How Idolatry and Occult Objects Open Doors to Demonic Spirits | Steven Bancarz | Episode 100

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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    As we reason together, keep in mind that those being interviewed may not always reflect the same doctrinal beliefs or views as Calvary Conversations and Calvary Oro Valley Church. Thank you for your understanding. God bless!

Комментарии • 87

  • @oceanwolfca
    @oceanwolfca 8 месяцев назад +4

    I needed this. Im cleaning my house. I have so many objects to get rid of.

  • @petersonkr1023
    @petersonkr1023 2 года назад +15

    I am so very grateful to hear this interview. Steven Bancarz has been one of the most inspiring, amazing and anointed people in my life to expose the many deceptions of NA. I have his book, The Second Coming of the New Age. God bless this channel for interviewing Steven! Heavenly Father, I pray in Jesus Christs' most holy name that You will protect, guide, teach & anoint Steven for each duty You plan for him. I pray that You fill him with wisdom to dispel & silence dark forces of confusion & contention in Jesus name. Amen

  • @clingingtoHim
    @clingingtoHim Год назад +4

    I felt convicted to destroy some paintings I made of some quotes from JRR Tolkein...I used to think of Tolkein as fine but have realized after giving up some health practices that are based in energy medicine (totally occult) that Tolkein actually is somewhat occultic the quotes I have are from a story of his that is teaches the doctrine of purgatory (which in my opinion is a "doctrine of demons"). I've felt the presence of the Lord like you have talked about as I gave up those occult practices, that by His grace I love God more than I love my health....this video gave me the courage to destroy those paintings asap - I feel Him so close that by His grace He helped me love Him more than my art.

  • @naomilindberg2328
    @naomilindberg2328 2 года назад +25

    I am a Christian Native American. We believe everything has a spirit, we don't pray demons into things. We respect our earth and will ask forgiveness of the prey we kill and tell them how much their earthly body will help us, then use every part of the animal. I'm just saying we don't pray demons into things. We simply believe everything living has a soul. There are a lot of things I don't follow with the NA beliefs, but I do believe everything has a soul and should be respected. That's all. Good show!

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 2 года назад +4

      I believe that as well
      Especially pets
      Then again..dogs and cats are carnivores...they eat meat to ge healthy but could use other things

    • @yafois988
      @yafois988 2 года назад +6

      Still has an unbiblocal mysticism to it. In most native american logic is an amalgamation of these subtle carnal beliefs like my old practices new age logic has. Sounds like its righteous yet is Not. Long time practices and family traits all got to go . we must be Born Again a new creature.. Else we will not see YHVH's kingdom.
      We must Lose our life to find it in Yeshua. There is no other way.
      His ways are Not our ways,
      His thoughts are Not our thoughts.
      Isaiah 55:9
      For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    • @bda2444
      @bda2444 2 года назад +4

