That’s really nasty , I know before you nurse yo drink some milk or water and clean your nipples but she just nurses that big child without cleaning and all her sweat. I cringe looking at it.
Wenn das noch stillen würde, aber die Milch ist längst ausgetrocknet, Sumo-Umo lutscht wie einen Schnuller und spielt mit der Warze auch zum Vergnügen der mutter. Obszöhn.
The old girl is old anough to clean herself she can warm some water and take a bath her mother never going to give a bath to the kids because she don’t wash herself too …Jesus take care and Bless this children 🙏
This lady is so disgusting for allowing this, but she doesn’t care. It gives her time to shove all the food that she wants in her mouth and not have to share with the child. This lady is unbelievable and horrible. Mom just seen another episode where the mom spits on this child.😮
В кого превращает мать эту Умалу, позволяя сосать грудь? Мать пытается отнять грудь, но Теленок отталкивает ее руку...Небольшая пощечина со стороны матери пришлась многим по душу, думаю...
It is disgusting to see that child sucking on the mom‘s breast and playing with the other one she is not getting any milk. This woman is sick in the head for allowing this.
Ekelhaftes Bild, es ist kein stillen mehr, sie saugt sogar nicht, nur lutscht und spielt mit der Brust. Noch vor dem Mädchen beim essen. Einfach nur krank.
@@Starry_nightDHi Totoro ❤. I fell asleep early so I will be up for a bit…’s 1:45 am Monday morning. How was your weekend. Were you able to rest? It looks like mileva wrote her comment and dashed out 😂😂😂😂😂. Kind of like ‘dine and dash’ lol. Have you ever heard that term before?
İğrenç Artık çok farklı düşündürüyor insanı.Ayıp yani.Özenditmek mi yoksa .Çok ayıp.Dana kadar kız anne kameraman kocası ve bunu dünya ülkeleri izlemek Çok ayıp.Herkes herşeyi görmek zorunda değil.
She doesn’t have milk so why dose she let that kid suck on her and play with the other nipple it’s disgusting 😡 she’s doing it for her own benefit nasty lady 😡
@@Starry_nightDTotoro ❤❤❤ I have been sleeping more than normal. I think I was fighting off something. I feel great now. I am very, very happy you were able to rest last weekend. Will you get any days off this weekend? Btw I am learning how to read my name in your language 💓💓💓
@@Starry_nightDMy last name is something different from Maroni 😊. Maroni is a nickname my uncle gave to me when I was Bissome’s age. He would always call me ‘Toni Maroni’ (because Maroni rhymes with Toni) it’s a sweet memory I have of my uncle. I have a different fun name I use on all my social media. I like to keep that separate from utube. One time maybe 7 years ago I posted something political on utube and he found me on all my social media so I had to make utube more private. Totoro…I’m super happy you had a leisurely morning. Have you been able to socialize with some of your friends lately?
irma is a terribly narcissistic greedy sister who eats fast and doesn't let Bisuma eat, she doesn't know how to work in a team and therefore she is terribly egotistical. Borno is also greedy who takes care of his stomach without seeing Bisuma, he is a violent brother, he rebels a lot against the narcissistic, egotistical drunken mother. Omla is a greedy, drunken baby, who screams most of the day and suffers from withdrawal symptoms, the father behaves according to what the mother shows him, he actually does not know how to behave with sweet Bisuma who suffers from epilepsy and in my opinion a child with special needs, she is hungry most of the time and is cared for by a violent, drunk, narcissistic mother, Abuses with physical violence, and verbal violence to a high degree, starves her, neglects her, the hygiene conditions are deficient, the mother does not shower Bisuma, who suffers from neglected epileptic seizures, does not take care of her, the mother is drunk and neglects Bisuma's health, physical and mental
She's not breastfeeding. Her milk would have dried up by now as she only uses the same breast. The breast is used as a pacifier when Umala is cranky to put her to sleep. It's a bad habit. In some cultures women continue to breastfeed their children because they believe it prevents them from getting pregnant.
Простыни появились цветные, подушек нет, хотя их можно сделать из сена. Набить наволочку травой сухой и зашить, сверху надеть наволочку. Мягко и хорошо спать. Мать занята кругом. Бабушка пусть сошьет. Самогон пить умеют и время есть, так что то полезное для детей сделайте. Горе - семья.
@@mesjaszbernadette9987Are you crazy?? Didn't you see mummy cook her 3 daily hot meals for her bratties kids and moonshines with so much love, dedication and much care. It takes so much times and devotion from mummy to make each batch of her precious brandy!!! 😅😅😅
Des potirons ca te va faire une diaree de ouf chumalau cochon na va pas arrêter aller chié et pète 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bissome elle sait ca pour ca elle ne mange pas 🥰🥰🥰
Camera man don't you see how mother wash potato. Still very dirty.water was black.but she stop washing. Can't you atleast tell her to wash nicely.? Pumpkin was not also washed. Plis some one tell them to clean eatable things to wash nicely. They also have water near their house.
