I have been to many cities around the world, NY, Tokyo, Singapore, Shanghai, LA, Miami, Chicago, London and I can say that Hong Kong is by far the most fascinating one I have ever seen. The combination of skyscrapers with the mountains full of jungle and the sea is something unbelievable to see.
The fact that you can go from HK and nearly reach half the worlds population within a 5-hour flight is incredible ....my mouth literally hit the floor that is absolute insanity.
Or in other words: if you draw the circle just a little bit bigger, then there are more people living inside of it than outside of it. That's how central Hong Kong is.
The area might just be a little over crowded. The map showing that more people live inside that circle than outside of it has been around for well over a decade.
I visited Hong Kong back in May 2018. Made some great memories and met a lot of interesting people in that city. I hope to go back one day. The public transport is fantastic too!
I am a Hong Kong resident, I am glad you had great memories for your visit here. Yes, I visited other countries, I think Hong Kong has the most convenient public transport in the world!
This was so fascinating to watch as an aviation geek! Excellent job and fantastic animations👌 I can't wait to see what this expansion leads to service-wise!
I did my undergrad in civil engineering and one of our professors Malcolm Jarros was one of the engineers. I used to love the stories he used to tell us about the airport.
Watching this video I was thinking the same thing! I was also at UKZN a few years ago, and hearing about the land reclamation construction takes you back
@randomimmigrant348 would you be kind enough to connect me with Professor Malcom? I'm writing a story on this and I would love to interview stakeholders in this project
I went to Hong Kong few years ago and I was amazed by the quality of the infrastructures, specially the airport which is literally so impressive to see it from a plane
As a Hong Konger seeing the project just being a pile of dirt so far has really pulled the expectations down along with a small feel of a waste of money but I hope with the land reclamation part done, construction above ground could bring the excitement back again. Also never knew our airport was this amazing 🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰
Flying into HKG Airport is amazing. It really is quite impressive to walk through the terminal and think about how it is completely built on a manmade island.
Looks like a very impressive project. HKG was one of my favourite places, starting from 1967, and many visits since. Maybe a transit is a possibility, but I doubt I will ever stay there again. Good luck Hong Kongers.
This makes me feel a little old. I remember the "New" airport opening in 1998, and Kai Tak before it, with the dangerous approach that pilots dreaded! Also remember the handover in 1997. So much change, and I'm only 35. Incredible project and city, which is a global hub.
Kai Tak and its unfortunate placement made for amazing photos, but it was so horrendously dangerous that one can understand why it was gotten rid of. What is now of Kai Tak? A park?
@@botigamer9011 A piece of the runway is now a cruise terminal. The apron is being taken up by new communities and recreational facilities, including Hong Kong's first Children's Hospital and its largest stadium ever.
Im in an area which is called Tuen Mun, across from the airport. I see the barges daily moving up and the water ways carrying materials. The size is phenomenal
Same for me - I’m in Tung Chung and my flat has a view of the airport. I watch the construction of the third runway as well as the building of the Macao-Zhuhai bridge and the Boundary Crossing facility.
Having an extra runway & terminal might solve the problems of slot & parking bay availability and handle more passengers. But that doesn't solve the congestion of the airspace at all, if not worsens it. Considering how small the HK's airspace is and how close it is to other airports in Macau and Mainland China, that makes me wonder how they are going to change the approach & departure paths (as the Mainland China airspace is controlled by PLA & they are definitely not going to hand over the control to HK ATC).
Yes, SADLY B1M focused on the bright side, neglecting the unpopularity of the 3rd runway, the over budgeting problem, the fundamental problem of lack of airspace (that the 2 runway problem can still provides much more capacity than present if the problem are solved), the illegitimacy of the project etc
I would say that this project wouldn't have gone ahead without a prior understanding that the airspace will be optimised to allow HKG's three-runway operation. The CAA of China will likely work with the PLAAF to resolve this for the HKSAR if modifications were needed. Looking at the airspace map of Hong Kong, it actually doesn't seem that bad. There's plenty of room for the existing 2 runways, and it looks like a bit of a squeeze for the third one but it could work out--I'd leave it to the subject matter experts to make it happen.
It's not only massive. It's also a great airport - well run with excellent facilities and excellent and helpful staff. The typical traveller who goes through HKIA is treated with a memorable experience.
I remember watching on either the Discovery Channel or TLC when I was a kid about the how they were building the airport. Many years later now they’re adding on and making it bigger. So awesome!
Lovely airport to fly in and out of, would recommend to anyone! Also take the cable car up the mountain to the south for a great aerial view of the whole airport
Hello Friend, how are you doing today?it's nice to meet you..my name is Cheng,how about you?if you don't mind telling me your name so that we can get to know each other?
Really enjoyed. I’m actually responsible for shipping the original Solid State Frequency Converters; generators that power the aircraft when they are parked at the gates. It was a major achievement for our small U.S. company located in West Virginia. I now live in CA, but love seeing things from the past.
Hong Kong is a small city but the scale of the infrastructure is MASSIVE. The worlds longest sea crossing HZM Bridge, this future airport extension, reclamation of East Lantau island etc
A deep dive documentary series into all the processes involved in the construction of an airport being built on land reclaimed from the sea would be really interesting to watch. Something similar to what the BBC did for the Crossrail project in London.
