Pentax 67II | I Got My Dream Camera | How to and First Impression

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 268

  • @Notaposerroland
    @Notaposerroland Год назад +25

    The photo of the guy on the swing with the sky above him was so beautiful!!!

    • @richardsimms251
      @richardsimms251 6 месяцев назад +1

      It is good that you do not have many shots per roll. It means that you have big negatives !!!
      RS. Canada

  • @DannyDavila1
    @DannyDavila1 10 месяцев назад +2

    I have a 6x7 on the way to me now from Japan. I can’t wait to receive it!!!!!!

  • @Caballeroshot
    @Caballeroshot Год назад +17

    Love a camera with a proper shutter sound and especially one you can feel, it just adds to the tactile nature of shooting film that I don't understand from people who lust after Leicas or Mamiya 6/7 with their whimpy little leaf shutter. Beautiful camera and great portraits as usual. ✌🏽

    • @jonathans.9372
      @jonathans.9372 8 месяцев назад

      Love the nice shutters from Pentax and Hasselblad, they are so tactile - although for candid stuff I love the quiet Leica shutters. Different use cases for different cameras :)

    • @Tikkumies100
      @Tikkumies100 Месяц назад

      Its not really the leaf shutter thats the problem just the lack of a mirror. I mean the RZ67 is a leaf shutter but the mirror slap is so loud its amazing.

    • @Caballeroshot
      @Caballeroshot Месяц назад

      @@Tikkumies100 RZ is really not that bad. Try the shutter on a Bronica S2 made of all metal, it's bone jarring!

  • @Will_i_art
    @Will_i_art Год назад +10

    Sam, I have to say this truly one of your best videos. I just love your vision and how capture people with such empathy and genuine curiosity. I am glad you found a camera that sees the world the way you see it. Looking forward to seeing future works with the Pentax 67ii.
    P.s that photo of the man swinging with shy behind him to my breath away. Because that’s a very difficult shot and using the Pentax 67 like street camera is a very very tough gig.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +1

      Thank you!! I'm looking forward working with this camera more in the future!!

    @YOUAREMYKIN Год назад +13

    Congrats! 🙌 You wanted this for so long. It’s inspiring to see how you interact w people/strangers you photograph and what you bring out of the moment.

  • @chauncey4298
    @chauncey4298 Год назад +9

    This is so amazing. I've actually been on my Pentax 67 journey as well and the experience has just been awesome. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been enjoying mine. They are beasts of a camera. I didn't go all the way to 67II because I wanted to be mostly manual. The 105 mm lens is one of the nicest lenses I've used so far! Really happy to see a new video from you and pleasantly surprised about it being related to the exact camera I've been spending all my time with.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +1

      I've held my friends 67 before, it's really not that different... if you enjoy everything manual, it's really a good choice since it's much cheaper as well!!

  • @josephbishop1206
    @josephbishop1206 Месяц назад

    Your video has been the biggest driving for in me purchasing a 67II. Thank you

  • @kingappia
    @kingappia Год назад +3

    I have a Pentax 67 since 2015, bought with the 135 macro and over the years I have added the Takumar 55 and SMC 165 2.8 . Everyyime I use this camera, everytime I scan the negatives, it always amazes me how wonderful it is.
    For me there's no doubt this is the best camera ever made.

  • @philipvernon_photography
    @philipvernon_photography Год назад +6

    What an absolute delight it is to watch this video! Honestly I’m so looking forward to future work you produce and the images are stunning.
    Thank you for sharing your experience 😊

  • @CarletonWatkins1861
    @CarletonWatkins1861 11 месяцев назад +2

    I immediately thought of Ansel Adams when you talked about seeing the photo in your mind first. Quoting Stieglitz, by “pre-visualization” Ansel essentially meant that you have to see an image with your mind’s eye before it can become more than a snapshot.

  • @paiute6911
    @paiute6911 Год назад +3

    18:46 I have the Asashi Pentax 6x7 with the 105 lens, and I agree wide open it can be difficult to achieve perfect focus. What I found was they made a magnifier that helps rectify this. That mother and child photo was awesome.
    Ps. On the film photography project website they sell an adapter that allows you to load 35mm film in cameras made for the 120 film. Enabling you to get panoramic-format photographs with different sizes depending on your camera’s frame size. Plus you get those cool sprocket holes.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +2

      I’ve see the adapter and already want to try it!!

