I'm American and I wish, hope, and yearn the return of the orthodox tsar. My country was last friends with and ONLY friends with Russia under the Tsar. Ever since then, Russia and the US has been enemies. Bring back the Romanovs! 🇷🇺💪
@@backupaccount8731 Монархия в России на данный момент не нужна. Это устаревшая форма правления. Нужно развивать национальные интересы России,а также провести несколько реформ с консерватизмом. Именно консерватизм нужен России
@@VengriAustralii Нет! России нужна конституционная монархия! К черту коммунистов! Царь вернет себе трон! Я монархист! Царь восстановит права человека, права трансгендеров, свободу вероисповедания, вернет Свидетелей Иеговы в Россию и будет правильно заботиться о своем народе!
@@goldenmouse8703 Я считаю что России нужна не конституционная монархия, но дуалистическая с поправками в сторону царя, как примерно и было при Свято Царственным мученике Николае II Александровиче Романовом, или абсолютизм, хотя первое всё-таки более реально в современное время.
Same here, I, King Charles III, Wilhelm II, Nicholas II all are distant cousins of mine, from the Scottish Royalty, as I descend directly, in fact patrillineally from Macbeth, despite the claim of him having no children, which has been debunked. Then, a member of the house of Macbeth's cousin, who usurped him, would marry a Stuart, which would eventually be an ancestor of the Hanoverians, then to Queen Victoria, who was the grandmother of Wilhelm II, Nicholas II, & ancestor of Charles III.
Monarchism is somewhat dumb. Why is some family allowed to rule the country and do what they want, knowing that they have no opponents to take the throne, and the people must do what the tzar wants? Isn't this anti-national totalitarianism?
@@stanislav7411 1- There's this thing called a constitucional monarchy. 2- Do you know it's even worst to have dumb teenagers and lunatic adults voting for terrible parties with braindead leaders instead of a monarchy being ruled by a family educated since childhood, right?
@@stanislav7411 in other words, you're sad you won't become a tsar yourself. No, it's not dumb. Tsars always have the best all-round education. They cannot be bribed, because they already have everything, which allows them to fairly balance political tensions within the government. Being raised in the royal family, they get introduced to politics very early, therefore they have better understanding of it. While presidents waste their time preparing for the next elections, tsars spend their time improving lives of the next generations. Of course, in some cases tsars were not perfect. But they're always better than greedy and deceitful rabble in power. As for "anti-national totalitarianism", you've perfectly described communism.
Я не могу понять монархизм. Почему какая-то семейка правит страной и делает все что хочет, зная что никаких противников на престол у них нет, а народ должен быть покорен царю? Разве это не антинародная диктатура царской семьи?
I recently wrote a book called The Red Prince, which follows the premise of what would have happened had the White Army won the Russian Civil War. While I was never a fan of Nicholas II, I absolutely loved the optimism his children had, especially the two youngest ones. In my book, Anastasia, his youngest daughter, survives the murder of the family and becomes Empress of Russia in 1924. There is no Soviet Union, no Lenin, no Stalin, no Cold War, no August Coup, no Yeltsin, no Putin, no war. That is what should have really happened.
United States: Monarchies are bad! Russia: Gets rid of the Monarchy and becomes the United States worst enemy from the cold war to today. United States: we should've stuck with the monarch
The United States has historically had a mixed relationship with the monarchy. When they were established, they took a lot of inspiration from monarchies, they did not consider monarchy to be bad. Towards the end of the 19th century, the dogma of democracy and liberalism and fanatical republicanism began to prevail, monarchies began to be perceived more negatively. At the beginning of the 20th century, they supported and spread democracy and republicanism a lot. But they also had a lot of monarchist allies, friends among monarchists and the monarchs themselves (and even the Russian Empire was their ally). Then Communism/Socialism became the main enemy and hostility towards Moanarchism waned a bit. But it persists to this day (even though consciously most people - including politicians - do not care if the state is a monarchy or a republic, mainly that it has good conditions and is a state of law. Subconsciously, however, they are republican-oriented). The dogma of democratism still persists and that the monarch must only be ceremonial, must not have executive power for some reason, there must be democracy, liberalism and preferably liberal democracy, etc. From the point of view of the US, it was primarily a struggle for power, dominance and influence (overall hegemony) - so the imposition of one's own policy, system, own beliefs/ideologies, law, carrying out coups, assassinations and revolutions support were primarily power games to indirectly control others.
