For me Vanessa is the most “make it work” character like I think she’s at her best when she has a lot of viable builds because for me she is kind of about winging it. There is burn vanessa, single weapon, wide board lots of small weapons, ammo builds, aquatic builds, she just feels like the perfect character to have a super improvised playstyle and make what you find work. I think you absolutely nailed Dooley with the extreme synergy between items and passives and Pyg with Big numbers, big items.
Skipping Crescendo is a generational fumble
I love your mother and the fact that she brings you to existence is marvellous😊
For me Vanessa is the most “make it work” character like I think she’s at her best when she has a lot of viable builds because for me she is kind of about winging it. There is burn vanessa, single weapon, wide board lots of small weapons, ammo builds, aquatic builds, she just feels like the perfect character to have a super improvised playstyle and make what you find work.
I think you absolutely nailed Dooley with the extreme synergy between items and passives and Pyg with Big numbers, big items.
The Combat Core disrespect is real