  • @sefakoyun
    @sefakoyun Месяц назад

    Lately, I have been watching a lot of film photography content and I am curious about this camera. It is not in my budget right now, but especially after seeing your video, I have decided that I will buy this model when the opportunity comes. Thanks for the in-depth review!

  • @mjrkirsch3197
    @mjrkirsch3197 Год назад +1

    Hi Sam, I want to congratulate you on your great Pentax. I find your reportage about the first experiences very successful. I like your enthusiasm for analog medium format photography and your English is so cute. My favorite camera since 1975 is the Hasselblad 500EL-M and the 500 CM with the analog magazine and the digital back from the 907x. I live in northern Germany at the Baltic Sea and find here also beautiful motifs but sometimes I would also like to be back on the west coast. Please keep up the good work and never lose your inspiration and friendliness! Greetings from Lübeck from Julius.

  • @shawnlennon1947
    @shawnlennon1947 2 месяца назад

    Loved these pics. That last shot was great! So sharp and that dude looked good!

  • @AnthonyD42
    @AnthonyD42 Год назад

    18:21 This close-up feels like it captures his personality perfectly. Congrats on getting your dream camera!

  • @jonharvey6295
    @jonharvey6295 7 месяцев назад +1

    your joy is super contagious!

  • @khosrowjalali7898
    @khosrowjalali7898 6 месяцев назад +1

    This wasn't just an amazing camera review , but it provided a great insight into Sam as a photographer and your style. I'm very envious of your Pentax 67 II. The video and editing is amazing. ❤

    • @peterkin1010
      @peterkin1010 6 месяцев назад +1

      Loved watching this! Everything in layman's terms, thoroughly entertaining and hosted by a beautiful and pleasant lady. My only couple of surprises were you didn't use a tripod and didn't use any flash. Also appreciate no bad language which is an ever increasing and negative trend on RUclips. Overall though I also loved your piccies.Grwat effort.

  • @randallstewart1224
    @randallstewart1224 Год назад

    In the "for what it's worth" department, in the illustration of the four finder available for the camera appearing a 6:20, two of the finders are incorrectly labelled.

  • @karsonboothe9116
    @karsonboothe9116 4 месяца назад

    These photos are incredible and your energy in this video was contagious. You could just feel the joy! Thank you for sharing with us!

  • @joefromhk8775
    @joefromhk8775 8 месяцев назад +1

    These photos show the leisure side of life in US. They are good, even in 35mm format.

  • @pdtech4524
    @pdtech4524 Год назад +2

    Wow! Now that's a camera 📷 👍😁
    Congrats 👏

  • @ehealthresearch1873
    @ehealthresearch1873 9 месяцев назад +1

    Congratulations and this has been one of the most genuine and enjoyable videos I’ve seen in a very long time. Wishing you lots of joy and success.

  • @sarahteng9827
    @sarahteng9827 10 месяцев назад

    Sam, this is the first video I’ve ever watched from you and it made me so emotional and so happy! Your joy is contagious, and I could feel the emotion coming through in your photos. It’s so inspiring 🥹 thank you for this, really

  • @Leandro_Montibeler
    @Leandro_Montibeler Год назад

    I'm so happy that your very first picture on your dream camera turned out to be such a banger! Also love the live guard's, but the guy on the swings is my favourite.

  • @SaltySolomon
    @SaltySolomon Год назад +1

    This channel is dangerous and amazing, I want so many more cameras but its always relaxing and fun.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад

      Some cameras are for fun, I get them to try it out or to collect.. but this one, is definitely a working camera, it’s a camera I’d actually use for creating photos~

  • @coach_yo
    @coach_yo Месяц назад

    Something very wholesome in your videos, thank you for sharing

  • @rolleicanon
    @rolleicanon Месяц назад

    Lovely video. So informative and relaxing. When I watch I feel right there on the beach. I am resisting the temptation to feed the gear acquisition syndrome with a Pentax 67II.

