One question when I played the game I never read any of the shards , but now I wonder if I should’ve read them probably the storyline would’ve been better ? I’m thinking on replaying but this time read everything
@@ianilanotvI think Night Corp also got involved with the crash of Space Force One. All to start a conflict and retake Dogtown. I also firmly believe Mr. Hands has something to do with Mr. Blue Eyes.
@ianilanotv no, you're just some bum youtuber. You're no more special than anybody else. Another loser that thinks talking into a microphone makes him a hero. Grow up. GET A JOB. Make a real contribution to society.
That Peralez mission with him losing his memory and identity, only to find the hidden room in his home and then Mr. Blue Eyes... truly one of the creepiest most unsettling missions I've ever played in a game...
Unsurprisingly lots missed the message from that mission and just the overall game and even disliked it but that just proves cyberpunks point and message to be true everytime
Kiroshi Opticals is also probably very influential. Their goodwill alone is preventing them from filling 70% of your vision with advertisements, so they’re okay in my book.
@@grandsome1 If you think so, then it’s just as likely that Kiroshis usually function like the beatLinks from the start of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst (a bunch of clutter and ads and alerts filling every part of your vision) until, just like in Mirror’s Edge, you hack into it and turn it off. It makes sense: Streetkid V would hack into it and remove the ads, Corpo V is rich so they pay to remove the ads, Nomad V ripped open their own Kiroshi and took out the network chip so it can’t display ads.
One thing a lot of players seem to forget is: This game is a prelude to the BIGGEST brewing corporate war with this one being the 5th. Not to mention rogue AI’s planning to make a move as well.
Yup, hope the second game goes this direction. Makes the side quests even more meaningful to do since some people skip them. Reading the shards throughout the game was basically saying this. Cant wait
@@funtourhawk yea dude, shits mental. Like this is Cyberpunk, its supposed to have fucked up/sexy stuff in it. Hearing how CDPR said theyll be removing some stuff from the Witcher remake for modern audience was some bs
Nightcorp are the true rulers of NC. Arasaka and Militech may be the biggest meanest corpo players, but Nightcorp literally owns the playground. The power grid, transportation system, sanitation system, net infrastructure, hell they even own the roads everyone drives through. Makes you wonder what plans they have for the Peralez, huh?
A good analogy would be to say Arasaka and Militech rent condos in the building that is Night City, and Night Corps owns it. Militech is nationalized, forced to work for NUSA, essentially. They tried to take over NC in Unification War and NC hired Arasaka to stop them. They were invited to stay after. Now, multiple corps are in NC, allowing them to slip comfortably under the radar.
@@0rbital_nugget188Only that once Arasaka collapses after the events of any ending except Hanakos, Militech rolls in, likely causing a major issue with NightCorps plan.
@@Cr38tiveUsername True. Especially since with PL, we know they'd been tinkering with the black wall. It sucks we don't know which ending is the canon ending, but I think Night Corp and Mr. Blue Eyes have a plan to put AI's in human bodies, living or lab-grown is the question. Regardless, I'd imagine V's engram merged with Alt's and everyone in Mikoshi would be quite the AI to have running around in a meat suit. (It'd make quite the antagonist for Cyberpunk Orion- the [AI] hunter) Plus, with Johnny running around in V's body, I don't think he'd let his inner-terrorist sit idly by while Militech takes over. Of course, that's assuming they give Johnny their body and don't pick the other endings.
Kang tao is also depecited as being the perennial fuck up of the big global corps. Most of the news surrounding them involves some kind of accident or tragedy, including the AV we bring down.
@@pacotaco1914 one of the things I noticed the other day is everyone has blue eyes when accessing data on shards. So the AI is just puppeting some poor bastard.
Nobody is even fighting NightCorp when you really go through the game. Arasaka, Militech and Biotechnica are fighting over the turf but nobody says anything about NightCorp even though they are basically making all of the city infrastructure except for the space airport which was made of the coast by orbital air. And NightCorp does not like Orbital Air which is seen in both Sun ending where V is send by blue eyes to steal data from crystal palace which is OA property and in Phantom liberty's Songbird route where blue eyes gives so-mi way out which ends up in absolute mayham which cripples NCX and by extension OA profits in NC.
honestly had a headcanon that Blue eyes is either a certain ai or working for it. one built to the enefit of humanity and its programming has continued it, even if its means are twisted. Talking about the Blackwall itself. what if its gone 'rogue, as it were, but more accurately, it has gone sentient and its doing things with intentions of helping humanity in the long run. thinkbout it. while inhuman epxeriments happened, what changes were made to that couple? They were made to want the outcomes they preached genuinely. edited, altered, changed, but made idealists. And night city needs an idealist at the helm for there to even start to be change. And night city doesn't produce idealists anywher near the apex of its power structure. andlets face it..... is it even possible for a genuinely benevolent ai to make these changes naturally in a world like night city?
