Just fixed a type c connector on a huawei laptop yesterday, thought it would be an easy job, so I took out the type c port to find all the pads connection had been ripped right under the type c, to get it fixed I had to rebuild 23 tiny connector pads on the laptop with tiny jumper wires, my eyes were red from over concentrating in a microscope for extended hours 23 pads rebuilt and 2&half hours later, I was done, tested the laptop and it was charging fine, my smile knew no bounds cos if it didn’t work, there was no way I’d attempt to redo it, my eyes were practically bleeding Been watching your videos for over a year now, I’ve learnt a lot, all the way from Nigeria I say thank you so much
I've been watching your videos for a while, I just like them, but today I decided to make a comment because you deserve it because you do an excellent job!
Yes. There is a lot videos in tube with man and latex gloves , crisp surgical repairs but real life repair is bit different and Sorin show that like no one else, all respect
We learn more from the failures, Sorin, than we do from all the jobs that get completed without a hitch. Besides, we enjoy seeing you come up with ingenious solutions to tough challenges! Moreover, and more ironically, our confidence increases when we see that, as you said, you are not perfect! However, your imperfections are a sources of inspiration and encouragement for the rest of us! Thank you!
sorin 👏💪Dear Friend. Almost 99% of those who work in the field of laptop repair and maintenance will not fix this type of problem and malfunction, and this is evidence of your dedication to your work. Well done my friend
Aw this was fun. I found tinning the new ports pins to be really effective at helping them to solder better first time. A ps5 hdmi port I did the other week failed the nudge test and it just didn’t want to take solder on the pins. Got to the point I thought I’d killed the port as I melted the plastic above the pins with my iron so ended up removing it again with hot air thinking I’d need a new port. Luckily the pins were still ok and after pre tinning them all it dropped on much better and this time there was only a few pins that moved and they touched up really easily then. Thanks, Sorin. Enjoyed the video a lot !
9:01 Sorin, Leaded solder wire melts around 183 deg. C, lead-free solder wire at around 217 deg. C and there is a lot of low-melt solder wires which melts at below 183 deg. C ;)
I have been struggling to solder those kind of USB-C ports, because of those very thin through-hole pins. I find it to be a real pain to desolder and solder.
Am going through something similar with a ThinkPad. Too many different pin configurations for USB-C jacks. eBay has almost every variation, but you have to search for the exact make & model of the laptop you are trying to repair.
Personally, on my own laptops, i just solder in a big fat strong barrel socket or solder the wires direct and glue wire along edge of laptop for support as you have to plug in all the time anyway to charge so if you use it at home only, just make the charge permanent to laptop and no more bad loose sockets!!
tip for next time: Buy a ton of ports from LCSC. I did this and now if i have to do a job like this the changes are that i already have the port is 90%
Zinc oxide you can make yourself, works better than the rosin flux ;), you can even soler to metal with it and will stick ;). Just Health & Safety needs to be kept with it.
Could order NorthRidge Fix's 50 charging port box along with pictures to allow matching up what compartment in the plastic box the replacement port is.
If the ports are that bad, you should tell the customer to replace or at lest you check there charging cable or the laptop will come back to you. ( i hate USB C)
I see you 👀 getting stressed when you bending the pins because they did not soldered properly. Yes this happens and it’s soldered good and it’s working. Get that attention by the port you didn’t replace yet it can have a short when someone put A charger in .
A reflow station is a high load device but still shouldn't draw enough to trip a breaker. Being an apartment very likely poor wiring issue. Electrical tape in place of wire nuts, backstabbing the outlets, etc... TBH seems like a fire hazard, I'd move.
USB-C is one of humanitys biggest steps back in development-history... such a stupid and fragile port should carry way too many amps... data and power pins near together... pain in tha ass to clean... just a catastrophic design.
DO NOT buy Asus computers ever. One of my customers brought me an Asus notebook and requested assistance upgrading the OS from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The notebook was new enough to still be under warranty, or very recently expired. I performed a full backup of the machine, installed Windows 10 as an upgrade, but had some issues with some drivers. I looked for updated drivers for the notebook on Asus' website, but there were no Windows 10 drivers to be had, so I called Asus technical support. Their official answer was, "We do not support upgrading the operating system on our notebooks."