Only an ignorant propaganda believing American would say that. The people of Hong Kong & China can move freely, they can also spend their lives not being afraid of being murdered by their own police. One day you will learn your head has been filled with total fantasies & your country is falling to pieces as the arms dealers get richer. It's a situation where you prefer investing in death & destruction year on year. The sad thing is the only people that don't realise this are Americans.
Many HKers, myself included, are skeptical about this project. The fact remains that the HK Airport is sharing airspace with Shenzhen and Macau, thus we can only have that many takeoffs and landings every hour. In other words, the existing airport’s capacity is limited by the availability of the overlapping airspace in the Pearl River Delta region. Building an extra runway, or practically a brand new airport isn’t going to resolve the problem.
News outlets always want to make the problem seem worse than it is to get higher view counts. I just looked at the airspace map of HKG--it would be a little more crowded with the 3rd runway but overall it's not that bad. China left HKG a LOT of wide open airspace directly south of the city.
As a Hong Kong citizen, it was not ideal at all. The construction was considered to be damaging nearby marine ecosystem, as the area was one of the habitat for Pink Dolphin (Endangered species). And the cost of it was skyrocketed from its proposed $8BN to $18BN.
For anyone in Hong Kong with a few hours to spare, I'd greatly recommend trying out the Ngong Ping Cable Car from Tung Chung Station up to Tian Tian Buddha. You get breathtaking views of the airport, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge as well as Lantau Island!
Actually, speaking as a local in hk, by taking a ferry to TaiO and travel by bus to Buddha can enjoy a much better view and experience (less expensive too). The cable car is just flat out not worth it and a bit waste of time.
@@djyx8 Personally I find the cable cars to be way too expensive for just the view of the airport, not that it isn't a cool sight. However, the hiking trails provide a more spectacular and satisfying view, provided you know your stuff. But go ahead if it's your first time, it's there for tourists, not locals anyways.
@@djyx8 Hong Kong's hiking trail is some of the most intuitive and clear. Stick to the path, prepare well, then you'll find the treasure. That's how most enjoy the natural beauty in HK.
@@djyx8 I don't think that the NP360 can provide anything except for shopping opportunities, it acts more like a theme park than transportation. I mean I won't stop you from hopping onto cable car, but I want to advise all of the travellers coming to Hong Kong have an enjoyable holiday and discover something unique in Hong Kong other than capitalism.
I have utilized the Hong Kong International Airport many times. It is one of my favorite airports! Also, the Customs and Security officers are extremely helpful.
You did not mention how much does this project cost. It 1.8B in USD (Appreciate you mention it on title now) As a HongKonger, I strongly disagree with this project although I am a big fan in aviation, the third-runways project is a joke in Hong Kong. In fact, most of the citizens are oppose to it First, the damage to the environment were uncountable. The third runways project require a large Reclamation. Near the Reclamation’s area, there are many Chinese white dolphins lives nearby, and the damage to them are unrecoverable. Second, there are many of People's livelihood problem that yet to be fix in Hong Kong. For example,Thousand of HongKonger living in Subdivided flat (分間樓宇單位,又稱劏房) and the whole family might only have 70-150 Square meters living area. And this is just tip of the iceberg. How much did this runway cost? It 1.8B in USD! But instead of fixing the social problems, our government rather to build this runway and refusing all the existing problem! Yes, it do could bring a possible economic factor to Hong Kong, but how many decade will it takes to just only recover the cost of building it? You guess it, even our government refuse to answer our question.
public housing projects proposed by the government since 2004 had been met with opposition and protested against. Seems like the government is not the issue here
@@ascensionzenith4043 wow, so you think we can decide how the money been use? You also know that the public housing project are facing protest, so is that means the government could use the taxpayer’s taxes to build the third runway if they facing protest in other projects? The third runway also facing protest, but why the government still continues to push the project up?
@@_Sheep777 When did the 3rd runway project face protest? Not only did the project passed the Environmental impact assessment report, it also gained huge support during the Public consultation exercise, where the project was publicised as widely as possible in many platforms and age groups, and "The Social Sciences Research Centre of the University of Hong Kong (2011) reported that 73% of the respondents to the 24,242 completed questionnaires preferred building the third runway. 80% deemed that decision concerning the adoption and implementation of the Master Plan 2030 should be made promptly." The project would bring huge economic benefits and employment to the people and also widely supported by the economic and industrial sectors. Even members of the democratic party who are anti establishment expressed support for the project. Many mitigation measures had also been put in place to minimise negative environmental impacts including a marine park for the dolphins, the claim of the chinese dolphins had also been criticised for having lack of scientific support. "According to a report by the Social Sciences Research Centre of the University of Hong Kong in December 2011, the respondents broadly supported a series of mitigation measures to tackle issues regarding noise, air quality, conservation of dolphins and reclamation." Why do you resort to lies? And why do you intentionally deflecting from my comment? I am simply calling out your BS that the government did not consider the interest of the people in terms of public housing, where it is in fact proposed multiple times by the government but ironically opposed by the people themselves.