NC hates OA because they built the space port when NC was planning to build their own mass driver (the thing that sends ships into space), OA swayed city council to instead build on Morro Rock and Night Corp lost. Never being able to make Night City a player interstellar transit
Seriously, we need a DLC to find out what's going on with Peralez. V wouldn't just give it up after that phone call. Hell, they take on Arasaka without batting an eye (not really, but yk)
nah V doesn't have any business with night corp, it's messed up for sure but doesn't mean V willing to go against night corp while their hands are full of johnny situation, Arasaka is a necessity since V needs their tech to remove Johnny, maybe if there is next game night corp will be more influential since in the Sun Ending Mr Blue Eyes ask them to raid space casino
V is supposed to be racing for their life remember? It would take one big ass pull to make them even think something like fighting a secret world government level conspiracy (no win scenerio) is worth what they got left lmao
I do think that this will all be expanded upon in the next game. CDPR has a ton of leads to base the next game on, but I suspect that we will see a continuation of this story in some capacity.
Netwatch literally is holding society together in Cyberpunk. If the black wall gets breached it will literally be like when Magnus broke the web way and let the demons in. Imagine rouge AI frying people's brains
Get off the net and you should be fine. Also private networks should be fine too. Society could just build a new net completely disconnected from the old net.
@@treacherousjslither6920possible, but the danger of rogue AIs is that they can attack anything connected to the net cause general havoc that way. Anything the global banking system to global communications could end up inaccessible, causing a technological dark age as profound as the times of Red
@@chrisahearn789 I'm talking about creating an entirely new network. It has nothing to do with the old net. Not connected to each other in any way. Like an independent power system completely disconnected from the national power grid. Shutting down Con Edison wouldn't affect it. All those rogue AIs wouldn't be able to affect this new independent network.
Yeah there is so much going on in the background, the world-building is insane! I expected you to make a connection from Dorsett, Night-Corp, conspiracy guy(s), Peralez, Dogtown junkies, Mikoshi, Songbird, potential fifth-corporate-war, Delamain, Vodoo-Boys, Project-Cynosure, Netwatch and Blackwall-AI humanity take-over-plot tho, its like the go-to-subplot that connects all of this 😅
The Peralez mission shook me to be honest. Like a lot of folks have been dreaming about Cyberpunk our future irl and I was part of them up until I played that mission. Having to sit with his wife , watching the people in the restaurant looking at me , Mr Blue Eyes being everywhere, then having to decide on wether or not I tell the truth to Jeff(wich doesn’t really change anything) was creepy for some reason, like I almost felt like I , the player , was also being watched troughout this entire ordeal 😅 had to put the controller down for a solid few mins before resuming with the game
TBH they might take inspiration on the method, but yeah, as previously commented, CIA's already been doing that for a while. Makes you wonder what else they're been doing for the sake of control
Nightcorp could actually be a physical front set up by blue eyes as a way for the blackwall AIs to control humans. Would have loved a DLC to explore that conspiracy further.
@@ianilanotvhe just wants to bring AI from beyond the blackwall just so you know he is the one that makes it possible for us to make erebus or Millitech Canto
Sandra Dorsett is a direct reference to the main character of Neuromancer, where Pondsmith used loads of lore foundations and the Blade Runner film to pen Cyberpunk 2020 in the late 80's. Henry Dorsett Case is a drug addict also addicted to jacking into The Matrix. You heard that right. The Wachowski's did not invent the concept of The Matrix.
If you read between the lines, this type of tech actually exists, or close to it. They have radio transmitters that can give people headaches, or experience vertigo, etc. I think Cyberpunk in way, is prophetic of what is to come.
Was it confirmed that Nightcorp was behind the Jefferson Peralez case? Because if so, I'd be pissed if we didn't get the chance to wreck them in Cyberpunk sequel.
unless they are the good guys....... lets put it intp prespective. what did they do to him? ensured he would practice what he preached. made him a good man... against his will. they put a man with morals into a position of power in a corrupt city needing help. they didn't need to make him moral. they could just made him a puppet period, or blackmailed him into obeying their whims. the fact they altered him to be that way implies that, for as twisted as the means, they have an ends that is meant to help somehow. and in a twisted defense to it. is it even possible to install someone with morals naturally in night city?
@@taddad2641 I've booted up the game again and had a walk around and noticed that the Peralez, or at least the husband is a pro-gun wielding advocate and heavily right winged, but even so, they didn't just change his morals, they gave him a new identity, new memories, new personality, new everything, that's fucked up, that's basically killing the man, and to top it all off, it's Nightcorp... I guess of all the corpos they're not that bad, but still, that's some shady shit. But after replaying the game again, I've realized that a lot of things aren't what they seem, like how people with cyberpsychosis if survived and be proven useful, will be put in maxtac. Damn I love this game's complexity, I still want to shoot Myers, for making me hurt Idris Elba.
trauma team is more exlusive with thier clientale than say a corp like netwatch that would be my 4th but nightcorps lore would indicate they are the number one corp in the city
i wanted more missions and a more important role regarding night corp, maybe in Cyberpunk Orion we will see that, i allways felt that night corp was doing something shady with the random shards you found in the city, then i did the peralez questline
the thing i learned in night city is that wanting to be on the top is pointless when all the connections and abilitys you gain as you grow make you a far more dangerous and powerful indavidual than and top corpo
if you have a high enough intelligence or netrunning skill (cant quite remember, been playing other builds since Edgerunners) Sandra talks a little about what you can read in her shard. Levels on levels of complexity to some of the things in this game, and its only the first video game for this IP.
