Underrated song, they deserved the final! Lovely song, I like this pop soul, so beautiful chill melody! Good luck to the final and greetings from Italy!
Thank you! Unfortunately people from Azerbaijan don't really support them, it makes me happy seeing they get the appreciation they deserve from people outside❤
My favorite from this year, love from 🇰🇷❤️ heard for the first time from German Radio and instantly fell in love - such a great song to listen easily on weekends, so fresh! All the best guys!
I really like this song except for the rap parts, but it was lovely seeing it live, and they sang it flawlessly. They must be proud! Love from Italy 🇮🇹❤️🇦🇿
This was literally one of the best performances yesterday. They are real musicians, you can feel it. It’s a pity, they were not promoted, and then expectedly underrated. There was already Nadir Rustamli with a wonderful song and voice these years, who, though entered the final, stayed almost unnoticed. But there are people, who appreciate the entries from Azerbaijan 🙋🏼♀️ Thank you for keep on sending heartwarming songs.
As a Dutchman, I couldn't agree more. Never watch this thing, but these guys ruled! Originality, cool act, the sound....respected the hell about these dudes. They understand it! Waaaayyy better than our Dutch sad serious crap. Okay, my next favourite act was from Czech, who made it luckily, but these boys....they deserved and deserve much more.... they will make it anyway ;))
@@cornehuptekee3902 I actually like the Netherlands song's studio version. It's a good melancholic song. However stage delivery did nothing for me. You can at least hold some pride that your country sends quality stuff, at least for last few years since I've been watching...
I can't believe these guys are not in the final, this song was lovely and they were so cute on the stage 😪 I'm really sorry about contest but no matter the result I will be listening to "Tell Me More". Sending lots of love from Türkiye 💕
რა უსამართლობაა აზერბაიჯანის ფინალში არ გადაყვანა..😠 დაყრუვდი ევროპა??? ეს სიმღერა საუკეთესო ხასიეთზე მაყენებს. რა ქარიზმატული ტყუპი ძმებია. გული არ გაიტეხოთ მეგობრებო..საქართველო თქვენს გვერდითაა. ❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️👍👍👍👍👍
Thanks so much but unfortunately can't pass the final you are too can't pass and I sad for it I was like so much your song yesterday I was send vote but what we can do this contest is injustice Mafia...Love you are
Əhməd Əhməd fındıq ləpəsi. Hanı enerji? Hanı dinamika? Hanı performans? Bu nə mahnıdır, Lennonun yasıdır? Araz kafesində, Borani restoranında canlı musiqidir? Toyda musiqiçilər yemək yeyəndə qoyulan mahnıdır? Uşaqlarlıq bir iş yoxdur, problem bizim təşkilatçılardadır. Kimsə oturub bu yağışlı havada, nəyisə, kimisə yadına salıb bəlkə də, xəyallara dalıb, nostalji, romantik, duyğusal xatirələr.. Sonra gedib deyib ki, Filankes məllim, belə bir mahnı təklifim var. Məllim də yazıq neynəsin, işçi tutub, maaş verir, özünün fikri olmasa da olar. Deyib bəlkə dogrudan da uğurlu seçimdir. Nəysə. Əminəm ki, ermənistanın çıxışına onlardan çox biz baxmışıq ki, görək biz Azərbaycan bu mahnıyla keçməmişiksə, görən onlar nə oxuyub.
Çox gözəlsiniz, uşaqlar. Təmiz üzünüz, təmiz enerjiniz, ötürdüyünüz emosiyalar, hər şey bizim dövrün bütün sürətli və paxıl həyatından çox uzaqdır. Sizə gələcək həyatınızda və karyeranızda uğurlar 🤍
Özləri həyatda heç nə bacarmayan nəisə ərsəyə gətirməyən insanların məncə aşağlayıcı comment yazmağa haqqı yoxdur. İlk dəfə öz yazdıqları mahnı ilə çıxıb buralara qədər gələm gənclərə əhsən demək düşər. Ümid edirəm, bu gənclər laiq olduğu yerlərə gələrlər. İnsanların həvəslərin, qanadların, bacarıqların qırmayın. Azərbaycanın yeni ruha ehtiyacı var.
Olkemizde cahil coxdu. Problem budur. Seviye cox ashagidir. Mahnini bos verin bizi belke en yaxshi temsil eleyenlerden biridi Turan ve Tural. Cox az bele adekvat cavanlar gorurem. Danisiglarini bilirler, sadediler, semimi, ozlerini gostermirler. Eslinde esl avropaya yarashan gencler. Bunlarin gedirini avropada bilerler bizim olkede yox.
