Happy Mondays: Wrote For Luck, Manchester, 1989.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 286

  • @stustig9430
    @stustig9430 2 года назад +21

    RIP Paul Ryder - a great guy, gave us something proper to party too

  • @sugarayofsunshine
    @sugarayofsunshine 11 лет назад +33

    Love it. Ryder is awesome. A great time in musical history.

  • @newrybhoy74
    @newrybhoy74 Год назад +3

    Paul Ryder. Top. RIP man. So sad to loose him, and Craig Gill from Inspiral Carpets also. Hope Happy Mondays don't go down the Inspiral Carpets route, replacing members or indeed the singer like the Inspirals did. God they are an absolute joke the Inspiral Carpets these days. Viva The Mondays RIP Paul, what a great legacy you've left for us all

  • @arcamead1
    @arcamead1 2 года назад +7

    Fantastic,what a time to be 19,thanks RIP Paul Ryder 💙

    • @osheal
      @osheal 2 года назад

      great times :)

    • @kaimarmalade9660
      @kaimarmalade9660 2 года назад +1

      You used to speak the truth but now you're clever.

    • @arcamead1
      @arcamead1 2 года назад

      @@kaimarmalade9660 You used to speak the truth
      But now you're liar

    • @steve40092
      @steve40092 10 месяцев назад

      17 in my case, also fkin brilliant

  • @ah197012
    @ah197012 25 дней назад

    Reminds me of my time at Newcastle Poly from 1988 to 1990 with all the nights out and gigs. The Mondays played a couple of times. Great memories of living totally in the moment would love to go back to those days in an instant!!. Thanks for posting

  • @newrybhoy74
    @newrybhoy74 4 года назад +28

    Amazing times. The last great organic musical movement was Madchester. Modays, Roses, and Inspirals were the holy Manc trinity. Shaun Ryder and the Happy Mondays were like Jim Morrison and The Doors. Made up lyrics and never knowing what state they were gonna be in. Saw The Mondays so so many times in 87-90. Many times they were beyond shit due to drink and drugs yet still utterly memorable even though they were wank. But when they were on tip top form. My God. Spell binding. Madchester was like punk, in ethos and spirit. Britpop was just media driven media savvy drivel. No soul in Oasis and Blur. The Happy Mondays, The Stone Roses and Inspiral Carpets. Not media savvy just pure raw musical talent coming from a pure and raw place. Beautiful times, beautiful memories

    • @alisonmccourt9180
      @alisonmccourt9180 Год назад

      No it was britpop.

    • @glenndouglas8822
      @glenndouglas8822 Год назад

      Madchester lol it was rave/ baggy. Only the press called it madchester lol

    • @steve40092
      @steve40092 10 месяцев назад +1

      only the mondays did anything original out of them

    • @steve40092
      @steve40092 10 месяцев назад

      and out of them only Pulp and Super Furry Animals did anything remotely new@@alisonmccourt9180

  • @lemmy74
    @lemmy74 8 месяцев назад +3

    Not a phone insight! Enjoying the moment..Good times!

  • @markybgoode
    @markybgoode 11 лет назад +11

    Love the way the guitar is up front in the mix. He plays lots of rhythmic stuff and is all over the guitat neck jammin' on stuff you don't hear on the fantastic studio recordings.

  • @coltsuperocean10
    @coltsuperocean10 11 лет назад +7

    ..what a fookin gem! The Mondays- brilliant!

  • @KIDAmnesiacBends
    @KIDAmnesiacBends 15 лет назад +56

    i know....everybody raves on about shaun and bez, but the musicians are so underrated.....

  • @michaelmurray9641
    @michaelmurray9641 9 лет назад +9

    mesmerized by the Mondays sound we were back in the day hypnotic vocals of ryder

    • @steve40092
      @steve40092 10 месяцев назад

      im a big parliament / funkadelic fan, mondays remind me off them, to me they're always a funk bad

  • @jncfc1967
    @jncfc1967 6 лет назад +11

    I can’t remember a lot about the 90’s so hopefully I had a great time 😎

    • @neilaspin008
      @neilaspin008 5 лет назад +2

      Why were you on Zopiclone......I remember every single bit.......can't remember what I went into the kitchen for just now, but that's a different matter.

