Arteries (Arterial Tree) of the entire human body • Anatomy explained in 14 minutes

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 133

  • @KarthikEasvur
    @KarthikEasvur 5 лет назад +63

    1. Coronary arteries - 0:27
    2. Upper limb arteries - 1:10
    3. Head and neck arteries - 3:53
    4. Thoracic aorta arteries - 5:55
    5. Abdominal aortic arteries - 7:06
    6. Ilial arteries - 10:25
    7. Lower limb arteries - 11:35

  • @inikeelite
    @inikeelite 4 года назад +61

    I watch it everyday before sleeping 🙌🏻

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  4 года назад +8

      Ya... Its good for the revision... Thank you...

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  4 года назад +3


    • @scobitoscarlet3786
      @scobitoscarlet3786 3 года назад +5

      I'm not sure but ,if anyone else needs to find out about human anatomy charts online try Laophiaa Cranial Blueprint (just google it ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my mate got great results with it.

    • @quur1915
      @quur1915 Год назад

      ​@@scobitoscarlet3786I could not find anything, can u send me a link ?

  • @gulzarahmad9046
    @gulzarahmad9046 3 года назад +96

    Arterial supply of the body in 15 mins.
    #Heart Blood supply:.
    Aorta arises from the left ventricle as Aortic root then forms the Asending Aorta , continuous as Aortic Arch and then continuous as Desending thoracic Aorta . The Arch of Aorta has three branches. Brachiocephalic trunk divided into Right Common carotid and Right subclavian Artery. The Other two arch branches are Left Common Carotid and Left Subclavian Artery.
    The first branch of the Asending Aorta are the Coronary Arteries.
    The right Coronary artery crosses along the Ateroventicular groove it give rises the posterior Desending artery and posterolateral venticular branches it also give few Marginal branches .Left Main Artery burficate ( divided) into the left Anterior desending(LAD) and circumflex arteries.
    left Anterior desending Artery(LAD) gives arises the septal and diagonal branches .The circumflex Artery gives arises the few Marginal branches ...
    #Upperlimb blood supply:.
    The subclavian Artery is divides into three parts by sclaneus Anterior Muscle.
    The 1st part give rise to three branches Internal thoracic Artery, Vertebral Artery and thyrocervical trunk. The thyrocervical trunk gives a three branches suprascapular Artery, Inferior thyroid Artery and Transverse cervical Artery.
    2nd part give rise the costo cervical trunk which split into Superior Intercostal and deep cervical Artery.
    The 3rd part give the Dorsal scapular Artery.
    The subclavian Artery continue As Axillary Artery from the other border of 1st rib.
    It is divided into three parts by pectoralis Minor muscle.The 1st part give rise the 1st branch Superior thoracic Artery.
    The 2nd part give rise two branches Thoraco Acromion Artery and Lateral Thoracic Artery.
    Thoraco Acromion Artery split into four branches pectoral,Acromial, Clavicular, deltoid.
    The 3rd part of Axillary Artery give rise the three branches subscapular, posterior humeral circumflex Artery and Anterior humeral circumflex Artery.
    The Axillary Artery continuous as branchial Artery from the lower border of teres major Muscle. The branchial Artery terminates into Radial and ulnar Arteries.
    It give rise to profunda brachii Artery , superior and inferior ulnar collateral Arteries.
    The Radial Artery give rise to Radial recurrent and Superficial palmar branch the ulnar Artery give rise the Anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent Arteries. Common Interosseous Artery which give rise the Anterior , posterior and Recurrent Interosseous arteries.
    The ulnar Artery at wrist divides into superficial and deep branch .
    The superficial branch from the superficial palmar Arch which give rise the four common digital palmar Arteries.which in turn give rise to proper palmar digital arteries .
    The Radial Artery continuous as deep palmar Arch and Anastomosis with deep branch of ulna Artery. The deep palmar Arch give rise to princeps pollicis artery and radialis Indicis Artery.
    #Head and Neck:.
    Common carotid artery divides into External and internal carotid Arteries.
    The External carotid artery terminates into superficial Temporal and Maxillary Arteries.
    The Anterior branches are Superior thyroid artery, Lingual artery and Facial Artery.
    The Medial or deep branches ascending pharyngeal Artery and two posterior branches are the occipital and posterior Auricular arteries.
    The Internal Cartoid Artery has a no branches in cervical part.The pectros cavinius and cerebral part give rises to many branches.The important onces are discuss here.
    The Internal Cartoid Artery divides to form the middle cerebral Artery and Anterior Cerebral Artery.It also give rise the post communicating Artery,the opthalmic Artery and Anterior choroidal Artery.
    Inside the skull,the two Vertebral Arteries join to form the Basilar Artery and Base of the pons .
    The Basilar Artery is the main blood supply to the Brain stem and connects to the circule Ambalance to potentially supply the rest of the Brain there is compromise to one of the carotids.
    Vertebral Artery give rise the Anterior Spinal Artery.
    The Bascilar Artery give rise to the Anterior and Inferior Cerebellar Artery.
    The Superior Cerebellar Artery and divides into posterior Cerebellar Artery. It also give the Medial pontine branches.
    (Complete the circule of the Willis)..
    #Branches of the Desending Thoracic Aorta:.
