The imaginary fight is over... Good and bad are just ideas ||

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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    The imaginary fight is over... Good and bad are just ideas #need #neglect #innocence
    #nonduality #liberation #whatis #unconditionallove #endofseeking #endofsuffering #boundlessenergy #endofseparation #freedom #enlightenment #awakening #nondualism #nondual #nodoer #nofreewill #noself ##oneness #nofear #endgame #purelife #purelove #adyashanti #ramanamaharshi #nisargadattamaharaj #neoadvaita #advaita #vedanta #mooji #advaitavedanta #papaji #ugkrishnamurti #tonyparsons #jimnewman #andreasmuller #eckharttolle #alanwatts #rupertspira #paulhedderman #lisacairns

Комментарии • 105

  • @klokdek8585
    @klokdek8585 Месяц назад +1

    This video casually explains the another way of living, free of everything, free of nothing, full of peace. This is the ultimate massage that you didn't know that you know.

  • @exitingparadigm
    @exitingparadigm Год назад +16

    This humble channel will ripple for a thousand years.

  • @TheLastOutlaw289
    @TheLastOutlaw289 Год назад +5

    A lot of people forget that Maya(Illusory World/Projection) is the main power of Brahman.
    The emanation of this reality we label as less real or false is really the power of The One. 😂😂
    The ancient always compared god to Light…but Light and Illumination are two different things in principle however they cannot be separated. Actual Light which is invisible or EMF and it’s brightness which makes colours visible is exactly how God(The one and invisible) makes itself manifest as The Many/Other/Visible.
    That’s why Self realization seems so tough. The nature of Self IS to project outward.
    Enlightenment is a complete reversal of the ontological process of perception so that one turns their awareness back on the Self. The Self contemplating Self which equals Wisdom.

  • @dgodiex
    @dgodiex Год назад +10

    The background sound of the world's sirens wailing is perfect for this message :)

  • @jaluswarrior6418
    @jaluswarrior6418 Год назад +7

    I can tell you what is real to me.... your beautiful smile😊

  • @stillpoint6478
    @stillpoint6478 Год назад +21

    I have been seeing how unsafe I feel in this world, not wanting to admit it to myself or others. I also see how I haven't been willing to really look at this...afraid of looking here, too. This isn't a problem; I know you're right, that there's beauty in this, too. Thank you, thank you, thank you for speaking more truth.

  • @slee101986
    @slee101986 Год назад +3

    From one illusion viewing another.. your words provided me with some comfort today. I feel deep down inside that what you say is true. Its the only belief that makes sense to me. I struggle so much to be non judgmental about my life and letting go of the narrative that I wish my life had.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад +1

      Hold up, no belief is true, that is why it's called belief lol. Truth is truth, it's absolute, regardless of it your ego likes or dislikes it.

  • @primalplasma
    @primalplasma Год назад +14

    This is an incredibly advanced lesson. This is "I AM THAT" level of discourse. I wonder how old you really are Suzanne, like in millions or billions of years!

    • @saralamuni
      @saralamuni Год назад +4

      There is no beginning and no end…

    • @thatdutchguy89
      @thatdutchguy89 Год назад +2

      She is nice

    • @junkjunk4148
      @junkjunk4148 Год назад +6

      You are the audience of a lovely song. Suzanne came. Shes full of silence, in the cold. What does it mean? You ask. She is a million years old!
      There is no story, she is now and always. She has not lived, except for right now. When has she existed? Now and therefore always, see if focus can be maintained on what you truly want and the stones of ego will wash away when the tides become strong enough.

    • @primalplasma
      @primalplasma Год назад +4

      @@junkjunk4148 That was beautiful

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад +2

      Eternal. As all is.

  • @primalplasma
    @primalplasma Год назад +10

    I just need to give you this idea. I think I understand a fraction of what you go through and how you see existence. In 2017 when I was living in a roach-infested apartment and my life was not so good, I meditated and ended up going into another reality as someone completely different. He had a different life and experienced things that I did not experience. And it was nice having that experience, but when I "woke up", back in my roach-infested apartment, I didn't feel so bad about my life. I realized that it wasn't better or worse that what I had experienced through meditating. It was just different. And I will never lose that lesson or that memory of being someone else, even if it was for only an hour.
    My main point is, please don't get bored here. You are only Suzanne for a short time and beautiful things are about to happen in this reality. It will become like a glorious sci-fi movie. I want to ask: Did you ever think of taking acting lessons? Because that might make it easier for you to pretend to play the part of Suzanne and have fun with it. Just an idea. Smack me if I'm wrong or out of pocket.