    • @polydactylstrangle
      @polydactylstrangle 3 года назад

      Mitsubishis or doves? 😄

  • @jdysontube
    @jdysontube 2 года назад +2

    Not one camera phone, everyone living in the moment. I feel sorry for the people of today who will never experience living in the moment

  • @danholliday5564
    @danholliday5564 4 года назад +17

    It's 2020. Second lockdown. To be there in that crowd would be a dream. Amazing footage of a great era. Naughty, naughty.

    • @markbtv11
      @markbtv11 3 года назад +6

      No one in this video would have entertained a lockdown. It never would have been allowed to happen. The people would have realised it was a scam from day 1.

    • @polydactylstrangle
      @polydactylstrangle 3 года назад +1

      These time's sadly taken for granted, memories are still strong, who knows, after all this bullshit..... crazy shit like this will re-emerge

    • @colnixon8989
      @colnixon8989 3 года назад +2

      @@markbtv11 How does this scam work?

    • @davestrain9529
      @davestrain9529 3 года назад

      @@colnixon8989 because they are 24 Hour party people?

  • @andyallen7437
    @andyallen7437 7 лет назад +47

    it was a great to be 17 in 1989 , E and the whole scene was life changing , it could never happen again in england , the last musical revolution we'll ever see, last one out turn off the light's

    • @matmc71
      @matmc71 6 лет назад +5

      andy allen Fucking fortune teller are ya? Who knows what could happen in the future. Todays music is shit but punk came as a kick against prog rock and acid house was completely drug inspired. The next generation after these blandoids might invent something.... we dont know

    • @jjarvis007
      @jjarvis007 6 лет назад

      never underestimate the ability of youth of albion to come up with another way to get of their swedes fella....this sounds a bit like crossby stills and nash anyroad.... :-)

    • @jayreeby8873
      @jayreeby8873 6 лет назад

      It was!

    • @jayreeby8873
      @jayreeby8873 6 лет назад +3

      I agree with Andy. There won't be any fucking thing as good as 89 90's again.

    • @lucasm3879
      @lucasm3879 5 лет назад +3

      andy allen
      That attitude of using the time you were born as some kind of badge of superiority is really lame. Yes the late 80's were brilliant, don't try and claim it was all sunshine and rainbows all the time though.
      The Manchester scene was going downhill quickly with all the gangs and violence by the end of '90.
      The Hacienda was constantly struggling with violence, as well as Konspiracy, Home and others being shut down because of shootings and gangs raiding the doors.
      People like you make it sound like some kind of fantasy nirvana just so you can boast about being around at the time.

  • @bascet1
    @bascet1 10 лет назад +44

    Imagine young people coming up with this these days??? Might sound like my old fella but it's fucking true!! Mondays don't get the credit they deserve! I'm proud to be from the same city as these lads!! Viva Mancunia .....MCFC M20

    • @jjarvis007
      @jjarvis007 7 лет назад

      No Surrender. Never Give In. Once the temporal shockwaves have settled down from this fookin sonic eartquake in space and time, the youth of Albion will rise and reassert themselves via the medium of subversion, subculture blah blah blah... :-)

    • @jjarvis007
      @jjarvis007 7 лет назад


    • @lucasm3879
      @lucasm3879 5 лет назад

      They were innovative for pushing to create their own indie dance sound, even before house music and ecstasy came along. Sean was a clever and creative lyricist and Mark Day was actually a talented guitarist.
      Oakenfold and Osborne had a big hand in why Pills n Thrills sounded the way it did though. The Mondays didn't sound anywhere near as good live as they did on record.

