Part 1: Sailboat Arduino Autopilot, selfbuild, Magnetic- / Wind- and Route-Steering

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @ijustwanttogosailing8248
    @ijustwanttogosailing8248 3 года назад +3

    Impressive presentation, really shows your skill and competence!
    Only problem with impressive presentations is that it scares away less competent people into hands of corporations..
    Opposite opposite of 'You can do it too'.

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  3 года назад +7

      What you don't see in that video is the time it took to figure all that out. I had no manual, no help, no source code, no guideline .. nothing! Yea - it did help that I studied circuit design and to code close to a target - but that was still new to me awell.
      So that video is mainly to inspire people to follow a self set achievement and not give up on the idea. I had many many setbacks on that project, but I got it runnig. It's not perfect and I plan a version "2" ... but to figure out the bugs - you have to test it ;)

    • @MrChris76ize
      @MrChris76ize Год назад

      @@SY-Selene Impressive. Bravo !

  • @TiainenA
    @TiainenA 2 года назад +2

    Come for Arduino goodness and stay for the kickass music! Superb job!

  • @Eurus721
    @Eurus721 6 лет назад +4

    Perfect way to start the video. That was what drove me to building my own when I saw the cost of production units that didn’t do half what I wanted. You have some amazing features that I’ll have to consider. Very well done. Thank you

  • @gerd31173
    @gerd31173 4 года назад

    Schön! Hatte mir etwa zur selben Zeit ebenfalls einen Autopiloten mit Arduino gebaut. Ansteuerung des Steuerrads (Hydrauliksteuerung) über einen kräftigen Schrittmotor. 9-Achs-Sensor, PID-Regelung usw. Letztlich brauchte ich zwei Arduino (Nanos), da einer mit der Generation der Motorschritte ausgelastet war...
    Das Problem war letztlich nicht wirklich technischer Natur, sondern die Zeit, das ganze System so weit auszutesten (Regelparameter) und so sicher zu machen, dass man sich auch unter schweren Bedingungen darauf verlassen kann.
    Nachdem ich wusste: Ich kann das, habe ich mich dann für ein professionelles System entschieden.
    Aber Respekt für jeden, der jedes Bit auf seinem Boot kennt!!

  • @svestancia
    @svestancia 3 года назад +1

    So impressed at your skills

  • @mikeobrien9829
    @mikeobrien9829 6 лет назад +11

    Excellent work, Im over these marine companies charging a fortune for what is now pretty simple and cheap technology. Im really waiting for some enterprising person to make these units available for a few hundred $$$ rather than the thousands of $$$ the big companies feel they can gouge out of your pocket because you own a boat

  • @Martin-yl5zb
    @Martin-yl5zb 6 лет назад +1

    Good job! I’m very impressed. Great to see alternatives for overly expensive equipment. Even when it’s comparing apples and pears...

  • @eduardoescobarplanas9557
    @eduardoescobarplanas9557 5 месяцев назад

    awesome work

  • @Sabhail_ar_Alba
    @Sabhail_ar_Alba Год назад

    I've did my own for a 23ft yacht using a Nano, QMC5883, RF remote module, 0.93 OLED and linear actuator. I hold tiller to the heading then select auto from the
    keypad and the closed feedback system does the rest. Not anywhere near as complex as yours but does the job and all for about 60 Euro's.

  • @WesthRobson
    @WesthRobson 3 года назад +1

    Muito bom, excelente trabalho, adorei.

  • @dougdoug2165
    @dougdoug2165 2 года назад

    Great video, looks like all I need is 100 mhz 4 channel scope, a logic analyzer, and a spectrum analyzer and I can save all that money a buying an off the shelf product!

  • @whyme8068
    @whyme8068 5 лет назад +2

    Very nice! I'm not as technically inclined so I'll be giving PyPilot a shot.

  • @Pijepo
    @Pijepo 4 года назад +1

    Incredible !!

  • @fpvcrumudgeon4576
    @fpvcrumudgeon4576 3 года назад

    Really neat. I want to do this for a 1M RC sailboat.