    • @andrewcoltzt1563
      @andrewcoltzt1563 Год назад

      I see you in me. I see me in you. I like your words, I'm going to take your words out of your mouth and put them in my coat pocket. Have a good one.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад +3

      Don't get bored with "Suzanne" you tell her, but there is no Suzanne lol. You also say you will never lose that memory or being someone else, I hesitate to call that a memory, though memories are staticy and not to be trusted. I'd say that experience, though that experience was simply a mystic experience. Sounds neat of course. Gotta not pick favorites to experiences. They're all phony, just for brief amusement. Like being in a movie theatre, gotta maintain that the show being performed is just a show. No matter how good the writing and how relatable it is, it is just a story playing out. Just relax, be calm, and enjoy the show. Otherwise the angry usher will come and kick you out! Who is the angry usher? Ego...

    • @primalplasma
      @primalplasma Год назад

      @@ItApproaches I understand everything you are saying. Sadly I am not yet at the level of enlightenment where I can believe that Suzanne is nothing. She is at that level; she is very close to The Center, The Absolute. I am not there. I am not sure if I want to be. I am having too much fun with this illusion. This is why I see her as a mother figure. And I am pretty sure she is the young asian woman at the tea party that I drempt about who was like 250 years old, wise and quiet. I am not sure where that realm exists, but I was there and I had no body when I was experiencing it. I stopped playing around with binaural beats after that. Sadly I lost the formula for how to recreate the combination of freequencies that got me there. It was a combination certain theta, alpha and delta frequencies. One of them was very low in vibration. It put me in that place, wherever it was. But I had no body. There was a skateboarding young woman there who had a flying skateboard. I think I know who she is. I think I know who the astronaut who dies in space is. (Thankfully it wont be me. I vow to never travel to space because of that dream!) But again, my mind can only comprehend egos and material things, even those formed in the aether. I can't comprehend "everything" being nothing. My brsin, for its own sanity and spiritual limitations says the reverse. Instead of nothing I think "everything". Mind you, I had this experience back in 1998. My life completely changed after that. And I am so sure that Suzanne is the woman I drempt about that it was the reason I bravely wrote the first comment. Because in the dream the woman was what I perceived as being bored (maybe she wasn't) but all of the spirits needed her to just "be there" like a teddy bear. And eventually she had to "leave" that place. Maybe that was her coming to earth again? I mean, 1998 is a long time ago! I probably had the binaural beat OOBE before Suzanne was even physically born! I wonder...
      I was only 25 years old in 1998. My 50th birthday was just this week. That's a long time. I have grown spiritually since then. Still, I can't accept that "everything is nothing."

    • @primalplasma
      @primalplasma Год назад

      Ok I am thinking a lot about this "dream" today. Maybe what I thought was boredom here on Earth was actually boredom in The Elysium, or what some may call "heaven". Because she was bored in that perfect utopia where everyone knew each other and sat with each other. They celebrated her X (some large number) birthday. They had a cake for her. (Maybe in my mind's limited capacity I made up some number like 250 years; maybe that came later when I was trying to make a story out of it) but she was hella old. She had no emotion but she looked like she was 25 years old. Then she went to a room or closet and disappered. Everyone was sad and betrayed that she left, but she had to leave for some reason. Maybe she wasn't bored. She just had no emotion and was very, very wise. Everyone in that utopia treated her like The Oracle from The Matrix. She was just "there" to give guidance and support. So maybe I was wrong to say "don't get bored" here. Maybe she got bored "there?" in The Absolute?