    • @liamfan
      @liamfan 5 лет назад

      @ROBERT DEAN Saw them live in Milwaukee and went out of there feeling stoned out of my gourd without the benefit of drugs

    • @68majortom
      @68majortom 5 лет назад

      @@lucasm3879 you can work that one out with this, the Mondays walked it like they talked it, they didn't stop using drugs n bevvy on Gig night, it was their excuse to use even more, half the band's these days take a line & before you know it they're in some swanky rehab centre this lot were the real deal think & the Youth of the day related to it
      cos they were singing about what was happening on the street glad to say I was one of them✌️

  • @megamollie9
    @megamollie9 7 лет назад +4

    of the time! was awesome now its gone but the tingles remain...good times :: )

  • @Bish66Bosh
    @Bish66Bosh 12 лет назад +8

    I was there ! :D

  • @tntturnip
    @tntturnip 15 лет назад +3

    I love the way everyone is on stage! either that or their just is no stage?? very cool, a peoples band! Love them!!

  • @MrTheTatta
    @MrTheTatta 14 лет назад +4

    Brilliant! Music, energy and footage tops. Mondays peak in audio and vid. Give me nostrills and basspounding and im off like a timemachine.

  • @DanielHarold
    @DanielHarold 5 лет назад +3

    Just people loving music and loving life and escaping it all wish i could of been late teens back then lucky bastards lol

  • @lisamynigga2525
    @lisamynigga2525 7 лет назад +2

    Love it probably forever

  • @andyharvey3730
    @andyharvey3730 9 лет назад +4

    briliant video happy mondays at their best

  • @rossfraser3415
    @rossfraser3415 4 года назад +3

    This band are one of the best bands ever ......simple

    @IAMVIM 16 лет назад +2

    thankyou tony....

  • @barryls
    @barryls 14 лет назад +8

    I was at this show, which was filmed to celebrate the end of the series of The Other Side Of Midnight. I don't think Anthony Wilson knew if there was to be another series so he wanted it to go out with a bang. A Guy Called Gerald also played. Very chaotic, but a great afternoon out!

    • @wungabunga
      @wungabunga 2 года назад +1

      Where was it? I've just noticed a couple of lads from my old school. They look so young!

    • @blagger116
      @blagger116 2 года назад +1

      @@wungabunga It was recorded at the old Granada studios on Quay Street in Manchester.

  • @AndrewBooker-o8c
    @AndrewBooker-o8c 8 месяцев назад

    I wish it was playing like this 1 amazing

  • @ms-jl6dl
    @ms-jl6dl Год назад +1

    This is brilliant.

  • @AndrewBooker-o8c
    @AndrewBooker-o8c 8 месяцев назад

    Amazing thanks love it people ☮️

  • @jayoliver67
    @jayoliver67 16 лет назад +1

    buzzin im in this video and remember it well was at granada studios in the daytime,brilliant day

  • @VCK9009
    @VCK9009 15 лет назад +2

    Tell your best mate his dad is a legend and a criminally underrated guitarist!

  • @garyhull6235
    @garyhull6235 11 лет назад +1

    love love love gives ya goose bumps

  • @ronanwhite1605
    @ronanwhite1605 6 лет назад +4

    What a band

  • @emilianoortega-guerrero2925
    @emilianoortega-guerrero2925 5 лет назад +1

    the soundtrack our lives... rock n roll yeah

  • @kevincarr4571
    @kevincarr4571 11 лет назад +4

    Wow great footage of how it was

  • @stustig9430
    @stustig9430 9 лет назад +11

    Great rhythmic tribal beat

  • @thedeadxtras9927
    @thedeadxtras9927 Год назад

    This tune is a classic! It totally sums up how it was living in Manchester late 80’s early 90’s with the Manc indie music scene, the vibe, groove, lyrics how it made so many cool Mancs dance and swagger walking down the street. It’s just one of them songs that sums up that time in my youth living in Manchester, playing guitar in a band, clubbing, getting stoned and living life in one of the coolest cities.

    • @glenndouglas8822
      @glenndouglas8822 Год назад

      Was not called clubbing then lol sorry

    • @thedeadxtras9927
      @thedeadxtras9927 Год назад

      @@glenndouglas8822 haha does it really matter whether it was called clubbing then or now or if we use terminology of then or today, I’ve never been someone to call it Raving!
      people went to a club, got off their tits and funky danced their arses off in Manchester or should I have called it Madchester??