    The desending Aorta start at the level of 4 thoracic vertebral body As the continuation of the Aortic Arch .It exit from the thorax and continuing as the abdominal Aorta. As it crosses the Aortic Hiatus in the diaphragm at the level of 12 Thoracic vertebrae.
    It give rise the 9 pairs of posterior intercostal arteries upto 11th Intercostal spaces.
    It also gives appear to subcostal Artery and appear Superior phrenic Artery.
    The 1st and 2nd Intercostal Artery arises from the Superior Intercostal Artery which is the branch of costocervical trunk of subclavian Artery. The other branches of Desending thoracic Aorta are Esophageal, Mediastinal and Bronchial Arteries .There are two Bronchial Artery One on left and one on the right.
    #Abdominal Aorta branches:.
    Abdominal Aorta is the continuation of the Desending Thoracic Aorta from the Aortic Hiatus. It extend and bifurcation into Common Iliac Arteries.
    Firstly we well see the five lateral Abdominal wall Branches ,Inferior Phrenic Artery and 4 lumbar Arteries.Next we see the Three lateral Visceral branches , Middle suprarenal Artery ,Renal Artery and Gonadal Arteries (testicular in males and Ovarian artery in females)
    Inferior Phrenic Artery give rise to the
    superior super renal Artery and Renal Artery give rise the Inferior Super renal Arteries.
    To see the Three AnteriorVisceral branches Celiac trunk , Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Arteries.
    Celiac trunk Arises at the level of 12 Thoracic vertebrae. The Celiac Artery supply blood to the liver , stomach , Abdominal Esophagus,spleen and superiorly have both duodenum and pancreas. These structure correspond the Embryonic forgut. Its divides into Common hepatic,splenic and left Gastric arteries.
    The Left Gastric artery gives the Gastric and Esophageal branches .The Common hepatic artery branches into proper hepatic artery . Gastroduodenal and Right Gastric arteries .
    Proper hepatic Artery divides into Right and left
    Hepatic Arteries. Right hepatic artery gives the cystic artery , Gastroduodenal artery divides into superior pancreatico duodenal and Right Gastro epiploic artery. Right Gastric artery runs along the lesser curvature of the stomach..
    Superior Mesenteric artery arises at the level of 1st lumbar vertebrae It supply the Intestine from the part of the Duodenum through transverse colon as well as pancreas.these structure corresponding the Embryonic midgut. It give rise the Inferior pancreatico duodenal artery,Jejunal artery, ileal artery,iliocolic artery, right colic and middle colic Arteries.Ilio colic artery give rise the Anterior and posterior Caecal artery. Appendicular branch arises from the posterior Caecal artery.
    Inferior Mesenteric artery arises at the level of 3rd lumbar vertebrae ( IMA).The tritude distribution of the IMA( Inferior Mesenteric Artery)is equivalent to the Embryonic hindgut that is ,It supply to the large intestine from splanic puture to the upper part of the rectum.which include Desending colon and the Sigmoid colon it give rise the left colic artery sigmoid Artery and it continuous as superior rectal artery .
    The medial sacral artery is a small single posterior branch of the distal Abdominal Aorta.(#Gulzar Ahmad Facebook page)
    #Lowerlimb Blood supply.
    Common Iliac Artery divides into the External and Internal Iliac Artery .
    The External Iliac Artery passes when the Ingunial ligament and becomes Common Femoral Artery (CFA) .The External Iliac Artery give rise the Inferior Epigastric and deep circumflex Iliac Artery these vessels supply blood to the Muscles and skin in lower Abdominal wall .
    Internal Iliac Artery Divided into Anterior and posterior Divisions.
    The posterior division give rise the Iliolumbar Artery,Lateral Sacral Artery and the Superior Gluteal Artery .
    The Anterior Division give rise the Umbilical Artery, superior Vesicular Artery Raises from it (Branch of Umbilical Artery).In some people the Superior Vesicular Artery raises as a separate Branch .other branches of an Anterior divisions are the Obturator Artery ,Inferior Vesicular Artery in male and Vaginal Artery in Female, Middle rectal Artery , Internal pudendal Artery and Inferior Gluteal Artery.In females there is an Additional branch called uterine Artery .
    The Common Femoral Artery (CFA) is an continuation of the External Iliac Artery. It giverise the superficial Epigastric Artery and Superficial and Deep External Pudendal Arteries and Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery.
    The Common Femoral Artery Continuous as Superficial Femoral Artery after it gives a Profunda femoris Artery .The Profunda femoris gives 4 Perforators Branches .Lateral and medial circumflex Femoral arteries
    the Superficial Femoral Artery becomes a popliteal artery after crossing a Hiatus Magnus before it crosses it gives desending genicular Artery .
    Popliteal Artery crosses through popliteal fossa and ends at the lower border of popliteus Muscle Where it gives branches into the Anterior tibial Artery and Tibiopreoneal trunk .
    When the Anterior tibial Artery crosses the Anterior Aspect of the Ankle joint it becomes a Dorsalis pedis Artery .
    Tibiopreoneal trunk divided into the posterior tibial Artery and peroneal Artery.
    Posterior tibial Artery passes posteriorly to the medial Malleolus
    The posterior tibial Artery giverise the lateral planter and medial planter arteries.
    The lateral planter Artery join with deep planter branch of Dorsalis pedis artery to form the planter Arch ......
    For further posts visit the facebook page
    #Gulzar Ahmad#
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  • @karunamuthe441
    @karunamuthe441 5 лет назад +12

