I always wondered why Nelson, who obviously looked like an Admiral, was wondering around on the top deck of the Victory as if he was waiting to be sniped. Then my Dad had a good theory: Nelson was a complete Narcissist, if he lost the battle, he wouldn't want to live to talk about it. So he made sure he'd die a hero, rather than risk living a failure.
It just that is was easier to command like that Also, Lucas, the captain of the Redoutable had his men trained to a level superior to the average French crew of the time. The muskeeters who dominated the Victory weren't supposed to be that good.
I think it was a French historian who wrote that "the genius of Nelson was realising how weak we were" a sucinct analysis born out by the success of Nelsons calculated risk . He didn't want the sort of 'victory' that saw Calder court martialled earlier on in the campaign .
One more thing. Admiral Villeneuve directly calls for battle-station here instead of ordering the whole column to turn 180 degree northward historically before the battle begins.
TheCoolGuy Awesome definitely, the Redoutable nearly captured the HMS Victory during the battle. Had it not been for the HMS Temeraire the Redoutable would have taken HMS Victory.
I'm afraid i have to dissagree most stronly with this !!! Villeneuve was verry smart and knew EXACTLY wat Nelson was going to do !!! Hawever he had no idea haw to stop Nelson as his crews were not well trained,there were problems with some other high ranking French commanders and there were even more problems between Spanish and French commanders !! The fleet of Villenueve was not one fleet but two fleets fighting thesame enemy Cooperation beteen both fleets was highly complicated and problematic so it had to end in disaster !!! I can only invite to to study this(i have half a dozin books about this battle and it's VERRY COMPLICATED !!!)
Most of them did, in fact, Gravina and Churruca were geniuses, search about them, the problem was Villeneuve, who was in charge of the whole fleet and was a complete dumbass.
You know, I find it rather ironic that the Santisima Trinidad, which in real history was a sitting duck in the battle because of the very light wind for her heavy weight, still becomes a sitting duck in this alternate version because, somehow, a lucky shot totally wrecked her rudder/steering.
A masterpiece for sure!! Bloody well done I still want to know how Admiral Nelson did something extraordinary in the real world. I guess I'll definitely have to check a documentary on the Battle of Trafalgar!!
The reason Villeneuve put to sea is because he had been warned in advance that official orders were on their way from Paris removing him of his command and recalling him to Paris for a roasting :-) He also did not 'choose his theatre of operation', he was trying to make a run for the Med and had not realised the British fleet was only just over the horizon waiting for him to take the bait. Take a look at a map to see Cadiz & Cape Trafalgar and the straits of Gibraltar.
Yes, Nelson was killed, but it was his greatest victory. He was hit by a sharpshooter. HMS Victory survived and is currently in Portsmouth harbour serving as a naval museum.
Lighten up guys. ltflak has given us an exciting, historical fiction video. It has great camera work, excellent pacing and an interesting story. What more do you want? He was merely entertaing an alternate take on the battle of Trafalgar, not trying to determine the course of an alternate world history. The amount of talent, ltflak has shown in this piece of work is extraordinary. As a novice (though improving) producer of NTW machinimas, I can truely say, that I am humbled by it. Salute
Superb video! One of the finest machinimas I have had the pleasure of watching. I specially liked the way you used the camera. I found the idea of an alternate Trafalgar very interesting; you may even publish a short story based on your script (from the video info I can tell you know quite a bit about it) Once again, great vid. I will recommend it ;)
Ciertamente podría haberse obtenido un mejor resultado. Pero las probabilidades de derrotar de forma clara a la flota de Nelson eran muy, muy escasas, comparando la calidad de las tripulaciones. Los españoles, eso sí, tenían mandos muy competentes, entre ellos eminencias en el campo de la astronomía y la navegación.
I did show a brief scene with some of Victory's crew evacuating to the Temeraire. As an Admiral, it's your duty to care and command the fleet, not care or get tunnel vision over the fate of a single ship in the midst of a large battle with the fate of your country at stake. If Nelson had stayed, he could have been killed or captured, not sounded the retreat early enough, which would have resulted in the retreating British fleet disintegrating in every direction. At least with him leading the remnant British fleet, he's still a grave threat to the now crippled Franco-Spanish fleet, and could still thwart a potential invasion England.
bradley sawinski I know, I just made some assumption that Admiral Nelson would be all heroic for no reason to the detriment of the overall battle and wouldn't have abandoned Victory... I don't really know what I was thinking when I made the comment lol
After the Catastrophic and humiliating defeat of the British in the Battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741 the devastated English Admiral Vernon sent a letter to the Victorious Spanish Admiral Blas de Lezo saying ''"We have decided to retreat but we will return to Cartagena after we take reinforcements in Jamaica'' Answer of Blas de Lezo ... ''In order to come to Cartagena, the English King must build a better and larger fleet, because yours now is only suitable to transport coal from Ireland to London'' The Battle cost 12.000 dead English, 1.500 cannons lost, 37 Ships lost, and 17 heavily damaged ,,, Just a historic note to all Enlgish Navy fun boys who only speak of mainstream higly propagated victories and trashtaulk the Spanish and French.