Yeah that's why I specified. As fun as I'm sure tabletops are, and as good as some of the lore books might be, I only have an hour or two free every day so I don't really get into all those unfortunately.
Yeah I mainly mean for the work CD Projekt Red put in, they worked with Mike Pondsmith, but even then many a dev have worked with the creators of an IP and still screwed the pooch, so I'm just taken about by how faithfully they stuck to everything and took advantage of existing lore to create the world.
Hey choom! In case you didn’t know,keep your eyes peeled for the Cyberpunk Edgerunners mission kit from Rtalsorian games. Rumours say we gunna get a epilogue for Edgerunners…
“Crazy? Mb.” Meanwhile we play as cybernetic demigod with a literal talking soul of a terrorists made by techno necromancers. I don’t think at this point any theories in this game can be considered crazy
Of literally all the missions in Cyberpunk, The Perales Mind Control mission messes with me the most. Utterly terrifying. The man forgot his own siblings.
When you meet Sanda again, she acts strangely... for someone who saved her life. I thought there would be more about her, but she just thanks me and disappears.
Crazy thing is, this is gonna go back to the blue eyes. You can actually find people or individuals with eyes during certain missions that are either far away looking at the NPC's, or looking down from rooftops. Peralez had one or two that were looking when you meet up before telling him the truth or lying. Was wild.
One of the endings Mr. Peralez calls during the credits and says he found out his wife was in on the whole thing… idk if anyone else has seen it but it made it so much weirder
The Night City we see is soooo far from the original vision for it, basically anything that could go wrong, did. Maybe they’re just making an ends justifies the means way to bring back the original vision for Night City.
Basically Night Corp is hoping to rein in the city, but as is the moral of the story in the cyberpunk universe, it won't happen because no one wins. The entire "lesson" if there is one you could take from the game is this. "Sometimes there's no winning, but you get to choose how you lose and who you take with you"
Yea this is one of a handful of missions in this game that give me the heebie jeebies. The other one is the River Ward quest line once you get to the creepier bits.
A cyberpunk sequel set in the initial aftermath of the fifth corpo war would be insane. Perhaps Militech and Night Corp team up and push Arasaka out of NC for good, with remnants of Arasaka still putting up a fight, Pacifica and Dogtown are flushed out and are being rebuilt to be the party playground they were meant to be, etc
For some reason no one is talking about how Sandra might be working for the NUSA and that she's the leader of an elite net running. This information can be found in a trailer in the center circle where the rings of solar panels are in the Badlands
When you get into the books One of the biggest shadiest Corps that make vary little waves is Kiroshi. Nearly Everyone has Kiroshi Optics, use kiroshi Visors, or at the very least Kiroshi's person to person Credit interlay. Yanno the thing people use to pay each other. They have a hitman called the Ghost of Kiroshi as no one with Kiroshi Eyes can see him. Kiroshi has successfully weaved themselves into every single Corp imaginable. There also one of the most influential when it comes to advertisement and ruling the entertainment sector. Yeah, Arasaka and Militech run the weapons and tech. BioTechna grows your food, Nightcor runs the city. It is Kiroshi that runs what you see and hear.
This may be a far stretch. Way too early to tell. But part of me feel like night Corp may have some major involvement in cyberpunk Orion. Maybe not in the base game. Considering that role belongs to militech. But perhaps as a dlc role
Testing it on nomads and their own employees they also might have ties to rogue blackwall ai if you believe spider Murphy is still around in a less then human form
Actually the point of cyberpunk is that nothing is Crazy, it's just now but futuristic. That the very rich companies sweep away with coups or corruption those who want to impose rules on them happened and happens today. Cyberpunk says much more about the present than any game set in the present.
I have a theory about Adam smasher I haven’t beat the main story yet. But what if smasher is a complete robot with his mind as a chip and the reason for turning Johnny into a chip was because he was the prototype and they have just been modding him for the past 50 years it would explain why smasher never went cyber psycho
i restarted my playtrough and havent finished that one mission where jefferson paralez saw someone in his house and shot at them wich now explains no one remembering the intruder (also yes im new to the game)
@@ianilanotv 🤔…….That does mean something……Maybe in one of the Ensings V may have given Silverhand His Body but V left into the Digital system and never heard of again….Maybe his AI allowed him to be more understanding which tech was more better and advanced
It's not Night Corp it's rogue AIs, as heavily implied in the mission itself. They talk about how they don't even exist, they just pull the strings. That's why the voice that call you is all weird and warped, it's a bloody AI like Alt
It’s both. Sandra’s files she hires V to steal are all about an NC project that uses a rogue AI to literally brainwash and change people’s behavior. Sounds familiar? The Peralez incident was definitely orchestrated by a rogue AI but led by human operatives aka the “small security firm” the Peralez hired. A *lot* of insistence is put on the Peralez managing to somehow avoiding falling in one of the “big corps’ pockets” which is exactly what Night Corp is trying to push for, less power for other corps in Night City. Night Corp *is* controlled by Rogue AIs, specifically by Mister Blue Eyes who may or may not be an AI engram of Richard Night.
