How to Start Visual Studio Program for Assembly Language for x86 Processors by KIP R. IRVINE
- Опубликовано: 20 янв 2025
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Sample Code:
; -- AddTwo.asm - adds two 32-bit integers.
; -- Chapter 3 example
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
; -- (ignore it) ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
include ; Include the Irvine32 library
;-- Variables Decleration starts here
message db "Result is: ", 0
;-- Variables Decleration Ends here
main proc
;-- Coding Starts here
mov eax,5
add eax,4
mov edx, offset message ; Load the address of the message into edx
call WriteString ; Print the message
call DumpRegs ; Display register contents
;-- Coding Ends here
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
end main