I saw your pal Sam (TSX1) got cheated once during NYC convention video when he was facing one of the pro duelists, sam got beaten by the player and he was wondering "how did you get blue eyes already?" The pro definitely cheated lol
This was mesmerizing and incredible. As someone who’s only been playing for just over a year, I never even realized some of these techniques that people might use. This is the content I’m here for.
It’s just crazy that people will actually use this with malicious intent. I just know now to be smarter about what my opponent does and even watch how I shuffle. I’m just glad Tom shared this information, because it helps others advocate for themselves when they see someone being sketchy. Stuff is wild.
@@CrushCards its pretty sad that we need a video on how to shuffle our deck and to watch other players while they shuffle your deck i mean do people really wanna win that bad they must cheat in a shuffle smh lol
As someone who has played this game since 2002, and been doing cardistry and card magic since 1995 I have a few things to say here. 1st what you, and most players tbh, keep calling shuffling where you pull out a chunk and move it somewhere else in the pile is actually called a cut. Now let me be completely clear here, cutting does not change the order of the deck AT ALL. This is due to the circular deck principle which is the fact that a deck of cards is like an unbroken circle, when you cut the deck and complete the cut, you rejoin the circle but the order of the cards save the 2 cards you separated remains exactly the same. This is the basis for no kidding thousands of magic tricks. The only was to randomize a deck is to riffle and as a point of fact mathematician persi diaconis has stated it takes 12 riffles to randomize a deck completely.
Great comment, but just one clarifying add-on: Persi Diaconis stated that it takes 7 shuffles to "adequately" randomize a deck, and 12 to "completely" randomize it
@@Azkadaz right, so if we each start riffle shuffling each other's decks 6 times before final cut, then both decks will have been shuffled 12 times fully randomizing them :)
When you consider a bridal grip riffle takes maybe 3 seconds to split, riffle, and square your only looking at a little over 30 seconds to fully randomize a deck. That seems completely acceptable to me for in-between rounds maybe even between searches since at higher tier events they expect you to pile shuffle after searches. Which takes significantly longer to complete
As someone who plays both Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG, this is something I’ve had numerous discussions at locals about, and why MTG effectively ‘banned’ pile shuffling (restricted to pile shuffling once per game and only for the purpose of counting the cards in your deck). Because ‘pile shuffling’ isn’t shuffling, it’s just systematic sorting and easily open to abuse
This was actually a really good video, I really enjoyed it. When events come back, I'm going to have to be more wary of how my opponent sides and shuffles their deck. Another thing that always concerns me is your opponent gaining an advantage by shuffling your deck, I always feel like during the "waterfall shuffle" that my opponent can scout out what deck I'm playing.
Had an opponent shuffle, give me the deck, then I shuffled it by waterfall, randomly moving stacks from top to bottom, and then passed it back. He then shuffled it again and asked for a final cut. So I did the same exact thing again and said, that is my final cut don't move your deck around anymore. Some people just like to try and cheat in the dumbest, most insignificant ways. It is very sad.
two guys did that on a ycs video. it was dumb. if you shuffled your deck and give to opp to cut and they shuffled instead of cut and hands back to you, just cut. you dont need to shuffle and hand back to them.
@@RaikaSTi well once your opponent hands back your deck you're not supposed to cut it. Unless that's not what you meant? I consider my shuffle of an opponents deck to be final as when I finish I usually always cut in some way at the end.
Am i weird for wanting my deck to be shuffled and completely randomized the way it should be. I put a lot of effort into the consistency of my decks and their ability to play with bad hands. I wouldnt stack my deck even if i had the opportunity, im too interested in the results of my own deck build to consider ruining the integrity of my SHINING DRAW!
Absolutely this. I spent hours even days on certain builds to get the consistency just right. I want to see it perform in any situation , not just play the same five cards each time cause I'm an amateur magician.
Weird? No, you just have the heart of the Duelist. Never cheat, just test yourself, and perfect your technique. Even if you lose and perform your combo correctly because you not only created a consistent deck, but also piloted it masterfully, you can still have the satisfaction of knowing you are a master duelist. But win with honor, so that means if your opponent is cheating, give them what they deserve. You can either lower yourself to their standards, call them out, or crush them no matter what fixed hands they get. It's very tricky to pilot a deck perfectly, often times you will have to gamble on a decision that could backfire if you are unlucky, but that's another factor that makes duels fun and interesting!
I'm glad you mentioned that thing about an opponent going "bro what are you doing to my sleeves?" in response to riffle shuffling. I've never dealt with that, but yeah, that would be the biggest red flag. It's like when there's a quiz in class, and the teacher says "ok, I'm gonna have you all switch seats/spread out." If you hear students complaining, those are the ones that planned to cheat off the person sitting next to them lol.
Hey man. I really appreciate this upload. I don’t know why I never thought about practicing shuffling with odd colored sleeves (like you did here) to see how each shuffle can manipulate the game state.