@@vam9785 bizimkilər onun bunun qızına göz dikən, kobud, şiddətə meyilli olanlara kişi deyir belə səmimi, mehriban, sadə oğlanlara isə gay damğası vururlar. Kişilik vurub dağıtmaqla ölçülmür. Mahnı zəif olsa da səsləri və stilleri gözəldi. Xasiyyətcə də yaxşı uşaqlara oxşayırlar. Ümid edirəm gələcəkdə daha yaxşı yerlərə gələrlər
Nəticədən asılı olmayaraq sizinlə qürur duyuruq. O qədər faciədən sonra yıxılmayıb öz yazdığınız mahnı ilə ölkəmizi layiqincə təmsil etdiniz. Təşəkkür edirəm. Uğurlar qardaşlar ❤❤
Zövqlər fərqlidi ama avroviziya tariximizdə ikinci belə bir mahnı xatırlamıram ki dinləyəndə insanda belə pozitif hisslər yaratsın. Çox sadə, zərif, authentic çıxış olub. Geyimlərə isə ayrı bir əhsən düşür - elegant, glamur, chic. Auditoriya da hiss olunur ki çıxışı çox bəyənib, telefonlarını çıxardıb spotlight eliyiblər. Əminəm ki 2008-2013 arası gedən iştirakçılarımız kimi pul qoyulsaydı, reklam olunsaydılar nəinki finala düşərdilər, top 10luqda da olardılar. Finala keçib keçməmək isə boş şeydi. Ən əsası odu ki bu uşaqlar bizi 15 ildi paddelka mahnı götürüb oxumaq rüsvaycılığından qutardılar. İlk dəfə mahnısından, geyiminə, səhnəsinə qədər yerli məhsulumuzla gedib təmsil olunduq. Ona görə bu uşaqlara respect 🙏🙏. Tarixə düşdülər.
@@tunasan9091biz sizin iyiliklerin karşısını böyle vermiyoruz. Demekki bizim onca size yaptığımız desteklerin böyle karşılığını veren saygısız "türk kardeş" de varmış. Armeniden farkın ne o zaman
@@nazrinmikayilzade4603 🤣🤣 hadi ya siz mi kardeşsiniz manatlarınızı burda güzelce harcadınız suriler ile sizler bulgar göçmeni ve alamancılar yediniz ülkemizi boşalttınız marketleri avmleri
Thank you, Azerbaijan! The contest might have not appreciated it enough, but this song and performance was definitely among the best this year. Please keep sending music made by your locals!
@@mebelustasanar bawa duwmedim burda pis ne var? Sehv ne edib uwaqlar? Geyime gore deyirsizse eger onlarin yerine yarigeyimsiz qizlar cixsa fexr edecekdiz. Ayib olsun. Kiminse uguruna sevine bilmirsizse. Ozudeki ayib bir wey elemediklero halda.
I know we are at odds but im happy that Azerbaijan represented the Caucasus and all the talent we have here! They did a good job! Goodluck in the finals from Armenia 🇦🇲 to Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Im still listening to this little gem on repeat❤ I was graduating from high school recently and this song reminds me of that day because it was on my headphones all day!! love you guys and looking forward to your future releases🫶 love from Poland 🇵🇱❤️🇦🇿
Kudos to Turan and Tural for their performance and charm on all levels. The song made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I want a boyfriend now, who will ask me "how do you feel?" 😭😁 Azerbaijan, please don't be discouraged, you were so brave to try something new for you in the contest! Always go your own way, and thank you for these cutest guys and entry. Love from Ukraine.
The best song on the Eurovision 2023. It was original and my opinion this is what the music about. They showed all the emotions through the song. Keep doing it guys
i can't lie and act like i'm not devastated that my favorite entry didn't make it to the final, but i'm so glad 90s-00s soft rock found a place in eurovision. it's my absolute favorite style of music. and it's a joy to see that it was brought here by people my age. i'm so proud of you guys... hoping to see you on the eurovision stage again someday 💛
Bu ona gore oldu ki bizimkiler agmag agmag mahnylari gonderiller. Bu nedir ?! Hani bizim Ferid Memmedovlar ? Hani Aysel vé Arash? Hani Effendi?!!!! Ermeniler ise Cox yaxsi mahnisini gonderiller !
Nə olsun ki? Bu yarışma hər il keçirilir. Dünyanın sonu deyil ki. Hər il xarici bəstəkarlar yazırdı mahnımızı. Bu dəfə uşaqlar özləri yazıb. Bizim düşdüyümüz yarımfinal çox çətiniydi, həm də bu ildən jüri səsləri ləvğ edildi tərslikdən
You honour us with your beautiful song. Everyone loves you & this song is reminiscent of the "Sixties" music era and I grew up with music of the 60's. I don't know why we cannot vote in the UK, but you have my vote. Your voices are gorgeous with good diction. You don't have to win a competition to succeed. Good luck, you both have a bright future ahead. nannymusic xx
This would fit so well in a teen drama film. A simple sweet song, reminds me of Britpop songs from the 90's. Who knew Azerbaijan would be this underrated?
This song feels so peaceful & pleasant, I imagine it playing at the end of a romantic movie during prom or a party and it's very fitting. Could've done without the rap parts (they seem a bit out of place), but it's a great song anyway ❤ Love from Romania 🇷🇴🇦🇿
@@Z.S-d9i 2-ci dünya müharibəsində demək olar bütün Avropa bir biri ilə vuruşmuş və çoxlu insan tələfatları olmuşdu (milyonlarla), amma indi bir-biri ilə mehriban qonşudurlar. Məgər bu pisdir? İndi bu mümkün deyil. Amma gələcəkdə belə olmağını istərdim.