@@tailsprowerfan2729 I agree. It seems probable, but they couldn't see into the future. Wait, why did you say they would've done more? What did they already do?
@@niketesambrosiosdelagrece2266 Thank you so much for telling me this. I had no idea. I never saw the monarchies as bad like my peers do. I in fact see them better. I am surprised i never questioned how the US saw monarchies in it's early life. Like the French monarch and Spanish monarch that helped them during the revolutionary war. Honestly I've just been taught we always saw them bad.
I'm a royalist since I was a kid and I remember to attend the monarchist office of Rome I reached in bike and shorts. My question, there is still a monarchist movement in Germany? Thanks in advance.
@@theunsinkable633No they’re first cousins. George V of England was first cousins with wilhelm II of Germany and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and wilhelm was third cousins with Nicholas
Hopefully when Putin is gone the tsar gets the throne again I wish for the commuinst era for Russia to end for good I wish for Russia to have more of a Christian image and not a communist image
Yes, that's exactly how it is. In other respects, it is possible to revive the old and true Russian culture not only monarchically, but still I do not argue, this is one of the most effective ways. Everyone sees Russia as a shadow or successor of the Soviet Union, but they have forgotten about the true Russia, which began to die as early as 1917 and the agony continues to this day on its open wounds.
@@tailsprowerfan2729 Нынешняя королева Дании прапраправнучка Императора всероссийского Николая первого и даже имеет право на российский престол . Также существует линия грузинских романовых и белоимииграндская династия Кириловичей по брату Александра третьего , однако род истинных Романовых пресекся с расстрелом семьи Николая .
@@tailsprowerfan2729 Николай второй был , мягко говоря , слабым и не самым лучшим правителем в истории Российской Империи . Николай второй был неумелым политиком , а то что он пошел на компромисс с предателями из временного правительства, совершившими февральский переворот , вообще не простительно ! А ведь этого царя ещё и канонизировала РПЦ ! Расстрел императорской семьи стал концом доя " Старой России " , однако причиной расстрела была политика Николая , всё заслуги его правления принадлежат отнюдь не ему , а именно Столыпину , единственному настоящему герою Николаевской России . Любой истинный православный некогда не признает царя - ПРЕДАТЕЛЯ , ОТРЕГШЕГОСЯ ОТ РОССИЙСКОГО ТРОНА СВОЕГО И СВОИХ ПРЕДКОВ - святым . Истинный монархист не признает царя Николая второго великим или хоть сколько нибудь достойным восхищения . Да , у Николая была тяжёлая жизнь и за это его стоит уважать , всё-таки он многое пережил и прошёл тяжёлое для России время бок о бок , но о тех монархистах которые считают Николая святым , великим и ещё как-то его превозносящих среди истинных монархистов , да и среди народа , ходит прозвище до сих пор хрустящих французской булкой , нового дворянства . Правление Николая второго привело к одной из самых тяжёлых в истории , для народа войн - Руссой гражданской; Потере старой , истинной России и утратой истории и памяти , а также веры наших отцов и дедов....
Я не могу понять монархизм. Почему какая-то семейка правит страной и делает все что хочет, зная что никаких противников на престол у них нет, а народ должен быть покорен царю? Разве это не антинародная диктатура царской семьи?
@@stanislav7411 ты догадливый. самодержавие - это по сути и есть диктатура, и оно изжило себя. Знаешь, человек говорящий о демократии и свободе с аватаром Сталина выглядит очень странно. Кстати, репрессированные в воркутлаге и расстрелянные в Колпашевском Яру также верили в свободное коммунистическое будущее? Подумай на досуге
If Russian Monarchy is restored to the throne, my sincere hope is that they would not want to take Ukraine, or my beloved Finland as a part of their dominion.
