At 11:08, when you started doing notations, it was the 7,8,9 triple in block 1 at R1,C1; R1,C3; and R3,C1 that did it for me. That gave the 3 at R2,C3. It was a very easy solve from there.
The moment I found the 6 in r7c3, I went for the solving of the 2 in r2c1 and r9c2, the 8 in r9c1 and r1c3, the 3 in r2c3. Situation awareness or understanding what you have in your grid:_and not memorise- the 6 completed the known restriction of col 2 in block 1 and gave you the 456 triple there.
Five seconds into the game, I knew there was a pair of three in row 1 of block 2. As at 14m45s, you have had 4 or 5 occasions to enter your candidates there and place the 3 in block1 instead of entering multiple candidates there. ????
At 11:08, when you started doing notations, it was the 7,8,9 triple in block 1 at R1,C1; R1,C3; and R3,C1 that did it for me. That gave the 3 at R2,C3. It was a very easy solve from there.
The moment I found the 6 in r7c3, I went for the solving of the 2 in r2c1 and r9c2, the 8 in r9c1 and r1c3, the 3 in r2c3. Situation awareness or understanding what you have in your grid:_and not memorise- the 6 completed the known restriction of col 2 in block 1 and gave you the 456 triple there.
Five seconds into the game, I knew there was a pair of three in row 1 of block 2. As at 14m45s, you have had 4 or 5 occasions to enter your candidates there and place the 3 in block1 instead of entering multiple candidates there. ????
45 minutes, manually, NF.
21 мин.
ручная нотация