It's interesting that the box says 100 lumens for 100 minutes using a battery that's 1100mah. If there's a 10440 that's 1100mah (which I doubt) I would definitely like to get my hands of that.
I have both. I really like the quality of the Skilhunt. The milling is very nice. And I do like the diffuser lens pattern, especially when using it to hold in my mouth when working on something I need both hands for. 😎👍
@PardonMyEnglish I watched your video about the 10440 issue with some i3e's and got a couple flat tops to try. Hopefully the slightly shorter length is more friendly to use on the more picky i3e's. The inner liner is what makes the negative connection in that light so if 10440 button top is not working it's too long for that particular light. I'm hoping the flat top makes connection without issue being the positive center post inside the head looks pretty flush with the other components on the pcb board.
I like that Skilhunt E3A is available in neutral white!
Even a 3. option in HCRI but this is also warmer with 4000k. This nw is around 5000k
Thanks for sharing your insight, I agree with you about i3e . 👌
Thanks for watching!
It's interesting that the box says 100 lumens for 100 minutes using a battery that's 1100mah. If there's a 10440 that's 1100mah (which I doubt) I would definitely like to get my hands of that.
I have both. I really like the quality of the Skilhunt. The milling is very nice. And I do like the diffuser lens pattern, especially when using it to hold in my mouth when working on something I need both hands for. 😎👍
Right on! Yes, it seems well made and that broad beam is nice 👍
Nice comparison. Skilhunt makes nice lights. My choice is Olight for the warranty. 5 yrs.....sweet! ;-)
Olight warranty is now lifetime, though you might want to keep it to yourself if you're running lithium ion batteries in these flashlights
Nice!! Lifetime? Sweeeet! Thx @@brianaylsworth9159
Haha, sweet indeed!
Nice video, it’s good to have an alternative to the i3e for those who prefer neutral white.
Still nothing can beat the i3t/i3t2 with a 10440 though.
Agree! ;-) @@feahnorl
Nice video. I think I'll stick to getting olights for 5 bucks that are in my opinion better. Thank you for the presentation.
Ordered the pocket clips for my i3e, seems like a nice little light. Ordering different 10440s to try.
Sweet! Yeah it’s nice that they make a pocket clip for the i3E. 10440s make the output pretty crazy for a keychain light.
@PardonMyEnglish I watched your video about the 10440 issue with some i3e's and got a couple flat tops to try. Hopefully the slightly shorter length is more friendly to use on the more picky i3e's. The inner liner is what makes the negative connection in that light so if 10440 button top is not working it's too long for that particular light. I'm hoping the flat top makes connection without issue being the positive center post inside the head looks pretty flush with the other components on the pcb board.