      The created weren't designed for worship. That is any sort of ritual homage. The point is not that respect is absent. Or forbidden. The point is that God's word and truth explains that his breath into Adam continues into all humans. He didn't breathe into animals. The word spirit translates from life, meaning blood keeps them alive. But Christ died for people. For humans. The biblical tribes who worshipped earth or animals were chastened because you're to worship the creator. Dominate the earth, that is use it to thrive in a respectful way. Admire or respect but it's inanimate and temporal.
      Humans only live so long as God sustains their lives. The earth and heavens exist (in) Christ_ meaning that forespoke end of all things written in the old testament is directly connected to Christ's planned return.
      It's not a complicated thing to understand humans fell and earth groans under a curse. Christ died to save humans from sin/ death.
      The animal in Eden was not hostile or aggressive. It returns that state in the millennium. Being kind to your animals is about respecting life for the creator made it_ not placing that animal or object on an equal plane.
      The main focus of a human life since Adam is the witness and testimony of one God and his redemptive plan through Christ. You are to glorify him in all things.
      If you believe his word then you understand the world you're born into. You're not to love the world, the things of the world. You can respect and admire without ritualizing into the objects....
      You can respect his creation without treating it as something more than temporal. It serves man because the creator made it serve man. Be it an animal herb or shade tree. The creator is thanked and praised for provision, not the thing.
      When a person answers the holy spirit and becomes born again. That person then understands that earth is on a time clock _ although life is to be lived, the priority is God's redeeming message to humans. Understanding the creator's statement about being a jealous God or the wrath over things made into idols or ritualized ceremonies to xyz _ isn't asking you to disrespect or take for granted. *God* is to thanked for all things. It's to demonstrate you understand your purpose and your value and his keeping you sustained.
      Life now is short. It's to be lived day to day aware the spirit unites you with God _ his conscious in you via the holy spirit hyper focuses the urgency of the gospel.
      This tendency to elevate created things to equal status was always an issue. Something like the serpent staff or calf or tree became an icon that was chanted to or spoken to. When sacrifice was done by the person and not the priest, it was so man would understand his sin killed the animal whose blood would atone that's a type of Christ. A picture of our sin and Christ _ who was also God. So God saved us. When the herder broke the leg of the lamb that constantly wondered off _ carried it and tended it, it was to bond to that authority for the protection the herder gave. That's us with Christ.
      When Christ gave thanks before the meals, he thanked the father for the sustenance.
      All this shows us that there's a God that sustains us with food, rain, good things. It's because we thank the creator that he alone is glorified.
      Repeated in the scripture is the phrase (they refused to acknowledge him) in essence that unified relationship with the father creator was so absent that mankind ignores God in whom we live and breathe and have our meaning.
      Being spiritual is not spiritualizing the created temporal things. It's the holy spirit quickening or making the human believer aware of God.
      Soul is a unique thing man was given by the breath of God into Adam. Only humans have the breath of God in them. Spirit is life by blood keeping the body functioning. A tree has life through water and roots. A rock is substance. A believer never dies because of soul. It is the temporal shell that dies. A sleep refers to the body awaiting its glorification.
      Now... There are animals all tame in the millennium. There are animals in heaven. And there are beings called creatures distinct from angels or human. These are all created by God to serve man and earth, himself or the function of the created universe. Man is forbidden to bow or idolize anything but God .
      He is sufficient. He is everything. He is life. So thank God for his creation we enjoy, but don't confuse the soul with anything else. It's unique to humans because we are created in his image. Distinct in our DNA and unique in our value because Christ became human and died for us. To redeem us. To restore us. To prepare us for the eternal paradise (new Jerusalem. ) where God dwells with us eternally.

    • @bda2444
      @bda2444 2 года назад +3

      I want to add that post flood when the world was repopulated by ham shem and japeth_ probably all mixed ethnic through their mothers, it kind of mimics what occured in Babel_ they carried their version of that babel religion into remote areas. In that case it was a mother/ child worship as Nimrod had a son satanically revived from death. It's like the ziggurats and pyramids that appear in various cultures.
      You still have only one God and a group of Hebrews worshipping him. You still have tribes and groups practicing paganism and worshipping sun and moon and sacrificing humans_ babies and animals. Each conquered would adopt gods from the other 3000 sometimes. The one true God and his people are the only lights of truth in that history. Everywhere else you have things abhorrent to him. And even the Jews follow it at times, passing children through the fire. (First born were dedicated to God) so it was a personal grief to God. They were Writhing and dancing in groves and having hallucinations via the plants/ drugs. So worshipping creation, creatures, war with blood & violating their bodies and children.
      Because the world has non Godly humans ruling the tribes and peoples, you have spiritualized animals like cats/birds buried with them. and wolf pelt garments and skull helmets, these had a religion that believed in an afterlife _but also whipped themselves into altered states for visions. Which demons operate fully in. So tradition or culture was shaped by much ignorance (lack of knowledge) and no knowledge of God.
      The distinction is that God actually created man with knowledge and gifts_ and blessings for following it. There was no missing link_ only DNA tinkering and too close incest.
      But you had the Hebrews and strangers or converts alone observing the law..
      It's the same with all of our cultures and traditions. Most of us are mixed mutts once you trace it. With ancestors from various conquered people and nations. They tended to adopt and adapt to culture. You only have the middle ages created dark purposefully by the pseudo church or Roman popes. Education was forbidden so feudal slavery could sustain the hierarchy. People repeated masses and chants for fear of God they weren't allowed to known _ popes dictated to kings. The peasants mixed that pseudo Christianity with culture rituals.
      Once the bible was printed. The reformation took place. And plague broke feudalism.. It created a merchant class that got exposed to other cultures.
      So you see, God never changed. The truth never changed. Mankind in all people's followed good or evil. They oppressed or they created freedom. Man had free will, reason and with exposure knowledge of truth.
      This is all to say that custom and tradition can be contrary to God's truth and freedom in it. It's truth that God created all people equal. All with a knowledge of him. It's also truth humans can be narcissist and desire to have God like power over others. He can create religion to serve that power. They can teach misunderstanding through lack of knowledge. They can ignore the truth. The word and make up things based on (feeling and emotion)
      Mankind has the ability to reason and logic to see what in his or her life is good. What honors and glorifies God. Ignorance won't be an excuse. Choice to believe and trust obey and honor whom you have faith in_ is there no matter who governs you or what your tradition is.
      As Paul said one abstained from meat or partakes of physical exercise, neither matter spiritually but are harmless. But if one offers to idols _ food or ritual_ you don't partake of it. It's a conscious sin.
      God explains and tells and commands. He cant be shaped by a human to fit a tradition or accommodate a desire. He is. And he shows himself through his interaction with man. One cannot make God into their personal accommodating guru. He is an awesome omnipotent creator and sustains all life. He created order and spoke future. He made the universe work in a way that has rules and preordained blessings.
      If mankind violates what God defined as (nature) there's consequences. God spoke those into creation and they are reality. The same goes for the truth of what is. The truth isn't absent in rebellion and ignorance. It's going to witness itself in the consequence.
      So we have no defense of ignoring God or the truth of his creation_ or the obedience to the faith and trust in whom we profess to believe.
      If we believe and obey him__ we are his children. Of his kingdom. One people. One family. And our traditions and worship is headed by Christ Jesus _ evident in daily life and actions.