+Sokar Seth Thank you Sokar ;) To be honest I was expecting to be "messaged bombarded" for my comment so I had also prepared about 20 others similar examples of British Naval Defeats but so far I have not been indulged to state them ... :( sight*
+Sokar Seth Yes indeed the Spanish Navy throughout the course of the 15th from 19th century has a truly outstanding history of naval activity. Unfortunately British propaganda has shadowed Spanish naval triumphs. For example we all know of the "Defeat of the Spanish Armada" in the English Channel in 1588 but nearly no one knows how the British got raped in the "Defeat of the English Armada" in 1589 by the Spanish. And given the fact that in the 16th century the Spanish Empire was in every perspective superior to the British Kingdom the defeat of the "English Armada" was a far more serious naval engagement than the one we see portrayed over and over again by English policy makers that fund ridiculous movies and "historic documentaries". The Spanish kept their trans-ocean Empire intact and the British resumed their typical piratical efforts. The Spanish Treasury was able to fund the creation of a new fleet far easier than what the depleted British Treasury could. In fact it wasn't till the early 18th century that the British (by then called UK) started gaining ground in naval actions in the Atlantic with the events of the War of the Coalition, the 1st-2nd Dutch Wars and the Seven Years War
+Alexandros Macedon As a British man, I do not question the power of the French and Spanish navies. However, it is because Britain defeated the French and Spanish in a majority of the naval battles they entered. There are few exeptions, such as the battle of Chesapeake bay, where is was either suprise attacks or superior numbers that won them the victory.
+The Scorpion Gamer The Naval Battle of the Chesapeake Bay was won neither because of superior vessel numbers neither due to surprise attacks! The French might have had 24 ships of the Line vs 19 of the British but the rate of fire of the French was 1/3 of that of the British crews. At the opening stage of the Battle, the French center was hammered by the British coordinated firepower. Also the British had at least one mortar fixed in the center of every ships of the Line of their fleet, that means they could also decimate entire crew of enemy ships once they had reached a supposed 200 yards distance. It was rather the cowardice of Admiral Thomas Graves that cause the Battle of Chesapeake to become a humiliating defeat of the UK that effectively ended its hope to win the American Revolutionary War! Dont be haste to determine the cause of victories or defeats without proper examination! Also the British Navy was powerful from the 17th to the late 19th century. The Age of Sail was the Age of British naval Victories but then came the late 19th and early 20th century when British Naval Commanders saw their ships getting blown up time after time from the French and of course the Imperial German Navy! Needless to speak of the Naval Battle of Jutland !! PS: You must have failed to comprehend my argument! There was never any question from my part as for the power of the British Navy during the Age of Sail!
Great game an really good on the Reinactment of the Trafalgar war back in the 1800's. i give this vid a Like and a Sub for putting so much time into this video.
@ltflak Santisima Trinidad was not sunked before the battle,no sunked in the battle and yes sunked after the battle.During the battle he fights alone against 6 english ships (including HMS Victory) and finally was boarded by British. (they want t own the ship,it was the biggest in that age) British captured it and want to carry it to Gibraltar,but the ship was so damaged and finally was sunked in coasts of Cadiz.
man this is so cool, if i get a new computer I'll definitely get this game. I also like how in Napoleon total war unlike empire total war , the marines for the brits actually have the correct uniforms and the ships look more realistic.
Finally, I've been waiting forever to see this video. Good works. You probably got the lines From master and commander, and pirates of the caribbean. Good combination, especially with naval warfare.
El Santísima Trinidad no fue undido en combate, se undio poco después por una tormenta y los hombres de abordo no lo desalojaron hasta el momento en el que era insalvable.
The music in the beginning was really recognizable as Inception, and I would have used a different soundtrack for some tracks, but the directing was spot-on, and with nothing more than Napoleon Total War! Would love to see what you could accomplish with access to a full, TV production and live-action set! :D
In 2010, this soundtrack to me was the greatest, newest thing ever. Now after 6-7 years of movie trailers parodying the music, it's become "uncool" from being overused. It's like Requiem for a Dream(Two Towers), the coolest soundtrack ever to exist that was killed by being used too often.
Firepower is very important in naval battles and any player would know that he has a lack of it. As i said earlier, I've never won; my ships keep getting blasted to bits! My first strategy was to join in the fight directly. Kaboom! Blew up into smithereens. Second strategy: Let the Spanish take the beating first, then move fleet to edge of the map so I can only be attacked on 1 side. Epic failure. Flagship blew up. Set fire to ships behind and in front. Rout. How did YOU crush them?
Well do remember that in this battle, Spanish first rates were taken out of the battle from just a single broadside. Just because your afloat doesn't mean you aren't disabled. Lose your masts, or have the rudder chain damaged, and the ships behind you have to go around. I also doubt that single ships should attack entire fleets of First-Third rates for hours in a head-long charge. There's just not enough wood on the hull to withstand hundreds of direct hits to remaind operational.
Yeah. A demasted ship can sail against the wind at the same speed as a ship with full sails. Sometimes the computer uses that tactic to prevent their ships being taken a-prize. That's why it's important to have a steamship later in the game, whom can sail against the wind and finish off these demasted ships.
Villeneuve also wanted to stay in Cadiz. Napoleon was raging at him to move out, though, and sort of threatened to fire him and order his replacement to move out instead. So yeah, ultimately, it was Napoleon's fault. Villeneuve knew that his fleet was totally outmatched in terms of crew training, experience, morale, and tactical leadership. Napoleon didn't understand this--his forces on land were so good, after all--and showed a poor grasp of naval warfare.
ltflak I would love to see a Naval battle near the coast of copenhagen, as i am danish i would be even more impressed if you could make such battle! Are you able to do so?
Well, I don't have much of a knowledge of foreign films. So unless someone finds one for me, I'd say the chances are slim. Also I don't think there is any coastal sea maps in N:TW either.