@JustAPlant Well, that's a good argument. But, main argument against monarchism is that "King would have all power". People fear of loosing their voice
@JustAPlant My country was at its largest extent during a absolute monarchy. We even had emperor. But, one person can be good yes, but, how do You make sure His/Her heir is also good? Forcing them to study and all that, would make them hate their position, and stop caring (Look at Emperor Pedro the Second of Brazil)
@JustAPlant Romans (which republican government I see as best one) had similar system. During time of crisis, they would elect a dictator, who would, after crisis was over, return power to the people. So, absolute monarchy should be only accepted in a unstable regions, and places where it is needed due to crisis. But, after peace returns, it should slowly go to a constitutional one, or at least, Semi-constitutional one. But, arguing like this will do no good. That is problem with Us monarchists. We stay true to Our beliefes, and refuse to compromise. That, is why monarchist cause is loosing in some places
@@hueylongenjoyer3747 Stalin and his bolshevists were the reason why Hitler came to power... Germany had fear for communism so they voted Hitler. Remember, in 1918 there where a communist uprising in Germany and most germans dont wanted communism so they voted for the Nazis. The Nazis only attacked Russia because they were Communist.
به جناب آقای ریس جمهور ایالت متحد امریکا با سلام و تبریک به جناب ریس جمهور ایالات متحد امریکا در سال ۲۰۲۲ میلادی و سال ۱۴۰۰خورشیدی ایران خوب و پور نشاط میباشد آقای Mr. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. از حزب دموکرات امریکا این جناب آقای علیرضا شکیبایی میباشم و تبریک و تشکرات خود را تقدیم مینمایم و آرزوی پیروزی برای مردم و دولت و جناب ریس جمهور ایالات متحد امریکا آقای Mr. JosephRobinette Biden Jr. داریم باتشکر از پارلمان ایالات متحد امریکا …ازدفتر سیاسی آقای علیرضا شکیبایی متشکر
God bless the tsar
расстрел царской семьи
Saint Nicolas II of russia pray for us!!☦️🙏🏻❤️
Long Live The Tsar!
From Hungary
I love this song its so heroic
Long live the Tsar!!!
Long live the Russian Empire!!!
Long live Orthodoxy.
@@ReplyToMeIfUrRetarded no,✝️ is ✡️
I genuinely hope that The Russian Empire will be reborn. I'm not even Russian, and I'd still fight for an Orthodox Tsar.
I'm American and I wish, hope, and yearn the return of the orthodox tsar. My country was last friends with and ONLY friends with Russia under the Tsar. Ever since then, Russia and the US has been enemies.
Bring back the Romanovs! 🇷🇺💪
same here. an orthodox monarchy is by far the best way of ruling for a country.
the living conditions under the tsar:
Long live the Tsar
Боже Царицу храни!!!
Из Колумбия, слава Имперацкая Россия
Не царицу(хотя, её тоже) , а царя
@@sofyakova Да, тоже слава Царя!
I'm going to blast this where Bolsheviks can hear it.
Russia needs the monarchy more then ever.
Indeed. Remove this criminal federation. Bring back the Tsar. True Russia died in 1917
@@backupaccount8731 Монархия в России на данный момент не нужна. Это устаревшая форма правления. Нужно развивать национальные интересы России,а также провести несколько реформ с консерватизмом. Именно консерватизм нужен России
@@VengriAustralii Нет! России нужна конституционная монархия! К черту коммунистов! Царь вернет себе трон! Я монархист! Царь восстановит права человека, права трансгендеров, свободу вероисповедания, вернет Свидетелей Иеговы в Россию и будет правильно заботиться о своем народе!
@@goldenmouse8703 царь - хороший пережиток прошлого,а вот коммунисты - жудший этап
@@goldenmouse8703 Я считаю что России нужна не конституционная монархия, но дуалистическая с поправками в сторону царя, как примерно и было при Свято Царственным мученике Николае II Александровиче Романовом, или абсолютизм, хотя первое всё-таки более реально в современное время.
Proud to be related to Tsar Nicholas II
I’m related to the Ottoman Sultanate more accurately Abdulhamid II
@@Alvin-qz8il Nice! :)
Same here, I, King Charles III, Wilhelm II, Nicholas II all are distant cousins of mine, from the Scottish Royalty, as I descend directly, in fact patrillineally from Macbeth, despite the claim of him having no children, which has been debunked. Then, a member of the house of Macbeth's cousin, who usurped him, would marry a Stuart, which would eventually be an ancestor of the Hanoverians, then to Queen Victoria, who was the grandmother of Wilhelm II, Nicholas II, & ancestor of Charles III.
Russian Neo-Monarchism is one of the most blessed ideologies!
