Flash won ultimately. He had a one-punch stack of siege tanks, but also several battle cruisers. Jaedong played very macro heavy by taking a majority of the expansions on the map. His huge economy let him crush most of what Flash had. Jaedong was losing steam towards the end and didn't have enough resources to counter both battle cruisers and a bunch of tanks. So, tapped out.
For me, SC1 and SC2 are totally different games. Although I dont play SC1, as I used to play WAR3, I like watching Korean SC1 games more than SC2 or WAR3. SC1 games are always epic!!!
Believe me Jaedong vs Flash was epic but this wasn't always so. The quality of BW games has a very linear relationship with skill level as it is for SC2 as well.
Selim Çelik no it i play both sc1 and sc2 and in sc2 all u do is just produce units and no micro. sc1 needs actually needs combination of both and fast apm in order to be good unlike bw and sc2.
Selim Çelik Not really. I watched a bunch of that Team Liquid amateur tournament and there were some awesome games. The way that armies take up more space in BW with more granular control makes it an inherently better spectator game.
+Patriots Fan @Flash's SC1 Total Win-Lose Record@ vs T : 168 W 63 L (72.7%) =Best TvT player vs Z : 179 W 70 L (71.9%) =Best TvZ player vs P : 158 W 69 L (69.6%) =Best TvP player Ttl : 505 W 202 L (71.4%) =The only Guy who reached over 70% (*Jaedong: 67%, the second) Which means You Can't :P
endre1989 its true, because economic part was changed, so in SC2 need more workers, results weaker army! Weak army = not interesant game! And what game could be if PvZ is Coloss Stalker vs Rouch Corrupter, and TvZ is MMM vs Mass Rouch! :(
That awkward moment when a game of Starcraft turns into an epic tale of valor and skill that makes you sit on the edge of your seat with excitement from each battle.
Starcraft 2 could have been so much more.... function over fashion every time... I'd take an hd remake of broodwar over sc2 any day. Just need to polish and balance the mechanics for modern use.
Lance9195 how youguys(other language groups)are watch SC1 playing in the korea? just ignore explanation? if that is true, it is so sad. explanation add fun so much.
PD 흐린바다 And what could we do? I'm not going too learn korean just to watch some replays from 5 years ago. I'm sure we miss much, but watchig Jaedong and Flash playing is enough :]
I dont get 2 things.... why the terrans didnt build enough battle cruisers (since the air defenses of the other were so low) or why didnt build any valkyrie to protect their air transport and why the zerg didnt build any effective air unit? not even enough hidralisks to counter their science labs... the terrans were winning most of the time was just sad how it ended...
blizzard should of added more expansion to sc1 (Just like brood war). It would of made this great game into the best. Sc2 is alright but it doesn't have much feel and micro as the original... still good game tho.
진짜 이영호라서 잘한것도 있지만 그종족 그이점 진짜 극혐이다 아무리 봐도 테사기는 아니더라도 테유리는 맞다. 극후반가던 초반이던 할게 타종족이 비해 많고 선택지도 많고 일단 수비가 좋으니깐 막으면 또 기회오고 유닛구성 디텍팅 모든점에서 테유리가 맞다 물론 이영호가 그걸 손도 빠르고 눈치도 좋고 극한으로 끌어올려 최강의 선수가 됐지만 입스타 기준으로는 테란이 젤유리하다 벌쳐 탱크 베슬등등 만능인 유닛이 너무 많다.
ㄹㅇ 공감 유닛의 가성비 자체가 다름 업글도 좋고 버티기 상황에서도 플토나 저그보다 훨씬 용이함 저는 초보인데 초보인 제가 4인용 맵에서 테란하고 컴터랑 3대1 할 때 느낀 점은 그냥 마인 깔고 자리잡고 멀티도 최소 3개(본진/앞마당 포함)만 먹어도 나머지 컴터가 전멀티해도 버티더라구요 반면 나머지 종족은 멀티 3개로는 어림도 없구요 그런거 보고 와 진짜 왜 테사기라는 소리 나오는지 알겠더라구요 솔직히 테사기 아니더라도 테유리 인정해야된다고 봅니다 뭐 다른 종족도 실력으로 다른 결과를 낼 수 있겠지만 테란이 타고난 성능이 좋은건 사실인듯요 너프 좀 먹어야됨 ㄹㅇ
well, u know as u said zerg dominate the whole map and got lots of resurces but in the latter half, because of the combination of terran unit, it is almost impossible overwhelming the mechanic terran as a zerg lol and the characteristic of the map, zerg was hard to attach terran. I reckon, zerg should have completed before terran construct its factories and defense area at 5 base :) jaedong missed his opportunity to beat terran himself.
