Congrats Sbubby! So well-deserved. You practiced relentlessly, had the bravery to try new strats, relearned shimmer housing 15 times, and implemented every timesave no matter how annoying it was to learn. Your approach to speedrunning is spectacular. Huge GG
So anyway I just got back into Terarria and I just entered HM after 5 days. GGs. Love seeing how optimised games can be. You deserve all the praise for this
I love watching speedruns for the games I'm playing at the moment. Just picked up Terraria again after not playing it for ten years or so. Turned this on, smoked a bowl, and shit my pants. Thanks! Great run mate.
Massive congrats on this run! Amazing and very entertaining. May I know where can we download the quieter drill and minecart sounds by Afroman? Can't seem to find them on steam workshop.
Congratulations! I thought I could use some tactics for my Legendary game, but obviously the rules are quite different ;-) Good job! EDIT: nvm just found your legendary speedrun :D
ayyyyy what you aiming for my man? like personal goal after this, cuz this run is crazy but there def is a few mins of timesave, although itll take a long ass while to reduce it by a decent amount after this
Hey how you find desert-side exactly? I think in the beginning of this run, you see mushroom patches and turn back to left, am i over-interpreting it?😮 I tried some runs, and i find this theory brings me to right direction, although sometimes there's crimson desert.😢
how do you do the teleporty thing against plantera cause my middle track on both sides look different to the ones you have (it doesn't stick up), maybe could you do a tutorial? anyway congrats on the WR
There isn't really a tutorial for it, you kinda just need to copy it exactly. Some things to be careful with are: 1. Both of the teleporters should be hammered the same way (all 3 tiles hammered once) 2. Pressure plate track is in the middle (and wire runs through both these tracks and the teleporters) 3. The regular minecart tracks on each side of the pressure plate tracks should be hammered 2 times each From your description, it's probably 2 or 3 that's causing the issue.
i wanna try some run, but i always get stuck in mech-bosses. how he teleporting up and down? i cannot understand how he press button during aiming bosses😢
@@1호-k3n Using smart cursor (default is Ctrl to toggle) to right-click the switches. You may also need to change the smart cursor setting in cursor setttings
1. In 1.4, drills have faster base mining speed 2. When block-swapping, mining speed bonuses are still applied to the drill and the range uses building range (so the range penalty doesn’t apply) 3. You can spam click with drill and it will mine once per click (so you can mine really fast if you can spam click quickly)
these world record videos always start with some conversation i have no clue about play on 144 never had issues with frames on terraria maybe its a 165 issue idk
“Hey dude I just got my first heart crystal!”
“Oh that’s cool, I’m pre-moonlord rn”
Technically you are always pre-moonlord until you beat him
Post cultist
thats a fucked seed if it takes an hour to find a single life crystal
@@The_Deep_Blue big world
@@n7xexactly what I thought before I read your reply lmao.
10:30 "Wow, this is slow."
It always brings me a pang of joy hearing something to that effect on a world record run.
Its always "its decent but not extraordinary" looking playthroughs that gets wr whatever the game is
why is bro everywhere
Congrats Sbubby! So well-deserved. You practiced relentlessly, had the bravery to try new strats, relearned shimmer housing 15 times, and implemented every timesave no matter how annoying it was to learn. Your approach to speedrunning is spectacular. Huge GG
Oh hey Patrik
This time was so good I thought it was a joke, all the hard work paid off, undeniably deserved and goated 🐐congrats!
Thought this was an old video for a bit, glad to see new speedeuns! I enjoyed the hardcore speedrun, impressive stuff
Pov: you are trying to have a fun playthrough with your friend but he is a boss rusher
I'm the boss rusher 😳😳
if u play expert+ it will be way better
Shoutout to the hallowed jousting lance
And here I am, seven years after I've started the game, still casually fishing and brewing my potions.
"what is world record?"
Epic moment
I felt like a complete idiot for taking so long to kill the bosses, and you killed them with impressive ease, congratulations bro
But you have fun, he uses tricks to make it fast and it is in classic
So anyway I just got back into Terarria and I just entered HM after 5 days.
GGs. Love seeing how optimised games can be. You deserve all the praise for this
Was just watching the previous record and now I get a whole new one to watch! Congrats
4 hour ago and a wr is a rare sight to see
The effort put into this is on another level
ive never seen almost any terraria speedruns but that destroyer timing to kill it while its all bunched up is sick
gg just watched ur master mode 1hp speedrun and all i can say is u are way to good for this game
I love watching speedruns for the games I'm playing at the moment. Just picked up Terraria again after not playing it for ten years or so. Turned this on, smoked a bowl, and shit my pants. Thanks! Great run mate.
2:41 Aluguel mais normal de São Paulo:
Tá grande ainda, muito conforto pro meu gosto.
Finally got over to watch this! Amazing work! So much wholesome pie at the end too lol
thats just crazy impressive
This movie was so fun than my entire life
that pyramid strat is crazy
dude this is insane, i sadly missed the stream tho :’)
Let’s go dude been waiting for this
You know your Terraria skill level is OK when it doesn't make a difference anymore if you pick hardcore mode or not
Yo i'm a New Terraria player ans this was absolutly insane, gg
So awesome dude
watching this = meditation
36:08 LOL
He has done it again chat
I like how focused u are, shows how much you courage u have
this man is what happens when you enjoy playing a game. maybe too much.
Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time. There is a new breakthrough. Congratulations🎉🎉
GG Sbubby
🐐 !!!
개미쳤다 진짜.. 개빠른데.. 심지어 레일 타고 허공 답보는 진짜 대단하다
Massive congrats on this run! Amazing and very entertaining.
May I know where can we download the quieter drill and minecart sounds by Afroman? Can't seem to find them on steam workshop.
It should be in the resources channel of the speedrun discord as a manual download, I don't think he ever uploaded the pack to steam workshop.
@@sbubbyy Thanks sooooo much! Found them. Also many thanks to him for making the packs. My ears are very grateful lol
Insane menuing ❤
Great speedrun nice job
Congratulations! I thought I could use some tactics for my Legendary game, but obviously the rules are quite different ;-)
Good job! EDIT: nvm just found your legendary speedrun :D
Nice run bro
Huge GG for you
Massive congrats on this run. a and I can know what your character template is?
literally insane, you're so amazing man, it's so nice to so humanity pushing the limits of everything they find fun...
MVP : Junction Box
Can't believe you're enjoying real life instead of streaming gfb 1hp hardcore speedruns
incredible skill, gg
you legend and machine!!!!!!!!!
dat plantera disrespect sheesh 🔥
ayyyyy what you aiming for my man? like personal goal after this, cuz this run is crazy but there def is a few mins of timesave, although itll take a long ass while to reduce it by a decent amount after this
not sure, rng was really good this game, plantera & temple location were amazing
I'm done with this category (probably forever) because I'm happy with this run
@@sbubbyyawe, fair enough
Huge! Gg @Sbubby
this is insane! and can someone explain why he skipped cave in jungle on 4:20 ?
Generation like that havent cave
The main jungle entrance is extremely unlikely to be at the edges of jungle, so those are not worth checking
He was looking for the primary jungle entrance that spawns in most worlds.
молодец гуд лак в дальнейшем 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
So may things I don't understand 😵💫
Good job tho!
Welcome to new WR (sub50)🎉🎉🎉🎉
Congrats to Sbubby🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
wow thats impressive
obsidian skibidi potion
I'll be here while its early
Congrats on another wr🥳
Oh yara 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥 oh Yara 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
Impresionante... Y es cuando te preguntas cómo carajo es que estos tipos lo hacen... Guau... Damn
GG you are the best ;)
GGs 👏
LMAO WTF was that teleporting in the minecart for the twins fight xdxd
90% of the time I am not being able to follow what is going on in the screen... The other 10% I am not looking
What a lucky pyramid
gg congrats
Lamp Oil, Rope, Bombs You Want It It's Yours My Friend As Long As You Have Enough Rubies
Waiting for master ml and set order runs🎉
Hey how you find desert-side exactly?
I think in the beginning of this run, you see mushroom patches and turn back to left, am i over-interpreting it?😮
I tried some runs, and i find this theory brings me to right direction, although sometimes there's crimson desert.😢
we got about an hour before Armageddon. what are we going to do?
oh damn im months late to this, but goat
are destroyer dynamite cheese and jousting lance the biggest nma here?
It took me one month to complete one world bro you just did it in one hour 😭
how do you do the teleporty thing against plantera cause my middle track on both sides look different to the ones you have (it doesn't stick up), maybe could you do a tutorial? anyway congrats on the WR
There isn't really a tutorial for it, you kinda just need to copy it exactly. Some things to be careful with are:
1. Both of the teleporters should be hammered the same way (all 3 tiles hammered once)
2. Pressure plate track is in the middle (and wire runs through both these tracks and the teleporters)
3. The regular minecart tracks on each side of the pressure plate tracks should be hammered 2 times each
From your description, it's probably 2 or 3 that's causing the issue.
@sbubbyy didn't realise the middle was a pressure plate track, thank you 😄
i wanna try some run, but i always get stuck in mech-bosses.
how he teleporting up and down? i cannot understand how he press button during aiming bosses😢
@@1호-k3n Using smart cursor (default is Ctrl to toggle) to right-click the switches. You may also need to change the smart cursor setting in cursor setttings
This is my second profile, and thanks for kind explanation!
I'll try it right now
Bro what gg
What is your favorite Terraria class?
what texture pack are you using
Explain, please, why drill and not pickaxe?
Thanks, good run
1. In 1.4, drills have faster base mining speed
2. When block-swapping, mining speed bonuses are still applied to the drill and the range uses building range (so the range penalty doesn’t apply)
3. You can spam click with drill and it will mine once per click (so you can mine really fast if you can spam click quickly)
@sbubbyy okay, I got it, thank you for explanation
someone help how does he teleport from one place to another
No way GG
hey good job mann! why arent you on the leaderboard tho?
I don't want my runs on the leaderboard
@@sbubbyy ok but why?
these world record videos always start with some conversation i have no clue about
play on 144 never had issues with frames on terraria maybe its a 165 issue idk
what does ningishu potion mean? why is the tp potion called that lol
Inside joke to one of Ningishu's runs where they skipped hellevator with a teleportation potionвидео.html
Were you streaming? (Sorry i'm bad speak on English)
What did you use to uncap the framerate?
@@MythicRTX Nothing, this is 60fps
I was there what a run
holy gg
sub 40 is real trust
Watching this with no idea what the moon lord is
how do you change your cursor hz?
Not possible on vanilla (this run was done with 60fps). On tModLoader you can use High FPS Support mod.
@@sbubbyy thank you that's what I was searching for