Мать, кормя ее грудью, превращает эту пузатую телку в бесполезный овощ...То она лежит за трапезой, то она глазенки закатывает, то хитрость, влазит матери на колени, доставая грязную титьку...
Омалка , тебе три года, ты все мать за си.... ку треплешь, так уже ничего нет, но мать не запрещает ей, а потокает её привычке. Все у вас ужасно и как вы были нечистоплотными, так и остались. Это прививает я с молоком матери, я имею ввиду чистоту. Нет здесь мы её не дождёмся никогда.
Да пусть ребёнок сосёт грудь, я даже рада этому, а вот то, что мать бьёт по лицу своего сосущего ребёнка, а тот даже не заплакал, видимо привык к этому, вот за это я бы мамашку прибила, жаль нет у меня такой возможности. Семья питается очень бедно, еда не для детей точно, каждый день липкий рис с тущёнными какими то листьями. А тыква с кожурой и картошка!? А ведь можно же нормально пожарить картошку и тыкву.
Дети сидят все чешутся. Бирма может и ама нагреть воды и помыть голову, ноги, руки, да и всем сёстрам показать, как надо делать. Вы нам можете не показывать, ну пусть этот банный день состоится. Мы зрители будем рады, что детки чисты и красивые. Пусть и одежду сами стирают, мать занята скотиной
irma is a terribly narcissistic greedy sister who eats fast and doesn't let Bisuma eat, she doesn't know how to work in a team and therefore she is terribly egotistical. Borno is also greedy who takes care of his stomach without seeing Bisuma, he is a violent brother, he rebels a lot against the narcissistic, egotistical drunken mother. Omla is a greedy, drunken baby, who screams most of the day and suffers from withdrawal symptoms, the father behaves according to what the mother shows him, he actually does not know how to behave with sweet Bisuma who suffers from epilepsy and in my opinion a child with special needs, she is hungry most of the time and is cared for by a violent, drunk, narcissistic mother, Abuses with physical violence, and verbal violence to a high degree, starves her, neglects her, the hygiene conditions are deficient, the mother does not shower Bisuma, who suffers from neglected epileptic seizures, does not take care of her, the mother is drunk and neglects Bisuma's health, physical and mental
Eskiden hakikaten anne ve babası çocuğa çok sert davranıyorlardı,, biosem ❤ seni seviyorum ama sanırım senin için yaptığınız yorumlar daha sert ve kötü olan bir insanın engellemiş olduk fakat artık şu ckihbebek demek. Artik sizin kötü niyetli olduğunuzu gösteriyori
Где,ваш ,старший сын ? Только,не обманывайте.. Что,учится. Где,он ,у вас учится ? Ведь ,он еще маленький,чтоб отправить его куда-то на учебу.. Лапшу народу не вешайте.. Многие ,от вас отписались...
Я смотрела видео где мамашка с папашкой убирают в клетке у цыплят.У цыплят чисто.а дети как поросята грязные в соплях и ванючие.. новерно по сценарию так надо.😮
903 videoyu bir izleyici tarafından önerilerek izledim.iki çocuğun da yüksek tahsilde oldukları belirtiliyor.Herhangi bir okula gitmedikleri halde (ikiyıl evvel ayda biriki defa gidiliyordu.Büyük kızı ise gittiğini hiçgörmedik)yüksek öğretime devam ettikleri hiç inandırıcı değil.İnananlar var mı?yok herhalde.
Birma and the Mom is clearly drunk. When Bruno was still with the family there were plenty of episodes where he was intoxicated as well. The family is from some of the poorest indigenous villages in nepal and theyre not educated about cleanliness, how to be affectionate or about food preparations and hygiene, after years and years of assimilation they have finally recieved proper civilized education in recent years. Its so easy for viewers to critize but cultrual awareness is important.
Я вот ничего не понимаю. Они детей вообще не купают грязные чешутся. Все тело от гряз зашлаковано. у них роста то не будет.Бедные дети. Оператор купи большой таз и скажи мамаше пусть искупает детей А мы будем наблюдать за вами. Если что канал закроют.
@@VidellaCorcoran it’s pretty obvious that you do, since you commented. Don’t come for me honey. I say what tf I wanna say. If you don’t like it, scroll past.
Ну и варево - картошка, тыква, рис какоето месиво, неужеле нельзя приготовить нормальную еду, для этого всё у них ест. Мясо, молоко, яйца, картошка и т.д. мамаша, научись нормально готовить, а не эту бурду.
How is the milk kept cool and fresh around heat . And the boy is too old for breast feeding because she gently had to hit his head in another video . Because child 😊began to bite the breast .