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад +4

      @@primalplasma There is no "levels" to enlightenment lol. You just hit enlightenment at one point, often the process takes between 1-2 years. Longer the older one's character is. You can't believe she's nothing? That's the issue, it's not about belief. It's about realizing. Once you hit enlightenment you know you don't exist, not you believe you don't exist. All beliefs are false. Maybe you aren't meant to go all the way? That's cool. Though the show doesn't stop once you become enlightened, then it's shifting back and forth from the nothingness to the dream. For example, if I see a dog in the dream, well I can't pet it or interact with it without a character in that world. So the nothingness must put together some random ego crap that's held together by nails and ductape so it can interact with the dog. Once done, you let it go and return to the nothingness. The dream isn't lost when you become enlightened, you just go from an actor on stage being watched to sitting in the audience watching the show where you used to be.
      Don't try to recreate experiences, that's like trying to plagiarize another story lol. That's ego desiring, thats the wrong way.
      Yup, accepting that everything is nothing is big pill to swallow. It isn't the brain that resists it, it is the ego. The brain is just a radio, it receives signals, it doesn't care what signals it gets. I had a lovely experience of my own. Guess I could share it.
      My initial plateau was back in Oct 2016, woke up like I usually do (granted this was after 6 months of absolute utter hell and my mind being broken), anyway that moment right when you are conscious but haven't opened your eyes yet, I was in that moment but suddenly all I saw was infinite nothingness, just a pinkish hued nothingness in all directions. Like I was inside a damn giant planetary pink gumball lol, however off to the side in what I'd guess would be like 100 feet away or so was a black silhouette, it was the only thing out of all the nothingness. I realized that was "me" but I wasn't over there, I was from a separate view point. Then poof, woke up in bed, sat up straight wide awake and sad aloud, what the fuck was that? At the time I had no clue, wasn't till another 6 months of suffering and digging that I realized oh...I don't exist, then I realized this is enlightenment? Huh...another 6 months passed as I played around with it, still am enlightened now. I was never seeking enlightenment, was never a spiritual person, never even though about the term enlightenment before. But Fate had it's plans and I had no say in the matter.
      You were 25? Well ain't that a strange phenomena, I was to...or maybe 26? Can't recall, age is a thing I don't pay attention to anymore. Seems mid 20's are the sweet spot for people to have a chance at enlightenment...curious indeed.

  • @issness_god
    @issness_god Год назад +8

    Love you, Susanne. We need more ''awake'' people

  • @ericorwoll
    @ericorwoll Год назад +2

    There is legitimate guilt. If you have harmed others, you can't just wish that away. Ultimately nondualism is true, but if in this life you have genuine causes of guilt (karma), you are not exempt from the consequences of your former ignorant actions. Wanting to avoid those real consequences is another form of attachment that will just draw you further away from realizing identity with Brahman. That's what the Advaita Vedanta monks I've dealt with would say, at least. God bless.

  • @ravanti5780
    @ravanti5780 Год назад +3

    It's seen that there isn't a "ME" but the character is frantically trying to resisatat corpse

  • @theNuclearNixons
    @theNuclearNixons Год назад +4

    The Holy gift, the song Lateralus, is based on the Fibonacci sequence, which is present everywhere, from the nautilus, the seashell, DNA, to galaxies. Hence the line "as below so above and beyond, I imagine." The syllables Maynard sings in the first verse follow the first six numbers in the pattern, ascending and descending in the sequence 1-1-2-3-5-8-5-3.
    You are the wave trying to find water. Samadhi is much more feasible to attain when you realize that you were always water. The ocean exists regardless of the waves 🌊, but waves are dependent on the ocean for existence. Likewise, we borrow our existence from Consciousness, which has always been there all along. Our existence is dependent on Consciousness.
    And in doing so, we must not abandon our fullness, our completeness. It was never empty. It was always complete and filled to the brim. We continue to "swing on the spiral 🌀 of our Divinity, and still be a human." 🙂✌
    Song: Lateralus
    Artist: Toolвидео.html
    "As below so above and beyond, I imagine
    Drawn outside the lines of reason
    Push the envelope, watch it bend
    Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind
    Withering my intuition leaving opportunities behind
    Feed my will to feel this moment
    Urging me to cross the line
    Reaching out to embrace the random
    Reaching out to embrace whatever may come
    I embrace my desire to
    I embrace my desire to
    Feel the rhythm, to feel connected
    Enough to step aside and weep like a widow
    To feel inspired
    To fathom the power
    To witness the beauty
    To bathe in the fountain
    To swing on the spiral 🌀
    To swing on the spiral to
    Swing on the spiral
    Of our divinity
    And still be a human"