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for your historical Total War videos, they are really great and realized at a high level. Watching them gave me a lot of joy. As an enthusiastic fan of history and battles, I would very much like to create some montages using games from the series. Could you give me some tips on the best way to go about it?
Make sure you know how to unlock the camera. The "N" key should allow you to do close ups. Since Total War only runs about 1:10 scale of the real battles, I try to show the real numbers by not having establishing shots shoe the entire army and filling the close up shot's backgrounds with lots of soldiers. I make sure the armies trail off the edge of the screen, implying there's more. If your showcasing a battle, make sure you tell a story. Unless it's a really famous battle, most people will either want to know the stakes, or understand some message being communicate through the visuals and music. The "The Perfect War - Empire: Total War Machinima" from 13 years ago inspired me to make Total War Machinima. Some of the most boring Napoleon Total War videos I've watched are either dry historical recreations of a battle with every engagement, or just scenes of two sides exchanging volleys at each other while NTW music plays. With my Annihilation: Battle of Berezina video, I wanted to show war as apocalyptic, which was the complete opposite of "The Prefect War".
thanks for the tips, would you still tell me how to make the cursor transparent? when I record a close-up shot by clicking n, a cursor remains in the middle of the screen which spoils everything
@@mlodysicario5902 I recorded with the ancient program FRAPS which automatically removes the curser, but FRAPS can get easily stressed into recording at a low framerate and generates massive raw movie files. Most of the battle scenes in this video were recorded in-game at half-speed in speed up in post to increase the framerate artificially.
@@Edax_Royeaux I suspect you could be talking about my NTW Battle videos, where I've done Borodino, Wagram and Ulm. I fully agree with the criticism that they d seemm to be dry with recreations of every engagement, and scenes of volleys and not enough combat. At the same time, when you made this video, the music choice was much freer to use. I use the NTW/ETW music because it fits, but I'm making an Austerlitz cinematic. I need to know, do I need to nessacrily show the engagement of every part of the battle? How can I condense it down from 30-40 minutes into 8-10 minutes at the most?
@@MedjayofFaiyum Well my Waterloo and Trafalgar Battle Machinima kept to the logic of the game, where you play as the French and have the possibility of winning the battle. Admittedly my Waterloo video starts pretentiously but the idea was that I was showing the story from Marshal Ney's perspective so I didn't need to show the whole battle. The first shot I took of the actual battle were the boots of Ney's infantry column attack on the British line which is already about 1/5 hours into the battle. Then I briefly show the charge of the British heavy cavalry and then end the battle with an extended sequence of Ney's French cavalry attack on the British Squares, as revenge for the British artillery strike on Napoleon. You can condense the battle by showing the perspective of one or two Generals. You could stick to what Kutuzov did, right up to the French ambush on the Pratzen Heights resulting him getting shot in the face. Or you could stick to only what Napoleon probably saw, which means engagements on the extreme right would only be seen at a distance and not in great detail. If you're using a gunpowder smoke mod, you could fire artillery in front of the French infantry that ambushed the Pratzen Heights concealed in "fog", you could cut to them periodically throughout the battle to create foreshadowing of the looming attack. In my Berezina video I mostly just tried to create a bleak mood with almost WWI levels of combat intensity without showing any specific engagements in detail and choosing to end the video the moment the French start crossing the river (which is kind of inaccurate, but the best I could do within the limitations of the game) You don't have to show every part of the battle, you can summarize like Hollywood might, once Kutuzov gets shot, you can record him falling off his horse and begin a montage of Russian and Austrian forces in retreat or getting slaughtered in a rout while sad music plays. While you can show bits and piece of the Endgame of Austerlitz, you don't need to explain them in great detail. You can treat Kutuzov getting shot as the cinematic decisive factor of the battle. I was probably not referring to your NTW videos. I was in a Total War competition with my videos and naxzul666 was one of my competitors. His videos were exactly the type of videos I did not want to create. It felt like he was just going down a checklist of events of the battle with generically shot battle scenes with captions laid over them. Faithful to history certainly, but really dull to watch.
Unlike metal, wood is very buoyant. Cannonballs smashing through the hull though did result in a lot of splinters, which killed a lot of crew. This is why in the age of sail, many ships were simply taken aprize since there weren't enough crew to stop a boarding attempt after a cannon duel, where as in the age of iron ships, they were almost never captured because they either exploded and sank, or took on too much water and sank. These wooden ships of sail could easily withstand over a hundred hits and remain seaworthy. Also, wood is very good at absorbing shock, so a cannonball barrage smashing through the hull isn't likely to compromise the structure enough for the ship to risk snapping before it just sinks from being holed below the waterline too many times.
@expertstrategy The supreme leaders of the 5 major factions (Napoleon, Wellington, Blucher, the Archduke and Mikhail Kutuzov) have moving mouths. Some random soldiers have it too, Ottoman Empire I think, but I don't know how to manually get soldiers to move their mouths, or I'd wouldn't use the still faces.
Its extremely well made, nice job. I would be interested in doing this kind of battle, tough, what is the programm you used to make the logo ? An answer would be greately appreciated. Nice job, have a nice day sir
@thejoosty1 The failure of the Spanish fleet was the fault of Villeneuve, to leave in search of the English instead of waiting, partly under pressure from Napoleon. A bad day to be there. Greetings from Andalucía
Its extremely well made, nice job. I would be interested in doing this kind of battle, tough, what is the programm you used to film ? An answer would be greately appreciated. Nice job, have a nice day sir !
haha this is great now u have a alternative battle of trafalgar while i have a alternative beginning of the battle of trafalgar ;D greta vid man ! idk if u have seen my "storm is coming" video it tells the story of the days beovr ethe battle of trfalgar ;)
Quit possibly my favorite video involving Empire total war. Awesome quality. Plays just like a movie. Although I think its odd that some of the people commenting here seem to be unable to comprehend that its "alternate" history....