@lTOTOROI! Если у вас есть связь прямая с компанией, узнайте возраст детей, возраст родителей, на самом ли деле Пурно учится, и все живы ,здоровы?? Спасибо!
The daughter is not spoiled it I come to the farmhouse and change into the green top to made the movie watching think that it the last kids and it mother change top to made the movie watching think that it the last kid it the daughter that mother put on back and carry to the farmhouse to eat with the other kids should eat out mother pan mother would not share food so put daughter on breastfeed because mother is hungry that not the kid from the farmhouse that daughter that change top and put on the top to made the movie watching think it the last kid and it not
Mom has no discipline
Breastfeeding should be stop long time
The girl eats so much
That’s really nasty , I know before you nurse yo drink some milk or water and clean your nipples but she just nurses that big child without cleaning and all her sweat. I cringe looking at it.
Wenn das noch stillen würde, aber die Milch ist längst ausgetrocknet, Sumo-Umo lutscht wie einen Schnuller und spielt mit der Warze auch zum Vergnügen der mutter. Obszöhn.
Sumo-Umo schön dem Kopf zwischen dem Beinen der Mutter, riecht bestimmt berauschend, lange nicht gewaschen.😅
Chucky will always act like a baby throw tantrums constantly whine until mother stops her!
А она не ребенок ?!😮
The old girl is old anough to clean herself she can warm some water and take a bath her mother never going to give a bath to the kids because she don’t wash herself too …Jesus take care and Bless this children 🙏
Just disgusting the size of Chucky and still acting like the big overgrown baby 😮
This lady is so disgusting for allowing this, but she doesn’t care. It gives her time to shove all the food that she wants in her mouth and not have to share with the child. This lady is unbelievable and horrible. Mom just seen another episode where the mom spits on this child.😮
@@lillianameneses1163I couldn’t even imagine spitting on my child. It’s disgusting and degrading. 😠
모유 주면 안돼지요
과감.하게 혼내서 버릇 고치고.
성질머리도 고치고
Все- таки забралась эта корова на колени
В кого превращает мать эту Умалу, позволяя сосать грудь? Мать пытается отнять грудь, но Теленок отталкивает ее руку...Небольшая пощечина со стороны матери пришлась многим по душу, думаю...
OMG that's ducking disgusting 😮
@@Starry_nightD 아우 짜증나..이런저런 재미로 보는건데 그만 좀 하세요
Well said and really funny, Χριστίνα!
It is disgusting to see that child sucking on the mom‘s breast and playing with the other one she is not getting any milk. This woman is sick in the head for allowing this.
Ekelhaftes Bild, es ist kein stillen mehr, sie saugt sogar nicht, nur lutscht und spielt mit der Brust. Noch vor dem Mädchen beim essen. Einfach nur krank.
@@Starry_nightDHi Totoro ❤. I fell asleep early so I will be up for a bit…’s 1:45 am Monday morning. How was your weekend. Were you able to rest?
It looks like mileva wrote her comment and dashed out 😂😂😂😂😂. Kind of like ‘dine and dash’ lol. Have you ever heard that term before?
Some people in the Philippines they breastfeed their children up to 7 or 8 years old, it will make them comfort…❤❤❤
@@catherinehambrey6335 👍👍👍
@@catherinehambrey6335 anyone that breastfeeds their kids to 7 and 8 years old needs some mental help!
모유 수유 장면 좀 빼세요
저렇게 다 큰 애가 젖 먹고 만지는거 진짜 역겹다고요
꼭 필욧힌 장면도 아닌데 왜 자꾸 보여주냐고요
I agree
I agree.
İğrenç Artık çok farklı düşündürüyor insanı.Ayıp yani.Özenditmek mi yoksa .Çok ayıp.Dana kadar kız anne kameraman kocası ve bunu dünya ülkeleri izlemek Çok ayıp.Herkes herşeyi görmek zorunda değil.
I think the mother enjoys it she's sick in the head. That kid is a brat
@@Starry_nightD 맞아요
단순 잠투정이 아니고 젖물려서 재우는 버릇해서 잠오면 찾는게 버릇이 된거 같은데 징그러워요🤣
질긴 고기도 씹는 애가 간난애도 아니고 징그러워서 젖먹는 장면 너무 보기 싫어요 ㅋㅋ
저 미친 엄마는 우말라가 20살이 되도 모유수유할것임
한대 쥐어박고 싶은 충동이~
주는거 없이 얄미고 버릇 없는 가시내
She doesn’t have milk so why dose she let that kid suck on her and play with the other nipple it’s disgusting 😡 she’s doing it for her own benefit nasty lady 😡
진짜 저 엄마 미쳐도 단단히 미쳤다 대체 언제까지 우말라한테 모유수유 할거야? 최근영상들에서 매번 우말라가 고기뼈 잘근잘근 씹어대는거 보고있는데 저런 애한테 대체 모유수유를 왜 하는거야? 애가 체격도 어찌나 큰지 언니랑 옷도 같이 입는 덩치인데 저 엄마는 지능미달임?