I can only imagine how many duels you lost to stacking. "This must be done at the start of every Duel, and after searching a card from it." There are certain liberties I take, because we search 30x a duel, I actually only ask the opponent shuffle BEFORE they draw (which would include ending their turn since they probably won't search on my turn and their next action from their deck is drawing on their turn). Shuffling properly would take up 10 minutes after every search against a combo deck, forcing you into time. However, every time you do shuffle, it is mandatory the opponent gets the final shuffle/cut. Mid duel I cut in thirds since stacking is mainly done at the start.
Check out episode 60 to see Yugi's duel with Arcana on the site Animeheaven, which is a free site with no ads of every episode of every anime dubbed/subbed
This vid really opened my eyes about the behavior of cards in a deck while shuffling. Some if those moves look so natural, i see them all the time from pro players. And now ich now why...that is tier 0 content right here. I'll never just cut my opp deck again without pile and riffle shuffling myself. Thx tombox !
Great video! I know in Pokemon TCG that it's considered a shuffle over a cut if you cut more than once, so the opponent is allowed to self-cut afterwards. Honestly we need more educational stuff like this to combat cheaters who hurt the communities they're in.
Ever since the start of lockdown, i have started learning slight of hand magic and it did actually occur to me that you could use simmilar technuiqes in yugioh (not that I ever would or habe practiced with the different card size). One thing I would say is that it is really hard to tell sometimes if somone is forcing cards unless you know exactly where to look for (there are many techniques which would have been more efficient than those which were shown in this video). Then you have issues in terms of second or bottom dealing (practically invisible on borderless card sleeves over a mat the same colour) and it becomes easy to fix your hand. I would personally say that the best way of shuffling your opponents deck is to random pile it in an odd number (they tend to do this in the world champs if I'm not mistaken). Even if your opponent reshuffles cards after this, you can't force cards into positions if you don't know where they are at the start (another reason to check that sleeves are identical).
Today I learned that someone at a regional probably did the "elegant shuffle" on me and I fell in love with it. I went home and practiced how to do it. Stupid me, I've been bricking myself ever since because I had no idea I wasn't actually randomizing anything. Thanks Tombox! Hopefully from now on the bricks will end!
This such an amazing channel/video I discovered today! How funny that I also used to be in a team called MST as a pair, however I took a break from yugioh for several years and the other dude died so I lost all the cards as well. I hadn't seen him in a proper long time, and although I went to the funeral, I never properly learned what happened to him... :´(
I noticed riffles were just putting a card in between each card from the other pile, so I'd often mix it up with those "fake" partial riffles, where you riffle shuffle only a portion of the deck. That way, you create more chunks in the deck. It helps randomize your own deck when you mix things with other methods of shuffling and cutting. This is especially useful when you like to sort out your cards every once in a while. Since you normally sort cards in one order most of the time, if you do the same usual riffle shuffle x amount of times each game to the same ordered deck, you're likely to have a repeat of the same game. each time you sort your cards. That's why I like to do different shuffles as I go along without a set routine each time.
I think the worst thing that you didn't mention is a lot of people think about this a lot before the beginnings of games, but then don't actually take the time to shuffle properly midgame - after their opponent has literally looked through their deck. Just cutting their deck at any point during the game is always a bad idea unless you're in a situation where time is critical.
Reminds me of my local judge that we called out for stacking. Great video! Also, is that figure a Cloud with Daytona figure from the Kai or the Remake line?
Also, this usually happens in-game but pay attention to searches. Sometimes people will pull some cards out when they search and think then put them back tot he top or bottom and shuffle to stack the deck. Suddenly they top draw their card or they keep their garnet on the bottom or they keep a combo piece away from a card like Pot of Desires that would banish it. Anytime they pull a card out you need to watch their shuffle to see their intentions and always shuffle yourself regardless. Same thing when people are siding. They can stack all the garnets, fake waterfall or something to put them all on top and then they will be cut away from the top 5 and boom, no drawing a Garnet, likely even off a desires or something.
How to avoid cheating when your opponent shuffles? Easy! Just use the Jotaro technique. Tell your opponent to shuffle and use your stand to see the order of the cards being shuffled,then if your opponent tries to cheat, break their finger!
What I usually do is after i do siding, I do a quick 1-3 shuffles before i pile shuffle so I don't have all of my side cards and all of my main cards in a clump
That again 😅. Players will always find a way to cheat. My friend destroyed me stacking his deck so that he got exodia even After i cut the deck. I watched a 40 min ad for you because i want to support you. 😎
I once played against someome casually who played a 90 card deck and somehow drew his 1 off solemn judgment every of our 10 games. He lost all 10 games regardless but it was hilarious how he magically opened it every time
That's why you don't call them out. You just waterfall at the start of duel and cut in thirds after searches. It basically eliminates stacking, which is only possible at the start of a duel unless they are moving cards around while searching, which is illegal. You can't separate cards that didn't get shuffled better.
This is why, when I pile shuffle, I do various different patterns and do either 4 or 5 piles. Then I shuffle the piles together and I do piles That are NOT directly next to each other. Then I give it to my opponent to cut and shuffle.
When I first started playing in tournaments I noticed I've gotten horrible hands against the same people then started final cutting every duel and started topping oftenly.
