안녕하세요 辛메라니안 여러분 🙇🏻♀ !!! 오늘은 촉촉한 수육이랑 매콤탱글한 통낙지볶음 만들었어요! 집 포기김치도 함께 준비했습니다 😋 육즙 콸콸 너무너무 맛있는 수육! 삼겹살, 전지살, 아롱사태 3가지 부위 푹 끓여서 만들었고요! 낙지볶음의 낙지 역시 완전 부드러우면서도 탱탱한 식감이 살아있어서 짜짜 맛있었어요! 수육에 포기김치는 뭐 말모~ 흰쌀밥과 함께 수육이랑 낙지 호로롭 먹어도 맛있고, 낙지볶음에 밥 넣고 찹찹 비벼서 수육 올려 먹으면 세상에 이런 맛이! 고기와 해물은 역시 최고에요,, 수육 좋아하시는 분들은 낙지볶음을 꼭! 낙지볶음 좋아하시는 분들은 수육을 꼭! 함께 곁들여서 드셔보세요 🥺❤ 오늘도 시청해주셔서 정말 감사합니다! ❣🙋🏻♀ 👑 “NEW” Twitter : twitter.com/FUME_yamyam 🔥 Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam 🔥 Tiktok : vt.tiktok.com/ZSe3FhKck/ 🐶 "Mozzi" Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya Hi, guys! Today, I prepared moist boiled beef and pork & spicy stir-fried octopus! I also prepared cabbage kimchi that I made yesterday 😋 Boiled meat was really juicy! I boiled pork belly, pork shoulder, and center heel of shank until they get very tender! The long-legged octopus was so soft and plump that it was really tasty! Boiled meat always goes well with cabbage kimchi~ It was good to eat boiled meat and stir-fried octopus with rice, or mix the stir-fried octopus with rice and have them with boiled meat! Meat and seafood are always the best combination. If you're going to have boiled meat, you should prepare stir-fried octopus as well! Thank you for watching my video today 🙏🏻 Halo semuanya! Hari ini, saya menyiapkan daging sapi dan babi rebus basah & gurita tumis pedas! Saya juga menyiapkan kimchi kubis yang saya buat kemarin Daging rebusnya sangat juicy! Saya merebus perut babi, bahu babi, dan tumit tengah betis sampai empuk! Gurita berkaki panjang itu sangat lembut dan montok sehingga sangat enak! Daging rebus selalu cocok dengan kimchi kubis! Itu baik untuk makan daging rebus dan gurita tumis dengan nasi bersama, atau mencampur gurita tumis dengan nasi! Daging dan makanan laut selalu merupakan kombinasi terbaik. Jika Anda ingin daging rebus, Anda harus menyiapkan gurita goreng pedas juga! Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini 🙏🏻 こんにちは、皆さん! 今日はしっとりとしたゆで肉とピリ辛のテナガタコ炒めを作りました! 昨日作った家ポギキムチも一緒に用意しました😋ジューシーでとてもおいしいゆで肉(スユック)! サムギョプサル、豚バラ肉、牛後足モモ肉の3つの部位をじっくり煮込んで作りました! テナガダコ炒めのテナガダコも完全に柔らかくてプリプリ食感が生きていて本当においしかったです! ゆで肉にポギキムチは必須~白米と一緒にゆで肉とタコを食べてもおいしいし、タコ炒めにご飯を入れて混ぜてゆで肉をのせて食べるとまたうまい! 肉と海産物の組み合わせはやっぱり最高です,,ゆで肉好きの方はタコ炒めを是非! タコ炒めが好きな方は、ゆで肉を必ず! 一緒に召し上がってみてください! 今日も視聴してくださって本当にありがとうございます🙏🏻 Chào các bạn! Hôm nay, mình đã làm thịt luộc và bạch tuộc xào cay dai ngon! Mình cũng chuẩn bị thêm kim chi tự làm 😋 Thịt luộc mềm rất ngon! Mình đã luộc phần thịt ba chỉ, thịt giò và thịt đầu! Bạch tuộc xào cay cũng rất mềm và có kết cấu chắc dai nên rất ngon! Kim chi ăn với thịt luộc thì quá ngon, ăn cùng với cơm trắng thì càng ngon tuyệt hơn. Sự kết hợp của thịt và hải sản cũng rất đáng ăn thử, nếu bạn thích bạch tuộc thì phải thử món bạch tuộc xào cay nhé! Combo thịt luộc bạch tuộc xào cay quá hoàn hảo! Các bạn nhớ ăn thử nhé! Cảm ơn các bạn rất nhiều vì đã xem video ngày hôm nay 🙏🏻 مرحباً جميعاً! اليوم ، أعددت لحم البقر ولحم الخنزير المسلوق والأخطبوط المقلي الحار! لقد أعددت أيضًا الكيمتشي الملفوف الذي صنعته بالأمس كان