Utanıram belə millətin mənsubu olduğuma görə bütün ölkələr temsilcilerin dəstəklədi Azərbaycandan başqa ancaq arxalarında danışdılar xaricilərdə yorumlarda görürəm yazıblar azərilər dəstəkləmir tesufki öz temsilcisin..Nə deyəsən belə millete nə olur yaxşı olur...Ölümə layiqdirlər...
@@bkirbabayev4731 yenə də biz dəstəyimizi göstərək,onlar böyük bir uğur qazandılar,sadəcə o səhnəyə çıxmaq belə bəs edir buna,özünüzü üzməyin elələrinə görə🥰💙
@@bkirbabayev4731 eslinde heç kim beyenmek məcburiyyətində deyil, zövq meselesidir. Yerində tənqid etmək olar. Xaricilər də bəyənməyib ki finala keçe bilmedi mahnı. Yeterince güclü deyildi amma gelib burda xaricilerin yanında pislemek düzgün deyil.
@@bkirbabayev4731 Sevmiyibler bu mahnini insanlar ona görede desteylemiller. Siz Keçen ilki Samire Efendi-nin yorum sayina baxin 102min. Qalib ölkeye heç bu qeder şerh yazmiyiblar. Sadece bu mahni pisdi
This is the same as Latvia in terms of when people vote. They vote for instant catchy songs. Sadly that’s how it goes at Eurovision. These songs take a few listens to appreciate. but in terms of longevity. This and Azerbaijan will be listened to a lot more than most of the songs that qualified. Well with me at least 😂
Można by powiedzieć że najładniejsza ze wszystkich piosenek. Ale cieszmy się że Rosja nie brała udziału bo by całą eurowizję 2023 w powietrze wywaliła by . Już polskę straszą . Nie wiem Rosja je ziemię zamiast jedzenia 😂 Ukraina ma ich ziemię teraz Polska ?
Underrated song, they deserved the final! Lovely song, I like this pop soul, so beautiful chill melody! Good luck to the final and greetings from Italy!
@@heikkisiltanen9140 I really wish you a speedy recovery 😘
@@the.lavinia some pills will make him good 😁
Hopefully Azerbaijan keeps sending original stuff like this instead of outsourced songs. Really enjoyed this one, one of my favorites from the semi!
Thank you! Unfortunately people from Azerbaijan don't really support them, it makes me happy seeing they get the appreciation they deserve from people outside❤
@@kierdraugr why not?? I liked it so much.
Nah, Azerbaijan won't send original songs for the next 20 years and always bring up this result as a reason 😂
Just so you know, this song sounds a lot like a song by a brazilian band called Titãs. The name of the song is É preciso saber viver
The music video was better. Sorry.
I'm sad they didn't qualify, but I hope Azerbaijan will keep sending home-made songs and finally send song in native language next year!
azerbaran 🤣🤣🤣
@@Sagittarius_A_Star-t2eooh angry armenian kid
En beklediğim şey 😊
@@Sagittarius_A_Star-t2ememory 44 days🤣
This song just stole my heart! Love from Ukraine
you are so sweet❤our support and love are yours🇦🇿❤🇺🇦
🇺🇦🇦🇿✌️ Ukrainian women are beautiful 🎉
My favorite from this year, love from 🇰🇷❤️ heard for the first time from German Radio and instantly fell in love - such a great song to listen easily on weekends, so fresh! All the best guys!
Thanks❤i loveu koreaaa
I loved this song SO much, it's a shame it didn't make it to the finals🥺🇦🇿🇺🇦
I really liked this song, making your hart feel somthing, sad that they didn't qualify. Love from Israel 🇮🇱🇦🇿
This was my top 3 song this year. Really surprised and kinda angry that they didn't qualify. This song is a banger
This song is so underrated, it deserves better. Love from Italy 🇮🇹 🇦🇿
Salve come stai? Dove vivi in Italia?
Thanks mate! Cheers to Italy🙌🏻
Thanks a lot 🥰🥰 I love Italy so much 🥰🙏🏻 Baci 😘🇮🇹🇦🇿
İ love İtaly 🇮🇹 love from Azerbaijan
Әзірбайжан жасасын! Сәлем Қазақстаннан! 🇦🇿🇰🇿
Спасибо ❤
işinize gelmeyince Türkiye unutuluyorr NE MUTLU TÜRKÜM DIYENE🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
@@batmanblabla6255 🙄
@@batmanblabla6255 Şimdi türkdenmi konuşuldu. Azeribaycan performansından konuşuluyor. Sizde çok oldunuz be
This song is too good for Eurovision 😍love from Georgia 🇬🇪
U are my winners, this is song. Sending love from Serbia to Azerbaijan❤
This was the first song that I have ever officially voted on at ESC!!