Basically I discard my hand, draw a new one, he plays Droll, and then I lose my hand and can't draw. In game 3 he also had 3 copies of Dark Room of Nightmare so I got burned to death before I even had another turn. AND his deck wasn't even pure Trickstar, it was half Altergeist, so he somehow drew 0 Altergeists game 1 and 3 snd never sided either. To make matters worse it was some kid too, so I went easy on him only to get super stacked.
As someone that has been playing for a long time, you must always shuffle your opponents deck no matter what. It's just the only way to ensure a fair game state
I only touch their deck at the start, when they are about to draw after searching, and after their turn ends if they searched. If you shuffle after every time they searched, that's basically slow playing. I'm ok if they get cards ready to move from their deck to continue their combo and save time, such as getting White Dragon Wyverburster ready when they are really searching Black Dragon Collapserpent.
Honestly we need shuffling machines like the Due Disks have and shuffle it it in 5 different ways with different patterns. Its the only way to prevent cheating but it shouldnt hurt sleeves. A friend actually printed his whole Deck on plastic cards and kept his original deck on the side and when he is playing with friends he can use it, let it shuffle with a machine and doesnt have to use sleeves and he can even throw the cards and doesnt have to be careful anymore.
This is why the policy documents say that you must shuffle your opponent's deck as part of the randomization process (proper procedure is A shuffles, B shuffles, A cuts, B cuts). So often I see people cut their opponent's deck and call it good, and it drives me crazy. Just take an extra 20 seconds and waterfall shuffle on your own. It's best to assume your opponent handed you a completely undrandomized deck.
Hm. Iv never noticed but thinking back yo tournament it makes sense that i did always brick against the same people that shuffled using a couple of those methods. Thanks for the video
I need you to go over what is public knowledge in a duel. Someone at my locals asked how many cards I run and idk that THAT was considered public knowledge. It's a level of the game...correction a layer of the game I'd like to understand as I move up
suddenly the fact that one guy at my locals always has the outs to me and I always get crap hands against him seems a lot less like bad luck than I initially thought
Man I understand keeping your opponent from cheating. You don't want to lose a game to that But there is another extreme to that...I've got a friend who, every time I offer a cut, he just shuffles my deck for 15 seconds...I'm not saying I time it or anything but it just takes forever and it's really obnoxious to sit on the other side of the table of...
I have seen some people do the shuffle where one portion of the deck is not shuffled. They look irritated when I ask to shuffle their deck. Their excuse is that they have expensive cards that they don't want others to damage in a shuffle and prefer not to have them touched. Could have fooled me.
This video made me realize I've probably been inadvertently "cheating" with bad mashes (top card stays the same) for a long time. A question: I have trouble mashing two halves of a 100-card deck, so I break it into three instead, then mash two, then the third. Is that a bad idea?
Pile two then take one pile and pile two. Then take the other pile that haven’t been touched and pile the second batch. Rinse and repeat, then condense the piles into one. Then shuffle normally.
This has definitely happened to me at locals....i can tell now cuz a few ppl had a weird waterfall and every game would draw what they needed after siding. Its funny that they feel the need to cheat with thier $800 decks when i have a deck a 1/4 the price or less, and thats not even a current meta deck, and no nibirus, no lighting storms, no evenlys, no extravagance, or any cards over $20 a copy. I love the look on someones face when they evenly match and i dark bribe it haha. If your a competent deck builder, then you dont need to cheat imo; if you do cheat you dont believe in yourself or your deck.
It's very important to spread information about cheating like this. Think about it. The people who are willing to cheat already know about these, so the only thing these videos do is show people how to identify and stop these common patterns of cheating.
Am I crazy or would a stack of 10 piles help the cards from not being to constant after you do a clump shuffle or a waterfall shuffle, and I love to always cut like 7 or 8 cards off the top. If I'm wrong I'd like to know so I dont do this anymore.
Im with you on this. I fail to see how randomly discarding cards from the deck into 10-12 piles and picking the stacks back up in a random order isnt assisting in making sure the deck is sufficiently randomized, ESPECIALLY if you shuffle it and have it cut after.
Back in 2014 we had this guy playing nekroz and shaddoll and BA! And always seemed to draw the right card at the right time perfect hands etc! Then one time I was playing against him and I accidentally dropped a junk of the cards on the table face up! When i picked it up I saw key cards being upside down! I got back in the game a few months ago and me and a mate went to play and my mate played against him and after we finished and started walking back home he was like "does that guy cheat? like I think he puts some of the cards upside-down and shuffles weirdly!" And I was like well everyone says that but noones proved it so far! Some people can be really good at cheating just be careful and always shuffle your opponent's deck to the max!
i always call people out when they handle their cards like a poker dealer. never trust a person in a game of chance when theyve clearly practiced the habit that is supposed to even the playing field. even caught double tucking just looking at the side of his stack.
It is Not a cheat IF you randomize afterwards. Give it a couple of riffles and cuts and u are good. DO NOT pass the deck after double Nickel without shuffling further.
I kinda like the taught of playing games before the game, when playing card games at that level you should use the experience of knowing a lot about shuffling to your advantage, some are good at understanding game mechanics, some are good at calculating numbers, we each have our own talent and should not derail players from using theirs. Thats like me complaining about people who team up to talk about strategy to be their best.