    • @naomilindberg2328
      @naomilindberg2328 2 года назад +1

      @@bda2444 Not saying worship the animals. Respect living things. We are the caregivers of this earth and we are doing a terrible job. Question: if only humans are alive, why do animals die? If they have no soul, then how do they die? You have to be alive, to have a soul to live. When that soul departs, you die. So how do you explain this. But, you probably don't believe animals have emotions or feelings either. My cat would disagree.

  • @annamartserfontein5139
    @annamartserfontein5139 Год назад +2

    God people perish for a lack of knowledge..
    Let get His spirit of Wisdom and His spirit of knowledge...

    • @5000NATE
      @5000NATE Год назад

      And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.

    • @5000NATE
      @5000NATE Год назад

      Pretty sure you don't follow this part of the Bible do you would be called hypocrisy

  • @purseypurslane
    @purseypurslane 2 года назад +6

    Ah another wonderful fantastic conversation -- Steven Bancarz never disappoints! He sure does dominate the interview, his mind is so quick y'all couldn't get a word in edgewise :) But we all learned so much, he is unique and has a photographic memory of scripture (I think) ! Thanks again for having such great guests!

  • @LaTonyaCunningham-fb7wk
    @LaTonyaCunningham-fb7wk Год назад

    I so needed to hear THIS!!! 😮😊😢 Thank you so much for posting this. Amen! Praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏

  • @Thesaurcery4U2C
    @Thesaurcery4U2C 2 года назад +2

    A person opens the door to demons through his own actions very often. GOD Will give his children what they ask. And we give thanks for ALL THINGS. Some of his children just prefer difficult lessons because of the value in a harder test having a deeper knowledge learned. Only to share his new found treasure with his brothers and sisters

  • @anekaye4446
    @anekaye4446 Год назад +3

    I threw out my dream catchers, I hate that I didn't realize genie bottles are symbols. NEVER AGAIN. PPL LAUGH BUT IF A THING GOES AGAINST JESUS BEING GOD ALONE SUPREME ITS TRASH

  • @annamartserfontein5139
    @annamartserfontein5139 Год назад

    Obedience is better than sacrafice

  • @jeskahaley9616
    @jeskahaley9616 2 года назад +3


    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 2 года назад

      It seems like these "demonic " images fight seem to come about en masse until the mid 1960s..thru ROCKERS trying to be "edgy"
      Along with mainstreaming of drugs, outside of alcohol

  • @shersher5076
    @shersher5076 2 года назад +2

    I agree with this except where we assign human attributes to the Almighty....The great Creator does not permit or allow the adversary to do anything against us....the only way the adversary affect us is via our very own actions....Gods protection and His love is full proof...thats the very reason why we dont die when we sin...if God should remove his presence from us for any amount of time....we would no longer exist....thats why He grants us free will to choose, therefore via our actions we create openings in Gods protection for the enemy to come in...remember...Remember...The Creator made everything...even the demons...they became demons by rejecting Him...they too have access to his forgiveness & love...all they have to do is submit to him...but they exercise their free will not to....and when we do the same we take on their attributes which gives them the power and leyway to attack us as mych as they like...but there is always forgiveness as long as we are long as we can speak and ask for forgiveness its grated to us...the reason why theres no repentance after death is because we cant speak after we die...we cant ask for forgiveness after we pass...we allow evil into our lives...God does not just sit back and just let a demon torment us..