I voted on this group too…🙏🏻👍🏻
Thank you ❤
same here
Wooow This was magical, congratulations guys, keep making music that touches the heart, I'm completely a fan loveee from mexicooo 🇲🇽❤️🇦🇿
The fact Turan’s bass strap breaks at 1:54 and he just keeps singing like nothing’s happened, without dropping the bass is super impressive
It really is!!
Omg I didn’t even notice that
You do know that the music is not played live, but a track? Not really impressive
@@niels6411 Yes but a bass guitar is heavy + hes jumping in place a lot
My favorite song from this semi-final. Nice, retro performance style and pretty song. Greetings from Poland🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Ceszc mordo ❤
10 balls.
aleykum salam❤
I voted for you and I was really sad it didn't qualify. Such a sweet song!
Sad my friend :( thanks so much you for vote hope next year we are will be strong good luck Israel I wish you are at final getting minimum top 5❤🇦🇿🇮🇱
I wish they qualify It's kinda retro song and I apsolutly loveeee retro stuff like 70' 80' and 90' and especially songs from that period
@@bkirbabayev4731 bizimkiler kecmedi finala?
I really like this song except for the rap parts, but it was lovely seeing it live, and they sang it flawlessly. They must be proud!
Love from Italy 🇮🇹❤️🇦🇿
Thanks ❤
Yep, the rap parts were a minus in this song but we all know it wouldn't be a qualifier anyway.
for me its the opposite
gave me kinda The Beatles vibes. Such a fascinating song guys i voted for you
Love from Greece 🇬🇷🇦🇿
Same im from Greece too and i voted for them
Thank you Creece ❤️ Greetings from Azerbaijan
The song reminds me Kiss me from Sixpence None The Ritcher
Thank you for everything ❤️
i love how retro and simple this song is! one of my favourite non qualifiers!! very catchy, love from İSVEÇRE 🇨🇭♥️🇦🇿
가장 좋아했던 노래. 결과는 아쉽지만 내 플레이리스트에 항상 있을겁니다. 아제르바이잔 최고 👍 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
감사합니다 ~
Thank u so much! ❤️ 🇦🇿🇰🇷
Thank u❤i love u korea❤
My heart is always with Azerbaijan ❤ we love you çan Azerbaycan🇮🇱🇦🇿
We love you too❤❤❤❤
We love you too❤✨
I Love this Song! It is on the first place in my Heart!
Greetings from Austria 🇦🇹
I agree 👏🏻
Thanks ❤
I'm Armenian , but Azerbaijan's song is beautiful, and I like it
How old are you?
Thank you
@@gold_gaming.brawl_stars да какая разница кому сколько лет??
This was literally one of the best performances yesterday. They are real musicians, you can feel it. It’s a pity, they were not promoted, and then expectedly underrated. There was already Nadir Rustamli with a wonderful song and voice these years, who, though entered the final, stayed almost unnoticed. But there are people, who appreciate the entries from Azerbaijan 🙋🏼♀️ Thank you for keep on sending heartwarming songs.
Eurovision is pushing a woke agenda. Drag queens in, real talent and music out. I'm boycotting this bs from now on
Even though they didn't qualify for the final, they qualified for my heart. ❤
Same i love this song
Thanks from Azerbaijan❤
As a Dutchman, I couldn't agree more. Never watch this thing, but these guys ruled! Originality, cool act, the sound....respected the hell about these dudes. They understand it!
Waaaayyy better than our Dutch sad serious crap. Okay, my next favourite act was from Czech, who made it luckily, but these boys....they deserved and deserve much more.... they will make it anyway ;))
@@SamaTaghizada protect them at all costs.
@@cornehuptekee3902 I actually like the Netherlands song's studio version. It's a good melancholic song. However stage delivery did nothing for me. You can at least hold some pride that your country sends quality stuff, at least for last few years since I've been watching...
Retro style from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
I can't believe these guys are not in the final, this song was lovely and they were so cute on the stage 😪 I'm really sorry about contest but no matter the result I will be listening to "Tell Me More". Sending lots of love from Türkiye 💕
Canınız sağ olsun Azerbaycan.Türkiye her zaman sizinle.🇹🇷🇦🇿
Why does Turkey 🇹🇷 always support Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 ? Because your flags are similar ?
@@AmazingJohnny hayır kardeş oldukları için
@@AmazingJohnny Əlbəttə xeyir. Bizim milliyətimiz birdir. Yəni qardaş millətlərik ona görə hər zaman bir-birimizi dəstəkləyirik.
@@muratseker8502 I don't speak Turkish.
@@ChesterliEmoji I don't speak Turkish.
That's so great. I'm glad I got to know their music. Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱
Dziékuje serdecznie, pozdrawiam z Baku.
@@saidagasan2722 Znasz polski? ❤ Bardzo szkoda, że nie przeszli, byli zdecydowanie moimi faworytami! Pozdrowienia z Polski
@@sem5263znaczy niektórzy Azerowie na pewno chociaż troszkę polskim się posługują ;) jestem jednym z nich. Też pozdrawiam.