I agree
alongside greek monarchism
Monarchism is somewhat dumb. Why is some family allowed to rule the country and do what they want, knowing that they have no opponents to take the throne, and the people must do what the tzar wants? Isn't this anti-national totalitarianism?
@@stanislav7411 1- There's this thing called a constitucional monarchy.
2- Do you know it's even worst to have dumb teenagers and lunatic adults voting for terrible parties with braindead leaders instead of a monarchy being ruled by a family educated since childhood, right?
@@stanislav7411 in other words, you're sad you won't become a tsar yourself. No, it's not dumb.
Tsars always have the best all-round education. They cannot be bribed, because they already have everything, which allows them to fairly balance political tensions within the government. Being raised in the royal family, they get introduced to politics very early, therefore they have better understanding of it. While presidents waste their time preparing for the next elections, tsars spend their time improving lives of the next generations.
Of course, in some cases tsars were not perfect. But they're always better than greedy and deceitful rabble in power.
As for "anti-national totalitarianism", you've perfectly described communism.
@@RUclipsEncouragesViolence Не хочу я быть царьком
God bless Nicholas II and his family ! Well done video ! 😍🙏🏻♥️
God bless the Tsar and his family!
What is sad to me, they died thinking the Russian people really hated them.
They are in Heaven,they must have realised what really happened by now.
God, save the Tsar!
I hope that the Tsar will return
Awesome. Long live Russian tsardom.
may the tsar return and reign for the centuries to come.
God bless His/Her Imperial Majesty
Thank you.
Боже 🙏царя храни
Ваше Высочество
Пора на Трон 🕊👍👏👍👍👍🕊🌍🕊
Я так скучаю по Российской империи.😭😭😭
Как ты из гроба вылез
@@mearbye Я призрак русского царя
Все мы ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО СКУЧАЕМЪ 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Я не могу понять монархизм. Почему какая-то семейка правит страной и делает все что хочет, зная что никаких противников на престол у них нет, а народ должен быть покорен царю? Разве это не антинародная диктатура царской семьи?
Какое право какая-то семейка имеет право страной управлять? Никаких тебе выборов, справедливости и логики.
I recently wrote a book called The Red Prince, which follows the premise of what would have happened had the White Army won the Russian Civil War. While I was never a fan of Nicholas II, I absolutely loved the optimism his children had, especially the two youngest ones. In my book, Anastasia, his youngest daughter, survives the murder of the family and becomes Empress of Russia in 1924. There is no Soviet Union, no Lenin, no Stalin, no Cold War, no August Coup, no Yeltsin, no Putin, no war. That is what should have really happened.
Nah there'd still be a cold war
Long live monarchy for all time to come, it is the natural order of things. 🇬🇷💛🇷🇺
As a Pole I certainly pray that the glory, honour, and chastity of the Tsarist days returns to Russia and unifies her lands together, now and forever!
поляк ты забыл как царские сатрапы угнетали поляков
Long live to Tsar
United States: Monarchies are bad!
Russia: Gets rid of the Monarchy and becomes the United States worst enemy from the cold war to today.
United States: we should've stuck with the monarch
If they knew how bad things would get they would probably would of done more to help Russia keep there monarchy
The United States has historically had a mixed relationship with the monarchy. When they were established, they took a lot of inspiration from monarchies, they did not consider monarchy to be bad. Towards the end of the 19th century, the dogma of democracy and liberalism and fanatical republicanism began to prevail, monarchies began to be perceived more negatively. At the beginning of the 20th century, they supported and spread democracy and republicanism a lot. But they also had a lot of monarchist allies, friends among monarchists and the monarchs themselves (and even the Russian Empire was their ally).
Then Communism/Socialism became the main enemy and hostility towards Moanarchism waned a bit. But it persists to this day (even though consciously most people - including politicians - do not care if the state is a monarchy or a republic, mainly that it has good conditions and is a state of law. Subconsciously, however, they are republican-oriented). The dogma of democratism still persists and that the monarch must only be ceremonial, must not have executive power for some reason, there must be democracy, liberalism and preferably liberal democracy, etc.
From the point of view of the US, it was primarily a struggle for power, dominance and influence (overall hegemony) - so the imposition of one's own policy, system, own beliefs/ideologies, law, carrying out coups, assassinations and revolutions support were primarily power games to indirectly control others.