I was train in the ways of a magician and magicians are honest liarbut even I won't use any of those particular with in Yu-Gi-Oh because it would be disrespectful to the other player and I would much rather be an honest personthen somebody tries to cheat at a game with because there's no point we should be winning with their own minds and ideas with the game of Yu-Gi-Oh and any deck can become meta relevant in the right but only as a good move or maneuver or play that it can pull off and how easy can it do that, particular move but still I just want thank you for all you've done with in Yu-Gi-Oh
Long story short, never cut in half or nearly half, but either cut 10 cards off or 30, not 20 like everyone else. If they don't waterfall top, middle, and bottom after power shuffling well, then waterfall for them also. Start of duel is extremely important, after wards not so much.
Scattenspieler cheats against you on remote duel.... when I watched that video I had noticed that his shuffle on the second duel was a bit weird, I go back and if you look carefully he cheated to keep the side evenly distributed. he piles shuffled and cut only...
It was for fun, some people don't even know the pattern because this is what they were taught to do, so I don't blame anyone except for a lack of info.
Im just still salty about that one altergeist player that searched his deck with spoofing during my end phase then didn't let me cut(he didn't ask for cut and just automatically drew for turn) and then he topdecked extrav he had he legit would of lost( I mean it's locals but come on)
Im well know as a magician in my locals so people look at me weird when i shuffle because false cuts and cheat cuts are very easy for me to do. Never do them tho😁
i always wondered why people shuffled like that, i just shuffle the deck like a deck of cards, all this extra fancy stuff i don't trust. Shuffle the deck, 2 different ways, 5 times each at LEAST, shuffle sideways, then after like 5-10 shuffles, shuffle in clumps, but always make sure those clumps go in between cards multiple times. If i see opponent shuffle like in this video, i will gladly shuffle his deck thoroughly and if they cry about it "JUDGE! could you shuffle this deck because opponent has a problem ;)"
Yes! It is. I love hot sauce. I am a spice lord! After all. The box was also real nice! You have a really good eye to detail. That sauce is so citrusy, I eat it with my chicken nuggets mixed with a little sweet and sour. It's ,🔥🔥🔥🔥🍎🍎
I had no idea the meta went this deep but damn am I impressed! Incredibly informative video, Tombox! Thank you!
I saw your pal Sam (TSX1) got cheated once during NYC convention video when he was facing one of the pro duelists, sam got beaten by the player and he was wondering "how did you get blue eyes already?"
The pro definitely cheated lol
Duelist alliance BOIS
This was mesmerizing and incredible. As someone who’s only been playing for just over a year, I never even realized some of these techniques that people might use. This is the content I’m here for.
Keep in mind that this sort of metagaming is frowned upon and can even be perceived as cheating in some cases. Be careful, duelist.
Thats how jesse kotton won all his Ycs's
It’s just crazy that people will actually use this with malicious intent. I just know now to be smarter about what my opponent does and even watch how I shuffle. I’m just glad Tom shared this information, because it helps others advocate for themselves when they see someone being sketchy. Stuff is wild.
@@CrushCards its pretty sad that we need a video on how to shuffle our deck and to watch other players while they shuffle your deck i mean do people really wanna win that bad they must cheat in a shuffle smh lol
@@alexandertaggart4369 Kinda like how people use glitches in games.
As someone who has played this game since 2002, and been doing cardistry and card magic since 1995 I have a few things to say here. 1st what you, and most players tbh, keep calling shuffling where you pull out a chunk and move it somewhere else in the pile is actually called a cut. Now let me be completely clear here, cutting does not change the order of the deck AT ALL. This is due to the circular deck principle which is the fact that a deck of cards is like an unbroken circle, when you cut the deck and complete the cut, you rejoin the circle but the order of the cards save the 2 cards you separated remains exactly the same. This is the basis for no kidding thousands of magic tricks. The only was to randomize a deck is to riffle and as a point of fact mathematician persi diaconis has stated it takes 12 riffles to randomize a deck completely.
Donovan Rummel a true magician never reveals his secrets!
Great comment, but just one clarifying add-on: Persi Diaconis stated that it takes 7 shuffles to "adequately" randomize a deck, and 12 to "completely" randomize it
@@Azkadaz right, so if we each start riffle shuffling each other's decks 6 times before final cut, then both decks will have been shuffled 12 times fully randomizing them :)
When you consider a bridal grip riffle takes maybe 3 seconds to split, riffle, and square your only looking at a little over 30 seconds to fully randomize a deck. That seems completely acceptable to me for in-between rounds maybe even between searches since at higher tier events they expect you to pile shuffle after searches. Which takes significantly longer to complete
@@DuelingDexperts pile shuffling after searches is only at Tier 3 events, i.e. the WCS
This is honestly such a good channel. When you have judges as yugitubers the quality of content just explodes. Ty MST
This side of Yugioh is not unknown just not spoken of. The “Best” hold onto their trade secrets. Great video.
Yah no one talks about it. It's a huge can of worms... When you do, but I want people coming back smarter and fairer.
@@MSTTV These are some of the most interesting videos in the community, thanks for highlighting this topic.