Absolute classic, I don’t know about you guys, but this was a real nice song, I hope it qualifies!🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
when you hear this song you instantly know that it won`t qualify
It was shitty song do not fart man
@@heikkisiltanen9140 Are you okey?
@@ahahahfatus yes?
What a beautiful song! 12 Points from Serbia 🇷🇸❤🇦🇿
They composed music and wrote the lyrics themselves
Well done. I actually thought this was quite good. I like both the song and the vocals. Love from NL to Azerbaijan 🇳🇱
Omg ja ik ook ik dacht oprecht deze gaat naar de finale
რა უსამართლობაა აზერბაიჯანის ფინალში არ გადაყვანა..😠 დაყრუვდი ევროპა??? ეს სიმღერა საუკეთესო ხასიეთზე მაყენებს. რა ქარიზმატული ტყუპი ძმებია. გული არ გაიტეხოთ მეგობრებო..საქართველო თქვენს გვერდითაა. ❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️🇦🇿❤️👍👍👍👍👍
მართალი ხარ, ძმა საქართველოშიც იგივე მოხდა, ძალიან ვწუხვარ🇦🇿❤️🇬🇪
This was literally the most beautiful song and performance. Without dancers, fancy shows or giving headaches.. just pure music!
The moment at 2:55 where Turan looks at Tural is literally the cutest thing ever! ❤
Saw it too!😍✨
He was so proud of his brother
Loved this song so much, wished it got through!! Love from Ireland 🇮🇪💖
Thanks so much but unfortunately can't pass the final you are too can't pass and I sad for it I was like so much your song yesterday I was send vote but what we can do this contest is injustice Mafia...Love you are
They were perfect live! Thank you guys so much!!!
girl they sucked
Əhməd Əhməd fındıq ləpəsi. Hanı enerji? Hanı dinamika? Hanı performans? Bu nə mahnıdır, Lennonun yasıdır? Araz kafesində, Borani restoranında canlı musiqidir? Toyda musiqiçilər yemək yeyəndə qoyulan mahnıdır? Uşaqlarlıq bir iş yoxdur, problem bizim təşkilatçılardadır. Kimsə oturub bu yağışlı havada, nəyisə, kimisə yadına salıb bəlkə də, xəyallara dalıb, nostalji, romantik, duyğusal xatirələr.. Sonra gedib deyib ki, Filankes məllim, belə bir mahnı təklifim var. Məllim də yazıq neynəsin, işçi tutub, maaş verir, özünün fikri olmasa da olar. Deyib bəlkə dogrudan da uğurlu seçimdir. Nəysə. Əminəm ki, ermənistanın çıxışına onlardan çox biz baxmışıq ki, görək biz Azərbaycan bu mahnıyla keçməmişiksə, görən onlar nə oxuyub.
Vacib idi zəhərini bura qusasan???
Menim fikrimce bu yaxsi cixis idi ❤❤❤ toylarda ble mahni qoymullar
Bildiyim qederi ile ozleri yaziblar ve berbad bu il utanc verici oldu hec finala qalmadiq
Bu sizin Day After Day'dan sonra gönderdiğiniz en iyi şarkı. Neyden bahsediyorsun amk?
One of my favorite ever eurovision songs, love from🇸🇮
So sweetl!!
You don’t need Eurovision. You are above all that. Still my favourite song. Too good for Eurovision. Proper music! Keep going guys.
What a pity, men ! You deserved more than everything. We are proud of you ! ❤
How could they not qualify for the final?
They are beautiful!!!
Too bad we didn't make it to the final
Such a lovely song !!! 🇵🇹❤️🇦🇿
Çox gözəlsiniz, uşaqlar. Təmiz üzünüz, təmiz enerjiniz, ötürdüyünüz emosiyalar, hər şey bizim dövrün bütün sürətli və paxıl həyatından çox uzaqdır. Sizə gələcək həyatınızda və karyeranızda uğurlar 🤍
Petuxdular 🤣
Хийардылар бунлар
@@zulkarneynvelikiy6837 xiyar sənsən
@@zulkarneynvelikiy6837 ölkənin qeyrətini qorumaq istəyirsənsə get latın əlifbasını öyrən.
@@behappyblinks latin alifbasini sandan yaxsi biliram
They were really nice...I thought they would pass..but there is an unexpected twist.I hope that we will perform more vigorously in 2024!!
This was my FAVOURITE song!! I really hope Azerbaijan passes to the final! 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
Love to our Azeri brothers.
From Israel.
Love you too🇦🇿🇮🇱❤
Love you! Victory for Israel !
Özləri həyatda heç nə bacarmayan nəisə ərsəyə gətirməyən insanların məncə aşağlayıcı comment yazmağa haqqı yoxdur. İlk dəfə öz yazdıqları mahnı ilə çıxıb buralara qədər gələm gənclərə əhsən demək düşər. Ümid edirəm, bu gənclər laiq olduğu yerlərə gələrlər. İnsanların həvəslərin, qanadların, bacarıqların qırmayın. Azərbaycanın yeni ruha ehtiyacı var.