I agree. It seems probable, but they couldn't see into the future.
Wait, why did you say they would've done more? What did they already do?
Thank you so much for telling me this. I had no idea. I never saw the monarchies as bad like my peers do. I in fact see them better. I am surprised i never questioned how the US saw monarchies in it's early life. Like the French monarch and Spanish monarch that helped them during the revolutionary war. Honestly I've just been taught we always saw them bad.
@@whatischeese4179 Now that think about it they did the best they could
These songs are so good!
bozhe tsarya khrani; aus Deutschland
we must remember that Nicholas II and Wilhelm II were stepbrothers
@@theunsinkable633 No they were Cousins
I'm a royalist since I was a kid and I remember to attend the monarchist office of Rome I reached in bike and shorts. My question, there is still a monarchist movement in Germany? Thanks in advance.
@@lucaschiantodipepe2015 There’s a monarchist movement everywhere but in Germany its influence is ignorable
@@theunsinkable633No they’re first cousins. George V of England was first cousins with wilhelm II of Germany and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and wilhelm was third cousins with Nicholas
Да благословит Бог Кайзера и Зара.
la rivoluzione di ottobre e l'assassinio della famiglia imperiale Romanov ..è stata una immensa tragedia...per tutti ....
и больше всего для Российского народа и наций его
In realtà se ne fregarono tutti del loro assassinio. Dai russi fino agli alleati dell'Armata Bianca e alle sue fazioni repubblicane
I listened It High volume in my car with my Kids waiting for wife shopping in a store. 😁❤️🇷🇺
Greetings from Italy 🇮🇹.
Господь в смысле Бога, а не лорда.
В английском языке можно интерпретировать "Lord" в значении Бога
@@МихаилЗубенко-п2б понятно, спасибо, не знал.
@@МихаилЗубенко-п2б можно, но не в данном случае
@@outrageouslord1552 Спокойно можно, "Oh lord" к примеру переводится как "О боже".
Боже, царя храни!
After all... Finally... Russia is Back...
..and forever more. Life is good
God with the Tsar
Long live Russia
Jesteśmy z wami bracia! 🇵🇱❤🇷🇺
Не надо нам вашего братства
🇷🇺 🤝🏻 🇵🇱
@@Шариковичксенофоб. Иди лечись. Агрессией отвечай только на недружелюбные знаки. Бравлстарсер недоразвитый
Long live the Tsar!
restor to monarchy bring back the true Russia . Long live the Tsar
Hopefully when Putin is gone the tsar gets the throne again
I wish for the commuinst era for Russia to end for good
I wish for Russia to have more of a Christian image and not a communist image
Yes, that's exactly how it is. In other respects, it is possible to revive the old and true Russian culture not only monarchically, but still I do not argue, this is one of the most effective ways. Everyone sees Russia as a shadow or successor of the Soviet Union, but they have forgotten about the true Russia, which began to die as early as 1917 and the agony continues to this day on its open wounds.
@@arunpackirisami6751 shut up Putin bot
Bruh Russia Isn't communist, it's a traditional oligarchy lmao
@@amogusmale then why use the communist symbols why not use the cross and true Russian culture
Aslo you do know that Putin was a KGB agent a communist
God Save The Tsar
Long Live The Romanov family, the Russian Imperial Family
Russian Empire is the father from the Modern Russia
I wish the Romanov would take back the throne
@@tailsprowerfan2729 Нынешняя королева Дании прапраправнучка Императора всероссийского Николая первого и даже имеет право на российский престол . Также существует линия грузинских романовых и белоимииграндская династия Кириловичей по брату Александра третьего , однако род истинных Романовых пресекся с расстрелом семьи Николая .
@@4ww555 it’s sad how they were killed in cold blood
@@tailsprowerfan2729 Николай второй был , мягко говоря , слабым и не самым лучшим правителем в истории Российской Империи . Николай второй был неумелым политиком , а то что он пошел на компромисс с предателями из временного правительства, совершившими февральский переворот , вообще не простительно ! А ведь этого царя ещё и канонизировала РПЦ ! Расстрел императорской семьи стал концом доя " Старой России " , однако причиной расстрела была политика Николая , всё заслуги его правления принадлежат отнюдь не ему , а именно Столыпину , единственному настоящему герою Николаевской России . Любой истинный православный некогда не признает царя - ПРЕДАТЕЛЯ , ОТРЕГШЕГОСЯ ОТ РОССИЙСКОГО ТРОНА СВОЕГО И СВОИХ ПРЕДКОВ - святым .