I don't like how Zergs are always on offensive while terran are defending constantly. I mean those Ultralisks and those burrowers in the begining. What is their weakness?
Milos Zivkov weakness? hmm the burrowers you called is Lurker it can attack foes in line but it needed to be burrowed so that's one of their weakness and they are also has little life gauge to stand strong cross fire and those scorpion you called is defiler the couds you called is dark swarm. it neutralize the long range attack but it cannot guard the splash damage
But that's overpowered? I mean isn't it? Long range attack is Terrran first line of heavier and I guess only heavy attack unit. What do you do against them when playing with Terran?>
I'm really suck at Starcraft so i only know little of it but I knew terren's Science Vessel is one of the key Vessel's one of spell called Irradiate use them before the defiler use his spell but yeah you are right terran's high tech unit's spell is bit weaker then others. However terran has strong fire power than others that I guess terran's upper hand than others. Sorry that i can't really explain more cause i'm suck at it
No it was a realy good answer, I guess the point is to outsmart the other guy by good positioning and strategy which makes this game realy good. The guy who played the Zergs outsmarted the Terran guy. Especialy because the terran guy used those marines alot into the game, he'd probably win if he made those tanks earlier. I like Starcraft but I don't play like that though. That's just incredible how fast they are playing everything. Thanks for giving a response, I didn't expect a feedback from this comment. You're awesome :D
tera np. tak mam załączyłem znienacka i oglądam jak pacze zerga se to jak nie ma jeszcze bydynq do mut w poczekaniu do zrobienia to mi wypycha strach/ból przy przeponisiu
Well, as this match indicated, waiting too long to strike against Terran players allows them to build up a massive amount of tanks that are very hard to counter in Brood War. Also, since you can only control a max of 12 units in one group, and each building must be given individual build orders (you can't tell all your barracks to produce marines at once for example) there becomes so much to deal with late game that you really want to win early.
저그전에서 베틀 쓸만한이유는 중반에 테란이 조금씩 베틀 뽑는건 저그 스커지로 가스소모해서 울트라를 억제하는효과와 스포어강제 후반에 대량으로 뽑는건 야마토업되고 업잘된다수베틀은 스커지 스포어로도 못막고 플레이그 스웜히드라 디바같이 별 ㅈㄹ 다해서 막아야됨 베틀이 가성비가 좆 쓰레기고 시간이 걸려서 그렇지 일단 적절한때에 뜨고 그걸 굴리기만하면 저그전에서도 쓸만한거 맞음
Thank god tanks are not this broken in SC2. I would have left that game long time ago if they would be. Also somehow every time I watch these old BW games I tend to see Terran just win everything against Zerg no matter who is playing. It just really feels that Zerg doesn't have really that much really good things in this game when compared what Terran has. For example science vessel's ability, that kills enemies slowly and also effects to other near foes, just is so good that it isn't even cool to see it in action.
defiler has plague which does similar effect to science vessel irradiate SC1 queen can kill tank with 1 hit using spawn broodlings spell i think jaedong played bad in late game, looked to me he was just trying every unit on tech tree and wasted so many resources by playing too offensive, i think an army of defilers and hydralisks with mutalisks for raids would have been best Flash was really OP in those years, he barely lost anything
he could have also had 10 scourges in place already at all times, and rotate 5 queens to one shot tank clusters, make him afraid to punish with vessels
So I understand that Flash had a higher supply and a newly taken base at the end, but I feel like Jaedong could have still come back. JD had a base up north and other bases with mineral patches left. I mean his low gas income was probably the reason he left, but I was just surprised he left at that point, I felt like he could have kept going. I mean I'm sure both of them were tired after a 60 minute plus game.