지능미달이니까 저따위로 살지요 덜된여편네
Чумала не мытьём так катаньем добивается своего.Такую кобылу кормить грудью тяжело Но сумасшедшая мать продолжает
I can't believe she is still nursing that big baby especially at meal time!
@@Starry_nightD❤🌸🌻❤🦋 hello I hope all is well! Yes a leach that's sucking the blood till its dryb😂😁😅🤣
Редко,но кормят даже до 10 лет
Kathy 💖, I haven’t seen many comments from you lately is everything okay? Same with Sharon Noble 😢
@@Starry_nightDTotoro ❤❤❤ I have been sleeping more than normal. I think I was fighting off something. I feel great now. I am very, very happy you were able to rest last weekend. Will you get any days off this weekend? Btw I am learning how to read my name in your language 💓💓💓
@@Starry_nightDMy last name is something different from Maroni 😊. Maroni is a nickname my uncle gave to me when I was Bissome’s age. He would always call me ‘Toni Maroni’ (because Maroni rhymes with Toni) it’s a sweet memory I have of my uncle. I have a different fun name I use on all my social media. I like to keep that separate from utube. One time maybe 7 years ago I posted something political on utube and he found me on all my social media so I had to make utube more private.
Totoro…I’m super happy you had a leisurely morning. Have you been able to socialize with some of your friends lately?
Тыкву покатали по полу,а потом грязную начала резать... ужас!!!
Причём вместе с кожурой.
irma is a terribly narcissistic greedy sister who eats fast and doesn't let Bisuma eat, she doesn't know how to work in a team and therefore she is terribly egotistical. Borno is also greedy who takes care of his stomach without seeing Bisuma, he is a violent brother, he rebels a lot against the narcissistic, egotistical drunken mother. Omla is a greedy, drunken baby, who screams most of the day and suffers from withdrawal symptoms, the father behaves according to what the mother shows him, he actually does not know how to behave with sweet Bisuma who suffers from epilepsy and in my opinion a child with special needs, she is hungry most of the time and is cared for by a violent, drunk, narcissistic mother, Abuses with physical violence, and verbal violence to a high degree, starves her, neglects her, the hygiene conditions are deficient, the mother does not shower Bisuma, who suffers from neglected epileptic seizures, does not take care of her, the mother is drunk and neglects Bisuma's health, physical and mental
13:40 Good girl Bessome 👧 use a fork instead of your hand ✋️
Kaşık kullanmalı.Eltemizliği olmadığı için Bessima doğru yapıyor. Çatalyerine kaşık doğru bir tercih olurdu.galiba siz Nepal dağ köylüsüsünüz.😂😂😂😂😂
Yes, I notice more and more, she is using a fork. ❤
카메라 찍는분 이들의 더러운것은 안보이나요 깨끗하게 씻는것좀 가르치시요 지구상에 저렇게 더럽게 먹고산는사람이 있다니 이해할수없네요
c est à la mére de savoir deja se lavée elle meme bonjour les odeurs
아빠가찍는데 머가바뀌겟어요 저아빠도더러운데
100날 얘기 해도 소용 없어요
그리고 전 5년동안 봐 왔지만 갈수록 더함
솥단지 안씻고 밥 해먹음요🤮🤮🤮
@@스와니-p9d아빠가 찍는게 아니고 카메라맨 따로있어요.
Why would the cameraman care he's just as nasty!
큰 우말라
모유수유 중단
하고 못된 버릇
고쳐서 키워야함
Насколько обе противны...Захлестнуть одну за нытье, вторую за дурь...
UMALA 🤮🤮💩💩🐖🐷🐖🐷
И тебя бы богданчик захлестнуть Не помешает Скули бот чашка
19:26 Umala will always be stuck to Mother's suction cup. It seems mother is getting her own pleasure, too.
That's the creepy part about it. She enjoys it
Ja sie liebt das, im anderen Videos, entblößt sie ihre Brüste und bittet Sumo-Umo das die saugt, wo Umala nicht danach verlangt. Krank im Kopf.
This woman and her youngest daughter are so uncivilized and disgusting 🤮
I’m old now, but I remember when I breastfed my kids, my breasts became almost numb! No pleasure until after weaning.
Das macht ihr richtig Spass und sie hat schon andere unanständige Sachen mit Umala gemacht im anderen Videos. Pervers.