@@ascensionzenith4043 But according to WWF and CUHK statistics in 2014, a statics that was obtained 3 years later of your resources, the support rate already drop from 73 to 47. I believe you can read Chinese, so I will just copy and paste the statics that I relying on in Chinese ‘環諮會環境影響評估小組於今個星期開始審議機場第三條跑道的環評報告,為進一步了解市民對興建第三條跑道的看法,世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF)特別委託香港中文大學傳播與民意調查中心在2014年7月進行一項「興建機場第三條跑道與環境保護」民意調查,成功訪問了1,026名市民。 結果發現,有58%受訪者認為香港政府過於側重經濟發展,只有22%認為政府可以在經濟發展和環境保護之間取得平衡。另外,僅得12% 認為自己對報告的理解程度為「非常了解」或「幾了解」。 調查又發現,表示「非常支持」或「幾支持」興建第三條跑道的受訪者約佔47%,比較起機管局在2011年進行的一項同類調查,約73%受訪者支持興建第三條跑道,支持度明顯下跌達26%。 針對三跑對中華白海豚的影響,超過一半受訪者(55%)認為興建第三條跑道會對中華白海豚的影響達「非常大」或「頗大」程度。但對於機管局建議,在三跑工程完成後,即約9年後才設立新海岸公園作為緩解方案,有多達44%受訪者認為建議「非常無作用」或「幾無作用」。而認為中華白海豚不會在工程完成後返回原居地的受訪者就有36%,有35%對此存疑,認為中華白海豚回歸的機會為「一半半」。另外,亦有約42%受訪者認為現時設於大嶼山附近水域作保護中華白海豚的保護區並不足夠‘ Stop saying I am resort to lies, you don’t even know what resources I am referring to before I wrote this comment This statics was done in 2014, much closer to the project approved day, 2016. It just shown the difference after people re-thinking about is the project worth it or not and the damage to the environment. About housing, the project that people opposed are the Lantau island tomorrow, I believe you also know it. But there are plenty of ways that can solve the housing problem, like the brownfield(棕地), but why the government did not take back the brownfield? You know, I know
And don’t forget the fact that Hong Kong also needs to reclaim a large airspace for that third runway to be actually working. Otherwise, it’s a gigantic white elephant project.
This project is not without controversy though. With significant objection, the Government decided to go around the regular legislative approval required for public spending, and used the vehicle of the fully government-owned Airport Authority by instructing it to raise funds on its own (by imposing additional charges on passengers). The Government was not confident in going through legislative scrutiny, notwithstanding an already almost pre-arranged majority in the legislature by default.
@@SO-rq3pm Hong Kong expanding its airport does not just benefit "China." A mainland Chinese can fly anywhere from Guangzhou or even Shenzhen. As the video narrator says, the airport is already at capacity with continued growth projected. It simply is not big enough in its current state.
Great channel. It’s like “Mega Engineering” from cable channels a while back, but not annoying. Those shows were interesting but you had to sit through 17 commercial breaks and hear the narrator repeat information over and over. You could have learned everything in 5 min and that’s what this channel does great!!
It's a pity that most modern societies can seemingly no longer expand liberties. But it's the natural course of civilisation. Liberties are granted, people abuse them in unforeseen ways, then the liberties begin to get restricted. Taxes don't seem to go down either.
Although the construction itself claim that it can bring enormous economic benefits to the city, it should also be mentioned in the video that the constructions polluted the city’s ocean and nearly drive a species of dolphins into extinction. Also the construction is a potential risk for the economy before it finish, as it may cost more than the budget predicted.
Well, these kinds of projects always tend to impact the environment and the economy, aren't they? I believe there were also debates back when HK was still using Kai Tak airport, so for the future sometimes you have to take the risk.
@@tianrunjiang2341 Not to cause the extinction of a kind of dolphin, this a not the cost we should bear. We as a human can do a lot better. But consider that you are a Chinese, you won't care too much about that.
@@clintonli4094 I also support protecting the environment simply because in the foreseeable future, this is the only planet we can count on. I have also read reports on the potential environmental issues on the airport expansion. But sometimes, we have to harm others to make ourselves better off; unfortunately, that is just the cruelty of nature. Sincerely hope practitioners can find some way to help those poor creatures or at least remedy the situation. Also, I’m just curious why you have so much against Chinese? Judging from your name, it seems you have some kind of relationship with China. Just curious what made you gave up something that made you. I commented under this video to show my perspective and seek to talk peacefully with others, so if you are not hoping the same thing, please don't reply to me.
The Chinese dolphins were near extinction due to the pollution in the water caused by China's industrialisation. Despite this new airport expansion, the dolphins are reappearing which is good news!
@Monkey D Luffy Have you ever eat any meat? Have you ever accidentally stepped on a bug? Have you ever beat other teams in sports? Have you ever argue with your parents/friends/partners? It’s not a perfect world and obviously that’s how the nature works, unless you are five years old or a angel visiting Earth otherwise you should already know that.
Spent a month in HK nearing 10 years ago. I think about the place often, absolutely loved it, didn't want to come home. Shame to see what the CCP is doing there.