it was not nightcorp that controlled peralez. there was a big difference in the description of what was doing night corp (at least if to read data shard from sandra) and what happened to peralez.
Streamily is doing a signing with some of the beautiful Cyberpunk cast - and I'm an affiliate! Click the bio link to learn more 😉
One question when I played the game I never read any of the shards , but now I wonder if I should’ve read them probably the storyline would’ve been better ? I’m thinking on replaying but this time read everything
CN-07 might be Cynosure-07
Wait holy. This might actually be it too
@@ianilanotvI think Night Corp also got involved with the crash of Space Force One. All to start a conflict and retake Dogtown. I also firmly believe Mr. Hands has something to do with Mr. Blue Eyes.
@ianilanotv no, you're just some bum youtuber. You're no more special than anybody else. Another loser that thinks talking into a microphone makes him a hero.
Grow up. GET A JOB. Make a real contribution to society.
That Peralez mission with him losing his memory and identity, only to find the hidden room in his home and then Mr. Blue Eyes... truly one of the creepiest most unsettling missions I've ever played in a game...
The fact you see him but can't do anything about it haunts me honestl, like he's a untouchable entity
The most unsettling was the hunt no doubt
@@crabboi6177 I jumped over to where he was using air dash and reinforced tendons. Nothing happened and he eventually despawned
Johnny hints that a Blackwall ai is pulling the strings
Unsurprisingly lots missed the message from that mission and just the overall game and even disliked it but that just proves cyberpunks point and message to be true everytime
Kiroshi Opticals is also probably very influential. Their goodwill alone is preventing them from filling 70% of your vision with advertisements, so they’re okay in my book.
how do you know you're not seeing ads, maybe their subconsciously feeding them and you wouldn't know except by the network activity
The screens could be changed and ads paid to be shown instead of others.
@@grandsome1 If you think so, then it’s just as likely that Kiroshis usually function like the beatLinks from the start of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst (a bunch of clutter and ads and alerts filling every part of your vision) until, just like in Mirror’s Edge, you hack into it and turn it off.
It makes sense: Streetkid V would hack into it and remove the ads, Corpo V is rich so they pay to remove the ads, Nomad V ripped open their own Kiroshi and took out the network chip so it can’t display ads.
Good netrunner has add-blockers of own production.
In the Cyberpunk tabletop game, cheap optics would come with advertisements that pop up in front of your vision.
One thing a lot of players seem to forget is: This game is a prelude to the BIGGEST brewing corporate war with this one being the 5th. Not to mention rogue AI’s planning to make a move as well.
Yup, hope the second game goes this direction. Makes the side quests even more meaningful to do since some people skip them. Reading the shards throughout the game was basically saying this. Cant wait
The sequel could really be the greatest video game of all time
@@fabiopatacchiola5312 hopefully they dont fuck it up because they got that ESG money rn but yea the sequel can be even more crazy
@@DVo-fe8ew I'm praying CDPR doesn't fuck this up...their CEO isn't giving me much faith with this DEI, ESG bs
@@funtourhawk yea dude, shits mental. Like this is Cyberpunk, its supposed to have fucked up/sexy stuff in it. Hearing how CDPR said theyll be removing some stuff from the Witcher remake for modern audience was some bs
Nightcorp are the true rulers of NC. Arasaka and Militech may be the biggest meanest corpo players, but Nightcorp literally owns the playground. The power grid, transportation system, sanitation system, net infrastructure, hell they even own the roads everyone drives through. Makes you wonder what plans they have for the Peralez, huh?
Do Arasaka & Militech acknowledge Nightcorp's influence? Or does Nightcorp stay in the shadows like the Voodoo boys? Still new to this game world
@@TyceeFaler Economic influence yes, AI mind control no.
A good analogy would be to say Arasaka and Militech rent condos in the building that is Night City, and Night Corps owns it. Militech is nationalized, forced to work for NUSA, essentially. They tried to take over NC in Unification War and NC hired Arasaka to stop them. They were invited to stay after. Now, multiple corps are in NC, allowing them to slip comfortably under the radar.
@@0rbital_nugget188Only that once Arasaka collapses after the events of any ending except Hanakos, Militech rolls in, likely causing a major issue with NightCorps plan.
@@Cr38tiveUsername True. Especially since with PL, we know they'd been tinkering with the black wall.