다른 네팔가족은 산에살아도 깨끗하고 행복해보이던데 여기만 그런거같아요 이집만
Я не видела, все грязные и едят рис с травой
Da jako prljavi, volela bih da ima neke ciste porodice da uzivam gledajuci njihovu kulturu i zivot u planinama
She's not breastfeeding. Her milk would have dried up by now as she only uses the same breast. The breast is used as a pacifier when Umala is cranky to put her to sleep. It's a bad habit. In some cultures women continue to breastfeed their children because they believe it prevents them from getting pregnant.
Так дайте Чумале соску, телефоны имеют а соски нет? Зачем тягать пустую грудь а вторую массажировать, что за извращение
И бизонке дайте соску она доярка со стажем
뭐하자는거야 채널 시청하라고 올린거
아님? 어린이 모유먹는 모습 시청자들
대부분 싫어함ㆍ진심 밥맛 떨어짐 ㅡㅡ
@@Starry_nightD Pincher game 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤
Учите Бирму и Биссоме вытирать сопли. Неужели трудно к этому учить?! Всё время под носом сопли сопли.
Майката също ходи със сополи под носа.
That pig is so disgusting she doesn't know nothing listen to how she eats smacking her food sounds so disgusting my god ugh
They are behaving as their mother has taught them. Mom licks her snot, picks her nose and eats it. The kids live what they learn.
У матери у самой часто под носом. Поэтому учить некому.
@@Starry_nightDWe both have definitely seen the mom doing it. How is your day going?
The mom needs to disciplined her instead of spoiling her and continuing to let her have her way.
Vll, wenn sie disziplienieren würde, wird Sumo-Umo nicht mehr ihre Brüste im Mund nehmen, als Strafe. Und Mutter liebt es sehr.
Как поросят кормят, от тыквы кожура не разваривается и не еда это. Точно как для свиней варят.
Простыни появились цветные, подушек нет, хотя их можно сделать из сена. Набить наволочку травой сухой и зашить, сверху надеть наволочку. Мягко и хорошо спать. Мать занята кругом. Бабушка пусть сошьет. Самогон пить умеют и время есть, так что то полезное для детей сделайте. Горе - семья.
Вы побольше пишите, им больше денег будут присылать. Рекламу делайте, вперед
maman est pas si occupée que capas de ménage pas de douche pas de lavage
@@mesjaszbernadette9987Are you crazy?? Didn't you see mummy cook her 3 daily hot meals for her bratties kids and moonshines with so much love, dedication and much care. It takes so much times and devotion from mummy to make each batch of her precious brandy!!!
Then she slaps the baby in the face while feeding 😮
Раньше надо было это сделать
ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 미친여편네
Can you really produce milk or are you getting a thrill from this???? Creeps me out🙄
she getting off each time🤮😱🤢
Nasty! Even if she is. The way Umala nurses from left breast and plays with the right one. Pulling and twisting it, looks insane. No child does that.
@@teresacarlucci4695 the mother enjoys it.🤮
Das ist kein stillen mehr, nur Vergnügen für Mutter, wenn man bedenkt was die schon im anderen Videos gemacht hat. Richtig krank im Kopf.
버팔로 아줌마 오늘 난리났네 구독자들이 우말라 모유수유 비난하는 댓글 많으니까 혼자서 버팔로 들소 도배를 수십개씩 하고 있음
저 버팔로 아줌마는 정신과 치료 받아야합니다 불쌍한 여자예요
@@Starry_nightD 버팔로 아줌마는 우말라 모유수유 영상 올라오는날은 미친듯이 폭주함 왜냐면 지가 생각해도 저엄마나 우말라나 정상이 아니거든요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
버팔로 아줌마는 볼때마다 댓글로 다같이 패줘야합니다
그사람이 그사람이었네 맨날 도배질
Für solche Leute gibt's einen Namen.
Ребёнк уже большой, чтобы кормить ее грудью, что мозгов не хватает, отучить ребенка от грудного молока. Стыдобище
Грязь уже впиталась в кожу,деточки,как мне вас жалко,такие хорошенькие:так хочется накупать,одеть красиво и уложить в чистую постель 😢😢😢😢😢
22:26 22:49 22:52 22:54 What's up with the dizzy 😵 Burma. Bessome your smile and laughter is so darn cute!!! 😊
Bessome a sweetie 😊❤
Bessome is Beautiful ❤❤🎉🎉
Bissoma❤❤❤❤ usa tenedor, bravo pequeña princesa.
Des potirons ca te va faire une diaree de ouf chumalau cochon na va pas arrêter aller chié et pète 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bissome elle sait ca pour ca elle ne mange pas 🥰🥰🥰
Bende en az senin kadar nefret ediyorum o çocuktan .I agree comletely you
Bissoma 💖⚘️💚🍒💝🍓💙Umala 👀🤮💩🤮💩🐸🐍🐖👀
LMAO omg yeah then the mom had the dog clean the brat up so disgusting wow just FN sick
@@ZehraRaif umalau 🐖🐖🐖🐖🐷🐷🐷🐷👈👈👈🤣🤣🤣🤣
50:21 Umala and Bessome is so tired. These girls need to go to bed.