As someone who plays both Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG, this is something I’ve had numerous discussions at locals about, and why MTG effectively ‘banned’ pile shuffling (restricted to pile shuffling once per game and only for the purpose of counting the cards in your deck). Because ‘pile shuffling’ isn’t shuffling, it’s just systematic sorting and easily open to abuse
I've played a lot of card games and Yu-Gi-Oh players have some of the worst shuffling habits I've seen
MTG: I'll end this man whole carrer
This was actually a really good video, I really enjoyed it. When events come back, I'm going to have to be more wary of how my opponent sides and shuffles their deck. Another thing that always concerns me is your opponent gaining an advantage by shuffling your deck, I always feel like during the "waterfall shuffle" that my opponent can scout out what deck I'm playing.
I had no idea what a "waterfall shuffle" was and I googled it and this video was in there
Had an opponent shuffle, give me the deck, then I shuffled it by waterfall, randomly moving stacks from top to bottom, and then passed it back. He then shuffled it again and asked for a final cut. So I did the same exact thing again and said, that is my final cut don't move your deck around anymore. Some people just like to try and cheat in the dumbest, most insignificant ways. It is very sad.
two guys did that on a ycs video. it was dumb. if you shuffled your deck and give to opp to cut and they shuffled instead of cut and hands back to you, just cut. you dont need to shuffle and hand back to them.
@@RaikaSTi well once your opponent hands back your deck you're not supposed to cut it. Unless that's not what you meant? I consider my shuffle of an opponents deck to be final as when I finish I usually always cut in some way at the end.
Yugioh shuffling rules are:
You shuffel, your opponent shuffles, you may shuffle one more time and your opponent then has the last shuffle/cut
Am i weird for wanting my deck to be shuffled and completely randomized the way it should be. I put a lot of effort into the consistency of my decks and their ability to play with bad hands. I wouldnt stack my deck even if i had the opportunity, im too interested in the results of my own deck build to consider ruining the integrity of my SHINING DRAW!
Absolutely this.
I spent hours even days on certain builds to get the consistency just right. I want to see it perform in any situation , not just play the same five cards each time cause I'm an amateur magician.
Completely agree my friend
I love meeting other people like this. We wanna see the fruits of our labor, we don't want to B.S. our way to the top!! 😊
Weird? No, you just have the heart of the Duelist. Never cheat, just test yourself, and perfect your technique. Even if you lose and perform your combo correctly because you not only created a consistent deck, but also piloted it masterfully, you can still have the satisfaction of knowing you are a master duelist.
But win with honor, so that means if your opponent is cheating, give them what they deserve. You can either lower yourself to their standards, call them out, or crush them no matter what fixed hands they get.
It's very tricky to pilot a deck perfectly, often times you will have to gamble on a decision that could backfire if you are unlucky, but that's another factor that makes duels fun and interesting!
you know the quarantine is real when you spend 17 min watching a video about card shuffling..smh
great video :)
Wow I didn't realise there was this level of cheating (yes that's what it is)... it's kinda sad
I just gain satisfaction that these people didn't use any skill to win, just being scummy instead
I'm glad you mentioned that thing about an opponent going "bro what are you doing to my sleeves?" in response to riffle shuffling. I've never dealt with that, but yeah, that would be the biggest red flag. It's like when there's a quiz in class, and the teacher says "ok, I'm gonna have you all switch seats/spread out." If you hear students complaining, those are the ones that planned to cheat off the person sitting next to them lol.
Hey man. I really appreciate this upload. I don’t know why I never thought about practicing shuffling with odd colored sleeves (like you did here) to see how each shuffle can manipulate the game state.
Wow this video is crazy, talking about the lesser known aspects of the game that could greatly change the outcome. Good job MST
You see, I am glad I watched this. I never knew you were allowed to shuffle your opponent's deck. You learn something new every day
I can only imagine how many duels you lost to stacking.
"This must be done at the start of every Duel, and after searching a card from it."
There are certain liberties I take, because we search 30x a duel, I actually only ask the opponent shuffle BEFORE they draw (which would include ending their turn since they probably won't search on my turn and their next action from their deck is drawing on their turn). Shuffling properly would take up 10 minutes after every search against a combo deck, forcing you into time.
However, every time you do shuffle, it is mandatory the opponent gets the final shuffle/cut. Mid duel I cut in thirds since stacking is mainly done at the start.
Also, it is mandatory to have the same size sleeve, otherwise you'll get cheaters like Arcana.
Check out episode 60 to see Yugi's duel with Arcana on the site Animeheaven, which is a free site with no ads of every episode of every anime dubbed/subbed
This vid really opened my eyes about the behavior of cards in a deck while shuffling. Some if those moves look so natural, i see them all the time from pro players. And now ich now why...that is tier 0 content right here. I'll never just cut my opp deck again without pile and riffle shuffling myself. Thx tombox !
Great video! I know in Pokemon TCG that it's considered a shuffle over a cut if you cut more than once, so the opponent is allowed to self-cut afterwards. Honestly we need more educational stuff like this to combat cheaters who hurt the communities they're in.
Ever since the start of lockdown, i have started learning slight of hand magic and it did actually occur to me that you could use simmilar technuiqes in yugioh (not that I ever would or habe practiced with the different card size).