It sucks we don't know which ending is the canon ending, but I think Night Corp and Mr. Blue Eyes have a plan to put AI's in human bodies, living or lab-grown is the question. Regardless, I'd imagine V's engram merged with Alt's and everyone in Mikoshi would be quite the AI to have running around in a meat suit. (It'd make quite the antagonist for Cyberpunk Orion- the [AI] hunter)
Plus, with Johnny running around in V's body, I don't think he'd let his inner-terrorist sit idly by while Militech takes over. Of course, that's assuming they give Johnny their body and don't pick the other endings.
Bruh forget Kang Tao, the only corp in the game which focus on Smart weapon and funding Trauma.
Kang tao is also depecited as being the perennial fuck up of the big global corps. Most of the news surrounding them involves some kind of accident or tragedy, including the AV we bring down.
@@chrisahearn789excuse the ignorance but what AV means?
@@LuisCastillo-om3wb aerial vehicle
@@LuisCastillo-om3wb it's the flying car that you ride in during the corpo origin start.
@@regretfullchief8866 any aerial vehicle not just the one you ride
That gig made me think some ai was going to come after me when I least expect it and just flatline me
The most Cyberpunk sentence I've ever seen.
Mystery solved! I thought it was AI beyond the blackwall.
@@pacotaco1914 one of the things I noticed the other day is everyone has blue eyes when accessing data on shards. So the AI is just puppeting some poor bastard.
Carpe noctem ( seize the night)
For all my chooms who don’t want to look up the translation.
thank you choom! I probably should've included this in the video too, so I appreciate it!
There’s not a single person in Night City who doesn’t have their own agenda.
even the player
@@kaelell4697 You got that right.
@@nxcrobutcher Okay, one person who doesn’t have an agenda.
Damn right
Why’d i say mikoshi so confidently in my head?💀
HAHAHA hey I forgive you and I respect you for admitting it. Thanks for the laugh 😅🤣
I said ZetaTech idk why
You better bug check your crib choom.
Mikoshi isn't even a corp.
Nobody is even fighting NightCorp when you really go through the game. Arasaka, Militech and Biotechnica are fighting over the turf but nobody says anything about NightCorp even though they are basically making all of the city infrastructure except for the space airport which was made of the coast by orbital air. And NightCorp does not like Orbital Air which is seen in both Sun ending where V is send by blue eyes to steal data from crystal palace which is OA property and in Phantom liberty's Songbird route where blue eyes gives so-mi way out which ends up in absolute mayham which cripples NCX and by extension OA profits in NC.
honestly had a headcanon that Blue eyes is either a certain ai or working for it.
one built to the enefit of humanity and its programming has continued it, even if its means are twisted.
Talking about the Blackwall itself. what if its gone 'rogue, as it were, but more accurately, it has gone sentient and its doing things with intentions of helping humanity in the long run.
thinkbout it. while inhuman epxeriments happened, what changes were made to that couple?
They were made to want the outcomes they preached genuinely. edited, altered, changed, but made idealists. And night city needs an idealist at the helm for there to even start to be change. And night city doesn't produce idealists anywher near the apex of its power structure.
andlets face it..... is it even possible for a genuinely benevolent ai to make these changes naturally in a world like night city?
NC hates OA because they built the space port when NC was planning to build their own mass driver (the thing that sends ships into space), OA swayed city council to instead build on Morro Rock and Night Corp lost. Never being able to make Night City a player interstellar transit
“Anything is possible in night city” yeah everything except a happy ending 😔
well, the Sun and the Legend of Night City endings seem good enough
Seriously, we need a DLC to find out what's going on with Peralez. V wouldn't just give it up after that phone call. Hell, they take on Arasaka without batting an eye (not really, but yk)
nah V doesn't have any business with night corp, it's messed up for sure but doesn't mean V willing to go against night corp while their hands are full of johnny situation, Arasaka is a necessity since V needs their tech to remove Johnny, maybe if there is next game night corp will be more influential since in the Sun Ending Mr Blue Eyes ask them to raid space casino
V is supposed to be racing for their life remember? It would take one big ass pull to make them even think something like fighting a secret world government level conspiracy (no win scenerio) is worth what they got left lmao
I do think that this will all be expanded upon in the next game. CDPR has a ton of leads to base the next game on, but I suspect that we will see a continuation of this story in some capacity.
@@himbourbanist i really hope so... when i was done with the quest ,i was like: "And now?" :/
Netwatch literally is holding society together in Cyberpunk. If the black wall gets breached it will literally be like when Magnus broke the web way and let the demons in. Imagine rouge AI frying people's brains
Get off the net and you should be fine. Also private networks should be fine too. Society could just build a new net completely disconnected from the old net.
@treacherousjslither6920 I mean if you're near any unmanned weaponry the daemons wouldn't care. Humanity would be wiped, on or off the net.