  • @henreh99
    @henreh99 3 месяца назад

    Such great shots, you have a wonderful intuition 🙌

  • @2071photo
    @2071photo Год назад

    23:43 is such a great portrait lovely work Sam. Happy you finally got a Pentax 🥳🥳🥳

  • @AldermanFredCDavis
    @AldermanFredCDavis Год назад

    Congrats on your new camera! I think it's easier for a female to approach people to ask to make a photograph, at least in the U.S. I think people have a natural tendency to be, "on guard" if a male approaches them. You do seem like a natural at making people comfortable and putting them at ease.
    Love my Pentax 67, except I wish the viewfinder/focusing screen were about 2 stops brighter. I am on the fence about buying a Pentax 67II. The electronics (and finding a competent technician to work on it) are what make me apprehensive.

  • @BenjaminHyatt
    @BenjaminHyatt Год назад

    While I have too many cameras, the Pentax 67ii is the one that inspires me the most and I absolutely love the images it creates. Glad you found your dream camera and looking forward to seeing more of your images!

  • @junoworldwide
    @junoworldwide 7 месяцев назад

    This is such a beautiful video and ode to the relationship a photogrpaher has with their gear. When both are in sync, everything is possible. Your energy is vibrant too and this has been the easiest subscribe in a while!

  • @ledesclos5321
    @ledesclos5321 Год назад

    Nice, nice work. I've not liked this film before. You made it sing. Big camera for a little lady. All without a tripod! Amazing.

  • @mahdimanesh4221
    @mahdimanesh4221 6 месяцев назад

    Lovely review and for sure you had fun! Great to see you approaching the people to get their portrait 😎

  • @aarontharris
    @aarontharris 4 месяца назад

    Your love for your camera takes me back. I really appreciate your connection with people, it shines through the photo and the story you tell. This is a quality of great portrait photographers. I love shooting 120. I still have my MF cameras and should dust them off.

    • @aarontharris
      @aarontharris 4 месяца назад

      PS - I gasped when you opened your refrigerator. What a beautiful sight!

  • @sapir_turgeman
    @sapir_turgeman Год назад +1

    What a lovely video to watch, such an inspiration! enjoy your new camera! and happy birthday !! 😄📷🎈🎉

  • @MarkChappell-o9f
    @MarkChappell-o9f Месяц назад

    I love your work, and especially the wonderful way you come across both in the video and how you interact with your subjects. Sadly, I feel I may have to buy a 67ii

  • @tosha3873
    @tosha3873 11 месяцев назад

    Congrats from Japan! I have Mamiya 67 Pro SD and enjoy shooting pictures.

  • @billbasta8481
    @billbasta8481 Год назад

    You made some magic with the 67II Sam, I can't wait to see more.

  •  7 месяцев назад +1

    To work around the lack of settings of the photo, I take a photo with my phone of the top of my camera, and make sure the settings are visible (shutter speed, iso, aperture) and then I save it in a file in my computer. Then I use exiftool to update the settings of the scan, so the settings match the actual exposition settings.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  7 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve sometime use my light meter app to screenshot the data.. but I just always forgot to do it 😂

    •  7 месяцев назад

      @@itscapturedbysam having it in camera sounds amazing though

  • @thoughtdujour
    @thoughtdujour 8 месяцев назад

    I just wanted to say, more than any other video that you've posted (that I've watched), this particular one had me smiling each time you approached a stranger to ask them if you could take a portrait of them. I liked all of the portraits, especially the one of the young lady by herself at the beach. Watching their body language as they responded to your request had me nervous for you and the outcome, only to be rewarded with a "yes"....Please... get a series going of "Stranger Portraits"... your videography is lovely. "Thank you".