JD had used up almost all his expansions making units then sending them out and they died to quickly. He had to keep spending more units, taking more minerals then he'd continue to throw units away. He did take out a few bases but Flash wasn't losing as much units in their battles so on top of having more units he still had his bases with plenty of minerals to continue making more. JD only had a 1 option which was take over a few of Flash's bases but Flash would deny that because he'd still have his army from the last fight. Pretty smart gameplay from Flash. JD did a great job but he should have kept denying Flash's expansions and taking them for himself.
정말 궁금해서 그러는데.. 오버로드 드랍하고 해설자들도 마지먹 공격이라고 할정도 인데.. 왜 탱크 터트릴려고 마린으로 싸여져 있는 곳으로 드랍하러 가는거에요? 그렇게 해서 잡힐바에 뒤로 들어가는게 더 효과가 크지 않을까요? 오버로드 죽어서 내리지도 못하규 다쥭잔아요. 프로 게이머 이니까 이유가 있겠지만 이해는 안되네요
13년전... 웅장하네
요즘도 보러 오시는분?
12년전에 유튜브를 업로드했다니 .. 앞서갔네
Two of the most epic SC1 players in history. This set is pretty much the pinnacle of SC1 for their respective races
are they still the best?
Jaedong is RELENTLESS. What an amazing game! So happy I can watch these old games today, was harder to get a hold of when I was younger :)
진짜 옛날스타 해설부터 경기까지 지금 봐도재밌네 저때로가고싶다
와..... 이게 벌써 10년 전이네 바로 엊그제 일까진 아니더라도 한 2~3년 전 일 같은데 시간 참 빠르다
14년 전임 ㅋㅋ
글쓴 시간을보셈
EPIC game between 2 titans of BW! If you are still watching this in 2014 thumbs up!! :D
I am.
Because this isn't press the 1 key, then the A key attack. Win.
I am watching this in 2017!
Ketm4n+ Me too.
who won? i cant even understand that :(
Flash won ultimately. He had a one-punch stack of siege tanks, but also several battle cruisers. Jaedong played very macro heavy by taking a majority of the expansions on the map. His huge economy let him crush most of what Flash had. Jaedong was losing steam towards the end and didn't have enough resources to counter both battle cruisers and a bunch of tanks. So, tapped out.
favorite game of all time...
This set was arguably the apogee of competitive brood war. Amazing.
와... 경기 끝나고 두 선수 눈이 다 퀭해졌네 진짜 끝까지 할데까지 하는게 너무 대단하고.... 기본기가 이 정도라는게 넘넘 멋지다....
이제동 이영호 경기력도 대단한데 전용준 박용욱 대단하다...둘이서 오디오 비지않게 계속 중계하네 ㄷㄷ 세명인줄 알았다가 계속 들어보니 두명만 있음...
엄옹 안계신게 뭔가 저음이 비네
For me, SC1 and SC2 are totally different games. Although I dont play SC1, as I used to play WAR3, I like watching Korean SC1 games more than SC2 or WAR3. SC1 games are always epic!!!
thats because units in SC2 are too damn strong
Believe me Jaedong vs Flash was epic but this wasn't always so. The quality of BW games has a very linear relationship with skill level as it is for SC2 as well.
Selim Çelik no it i play both sc1 and sc2 and in sc2 all u do is just produce units and no micro. sc1 needs actually needs combination of both and fast apm in order to be good unlike bw and sc2.
Selim Çelik Not really. I watched a bunch of that Team Liquid amateur tournament and there were some awesome games. The way that armies take up more space in BW with more granular control makes it an inherently better spectator game.
Alex Shim Yeah, in SC2 games, strategy which playera use dominant the result. But in SC1, micro can always result in a come back.
I'm watching this in 2016.
Best 1v1 on sc ever !
Que mejor estar en casa en cuarentena y ver a estos genios jugar!!!!!!