@@treacherousjslither6920possible, but the danger of rogue AIs is that they can attack anything connected to the net cause general havoc that way. Anything the global banking system to global communications could end up inaccessible, causing a technological dark age as profound as the times of Red
@@chrisahearn789 I'm talking about creating an entirely new network. It has nothing to do with the old net. Not connected to each other in any way. Like an independent power system completely disconnected from the national power grid. Shutting down Con Edison wouldn't affect it. All those rogue AIs wouldn't be able to affect this new independent network.
@@treacherousjslither6920rogue AI massages some gonks brain, resulting in someone plugging a usb with a black wall AI into the new net
Yeah there is so much going on in the background, the world-building is insane!
I expected you to make a connection from Dorsett, Night-Corp, conspiracy guy(s), Peralez, Dogtown junkies, Mikoshi, Songbird, potential fifth-corporate-war, Delamain, Vodoo-Boys, Project-Cynosure, Netwatch and Blackwall-AI humanity take-over-plot tho, its like the go-to-subplot that connects all of this 😅
The Peralez mission shook me to be honest. Like a lot of folks have been dreaming about Cyberpunk our future irl and I was part of them up until I played that mission. Having to sit with his wife , watching the people in the restaurant looking at me , Mr Blue Eyes being everywhere, then having to decide on wether or not I tell the truth to Jeff(wich doesn’t really change anything) was creepy for some reason, like I almost felt like I , the player , was also being watched troughout this entire ordeal 😅 had to put the controller down for a solid few mins before resuming with the game
Cia. "Write that down write that down!"
You know they’ve been doing that since the 50s right?
Them and the Soviets tried already.
So far NADA, just turning people schizophrenic like the Uni-bomber.
Nightcorp is CIA, probably.
TBH they might take inspiration on the method, but yeah, as previously commented, CIA's already been doing that for a while.
Makes you wonder what else they're been doing for the sake of control
Have you heard of something called MK Ultra ? 😅
It would be insane if Richard Night became an AI and started controlling everything from behind the scene
Richard Night would have hated what Night City has become...
Hell, he would have been pissed they renamed it to Night City after his death!
Mr House style, hes just shriveled up in a pod somewhere
Mr Blue is there in 🌞 Ending. Already shows He is a sentient A.I. and Blue is his walking flesh avatar.
That's who is really running the delamain cab service, atleast that's my opinion
Nightcorp could actually be a physical front set up by blue eyes as a way for the blackwall AIs to control humans.
Would have loved a DLC to explore that conspiracy further.
That mission was one of the most disturbing side missions I've ever done
Ooooh maybe this will be the main plot for Project Orion
that's actually a good damn theory. Mr. Blue Eyes is for sure cooking up something.
@@ianilanotvhe just wants to bring AI from beyond the blackwall just so you know he is the one that makes it possible for us to make erebus or Millitech Canto
Peralez mission was one of the most interesting, too bad there was no follow up on him after it ended
Pretty sure it was Richard Night’s wife that started NightCorp after his passing
Founded by Richard, his wife took over after he passed
Sandra Dorsett is a direct reference to the main character of Neuromancer, where Pondsmith used loads of lore foundations and the Blade Runner film to pen Cyberpunk 2020 in the late 80's. Henry Dorsett Case is a drug addict also addicted to jacking into The Matrix.
You heard that right. The Wachowski's did not invent the concept of The Matrix.
If you read between the lines, this type of tech actually exists, or close to it. They have radio transmitters that can give people headaches, or experience vertigo, etc. I think Cyberpunk in way, is prophetic of what is to come.
It wouldn't be that much of a stretch to think corporations in the real world would try something like this.
Was it confirmed that Nightcorp was behind the Jefferson Peralez case? Because if so, I'd be pissed if we didn't get the chance to wreck them in Cyberpunk sequel.
unless they are the good guys.......
lets put it intp prespective. what did they do to him?
ensured he would practice what he preached. made him a good man... against his will.
they put a man with morals into a position of power in a corrupt city needing help.
they didn't need to make him moral. they could just made him a puppet period, or blackmailed him into obeying their whims. the fact they altered him to be that way implies that, for as twisted as the means, they have an ends that is meant to help somehow.
and in a twisted defense to it. is it even possible to install someone with morals naturally in night city?
@@taddad2641 I've booted up the game again and had a walk around and noticed that the Peralez, or at least the husband is a pro-gun wielding advocate and heavily right winged, but even so, they didn't just change his morals, they gave him a new identity, new memories, new personality, new everything, that's fucked up, that's basically killing the man, and to top it all off, it's Nightcorp... I guess of all the corpos they're not that bad, but still, that's some shady shit. But after replaying the game again, I've realized that a lot of things aren't what they seem, like how people with cyberpsychosis if survived and be proven useful, will be put in maxtac. Damn I love this game's complexity, I still want to shoot Myers, for making me hurt Idris Elba.