Olkemizde cahil coxdu. Problem budur. Seviye cox ashagidir. Mahnini bos verin bizi belke en yaxshi temsil eleyenlerden biridi Turan ve Tural. Cox az bele adekvat cavanlar gorurem. Danisiglarini bilirler, sadediler, semimi, ozlerini gostermirler. Eslinde esl avropaya yarashan gencler. Bunlarin gedirini avropada bilerler bizim olkede yox.
@@vam9785 bizimkilər onun bunun qızına göz dikən, kobud, şiddətə meyilli olanlara kişi deyir belə səmimi, mehriban, sadə oğlanlara isə gay damğası vururlar. Kişilik vurub dağıtmaqla ölçülmür. Mahnı zəif olsa da səsləri və stilleri gözəldi. Xasiyyətcə də yaxşı uşaqlara oxşayırlar. Ümid edirəm gələcəkdə daha yaxşı yerlərə gələrlər
Şərhlərdəki insanların cahilliyi məni dəhşətə gətirir.
Özü də əla mahnıdır
Don't be sad, guys ! You performed very well ! Now you are on my list of great non-finalist songs in Eurovision history.
We are proud of you, Tural and Turan! Good luck and keep making amazing songs! 🇦🇿❤️
Fəxr zad eləmirik
@@orxantanrverdi4537 ok qaqas sen uzeyirle fexr ele
@@bizdenece ahahhaa best answer for him 😁
@@orxantanrverdi4537 eləmirsən
Nəticədən asılı olmayaraq sizinlə qürur duyuruq. O qədər faciədən sonra yıxılmayıb öz yazdığınız mahnı ilə ölkəmizi layiqincə təmsil etdiniz. Təşəkkür edirəm. Uğurlar qardaşlar ❤❤
Nə olub ki?
@@elikbakinski3831 finala getmedi
Ə sihtir ə
@@atillachengiz1649 sən də get ağzına al
@@nebulanebu5345 götəə qoyum
Bu gecəki performans çox mükəmməl idi. Sizi dəstəkləyirəm və bu mahnı sevimli mahnılarımdan birinə çevrilib. 🇦🇿🇦🇿
Zeif idi.Ona gore cecmediler.
Mükəmməl sözünü lap təqqir etmiş oldunuz. Mahnı çox gözəldir ama performans sıfır
Zövqlər fərqlidi ama avroviziya tariximizdə ikinci belə bir mahnı xatırlamıram ki dinləyəndə insanda belə pozitif hisslər yaratsın. Çox sadə, zərif, authentic çıxış olub. Geyimlərə isə ayrı bir əhsən düşür - elegant, glamur, chic. Auditoriya da hiss olunur ki çıxışı çox bəyənib, telefonlarını çıxardıb spotlight eliyiblər. Əminəm ki 2008-2013 arası gedən iştirakçılarımız kimi pul qoyulsaydı, reklam olunsaydılar nəinki finala düşərdilər, top 10luqda da olardılar. Finala keçib keçməmək isə boş şeydi. Ən əsası odu ki bu uşaqlar bizi 15 ildi paddelka mahnı götürüb oxumaq rüsvaycılığından qutardılar. İlk dəfə mahnısından, geyiminə, səhnəsinə qədər yerli məhsulumuzla gedib təmsil olunduq. Ona görə bu uşaqlara respect 🙏🙏. Tarixə düşdülər.
Fərid Məmmədov Hold Me
It’s nice but I was busy discussing Loreen with friends :( Poor order number 😢
Kardeslerimin hakki yendi biz sizden raziyiz 🇹🇷🇦🇿💕
yoo gayet yerindeydi yarı finalden çıkamaması
@@tunasan9091biz sizin iyiliklerin karşısını böyle vermiyoruz. Demekki bizim onca size yaptığımız desteklerin böyle karşılığını veren saygısız "türk kardeş" de varmış. Armeniden farkın ne o zaman
@@nazrinmikayilzade4603 🤣🤣 hadi ya siz mi kardeşsiniz manatlarınızı burda güzelce harcadınız suriler ile sizler bulgar göçmeni ve alamancılar yediniz ülkemizi boşalttınız marketleri avmleri
@@nazrinmikayilzade4603 yav ne diyorsun kardeş kötü şarkınız geçemediniz işte
@@nazrinmikayilzade4603 heç dəxli var?! Azərbaycanın özündədə milyonlarla adam bəyənmədi ne erməni bazarı açmısan ?! Deyesen fars tulasısan
The bassist's strape disconnected from his guitar at 1:53. It's very unfortunate but he handled it very well and I respect that. Great performance.
I didn’t notice but the fact that he handled it well shows professionalism❤️
They should’ve qualified! The song is so refreshing and they’re such adorable twins!! 🎸
Thanks a lot 😢
Thank you, Azerbaijan! The contest might have not appreciated it enough, but this song and performance was definitely among the best this year. Please keep sending music made by your locals!
Butun Zaqatala ve Azerbaycan sizinle gurur duyur😍 ugurlar size👏🏼
Menim adimnan niye yazırsan axı bura?