    • @danielessex2162
      @danielessex2162 2 года назад

      Except you dom't have free will. See by psychological standards your choices are based on your history and memories. Which is why people caught up making the same mistakes.
      Now according to your bs religion god has a plan and everything follows that plans because it's god's plan. He is the director and writer. You are the actor that follows his direction and script. So by this big plan of god's that is so perfect you can not have free will or everyone would be constantly screwing his plan up. Same as wasted prayers to change his plan. Every idiot with a prayer would be on wrench in the cog ruining his perfect plan.

    • @Stoicwerewolf
      @Stoicwerewolf Год назад

      What about job? I think your comment has many mistakes.

    • @aaronedwards7721
      @aaronedwards7721 Год назад +1

      If you think about it logically, either God allows bad things to happen or he is not all powerful. And to make one of those claims is blasphemy. Read Job and the verse where Jesus tells Peter "Satan has asked to sift you like wheat"

  • @carinacoetsee2334
    @carinacoetsee2334 Год назад +1

    How on earth can you ask forgiveness for killing animals to eat. They don't understand.
    The difference between people and animals is that we have a spirit that can communicate with God. We have a soul and a spirit, animals only have a soul.
    They can't communicate with God and don't understand things like we understand.
    It's your culture that confuse you.
    If you want to serve the real God, don't let your culture interfere.

  • @sunshinerays2747
    @sunshinerays2747 10 месяцев назад

    If you sin you get vomited on with green slim. That marks you in the spirit realm and the demons see that or Satan and they then attack you. Also God doesn't allow it MAN DOES. God can do nothing in the earth because spirits have no authority here we have to give them the right.

  • @andrewstidham7950
    @andrewstidham7950 2 года назад +1

    The devil will get full reign one day and he is going to have a field day.. so get covered in the blood of the lamb Jesus. I like this fella he tells it like it is. Jesus would rather us get in or get out and get out of his way. So get on fire with the fire from the one who gives the fire to burn down the enemies kingdom. Take the fight to him in Jesus name Christ puts the devil under us and he doesn't want you to know that. Draw close to God and he will draw close to you.

    • @petersonkr1023
      @petersonkr1023 2 года назад

      Hi Andrew. I am writing you because I appreciated your comment, but then saw a contrary & discouraging response someone had written after your comment. Andrew I am writing to let you know to ignore & disregard that hateful comment from a person named Ahkbar. He is the one who doesnt know what he is talking about. Either that or he is an enemy of Jesus Christ & therefore hates Steven Bancarz. Steven Is actually an expert in the array of New Age dictrines & knows very well what he is talking about!! Previously, prior to his life changing encounter with Jesus, Steven had an extremely large following! He was a highly influential New Ager, seen as a guru by many. He was becoming quite wealthy during those years as a result of his reputation & YT folliwing.. When Steven had his life changing encounter with Jesus Christ he renounced it all!! He lovingly humbled himself before his many followers, publicly confessed Christ & confessed his sorrow over unwittingly misleading followers on an erroneous New Age path. He did the right & courageous thing before God & man, and it cost him much. He renounced his prospering lifestyle & pursued relationship with Jesus Christ above all else. Of course this led to certain previous followers hating him. Steven Bancarz is 'the real deal' as a disciple of Christ & student of the Bible, the book of Enoch, alienology, writings of ancient historians etc. He is co-author of a book called Second Coming of the New Age (exposing the dangers of New Age). As a person who's been much affected by NA I am so grateful for Steven's helpful eye opening wisdom. Your other commenter is probably one of Steve's enemies. Andrew I wanted to be sure you knew that your gut sense about Steven was right & he is legit! He loves Jesus! If you (or anyone you care about) is confused & needs any clarity regarding NA deceptions then Steven Bancarz is excellent. His You Tubes & book are helpful. Doreen Virtue is also great. God bless you Andrew.