I dont know why i said "Trauma Team" as the 4th influential corp
trauma team is more exlusive with thier clientale than say a corp like netwatch that would be my 4th but nightcorps lore would indicate they are the number one corp in the city
"Blow your mind..." And then talking about almost main quests...You just can't avoid this information...
i wanted more missions and a more important role regarding night corp, maybe in Cyberpunk Orion we will see that, i allways felt that night corp was doing something shady with the random shards you found in the city, then i did the peralez questline
I fucking hated the end of the Sandra Dorset story. It was such a slap in the face.
the thing i learned in night city is that wanting to be on the top is pointless when all the connections and abilitys you gain as you grow make you a far more dangerous and powerful indavidual than and top corpo
if you have a high enough intelligence or netrunning skill (cant quite remember, been playing other builds since Edgerunners) Sandra talks a little about what you can read in her shard. Levels on levels of complexity to some of the things in this game, and its only the first video game for this IP.
Well this game has story/worldbuilding from years of ttrpgs so yea. May be the first videogame, but its definitely an established series already.
Yeah that's why I specified. As fun as I'm sure tabletops are, and as good as some of the lore books might be, I only have an hour or two free every day so I don't really get into all those unfortunately.
@@gavinoleary2793 oh yea true, i just thought u meant like this was completely new, when ofc its not lol hence its bountiful lore
Yeah I mainly mean for the work CD Projekt Red put in, they worked with Mike Pondsmith, but even then many a dev have worked with the creators of an IP and still screwed the pooch, so I'm just taken about by how faithfully they stuck to everything and took advantage of existing lore to create the world.
Also Carpe Noctem means "Seize the Night"
Nightcorp is secretly the most influential
Hey choom! In case you didn’t know,keep your eyes peeled for the Cyberpunk Edgerunners mission kit from Rtalsorian games. Rumours say we gunna get a epilogue for Edgerunners…
wait bro are you serious? Lemme check it out holy. Now if I can just find local friends to play it with 😭😭
They were from outside of Night City and Blackwall though! They used a different weird little old tech!
“Crazy? Mb.” Meanwhile we play as cybernetic demigod with a literal talking soul of a terrorists made by techno necromancers. I don’t think at this point any theories in this game can be considered crazy
the most influential corp in night city is actually the corp from alpha centauri ran by mr. blue eyes.
I love your Cyberpunk content. The best lore and secrets.
With how corrupt and greedy everyone in Night City is, that actually doesn’t surprise me one bit lol
Another theory: Maybe Night Corp will be the "main villian" in Cyberpunk Orion like Arasaka in 2077?
Of literally all the missions in Cyberpunk, The Perales Mind Control mission messes with me the most. Utterly terrifying. The man forgot his own siblings.
Night Corp, of course
The moment I picked up a guy with a malfunctioning crotch, I knew anything is possible in night city.
LOOOL. Man take me back. I remember that mission in my early Cyberpunk days 🥹🥹
This mission is the one I found truly interesting because it has no happy ending.
When you meet Sanda again, she acts strangely... for someone who saved her life. I thought there would be more about her, but she just thanks me and disappears.
Crazy thing is, this is gonna go back to the blue eyes. You can actually find people or individuals with eyes during certain missions that are either far away looking at the NPC's, or looking down from rooftops. Peralez had one or two that were looking when you meet up before telling him the truth or lying. Was wild.
One of the endings Mr. Peralez calls during the credits and says he found out his wife was in on the whole thing… idk if anyone else has seen it but it made it so much weirder
I'd argue that Night Corp is the most influential
founder of night city scarily looks like ben shapibino
In nightcity everything's possible...except a happy ending for V
The Night City we see is soooo far from the original vision for it, basically anything that could go wrong, did. Maybe they’re just making an ends justifies the means way to bring back the original vision for Night City.
Both Peralez came from nightcorp special school. They was their project since childhood.
Basically Night Corp is hoping to rein in the city, but as is the moral of the story in the cyberpunk universe, it won't happen because no one wins.
The entire "lesson" if there is one you could take from the game is this. "Sometimes there's no winning, but you get to choose how you lose and who you take with you"
Okay, so where does netwatch come into play?
We see Blue Eyes more than once, once in the base game, which was the Peralez, quest, then if I recall it was at the near end of Songbird's quest.
I was expecting something offbeat. This is canon, these are facts.
Look it may be CALLED Night City, but it might as well be Arasakaland with how much work and hardship the corporate put into building and funding it
Yea this is one of a handful of missions in this game that give me the heebie jeebies. The other one is the River Ward quest line once you get to the creepier bits.
A cyberpunk sequel set in the initial aftermath of the fifth corpo war would be insane. Perhaps Militech and Night Corp team up and push Arasaka out of NC for good, with remnants of Arasaka still putting up a fight, Pacifica and Dogtown are flushed out and are being rebuilt to be the party playground they were meant to be, etc
theyll probably make them to next villains for the sequel
its night city, the crazier it sounds the more real it is
I thought of Zigaratt, the entertainment company.