    • @glenndouglas8822
      @glenndouglas8822 Год назад

      @@thedeadxtras9927 No one called it clubbing, I doubt your truth you were there. It was known as raving in 88 onwards. Madchester was a typo, it should have been Manchester ep. We never called it clubbing here in Salford or Manchester. Clubbing term came about around 92 when the raves went indoors.

    • @glenndouglas8822
      @glenndouglas8822 Год назад

      @@thedeadxtras9927 Anyway I'm that old I can remember when 'E' was called empathy 🤣😂🙌🌟 I'm an old fart lol

    • @thedeadxtras9927
      @thedeadxtras9927 Год назад

      @@glenndouglas8822 we’re both cracking in then geez, I’m 47 now , in 88 I was 12 and discovered guitar and started playing and was going through a heavily induced Smiths & Johnny Marr stage! By 92 I was 16 living in Wythenshawe were I still live and have all my life, I’d just started at this point going out to CLUBS! 😁
      I hate the terminology ‘Ravin’ you may as well put ‘Clubbing’ with that cos your right! Also hate it when people refer to the Acid scene and then mention that fuckin stupid Acieed tune by D-Mob which was nothing like proper Acid tunes like Voodoo Ray by A Guy called Gerald, now that was a tune and the start of it all in 88, just listened to it now so cheers for taking me back to goodtimes in my teens living and growing up in Manchester where I definitely was, still am and probably will always stay. Take it easy Glenn have a good weekend especially if you end up going clubbing 😀 in 5th Ave or 42nd Street, laters Stevo

  • @tomf4087
    @tomf4087 Год назад

    And thankyou ecstasy for the big part part u played in this amazing era. Everyone absolutely on it, loving it, and imagine this, no body in the place is thinking, oh i must film this for my Facebook crap, or snapchat balls, or intagram turd. There to party and get a groove on from start to finish. What was weird, was everyone was well lit up, coz its for TV. I mean literally under bright lights. Was that one guy, like statue though.

  • @jayoliver67
    @jayoliver67 5 лет назад +3

    Im in this video,Brilliant day at Granada Studios .

  • @matt-f1c
    @matt-f1c 8 лет назад +22

    Where the fucks Bez ?? Shaun what a legend and for all you guys who are going to slag him off for his singing ' you don't know what the happy Mondays were all about ' he cant sing he doesn't give a fuck, its not the X factor, he's not a guy with a degree in music from Oxford .. Its just Shaun and the boys having a great time and anyone who turned up at the Hacienda also had a great time ... hes a lyrical genius as well :-)

  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK 7 лет назад +3


  • @davek5749
    @davek5749 3 года назад

    They days were fkn great I remember the days me and my mates used to cop a few Es just for happy Mondays and the stone roses appearing on (Top of the Pops) ahh they were the days💯👍👍👍

  • @mudman1881
    @mudman1881 16 лет назад

    Brilliant!!!!!.....what great days they were, best days of my life!!

  • @argopunk
    @argopunk 8 месяцев назад

    The most re-played is 2:14. Everyone likes a yummy mummy I guess. I saw the Inspiral Carpets in Toronto in 1990. I might have seen the Mondays too--lots of shows and a lot of beer drinking and blurry memories back then.

  • @JoyceeBannercheck
    @JoyceeBannercheck 14 лет назад +7

    IS anyone else in love with the girl with the whistle 45 seconds in?

  • @aleksanth5362
    @aleksanth5362 3 года назад +1

    Στην λευκη με αγαπη αλεξανδρος 1991 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @MrTheTatta
    @MrTheTatta 14 лет назад

    Brilliant! Music, energy and footage as well. Mondays peak in audio and vid. Give me nostrills and basspounding and im off like a timemachine.

  • @StatusOfABum
    @StatusOfABum 11 лет назад +1

    Happy People! They dont make em like this anymore.... not sure they ever did. LoveLoveLove!