@Yn Piss off. You know exactly what they're doing. HK was already prosperous, even if it wasn't, it doesn't excuse the human right violations, the suppression of free speech, the changing of history to fit the mainland propaganda machine.
@Yn Think for yourself. You bots spreading China's bullshit go on about America in comparison every time like it's a "well they're just as bad!!". I'm not even American.
Seems fine to me, I used to live there and still visit every year. It's not the easiest place to make a living, that's for sure, but if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. It's an incredibly competitive, business-orientated society.
The project surely relieves the burden of the existing two runways in HKIA. However, the airspace issue has not been resolved to maximise the capacity. Otherwise, the third runway would just be a wasting-money.
0:49 At this point you can't even tell that it's reclaimed land, it just looks like an airport on the coast with mountains next to it. Like, I knew this airport was huge, but it never really hit me just how huge it truly was until this shot.
Looks like I have a double dessert for my lunch break today. A slice of apple pie and a tasty B1M video...
Hahaha, nice! Watch the calories on those videos, they're high in saturated FACTS.
@@TheB1M Nicely done
@@TheB1M Good one xD
@@TheB1M oh yeah daddy give us all your big fat FACTS 😂😂😂
Your apple pie wasn't baked by your aunt Daisy on the south coast of France by any chance was it?
I have been to many cities around the world, NY, Tokyo, Singapore, Shanghai, LA, Miami, Chicago, London and I can say that Hong Kong is by far the most fascinating one I have ever seen. The combination of skyscrapers with the mountains full of jungle and the sea is something unbelievable to see.
It's beautiful, you can't beat that setting.
As a Hongkonger thanks, we love our city
Singapore is more fascinating ,
with the best airport , Chang-yi
@@dongshengdi773 and purple is the best colour
@@dongshengdi773 yes, with security at the gate! No lines! Bottom rank: JFK
That day to night time-lapse at the end was beautiful
I agree!!
I watch this happen in Valparaiso Port everyday/night from my home.
You're beautiful ;)
@Yn USA is nuking china soon trust me its operation new dawn
@Yn VPN? Are you in China now?
The fact that you can go from HK and nearly reach half the worlds population within a 5-hour flight is incredible ....my mouth literally hit the floor that is absolute insanity.
Or in other words: if you draw the circle just a little bit bigger, then there are more people living inside of it than outside of it. That's how central Hong Kong is.
Not really a positive fact, but yes, still a fact.
Yep, just need to include India, Bangladesh and few other Asian countries.
The area might just be a little over crowded. The map showing that more people live inside that circle than outside of it has been around for well over a decade.
I visited Hong Kong back in May 2018. Made some great memories and met a lot of interesting people in that city. I hope to go back one day. The public transport is fantastic too!
I am a Hong Kong resident, I am glad you had great memories for your visit here.
Yes, I visited other countries, I think Hong Kong has the most convenient public transport in the world!
@@kawangkwok5262 Hong Kong is part of china
@@kawangkwok5262 nice tea
My wife and I were also there in May 2018. We have also passed through the airport several times. The city and its airport truly are amazing.
This was so fascinating to watch as an aviation geek! Excellent job and fantastic animations👌 I can't wait to see what this expansion leads to service-wise!
Hi Dan!
i subsribed to you thank to your comment :O
Heelo!! :D
lol fantastic animations? they arent his, can u read?
I did my undergrad in civil engineering and one of our professors Malcolm Jarros was one of the engineers. I used to love the stories he used to tell us about the airport.
I think this airport would be wonderfil without expansion
Watching this video I was thinking the same thing! I was also at UKZN a few years ago, and hearing about the land reclamation construction takes you back
@randomimmigrant348 would you be kind enough to connect me with Professor Malcom? I'm writing a story on this and I would love to interview stakeholders in this project
I went to Hong Kong few years ago and I was amazed by the quality of the infrastructures, specially the airport which is literally so impressive to see it from a plane
Brits turn everything in HK into gold, Chinese turn them back to shit.
@@michaelng.1990 Like something an oriental said :)
I liked their airport when I visited 7 years ago. Now that their airport is getting an upgrade, I wanna visit the city again
I'd suggest waiting until 2030 when the upgrade is supposed to be finished.
Yeah hope so i meant i really want to visit hk which i had never seen in real life only on youtube
@@lonestarr1490 hmmm good enough since covid will still be here for another maybe 4 or 5 years or more we wont know
What is more insane, that there are three airports of that size within 1h drive!
Trust me...no you don't.
The last time I came this early I got a hug.
I’m sure Fred will give you a hug.
Because she was proud of you or something?
"It happens to all guys" lol
@@craigr4763 because she felt sorry
I can hug you, if you want
As a Hong Konger seeing the project just being a pile of dirt so far has really pulled the expectations down along with a small feel of a waste of money but I hope with the land reclamation part done, construction above ground could bring the excitement back again.
Also never knew our airport was this amazing 🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰
Greetings from Hong Kong, really enjoying your videos!
Flying into HKG Airport is amazing. It really is quite impressive to walk through the terminal and think about how it is completely built on a manmade island.