One thing I would say is that it is really hard to tell sometimes if somone is forcing cards unless you know exactly where to look for (there are many techniques which would have been more efficient than those which were shown in this video).
Then you have issues in terms of second or bottom dealing (practically invisible on borderless card sleeves over a mat the same colour) and it becomes easy to fix your hand.
I would personally say that the best way of shuffling your opponents deck is to random pile it in an odd number (they tend to do this in the world champs if I'm not mistaken). Even if your opponent reshuffles cards after this, you can't force cards into positions if you don't know where they are at the start (another reason to check that sleeves are identical).
i love these because they always provide me with more innovative ways to cheat. thx!
Today I learned that someone at a regional probably did the "elegant shuffle" on me and I fell in love with it. I went home and practiced how to do it. Stupid me, I've been bricking myself ever since because I had no idea I wasn't actually randomizing anything.
Thanks Tombox! Hopefully from now on the bricks will end!
This such an amazing channel/video I discovered today! How funny that I also used to be in a team called MST as a pair, however I took a break from yugioh for several years and the other dude died so I lost all the cards as well. I hadn't seen him in a proper long time, and although I went to the funeral, I never properly learned what happened to him... :´(
Lucky me! I've been using the double-riffle, double-cut for ages now.
Good to know it's my best bet at randomizing properly!
I love these types of videos Tom! Keep it up!
I noticed riffles were just putting a card in between each card from the other pile, so I'd often mix it up with those "fake" partial riffles, where you riffle shuffle only a portion of the deck. That way, you create more chunks in the deck. It helps randomize your own deck when you mix things with other methods of shuffling and cutting. This is especially useful when you like to sort out your cards every once in a while. Since you normally sort cards in one order most of the time, if you do the same usual riffle shuffle x amount of times each game to the same ordered deck, you're likely to have a repeat of the same game. each time you sort your cards. That's why I like to do different shuffles as I go along without a set routine each time.
I think the worst thing that you didn't mention is a lot of people think about this a lot before the beginnings of games, but then don't actually take the time to shuffle properly midgame - after their opponent has literally looked through their deck. Just cutting their deck at any point during the game is always a bad idea unless you're in a situation where time is critical.
Great video, thanks for exposing this, ive had this happen multiple times without understanding why.
Reminds me of my local judge that we called out for stacking. Great video! Also, is that figure a Cloud with Daytona figure from the Kai or the Remake line?
I never notice this and now I will make sure to shuffle it properly when I do so thank you.
I'm super late, but that intro is EVERYTHING. 🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥
I have been noticing how I win match 1, then I side against the opponent, then get stacked either in round 2 or 3.
Also, this usually happens in-game but pay attention to searches. Sometimes people will pull some cards out when they search and think then put them back tot he top or bottom and shuffle to stack the deck. Suddenly they top draw their card or they keep their garnet on the bottom or they keep a combo piece away from a card like Pot of Desires that would banish it. Anytime they pull a card out you need to watch their shuffle to see their intentions and always shuffle yourself regardless. Same thing when people are siding. They can stack all the garnets, fake waterfall or something to put them all on top and then they will be cut away from the top 5 and boom, no drawing a Garnet, likely even off a desires or something.
Never realized people did this.. and I also noticed a few bad habits I have with shuffling
How to avoid cheating when your opponent shuffles? Easy! Just use the Jotaro technique. Tell your opponent to shuffle and use your stand to see the order of the cards being shuffled,then if your opponent tries to cheat, break their finger!
That opening was funny
What I usually do is after i do siding, I do a quick 1-3 shuffles before i pile shuffle so I don't have all of my side cards and all of my main cards in a clump
Amazing content. Thank you for taking the time to explain this topic.
That again 😅. Players will always find a way to cheat. My friend destroyed me stacking his deck so that he got exodia even After i cut the deck. I watched a 40 min ad for you because i want to support you. 😎
Appreciate it!
I once played against someome casually who played a 90 card deck and somehow drew his 1 off solemn judgment every of our 10 games.
He lost all 10 games regardless but it was hilarious how he magically opened it every time
This is really great content that not every yugituber pays attention to, well done 👍
MST.TV: Ok Imma show you some Shuffle tricks
Me: *Shuffle* is *Shuffle*
This is like some anime explanation stuff 😂
This is why I have always cut from the middle and done a riffle shuffle before the game begins in order to effectively randomize cards.
Here's the thing for me. When you try to call people out on this form of cheating, they often get EXTREMELY defensive.
That's why you don't call them out. You just waterfall at the start of duel and cut in thirds after searches.
It basically eliminates stacking, which is only possible at the start of a duel unless they are moving cards around while searching, which is illegal. You can't separate cards that didn't get shuffled better.
Wow, I was not aware of this. Thanks for sharing
Damn i have noticed people do that. Thanks for telling me. This was very helpful.
You should do more skits like in the beginning was really good! 👍
This was filmed at like 2am... Lol there is a secret at the end of the video if u saw it
Thank u for posting I had noticed it back in the day but now I know how they did it
That's why it pays to never take any chances with your opponent
This is why, when I pile shuffle, I do various different patterns and do either 4 or 5 piles. Then I shuffle the piles together and I do piles That are NOT directly next to each other. Then I give it to my opponent to cut and shuffle.