اللحم المسلوق كثير العصير حقًا! لقد قمت بسلق بطن لحم الخنزير وكتف لحم الخنزير والكعب الأوسط للساق حتى تصبح طرية جدًا! كان الأخطبوط طويل الأرجل طريًا وممتلئًا لدرجة أنه كان لذيذًا حقًا! اللحم المسلوق يسير على ما يرام مع الكرنب الملفوف! كان من الجيد تناول اللحم المسلوق والأخطبوط المقلي مع الأرز معًا ، أو خلط الأخطبوط المقلي مع الأرز! اللحوم والمأكولات البحرية هي دائمًا أفضل التوليفات. إذا كنت ستطهو اللحم المسلوق ، يجب عليك تحضير الأخطبوط الحار المقلي أيضًا! شكرا لكم على مشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم 🙏🏻 हेलो सब लोग! आज, मैंने नम उबला हुआ बीफ़ और सूअर का मांस और मसालेदार हलचल-तला हुआ ऑक्टोपस तैयार किया! मैंने कल गोभी की किमची भी बनाई थी उबला हुआ मांस वास्तव में रसदार था! मैंने सूअर का मांस पेट, सूअर का मांस कंधे, और टांग की मध्य एड़ी को तब तक उबाला जब तक कि वे बहुत कोमल न हो जाएं! लंबे पैरों वाला ऑक्टोपस इतना नरम और मोटा था कि यह वास्तव में स्वादिष्ट था! गोभी किमची के साथ उबला हुआ मांस हमेशा अच्छा लगता है! चावल के साथ उबला हुआ मांस और स्टिर-फ्राइड ऑक्टोपस को एक साथ खाना अच्छा था, या चावल के साथ स्टिर-फ्राइड ऑक्टोपस मिलाना अच्छा था! मांस और समुद्री भोजन हमेशा सबसे अच्छे संयोजन होते हैं। यदि आप उबला हुआ मांस खाने जा रहे हैं, तो आपको मसालेदार हलचल-तला हुआ ऑक्टोपस भी तैयार करना चाहिए! आज का मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद 🙏🏻 Herkese selam! Bugün, ıslak haşlanmış sığır eti ve domuz eti ve Acılı tavada kızartılmış ahtapot hazırladım! Ben de dün yaptığım lahana kimchisini hazırladım 😋 Haşlanmış et gerçekten çok sulu oldu! Domuz göbeği, domuz omzu ve gövdenin orta topuğu yumuşayana kadar haşladım! Uzun bacaklı ahtapot o kadar yumuşak ve dolgundu ki gerçekten çok lezzetliydi! Haşlanmış et her zaman lahana kimchi ile iyi gider! Haşlanmış et ve tavada kızartılmış ahtapotu pilavla birlikte yemek ya da tavada kızartılmış ahtapotu pilavla karıştırmak güzeldi! Et ve deniz ürünleri her zaman en iyi kombinasyonlardır. Haşlanmış et yiyecekseniz, Acılı tavada kızartılmış ahtapot da hazırlamalısınız! Bugünkü videomu izlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim 🙏🏻
Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
I like your vlog and so does my 7-year-old cousin. because after I told her to watch your vlogs once, since then she has been watching your vlog😅 so every time I come over to their house we kinda like bonding in your vlog☺️ we watch it together, and sometimes she is the one who asks me if we could watch you😆
Can someone please tell me How can somone not fall for you In creating you God has emptied the vaults of beauty You are as colourful as the maple even in autumn Even the moon is envy with your smile
My heart, what is your work, and I like drawing very much. You are really an artist. I love drawing, but not in all its forms. As for what I saw now, it is very amazing. I follow you from Iraq and I love you
Which one you like most : The lifestyle of 5 years old Fume or Current lifestyle of Fume... Did you ever miss your childhood days which are so precious in everyone life without tension you can enjoy that phase of life.