    This is the best ever video about arterial system of body . The most easily understood and helpful tutorial . Looking forward for venous system as well as nervous system tutorials.

  • @palusakarthik1524
    @palusakarthik1524 5 лет назад +9

    This is the best ever anatomy video I watched.
    Thank you sir

  • @PettyBlue1
    @PettyBlue1 5 лет назад +7

    This helps so much to understand things visually

  • @dr.rangrej
    @dr.rangrej Год назад +1

    Best video explain very complex arterial tree in very simple way, very easy to remember all the arteries,
    I feel like i have photographic memory😎 thanks🙏 sir

  • @MedicalSnippet
    @MedicalSnippet  4 года назад +2

    Venous anatomy of the human bodyвидео.html

  • @alphonseelric7361
    @alphonseelric7361 2 года назад +1

    Deserves an award !!

  • @syedabasma1805
    @syedabasma1805 Год назад +1

    Amazing bro thank you ❤️ you make me clear all my confusion

  • @Godsfavorite903
    @Godsfavorite903 4 года назад +9

    All medical schools should teach this first before teaching any arteries... we can find locations with maps...

  • @shrijith.c40
    @shrijith.c40 2 года назад +1

    Best video ever watched

  • @meowcatmeow_
    @meowcatmeow_ 11 месяцев назад +1

    very useful for cutting thanks

  • @DrRoton-ln5br
    @DrRoton-ln5br 7 месяцев назад +2


  • @user-lr6js5rc3q
    @user-lr6js5rc3q Год назад +1

    Very useful, and informative thank you ❤

  • @laetaniabelaidjandam158
    @laetaniabelaidjandam158 5 лет назад +2

    great and clear explanation!

  • @milohuss6404
    @milohuss6404 5 лет назад +2

    so helpful thank you

  • @anithareddy9177
    @anithareddy9177 2 года назад +1

    Wow.....too good
    Thank you

  • @MaliamAngel97
    @MaliamAngel97 4 года назад +1


  • @abdelmonemasoliman6328
    @abdelmonemasoliman6328 Год назад +1

    Amazing bro, thank you 💙💪

  • @HarshaVardhanG-qu3ff
    @HarshaVardhanG-qu3ff 4 месяца назад +1

    Sir you didn't mention branches of internal thoracic artery

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  4 месяца назад

      yes, I'll make a separate video on it...