  • @kimberleyhollyman90
    @kimberleyhollyman90 Год назад +10

    Thank you so much for the reminder. I was struggling today, and suddenly, your channel popped up on my feed. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for helping me to pull up. I was headed for that old downward spiral in my chattering mind. Resonates- yes. Much love. Blessed be.♡

  • @TheodorOnarheim
    @TheodorOnarheim 2 месяца назад

    Thank you ❤ It's so beautiful to hear that you had the same feeling of EVERYTHING is as it should be, even the no, the seeking

  • @Njordok
    @Njordok Год назад +2

    Those 5 police cars circling that cemetery. No rest for the dead 😅

  • @DROCK2265
    @DROCK2265 Год назад +5

    I feel like I understand the ideas like “there is no good or bad” and “what you call your ego is just a story of identification”. I’ve discovered that for myself. But, I personally still have a lot of resistance and “saying no to life” in me. And that supposedly comes from the ego that wants to be different, better, or wants more than “what is”, but what if “what is” is truly unacceptable? There’s so much pointless cruelty and suffering in the world. I feel like an empathetic person can look around them and be disgusted with what we’ve turned life into, but also that some of this is just what life is due to our instinctual inheritance from animals, that there is no “getting better”. And I don’t see what’s so beautiful about that. The amorality of everything seems cruel, even if unconditional love can come in and say “none of this is your or anyone’s fault”

    • @Varryify
      @Varryify Год назад +3

      Finding some things acceptable and some unacceptable already creates a position for the Mind-Made identity (ego) to settle in. Now ofcourse there are energetic patterns that are of a very low vibrational frequency so they are felt as intensely heavy. What could help is understanding that these energetic patterns are in essence unpersonal. The person (ego) just claims it as his. And in that way these patterns get reinforced because the being is as of yet unconscious of it and the person is these patterns at that time. So in that way the innocence of a being is understood even if it identifies with very dense energy. Now everything that exists is in essence unpersonal. You are the AWARENESS behind all these unpersonal 'happenings'. By inviting PRESENCE or AWARENESS these patterns gradually get observed more clearly so you can deenergize these patterns until they get extinguished by the infinite power of presence (LIFE). This has been written through this being because this being is aware of the underlying structures and it wishes to be written and shared. If you find help in these words, that's wonderful. If not, that's also fine. Peace be upon it. Because everything already is.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад

      You've stopped going further. Never stop. Truth doesn't simply give up, it is eternal. The mind or nothingness that is "you" is also eternal. Just gotta realize it. This process is not quick, there is no shortcuts. The older a character is, the longer the road takes. As there's more phony crap to get rid of. To quote Jed McKenna, "The price of truth, is everything. However nobody knows what everything is, until they're paying it." Anything you keep a hold of or a death grip on, is egos claw not yours. Ego refuses to accept that it doesn't exist. Hence why it creates infinite characters, it doesn't know who or what it is, it's trying to validate itself, sadly always stuck in an infinite loop of trying to prove it exists yet nothingness can only ever be nothingness lol.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад +1

      @@Varryify "You" Mr. Phantom are certainly far into Enlightenment. Though it seems a few specs of untruth are trying to peek out in your words. Frequencies for example is not anything. Second, "Life" as you say, is perceived reality, the dream state. Not really accurate to call it life. False life sure. Gotta die before you can live though. I'd swap out the infinite power of life with the infinite nothingness, or T/R.

    • @Varryify
      @Varryify Год назад

      @@ItApproaches I understand. It was only meant to respond to his question and not to be a statement of absolute truth. May I ask what what you mean with Mr. Phantom, I found it rather funny and enjoyable to read. :P And could you explain what T/R is?

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад

      @@Varryify In a dream, you are a "you" but yet a false "you", interacting with other false characters in the dream. I simply call people in perceived life or te dream state phantoms. They just don't know they are, they believe they exist. But they are simply phantom characters. So you are a fellow phantom. T/R is short for True Reality or as some like Jed McKenna prefer, Truth Realized or Truth Realization. Same shit really. Essentially there's perceived reality which is the dream world people believe is real, and there's reality that is truth which is nothingness.