감자는구정물에다빼지도안고호박은흙바닥에뒹구던그대로 요리시작하네요 애들은그걸맛있게먹겟지요
밥솥은 항상 씻지도 않고 그전에 밥알이 덕지덕지 붙어있어도 그곳에다 쌀 넣고 또 밥해먹음🤮🤮
Одно и тоже еда ,у детей в горле стоит ,видно они не хотят кушать
지겨워서 밥에 우유 부어서
My god they basically lick the damn plates that mom sounds like a damn pig she smacks her food it sounds so disgusting what a pig
Camera man don't you see how mother wash potato. Still very dirty.water was black.but she stop washing. Can't you atleast tell her to wash nicely.? Pumpkin was not also washed. Plis some one tell them to clean eatable things to wash nicely. They also have water near their house.
Картошку хорошо не промыла, хотя кран рядом, казан грязной тряпкой протерла, ужас
Толще будут
Baby girl always crying it really gets on my nerves
Sie weint nicht nur schreit um ihren Willen zu bekommen. Der Ar.... ist volle Wut.
Nie chce jej sie dokładnie opłukać ziemniaki ,straszne.
Kocaman velet hala emiyor şaşırmadım 😂
Мать, кормя ее грудью, превращает эту пузатую телку в бесполезный овощ...То она лежит за трапезой, то она глазенки закатывает, то хитрость, влазит матери на колени, доставая грязную титьку...
Umala 👀🐖🐍💩🤮🐸👀
@@Vfdfhdsjzrjftjdfjb ты точно ненормальная
@@Vfdfhdsjzrjftjdfjb Бздишь, палата номер 6!
Завидуй мужик богдан из палаты 6 и рви свои волосы если они у тебя есть и бизона недавно кормила
Take care family I wish you well in all aspects of your life🌺
Leave the kids alone at the farmhouse to let the daughter laid down they are tried baby sit for mother
이 채널에서 젤 욕 먹고 있는 괴물 4명
1. 카메라맨
2. 버팔로 들소 아줌마
3. 엄마
4. 우말라
@@Starry_nightD😂😂😂😂😂 lol hahaha ❤
Bissome seems to be scared of the sister 😢
Bissome does not have seizures
Омалка , тебе три года, ты все мать за си.... ку треплешь, так уже ничего нет, но мать не запрещает ей, а потокает её привычке. Все у вас ужасно и как вы были нечистоплотными, так и остались. Это прививает я с молоком матери, я имею ввиду чистоту. Нет здесь мы её не дождёмся никогда.
Да пусть ребёнок сосёт грудь, я даже рада этому, а вот то, что мать бьёт по лицу своего сосущего ребёнка, а тот даже не заплакал, видимо привык к этому, вот за это я бы мамашку прибила, жаль нет у меня такой возможности. Семья питается очень бедно, еда не для детей точно, каждый день липкий рис с тущёнными какими то листьями. А тыква с кожурой и картошка!? А ведь можно же нормально пожарить картошку и тыкву.
Дети сидят все чешутся. Бирма может и ама нагреть воды и помыть голову, ноги, руки, да и всем сёстрам показать, как надо делать. Вы нам можете не показывать, ну пусть этот банный день состоится. Мы зрители будем рады, что детки чисты и красивые. Пусть и одежду сами стирают, мать занята скотиной
Are you commenting about yourself, Queen Buffalo Mileva 😂
И бизонка сама может мыться но ей лень буфал shitgueen🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬
Where is the old grandpa??? Some know it all crapo, argued with me that he is still alive when I said he is with the Lord.🙄🤔
아직도 젓을 먹이나요 밥도 언니들보다 더많이 먹으면서 엄마 당신은
irma is a terribly narcissistic greedy sister who eats fast and doesn't let Bisuma eat, she doesn't know how to work in a team and therefore she is terribly egotistical. Borno is also greedy who takes care of his stomach without seeing Bisuma, he is a violent brother, he rebels a lot against the narcissistic, egotistical drunken mother. Omla is a greedy, drunken baby, who screams most of the day and suffers from withdrawal symptoms, the father behaves according to what the mother shows him, he actually does not know how to behave with sweet Bisuma who suffers from epilepsy and in my opinion a child with special needs, she is hungry most of the time and is cared for by a violent, drunk, narcissistic mother, Abuses with physical violence, and verbal violence to a high degree, starves her, neglects her, the hygiene conditions are deficient, the mother does not shower Bisuma, who suffers from neglected epileptic seizures, does not take care of her, the mother is drunk and neglects Bisuma's health, physical and mental
Малышке спать даже негде,бедный ребёнок, никаких элементарных условий,мамаша как змея,только шипит
That child isn't a baby anymore and she gets more of everything than the other children!