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  8 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much for watching and commenting, I love photograph strangers, and most definitely will keep going~ :)

  • @RobBro_mf
    @RobBro_mf Год назад

    As someone who has always watched your videos, i'm truly happy for you Sam,mamiya rb67 has always been my dream camera and i'm blessed to finally own one.... 15:23 to 15:30 "thats what she said" x 4

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад

      Congratulations!! I recently had the chance holding one RB67 in my hand for the first time, and I immediately give up on wanting to have one 😂… it’s is too BULKY!! but that being said, I still really want to get a RZ67 though~ lol

  • @synlfo7828
    @synlfo7828 10 месяцев назад

    Congrats! Its a great camera. i had 2 of these and sold then got then sold. You can get older lenses that have a yellow tint but you can get rid of them with a standard UV light. I had one from Ikea. Eventually i went mamiya 7II and never looked back. Both produce some amazing pictures. Although the mamiya has various things that make it a better camera in my opinion . The leaf shutter is one big plus. No noise or shutter when you are taking off the cuff images. And weight. Its lighter and easier to handle. Lens wise. The mamiya has a more organic image without losing the sharpness. Both are great!

  • @josal7658
    @josal7658 Год назад

    the camera is nice and all, but the pictures.. i love them so much! i think they have something very unique to them. also the way you interact with people and how positive everyone reacts, is really nice to see :)

  • @ShirazChanawala
    @ShirazChanawala Год назад

    Your narration is top notch. Thank you for creating and sharing.

  • @armondyeo
    @armondyeo Год назад

    Exactly the same feeling as I got my pentax 67ii! congrats once again!

  • @michaelcope1396
    @michaelcope1396 Год назад

    The love in your voice is all that matters. It’s just a tool. A hammer, a screwdriver, a wrench.

  • @brunogarcez
    @brunogarcez 8 месяцев назад

    Your happiness makes me happy 🤩

  • @adventuresofjandk
    @adventuresofjandk 7 месяцев назад

    Had to subscribe just because of how happy that camera makes you.

  • @catalaytregua
    @catalaytregua 9 месяцев назад

    Awesome video and beautiful portraits, Sam! ♡ Just a little question: what roll film did you used for the first photos? Thank you!!!

  • @georgesealy4706
    @georgesealy4706 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for posting this video. It is very enjoyable to watch.

  • @tedphillips2951
    @tedphillips2951 Год назад

    Love the photos My dream camera is still the one I have the Pentax 645N but I use all manual focus.

  • @tsunamitowne13
    @tsunamitowne13 Год назад

    finally you got it, my friend~ I still remember my comments last Xmas. it seems we do have a miracle ahead this year~! Congrats~!

  • @mattiashaggstrom2049
    @mattiashaggstrom2049 3 месяца назад

    I really enjoyd this video. I love your positive energy. You take great portaits, of people and other things. I have a Pentax 67II my self, but have recently bought a Mamiya C220 as will and think that is a camera that suits me very good. But I will always keep my P67II :-)

  • @hablemosdefoto
    @hablemosdefoto Год назад

    This is so beautiful I have the old Pentax 67 with the 105 lens, to be honest, my best medium format Camera, thanks for share this amazing video.

  • @wilbmoore
    @wilbmoore 8 месяцев назад

    Sam you are so genuinely awesome. I love your work. Your videos are so engaging. You Rock!!!

  • @suchitgangurde3514
    @suchitgangurde3514 Год назад

    Hey Sam!
    Great video on the Pentax 67II. I am looking for one with the 105mm f2.4 too, mint if possible. It'll be the ultimate find, a dream come true. It is pretty hard to come by those here in India though. However, I got myself a mint Nikon FM2n body last week which I have yet to shoot. It's been my dream camera ever since I started shooting film in November/December 2020. Everything on mine is perfect. Mounted an AF Nikkor 50mm f1.8D on it and it is ready to go. I can imagine your joy on getting your dream camera. Congratulations!

  • @CBSDailyBread
    @CBSDailyBread 9 месяцев назад

    I love your joy and happiness. Excellent photos.