First, I doubt that the first ships entering within range would be disabled as to block the others following. Even up close, these ships usually took hours of pounding on each other and still remained afloat (it was the crew you had to look out for). Also accuracy was poorer at longer ranges. Second, by breaking the line, the van of the allied line became useless. They had to turn back into the wind in order to engage, greatly increasing the odds for the British at the point of attack.
@IronDave100 Reason I didn't was because the game doesn't give me control of the Spanish, and the British in-game don't follow Nelson's strategy, often merging both columns. Nelson's greatest strategy was at the Nile, not Trafalgar. In my opinion, Nelson got lucky at Trafalgar, if it were done against a pre-revolutionary fleet, Nelson would have been annihilated. Nelson was a great leader, not a great seaman.
@IronDave100 I don't know about that...When I examine Nelson's plan of charging the line...doesn't make bloody sense. Charging at a line with no wind at a larger fleet with bigger ships? The only reason I think Nelson won was that the Franco-Spanish fleet wasn't aggressive enough, and was in no condition for battle (due to disease.)
The reason he attacked was because Villaneuve had bad reputation as Admiral, and he left the spanish practically alone. The combined fleet had much more capable admirals instead of the French. Churruca for Example. Another Reason Nelson tried to Cross the T was because if he achieved one shoot from behind, te enemy ship was practically dead and his enemies were condemned without possibilities to make an attack of equal power
@@DarrenTachimukai But those ships were vulnerable at the front as well and without wind, HMS Victory took a pounding for 45 minutes. Granted the Franco-Spanish fleet had awful gunners, but it still wasn't that brilliant a plan in my mind.
@@Edax_Royeaux it could be like that, but Villeneuve ordered a line not a moon, so all the ships could fire only against the first ship. If you know Spanish, I can recommend you a book that explains better than me the battle and the consequences
Excellent video ltflak but i have 2 questions 1.The recording of the battle came from a mutliplayer game or singleplayer? 2.Did you use a storyboard in this one too?
I always wondered why Nelson, who obviously looked like an Admiral, was wondering around on the top deck of the Victory as if he was waiting to be sniped. Then my Dad had a good theory: Nelson was a complete Narcissist, if he lost the battle, he wouldn't want to live to talk about it. So he made sure he'd die a hero, rather than risk living a failure.
It just that is was easier to command like that
Also, Lucas, the captain of the Redoutable had his men trained to a level superior to the average French crew of the time.
The muskeeters who dominated the Victory weren't supposed to be that good.
An officer was dressed as an officer
The use of sounds, music and voice acting is incredible!
You have done a great job with this video, thank you for sharing it with us!
It’s from Titanic bro
and Master and Commander
I had anger for the alternative defeat but it was overwhelmed by how beautifully made it was. Great piece of work, hats off to you... Well Done!!!
You get to keep Nelson instead :]
You mean alternative victory ? :)
I think it was a French historian who wrote that "the genius of Nelson was realising how weak we were" a sucinct analysis born out by the success of Nelsons calculated risk .
He didn't want the sort of 'victory' that saw Calder court martialled earlier on in the campaign .
One more thing. Admiral Villeneuve directly calls for battle-station here instead of ordering the whole column to turn 180 degree northward historically before the battle begins.
"...were about to be plunged into what i fear to be Total War"
I love it when characters say titles of movies or games they're in.
Came back to see this nostalgic video.
pirates of the Caribbean, Master and commander and titanic all in one video lol
I want the France navy to win
What voicelines did he use from Titanic?
Everyone knows that Villeneuve was not smart at all for that battle so the braves spanish captains couldn't do anything to fix the french mistakes.
The Redoutable was the only French ship to put up
A brave resistance against the British
TheCoolGuy Awesome definitely, the Redoutable nearly captured the HMS Victory during the battle. Had it not been for the HMS Temeraire the Redoutable would have taken HMS Victory.
What part of alternate history do you people not understand?
I'm afraid i have to dissagree most stronly with this !!!
Villeneuve was verry smart and knew EXACTLY wat Nelson was going to do !!!
Hawever he had no idea haw to stop Nelson as his crews were not well trained,there were problems with some other high ranking French commanders and there were
even more problems between Spanish and French commanders !!
The fleet of Villenueve was not one fleet but two fleets fighting thesame enemy
Cooperation beteen both fleets was highly complicated and problematic so it had to end in disaster !!!
I can only invite to to study this(i have half a dozin books about this battle and it's VERRY COMPLICATED !!!)
@@jeangeldof2137 Villeneuve is considered one of the worst admirals in that era, dont even compare him to Churruca or Mazarredo
I guess that in this alternate reality the Franco-Spanish captains had an IQ that was better than the AI in Rome 2
Only of the AI in total wars were this smart.
Most of them did, in fact, Gravina and Churruca were geniuses, search about them, the problem was Villeneuve, who was in charge of the whole fleet and was a complete dumbass.
@@royaleuropemapping9306 if gravina was in charge then things would've went better
@@jocelynndotson7273 I don't doubt it
This is 10 years old...and still feels better than any of the movies you used for this
Excellent ! I didn't even expected that such a masterpiece was possible with a video game. Well done !
Best depiction of naval warfare I have ever seen in a cinematic piece of media.