Hello Hello ms fume ❤️and cute mozzy dog ms fume the food you are going to eat octupus🐙 and boiled pork 🥩 is wonder in korean Gastronomy everything looks delicious ms fume enjoy your food and see yours next video give mozzy a big hug 🐕🧑🍳🍜🇰🇷
Nakji bokkeum? Yes please! Suyuk looked tender and yummy too! Mozzi is a cute lettuce lover! My cat actually loves veggies as well. Your art work is awesome and I can see you're definitely dedicated to it. 💜 Such pretty flowers too.
Thank you for your videos! I suffered from binge eating disorder and strangely watching other people eat makes me feel calm and not binge. I then crave food I just cant have right now (like octopus at 1 in the morning) and then my brain wont just settle with "whatever is in the fridge"
First time to watch your videos.. I love how you eat your food Fume, great cooking and very nice expression.. also love your artwork! be safe to you, to little Mozzi & your family 🥰
안녕하세요 辛메라니안 여러분 🙇🏻♀ !!! 오늘은 촉촉한 수육이랑 매콤탱글한 통낙지볶음 만들었어요! 집 포기김치도 함께 준비했습니다 😋
육즙 콸콸 너무너무 맛있는 수육! 삼겹살, 전지살, 아롱사태 3가지 부위 푹 끓여서 만들었고요! 낙지볶음의 낙지 역시 완전 부드러우면서도 탱탱한 식감이 살아있어서 짜짜 맛있었어요!
수육에 포기김치는 뭐 말모~ 흰쌀밥과 함께 수육이랑 낙지 호로롭 먹어도 맛있고, 낙지볶음에 밥 넣고 찹찹 비벼서 수육 올려 먹으면 세상에 이런 맛이!
고기와 해물은 역시 최고에요,, 수육 좋아하시는 분들은 낙지볶음을 꼭! 낙지볶음 좋아하시는 분들은 수육을 꼭! 함께 곁들여서 드셔보세요 🥺❤ 오늘도 시청해주셔서 정말 감사합니다! ❣🙋🏻♀
👑 “NEW” Twitter : twitter.com/FUME_yamyam
🔥 Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam
🔥 Tiktok : vt.tiktok.com/ZSe3FhKck/
🐶 "Mozzi" Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya
Hi, guys! Today, I prepared moist boiled beef and pork & spicy stir-fried octopus! I also prepared cabbage kimchi that I made yesterday 😋 Boiled meat was really juicy! I boiled pork belly, pork shoulder, and center heel of shank until they get very tender! The long-legged octopus was so soft and plump that it was really tasty! Boiled meat always goes well with cabbage kimchi~ It was good to eat boiled meat and stir-fried octopus with rice, or mix the stir-fried octopus with rice and have them with boiled meat! Meat and seafood are always the best combination. If you're going to have boiled meat, you should prepare stir-fried octopus as well! Thank you for watching my video today 🙏🏻
Halo semuanya! Hari ini, saya menyiapkan daging sapi dan babi rebus basah & gurita tumis pedas! Saya juga menyiapkan kimchi kubis yang saya buat kemarin Daging rebusnya sangat juicy! Saya merebus perut babi, bahu babi, dan tumit tengah betis sampai empuk! Gurita berkaki panjang itu sangat lembut dan montok sehingga sangat enak! Daging rebus selalu cocok dengan kimchi kubis! Itu baik untuk makan daging rebus dan gurita tumis dengan nasi bersama, atau mencampur gurita tumis dengan nasi! Daging dan makanan laut selalu merupakan kombinasi terbaik. Jika Anda ingin daging rebus, Anda harus menyiapkan gurita goreng pedas juga! Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini 🙏🏻
こんにちは、皆さん! 今日はしっとりとしたゆで肉とピリ辛のテナガタコ炒めを作りました! 昨日作った家ポギキムチも一緒に用意しました😋ジューシーでとてもおいしいゆで肉(スユック)! サムギョプサル、豚バラ肉、牛後足モモ肉の3つの部位をじっくり煮込んで作りました! テナガダコ炒めのテナガダコも完全に柔らかくてプリプリ食感が生きていて本当においしかったです! ゆで肉にポギキムチは必須~白米と一緒にゆで肉とタコを食べてもおいしいし、タコ炒めにご飯を入れて混ぜてゆで肉をのせて食べるとまたうまい! 肉と海産物の組み合わせはやっぱり最高です,,ゆで肉好きの方はタコ炒めを是非! タコ炒めが好きな方は、ゆで肉を必ず! 一緒に召し上がってみてください! 今日も視聴してくださって本当にありがとうございます🙏🏻