Regarde miss buffalo de buffle Mileva es réapparue avec ces commentaires des idiote 🤣🤣🤣
Вытри сопли зеленые бизону буфал shitjulianka🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬
No way still breast feeding giant baby 😮😮😮😮
She's not a baby 😊
Yes gross
She's 5
5 omg
5 omg
Бедные дети. 😢😢
Eskiden hakikaten anne ve babası çocuğa çok sert davranıyorlardı,, biosem ❤ seni seviyorum ama sanırım senin için yaptığınız yorumlar daha sert ve kötü olan bir insanın engellemiş olduk fakat artık şu ckihbebek demek. Artik sizin kötü niyetli olduğunuzu gösteriyori
Где,ваш ,старший сын ?
Только,не обманывайте..
Где,он ,у вас учится ?
Ведь ,он еще маленький,чтоб отправить его куда-то на учебу..
Лапшу народу не вешайте..
Многие ,от вас отписались...
Everyone is quiet and happy this early morning. A different food ; Squash instead of cabbage. I hope the rest of the day is as good.
Между прочим в немецкой кухни есть рецепт, капуста с яйцами
That's cantaloupe, a fruit
@@FloridaGurlInterviewzя вообще говорю. Я вижу, что это не дыня, а кабачок, овощ. У дыни совсем другие семена
No, it's not a cantaloupe. It's a Carnival Squash white pumpkin.
باید قاطعانه اومالا را از شیرخوردن باز داشت
Я смотрела видео где мамашка с папашкой убирают в клетке у цыплят.У цыплят чисто.а дети как поросята грязные в соплях и ванючие.. новерно по сценарию так надо.😮
Kirden vücutlarının rengi deyişmiş biri bu kadını uyarsın diyeceğim hepsi aynı
903 videoyu bir izleyici tarafından önerilerek izledim.iki çocuğun da yüksek tahsilde oldukları belirtiliyor.Herhangi bir okula gitmedikleri halde (ikiyıl evvel ayda biriki defa gidiliyordu.Büyük kızı ise gittiğini hiçgörmedik)yüksek öğretime devam ettikleri hiç inandırıcı değil.İnananlar var mı?yok herhalde.
Şu çocukların burnunun akmadığı bir video yok
Gostaria de saber onde fica essa vila, qual o nome e endereço do lugar. Gostaria de saber qual a casta dessas pessoas.
What charming manners mummy has !!😂😂😂😂
Where is the boy living, haven't seen him in a while?
Yıkanmışım oldu şimdi sebzeler su olmadçsa anlarım suda var neden bukadar pis bu kadın
Birma and the Mom is clearly drunk. When Bruno was still with the family there were plenty of episodes where he was intoxicated as well.
The family is from some of the poorest indigenous villages in nepal and theyre not educated about cleanliness, how to be affectionate or about food preparations and hygiene, after years and years of assimilation they have finally recieved proper civilized education in recent years. Its so easy for viewers to critize but cultrual awareness is important.
Cadê o menino mais velho ele não vai mais aparecer no vídeo não é o que aconteceu com ele quero uma resposta 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
У них была девочка,она всегда жила с ними и вдруг исчезала и никогда больше не видели ,ей было 14 лет
В каждой серии пишут, что мальчик учится в городе, но все равно спрашивают
Смотрите серию903
It's no use telling them.I suppose even they don't read comments. Because so much is being said, but they do what they want. It's useless
Я вот ничего не понимаю. Они детей вообще не купают грязные чешутся. Все тело от гряз зашлаковано. у них роста то не будет.Бедные дети. Оператор купи большой таз и скажи мамаше пусть искупает детей А мы будем наблюдать за вами. Если что канал закроют.
А вы бы хотели купаться, а на вас весь мир смотрит
@@ТатьянаЕвдокимова-в9я elle peut se cachée mais elle est bien trop feignasse pour se laver
와아!대자연속에 아름다운경치가 멋있는곳이네요.
tu ne vois rien d autre
Thjs is an old video. Why cant we see anything current?
Smart Pants, there are no new videos. The filming got bursted some years ago. Surely you know that already!!! Crikey!!!
@@suzannecariou4743 No, I did not know. And while I know what crikey means, I do not know what bursted filming means.
Оператор а где её сын???
писали, что в городе, в интернате
Наконец-то и монстр накушался,съев четыре порции.Сколько в неё влазит этого риса!