  • @abrahamhawkins1754
    @abrahamhawkins1754 Год назад +2

    It's a feeling of incompleteness. Right and wrong diversifies everything. It's like having binoculars on and then you take them off. For the first time seeing everything. And while it's so rewarding being able to sight information. The knowing can lead to proclivity. Because of identification. And the quantum ideas that are entangled in our energies. Just as you said yourself 🙂 Listening and trusting intuition and feeling. Letting yourself cry. Helps immensely. "Running water never grows stale" You are all precious. You are all beutiful. You are all abundant. I wish for you all the happiest and joyest feelings. Light, Love and peace to all ❤️❤️

  • @christinaforras
    @christinaforras Месяц назад

    Already! 😆🙌🏻 Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! ❤

  • @kebobscat
    @kebobscat Год назад +3

    thank you for sharing♥️

  • @Ron-rk6iz
    @Ron-rk6iz Год назад +3

    Guilt, loneliness, fear etc., is simply the Ego, the Negative.
    Your Soul is the Positive, we need them both ( as a in a Battery ) in order to make a distinction between them.
    Through your body, the instrument, you can manifest by your deeds, who you are.
    Enlightened, or in what ever state a Human Being might be, this is our daily challenge, being alert,
    be the conscious observer of what is happening in your mind.
    Hence, surrendering to the soul is the best defense since your ego is always looking for an opportunity......once you accept that you will go beyond your limits.

  • @aflaz171
    @aflaz171 Год назад

    The body is all I have. Whoever I is! It does a great job of survival.

  • @rogerldav
    @rogerldav Год назад

    Does it seem ironic to anyone else that she speaks of the joy of being with a background of sirens and thunder. Could samsara have been contrasted any better. I don't think so. Amazing.

  • @g_mh
    @g_mh Год назад +2

    This was an awesome video Suzanne! Thank you! 🙏
    The never-ending ambulance in the background at the end of the video was so appropriate.
    Much Ado About Nothing! 😂

  • @Danielle-li1gs
    @Danielle-li1gs Год назад +2

    Your videos always show up when I need them the most. Have a good Day

  • @kaleemishaq
    @kaleemishaq Год назад +1

    Never ever think that people don’t need to hear it.

  • @deleventy
    @deleventy Год назад +2

    Feeling grateful for the peaceful thoughts and clarity. Thanks :)

  • @davinci9503
    @davinci9503 Год назад +2

    I actually love you ms.lady, it's like you understand me more then I understand myself

  • @TaylorQuince19493
    @TaylorQuince19493 Год назад +1

    Miss listening to your wisdom :)

  • @UC241
    @UC241 Год назад +1

    Visual clarity has improved. Nice!

  • @suesullivan8464
    @suesullivan8464 Год назад +1

    Thank you. I have been watching your channel steadily for some weeks now, and I am so grateful to find you speaking about this stretch of the... process I guess. I so appreciate you naming here that the lingering habits and behaviors and thoughts and emotions of Sue arising here are just that -- lingering conditioning, yet to be received fully into awareness and dissolved. I was getting identified with a story of "still failing to wake up" and "not yet doing it right", lol.
    I am bumping up against a fear barrier these days, not sure what to do with it, besides notice and name and get curious about it. It feels inchoate and inscrutable at the moment, but I imagine that will change as well at some point. Identifying with the idea of being in a process, of being on the journey, continues to tangle me into a story, but I am feeling threads unravel with every video of yours I watch. (I love that you are often sitting in a cemetery, transmitting the peace you find yourself in, and always the sirens are wailing somewhere in the city beyond. Such a great metaphor!

  • @davidstrevens9170
    @davidstrevens9170 Год назад +2

    But the mind will resonate with whatever it's attracted to.
    Why do you trust your mind!?
    This message is just another thought-form.
    Otherwise you couldn't speak about it.
    It's spoken of by generating the thought-form that supports it.

  • @katriannam
    @katriannam Год назад +7

    hahaha wow! it's like you did this video just for "me" the imaginary fight is overrrr!! there was never anyone fighting anything. there was never a fight. simply this.