Chào các bạn! Hôm nay, mình đã làm thịt luộc và bạch tuộc xào cay dai ngon! Mình cũng chuẩn bị thêm kim chi tự làm 😋 Thịt luộc mềm rất ngon! Mình đã luộc phần thịt ba chỉ, thịt giò và thịt đầu! Bạch tuộc xào cay cũng rất mềm và có kết cấu chắc dai nên rất ngon! Kim chi ăn với thịt luộc thì quá ngon, ăn cùng với cơm trắng thì càng ngon tuyệt hơn. Sự kết hợp của thịt và hải sản cũng rất đáng ăn thử, nếu bạn thích bạch tuộc thì phải thử món bạch tuộc xào cay nhé! Combo thịt luộc bạch tuộc xào cay quá hoàn hảo! Các bạn nhớ ăn thử nhé! Cảm ơn các bạn rất nhiều vì đã xem video ngày hôm nay 🙏🏻
مرحباً جميعاً! اليوم ، أعددت لحم البقر ولحم الخنزير المسلوق والأخطبوط المقلي الحار! لقد أعددت أيضًا الكيمتشي الملفوف الذي صنعته بالأمس كان اللحم المسلوق كثير العصير حقًا! لقد قمت بسلق بطن لحم الخنزير وكتف لحم الخنزير والكعب الأوسط للساق حتى تصبح طرية جدًا! كان الأخطبوط طويل الأرجل طريًا وممتلئًا لدرجة أنه كان لذيذًا حقًا! اللحم المسلوق يسير على ما يرام مع الكرنب الملفوف! كان من الجيد تناول اللحم المسلوق والأخطبوط المقلي مع الأرز معًا ، أو خلط الأخطبوط المقلي مع الأرز! اللحوم والمأكولات البحرية هي دائمًا أفضل التوليفات. إذا كنت ستطهو اللحم المسلوق ، يجب عليك تحضير الأخطبوط الحار المقلي أيضًا! شكرا لكم على مشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم 🙏🏻
हेलो सब लोग! आज, मैंने नम उबला हुआ बीफ़ और सूअर का मांस और मसालेदार हलचल-तला हुआ ऑक्टोपस तैयार किया! मैंने कल गोभी की किमची भी बनाई थी उबला हुआ मांस वास्तव में रसदार था! मैंने सूअर का मांस पेट, सूअर का मांस कंधे, और टांग की मध्य एड़ी को तब तक उबाला जब तक कि वे बहुत कोमल न हो जाएं! लंबे पैरों वाला ऑक्टोपस इतना नरम और मोटा था कि यह वास्तव में स्वादिष्ट था! गोभी किमची के साथ उबला हुआ मांस हमेशा अच्छा लगता है! चावल के साथ उबला हुआ मांस और स्टिर-फ्राइड ऑक्टोपस को एक साथ खाना अच्छा था, या चावल के साथ स्टिर-फ्राइड ऑक्टोपस मिलाना अच्छा था! मांस और समुद्री भोजन हमेशा सबसे अच्छे संयोजन होते हैं। यदि आप उबला हुआ मांस खाने जा रहे हैं, तो आपको मसालेदार हलचल-तला हुआ ऑक्टोपस भी तैयार करना चाहिए! आज का मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद 🙏🏻
Herkese selam! Bugün, ıslak haşlanmış sığır eti ve domuz eti ve Acılı tavada kızartılmış ahtapot hazırladım! Ben de dün yaptığım lahana kimchisini hazırladım 😋 Haşlanmış et gerçekten çok sulu oldu! Domuz göbeği, domuz omzu ve gövdenin orta topuğu yumuşayana kadar haşladım! Uzun bacaklı ahtapot o kadar yumuşak ve dolgundu ki gerçekten çok lezzetliydi! Haşlanmış et her zaman lahana kimchi ile iyi gider! Haşlanmış et ve tavada kızartılmış ahtapotu pilavla birlikte yemek ya da tavada kızartılmış ahtapotu pilavla karıştırmak güzeldi! Et ve deniz ürünleri her zaman en iyi kombinasyonlardır. Haşlanmış et yiyecekseniz, Acılı tavada kızartılmış ahtapot da hazırlamalısınız! Bugünkü videomu izlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim 🙏🏻
넘 맛나게먹네요
Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
Amen thank u
Wow,, I really needed to hear this. thank you 🙏
@@Cluhx ruclips.net/channel/UCz4Kd0h0CeHKMm7wWhvQLtw
@@mercy5398 ruclips.net/channel/UCz4Kd0h0CeHKMm7wWhvQLtw
Thank you so much!