Bir kesin uguruna sevinmirsense bu senin problemindi)
@@orxanelibalayev3779 Geldi yene qaqaslar.Siz videonu sehv salmisiz gedin Turkana zada baxin
Mənim də adımnan danışma))
@@mebelustasanar bawa duwmedim burda pis ne var? Sehv ne edib uwaqlar? Geyime gore deyirsizse eger onlarin yerine yarigeyimsiz qizlar cixsa fexr edecekdiz. Ayib olsun. Kiminse uguruna sevine bilmirsizse. Ozudeki ayib bir wey elemediklero halda.
I love their authenticity. Even if they didn't qualify, I hope Azerbaijan brings more homegrown acts who can just be authentically them.
I know we are at odds but im happy that Azerbaijan represented the Caucasus and all the talent we have here! They did a good job! Goodluck in the finals from Armenia 🇦🇲 to Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Thank you ❤
Thank you ✌️😊
Appreciate the comment. Thank you!
I wish all armenians be peaceful like you. Thank you so much
To be honest, one of the *Best Song* i've heard in the Eurovision. 🔥
Im still listening to this little gem on repeat❤ I was graduating from high school recently and this song reminds me of that day because it was on my headphones all day!! love you guys and looking forward to your future releases🫶 love from Poland 🇵🇱❤️🇦🇿
you are so sweet❤❤❤❤
Dziękuję pięknie! :) Tak, fajni byli ci chłopaki
These guys were my favorites from the first semifinal, so unique and refreshing and such a dreamy vibe. ❤🇮🇹
Kudos to Turan and Tural for their performance and charm on all levels. The song made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I want a boyfriend now, who will ask me "how do you feel?" 😭😁
Azerbaijan, please don't be discouraged, you were so brave to try something new for you in the contest! Always go your own way, and thank you for these cutest guys and entry. Love from Ukraine.
😂❤ thank you, a very cute comment
It is the nicest song, thank you, Azerbaidzhan! It is so pitty, that you aren’t in the final. It will be my summer song definately!
same to me, this nice songs sticks in my head, it´s so catchy and beautiful!
I voted for the Netherlands and Azerbaijan.
Thanks boy
How I can give ur money back ?
you have a good style
The best song on the Eurovision 2023. It was original and my opinion this is what the music about. They showed all the emotions through the song. Keep doing it guys
This was my favourite act🥺 So many perfect elements in a perfect song. Love the vibes 🇦🇿♥️🇳🇴
Wow these guys are incredibly talented! Go Azerbaijan👏🏼🇦🇿
Dos hermanos encantadores. Merecieron la final. Gracias Azerbaiyán. ❤
i can't lie and act like i'm not devastated that my favorite entry didn't make it to the final, but i'm so glad 90s-00s soft rock found a place in eurovision. it's my absolute favorite style of music. and it's a joy to see that it was brought here by people my age. i'm so proud of you guys... hoping to see you on the eurovision stage again someday 💛
Love you two and love your song. You are my winners. 🇺🇦🇦🇿
It is very sad that this song did'nt make it to the final of Eurovision. I really liked it and I will continue to listen it! love from Ukraine 💙💛
Love from Azerbaijan 🥰❤️
@@sacred_monsters Не самый худший,спешу заметить.
И от Азербайджана прмвет Украине и Мир
shame on u eurovision. this song was A TRUE GEM!
one of my favorite songs from this year, bravo ! love from Armenia
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you :)
Eurovision tarixində ilk dəfədir ki, ermənistan olduğu finalda Azərbaycan yoxdur. Bu nailiyyətə görə deleqasiyamıza dərin təşəkkürümü bildirirəm!
Bu dogrudan da birinci defedir. Dehwet bir weydir.
Ne olsun ki? Normal mahni olsaydi finalda olacaqdilar
@@lidaleonova8865 duzdur, mahni meni sozun acigi hec tutmadi
Bu ona gore oldu ki bizimkiler agmag agmag mahnylari gonderiller. Bu nedir ?! Hani bizim Ferid Memmedovlar ? Hani Aysel vé Arash? Hani Effendi?!!!! Ermeniler ise Cox yaxsi mahnisini gonderiller !
Nə olsun ki? Bu yarışma hər il keçirilir. Dünyanın sonu deyil ki. Hər il xarici bəstəkarlar yazırdı mahnımızı. Bu dəfə uşaqlar özləri yazıb. Bizim düşdüyümüz yarımfinal çox çətiniydi, həm də bu ildən jüri səsləri ləvğ edildi tərslikdən
Great performance. Love from Poland. 🇵🇱❤️🇦🇿
O siema to jest moja wygrana w tym roku
I love super cute. One of the best songs of this year.
I was totally surprised when I sow they didn’t qualify,they are the best!
Love from israel❤
Çox xoş sesler, mahnı da. Yer gazanmag o geder de vacib deyil. Yeni, gözel mahnı duydug.
By far the best song in Semi Final 1 💯
Despite not making it through to the Final, Turan and Tural have my attention and the attention of the world.