  • @michelracicot2337
    @michelracicot2337 Год назад +2

    Suzanne ! This video totally resonate ! I thank you verry deeply on this one ❤❤❤❤

  • @saralamuni
    @saralamuni Год назад +1

    Om. All Dharmas in their own-being are pure; in my own-being I too am pure!

  • @alxartzen
    @alxartzen Год назад +1

    The thing about good and bad is that good for one is bad for another
    That's the programming that most have undergone, straight line think, like the lines written on the pages of books, straight, the rest of the view is missed or over looked focused on the words written in a linear straight from end to end

  • @Diamondmind369
    @Diamondmind369 Год назад +1

    I would like to talk about what the idea of good and bad is replaced with in a person that has been enlightened, I have found that it is Unconditional divine love and joy not to be mixed up with romantic love.
    We are so lucky to be free of belief and with that comes an ocean of love, that cannot be contained. Love for the simplicity and beauty of awareness and all that is awareness. this love will now guide us down this path.
    when this first happened to me i was a bit lost. I asked does this mean nothing matters... I looked within and to some guides and found that its all way bigger and more beautiful than i could have ever imagined. The divine love that I am now has no greed no hate no conflict of duality. it just simply is nothingness void nirvana. I found my immortality, my eternal life.
    im very lucky that none of this illusion felt real to me once I was shown the path. but I did struggle with a few things. my brain mind body is aware of the awareness and the awareness is now aware of the brain mind body. the brain mind body know that it's being watched and thats how I could tell that what i truly am. the awareness.
    it seems when you are asking and ready this will happen to you. if you told me this a year ago i thought i understood this but had no idea really. I had to look within. to be still and see that the thoughts are not mine. all external.
    also i think it's important understand there are two selfs. the illusion of self and the real self, the metaphysical self the soul or spirit. the awareness does not think it does not feel it simply observes but that is the real self. the true essence of your being. the broadcast to the body the spirit side that is the consubstantiality of spirit and matter.
    thank you for your videos.
    much love

  • @MatthewThomasFunk
    @MatthewThomasFunk Год назад +3

    Susanne, I enjoy your contemplations a lot. You seem to have figured out the enlightenment concept. That we are really in control of nothing but our own thoughts- perceptions. Our brains give us a tool for perceiving and reacting to help us navigate the universe we are apart of.

  • @AgeOfWrestling
    @AgeOfWrestling Год назад +1

    I mean this in the nicest way possible and I mean this as a compliment, you're batshit crazy, and I love it. Subscribed and thank you for your videos.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад +1

      No, she isn't. You simply aren't enlightened. That's all. I am the same as her. Been for years. Truth always is met as crazy when all you have ever known is lies lol. Haven't you heard the saying, truth is stranger then fiction? Sorry friend, but she's speaking nothing but raw logical objective universal truth.

    • @AgeOfWrestling
      @AgeOfWrestling Год назад

      @@ItApproaches Im fully aware that she's speaking the truth, It's just that what she says is so left field that at first hearing it sounds crazy, but it really makes sense. Im fully aware that those that brandish the truth are labelled as crazy. Thats why Im a massive fan of her and in general those that speak the truth. I get labelled crazy for saying weird uncomfortable truths so thats why i said it as a compliment. I could tell from your tone, you thought it was a some sort of insult but rest assured, that was not the intention and I have binged her videos and love her content.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches Год назад

      @@AgeOfWrestling Ah, apologies. Stay frosty.

  • @BenjyO238
    @BenjyO238 Год назад

    This hits me right where I am. Thank you so much!!💙💙💙

  • @kathelapointe
    @kathelapointe Год назад

    side note
    All these sirens...
    Same in my city in Oregon
    are people dying ....what is happening??
    Teach Only Love

  • @beleckis2005
    @beleckis2005 Год назад +1

    I do experience times when guilt or embarrassment is felt but the emptiness reminds me that this is occurring to the ego and not to me. The burden is light. Each time I make the effort to stay in mindfulness within this natural state I feel rewarded through some deep insight. I could describe it as a combination of being wooed by a compassionate lover and wise caregiver. Acceptance and detachment seem to be keys. I do believe I am that which is dissolving the ego and what else could love and care more or better assist in this consciousness evolution.