  • @prepladderfree1470
    @prepladderfree1470 4 года назад +1

    Very impressive useful information

  • @Nursing_afasar
    @Nursing_afasar Год назад +1

    It's amazing 🤩🤩

  • @ahmadsalameh7523
    @ahmadsalameh7523 3 года назад +1

    Amazing explanation 👏🏻

  • @sargab6461
    @sargab6461 4 года назад +1

    Thank you

  • @saichithu4243
    @saichithu4243 Год назад

    Sir kind request , please put surgery vedio like cabg ,MVR,asd,

  • @ayabarakat7934
    @ayabarakat7934 3 года назад +1

    Thank you 🌺

  • @ismailelabbadi2590
    @ismailelabbadi2590 4 года назад +1

    Little rectification, the superior phrenic artery comes from the the Internal thoracic artery not the aorta

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  4 года назад +2

      They usually arise from lower part of thoracic aorta... They anastomose with the branches of internal thoracic artery as you mentioned... Namely musculophrenic and pericardiophrenic arteries

    • @ismailelabbadi2590
      @ismailelabbadi2590 4 года назад


  • @noshinrahmanchowdhury4204
    @noshinrahmanchowdhury4204 3 года назад +1

    Thank u so much

  • @aashmaacharya8025
    @aashmaacharya8025 4 года назад +1

    Superb video

  • @mbehera9625
    @mbehera9625 Год назад +1

    I enjoyed the music.

  • @pankajgang1366
    @pankajgang1366 2 года назад

    Simple and excellent,👌👌👌

  • @totallythandi2555
    @totallythandi2555 4 года назад +1


  • @82.snehag39
    @82.snehag39 4 года назад +2

    THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!

  • @Eatal-q7w
    @Eatal-q7w 2 года назад +1

    I understast ur vidio l like and sub
    Awsome 😎 vidio

  • @mohammedfawaz2205
    @mohammedfawaz2205 3 года назад +1

    Please make video of nerves too

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  3 года назад

      already made... please check the recent videos...

  • @zamzammahamud7204
    @zamzammahamud7204 Год назад +1


  • @SarathKumar-rz9pb
    @SarathKumar-rz9pb 3 года назад

    Thank you so much sir

  • @jasminakther5590
    @jasminakther5590 5 лет назад +2

    Very useful video...

  • @aliahsanshahid8212
    @aliahsanshahid8212 3 года назад +1

    Tysm sir😊✨

  • @madhuekanayake5721
    @madhuekanayake5721 3 года назад +1


  • @Keerthii19
    @Keerthii19 2 года назад +1

    Looking for nerve supply as well

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  2 года назад

      Hi... already uploaded in the channel... please do check it out...

  • @syahdikadafi4356
    @syahdikadafi4356 3 года назад +1

    Greaat thanks 🙏

  • @asadgondal4250
    @asadgondal4250 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @suryapaul6493
    @suryapaul6493 3 года назад +1


  • @somunaezeoke3956
    @somunaezeoke3956 5 лет назад +5

    Really good video. Is there one for veins of the body?

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  5 лет назад +4

      Thank you... Planning to create and upload it...

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  4 года назад +1

      Venous anatomy video uploadedвидео.html

    • @motivationtostrive1216
      @motivationtostrive1216 2 года назад +1

      @@MedicalSnippet thanks I Just needed the both, please keep going

    • @MedicalSnippet
      @MedicalSnippet  2 года назад +1

      @@motivationtostrive1216 thank you

  • @noorsyed7984
    @noorsyed7984 5 лет назад +2


  • @gopannasaitharunreddy5668
    @gopannasaitharunreddy5668 5 лет назад +3

    very needful to revise all things at once .

  • @airclamarkthrills7962
    @airclamarkthrills7962 3 года назад +1


  • @amalrajantosimonraj5765
    @amalrajantosimonraj5765 5 лет назад +2


  • @marryamfarid6935
    @marryamfarid6935 Год назад +1


  • @Aaa-io4ik
    @Aaa-io4ik 4 года назад

    Bunu türkçeye çevirebilecek bi allahın kulu yokmu

  • @doctorsyco9108
    @doctorsyco9108 3 года назад

    Da la sa waya 🤣

  • @mango5887
    @mango5887 2 года назад

    مهمترین چیز بهتر شدن زندگی مردمه غیر از اون چیز دیگه ای نیست می تونی برای کینگیسم بری زیر خاک

  • @mango5887
    @mango5887 2 года назад

    end game

  • @rodney_cbm555
    @rodney_cbm555 3 года назад +1

    Thank you