It was a heck of a lot more amazing when HK's airport was still the legendary Kai Tak!
Flying back to Hong Kong is so nice you get to look at all the lights I live in Hong Kong but the downside is you can’t see the stars
@@dewayneblue1834 yes, there is nothing in the world like a nighttime 747 Kai Tak Arrival!
Looks like a very impressive project.
HKG was one of my favourite places, starting from 1967, and many visits since.
Maybe a transit is a possibility, but I doubt I will ever stay there again. Good luck Hong Kongers.
This makes me feel a little old. I remember the "New" airport opening in 1998, and Kai Tak before it, with the dangerous approach that pilots dreaded! Also remember the handover in 1997. So much change, and I'm only 35. Incredible project and city, which is a global hub.
Kai Tak and its unfortunate placement made for amazing photos, but it was so horrendously dangerous that one can understand why it was gotten rid of. What is now of Kai Tak? A park?
@@botigamer9011Kai Tak is now a residential place
@@botigamer9011 A piece of the runway is now a cruise terminal. The apron is being taken up by new communities and recreational facilities, including Hong Kong's first Children's Hospital and its largest stadium ever.
Wowwwwwwww awesome as usual! Love B1M and Fred voice! These combination is the best 🎉
Great Timing, Just finished my exam a minute ago.
You Guys never fail to be consistent with the time and quality
Good Job there 👍🏻
Ah thanks! Hope the exam went well 🙌
Im in an area which is called Tuen Mun, across from the airport. I see the barges daily moving up and the water ways carrying materials. The size is phenomenal
Same for me - I’m in Tung Chung and my flat has a view of the airport. I watch the construction of the third runway as well as the building of the Macao-Zhuhai bridge and the Boundary Crossing facility.
When I was a child, if you told me someday Tuen Mun would have a tunnel to the airport I'd have thought you were insane. And now it's a reality.
Best notification to wake up to! 👍🏽
The quality of your videos is *UNMATCHED*
BM1 always with the Best content.
living here since 2005. i love this city every day more and more. i feel so blessed to live here. Love u Hong Kong from the bottom of my heart
Having an extra runway & terminal might solve the problems of slot & parking bay availability and handle more passengers. But that doesn't solve the congestion of the airspace at all, if not worsens it. Considering how small the HK's airspace is and how close it is to other airports in Macau and Mainland China, that makes me wonder how they are going to change the approach & departure paths (as the Mainland China airspace is controlled by PLA & they are definitely not going to hand over the control to HK ATC).
Yes, SADLY B1M focused on the bright side, neglecting the unpopularity of the 3rd runway, the over budgeting problem, the fundamental problem of lack of airspace (that the 2 runway problem can still provides much more capacity than present if the problem are solved), the illegitimacy of the project etc
and also the Tai Mo Shan mountain that is right in the way
I would say that this project wouldn't have gone ahead without a prior understanding that the airspace will be optimised to allow HKG's three-runway operation. The CAA of China will likely work with the PLAAF to resolve this for the HKSAR if modifications were needed.
Looking at the airspace map of Hong Kong, it actually doesn't seem that bad. There's plenty of room for the existing 2 runways, and it looks like a bit of a squeeze for the third one but it could work out--I'd leave it to the subject matter experts to make it happen.
another great vid b1m!
The production quality is always top notch, thank you B1M!
I could listen to his voice all day. Very soothing, while also showing interesting content. Fantastic channel
This airport is massive, it's like a day tour...
Singapore airport is a month tour.
with Malls, hotels, gardens, parks , etc
inside the airport.
it is a country inside an airport
@@dongshengdi773 SG airport is a class apart, I intentionally choose longer layovers at SG just so I could go around the airport.
It's not only massive. It's also a great airport - well run with excellent facilities and excellent and helpful staff. The typical traveller who goes through HKIA is treated with a memorable experience.
I just refreshed my youtube recommendations and you appeared so I've instantly clicked to have my daily dose of interesting videos fulfilled.
I remember watching on either the Discovery Channel or TLC when I was a kid about the how they were building the airport. Many years later now they’re adding on and making it bigger. So awesome!
Extreme Engineering?
Lovely airport to fly in and out of, would recommend to anyone!
Also take the cable car up the mountain to the south for a great aerial view of the whole airport
Every wednesday anticipating B1M vid
🇬🇧B1M is the best channel for sure, it’s a high quality content.
Thank you !
2:00 I like how even though the B1M presents themselves as a classy channel, they still use heavy bass for their background music,
everybody does. I'm sure my downstairs neighbors hate me
I'm always impressed every time the videos is just better and better, good job.
I personally hope HK can fix housing problem more than a bigger airport tbh
Your channel has matured to no end since it's inception. Yet another crystal clear presentation!
@@user-rt4ve7ks6u You are NOT the B1M.....🤬
I remember visiting Hong Kong's airport in 2017. The sheer size was incredible.
Such a quality video.! Bravo. Continuez.
