did not have some history of sexual abuse in their childhood.
This dude is woke when he started going into depth about the reincarnation aspect I was so happy someone else understands.
Vlad is wrong when he says there is a "controversy within the gay community" about whether or not being gay is a choice. This is only debated by those outside the community and laughed at by most inside.
no, i know many gays and lesbians that go into that debate
@Punkanelly Lovejoy it's not only my circle of friends, I have seen it in public posts on Facebook or RUclips
here you go: ruclips.net/video/Ad5Lxf_kKRU/видео.html
eu.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/06/16/born-way-many-lgbt-community-its-way-more-complex/395035001/ and more...
@Punkanelly Lovejoy I didn't have them in hand, cause I was not prepared for some random person on RUclips not believing me. But anyway 5-sec Google search and here you go
I'm a proud gay man, and I am totally open to debating the extent to which being gay is a choice or not, and the underlying mechanisms causing it. This guy backs up his statements with no evidence whatsoever, no scientific studies, nothing like that. He wouldn't provide much of an intellectual challenge whatsoever.
Jamar's an idiot.
Thing is that it doesn't even matter whether it's a choice or not (although it is.) As long as it's between consenting people and they aren't harming other one, homosexuality is not immoral. Homosexuality isn't even moral, it's simply a-moral.
Some people have an attraction to the same sex at a very early age, some even go through an experience that steers them in that direction. Some people gain an attraction toward the same sex over time and some even lose that attraction. The choice comes in when it comes to actually acting on the attraction. Consensually participating in homosexuality is in my opinion when one can say for sure that he/she is in fact gay or bi-sexual.
110% correct
I love lord jamar’s interviews. One of the realest individuals out here. Respect
He never disapoints
He’s an insecure ignorant clown, he grew up middle class in the suburbs
Lucky Charms is my favorite cereal, just thought I'd put that out there
Cinnamon toast crunch is mine lol🙋🏾♂️
@@dontex7 trix is better tham all them
Even if it's a choice - which I don't believe it is. But still, lets assume it's a choice. Then let people choose whatever they please to. Is that so hard?
They gays are starting to have more power and rights then we as normal people.
They are normal people just like us, they're just attracted to their own sex... Stop being ignorant.
hawkboy000 Agreed, every animals main function is to reproduce and survive, not doing so is abnormal.
Nun Ya Wait wait....so God can't be real but demons can? Wtf????
Nun Ya I know but do atheists believe that God can exist but demons can?