  • @gantz1782
    @gantz1782 Год назад

    I'm so happy for you ! I also got my dream camera last week, it's a Mamiya RB67 ! I'm so happy :')

  • @cherlynwagner6927
    @cherlynwagner6927 4 месяца назад

    Really enjoyed this, thank you for sharing! But dang it - now this camera is on my wish list - hopefully one day I'll get one too :D

  • @wildeturkey2006
    @wildeturkey2006 5 месяцев назад

    Strap position is great, rotate the camera 90 degrees with the handle facing down and resting on your palm ✋

  • @alexradsby
    @alexradsby Год назад

    This is so great. I was in awe the first time I held a Pentax 67. It's an incredible camera, the clunk of the shutter is ridiculous. Lovely video Sam! Thank you for sharing with us!

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад

      Thank you for watching ☺️ both the Pentax camera I have the shutter sounds funny~ but I started to get use to it 😂

  • @guillaumejousset9469
    @guillaumejousset9469 Год назад

    Very, very nice video, it’s long but in a very great way, I took time to watch it and felt great after that. Great mood, great smile on your face at any moment, beautiful portraits… Just subscribed ❤

  • @dolittle7593
    @dolittle7593 Год назад

    What a lovely video and thanks for sharing the shooting experience as well as those amazing pictures!! 👏 I've just picked up my 67 two months ago and am absolutely in love with it. Can't agree with more when you said it takes a picture just as the way you imagined and even better 😻

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +1

      ahhh thank you.. congrats fro getting your 67 as well!!! Pressure is on! better go take more photos now~

  • @TakkoAM
    @TakkoAM 7 месяцев назад

    Great unboxing/review of this camera. Well done and congrats on the new camera.

  • @viensjteshoot
    @viensjteshoot Год назад

    Congratulations Sam, I was like you 2 months ago, so happy to put my hand on this moonrock.
    It is the best medium format camera to me, enjoy !

  • @gabgallant
    @gabgallant Год назад

    Wow Sam! Those morning portraits are great.

  • @easeeasy
    @easeeasy Месяц назад

    That is my DREAM camera too!

  • @neeravnaik
    @neeravnaik Год назад

    Those photos are so good! I Love my Pentax 645n and sometimes feeling like getting the 6X7 but the size always scares me but the results seem worth it.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +1

      Thank you :) the size is definitely intimidating!! But you only have 10 shots per roll, sooooo.. the time you actually gonna hold it up for the shot is actually shorter LOL~ that’s my logic! 😂

  • @danny_liao
    @danny_liao Год назад

    There should be no DISLIKE for this camera. Haha. Congrats on the P67II!

  • @Nerdzombiedisco
    @Nerdzombiedisco Год назад +1

    I can see that the 6x7 composition/ratio is your natural eye. Cheers & congrats! 🫶🏽. When you shoot 2.4, exhale'll nail focus better.

  • @dslmaxe
    @dslmaxe Год назад

    Awesome video and vibe. Want to see you take more great portraits and portraits of buildings with it.

  • @justyou_official
    @justyou_official 9 месяцев назад +1

    Can photos taken with PENTA X67II be edited in Lightroom?

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  9 месяцев назад

      Yes.. any film photo can be digitized by scanning and converting.. then you can edit just like how you edit digital photos~

  • @RollinLeonard
    @RollinLeonard 11 месяцев назад

    it was extremely enjoyable to see your process and hear your reflections. amazing! very nice photographs too.

  • @nanoulandia
    @nanoulandia 5 месяцев назад

    I am in the same boat as you were. Used to shoot film, then switched to digital and now want to go analog once more. Knowing what you know now, would you switch to the 645 first and then the 67, or go straight to the 67? I am looking at both cameras just like you once did! Refreshing videos, useful content and beautifully composed images, unlike most amateur videos on RUclips. Just subscribed!

  • @RodrigoVazquez91
    @RodrigoVazquez91 14 дней назад

    Me I ask what camera do you use for filming? The quality looks really impressive, it feels almost like a documentary.

  • @confrontingphotography4815
    @confrontingphotography4815 Год назад +2

    Been shooting with a P67 for 9 years. It’s really all about the lenses. The 105, 55, 75, 165, and others are so unique. Great resolving power, but not clinical at all. It’s a wonderful system. Enjoy.

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +1

      I thought about getting a wider lens for my p67 or p645, but I think I started to love only shooting with one lens~

    • @confrontingphotography4815
      @confrontingphotography4815 Год назад

      @@itscapturedbysam That is understandable.