Another great video. I love Hong Kong's skyline, that airport is a great addition to a phenomenal city.🇭🇰
A fabulous city with fast efficient public transport to and from the airport
Extra special during pandemic but, always some of the best videos in my opinion. :-)
So nicely explained everything, loved this 😄☺️✌🏻❤️
The Kai Tak approach was legendary
which is also deadly
@@RSCB Not really, partly because of the intensive training that pilots went through before being qualified to land there
@@speedbirdconcorde001 yeah maybe
The quality of these videos is just brilliant
I miss Kai Tak Airport... Definitely one of the worlds gnarliest fairground rides :)
Beautiful city and airport. I was born in Hong Kong in 95. My family and I go there every 3 years and I never get tired of Hong Kong :)
Hello Friend, how are you doing today?it's nice to meet you..my name is Cheng,how about you?if you don't mind telling me your name so that we can get to know each other?
The B1M is the my favourite you tube channel
It’s rare for me to say but I wish your videos were longer. It’s all so good I just want more
Really enjoyed. I’m actually responsible for shipping the original Solid State Frequency Converters; generators that power the aircraft when they are parked at the gates. It was a major achievement for our small U.S. company located in West Virginia. I now live in CA, but love seeing things from the past.
How did you guys get the contract?
Great vid 👍
This channel is the king of explaining past, present and future projects
I love HK so much! Can’t wait to get back when we can travel again
You introduced this aviation megaproject much better than the government.
All of your videos are very informative. Thanks for bringing us such valuable content 👍🏻
was about to go to bed, then i saw the notification pop up had to watch it first :)
Sleep is overrated.
Wonderful ! Your narration is the best.
I remember landing at the old airport 30 years ago during a rainstorm. It was insane and I felt we were about to crash inside the city.
This channel should do a Kai Tak Airport video and blow the hell out of everyones mind here. Every landing is crashing into the city.
@@derricksy here is a nice video about it:
Awesome video! Would be cool to see one around Hong Kong's MTR...
Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
Hong Kong is a small city but the scale of the infrastructure is MASSIVE. The worlds longest sea crossing HZM Bridge, this future airport extension, reclamation of East Lantau island etc
I was really looking forward to another aviation video. Liked
A deep dive documentary series into all the processes involved in the construction of an airport being built on land reclaimed from the sea would be really interesting to watch. Something similar to what the BBC did for the Crossrail project in London.
Love this channel! Keep up the great content 👍
Hong Kong killing it. What a stunning place. 💯🥃
I cannot thank this channel enough for the inspiration its given to start my own channel on interesting topics.
Informative and cleanly as always!
I don't know if it's really better, but it's cool that they are reclaiming the land without dredging.
There is where I live. Although I live in Hong Kong, I love watching the B1M
A huge new airport and they aren't allowed to leave. :)
Only an ignorant propaganda believing American would say that. The people of Hong Kong & China can move freely, they can also spend their lives not being afraid of being murdered by their own police. One day you will learn your head has been filled with total fantasies & your country is falling to pieces as the arms dealers get richer. It's a situation where you prefer investing in death & destruction year on year. The sad thing is the only people that don't realise this are Americans.
@@DavyRo from a HKer: wumao spotted
@@DavyRo you have no idea what you saying.
Im about to leave Hongkong for good
The sound and the commentry though.
I like these channel. apart from the information, the clear and the simple language.
Many HKers, myself included, are skeptical about this project. The fact remains that the HK Airport is sharing airspace with Shenzhen and Macau, thus we can only have that many takeoffs and landings every hour. In other words, the existing airport’s capacity is limited by the availability of the overlapping airspace in the Pearl River Delta region. Building an extra runway, or practically a brand new airport isn’t going to resolve the problem.
5G data integration between Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Macau airports can solve this.
I heard that Shenzhen is building their third runway now, so it’s gonna be intense competitions between Hong Kong and Shenzhen
News outlets always want to make the problem seem worse than it is to get higher view counts.
I just looked at the airspace map of HKG--it would be a little more crowded with the 3rd runway but overall it's not that bad. China left HKG a LOT of wide open airspace directly south of the city.
@@discoverchina1885 For sure, Shenzhen's airport is amazing as well. Although I'm a die-hard HKer I'd love to try flying into SZX someday.
this channel is so relaxing
Damn B1M you're epic
As a Hong Kong citizen, it was not ideal at all. The construction was considered to be damaging nearby marine ecosystem, as the area was one of the habitat for Pink Dolphin (Endangered species). And the cost of it was skyrocketed from its proposed $8BN to $18BN.
You hk people always find ways to complain. So chona doesn't care
For anyone in Hong Kong with a few hours to spare, I'd greatly recommend trying out the Ngong Ping Cable Car from Tung Chung Station up to Tian Tian Buddha. You get breathtaking views of the airport, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge as well as Lantau Island!
Actually, speaking as a local in hk, by taking a ferry to TaiO and travel by bus to Buddha can enjoy a much better view and experience (less expensive too). The cable car is just flat out not worth it and a bit waste of time.
@@djyx8 Personally I find the cable cars to be way too expensive for just the view of the airport, not that it isn't a cool sight.
However, the hiking trails provide a more spectacular and satisfying view, provided you know your stuff.
But go ahead if it's your first time, it's there for tourists, not locals anyways.