from Algeria 🇩🇿💚
I like your vlog and so does my 7-year-old cousin. because after I told her to watch your vlogs once, since then she has been watching your vlog😅 so every time I come over to their house we kinda like bonding in your vlog☺️ we watch it together, and sometimes she is the one who asks me if we could watch you😆
I love pork belly it’s so good with Buldak sauce and kimchi ❤️😋
Your channel is beautiful and I love you from Saudi Arabia
당신의 그림은 아주 좋습니다
너무 만족스러운 먹는 소리 음식이 너무 맛있어 보이거나 그리고 언니 먹으면서 너무 예뻐요 ♥️😍
너무 사랑해요 영상 계속 올려요❤
Always watching from philippines ❤
Happy Janamastmi Fume
It is one of the festival of India.
I love you fume ❤️💞🌼🦋⛓️💕
Been so low in Fume's vitamin this week, feeling so sad & small like a dust in outer space.
Thank god Fume upload a new video today...
You are best in the world ❤️
안녕하세요 맛있게 드시고 건강하세요 오늘도 영상 잘보고 갑니다 응원할께요
감사합니다 💖 행복한 저녁 보내세요 !
From Philippines 🇵🇭♥️
Can someone please tell me
How can somone not fall for you
In creating you God has emptied the vaults of beauty
You are as colourful as the maple even in autumn
Even the moon is envy with your smile
Kau membuatku menelan air liur 😋😋 makanan yang sangat lezat sekali
My heart, what is your work, and I like drawing very much. You are really an artist. I love drawing, but not in all its forms. As for what I saw now, it is very amazing.
I follow you from Iraq and I love you
Which one you like most :
The lifestyle of 5 years old Fume or Current lifestyle of Fume...
Did you ever miss your childhood days which are so precious in everyone life without tension you can enjoy that phase of life.
Fume, Through your Q/ na video I know that you are animation creator ...But you give life to those sketches . They are pure form of art.
Please show us more of your drawings, I love watching you draw tbh (it's also super beautiful) hehe
와 수육 먹고싶어요............대박 진짜 왜케 맛있게 드시는거에요 ㅠㅠㅜㅜ 이번 영상 너무 힘드네요......새벽에 보기에 힘듦....ㅎ.ㅎ.ㅎ.........그나저나 언니 그림 정말 디테일이....너무 예뻐요 다음 영상에 전체샷이 나오려나용? 기대되네요👉👈
와... 진짜 ㄱ 맛있게먹는다.... 밤샛는데 배고픔때메 안졸리네..
Hello Hello ms fume ❤️and cute mozzy dog ms fume the food you are going to eat octupus🐙 and boiled pork 🥩 is wonder in korean Gastronomy everything looks delicious ms fume enjoy your food and see yours next video give mozzy a big hug 🐕🧑🍳🍜🇰🇷
Your drawings are so beautiful Fume..