  • @raphaellk2
    @raphaellk2 7 лет назад +3

    Wish i was there

  • @lukeaxelson6472
    @lukeaxelson6472 11 лет назад +1

    I get butterflies in my stomach watching this.

  • @macyib6388
    @macyib6388 4 года назад

    Absolutely amazing 🎉The Mondays were Madchester....!!!!!

  • @ylt123
    @ylt123 14 лет назад +10

    bak wen we started trends not followed them

    • @markbtv11
      @markbtv11 3 года назад

      Such a great comment.

  • @chump5874
    @chump5874 14 лет назад +1

    Immense. Rip tony wilson.

  • @MattMcKimmie
    @MattMcKimmie Год назад

    6.03 Paul and Shauns dad dancing to the tunes.

  • @AndrewBooker-o8c
    @AndrewBooker-o8c 8 месяцев назад

    This is Manchester little bez and Ryder 💯🔥🍺☮️

  • @Liam2621
    @Liam2621 13 лет назад +2

    i love the smile on that womans face at 2 mins 11

  • @paully1969
    @paully1969 5 лет назад

    awesome and fascinating

  • @drumgold23
    @drumgold23 2 года назад +2


  • @thomassharpe2013
    @thomassharpe2013 11 лет назад

    Ave it large..... manchester stlye... feel the LOVE

  • @sethc.8700
    @sethc.8700 3 года назад +1

    I don't think I have ever seen an entire audience quite that stoned before

  • @polydactylstrangle
    @polydactylstrangle 2 года назад

    RIP Paul you legend

  • @evieeable
    @evieeable 14 лет назад

    happy daze........ love it

  • @dermotoblong
    @dermotoblong 14 лет назад +4

    shaun ryder needs to remember how good that guitarist was

  • @codeh75
    @codeh75 11 лет назад +3

    Everybody moves like Bez!

  • @jayoliver67
    @jayoliver67 8 лет назад +13

    I'm in this lol

  • @Chris-sd8mk
    @Chris-sd8mk 2 года назад

    I’m 63 ,just got into the Monday’s, the neighbors think it’s my lad blasting it out lol.

  • @greatbeautician
    @greatbeautician 12 лет назад +1

    That was a top afternoon!

  • @spiritualmeditationmusic2177
    @spiritualmeditationmusic2177 8 лет назад +2

    in their prime for sure

  • @gilmour81
    @gilmour81 2 года назад +1

    RIP Paul Ryder!

  • @SharonSmith-cb9vh
    @SharonSmith-cb9vh 9 лет назад +5

    5:58 the Ryder brothers old man, i believe. i could be wrong but just read Shaun's book and looks like it might be him.

    • @guestinformer
      @guestinformer 7 лет назад

      Yes that's definitely their dad, dancing behind Paul.

  • @ruth1488
    @ruth1488 15 лет назад

    it is on here somewhere,i'm just lookin for it again myself,although i think it may have gone....got that funky bassline type thing at the end...its defo been on here though mr armagh!

  • @Liam2621
    @Liam2621 14 лет назад

    great seeing people smile so much, ive been in manc hester a lot recently and everyone seems a bit uptight

  • @AndrewBooker-o8c
    @AndrewBooker-o8c 8 месяцев назад

    Look at this proper people ☮️😎 af

  • @DanielFranc35
    @DanielFranc35 13 лет назад

    @TonyWoodcocksPerm 10 years late... best music ever.

  • @maxheadroom3905
    @maxheadroom3905 6 лет назад

    cool video, cheers for the upload.

  • @AndrewBooker-gc4fe
    @AndrewBooker-gc4fe 4 месяца назад

    The best 1

  • @paulogee
    @paulogee 16 лет назад

    Yeah! Brilliant.

  • @lovepulse
    @lovepulse 2 года назад

    Just another Saturday afternoon in Manchester

  • @ewaneve
    @ewaneve 14 лет назад

    still fresh as........