When I first started playing in tournaments I noticed I've gotten horrible hands against the same people then started final cutting every duel and started topping oftenly.
love this video, now i feel even more cheated on after i only cut once in the middle and they opened d shifter or engage 6 games in a row.....
Back when trickstars were big, I gave someone the benefit of doubt, and they opened both 2xReincarnation and droll games 1 and 3. Never again.
Basically I discard my hand, draw a new one, he plays Droll, and then I lose my hand and can't draw. In game 3 he also had 3 copies of Dark Room of Nightmare so I got burned to death before I even had another turn.
AND his deck wasn't even pure Trickstar, it was half Altergeist, so he somehow drew 0 Altergeists game 1 and 3 snd never sided either.
To make matters worse it was some kid too, so I went easy on him only to get super stacked.
@@Goblin_Hands dude..that's even worse xD especially as you said against a kid, what you gonna do haha
As someone that has been playing for a long time, you must always shuffle your opponents deck no matter what. It's just the only way to ensure a fair game state
I only touch their deck at the start, when they are about to draw after searching, and after their turn ends if they searched. If you shuffle after every time they searched, that's basically slow playing.
I'm ok if they get cards ready to move from their deck to continue their combo and save time, such as getting White Dragon Wyverburster ready when they are really searching Black Dragon Collapserpent.
Honestly we need shuffling machines like the Due Disks have and shuffle it it in 5 different ways with different patterns. Its the only way to prevent cheating but it shouldnt hurt sleeves.
A friend actually printed his whole Deck on plastic cards and kept his original deck on the side
and when he is playing with friends he can use it, let it shuffle with a machine and doesnt have to use sleeves and he can even throw the cards and doesnt have to be careful anymore.
I play against a guy who looks through his deck while it is my turn. It is so funny. He always says "Its just casuals"
That Cloud Strife Bike tho
Gonna play exodia now after lockdown, thanks
This is why the policy documents say that you must shuffle your opponent's deck as part of the randomization process (proper procedure is A shuffles, B shuffles, A cuts, B cuts). So often I see people cut their opponent's deck and call it good, and it drives me crazy. Just take an extra 20 seconds and waterfall shuffle on your own. It's best to assume your opponent handed you a completely undrandomized deck.
7:05 got me rolling holy f***
Hm. Iv never noticed but thinking back yo tournament it makes sense that i did always brick against the same people that shuffled using a couple of those methods. Thanks for the video
Those are mash shuffles. Riffle shuffling is the kind they do with playing cards where you make a bridge.
Fair enough, but it's simulating a what a riffle I think that's why we call it that.
I need you to go over what is public knowledge in a duel. Someone at my locals asked how many cards I run and idk that THAT was considered public knowledge. It's a level of the game...correction a layer of the game I'd like to understand as I move up
dawg I look like I've never used my hands before when I shuffle, can't imagine using any techniques to cheat like that
suddenly the fact that one guy at my locals always has the outs to me and I always get crap hands against him seems a lot less like bad luck than I initially thought
I understand keeping your opponent from cheating. You don't want to lose a game to that
But there is another extreme to that...I've got a friend who, every time I offer a cut, he just shuffles my deck for 15 seconds...I'm not saying I time it or anything but it just takes forever and it's really obnoxious to sit on the other side of the table of...
he prob thinks you cheat. i only shuffle my opp deck if they dropped their cards before handing their deck to me
@@RaikaSTi we've been playing together for 10 years, he knows I don't he just likes shuffling cards
I have seen some people do the shuffle where one portion of the deck is not shuffled. They look irritated when I ask to shuffle their deck. Their excuse is that they have expensive cards that they don't want others to damage in a shuffle and prefer not to have them touched. Could have fooled me.
This video made me realize I've probably been inadvertently "cheating" with bad mashes (top card stays the same) for a long time.
A question: I have trouble mashing two halves of a 100-card deck, so I break it into three instead, then mash two, then the third. Is that a bad idea?
Pile two then take one pile and pile two. Then take the other pile that haven’t been touched and pile the second batch. Rinse and repeat, then condense the piles into one. Then shuffle normally.
This has definitely happened to me at locals....i can tell now cuz a few ppl had a weird waterfall and every game would draw what they needed after siding. Its funny that they feel the need to cheat with thier $800 decks when i have a deck a 1/4 the price or less, and thats not even a current meta deck, and no nibirus, no lighting storms, no evenlys, no extravagance, or any cards over $20 a copy. I love the look on someones face when they evenly match and i dark bribe it haha. If your a competent deck builder, then you dont need to cheat imo; if you do cheat you dont believe in yourself or your deck.
The intro 😆 Yes! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Phenomenon video 👏🏻 people that cheat in Yugioh weren’t hugged enough as children
Loved that intro
I saw you there on your Hardy Cloud 👌
That's it. Imma buy a card shuffler machine and take it to locals now to shuffle me and my opponent's decks X3
It's very important to spread information about cheating like this. Think about it. The people who are willing to cheat already know about these, so the only thing these videos do is show people how to identify and stop these common patterns of cheating.