  • @Ickhart
    @Ickhart Год назад +1

    Heyo! Just wanted to note that there's actually 4 models of the pentax 6x7. Original 6x7, 6x7 MLU (which has a mirror lockup, 67, and then 67ii! there's marginal difference between the first two but I believe some parts are more reliable on the second gen (I also have one hahah)

  • @timdai09
    @timdai09 7 месяцев назад +1

    What film did you use for the pier photos?

  • @shereemaebalangue1296
    @shereemaebalangue1296 Год назад

    I really enjoyed this video. I enjoy all your videos but I could feel your excitement. Im so stoked for you! Love the photos!

  • @Der_Marc
    @Der_Marc Год назад

    I enjoyed it. Your photos are outstanding. ❤
    Have fun with this camera.

  • @TaiyangBing
    @TaiyangBing Год назад

    Beautiful portraits! Congratulations on your new camera!

  • @colebader
    @colebader Год назад

    Congrats on the new baby! This system is a dream, can't wait to see what you make with it.

  • @paiute6911
    @paiute6911 Год назад +1

    Just to give you a heads up. That 105mm most likely is slightly irradiated. (Thorium glass)

  • @paullesliehutson5818
    @paullesliehutson5818 10 месяцев назад

    Hi - Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with the Pentax 67ii. Is the focusing screen you have a split image and micro prism type? How easy did you find it to achieve accurate focus on people’s eyes? Thank You!

  • @Solarsystem50
    @Solarsystem50 3 месяца назад

    Great review. I love the passion.

  • @patrickrostker6693
    @patrickrostker6693 Год назад

    Looks like its going to be a lot of fun to use this camera, it is huge but leaves a huge impression 😅. Great video! ❤

  • @mauriciohernandez6323
    @mauriciohernandez6323 Месяц назад

    I'm very proud of you

  • @Pezinokrm
    @Pezinokrm Год назад

    Congrats! 🍾on your new camera and nice first set of images captured, looking forward to seeing more of your work with it. Cheers! 🥂

  • @Raf_9000
    @Raf_9000 Год назад

    Congrats on getting your dream camera!! I recently bought a 6x7 but it has problems that I need to send it to get it fix. Recently during Filmstock in ATL, I was able to talk to more people and got to hold a Bronica and that changed things for me. I bought one and it’s been sooo much fun shooting it! I feel like I found a new camera that inspires me to go shoot more often. Your photos in this videos were amazing!! I can’t wait to see you shoot more with this camera!

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад +1

      I'm glad Bronica worked!! Hope you can fix your 6x7 as well... Whatever camera that brought you out shooting is a good camera!!

  • @giordiserafini_
    @giordiserafini_ Год назад

    awesome video, and even better photos. What film stock were you using for the morning shots on the beach?? Colors were great

  • @sixth.memory
    @sixth.memory Год назад

    This is motivation to go out and start taking photos of strangers again! The Pentax is such a beast! I gotta go shoot in Santa Monica soon!

    • @itscapturedbysam
      @itscapturedbysam  Год назад

      I love Santa Monica, I gotta go explore more places to shoot though~

  • @dandandu9418
    @dandandu9418 9 месяцев назад

    Really good portraits!! Congrats!

  • @adtechniques
    @adtechniques Год назад

    Congrats! Waiting for your video for a month :)

  •  4 месяца назад

    You seem like the nicest person!

  • @StarrysLostandFound
    @StarrysLostandFound Год назад

    Big congrats 🎉 So happy for you and happy belated birthday 🥳 Thanks for sharing your excitement of getting your new treasure.

  • @ruff1draft
    @ruff1draft Год назад

    Sam have a blessed and successful week

  • @davidmascorro5636
    @davidmascorro5636 11 месяцев назад

    glad I found you here, really enjoyed your video.

  • @Renzsu
    @Renzsu 9 месяцев назад

    Lovely photos Sam! Do you ever keep in contact with these people and send them your photo?

  • @jack91g
    @jack91g Год назад

    I love my pentax 67ii