Истинный монархист не признает царя Николая второго великим или хоть сколько нибудь достойным восхищения . Да , у Николая была тяжёлая жизнь и за это его стоит уважать , всё-таки он многое пережил и прошёл тяжёлое для России время бок о бок , но о тех монархистах которые считают Николая святым , великим и ещё как-то его превозносящих среди истинных монархистов , да и среди народа , ходит прозвище до сих пор хрустящих французской булкой , нового дворянства .
Правление Николая второго привело к одной из самых тяжёлых в истории , для народа войн - Руссой гражданской; Потере старой , истинной России и утратой истории и памяти , а также веры наших отцов и дедов....
@@tailsprowerfan2729 Вы иностранец ? Не русский ?
Боже Царицу храни!
Боже, Царя Храни.
Can you do kingdom of Libya National anthem
За веру цяря и Отечесто
Империя Православие Нация !!!!
Half these views are mine
Very pretty song, but the white text is hard to read. Maybe reupload?
Based russia:
Да здравствуѣтъ государъ импѣраторъ всѣя Русі
Монархія это самый лучшій вариантъ !
И нет , монархия не лучший вариант для Россия . Если только конституционная монархия
God Bless Russia😇👑🇷🇺
Ауу007 🕊 и 👍Царь👏
Слава Руси! ⬛🟨⬜
В каком веке это создали первая пластинка и запись ?
Ауу007. 🇷🇺
translation is a bit wrong, but almost doesnt change sense of the song
wow what a excellent song world's best powerful country russia 💪💪💪💪💪💪🇷🇺🇷🇺
Боже храни царя 🕊👍👍🕊🕊
Похоронили его уже давным давно
Bozhe tsarya khrani
Печально, что Царская семья не причислена к лику великомучеников
Они страстотерпцы, святые, но другой категории, так как не за веру, но во имя Христа
@@antoniopripizduchi9354 не знал. Спасибо
Я не могу понять монархизм. Почему какая-то семейка правит страной и делает все что хочет, зная что никаких противников на престол у них нет, а народ должен быть покорен царю? Разве это не антинародная диктатура царской семьи?
Почему случайная семья имеет право страной управлять? Никаких тебе выборов, справедливости и логики.
@@stanislav7411 ты догадливый. самодержавие - это по сути и есть диктатура, и оно изжило себя. Знаешь, человек говорящий о демократии и свободе с аватаром Сталина выглядит очень странно. Кстати, репрессированные в воркутлаге и расстрелянные в Колпашевском Яру также верили в свободное коммунистическое будущее? Подумай на досуге
Nous pleurons. Notre. Star. Car. Cetais. Un. Homme. Qui. Avais. Du. Coeure. Poure. Sa. Famille. Mes. Le. Peuple. Avais. Pas. Compris. Car. Aujourd'hui. Cet. Toujours. La. Ditacture. Faire. La. Paix. Nos. Frère. Ucrenien
👑💒Ζήτω ο Εθνάρχης Έλλην Βασιλεύς Κωνσταντίνος ΙΓ΄ Φωκάς Τσιμισκής Διγενής Κομνηνός Άγγελος Λάσκαρης. Δούκας της Σπάρτης και η Βασίλισσα Άννα-Μαρία. 💒👑
What is the first picture on 1:46 ?
Looks similar to this: classicalchristianity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Theotokos-Reigning-icon.jpg
@@micharespondek1172 Thank you
@@Roxasguy13 what did he say because I can't view his comment
@@arunpackirisami6751 Our Lady of Derzhavnaya
Nicholas the 2 portraits being carried around (he was canonized by the russian orthodox church back in 2000)
Bring back the Romanovs!
Do kingdom of Libya national anthem
i hope the russian monarch and ottoman monarch would be restored, but i as a muslim, i hope they can more tolerate to other religion i hope one day
Tolerance is the ideology of the antichrist. There is no tolerance for pagans. Sorry to say that, but it is like that. Christ is the only saver
If Russian Monarchy is restored to the throne, my sincere hope is that they would not want to take Ukraine, or my beloved Finland as a part of their dominion.