  • @cekiert
    @cekiert 6 лет назад +2

    A good feature might be a kill switch like on power boats. If killed turns windward. Too many stories on sailboats sailing away from the operator thrown overboard.

  • @usdohs
    @usdohs 4 месяца назад

    This is awesome. Any chance you'd be willing to share your sketch and hardware components you used on this? I'm new to all this and your autopilot does almost everything I want to ! Id love to start working on a similar one myself!

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  Месяц назад +1

      It's public:

    • @usdohs
      @usdohs Месяц назад

      @@SY-Selene thank you!!

  • @benbidouille7134
    @benbidouille7134 3 года назад

    Really Great Job, What is your favorite hobby, electronic and coding or sailing ? Sure both ;-)
    I have similar project ongoing including integration of SILVA/NEXUS wind instrumentswhich I understand you hacked the bus already. Away from my boat I cannot easily manage reverse engineering to do the same. I undertand is RS485 bus based with called FDX proprietary protocol.
    (seems frames ends with h81, most probably instruction header + frame length descriptor etc ...)
    Would you accept to share your FDX logic protocol findings or even source code ?

  • @ystein6900
    @ystein6900 3 года назад +1

    Amazing! Congrats! I am looking at options for a simple tiller autopilot.. any chance you could share your code or if i could buy one from you?

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  3 года назад +1

      It's still not perfect ;)

  • @Jimbojenkins
    @Jimbojenkins 2 года назад

    Selfbuild? Lol or DIY? So many things online now that build themselves. I want the video! Lol

  • @lotharmeyer5166
    @lotharmeyer5166 7 лет назад +1

    tolles Projekt, da hast du dir ne Menge vorgenommen. Ich habe den gleichen Silva Windmesser wie du, kann ihn aber leider nicht mehr nutzen, da mir letztes Jahr die Anzeige gestohlen wurde. Als ich dein Video gesehen habe, kam mir die Idee, daß ich die Winddaten des Gebers vielleicht so aufbereiten könnte, daß sie als NMEA Daten ausgegeben werden. Da du schon die ganze Vorarbeit bezüglich des Herausfindens der Windgebersignale gemacht hast, wollte ich dich mal fragen ob du diese Erkenntnisse vielleicht teilen würdest. Bisher habe ich mal die beiden Open Kollektor Datenausgänge des Windmessers an ein Oszi angeschlossen u. konnte sehen, daß sich je nach Drehrate bzw. Drehwinkel zwei unterschiedliche PWM Signale einstellen. Die Frage ist wie interpretiere ich die jetzt ?

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  7 лет назад +1

      Moin. Das ist relativ einfach wenn man den Anzeiger noch hat :D
      Ne mal ohne Witz: Die Windrichtung (steuer/backbord) bekommst du raus, in welcher Phasenverschiebung Kanal A zu B liegen. Bei mir ist es so, wenn Kanal A = true und Kanal B = false, dann kommt der Wind von rechts. Sind beide true, dann von links. Wobei ich den Kanal A zum Triggern (via Interrupt) nutze. Bei einer Flanke von false nach true, lese ich Kanal B ein und weiß damit, ob der Wind von links oder rechts kommt.
      Die Windrichtung in Grad, bekommt man über das Tastverhältnis von Kanal A raus. Wobei bei meinem Silva das Tastverhältnis zwischen 15.5% und 83.5% schwankt. Also sind 15,5% = 0° und 85,5° = 180°. Dazu musst du die Gesamtpulsläge von Kanal A und die high-low Flanke messen. (Interrupt auf change) und dann über micros(); die Zeit nehmen. Im Video sieht man, wie ich im Terminal die Mikrosekunden ausgebe, aus denen dann die Grad gerechnet werden: DirInGrad = round(((float)180 / (TastMin - TastMax)) * (DirTastDelta - TastMax)); --> lineare Interpolation.
      In diesem Schritt bekommt man auch gleich die Frequenz von Kanal A raus. Über die bekommt man die Windgeschwindigkeit heraus. Diese verhält sich natürlich nicht linear zur Frequenz (irgendwo im Video ist so eine Kurve, wo ich drunter geschrieben habe "some fitting"). Da sieht man das Verhältnis von der Periodendauer in Mikrosekunden zur Windgeschwindigkeit in Knoten.
      Die Formel für meinen Silva ist: WindGeschwindigkeit = round(1/(float)PulseLenghtWind * 1000000.0 * 61.0), wobei du das Ergebnis dann noch durch 100 teilen musst. Ich mach das später, weil das alles noch gleitend gemittelt wird und als "uint" über die 433MHz Strecke geht und erst im Empfänger zu float gemacht wird.
      Wenn du noch fragen hast, melde Dich einfach. Oder unter