    • @petersonkr1023
      @petersonkr1023 2 года назад

      One more thing Andrew. When you spoke of that kind of holy fire to burn down the enemies kingdom, I dont think of that so much as an outward battle as an inward one! Just think about it a minute. Jesus said "the kingdom of God is within you" & that we are to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. He said "abide in Me & I will abide in you" and that "those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit & truth. So the main place the enemy wants to control is inside we people, in our hearts, minds, souls and then actions. The enemy wants to set up his dark kingdom within people through hatred, unforgiveness, bitterness, revenge, jealousy etc! The enemy wants us to battle enemies outside ourselves so that we never find time to recognize the greater enemies we must overcome are within ourselves! If all people could let Jesus reign inside themselves then there would be no such thing as war & hatred. Just a thought to consider.

    • @andrewstidham7950
      @andrewstidham7950 2 года назад

      @@petersonkr1023 well I meant as both the fire of God that burns the devil out of us and the spiritual barriers the enemy causes the spiritual darkness that has ALL the world sleeping

  • @magisimon4873
    @magisimon4873 11 месяцев назад

    Yoga postures stretch our body in a way our focus shift away from our energy centre and large energy is drawn out of the life force within. Though this would enhance our manifesting capacity but our focus which is supposed to be within and worship the god within move out to the action bands and we live a life based on actions and the excitement it gives. We are here to worship God or maintain our focus within and take the right kind of energy from within which we would experience as guidance and inspiration. Yoga makes you very worldly , you draw high energy from within and live a life of excitement and so depression followed by it.

  • @5000NATE
    @5000NATE Год назад

    😊 just be silent focus on your breath practice peace and equanimity as best as you can I thank you for today

  • @loyceholland6201
    @loyceholland6201 2 года назад +2

    Objects have only the power you give it. How weak someone e must be to have your faith destroyed by a decoration.

    • @PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE
      @PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE 2 года назад

      Truth spoken Loyce Holland... Bravo!

    • @FindingBalance7
      @FindingBalance7 2 года назад

      lack of knowledge is part of the destruction Celtic Symbols used in Runes
      As well as Reiki symbols Saging having statues of Budda and Krishna or Egyptian gods /goddesses Astrological symbols combined with prayers opens it up, It’s “ spiritual “ you don’t have any power to give we are mortal vessels why do satanist use a pentagram symbol…?
      Do you think pornography as well isn’t harmful or open up your home for demonic oppression?

    • @1040ecapja
      @1040ecapja 2 года назад +2

      tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video

  • @nikkibonbon1600
    @nikkibonbon1600 2 года назад

    What about tarot cards?

  • @suca8090
    @suca8090 Год назад

    What about tatoos? What do do?

    • @user-ch4ex3yy4l
      @user-ch4ex3yy4l 11 месяцев назад

      I don't think God is against them.

    • @Kelly-oe8kr
      @Kelly-oe8kr 2 месяца назад +1

      If you have tattoos that are new age or demonic symbols, repent for getting them in ignorance and ask for forgiveness. Some people get their tattoos blacked out, I don't think that's necessary. Keep in mind that they reason people get tattoos nowadays is as a form of self expression not as any kind of demonic worship or to identify themselves as a member of any religious organisation (as was the case in biblical times). It is important to honour the path you have walked, there will be people only you can reach with the message of Jesus's love, your tattoos may be the conversation starter.

  • @swhitham
    @swhitham 2 года назад

    so, wait a minute. Steven, are you saying Yahweh, יהוה, is a pagan diety?????

  • @freespirittanner
    @freespirittanner Год назад

    Achan wasn't a king. Joshua wasn't awaken in the middle of the night. I know it's hard when under pressure but, please, know and share the Scriptures correctly. Don't bring doubt to what you are sharing. It is too easy to twist the meaning the Scripture this way. Thanks.

  • @oscarthecopywriter3081
    @oscarthecopywriter3081 10 месяцев назад +1

    All great dude, it's just that you lose all the intelligent people the moment you say Buddha is demonic. That's how Christians get laughed at nowadays. Buddha taught way out of suffering, not worshipping anything, including him.