I legit said astrazeneca XDD I meant zetatech but thats still wrong
For some reason no one is talking about how Sandra might be working for the NUSA and that she's the leader of an elite net running. This information can be found in a trailer in the center circle where the rings of solar panels are in the Badlands
also Carpe Noctem is latin for seize the night, ya know just in case you had any doubt about their motives
I was so sure he’ll say Kang Tao
Now the peralez mission makes more sense
When you get into the books One of the biggest shadiest Corps that make vary little waves is Kiroshi. Nearly Everyone has Kiroshi Optics, use kiroshi Visors, or at the very least Kiroshi's person to person Credit interlay. Yanno the thing people use to pay each other.
They have a hitman called the Ghost of Kiroshi as no one with Kiroshi Eyes can see him.
Kiroshi has successfully weaved themselves into every single Corp imaginable. There also one of the most influential when it comes to advertisement and ruling the entertainment sector.
Yeah, Arasaka and Militech run the weapons and tech. BioTechna grows your food, Nightcor runs the city. It is Kiroshi that runs what you see and hear.
How dare you show Aurore getting up close and personal, I wasn't ready.
Night Corp (also has the best logo of them all, IMO)
I thought i could track down the stalkers of Peralez.
Night corp was created from reform Night's Foundation, which was established by his widow after Richard's Night murder.
Reminder, there's a real Night Company
They edit your personality and memories, its also a blackwall entity doing it
I’d guess petrochem because they essentially have a monopoly on fuel
Richard Night didnt found NightCorp, his wife did after his passing.
Peralez's puppet master is from beyond the Blackwall.
I think it gives the same feeling as in Gaunter O' Dimm quests in Witcher 3. Someone knows things we don't. Isn't it?
This may be a far stretch. Way too early to tell. But part of me feel like night Corp may have some major involvement in cyberpunk Orion. Maybe not in the base game. Considering that role belongs to militech. But perhaps as a dlc role
Okay I’ll hop on cyberpunk again
Cyberpunk cyberpunk cyberpunk!
Holy shit I’m finally loved! I was thinking nightcorp lol
Testing it on nomads and their own employees they also might have ties to rogue blackwall ai if you believe spider Murphy is still around in a less then human form
Actually the point of cyberpunk is that nothing is Crazy, it's just now but futuristic. That the very rich companies sweep away with coups or corruption those who want to impose rules on them happened and happens today. Cyberpunk says much more about the present than any game set in the present.
One of the best side mission of all time .
I have a theory about Adam smasher I haven’t beat the main story yet. But what if smasher is a complete robot with his mind as a chip and the reason for turning Johnny into a chip was because he was the prototype and they have just been modding him for the past 50 years it would explain why smasher never went cyber psycho
this is less of a theory and more just the plot of cyberpunk
i restarted my playtrough and havent finished that one mission where jefferson paralez saw someone in his house and shot at them wich now explains no one remembering the intruder (also yes im new to the game)
Hoping CDPR knock it out of the park with the next game, they’ve got a lot of story beats to play with.
I was really hoping to have more on the peralezes and Mr. Blue eyes. Maybe when we hopefully go to the moon in part two we will hear more
Wasn’t V our Character was working there at Night Corp?
Before he got fired and lost his Normal Human life
No he worked at arasaka
No, V worked at Arasaka in the Corpo path before getting fired
@@JustADumbFurry ohhhh….ok,just didn’t want to get confused,Thank you
Nah it was Arasaka. But Corpo V was super-talented. Working in counter-intel at one of the biggest corps ain't no joke 😨
@@ianilanotv 🤔…….That does mean something……Maybe in one of the Ensings V may have given Silverhand His Body but V left into the Digital system and never heard of again….Maybe his AI allowed him to be more understanding which tech was more better and advanced
Night Corp is the most influential in nc
Also now V is on Night Corps radar…or is she already being watched ever since the Arasaka Heist
Dude this is Such a Easter Egg.
Could Happen in Future with Neuralink
Netwatch is kinda also very powerful
Hey ian in the video "strongest smart rifle" i think in 0:43 you use a weapon whats the name of it?
I was thinking about Zeta many references
I heard about this one...
and another thing is cloning stuff they cab do...
It's not Night Corp it's rogue AIs, as heavily implied in the mission itself. They talk about how they don't even exist, they just pull the strings. That's why the voice that call you is all weird and warped, it's a bloody AI like Alt
It’s both. Sandra’s files she hires V to steal are all about an NC project that uses a rogue AI to literally brainwash and change people’s behavior. Sounds familiar?
The Peralez incident was definitely orchestrated by a rogue AI but led by human operatives aka the “small security firm” the Peralez hired. A *lot* of insistence is put on the Peralez managing to somehow avoiding falling in one of the “big corps’ pockets” which is exactly what Night Corp is trying to push for, less power for other corps in Night City.
Night Corp *is* controlled by Rogue AIs, specifically by Mister Blue Eyes who may or may not be an AI engram of Richard Night.
it was not nightcorp that controlled peralez. there was a big difference in the description of what was doing night corp (at least if to read data shard from sandra) and what happened to peralez.