  • @LukasFliper
    @LukasFliper Год назад +2

    om mani padme hum

  • @justinagonzalez8731
    @justinagonzalez8731 Год назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @russellmason5095
    @russellmason5095 Год назад +1

    Thanks for your video and sharing honestly. I would agree that good and bad are just 'ideas' in terms of the propositional content of our utterances, and that our utterances never adequately describe the world. However, it does not follow from this that there is no good and bad. If there is no good, what was your motive for making the video? Was it an entirely purposeless action with no meaning, or reason or goodness at all?

  • @simeondawkins6358
    @simeondawkins6358 Год назад

    ive lost the ability to love people say way normal people do its both perfect uncondicernal love and also feeling noting about anything its confusing as hell

  • @Youdude2
    @Youdude2 Год назад +1

    If there is no self, then why care for the physical body and not just neglect it of physical exercise and a healthy diet? If I do care for the physical body to remain healthy, how do I accept no self?

    • @patriciaadducci6549
      @patriciaadducci6549 Год назад

      The body wants to feel good, and the mind has the intelligence to discriminate between what's healthy and what's unhealthy. At the same time, your intelligence is questioning 'how do I accept no self?' You don't. You might get curious and look into your own experience of self. I did and I'm happy that people like Suzanne are challenging us on youtube and not starting a church where you must accept authority.

  • @Phivoli
    @Phivoli Год назад

    Thank you for this beautiful message Suzanne. How did you make energetic releases happen? And what do you mean by "there is no change happening"? Thank you!

  • @alexboresricart
    @alexboresricart Год назад +2

  • @scott1572
    @scott1572 6 месяцев назад

    How are the sirens continuously for 20 minutes 😂

  • @shinrinyokumusic1808
    @shinrinyokumusic1808 Год назад +1

    What do you think most contributed in the apparent me falling away? the returning to be aware of awareness practice, or listening to teachers such as Tony Parsons?

  • @yasminel-hakim4348
    @yasminel-hakim4348 Год назад


  • @imransuhail82
    @imransuhail82 Год назад

    Uncompromising message initially sounded alien and unreal to me. Then simplistic and not usable. Now starting to sound sensible and close to truth. Tony Parsons used to sound like gibberish and now sounds direct and honest 😂

  • @saralamuni
    @saralamuni Год назад +1

    Well done, now sit facing the wall for nine years.

  • @billgeoghegan6112
    @billgeoghegan6112 Год назад

    What is the "radical uncompromising message" that you reference? I've heard you allude to this before and it's a little confusing. Could you please clarify?

  • @macparker3549
    @macparker3549 Год назад +4

    Really helpful right now to listen to how this all unfolded/is unfolding for you.
    You talk about the “uncompromising message,” but what I find in your voice is that while you don’t mince words, you are also deeply compassionate about the human experience. As a result, your expression of this cuts to the core, but it doesn’t come off as harsh or cold.
    Grateful for this delicate balance.

    • @75accamargo
      @75accamargo Год назад +2

      Hi Mac! Happy new year! 😊🕊️

    • @macparker3549
      @macparker3549 Год назад +2

      And to you, Analuiza! Glad to see you…

    • @75accamargo
      @75accamargo Год назад +1

      @@macparker3549 🙏🏻😊✨🕊️

  • @dwai963
    @dwai963 Год назад


  • @Jesmeir
    @Jesmeir Год назад +1

    I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned this before, but to me it seems many of your beliefs and perspectives aline with Taoism/Daoism, though keep in mind I think my understanding of Taoism is still relatively shallow

  • @dolly_llamas_tea
    @dolly_llamas_tea Год назад +2

    My question is, do you recommend everyone experience this awakening?

    • @mike8147
      @mike8147 Год назад +1

      Letting go of the self and dissolving the illusionary state is necessary from my experiences in this "awakening" state . It's not easy to fight the ego. You're question is quite strange. She's not recommending anything to anyone but giving her experiences of spiritual growth and the understanding of her awakening. You must go through your own struggles and suffering to get a glimpse of this. Self evaluation is key, until you realize the self is also an illusion. Good luck.