USB-C is fine for small devices like smartphone, but not for charging computers. Ports are too fragile and usually manufacturers do not add proper brackets to secure them in place. Of course, you can't avoid this kind of damage on the pins, only lose connector.
Just fixed a type c connector on a huawei laptop yesterday, thought it would be an easy job, so I took out the type c port to find all the pads connection had been ripped right under the type c, to get it fixed I had to rebuild 23 tiny connector pads on the laptop with tiny jumper wires, my eyes were red from over concentrating in a microscope for extended hours
23 pads rebuilt and 2&half hours later, I was done, tested the laptop and it was charging fine, my smile knew no bounds cos if it didn’t work, there was no way I’d attempt to redo it, my eyes were practically bleeding
Been watching your videos for over a year now, I’ve learnt a lot, all the way from Nigeria I say thank you so much
You always crack me up when things like this happen, your reaction is priceless. You are so real Sorin.
I find tinning the surface pins on the connector always works.
I've been watching your videos for a while, I just like them, but today I decided to make a comment because you deserve it because you do an excellent job!
Yes. There is a lot videos in tube with man and latex gloves , crisp surgical repairs but real life repair is bit different and Sorin show that like no one else, all respect
We learn more from the failures, Sorin, than we do from all the jobs that get completed without a hitch. Besides, we enjoy seeing you come up with ingenious solutions to tough challenges! Moreover, and more ironically, our confidence increases when we see that, as you said, you are not perfect! However, your imperfections are a sources of inspiration and encouragement for the rest of us! Thank you!
Good to know we are not all perfect 😊. Got there in the end and that what matters👍
sorin 👏💪Dear Friend. Almost 99% of those who work in the field of laptop repair and maintenance will not fix this type of problem and malfunction, and this is evidence of your dedication to your work. Well done my friend
Aw this was fun. I found tinning the new ports pins to be really effective at helping them to solder better first time. A ps5 hdmi port I did the other week failed the nudge test and it just didn’t want to take solder on the pins. Got to the point I thought I’d killed the port as I melted the plastic above the pins with my iron so ended up removing it again with hot air thinking I’d need a new port. Luckily the pins were still ok and after pre tinning them all it dropped on much better and this time there was only a few pins that moved and they touched up really easily then. Thanks, Sorin. Enjoyed the video a lot !
Tinning the ports 💯
Things like this bring us back to earth sometimes cutting corners works sometimes it doesn't!
hehhe sorin the shock when the pins moved lol 🤣but like you said as always you got the job done ....love it
Great pro fix as Usual , All the best .
Fascinating to watch you work
Reacția a fost de milioane. M-ai făcut sa rad când ai crezut ca nu merge. 🙂
9:01 Sorin, Leaded solder wire melts around 183 deg. C, lead-free solder wire at around 217 deg. C and there is a lot of low-melt solder wires which melts at below 183 deg. C ;)
Thanks for not making me feel like the only ID10T who had trouble soldering those ports ;-)
Don't feel bad. Good tip
I have been struggling to solder those kind of USB-C ports, because of those very thin through-hole pins. I find it to be a real pain to desolder and solder.
I use bismuth based solder where low heat is required. It's ROHS compliant an not corrosive like low melt.
@@SerenoOunce Is it expensive?
Thats what we like about you, honesty ❤
Am going through something similar with a ThinkPad. Too many different pin configurations for USB-C jacks. eBay has almost every variation, but you have to search for the exact make & model of the laptop you are trying to repair.
Good job mate 👍
Thanks for keeping it real.
Sorin Music school starting next week :D
job done Sorin , no dancing, good
another very nice tutorial, basic but very useful and informative!
you're really an OG electronic master!💪💪💪
Sorin Have you checked out Northridge Fix’s Ports in a box?
great boxs digi but the cost of the box is big and the delivery charge is over 70 pounds to uk without customs charge i emailed alex few months back .
Yep. I remember the Port's box from Alex aka @NorthridgeFix
Nice job
I thought that low melt solder is for desolder only?
sorin you are the best
can i apply it to hdmi port like in xbox one s ?
Authentic content
Hello🤝God job 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👋👋👋👋👋
I like how your repairing pc/ibm and not strictly apple... although apple is done by louis rossman in nyc
Hi mr sorin . How is possible the ram memories section produce 2.5 v to supply it .i seen that in your lastet videos.