  • @Rob-uf9yp
    @Rob-uf9yp 7 лет назад +2

    Hi, this is very interesting. Could you make a list of used components?
    I have a malfunctioning autohelm 100 (with ST7000 control unit) on my motorboat and this is maybe a solution to replace the autohelm with arduino's.

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  7 лет назад +5

      Hello, thanks for your comment,
      Of cause I can do a partlist ;)
      As you can see I changed quite a few things while building this (and this is the current state). I did the video while working on the project, so there is no more progress at them moment. The next video may take a bit, because I need to produce more content first.
      I like to take my time, since the ideas how to do this come on the fly. That's why I may still change major things.
      However, while doing the video, I noticed, that it's already over 10 minutes long -> so I put it out.
      The most interesting part will be the diver of the motor. There is almost no information how other people did this and the companies sell this for a shit load of money. Well I have some ideas how to approach this problem, since this is in my field of work ;)
      And - as always - I'm happy to share.

    • @superpianogirl
      @superpianogirl 6 лет назад

      Hi Kuttmoped. Very impressive marine autopilot engineering and build! Would be interested in discussing the motor controller driver for this. We have a software defined marine autopilot system which may help u and the many others who are at the mercy of marine electronics companies big $ proprietary systems. We dont care what hardware is used and we also do not need any sea trials to set rudder gains. E mail and contact info can be found Thank you again for such a great example of what one can build. J.

    • @Insaneloop
      @Insaneloop 4 года назад +1

      @@SY-Selene As I listen from the track you put on that vid :)! I was sure that you are happy to share! Great work mate!
      I've just decided to try and learn what I can on this subject so one day hopefully I'll be able to build my own! For now, I just try to understand how the linear actuators work with a Raspberry Pi or Arduino to make an autopilot...! To noob yet! :) Thanks for sharing your work Fair winds and following seas

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  4 года назад +1

      Actually the "Border" to start coding was put very low, when it comes to Arduino.
      On my study (microelectronics) 15 years ago, you had to build your system yourself or by a commercial one. Costs: around 1500€
      Now you get 5 Arduino Nano for 15€ from Amazon, download the IDE for free, load an example program and have a blinking LED. And you did not habe to write s single line of code.
      Then you start to fiddle around, change things in the code and let the Arduino do what you want, This is great!
      PS: As more complicated things get, you'll run into the limitations of this small processor really fast. E.g. if you use the I2C and want to use a timer interrupt for something else. At this point it's really good to open the manual for the processor to understand, which things are needed to which purpose.
      But really, If you have zero coding experience it will take some time until you run into such problems;)
      Good luck, keep me posted!

  • @alimaksut
    @alimaksut 5 лет назад

    this is a perfect job. very helpfull. can you tell totall cost as well ?

  • @wysockibielefeld
    @wysockibielefeld 7 лет назад +1

    Wir das irgenwann ein open source Project? Bin im moment auch am plannen mir den Autopiloten selber zu bauen.

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  7 лет назад +2

      Hmm - könnte man drüber nachdenken, wobei es dann besser wäre, die Daten über NMEA einzulesen. Ich hätte das gemacht, wenn mein Schiff schon einen NMEA Bus hätte.
      Leider hat es das nicht und die Kosten das Ganze über eine flexible Schnittstelle zu lösen, sind mir einfach zu hoch. Deshalb klinke ich mich direkt in die digitalen Signale ein, die wohl bei jedem Hersteller etwas anders aussehen werden.
      Wenn man das als open-source macht, weiß ich daher nicht, wie flexibel das ganze bei anderen System ist?