Grande Jaedong.
Zerg 💚
이게 갑자기 왜 뜨는지는 모르겠는데 사실상 이미 세계 결승급아닌가? ㄷㄷㄷ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ타국 프로게이머들 이거 보면서 걱정 존나했을듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
양궁 같은거지 ㅋ
믿고보는 리쌍록. 영화관에서 상영해도 본다 진짜..
경기한지 벌써 9년전 댓글도 4년전
김준태 4년전댓글에 초치지좀말자 ㅋ
@@김동준-t9p 장애인이냐...? 별 도라이새끼 다보네
In 2020 i still admired them.
me too
이제동 팬되버려서 이제동 경기만 찾아보고있는데 이경기 진짜 쩌네요
One of the best match ups in sc history. sc2 don't compare to sc1.
+Patriots Fan
@Flash's SC1 Total Win-Lose Record@
vs T : 168 W 63 L (72.7%) =Best TvT player
vs Z : 179 W 70 L (71.9%) =Best TvZ player
vs P : 158 W 69 L (69.6%) =Best TvP player
Ttl : 505 W 202 L (71.4%) =The only Guy who reached over 70% (*Jaedong: 67%, the second)
Which means You Can't :P
+Patriots Fan r u trolling
That's how you get culled.
Superb! 👍 😉 🍻 😎 Memories! 💪 I will always play starcraft and broodwar! 💪
이 경기는 끝까지 긴장을 놓칠 수 없어서 다 보고 나면 진이 다 빠짐.. 리쌍록 명경기 중 하나
이영호가 개 후달렸는 게임인데 탱크로 개 존나 버텨서 주은 게임
애초에 5시 드랍 개 무리 두 번이나 해서 마린에 오버로드 다 잡힘 그 병력 진작 1시에 드랍 했음 ㅈㅈ였을 거임
5시에 병력 마린에 오버로드 조공 두 번 한게 크고
퀸 브루들림 애초에 썼음 저런 탱크 버티기 불가능 함
1시에 드랍 하고 5시 퀸 브루 들링 썼음 그냥 ㅈㅈ였음
Broodwar is so much better than sc2. It is more action packed and games last longer.
You hit the supply cap so quickly in SC2 : ( Hopefully blizzard will raise it even by 50 in the future.
David Louis This is also the issue:/
In SC2 LOV you'll run out of resources in under 15 mins
Check Firecake Vs. ForGG. A match lasted I think 1.4 hours. They took a small break for the players at 1 hour mark
34:23 배틀 못잡은게 제일 컸다.
Such epic games are so lacked in SC2, and will never be seen.
That's not true... Sadly for you :)
Perheps we have different standard of epicness
Ronni Arbitiaas 1:00 the music alone does it epic for me :)
endre1989 its true, because economic part was changed, so in SC2 need more workers, results weaker army! Weak army = not interesant game! And what game could be if PvZ is Coloss Stalker vs Rouch Corrupter, and TvZ is MMM vs Mass Rouch! :(
***** go fuck yourself
Old but gold
i love this comment. short but impressive
wow, that was a long as **** game. I love the Jaedong vs Flash rivalry, the best zvt match-ups of all time.
Jaedong vs Flash matches always so intense :D
Especially in SC1
I don't think there are any games or any players that can put on a show like jaedong vs flash in starcraft 1
슬픈 영화 한 편을 본 기분이다....
Sc1 is more enjoyable to watch
@maipiu cosilontano sc2 is a good Game but broodwar is a great classic
@maipiu cosilontano Both amazing games.
SC 2 is more enjoyable to play and watch
@@robvorcetta9293 its much easier thts why ppl feel tht way
I couldn't agree more
still watching in 2019 :)
I’ve watched like 100 games of brood war in the last two weeks and that is by far the craziest one I’ve ever seen
2010년도 리쌍록은 공식전보다 WCG가 진국이지
스잘알 ㅇㅈ
the old sc is more challenging than sc2 then jaedong and me retired long ago from playing. nice view our game is so perfect to watch
이거 라이브로 티비로 본 기억이 난다 대박 미친 명경기 였는데...