Personally, on my own laptops, i just solder in a big fat strong barrel socket or solder the wires direct and glue wire along edge of laptop for support as you have to plug in all the time anyway to charge so if you use it at home only, just make the charge permanent to laptop and no more bad loose sockets!!
Sorin, Come to Besiktas...That was the proper job...
tip for next time: Buy a ton of ports from LCSC. I did this and now if i have to do a job like this the changes are that i already have the port is 90%
Nice one
Mr sorin. We need a vedio on how usb c type charging ways work.i ask you some weak before too. We know the ordinary charging ways. Thanks
Zinc oxide you can make yourself, works better than the rosin flux ;), you can even soler to metal with it and will stick ;). Just Health & Safety needs to be kept with it.
How do you find the right pins port on eBay ? what search criteria do you use ?
watching pictures of the ports..
Could order NorthRidge Fix's 50 charging port box along with pictures to allow matching up what compartment in the plastic box the replacement port is.
why didn't you remove the low melt solder?
1:10 proper nice
14-ar merge și pe 12v?-adica și în mașină??
14:52 you didn't connect the charger properly, that's why it didn't work the first time.
how would you modify a tablet to run without a battery? The device does not start only with power supply connected to usb.
connect power to the battery port and ground the sensor pin
@@geovani60624 As long as it the same voltage
Okay... But is the connector mechanically secured enough? I am very afraid that it will break lose very soon..
Hot glue! Lol
Train the operator 😅
Shops will stop at "sorry, we dont have that type of charging port" and do nothing.
You can find in lenova x250
Uhh you say nice to every laptop
If the ports are that bad, you should tell the customer to replace or at lest you check there charging cable or the laptop will come back to you. ( i hate USB C)
We got Lenovo Laptops at work - USB-C has to be the worst excuse for primary laptop charging.
the other port should be removed yes, no?
sorin vs rosin flux
I see you 👀 getting stressed when you bending the pins because they did not soldered properly. Yes this happens and it’s soldered good and it’s working. Get that attention by the port you didn’t replace yet it can have a short when someone put A charger in .
I never had a proper original ports. Allways modification. :)
Every time I use a hot air gun, it blows a circuit in my apartment's circuit breaker box. Which hot air gun won't won't give me this problem?
Maybe you need to upgrade your breaker box power.
Every hot gun has a high power consumption. You need to raise the power of electrical company breaker.
A reflow station is a high load device but still shouldn't draw enough to trip a breaker. Being an apartment very likely poor wiring issue. Electrical tape in place of wire nuts, backstabbing the outlets, etc... TBH seems like a fire hazard, I'd move.
@@davidlguerr I'm guessing the landlord wouldn't approve of that upgrade.
USB-C is one of humanitys biggest steps back in development-history...
such a stupid and fragile port should carry way too many amps... data and power pins near together... pain in tha ass to clean... just a catastrophic design.
DO NOT buy Asus computers ever. One of my customers brought me an Asus notebook and requested assistance upgrading the OS from Windows 7 to Windows 10. The notebook was new enough to still be under warranty, or very recently expired. I performed a full backup of the machine, installed Windows 10 as an upgrade, but had some issues with some drivers. I looked for updated drivers for the notebook on Asus' website, but there were no Windows 10 drivers to be had, so I called Asus technical support. Their official answer was, "We do not support upgrading the operating system on our notebooks."
It work YES YES 🤦♂️ no 🤣🤣🤣
I hate usb type c ,
Me to. I don't have any device with it, but from what I see it is dodgy.
On a laptop I like to have a separate charging port and a separate USB port.
USB-C is fine for small devices like smartphone, but not for charging computers. Ports are too fragile and usually manufacturers do not add proper brackets to secure them in place. Of course, you can't avoid this kind of damage on the pins, only lose connector.
I dont understand how people wreck ports so bad.
It's a gaming laptop, yet still using a DATA connector for power delivery. Designed to fail.
once dodgy, always dodgy
Ha ha ha not perfect but Good
lol since when a ryzen 3 is a "nice" laptop ? XD
this video was for evil eye protection...
sorin you are the best
can i apply it to hdmi port like in xbox one s ?