Can't have enough of it.
You know, I find it rather ironic that the Santisima Trinidad, which in real history was a sitting duck in the battle because of the very light wind for her heavy weight, still becomes a sitting duck in this alternate version because, somehow, a lucky shot totally wrecked her rudder/steering.
A masterpiece for sure!! Bloody well done
I still want to know how Admiral Nelson did something extraordinary in the real world. I guess I'll definitely have to check a documentary on the Battle of Trafalgar!!
That's was nothing short of amazing! You have obscene amounts of talent at this, Sir.
The reason Villeneuve put to sea is because he had been warned in advance that official orders were on their way from Paris removing him of his command and recalling him to Paris for a roasting :-) He also did not 'choose his theatre of operation', he was trying to make a run for the Med and had not realised the British fleet was only just over the horizon waiting for him to take the bait. Take a look at a map to see Cadiz & Cape Trafalgar and the straits of Gibraltar.
Yes, Nelson was killed, but it was his greatest victory. He was hit by a sharpshooter. HMS Victory survived and is currently in Portsmouth harbour serving as a naval museum.
This is the best naval battle video ever made.
What i can say ... This is epic!!! I watch in full silence impressed by this masterpiece!!! Thank you very much Itflak for made this great video!
Lighten up guys. ltflak has given us an exciting, historical fiction video. It has great camera work, excellent pacing and an interesting story. What more do you want? He was merely entertaing an alternate take on the battle of Trafalgar, not trying to determine the course of an alternate world history. The amount of talent, ltflak has shown in this piece of work is extraordinary. As a novice (though improving) producer of NTW machinimas, I can truely say, that I am humbled by it. Salute
Note that the ship's commander remains in position while his ship is sinking! What discipline!
I love how you added music from the when the Titanic is sinking into this when the other ships are sinking. Really nice touch.
I love whwn they shout fireeee with the mouth closeXD
Very well done! I loved the at worlds end audio track in the middle of it! It fit really well!
Wow, this was really well edited. Nicely done!
This sir is a masterpiece! I enjoyed every second! I'm surprised there isn't more views.
Massive thank for enormous inspiration, sir!
Superb video! One of the finest machinimas I have had the pleasure of watching. I specially liked the way you used the camera.
I found the idea of an alternate Trafalgar very interesting; you may even publish a short story based on your script (from the video info I can tell you know quite a bit about it)
Once again, great vid. I will recommend it ;)
I guess some people don't bother reading the description about this being an alternate reality battle. Nice work.
Ciertamente podría haberse obtenido un mejor resultado. Pero las probabilidades de derrotar de forma clara a la flota de Nelson eran muy, muy escasas, comparando la calidad de las tripulaciones. Los españoles, eso sí, tenían mandos muy competentes, entre ellos eminencias en el campo de la astronomía y la navegación.
Es que se nos murió el que estaba a cargó de la flota antes de la invasión
@@voxpopuli7910 Gravina murió después de Trafalgar
Nearly knocked me out of my chair when i hear. Straight at them mister Moet! Straight at them sir!
Love that line :)
So... Admiral Nelson jumped onto Temeraire and left everyone on Victory to die? That doesn't really seem like something he would do.
I did show a brief scene with some of Victory's crew evacuating to the Temeraire. As an Admiral, it's your duty to care and command the fleet, not care or get tunnel vision over the fate of a single ship in the midst of a large battle with the fate of your country at stake. If Nelson had stayed, he could have been killed or captured, not sounded the retreat early enough, which would have resulted in the retreating British fleet disintegrating in every direction. At least with him leading the remnant British fleet, he's still a grave threat to the now crippled Franco-Spanish fleet, and could still thwart a potential invasion England.
+JakVM999 are you stupid what part of alternate DID YOU NOT GET
bradley sawinski I know, I just made some assumption that Admiral Nelson would be all heroic for no reason to the detriment of the overall battle and wouldn't have abandoned Victory... I don't really know what I was thinking when I made the comment lol
+JakVM999 its cool lol i over reacted a little myself
+JakVM999 If he forsook his ship and the GB loses, he is later executed then.
Beautiful cinemotagraphy.
Because of Napoleon, the French can claim they once held Europe in their grasp. A feat few countries can boast.
Edax rome
CasperJG he said few not none
Germany in WW2 but you can't really boast about that, can you? :/
@@v1bmx By the time Germany tried to take over Italy, they already lost a good chunk of it. And they had no sway over Spain.
Not all of Europe,just bits.
i keep coming back to watch this masterpiece
Me too!
Me too it's just so good !
Lol I love this vid for some reason though when you zoomed on collingwood when we yelled FIREEEEE i laughed so hard
+Mitchell Sawinski It was my corny attempt to make it look like it was filmed with a handheld camera.
+ltflak lol
+ltflak Can you pleeeeeassseee make a battle of the Nile alternate
+Mitchell Sawinski My little 10 year old brother laughed his head off when he saw it too. We watched that part again and again... LOL
After the Catastrophic and humiliating defeat of the British in the Battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741 the devastated English Admiral Vernon sent a letter to the Victorious Spanish Admiral Blas de Lezo saying
''"We have decided to retreat but we will return to Cartagena after we take reinforcements in Jamaica''
Answer of Blas de Lezo ...
''In order to come to Cartagena, the English King must build a better and larger fleet, because yours now is only suitable to transport coal from Ireland to London''
The Battle cost 12.000 dead English, 1.500 cannons lost, 37 Ships lost, and 17 heavily damaged ,,, Just a historic note to all Enlgish Navy fun boys who only speak of mainstream higly propagated victories and trashtaulk the Spanish and French.