너 라이브로 안봤잖아
A long game between flash and jaedong,nicee💪
That was the best match I've ever seen in my life.
Me too
I enjoy watching this over any Starcraft 2 match.
Home Quarantine and home matches with my bro brought me here
Super intense, this game truly requires so much skill, way more than SC2. The amount of micro required is just incredible.
요즘댓글찾기힘드네...11년전..6년전...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이때 스타리그가 재밌고 박진감 넘쳤는데...그립다...
The best game of Starcraft, imho.
리쌍 진짜 눈정화 ㄷㄷ 경기력 , 전술, 컨트롤 모두 탑 오브 탑
This is an awesome game! Fun to watch and to enjoy the skill of each player, too many people hating on two of the greatest players ever.
I did not understand much.
but I loved hearing it :D
watching this in 2020
you're really good at making bc's, very useful talent toi have
That awkward moment when a game of Starcraft turns into an epic tale of valor and skill that makes you sit on the edge of your seat with excitement from each battle.
I love watching these videos while i'm high and pretending that i know what they're talking about.And when they said "oooh" i got really excited too.
이제와서 보니 기세싸움이 어마어마
그래바야 테사기에겐 안댐 그만큼 이제동이 잘한단소리
Flash Jaedong Bisu and Sotrk and other etcetera now streams starcraft1 on Afreeca tv and they also have their own youtube channels
Starcraft 2 could have been so much more.... function over fashion every time... I'd take an hd remake of broodwar over sc2 any day. Just need to polish and balance the mechanics for modern use.
Lance9195 how youguys(other language groups)are watch SC1 playing in the korea? just ignore explanation? if that is true, it is so sad. explanation add fun so much.
PD 흐린바다 And what could we do? I'm not going too learn korean just to watch some replays from 5 years ago. I'm sure we miss much, but watchig Jaedong and Flash playing is enough :]
sergiuszs aaaa.. ok. and you know that? recently, Busu is attending korea's sbenu starleague2015. if you are fan of SC1, you like it.
thanks for info ;]
Lance9195 what would you need hd for??? do you need modern use mechanics for chess as well ;)???
12년이 지나서 이 경기를 또 보네.... 난 저거 유저였는데... 너무 아쉬웠음...ㅋ
이때 사람들이 왜 스타에 열광했는지 알겠다... 게임 자체도 재밌는게 있지만 레전드 선수가 많았지... 평소에 스타 자주 안하지만 이렇게 최정상 선수가 붙는걸보니 정말 재밌네요
안타깝게도 저 시기가 스타1이 망해갈때였습니다ㅜㅜ
Are there still people playing brood war? I want to play it again after a 3 year break (Started playing sc in 1998).
이제동은 넘 낭만적이야. ㅋㅋㅋ암튼 이기던 지던 경기는 재미지게 한다 진짜........
그에반해 이영호는 무슨 수비수비한방 존나 게임 재미없게함 잘하는건 사실
테란이 수비안하면 꾸지니까
@@라라-c6i7x옛날 테란의 황제 임요환도 수비하는 재미가 있어서 그랬고 테란은 수비를 할수밖에 없을것 같음
어김없이 오늘도 달리는중입니다ㅋㅋ 정ㄴ배ㄴ요ㄴ정 소확행
2010년 저때가 우리나라 게임의 최전성기시절이지 않을까 합니다 저때는 재밌는 게임들이 넘쳐났고 tv를 봐도 재밌는 예능들도 참많았던 시절이였는대 그립네요
누군가 게임이 시작되기 전에 비디오 시작 부분에서 노래 이름을 알고 있습니다. 대단해
anyone here from 2017?
Derek Roth meme
star craft is on the best pc games ever! i still play it frome time to time:)
근데 진짜 제동이형이 대단한게 유닛카운트 처음부터 끝까지 2배차이나는데 소수병력으로 진짜잘막음 오버드랍이 너무무리수였음 ㅠㅡㅠ
8년 전 댓글 ㄷㄷ
@@CocoPhamHannie 7개월전…
@@시뮨재사랑 ㅋㅋ
히드라 플레이그 조합은 어땟을까란 생각을 멀티견제도 띄우면 그만이니 저그입장에서 견제가 견제가 아닌느낌..?
