@@misdi_official Official animus skin Lv 75 mas tepatnya, yg 80/81 masih blm tau. Di video tanggung ngedit ampe 81, capek 2x klw di turunin 75 lg, haha.
Communion Crystal itu untuk reflects force attack dari summonernya ke animus (kecuali Inanna). Termasuk status + di item, buff, debuff & potion yg dipake.
Cora joss
Coba bang bkin video, mana yg lbh cepat kill LC acc, antara Grazier+isis 81,warlock dan magexBK. All equip full balzeb.
animus official bukan?
iya source skin & abilitynya dari official gan
@@MNRFDDN berarti yg official remastered animus 81 skinnya kaya gitu ya?
@@misdi_official Official animus skin Lv 75 mas tepatnya, yg 80/81 masih blm tau. Di video tanggung ngedit ampe 81, capek 2x klw di turunin 75 lg, haha.
@@MNRFDDN oke siap.. thanks infonya.
Thank you so much! Atlast!
kapan gt u live stream pake rf offline ini
Ku suka dari Patch nya ini, efek Skill MAGE nya bagus. dan agak terlalu alay sayap nya menurut ku. tapi keren lah.
Hallo Bro, Please cobin TB Paimon dgn BOS kyk Dagan,Dragon, dll. Thankyou sblmnya 🙏
3D masih bisa d TB, cuma Jetso, Gill, all PB novajan & catur + heller yg lumayan bikin paimon 75 keder haha
masih menungu lapak jual driver full set+setting
Is there any way to get these models publicly available?
All of these animus skins are sourced from official rf, you can get them there.
Inana ngeheal 8k, naikin levelnya empot2n 😂
mangat gan, tatar terus inanna nya, haha
haha inana gw lvl 60 max healnya cman 4k
boleh share patch patron nya bg? thx
pengen main lagi
itu gimna gan apply effect force attack ke
Hi, all these skin mods are created by you?
No Sir, all skins got from Official RF
Bang kalau GCC animus itu apa bang?
Communion Crystal itu untuk reflects force attack dari summonernya ke animus (kecuali Inanna). Termasuk status + di item, buff, debuff & potion yg dipake.
Please try it using communion crystal with 70% attack animus hit
I'm still using server & client 2232 sir, so there is no communion crystal, sorry about that.
@@MNRFDDN There are the animus charms in that RF Patch.
@@williamb.92 Yes sir, that's right, in this video I use a sympathy charm [Cash]
@@MNRFDDN Just one? As i know, that item stack up to 5 in order to have the full "attack bust".
@@williamb.92 Yes of course I use 5 stacks, 1 charm has an 8% increase in animus strength, so when using 5 stacks it becomes 40%
Ini lyto?
oot ni bang, kalu copy control bisa kah ya?, maksudnya supaya bisa auto target pakai tab
Bisa tp gk mudah, auto target itu fiture di client v4.15, buat implement ke v2.2.3.2 harus paham reverse engineering
@@MNRFDDN waduh 😆😅, awam saya mas klo pemrograman
tak subscribe aja dulu, siapa tau abangnya kapan2 bahas 😄🙏
What server is this?
is this server still existing now?
This is a local server (offline), just for review sir
inana heal 8k? GG. 1 BK di heal 5 inana lv 75 ga mati2 tuh
Ini patch terbaru ya bang versi offlinenya ??
Which official server did you download?
RF Remastered Official by Lyto
Ini kok diaplikasikan ke RF remastered sekarang? Lyto jiplak apa bagaimana
Jiplak, mungkin sebagian ada yang di ubah
RF apa ini
cara ngecopy nya dari official gmn bang
bone, mesh & ani set di resource.edf. Effect nya set di bin & recall.ini
Love ittt
Ini asli animusnya , atau editan bang ?
source skin & abilitynya dari official
@@MNRFDDN selama ini susah liat semua animus lvl mentok , good job
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나는 이미 한지가 오래댔는데
I love cora