  • @goldiemckernan6609
    @goldiemckernan6609 2 года назад +1

    I just found your channel. Love what I hear so far! One other way Christians unknowingly practice idolatry is by sun worship. The Bible confirms that the earth DOES NOT move. The sun was created on the fourth day, so what was the earth doing for the first three days until it started orbiting the sun? Suddenly, the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth. Suddenly, we became an insignificant speck zooming through infinite space. Most people don't give these things any real thought; we just "believe" what we've been taught by Rockefeller textbooks. We're given globe toys before we can even talk! We just trust The Science without question. There is no big bang without the globe. There is no evolution without the globe. Globe is critical to Satan; without it, we can much more easily see that there is a Creator.

    • @danielessex2162
      @danielessex2162 2 года назад

      Yeah too bad facts prove the earth does move..... And that the sun was around before the earth. Flat earthers the people who call themselves "Truthers" but rely on the very thing they swear they are against.... And that is just following what someone else tells them. Rockefeller textbooks? LOL more conspiracy nonsense. Which is also funny seeing as you cling to social media sites that benefit monetarily off feeding people like you nonsense.
      Oh and also no science does not ever tell you to trust without question, you are thinking of religion. Science demands you question and validate it yourself. You know the opposite of what you do. Which is how you fell for the bad math of flat earth bs and the hoax of religion.

  • @jilltaylor1570
    @jilltaylor1570 2 года назад

    What should a Christian do about tattoos? Must they be removed?

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 2 года назад

      It used to be only pagans, and later, there kids wouldn't get them.
      Tattoos on women werent a big deal UNTIL LATE 90S...

    • @Thesaurcery4U2C
      @Thesaurcery4U2C 2 года назад +1

      If the person is a Christian? CHRIST WITHIN. Then the Person will have it known to them

    • @1040ecapja
      @1040ecapja 2 года назад +2

      your body is not yours. you shouldn't infuse it in profanity.

    • @Thesaurcery4U2C
      @Thesaurcery4U2C 2 года назад

      @@1040ecapja Your body is a disposable space suit made of the highest organic technology. But keep it in tune, and it will work better for you. Just not my place to tell someone not to put a bumper sticker on their vehicle. The fact that she asked, will lead her to her decision. This Body is worm food when we go. And to the dust it shall return. All things of Matter or Made of ATOMS.. Stays in this realm where it belongs.

    • @5000NATE
      @5000NATE Год назад +1

      ​@@kathleenking47And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.

  • @varanidfury8634
    @varanidfury8634 2 года назад

    Lies all lies!!!!👹

  • @PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE
    @PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE 2 года назад +3

    As much as I hate to say it, and I am not trolling this video. But the idea that an object could open up doors to the demonic realm, is pure superstition. Evangelical Christianity is wrought with many strange ideas that are not necessarily supported by any verse in the Bible. And a full understanding of the Bible and how the early Christians regarded it, is an entirely different subject altogether. But I guess if I could drop one clue about that, I would say that many Western, Christian denominations have strayed far from the 1st and 2nd Century belief about the scriptures.
    Is it both heartbreaking and sobering to see that the gospel is no longer the good news. But rather a message about the many ways in which the devil is going to get us. Instead of worrying about trinkets and objects made of wood, plastic and metal. Perhaps many Christians should start pondering if it is actually healthy, or even spiritually healthy to give so much attention to the devil. Makes a body Wonder. 🤔

    • @1040ecapja
      @1040ecapja 2 года назад

      screencapped for the future when you have a demonic encounter.

    • @PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE
      @PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDE 2 года назад +1

      @@1040ecapja : And I'll screenshot this for when I don't.. trust me, I am a former evengelical Christian. And I have heard all of this long before Steven ever came on the scene. I have also heard the many inconsistencies of the Evangelical teachings and the strange fear tactics they reverted to after awhile to convert others to their brand of Christianity. I have researched their claims and put their superstitions to the test over a period of 30 years. And I have not found a demon hiding under every rock or behind every statue of Buddha. It's all just scare tactics and misinformation. I suppose one day I could tell you about the conversation I had with Steven... and how he bailed on that conversation because he obviously was getting uncomfortable with what I was saying and proving about the evangelical path he was about to embark on.. But to each their own I guess!

    • @5000NATE
      @5000NATE Год назад

      ​@@1040ecapjabasically you're cursing him because you want him to have a demonic attack sounds like you're the evil one there brother evildoer

    • @5000NATE
      @5000NATE Год назад

      ​@@PaulJamesCaidenTHESPIRITSIDEjust live peacefully and be at peace we can only do our best