  • @emilianoortega-guerrero2925
    @emilianoortega-guerrero2925 11 лет назад

    rock and roll yeah

  • @petehughes6266
    @petehughes6266 10 лет назад +1

    Brilliant performance! Pissed myself at the cop 7:02 ;)

  • @jdysontube
    @jdysontube 2 года назад +1

    Everyone dancing, can you imagine the high vis security nowadays with the guy off his nut dancing on the PA

  • @seanliam2
    @seanliam2 15 лет назад

    Kin brilliant totally puts the time and place in a bottle.

  • @69adeen
    @69adeen 11 лет назад +1

    ryders da in the background class great times

  • @matthewhandley7489
    @matthewhandley7489 6 лет назад

    Ah (((( if I was 10 years older at the time I'd have been all over this!! Fucking quality!!

  • @Surv1ve_Thrive
    @Surv1ve_Thrive 7 лет назад

    Great video thanks. So many really young people there. Did Tony Wilson, on Granada, tell them a scout jamboree was on?

  • @dannycox9745
    @dannycox9745 4 года назад


  • @steve40092
    @steve40092 10 месяцев назад

    the bomb

  • @68majortom
    @68majortom 12 лет назад +1

    which 1 i had at least 3? not that they were a dull read its SWR i'd read 23 books about him.. total legend!!!!

  • @jasonlieberman4606
    @jasonlieberman4606 4 года назад

    The bass is so low in the mix I didn't even realize Paul was playing until they clearly showed him lol. But it's awesome to even have good recordings from those days 😎

  • @dodgeden7139
    @dodgeden7139 7 лет назад +1

    long live the hippodrome cheatham hill 90 tiz

  • @cathymaydo
    @cathymaydo 12 лет назад +1


  • @bennyaus71
    @bennyaus71 14 лет назад

    Think I was at this - was this the gig at Granada studios one Saturday where Ryder said Bez couldn't make it 'cos he'd been arrested in marseilles or some such? Great video, brings it all back ...

  • @beefheart1410
    @beefheart1410 6 лет назад +1

    Saw 'em three times: first time was in Barrow-In-Furness soccer bar two or three years before this. At the time they all looked like little Mods in parkas and somebody (Bez?) threw a drain grate (I think) through the toilet window after the gig. Saw 'em next in 1990 and can't remember much about it other than it was a great night. Last time I saw them was on the "Yes Please!" Tour in Preston guildhall. Sean was in a bit of a "delicate" state and had to be lead off stage at the end I seem to remember. Anyway, great band both live and on record. Still got all the vinyl but usually listen to them now on the iPod. Times change!

  • @geraldmajchrzak8544
    @geraldmajchrzak8544 2 года назад

    I think I was the only person in Erie Pa to know who they were and damm I never got to see the house acid rock fusion that changed history how do Manchester birth so many earthshaking bands? Told my shrink mdma not benzos

  • @richardmid67
    @richardmid67 15 лет назад +1

    I saw the Mondays perform this at Wembley Arena around this time, it seemed to go on forever and was totally entrancing - one of the most memorable gigs I've seen. And I've seen a few.

    • @glenndouglas8822
      @glenndouglas8822 Год назад

      Would have been supporting new order, they could not fill big venues around the country at this time.

    • @richardmid67
      @richardmid67 Год назад

      @glenndouglas8822 You could be right, or it could have been 1990, it's one of the few tickets I didn't keep for some reason, so a bit of a hazy memory for when it was.

  • @aureol40012
    @aureol40012 2 года назад

    What venue was this? First saw the Mondays in ‘88 and they blew my socks off! Saw them a few times in ‘89 and then a few times after various reformations, including just before my son was born in 2012 with the full original line up. Awesome.

    • @blagger116
      @blagger116 2 года назад

      This was recorded at the old Granada studios on Quay Street in Manchester.

  • @ennisjones
    @ennisjones 10 лет назад +5

    oh the E was around the show

  • @juanestevezjuan
    @juanestevezjuan 11 лет назад

    Now i feel like dancing

  • @paully1969
    @paully1969 7 лет назад

    I am so well-jel xxx