단가 대비 가성비가 너무 떨어져서 인구수라도 30-50더 주면 이해할텐데 손 많이 가고 가성비가 유닛 별로 너무 떨어져서 심시티 띄우는 것까지 테사기 ㅅㅂ 인간이라고 ..
아니 테란 유저로 보고있었는데 어느새 이제동 응원하고 있었음 개재미있게 하네
역대 최고의 테란
역대 최고의 저그
진짜 용호상박 이라는 단어가 어울리는 두선수
또 한축이 잇죠 주작!!
where can I download this replay?
이런거 보면 진짜 저그 응원하게 되더라 ㅋㅋ
나도...테란 개사기
테란이 우리 인간인데 왜 저그를 응원해요 같은 종족을 응원해야지. 님 괴물 아니고 사람이잖음
@@게엑관우 양심 ㅇㄷ
@@lindemannoscar343 게임이잖어…. 여기에다 현실을 왜 끼얹어…
아니 그럼저그는 플레이그 사기잖아 컨슘사기잖아 배틀까지 가게한게 잘못이지
25:02 박용욱은 마지막 공격이라고 말했지만 이후 양선수는 30분을 더 싸웠다...
+Random I already gave up on that
Gonia. O. R.I.P
you cant
I dont get 2 things.... why the terrans didnt build enough battle cruisers (since the air defenses of the other were so low) or why didnt build any valkyrie to protect their air transport and why the zerg didnt build any effective air unit? not even enough hidralisks to counter their science labs... the terrans were winning most of the time was just sad how it ended...
25:50 oh what F A I L
37:30 oh what W I N
That was a mean win too.
Whats the song at the beginning?
Increible ver como estos videos tiene más visitas que los actuales de SC2 transmitidos por Husky xD
The day google comes up with "audio translate"... Will watch so many korean VODS :D
blizzard should of added more expansion to sc1 (Just like brood war). It would of made this great game into the best. Sc2 is alright but it doesn't have much feel and micro as the original... still good game tho.
2022년에 보는사람 좋아요 👍
I miss the old sc/bw days.. Damn the WGtour season 1 times..
Who win?
Жаль, что первый Старкрафт канул в лету... Самая эпичная и интересная мультиплеерная игра!
I haven't played SC1 multiplayer since the first year or two of Brood War. It's uh... progressed.
진짜 이영호라서 잘한것도 있지만 그종족 그이점 진짜 극혐이다 아무리 봐도 테사기는 아니더라도 테유리는 맞다. 극후반가던 초반이던 할게 타종족이 비해 많고 선택지도 많고 일단 수비가 좋으니깐 막으면 또 기회오고 유닛구성 디텍팅 모든점에서 테유리가 맞다 물론 이영호가 그걸 손도 빠르고 눈치도 좋고 극한으로 끌어올려 최강의 선수가 됐지만 입스타 기준으로는 테란이 젤유리하다 벌쳐 탱크 베슬등등 만능인 유닛이 너무 많다.
그걸 만든게 이영호임. 저그 상대로 마지막에 메카닉 넘어가는 운영 아무도 안했었음. 한 때는 디파일러 나오면 테란이 개 털리던 시절도 있었는데 이영호가 그걸 뛰어넘음.
이젠 걍 테사기던 뭐던 그러려니 합니다. 지난게임이에요 이제 보내주죠
아프리카 중계진 끝장전 이영호 대 김명운 경기에서 김민철이 해설중에 '테사기는 아니고 테유..리는..맞지..'라는말 했었음
ㄹㅇ 공감 유닛의 가성비 자체가 다름
업글도 좋고 버티기 상황에서도 플토나 저그보다 훨씬 용이함 저는 초보인데
초보인 제가 4인용 맵에서 테란하고
컴터랑 3대1 할 때 느낀 점은 그냥
마인 깔고 자리잡고 멀티도 최소 3개(본진/앞마당 포함)만 먹어도 나머지 컴터가 전멀티해도 버티더라구요 반면 나머지 종족은 멀티 3개로는 어림도 없구요 그런거 보고 와
진짜 왜 테사기라는 소리 나오는지 알겠더라구요 솔직히 테사기 아니더라도 테유리 인정해야된다고 봅니다
뭐 다른 종족도 실력으로 다른 결과를
낼 수 있겠지만 테란이 타고난 성능이
좋은건 사실인듯요 너프 좀 먹어야됨 ㄹㅇ
How does zerg wait with lurker attack until terran get closer? using "stop" command repeatedly?