+Sokar Seth Thank you Sokar ;) To be honest I was expecting to be "messaged bombarded" for my comment so I had also prepared about 20 others similar examples of British Naval Defeats but so far I have not been indulged to state them ... :( sight*
+Sokar Seth Yes indeed the Spanish Navy throughout the course of the 15th from 19th century has a truly outstanding history of naval activity. Unfortunately British propaganda has shadowed Spanish naval triumphs. For example we all know of the "Defeat of the Spanish Armada" in the English Channel in 1588 but nearly no one knows how the British got raped in the "Defeat of the English Armada" in 1589 by the Spanish. And given the fact that in the 16th century the Spanish Empire was in every perspective superior to the British Kingdom the defeat of the "English Armada" was a far more serious naval engagement than the one we see portrayed over and over again by English policy makers that fund ridiculous movies and "historic documentaries". The Spanish kept their trans-ocean Empire intact and the British resumed their typical piratical efforts. The Spanish Treasury was able to fund the creation of a new fleet far easier than what the depleted British Treasury could. In fact it wasn't till the early 18th century that the British (by then called UK) started gaining ground in naval actions in the Atlantic with the events of the War of the Coalition, the 1st-2nd Dutch Wars and the Seven Years War
+Alexandros Macedon As a British man, I do not question the power of the French and Spanish navies. However, it is because Britain defeated the French and Spanish in a majority of the naval battles they entered. There are few exeptions, such as the battle of Chesapeake bay, where is was either suprise attacks or superior numbers that won them the victory.
+The Scorpion Gamer The Naval Battle of the Chesapeake Bay was won neither because of superior vessel numbers neither due to surprise attacks! The French might have had 24 ships of the Line vs 19 of the British but the rate of fire of the French was 1/3 of that of the British crews. At the opening stage of the Battle, the French center was hammered by the British coordinated firepower. Also the British had at least one mortar fixed in the center of every ships of the Line of their fleet, that means they could also decimate entire crew of enemy ships once they had reached a supposed 200 yards distance. It was rather the cowardice of Admiral Thomas Graves that cause the Battle of Chesapeake to become a humiliating defeat of the UK that effectively ended its hope to win the American Revolutionary War! Dont be haste to determine the cause of victories or defeats without proper examination!
Also the British Navy was powerful from the 17th to the late 19th century. The Age of Sail was the Age of British naval Victories but then came the late 19th and early 20th century when British Naval Commanders saw their ships getting blown up time after time from the French and of course the Imperial German Navy! Needless to speak of the Naval Battle of Jutland !!
PS: You must have failed to comprehend my argument! There was never any question from my part as for the power of the British Navy during the Age of Sail!
+Count Blackula Could you please be so kind as to elevate on that because I fail to see your point !
It is incredible, especially the scene of the Spanish ship of the Santísima Trinidad, you can see how the Spaniards spent them
Great game an really good on the Reinactment of the Trafalgar war back in the 1800's. i give this vid a Like and a Sub for putting so much time into this video.
Santisima Trinidad was not sunked before the battle,no sunked in the battle and yes sunked after the battle.During the battle he fights alone against 6 english ships (including HMS Victory) and finally was boarded by British. (they want t own the ship,it was the biggest in that age) British captured it and want to carry it to Gibraltar,but the ship was so damaged and finally was sunked in coasts of Cadiz.
I see that we have a Hans Zimmer fan here.
Finally, I thought this video was deleted.
these are epicly filmed, you should go into the movie industry! :D
man this is so cool, if i get a new computer I'll definitely get this game. I also like how in Napoleon total war unlike empire total war , the marines for the brits actually have the correct uniforms and the ships look more realistic.
I am sensing with the shivers down my spine, that the music is from Pirates Of The Carribean At Worlds End, amazing match :D
Only one word can describe this machinima.
Finally, I've been waiting forever to see this video. Good works. You probably got the lines From master and commander, and pirates of the caribbean. Good combination, especially with naval warfare.
Even after 9 years this is still amazing
El Santísima Trinidad no fue undido en combate, se undio poco después por una tormenta y los hombres de abordo no lo desalojaron hasta el momento en el que era insalvable.
The music in the beginning was really recognizable as Inception, and I would have used a different soundtrack for some tracks, but the directing was spot-on, and with nothing more than Napoleon Total War!
Would love to see what you could accomplish with access to a full, TV production and live-action set! :D
In 2010, this soundtrack to me was the greatest, newest thing ever. Now after 6-7 years of movie trailers parodying the music, it's become "uncool" from being overused. It's like Requiem for a Dream(Two Towers), the coolest soundtrack ever to exist that was killed by being used too often.
Firepower is very important in naval battles and any player would know that he has a lack of it. As i said earlier, I've never won; my ships keep getting blasted to bits! My first strategy was to join in the fight directly. Kaboom! Blew up into smithereens. Second strategy: Let the Spanish take the beating first, then move fleet to edge of the map so I can only be attacked on 1 side. Epic failure. Flagship blew up. Set fire to ships behind and in front. Rout. How did YOU crush them?
Well do remember that in this battle, Spanish first rates were taken out of the battle from just a single broadside. Just because your afloat doesn't mean you aren't disabled. Lose your masts, or have the rudder chain damaged, and the ships behind you have to go around. I also doubt that single ships should attack entire fleets of First-Third rates for hours in a head-long charge. There's just not enough wood on the hull to withstand hundreds of direct hits to remaind operational.