Always good luck to you in your work and in your meals.🌹🌹
ㅜㅜ너무 맛있어보여요.........💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Love from Bangladesh✌❤
Fume is always on fire! 🔥🧡
Early, I love watching your vids Fume, especially your small vlogs!🥰
진짜 맛있게 잘 드셔서 보고 있으면 바로 배고파짐
You're life was great and chill... So lucky you have that kind of life ❤️
완전 건강 한식😍😍
Hello mis fume😘
That is so beautiful and professional👌👌👌 good work👍👍👍
You are 💗Best and we will always support u keep on uploading ur yummy🤤 video☺☺💗💗
Nice, easy, clear and well prepared. This is a good video that people all over the world can appreciate.
Im i the only here only for the cute doggo
Everything looks so delicious 🤤
Nice yummy 🥰🥰😍❤️
Hy sister,this delecenio 😍,from Indonesian 😍
Nakji bokkeum? Yes please!
Suyuk looked tender and yummy too! Mozzi is a cute lettuce lover! My cat actually loves veggies as well. Your art work is awesome and I can see you're definitely dedicated to it. 💜 Such pretty flowers too.
5분전 나는 정말 빨랐다😳
Your Mozzi is so cute! Even she had a lettuce leaf 🥬 she still look at you for more 😂
누나 뭔가 궁금한데 뒤에서 밥먹을때 모찌 귀찮지않나요?😂💜💜 모찌도 먹고 싶었을듯 😂
정말 멋진 그림입니다 🥰
Thank you for your videos!
I suffered from binge eating disorder and strangely watching other people eat makes me feel calm and not binge. I then crave food I just cant have right now (like octopus at 1 in the morning) and then my brain wont just settle with "whatever is in the fridge"
thats amazing I hope ur doing good right now💗
-🌸Love from 🇵🇭🇺🇸
You draw very good ¡don't give up! and good luck whit your goal
From Nigeria 😘
Единственная, кто ест не торопясь, наслаждаясь. Красиво.
Can you cook and taste the dishes of every country?
Hi fume
수육 이랑 통낙지볶음 너무 맛있어 보이네요 ❤️🧡💛
또 다른 멋진 모습에 👍👍
Love you FUME ❤️ Love your tasty videos 🤗🤗
I love your drawings so much . You are actually really good!! Loved it
i love the vlog part sm!!!
그림 그리는 모습 넘 이쁘다..🥲💓
You looking so pretty while eating unnie 😍 or such a delicious food 😋 lot's of love ♥️
Doesn't she looks like jisoo ...so cutee!
I love your artwork Fume I was wondering if you can post tutorials on human features
Your drawing was breathtaking 🥺✨
언니, 영상이 좋아요. 항상 재미있는 콘텐츠를 만들고, 모두가 볼 수 있는 좋은 음식을 만들 수 있도록 응원합니다. 음식은 맛있어 보이는데 아쉽게도 못 먹어요. 항상 성공하고 건강한😅❤
Woww good delicious 🤤🤤🔥🔥
Everyone is talking about food but i also like ur drawing 💜
I love this woman 😘 beautiful and hardworking I always watch your RUclips 🥰🥰🥰 I love the way you cook the foods 😘keep it up 👏👏👏
Wowwwww 👌👌👌👌❤️
Another amazing video ❤️
With delicious nd yummy yummy food 😋😋😋😋
Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Whooowwww!!! Your talent in painting is awesome!!! 🥰
I love your video
buono 😍😍😍😍
she can draw and eat! awesome
너무 맛있겠어요...
I love fume
Next time can you make a vlog of your everyday🍀♥️
컨셉먹방으로 매콤낙지볶음,수육,포기김치👍
First time to watch your videos.. I love how you eat your food Fume, great cooking and very nice expression.. also love your artwork! be safe to you, to little Mozzi & your family 🥰
낙지 안좋아하는데 먹고싶어졌어요
haii fume cantik sekali, i love from indonesia❤
I like your drink
당신의 음식은 맛있어 보이고 당신은 아름다운 예술가입니다
Pls eat soup noodles 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I love your show! Always excited for the next one. Who is Kiki?🤙🏼🌺🌸🌹💞
Plz do a tutorial or a vid on how you make such great drawings on iPad
Fume asmr spicy tasty looks so delicious good food love you ❤️❤️❤️
정말 맛있고 당신은 놀랍습니다 모든 것을 사랑했습니다 ♥♥
나는 이라크에서 당신을 사랑합니다 🇮🇶💕
واو انتِ من العراق🦦
@@free9352 ايي