누가이겨도 이상할게없는경기~
Terran is a crazy race if you know how to use it well
진짜 신계의 선수들 두명이 붙으니 개재밋고 긴장감 쩌네... 와.. 크라스가 진짜 남틀리네
진짜 살다살다 남틀리네라고 까지 기어코 맞춤법 파괴하는건 처음보네
@@sunahn123 상대가 자기가 알고인는거랑 틀리다고 머라 하지점 마여
맞춤법 틀렸다고 지적하기엔 꽤 신박한 말로 보이는데 '남틀리다'
남틀리네는 없는 말. 남다르네
someone knows the name of the song at the beginning of the video before the game starts. This great
i don't get it. i think it's already clear that zerg dominate the map entire time, why the winner is terran? someone tell me :(
well, u know as u said zerg dominate the whole map and got lots of resurces but in the latter half, because of the combination of terran unit, it is almost impossible overwhelming the mechanic terran as a zerg lol and the characteristic of the map, zerg was hard to attach terran. I reckon, zerg should have completed before terran construct its factories and defense area at 5 base :) jaedong missed his opportunity to beat terran himself.
It's also telling that Flash had a 30 supply advantage for most of the game. His macro game is awesome.
Because it's SC1
These guys are amazing…
I don't like how Zergs are always on offensive while terran are defending constantly. I mean those Ultralisks and those burrowers in the begining. What is their weakness?
Also what are those scorpion things that throw couds on the ground?
Milos Zivkov weakness? hmm the burrowers you called is Lurker it can attack foes in line but it needed to be burrowed so that's one of their weakness and they are also has little life gauge to stand strong cross fire and those scorpion you called is defiler the couds you called is dark swarm. it neutralize the long range attack but it cannot guard the splash damage
But that's overpowered? I mean isn't it? Long range attack is Terrran first line of heavier and I guess only heavy attack unit. What do you do against them when playing with Terran?>
I'm really suck at Starcraft so i only know little of it but I knew terren's Science Vessel is one of the key Vessel's one of spell called Irradiate use them before the defiler use his spell but yeah you are right terran's high tech unit's spell is bit weaker then others. However terran has strong fire power than others that I guess terran's upper hand than others. Sorry that i can't really explain more cause i'm suck at it
No it was a realy good answer, I guess the point is to outsmart the other guy by good positioning and strategy which makes this game realy good. The guy who played the Zergs outsmarted the Terran guy. Especialy because the terran guy used those marines alot into the game, he'd probably win if he made those tanks earlier. I like Starcraft but I don't play like that though. That's just incredible how fast they are playing everything. Thanks for giving a response, I didn't expect a feedback from this comment. You're awesome :D
tera np. tak mam załączyłem znienacka i oglądam jak pacze zerga se to jak nie ma jeszcze bydynq do mut w poczekaniu do zrobienia to mi wypycha strach/ból przy przeponisiu
Well, as this match indicated, waiting too long to strike against Terran players allows them to build up a massive amount of tanks that are very hard to counter in Brood War. Also, since you can only control a max of 12 units in one group, and each building must be given individual build orders (you can't tell all your barracks to produce marines at once for example) there becomes so much to deal with late game that you really want to win early.
Very beauty match.
배틀크루저가 이경기의 하이라이트죠. 영호씨의 배틀크루저가 이경기에서의 신의 한수였습니다.
@@아르타니스-u2p배틀로 이긴경기도 많습니다. 저그전에선 배틀크루저도 쓸만합니다.