@@djyx8 Hong Kong's hiking trail is some of the most intuitive and clear.
Stick to the path, prepare well, then you'll find the treasure. That's how most enjoy the natural beauty in HK.
@@djyx8 I don't think that the NP360 can provide anything except for shopping opportunities, it acts more like a theme park than transportation. I mean I won't stop you from hopping onto cable car, but I want to advise all of the travellers coming to Hong Kong have an enjoyable holiday and discover something unique in Hong Kong other than capitalism.
I have utilized the Hong Kong International Airport many times. It is one of my favorite airports! Also, the Customs and Security officers are extremely helpful.
You did not mention how much does this project cost. It 1.8B in USD (Appreciate you mention it on title now)
As a HongKonger, I strongly disagree with this project although I am a big fan in aviation, the third-runways project is a joke in Hong Kong. In fact, most of the citizens are oppose to it
First, the damage to the environment were uncountable. The third runways project require a large Reclamation. Near the Reclamation’s area, there are many Chinese white dolphins lives nearby, and the damage to them are unrecoverable.
Second, there are many of People's livelihood problem that yet to be fix in Hong Kong. For example,Thousand of HongKonger living in Subdivided flat (分間樓宇單位,又稱劏房) and the whole family might only have 70-150 Square meters living area. And this is just tip of the iceberg. How much did this runway cost? It 1.8B in USD! But instead of fixing the social problems, our government rather to build this runway and refusing all the existing problem!
Yes, it do could bring a possible economic factor to Hong Kong, but how many decade will it takes to just only recover the cost of building it? You guess it, even our government refuse to answer our question.
public housing projects proposed by the government since 2004 had been met with opposition and protested against. Seems like the government is not the issue here
@@ascensionzenith4043 wow, so you think we can decide how the money been use? You also know that the public housing project are facing protest, so is that means the government could use the taxpayer’s taxes to build the third runway if they facing protest in other projects? The third runway also facing protest, but why the government still continues to push the project up?
@@_Sheep777 When did the 3rd runway project face protest? Not only did the project passed the Environmental impact assessment report, it also gained huge support during the Public consultation exercise, where the project was publicised as widely as possible in many platforms and age groups, and "The Social Sciences Research Centre of the University of Hong Kong (2011) reported that 73% of the respondents to the 24,242 completed questionnaires preferred building the third runway. 80% deemed that decision concerning the adoption and implementation of the Master Plan 2030 should be made promptly." The project would bring huge economic benefits and employment to the people and also widely supported by the economic and industrial sectors. Even members of the democratic party who are anti establishment expressed support for the project.
Many mitigation measures had also been put in place to minimise negative environmental impacts including a marine park for the dolphins, the claim of the chinese dolphins had also been criticised for having lack of scientific support. "According to a report by the Social Sciences Research Centre of the University of Hong Kong in December 2011, the respondents broadly supported a series of mitigation measures to tackle issues regarding noise, air quality, conservation of dolphins and reclamation."
Why do you resort to lies? And why do you intentionally deflecting from my comment?
I am simply calling out your BS that the government did not consider the interest of the people in terms of public housing, where it is in fact proposed multiple times by the government but ironically opposed by the people themselves.
@@ascensionzenith4043 But according to WWF and CUHK statistics in 2014, a statics that was obtained 3 years later of your resources, the support rate already drop from 73 to 47.
I believe you can read Chinese, so I will just copy and paste the statics that I relying on in Chinese
結果發現,有58%受訪者認為香港政府過於側重經濟發展,只有22%認為政府可以在經濟發展和環境保護之間取得平衡。另外,僅得12% 認為自己對報告的理解程度為「非常了解」或「幾了解」。
Stop saying I am resort to lies, you don’t even know what resources I am referring to before I wrote this comment
This statics was done in 2014, much closer to the project approved day, 2016. It just shown the difference after people re-thinking about is the project worth it or not and the damage to the environment.
About housing, the project that people opposed are the Lantau island tomorrow, I believe you also know it. But there are plenty of ways that can solve the housing problem, like the brownfield(棕地), but why the government did not take back the brownfield? You know, I know
And don’t forget the fact that Hong Kong also needs to reclaim a large airspace for that third runway to be actually working.
Otherwise, it’s a gigantic white elephant project.
As an avgeek l love it when the B1M does an aviation video. Another gorgeous masterpiece.
This project is not without controversy though. With significant objection, the Government decided to go around the regular legislative approval required for public spending, and used the vehicle of the fully government-owned Airport Authority by instructing it to raise funds on its own (by imposing additional charges on passengers). The Government was not confident in going through legislative scrutiny, notwithstanding an already almost pre-arranged majority in the legislature by default.
plus the fact that the entire project benefits China not the local population who pays for that!
@@SO-rq3pm Hong Kong expanding its airport does not just benefit "China." A mainland Chinese can fly anywhere from Guangzhou or even Shenzhen. As the video narrator says, the airport is already at capacity with continued growth projected. It simply is not big enough in its current state.
Great channel. It’s like “Mega Engineering” from cable channels a while back, but not annoying. Those shows were interesting but you had to sit through 17 commercial breaks and hear the narrator repeat information over and over. You could have learned everything in 5 min and that’s what this channel does great!!