It's not cheating. It's guiding the heart of the cards.
Am I crazy or would a stack of 10 piles help the cards from not being to constant after you do a clump shuffle or a waterfall shuffle, and I love to always cut like 7 or 8 cards off the top. If I'm wrong I'd like to know so I dont do this anymore.
Im with you on this. I fail to see how randomly discarding cards from the deck into 10-12 piles and picking the stacks back up in a random order isnt assisting in making sure the deck is sufficiently randomized, ESPECIALLY if you shuffle it and have it cut after.
I learned so much both to manipulate my own side cards and how to watch my opponent
Back in 2014 we had this guy playing nekroz and shaddoll and BA! And always seemed to draw the right card at the right time perfect hands etc! Then one time I was playing against him and I accidentally dropped a junk of the cards on the table face up! When i picked it up I saw key cards being upside down! I got back in the game a few months ago and me and a mate went to play and my mate played against him and after we finished and started walking back home he was like "does that guy cheat? like I think he puts some of the cards upside-down and shuffles weirdly!" And I was like well everyone says that but noones proved it so far! Some people can be really good at cheating just be careful and always shuffle your opponent's deck to the max!
i always call people out when they handle their cards like a poker dealer. never trust a person in a game of chance when theyve clearly practiced the habit that is supposed to even the playing field. even caught double tucking just looking at the side of his stack.
is the “double nickle” in anyway a cheat? If it is not im gonna try to do it every time... Most valuable lesson I learned since I got back to ygo.
It is Not a cheat IF you randomize afterwards. Give it a couple of riffles and cuts and u are good. DO NOT pass the deck after double Nickel without shuffling further.
@@MSTTV got that,duely noted
I kinda like the taught of playing games before the game, when playing card games at that level you should use the experience of knowing a lot about shuffling to your advantage, some are good at understanding game mechanics, some are good at calculating numbers, we each have our own talent and should not derail players from using theirs. Thats like me complaining about people who team up to talk about strategy to be their best.
Not Yugioh related but that Cloud figure flexing in the back.
I was train in the ways of a magician and magicians are honest liarbut even I won't use any of those particular with in Yu-Gi-Oh because it would be disrespectful to the other player and I would much rather be an honest personthen somebody tries to cheat at a game with because there's no point we should be winning with their own minds and ideas with the game of Yu-Gi-Oh and any deck can become meta relevant in the right but only as a good move or maneuver or play that it can pull off and how easy can it do that, particular move but still I just want thank you for all you've done with in Yu-Gi-Oh
So when siding with a 40 card deck, side in cards that are a multiple of 40? Got it!
10:56 there's several ways to control cards to anywhere on the deck from anywhere else... I don't understand your confusion here
Is pile shuffeling without randomizing after legal or not? Didnt get that.
Again, very educational.
whats crazy is the average regionals winner main deck has 8/40 hand traps. brick potential?
Long story short, never cut in half or nearly half, but either cut 10 cards off or 30, not 20 like everyone else.
If they don't waterfall top, middle, and bottom after power shuffling well, then waterfall for them also.
Start of duel is extremely important, after wards not so much.
So, this is how Yami drew his Exodia against Kaiba...
Lol, now I get why I consistently get bad hands.
Why isnt there a 12 times riffle ruling?
Scattenspieler cheats against you on remote duel.... when I watched that video I had noticed that his shuffle on the second duel was a bit weird, I go back and if you look carefully he cheated to keep the side evenly distributed. he piles shuffled and cut only...
It was for fun, some people don't even know the pattern because this is what they were taught to do, so I don't blame anyone except for a lack of info.
13:05 this is called faro shuffling
Does anybody know if it's allowed to call a judge when you see your opponent fake shuffling?
Just randomize it on ur cut
Im just still salty about that one altergeist player that searched his deck with spoofing during my end phase then didn't let me cut(he didn't ask for cut and just automatically drew for turn) and then he topdecked extrav he had he legit would of lost( I mean it's locals but come on)
Yikes, feels bad man
The moment he put down his deck just take it and shuffle it. If he says you cant call a judge.
Things you will learn from situations like that
Im well know as a magician in my locals so people look at me weird when i shuffle because false cuts and cheat cuts are very easy for me to do. Never do them tho😁
And this is why you take someones deck and spread it out over half the table and then properly shuffle it together
i always wondered why people shuffled like that, i just shuffle the deck like a deck of cards, all this extra fancy stuff i don't trust.
Shuffle the deck, 2 different ways, 5 times each at LEAST, shuffle sideways, then after like 5-10 shuffles, shuffle in clumps, but always make sure those clumps go in between cards multiple times. If i see opponent shuffle like in this video, i will gladly shuffle his deck thoroughly and if they cry about it "JUDGE! could you shuffle this deck because opponent has a problem ;)"
Is that the 88rising hot sauce behind you? That shit was HOT yo wtf
Yes! It is. I love hot sauce. I am a spice lord! After all. The box was also real nice! You have a really good eye to detail.
That sauce is so citrusy, I eat it with my chicken nuggets mixed with a little sweet and sour. It's ,🔥🔥🔥🔥🍎🍎