    • @dolly_llamas_tea
      @dolly_llamas_tea Год назад +1

      @@mike8147 thank you! I agree it’s definitely not easy to fight the ego. The ego is my best friend and I’m grateful for all we’ve been through.

  • @Spiritisnobody86
    @Spiritisnobody86 Год назад

    (Me never) only I.
    I or myself.
    No form=Non duality.
    Different is duality.
    I without form is Non duality.
    You don't move the body. The spirit moves the body. There is no free will. We do not control.
    People think they control. But they control nothing.
    He who controls dreams.
    The one that flows awakes.

  • @mol4805
    @mol4805 Год назад +1

    No doubt we live in the matrix, time is an illusion as well as what we perceive as reality. This is quantum physics.
    You seem to be missing something. What about oneness, connection to GOD/ source.
    We have a mind and body but we are our souls. Life’s about finding our true selves.

  • @alxartzen
    @alxartzen Год назад

    Is it a contraction or an openness of vast space as opposed to a confined restricted space, that eye call the programming

  • @evglenka1
    @evglenka1 Год назад

    How did you achieve this enlighten state?

  • @simeondawkins6358
    @simeondawkins6358 Год назад

    Ide love to chat with u cos u r a bit more down the path then i am ive been restisting the process its to much like death for the ego

  • @robertlittleford4617
    @robertlittleford4617 Год назад +1


  • @dansmith8174
    @dansmith8174 Год назад

    🤔... There are stories that you can say... have inner/spiritual esoteric truth's messages within. Most people need to believe in the social accepted way of life reality, and these messages are put into words... and words cannot express the nature of the experience you; 'Suzanne'.... or anyone are having. :)... rather confusing to listen and believe you understand the idea or concepts, lol, I know for me it's practically impossible to express in words.. people just think I took too many drugs, if I
    I listen to Suzanne Non-duality.... it's rather uncommon to see a vid with a young attractive American woman that can look within with intensity.... some compare this practice as looking into the abyss.. for some humans, in this current society, they will fight to the death to avoid looking into this bottomless pit full of unfamiliar inner truths/reality....Fear is a powerful tool to maintain a control of society for a system which we all are experiencing... The longer I experience examining the abyss, the deeper it goes... haha, it's like skating around the rim of abyss, getting glimpses, then trying to confidently confirm explain you 'know' what you have chanced to glimpse upon... For me to believe I 'know' anything, is the way to reduce an open mind upon those objects within the abyss.. I do have some biases, and the reason I am not completely alone in a way.... Thank you Suzanne :)

  • @braintonguerottalk
    @braintonguerottalk Год назад

    Guys new cult just dropped

  • @pickacaranddriver
    @pickacaranddriver Год назад

    I have commented on another video before, saying that I wonder what your sense of non-duality is like. And I wonder what exactly made you come to this understanding. Have you uploaded a video on any experiences you went through (psychedelics, meditation, etc.) to come to this discovery?
    I definitely get the sense of dancing between worlds. I feel that I often analyze myself from the outside. I comment on things I do in the third person often lol, e.g., sometimes I will say something funny followed by, "Wow. He really just said that lol." I feel that I have nothing to prove to anyone, but from the perspective of society, corporations, hiring managers, and all the people that hold my identity back from success, I do have something to prove. I do not have to prove anything to them to reach actualization, only to attain the freedom that comes via wealth. I feel that the identity is the vehicle that must be used to have novel experiences. We need to use the identity to master skills, conquer challenges, gain wealth, etc. So I feel that the dance is a good thing, and one might liken it to breathing. Inhaling and exhaling. A wave. Up and down. You go into one world, get bored, and then back into the other so that novelty can continue. Clinging to the identity too tightly can probably be unhealthy / burdensome / tiring, and clinging to non-duality to tightly is probably boring.

  • @JoeyKastelic777
    @JoeyKastelic777 Год назад


  • @Anastasia-oy2zp
    @Anastasia-oy2zp Год назад +1

    All words and ideas are absolutely useless

  • @atz6212
    @atz6212 Год назад

    What's the point in all this the dream was I was sleeping with you in the cemetery 🪦

  • @rosa-boom-nonduality
    @rosa-boom-nonduality Год назад +2