Long live me!
What do you think about Grand Dutches Maria?
Are Russian monarchists autocratic? I ask cause that one line in song (I am Serbian monarchist. God save Tsar and Serbian king)
@JustAPlant I don't think any sane person would want absolute monarchy
@JustAPlant Well, that's a good argument. But, main argument against monarchism is that "King would have all power". People fear of loosing their voice
@JustAPlant My country was at its largest extent during a absolute monarchy. We even had emperor. But, one person can be good yes, but, how do You make sure His/Her heir is also good? Forcing them to study and all that, would make them hate their position, and stop caring (Look at Emperor Pedro the Second of Brazil)
@JustAPlantMy country was in its greatest for during a Constitutional monarchy. Not by territory, but in politics
@JustAPlant Romans (which republican government I see as best one) had similar system. During time of crisis, they would elect a dictator, who would, after crisis was over, return power to the people. So, absolute monarchy should be only accepted in a unstable regions, and places where it is needed due to crisis. But, after peace returns, it should slowly go to a constitutional one, or at least, Semi-constitutional one. But, arguing like this will do no good. That is problem with Us monarchists. We stay true to Our beliefes, and refuse to compromise. That, is why monarchist cause is loosing in some places
Le. Peuple. A. Tué. Notre. Tsars et. Maintenant. Il le. Venert. Moi. Qui. Et. Une. Descendant. Des. Aporogue
Великая Русская 🙏 Империя 🇷🇺👍👍
Ауу007 🇷🇺 и президент Путин 🇷🇺
Почему трон без царя 🕊🙏
Не пора ли на троне
Увидите наследника Русской Империи 👍👍
Не будет больше сатрапов царей над россией
Россия навеки республика
Нет разницы от перестановки мест названия
Ген не меняется
И суть тоже 😄
Слава Россiи
Love Russia.
러시아가 영국못지않은 관광대국이 될거라 확신합니다
로마노프 동화 화이팅
vive nicolas 2 ERICA
Хотелось бы подробнее узнать про это. Древний ктмпютор откуда и кто создал пожалус а кто знает??
Ауу007 🇷🇺
God bless George I
What? George was king of Britain this was Nicholas the II his cousin
he is no Tsar, Nicholas II the Great deprived his grandfather rights of throne succession
The Best version of Russia
For Greater Russia and Putin!
Ауу007 🇷🇺
Alexi lives!
What are you crying about? You have Putin!
God bless Nicholas ii, Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Putin
Mladorossi gang
All three heroes of Russian History
Uh...one is unlike the others
@@scholaroftheworldalternatehist Stalin did a lot of evil but he led Russia during ww2 and beat Nazism.
@@hueylongenjoyer3747 Stalin and his bolshevists were the reason why Hitler came to power... Germany had fear for communism so they voted Hitler. Remember, in 1918 there where a communist uprising in Germany and most germans dont wanted communism so they voted for the Nazis. The Nazis only attacked Russia because they were Communist.
This song makes me want to spend all the nations wealth on party's and useless stuff....
به جناب آقای ریس جمهور ایالت متحد امریکا
با سلام و تبریک به جناب ریس جمهور ایالات متحد امریکا در سال ۲۰۲۲ میلادی و سال ۱۴۰۰خورشیدی ایران خوب و پور نشاط میباشد
آقای Mr. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. از حزب دموکرات امریکا
این جناب آقای علیرضا شکیبایی میباشم و تبریک و تشکرات
خود را تقدیم مینمایم و آرزوی پیروزی برای مردم و دولت و جناب ریس جمهور ایالات متحد امریکا آقای Mr. JosephRobinette Biden Jr. داریم باتشکر از پارلمان ایالات متحد امریکا …ازدفتر سیاسی آقای علیرضا شکیبایی متشکر
What are you blaberring here🤦♀️
@@arunpackirisami6751On god
Слава России
Down with autocracy!
All power to the Soviets!
erm.... no
cringe soyshevik
Долой Ленина из мавзолея.
@@Tsarevich_Dmitry Поди проспись
@@veronicaochneva9464 .Это я желаю тебе твое место там где находятся все ваши на кладбище
De quoc nga. 1917 😂😂😂😂
Good times
Боже , Царя храни !
Ауу007 🇷🇺