Had Nelson lost at Trafalgar and lost the Victory, he would have been relieved of command.
Yeah. A demasted ship can sail against the wind at the same speed as a ship with full sails. Sometimes the computer uses that tactic to prevent their ships being taken a-prize. That's why it's important to have a steamship later in the game, whom can sail against the wind and finish off these demasted ships.
5:26 my god that ship on the right is focked up
i am aware, a Spanish captain at the time realized there was tactical weaknesses but the french commanders refused to hear the information ;)
Villeneuve also wanted to stay in Cadiz. Napoleon was raging at him to move out, though, and sort of threatened to fire him and order his replacement to move out instead. So yeah, ultimately, it was Napoleon's fault. Villeneuve knew that his fleet was totally outmatched in terms of crew training, experience, morale, and tactical leadership. Napoleon didn't understand this--his forces on land were so good, after all--and showed a poor grasp of naval warfare.
Excellent video! well done :)
Have you considered perhaps doing an alternate Battle of Copenhagen(1801) or Anholt?
I would need Danish audio to make that work, which I don't have.
ltflak I would love to see a Naval battle near the coast of copenhagen, as i am danish i would be even more impressed if you could make such battle! Are you able to do so?
TheMagicalGamer Boss Again, I would need a movie or documentary in Danish of a navel battle to make that work.
Well.. What do you think the chances are of finding those? And making it?
Well, I don't have much of a knowledge of foreign films. So unless someone finds one for me, I'd say the chances are slim. Also I don't think there is any coastal sea maps in N:TW either.
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for your historical Total War videos, they are really great and realized at a high level. Watching them gave me a lot of joy.
As an enthusiastic fan of history and battles, I would very much like to create some montages using games from the series.
Could you give me some tips on the best way to go about it?
Make sure you know how to unlock the camera. The "N" key should allow you to do close ups.
Since Total War only runs about 1:10 scale of the real battles, I try to show the real numbers by not having establishing shots shoe the entire army and filling the close up shot's backgrounds with lots of soldiers. I make sure the armies trail off the edge of the screen, implying there's more.
If your showcasing a battle, make sure you tell a story. Unless it's a really famous battle, most people will either want to know the stakes, or understand some message being communicate through the visuals and music. The "The Perfect War - Empire: Total War Machinima" from 13 years ago inspired me to make Total War Machinima. Some of the most boring Napoleon Total War videos I've watched are either dry historical recreations of a battle with every engagement, or just scenes of two sides exchanging volleys at each other while NTW music plays. With my Annihilation: Battle of Berezina video, I wanted to show war as apocalyptic, which was the complete opposite of "The Prefect War".
thanks for the tips, would you still tell me how to make the cursor transparent? when I record a close-up shot by clicking n, a cursor remains in the middle of the screen which spoils everything
@@mlodysicario5902 I recorded with the ancient program FRAPS which automatically removes the curser, but FRAPS can get easily stressed into recording at a low framerate and generates massive raw movie files. Most of the battle scenes in this video were recorded in-game at half-speed in speed up in post to increase the framerate artificially.
@@Edax_Royeaux I suspect you could be talking about my NTW Battle videos, where I've done Borodino, Wagram and Ulm. I fully agree with the criticism that they d seemm to be dry with recreations of every engagement, and scenes of volleys and not enough combat.
At the same time, when you made this video, the music choice was much freer to use. I use the NTW/ETW music because it fits, but I'm making an Austerlitz cinematic. I need to know, do I need to nessacrily show the engagement of every part of the battle? How can I condense it down from 30-40 minutes into 8-10 minutes at the most?
@@MedjayofFaiyum Well my Waterloo and Trafalgar Battle Machinima kept to the logic of the game, where you play as the French and have the possibility of winning the battle. Admittedly my Waterloo video starts pretentiously but the idea was that I was showing the story from Marshal Ney's perspective so I didn't need to show the whole battle. The first shot I took of the actual battle were the boots of Ney's infantry column attack on the British line which is already about 1/5 hours into the battle. Then I briefly show the charge of the British heavy cavalry and then end the battle with an extended sequence of Ney's French cavalry attack on the British Squares, as revenge for the British artillery strike on Napoleon.
You can condense the battle by showing the perspective of one or two Generals. You could stick to what Kutuzov did, right up to the French ambush on the Pratzen Heights resulting him getting shot in the face. Or you could stick to only what Napoleon probably saw, which means engagements on the extreme right would only be seen at a distance and not in great detail. If you're using a gunpowder smoke mod, you could fire artillery in front of the French infantry that ambushed the Pratzen Heights concealed in "fog", you could cut to them periodically throughout the battle to create foreshadowing of the looming attack. In my Berezina video I mostly just tried to create a bleak mood with almost WWI levels of combat intensity without showing any specific engagements in detail and choosing to end the video the moment the French start crossing the river (which is kind of inaccurate, but the best I could do within the limitations of the game)
You don't have to show every part of the battle, you can summarize like Hollywood might, once Kutuzov gets shot, you can record him falling off his horse and begin a montage of Russian and Austrian forces in retreat or getting slaughtered in a rout while sad music plays. While you can show bits and piece of the Endgame of Austerlitz, you don't need to explain them in great detail. You can treat Kutuzov getting shot as the cinematic decisive factor of the battle.
I was probably not referring to your NTW videos. I was in a Total War competition with my videos and naxzul666 was one of my competitors. His videos were exactly the type of videos I did not want to create. It felt like he was just going down a checklist of events of the battle with generically shot battle scenes with captions laid over them. Faithful to history certainly, but really dull to watch.