You honour us with your beautiful song. Everyone loves you & this song is reminiscent of the "Sixties" music era and I grew up with music of the 60's. I don't know why we cannot vote in the UK, but you have my vote. Your voices are gorgeous with good diction. You don't have to win a competition to succeed. Good luck, you both have a bright future ahead. nannymusic xx
Чудова пісня🇦🇿❤🇺🇦❤❤❤
This would fit so well in a teen drama film. A simple sweet song, reminds me of Britpop songs from the 90's.
Who knew Azerbaijan would be this underrated?
İndie rok, retro tərzində gözəl mahnıdır. Mahnı insanı sakitləşdirir və pozitiv enerji verir. Nəticənin necə olması vecimə deyil. Mahnını çox sevirəm.
Məncə bu ilki performans yaxşı deyildi mən beyenmədim
Amma bu sizin fikrinizdir
This song feels so peaceful & pleasant, I imagine it playing at the end of a romantic movie during prom or a party and it's very fitting. Could've done without the rap parts (they seem a bit out of place), but it's a great song anyway ❤ Love from Romania 🇷🇴🇦🇿
No one ever noticed that his bass strap fell off and he just kept playing??? What a legend!!!💙💙
As an Armenian,I'm actually confused. This song was genuinely fantastic,sadly it didnt qualify for the finals.
Why bro? Music shouldn't have prejudice in it. Love from Turkey.
As Azerbaijani I wish both nations peace and development. Enough with this senseles conflict and live friendly together.....
@@nemo2791-e1k same :)
@@nemo2791-e1k birlikde mehriban yawamaq?, Ermenilerin bize etdiklerin unutmusuz deyesen🙄
@@Z.S-d9i 2-ci dünya müharibəsində demək olar bütün Avropa bir biri ilə vuruşmuş və çoxlu insan tələfatları olmuşdu (milyonlarla), amma indi bir-biri ilə mehriban qonşudurlar. Məgər bu pisdir? İndi bu mümkün deyil. Amma gələcəkdə belə olmağını istərdim.
I really loved this song! So sad they couldn't go forward... ❤ Wishing success from Portugal! 🇵🇹
a summer vibe, heart-warming song🌞💛
Hər şey əla idi,təbrik edirəm💙Nəticənin nə olmasından asılı olmayaraq,onlar bunu bacardılar,bu səhnəyə çıxdılar və çox gözəl ifa etdilər!
Utanıram belə millətin mənsubu olduğuma görə bütün ölkələr temsilcilerin dəstəklədi Azərbaycandan başqa ancaq arxalarında danışdılar xaricilərdə yorumlarda görürəm yazıblar azərilər dəstəkləmir tesufki öz temsilcisin..Nə deyəsən belə millete nə olur yaxşı olur...Ölümə layiqdirlər...
@@bkirbabayev4731 Gijdilerde 🤠Cahil kutleni Eurovisiona alet etmek lazim deyil
@@bkirbabayev4731 yenə də biz dəstəyimizi göstərək,onlar böyük bir uğur qazandılar,sadəcə o səhnəyə çıxmaq belə bəs edir buna,özünüzü üzməyin elələrinə görə🥰💙
@@bkirbabayev4731 eslinde heç kim beyenmek məcburiyyətində deyil, zövq meselesidir. Yerində tənqid etmək olar. Xaricilər də bəyənməyib ki finala keçe bilmedi mahnı. Yeterince güclü deyildi amma gelib burda xaricilerin yanında pislemek düzgün deyil.
@@bkirbabayev4731 Sevmiyibler bu mahnini insanlar ona görede desteylemiller. Siz Keçen ilki Samire Efendi-nin yorum sayina baxin 102min. Qalib ölkeye heç bu qeder şerh yazmiyiblar. Sadece bu mahni pisdi
This is the same as Latvia in terms of when people vote. They vote for instant catchy songs. Sadly that’s how it goes at Eurovision. These songs take a few listens to appreciate. but in terms of longevity. This and Azerbaijan will be listened to a lot more than most of the songs that qualified. Well with me at least 😂
Respect to the guys! Beautiful song! Love from Ukraine♥
Very decent!
Added to my playlist:))
Love to 🇦🇿 from Belarus🤍❤️🤍
This song is so sweet, the outfits, vocals and camera work. You deserved better. Forever in my heart 💗
I would give You 12 from Poland ! You' re awsome !!! Simple, true, beatiful , I was in tears, thank You❤️
It’s a banger. They deserved better
Most underrated song in eurovision
Można by powiedzieć że najładniejsza ze wszystkich piosenek. Ale cieszmy się że Rosja nie brała udziału bo by całą eurowizję 2023 w powietrze wywaliła by . Już polskę straszą . Nie wiem Rosja je ziemię zamiast jedzenia 😂 Ukraina ma ich ziemię teraz Polska ?
A jeszcze jedno mi się wydaje że to sprawka Rosji jest też ta wojna w Izraelu . Dobra koniec bo jeszcze Putin zobaczy i dopiero będzie