@@아르타니스-u2p 저영상을 자세하게 보시면 퀸같은거는 그렇게 별로 위협도 안됬고 스컬지는 배틀크루저에게 그냥 한방에 죽습니다. 거기다 사이언스베슬에다가 골리앗,시즈탱크,마린,메딕있는데 그걸 저그가 이기는게 가능하다고 보십니까? 거기다 배틀크루저가 없었으면 저기선 저그한테 그냥 경기내줬습니다. 그러니 배틀크루저가 저그전에 최종병기이죠. 저그는 애초에 대공능력이 가장 부실한 종족인거 맞습니다.
저그전에서 베틀 쓸만한이유는 중반에 테란이 조금씩 베틀 뽑는건 저그 스커지로 가스소모해서 울트라를 억제하는효과와 스포어강제 후반에 대량으로 뽑는건 야마토업되고 업잘된다수베틀은 스커지 스포어로도 못막고 플레이그 스웜히드라 디바같이 별 ㅈㄹ 다해서 막아야됨 베틀이 가성비가 좆 쓰레기고 시간이 걸려서 그렇지 일단 적절한때에 뜨고 그걸 굴리기만하면 저그전에서도 쓸만한거 맞음
@@taeinyi2123 플레이그 한방
@@zave7cs 메딕의 리스토레이션과 베슬의 이레디에이드면 끝납니다.
these guys are so good it's not even fair.
Thank god tanks are not this broken in SC2. I would have left that game long time ago if they would be. Also somehow every time I watch these old BW games I tend to see Terran just win everything against Zerg no matter who is playing. It just really feels that Zerg doesn't have really that much really good things in this game when compared what Terran has. For example science vessel's ability, that kills enemies slowly and also effects to other near foes, just is so good that it isn't even cool to see it in action.
defiler has plague which does similar effect to science vessel irradiate
SC1 queen can kill tank with 1 hit using spawn broodlings spell
i think jaedong played bad in late game, looked to me he was just trying every unit on tech tree and wasted so many resources by playing too offensive, i think an army of defilers and hydralisks with mutalisks for raids would have been best
Flash was really OP in those years, he barely lost anything
Dude, the Zerg Queen has an ability that one-shots biological units and even siege tanks. That's one of the best abilities in the whole game!
he could have also had 10 scourges in place already at all times, and rotate 5 queens to one shot tank clusters, make him afraid to punish with vessels
So I understand that Flash had a higher supply and a newly taken base at the end, but I feel like Jaedong could have still come back. JD had a base up north and other bases with mineral patches left. I mean his low gas income was probably the reason he left, but I was just surprised he left at that point, I felt like he could have kept going. I mean I'm sure both of them were tired after a 60 minute plus game.
JD had used up almost all his expansions making units then sending them out and they died to quickly. He had to keep spending more units, taking more minerals then he'd continue to throw units away. He did take out a few bases but Flash wasn't losing as much units in their battles so on top of having more units he still had his bases with plenty of minerals to continue making more. JD only had a 1 option which was take over a few of Flash's bases but Flash would deny that because he'd still have his army from the last fight.
Pretty smart gameplay from Flash. JD did a great job but he should have kept denying Flash's expansions and taking them for himself.
대박 명경기다; 이건 원래 테란이 지는 시나리온데 이영호가 결국 ㄷㄷ
21:02 if the drone builds and extractor and cancel building, can it mine again or does it still has mineral in its mouth.
LOL announcers sound so excited when they see those missle batteries "oooohhhh"
정말 궁금해서 그러는데.. 오버로드 드랍하고 해설자들도 마지먹 공격이라고 할정도 인데.. 왜 탱크 터트릴려고 마린으로 싸여져 있는 곳으로 드랍하러 가는거에요? 그렇게 해서 잡힐바에 뒤로 들어가는게 더 효과가 크지 않을까요? 오버로드 죽어서 내리지도 못하규 다쥭잔아요. 프로 게이머 이니까 이유가 있겠지만 이해는 안되네요
that was an absolutely amazing game. loved it.