I love the video, but am still surprised how those ships even hold together after taking THAT much of damage
Unlike metal, wood is very buoyant. Cannonballs smashing through the hull though did result in a lot of splinters, which killed a lot of crew. This is why in the age of sail, many ships were simply taken aprize since there weren't enough crew to stop a boarding attempt after a cannon duel, where as in the age of iron ships, they were almost never captured because they either exploded and sank, or took on too much water and sank. These wooden ships of sail could easily withstand over a hundred hits and remain seaworthy. Also, wood is very good at absorbing shock, so a cannonball barrage smashing through the hull isn't likely to compromise the structure enough for the ship to risk snapping before it just sinks from being holed below the waterline too many times.
Congratulations !
R.I.P Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad (1769-1805 )
Beautiful soundtrack for the best naval battle of all time
Nostolgia hits hard with this one
@expertstrategy The supreme leaders of the 5 major factions (Napoleon, Wellington, Blucher, the Archduke and Mikhail Kutuzov) have moving mouths. Some random soldiers have it too, Ottoman Empire I think, but I don't know how to manually get soldiers to move their mouths, or I'd wouldn't use the still faces.
Another thing to add to the list of world differences, Nelson was a Vice-Admiral not Admiral in real life.
Good catch.
Love that touch of Captain Benjamin Sisko at the beginning
I watched this like I was watching a movie ! Good job dude.
This never gets old :')
you sir have one of the best vid ever make on youtube.
Damm man. That is one excellent production!
Its extremely well made, nice job. I would be interested in doing this kind of battle, tough, what is the programm you used to make the logo ?
An answer would be greately appreciated.
Nice job, have a nice day sir
@thejoosty1 The failure of the Spanish fleet was the fault of Villeneuve, to leave in search of the English instead of waiting, partly under pressure from Napoleon.
A bad day to be there.
Greetings from Andalucía
Its extremely well made, nice job. I would be interested in doing this kind of battle, tough, what is the programm you used to film ?
An answer would be greately appreciated.
Nice job, have a nice day sir !
@Koguryeo19 Using adobe Premiere, I added the "circle" effect stencil alpha, added lots of feather to it, and added another effect called "spherize"
haha this is great now u have a alternative battle of trafalgar while i have a alternative beginning of the battle of trafalgar ;D greta vid man ! idk if u have seen my "storm is coming" video it tells the story of the days beovr ethe battle of trfalgar ;)
Great video. Ur Alternate vids are awesome mate
2:32 at 3:40 the battle between the Spanish and the English is just gorgeous !! !
Yes, men having their limbs blown off by grape shot and round shot is gorgeous.
@@AbrahamLincoln4 xd
Quit possibly my favorite video involving Empire total war. Awesome quality. Plays just like a movie.
Although I think its odd that some of the people commenting here seem to be unable to comprehend that its "alternate" history....
Very very good cameraview and teh music is good change.
Before anyone complains this is inaccurate, it is. However, read the description.
"Your orders, Sir!"
Nelson: :"Abandon ship!"
Great job of a video.
Why is it almost the same a Pirates of the Carribean? Anyway, good job on the video, I can't even get the camera to go places where yours has.
First, I doubt that the first ships entering within range would be disabled as to block the others following. Even up close, these ships usually took hours of pounding on each other and still remained afloat (it was the crew you had to look out for). Also accuracy was poorer at longer ranges. Second, by breaking the line, the van of the allied line became useless. They had to turn back into the wind in order to engage, greatly increasing the odds for the British at the point of attack.
And in turn made the video that much better
truly good job with the video
The stern and bow are the most vulnerable parts of a ship.
@IronDave100 Reason I didn't was because the game doesn't give me control of the Spanish, and the British in-game don't follow Nelson's strategy, often merging both columns. Nelson's greatest strategy was at the Nile, not Trafalgar. In my opinion, Nelson got lucky at Trafalgar, if it were done against a pre-revolutionary fleet, Nelson would have been annihilated. Nelson was a great leader, not a great seaman.
@IronDave100 I don't know about that...When I examine Nelson's plan of charging the line...doesn't make bloody sense. Charging at a line with no wind at a larger fleet with bigger ships? The only reason I think Nelson won was that the Franco-Spanish fleet wasn't aggressive enough, and was in no condition for battle (due to disease.)
The reason he attacked was because Villaneuve had bad reputation as Admiral, and he left the spanish practically alone. The combined fleet had much more capable admirals instead of the French. Churruca for Example.
Another Reason Nelson tried to Cross the T was because if he achieved one shoot from behind, te enemy ship was practically dead and his enemies were condemned without possibilities to make an attack of equal power
@@DarrenTachimukai But those ships were vulnerable at the front as well and without wind, HMS Victory took a pounding for 45 minutes. Granted the Franco-Spanish fleet had awful gunners, but it still wasn't that brilliant a plan in my mind.
@@Edax_Royeaux it could be like that, but Villeneuve ordered a line not a moon, so all the ships could fire only against the first ship.
If you know Spanish, I can recommend you a book that explains better than me the battle and the consequences
Loved it. So with this Alternate Universe, are you going to go ahead and have Napoleon invade Britain?
this was epic man!
4:57 is a reference to pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end the death of becket it is so much so that I enjoyed it
I like it how they were using audio from Master And Commander when zooming in on the british ships.
Exceptional work!
Best ever!
Nice work!
Excellent video ltflak but i have 2 questions
1.The recording of the battle came from a mutliplayer game or singleplayer?
2.Did you use a storyboard in this one too?