저사람들이 댓글을보기나할까 운영자가
피드백을전할까 운영자는못할것이다
만약그러면 저사람들촬영거부할수도잇으니 그러니 시청자들이그렇게떠들어도 전혀개선이안되는거임ㅠㅠ
13:08 wowww, First time ever seeing Umala get hit in the head. Don’t get in the way of mom and her food. Even Umala can’t do that. 😂😂😂😂
감자 호박 더 깨끗 싯어라 더럽게 살지 마라 아이들 위 생에 걱정된다 엄마는 괜찮다
구독자수는 자꾸늘어가는데 그수익금다어데로가는지사년전보다생활개선은 더안좋아지네요
Это семья перестала сниматься 2018г
Эти все видео старые
@@Starry_nightD согласен
@@Starry_nightD 완전 동의
Если она перестала сниматься в2018году, тогда как сюда попала Умала, которая родилась в 2020году?@@Юля-с9о7б
I don't understand you commented the family stopped filming 2018 and videos are old, but you still continue to watch. Why???
우말라아빠 모유수유 편집하고올리라고
저 엄마는젓물리는걸 즐기는듯🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
네팔얘기올리는 내 댓글 열심히 삭제하네? 네팔은 10살까지 모유수유하는 문화가잇다는데.. 네팔은 막내가 부모를 모셔야하는 관습이 잇어서 우말라를 버릇장머리없어도 냅두는거같은데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10? 🙄 And who breastfeeds them when they go to school 🏫 Nepali people are just weird 😆
Умала не последний ребенок. Могут быть еще дети.
Ela está bêbada outra vez
See how mother save season in the plastic bag
It still annoys me to no end, how Birma chews with her mouth open, slapping her chops. 😩
Who cares what you think
@@VidellaCorcoran it’s pretty obvious that you do, since you commented. Don’t come for me honey. I say what tf I wanna say. If you don’t like it, scroll past.
The mother needs to teach hygiene.. She her self not clean.. simply breastfeeding any places.. ..
Ну и варево - картошка, тыква, рис какоето месиво, неужеле нельзя приготовить нормальную еду, для этого всё у них ест. Мясо, молоко, яйца, картошка и т.д. мамаша, научись нормально готовить, а не эту бурду.
Цуйхуа просто боится голода главное чтобы была еда любая 😢
Умала будь самая не счастная женщина в мире . а твоя мать всю жизнь плакала чтоб ваш дом унесло ураган
Why hit the cow is not doing nothing but wait for the hay mother
Вот и даже Чумале прилетело!Да бьет-то с каким остервенением и силой,как мужик !По голове!Ведьма,а не мать.
ومازال الفيل الصغير يرضع من أمه 😂
Mother just keep call the old kids mother didn't move at all
남에 남자앞에 가슴팍 드러내놓고 부꾸러운줄 모르고 수유하는거 보면 기가막히는거~~
pour cette coche tout est normal en plus vue sa tronche elle nargue les gens se sent forte et belle devant la camera🤣😂😡😈😠
She wants him to look and he is. I think she has something going on with the cameraman
Eu perguntei o menino do vídeo cadê ele que aconteceu
К сожалению никто не знает, что случилось, где он? Нам не объясняют здесь ничего.
Go to school in the city
Jajajaa eso no es verdad, lo vendieron por dinero
@@ОляХрамова-г3вадминистрация канала написала, что старшие дети учатся. Не помню только в какой серии
Да что вы говорите ложь это
Fosse bissom já tinha levado uns coices 😢😢
She has milk right there that she just poured over her rice give a bowl of milk to that kid instead of the breast
The dirty father is obsessed with the dirty woman ✍️🤣
How is the milk kept cool and fresh around heat . And the boy is too old for breast feeding because she gently had to hit his head in another video . Because child 😊began to bite the breast .
Mother still bring lazy back side and seat and put hand out to get the rice mother need to move are get out the way with the control of food
хороший удар по башке😂
I did not know u could cook canteloupe? 😮
It is a squash
You cracked me up 😂 it's a Carnival Squash white pumpkin. It doesn't even look like a cantaloupe.
I never seen squash look like that
@@shelia3045 me either
@@shelia3045 There's all kinds of produce around the world that is not imported into the US.
old movie, I don't watch it and I'm unsubscribing
Эти все видео старые . В последний раз снимались 2018г
Если у вас есть связь прямая с компанией, узнайте возраст детей, возраст родителей, на самом ли деле Пурно учится, и все живы ,здоровы?? Спасибо!
The daughter is not spoiled it I come to the farmhouse and change into the green top to made the movie watching think that it the last kids and it mother change top to made the movie watching think that it the last kid it the daughter that mother put on back and carry to the farmhouse to eat with the other kids should eat out mother pan mother would not share food so put daughter on breastfeed because mother is hungry that not the kid from the farmhouse that daughter that change top and put on the top to made the movie watching think it the last kid and it not