Hong Kong 🇭🇰
In Mandarin Pinyin, it's Xianggang. That's what 🇨🇳Chinese people call it.
@@ailo8964 Its Hong Kong
@@TheFreshSpam Yea, Hong Kong is a city in China!
@@udontknowme7798 A city in the UK*
@@ailo8964 not all, some chinese people call it hoeng gong, like those chinese people in HK themselves.
High Quality content as always
A pity they can't expand the liberty of Hong Kong.
lol good one
It's a pity that most modern societies can seemingly no longer expand liberties. But it's the natural course of civilisation. Liberties are granted, people abuse them in unforeseen ways, then the liberties begin to get restricted. Taxes don't seem to go down either.
I live in hk for 25years and I didn't even know about this. Thank you B1M.
This just makes me want to go hong konv even more after the pandemic thanks B1M
Look, a troll.
I love this channel
Funny how HK can spend so much on expanding an airport but not build more affordable homes for its people. Sad
There is empty islands I saw on google that have space, but they are around rich private places.
@@BJ-zd2or Keeping the land expensive means the government can keep getting enormous income. They don't need people's support.
B1M never fail to deliver a quality content. 👌
Although the construction itself claim that it can bring enormous economic benefits to the city, it should also be mentioned in the video that the constructions polluted the city’s ocean and nearly drive a species of dolphins into extinction.
Also the construction is a potential risk for the economy before it finish, as it may cost more than the budget predicted.
Well, these kinds of projects always tend to impact the environment and the economy, aren't they? I believe there were also debates back when HK was still using Kai Tak airport, so for the future sometimes you have to take the risk.
@@tianrunjiang2341 Not to cause the extinction of a kind of dolphin, this a not the cost we should bear. We as a human can do a lot better. But consider that you are a Chinese, you won't care too much about that.
@@clintonli4094 I also support protecting the environment simply because in the foreseeable future, this is the only planet we can count on. I have also read reports on the potential environmental issues on the airport expansion. But sometimes, we have to harm others to make ourselves better off; unfortunately, that is just the cruelty of nature. Sincerely hope practitioners can find some way to help those poor creatures or at least remedy the situation.
Also, I’m just curious why you have so much against Chinese? Judging from your name, it seems you have some kind of relationship with China. Just curious what made you gave up something that made you. I commented under this video to show my perspective and seek to talk peacefully with others, so if you are not hoping the same thing, please don't reply to me.
The Chinese dolphins were near extinction due to the pollution in the water caused by China's industrialisation. Despite this new airport expansion, the dolphins are reappearing which is good news!
@Monkey D Luffy Have you ever eat any meat? Have you ever accidentally stepped on a bug? Have you ever beat other teams in sports? Have you ever argue with your parents/friends/partners? It’s not a perfect world and obviously that’s how the nature works, unless you are five years old or a angel visiting Earth otherwise you should already know that.
Amazing video as always B1M, keep up the good work, and please do a video about Laguardia new airport in NY.
Spent a month in HK nearing 10 years ago. I think about the place often, absolutely loved it, didn't want to come home.
Shame to see what the CCP is doing there.
@Yn Piss off. You know exactly what they're doing. HK was already prosperous, even if it wasn't, it doesn't excuse the human right violations, the suppression of free speech, the changing of history to fit the mainland propaganda machine.
@Yn Think for yourself. You bots spreading China's bullshit go on about America in comparison every time like it's a "well they're just as bad!!". I'm not even American.
Those protesters were stabbing and burning innocent people. They deserve to be suppressed!
@@dfv671 oh isn't that funny, another empty account, regurgitating Beijing's lies.
Don't mind these people. They are getting paid $0.0077 usd for every comment. These dude are trying real hard
Absolutely brilliant content mate. Respek
I love Hong Kong and have lived there for awhile. Its a travesty the people are losing their freedoms.
Seems fine to me, I used to live there and still visit every year. It's not the easiest place to make a living, that's for sure, but if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. It's an incredibly competitive, business-orientated society.
This Chanel should have at least 10 million subscribers. I
That voice is so soothing, I want to pay you to come read me a book while I go to sleep.
Couldn't pay me to visit Hong Kong now. Before the take over it looked like one of the most interesting cities to visit
Great airport. Been there many times. I won't visit again though. It makes me sad.
Why not? We’ll welcome you with open arms when COVID is over.
@@PatheticTV with communism
@@thousandcello communism scary help
@@bruh4696 As a Hongkonger, he says nothing wrong. Stop pretending you know alot.
@@bruh4696 Next time you're here, there won't be any HongKonger. Those who stay will just become communist slaves.
Your videos are fascinating.
As a Hongkonger, I am really proud of this airport.
The project surely relieves the burden of the existing two runways in HKIA. However, the airspace issue has not been resolved to maximise the capacity. Otherwise, the third runway would just be a wasting-money.
0:49 At this point you can't even tell that it's reclaimed land, it just looks like an airport on the coast with mountains next to it. Like, I knew this airport was huge, but it never really hit me just how huge it truly was until this shot.