Usually a PC gets some sort of save before falling in the trap, is there a way to automate this save before activating the trap or is it just a manual dice call
@@5HT_Ronin Here is a list of all the Modules I use. Actually Private Rolls (to hide GM roles) Ambient Doors (creates sounds to open/close doors) Better Rolls for 5e (improved rolling - helps with combat, crits, etc.) Chat Portrait (chat bubble on icon) Combat Ready! (a combat countdown - I give my players only 1 minute to complete a turn in combat) Compendium Folders (helps organize the Compendium for me and my players) Dancing Lights (for animated fire) Dice So Nice (to see the dice when rolling) Dice Tray (creates an easy to use dice tray in the lower right) Dynamic Effects (for special effects) Ernie's Modern UI (for customizing the UI) Follow Me! (to have a NPC follow a character - we are playing with a dog who follows the character) Forien's Easy Polls (if a player want to have a poll) GM Notes (For notes in my journal that players cannot read) Let Me Roll That For You (I can send a message to a player to roll for saving throws, checks, and other needs) Loot Sheet NPC 5e (for creating the shop keeper) Multilevel Tokens (for creating traps, moving between floors) Pick-Up-Stix (for creating containers - like chests, footlockers and other things for loot and gold) Polygot (for writing in different D&D languages) Tidy UI (helps with the UI) Tidy5e Sheet (my favorite character sheet - allows players to keep journals in their character sheets) Token Action HUD (creates a HUD - great for a DM to roll for NPCs without having to open a character sheet) Token Tooltip (pop-up with info about characters - like their AC, HP, etc) Turn Marker (for marking the player during their combat turn) VTT ASSETS modules (for porting D&D Beyond and Iconizer and Tokenizer) I hope this helps. Thanks again for your interest.
Very cool and easy....great stuff 👏
Another good module for traps is Trigger Happy
Thanks for sharing...will check it out
Usually a PC gets some sort of save before falling in the trap, is there a way to automate this save before activating the trap or is it just a manual dice call
You can roll a d20 against either the party or first person's passive perception and then TURN ON the trap if they fail it. Just a thought.
what interface mod are you using?
I am using Foundry VTT
I am hosting using the cloud service Forge
Thank you for watching!
@@PyramKing yeah I meant what mod to have the interface look like that. I use Foundry too
Here is a list of all the Modules I use.
Actually Private Rolls (to hide GM roles)
Ambient Doors (creates sounds to open/close doors)
Better Rolls for 5e (improved rolling - helps with combat, crits, etc.)
Chat Portrait (chat bubble on icon)
Combat Ready! (a combat countdown - I give my players only 1 minute to complete a turn in combat)
Compendium Folders (helps organize the Compendium for me and my players)
Dancing Lights (for animated fire)
Dice So Nice (to see the dice when rolling)
Dice Tray (creates an easy to use dice tray in the lower right)
Dynamic Effects (for special effects)
Ernie's Modern UI (for customizing the UI)
Follow Me! (to have a NPC follow a character - we are playing with a dog who follows the character)
Forien's Easy Polls (if a player want to have a poll)
GM Notes (For notes in my journal that players cannot read)
Let Me Roll That For You (I can send a message to a player to roll for saving throws, checks, and other needs)
Loot Sheet NPC 5e (for creating the shop keeper)
Multilevel Tokens (for creating traps, moving between floors)
Pick-Up-Stix (for creating containers - like chests, footlockers and other things for loot and gold)
Polygot (for writing in different D&D languages)
Tidy UI (helps with the UI)
Tidy5e Sheet (my favorite character sheet - allows players to keep journals in their character sheets)
Token Action HUD (creates a HUD - great for a DM to roll for NPCs without having to open a character sheet)
Token Tooltip (pop-up with info about characters - like their AC, HP, etc)
Turn Marker (for marking the player during their combat turn)
VTT ASSETS modules (for porting D&D Beyond and Iconizer and Tokenizer)
I hope this helps.
Thanks again for your interest.
Based and pallypilled, most pally players are not too bright lmfao
Nice work. Don't pick on Paladins :)