  • @IvanEng747
    @IvanEng747 Год назад

    Pls more information

  • @tigerfight85
    @tigerfight85 5 лет назад

    What is this song from? It sounds sooooo familiar? Amazing video btw.

  • @californiakayaker
    @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

    The lady who was hit by a power boat has recovered and did a nice vlog . She just happens to be a Charter boat mechanic/troubleshooter in the Caribean. She's very good. This is what she had to say. .видео.html I'd recommend this light, has green in back, red in the front in one of the modes, and runs on two high powered 18650s for $15 dollars total !

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  5 лет назад

      I'm not sure how this comment is related to my video, but a headlight is good if you are alone. At 2 or more people one always blinds the other one, which kinda sucks :) I have a headlight aboard, but never use it.
      My favorite is my Fenix PD32 flashlight. Size, brightness, waterproof and stability - best flashlight I've ever seen ;)

    • @californiakayaker
      @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

      @@SY-SeleneI'm just letting all the video bloggers who sail know, and none of them have videos where someone was hurt so its never related to the video where I post it. I'm just hoping that everyone will realize that without reflectors or a red/green light you completely invisible to that high speed boat coming up on you. I would wish you would watch the video. Thankyou.

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  5 лет назад +1

      @@californiakayaker Hey ;) Actually I have 2 seperate light systems on my boat. One 3 sector lantern at the top of the mast and the usual lighting at the bow and stern. For more safety I installed an active AIS system, sending out my own position.
      For dinghy rides I ususally carry my Fenix PD32 with me to make others aware of me at night.

    • @californiakayaker
      @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

      ​@@SY-Selene I assumed you would have your beautiful boat well equipped. this is specifically for the dinghy as its nearly invisible , small, low in the water, and with outboard engine noise you cannot hear anything.

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  5 лет назад +1

      @@californiakayaker Hey ;) While in Dinghy, I always carry a very bright flashlight with me. It's crazy, but I'm maybe one of the few people looking around, while driving a boat ;) Even at night ;)

  • @DavidGutierrezhi
    @DavidGutierrezhi 4 года назад +1

    TUtorial please

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  4 года назад

      This would be very difficult since it's made for my boat. I don't use seatalk etc. So if you use the same Silva instruments (from the 90s) as I do, yea of cause.
      However, I'm now on a 2 year trip in the caribbean, so this would be very difficult

  • @californiakayaker
    @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

    Yes, I have a micro, but wonder why I would use it.

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  5 лет назад +1

      I'm scared to speak in public ;)

    • @californiakayaker
      @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

      @@SY-Selene Sorry, by micro, I mean Arduino micro. I am with you, better to use nano

    • @SY-Selene
      @SY-Selene  5 лет назад +2

      @@californiakayaker Yea, well I ment the "Arduino Pro Micro" the small one with less pins, but the AtMega 32U4 CPU. The ones I have seem to be very cheap ones. The CPU is fine, but the TTL -> USB Controller just sucks. Thats why I went for the AtMega 328P and later to the AtMega 32U4 - the "real" Arduino Mirco, due to 2 UART and 3 real interrupt Ports. (Nano has only 2 and one UART)

    • @californiakayaker
      @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

      @@SY-SeleneI'll need to look at mine and try to figure out if it has the 3 interrupts ports and 2 uart… I think the one I have is the pro micro. What do they call the "real micro" ? I guess I could search for the atmega 32u4 microprocessor and that would be it ?

    • @californiakayaker
      @californiakayaker 5 лет назад

      I did find the pro micro with a usb port and the 32u4 . Yes, its even more powerful than I knew. I believe I had a shield for it, I'm looking into it. That said, I'm not much of a programmer. I usually take programs and expand them for my uses. So, how is the pilot doing now that you've tried it ?