What Most Churches WON'T Tell You About CREATION

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 470

  • @alicialara17
    @alicialara17 Год назад +5

    Also the grass and herbs were given life before the sun and stars. Letting us know that God can do all things and be all things. He can be the light of the world because He is the Great I AM.

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад

      I love what you wrote! AMEN! 🙏👍🏻😇💜

  • @RichM1967
    @RichM1967 Год назад +2

    The purpose of the creation story is for one thing: God did it. It's hard to give an accurate account, if it had given all the creation details and scientific facts -- it might satisfy us, but to a person in the time of Moses, the idea that we live on a small planet orbiting the sun, inside a solar system that is orbiting one of thousands of galaxies in a vast universe -- and many of the other scientific truths we find today, would have sounded like complete fiction to them. But again the purpose of genesis is not to be scientific, and we as christians have been horribly blinded and divided -- especially with this six day war we've got going on over how old the earth is. Plain and simple, Genesis states, God did it. You can believe six days, six billion years, God could of even used Evolution... and I don't care what your beliefs are other than God Did It.

  • @justincredible.
    @justincredible. Год назад

    That the bible got that wrong, too??? Light before there was the sun? Come on people, THINK!

  • @jessica_2468
    @jessica_2468 Год назад +3

    Jesus was the light.
    The bible is the Word of God. There's nothing extra and nothing missing.
    Yet, you say it's wrong. In doing so, suggesting that Adam was not made from the earth and breathed life into.
    I really don't like when Christians argue, but this is way off base brother.

  • @Alf_Hairy-arse
    @Alf_Hairy-arse Год назад

    I've always thought it shouldn't be taken literally, and there would likely be much lost in translation between God and whoever he told about creation. I don't think the creation needs (or is likely) to be a day by day thing, and could be more of a process put in place. No need to discount evolution, for example.
    Humans would have such a different concept of time they would struggle to even comprehend it from the point of view of God. Imagine the difference between a giant turtle that can live well over 100 years and a small fly with a life span of a single day. How would the turtle explain concepts like weeks and months to the fly? What about years and decades? The fly would have to interpret it from its own point of reference.
    This makes so much more sense to me personally. I hope it doesn't accidentally cause offence to anyone else!

  • @TrustHisWord
    @TrustHisWord Год назад +9

    The firmament (vaulted dome) is absolutely true. Disproving men’s theories! Many things have come to light in my spiritual experience these last few years, including understanding the firmament.
    As the heavens are above the earth, so are His ways above ours.

    • @ChildofGod-q7j
      @ChildofGod-q7j Год назад

      ​@D-Bunker-zv1bj sorry to break it to u but NASA is a lie..noone went to the moon ...you believe that because a black box( tel- a- visio) showed u fake pics...ask urself if ppl went to the moon 60 yrs ago y didnt they EVER go again??? Firmament...dome...cuz earth is flat......keep developing an intimate relationship with God .....he Will give u discernment.. specifically regarding His Word...live 2 u

    • @ChildofGod-q7j
      @ChildofGod-q7j Год назад


    • @mariag3605
      @mariag3605 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@D-Bunker-zv1bjyeh, that moon landing video was so credible and realistic, NASA lost it...

    • @mariag3605
      @mariag3605 11 месяцев назад

      @@D-Bunker-zv1bjOh, wow has it finally been recovered? Is it the original video, with the flag waving, impossible shadows and the astronaut attached with some (not quite) invisible wire, where they talk with el Presidente in real time, with no transmission delay? Please send me a link to the video - I want to see all of that again!!! Thanking you, in advance🤠

    • @mariag3605
      @mariag3605 11 месяцев назад

      @@D-Bunker-zv1bj well, my space-loving friend, just send me the link to the video you do have, then...

  • @deezynar
    @deezynar Год назад +5

    You dropped the ball on this one.
    You say that Moses borrowed creation stories from the heathens thousands of years after God finished making the universe.
    That is rubbish, Moses did not copy the heathen stories at all.
    God told Adam how he created, and the story was handed down to Moses, with God inspiring Moses to get it written just how God wanted him to write it. Other groups had stories of their own, some of which were distortions of the true story that God told Adam. Moses did not use any of them.
    The order of creation listed in Genesis is accurate to the real order that God used to really set up the earth. God did it in that order specifically because it goes against the logical way that people expect it to have been made. Light and plants before the sun defies science, logic, and every other religious view. God chose that order to emphasize his power and glory, while mocking every other way of thinking about the origin.

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад +2

      wow! that was really awesome! true too! 🙏👍🏻😇💜

  • @ehdforlife
    @ehdforlife Год назад +6

    In short God is saying, I created it. Don't worship the created things, worship me.

  • @CharlesAmes-q6w
    @CharlesAmes-q6w Год назад +7

    I never thought of the creation story in the view of early peoples. Thanks for the insight.

  • @mrs.g.9816
    @mrs.g.9816 Год назад +5

    You know, my dad was a strict Catholic, but he once told me, "I still believe in evolution. What could be one day to God would be millions of years. All of God's creations are beautiful, but of course they took time to develop. He didn't just wave a wand and make animals and human beings suddenly appear!" The creation story from Genesis holds truth, but in a different way. Doctors and scientists who are devout Jews or Christians know this.

    • @ronaldmorgan7632
      @ronaldmorgan7632 Год назад

      There were several "explosions" of life that confound evolutionists. They expect to see gradual changes scattered throughout the fossil record. But what they see are layers of full of new life, followed by nothing--until the next layer. That suggests that God created life, watched it, then created more.

  • @claudiabranham8426
    @claudiabranham8426 Год назад +112

    I may be wrong, but my opinion is...When God said 'Let there be Light', it was Jesus. Jesus is the light of the world.

    • @CaelinDarkGrace
      @CaelinDarkGrace Год назад +11

      You are correct 😊

    • @MrzWill
      @MrzWill Год назад +57

      Jesus already existed. He is the literal Word of God, but later made flesh. When God said Let there be light...Jesus was those words. It's hard to explain. God's word is the paramount importance. He esteems His Word above His name. His Word is life and light. Everything! I just love Him!

    • @CaelinDarkGrace
      @CaelinDarkGrace Год назад +9

      @MrzWill Close. Scripture teaches,
      Revelation 22:13 WEB - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
      For humans, Jesus is the son of God. Technically, Jesus is just a title of God.

    • @nadzach
      @nadzach Год назад +13

      I think youre onto something there. The oldest book, Job, explains how God speaks in lightning. When the atmosphere translates light into thunder, the animals understand the thunder and obey. Certain people of great faith hear words, while others hear thunder. Paul had an experience like that...and another time a gtoup of disciples. Somehow, the frquencies of light must be like mysterious radio waves. But more importantly, it is Jesus who is the Word incarnate. The living word. And the light of the world. 👍 (if i had a gold star, I'd give you one)

    • @cindybull3064
      @cindybull3064 Год назад +2


  • @SherylAllen-w5t
    @SherylAllen-w5t Год назад +17

    I was so thrilled to hear this told at last, and in a way that challenges our Biblical encyclopedia worldview to that of a true "believer" in the author of all things. Years ago, I read in the Cultural Studies Bible that even the word "create" is describing a process "to bring order to, " rather than to "bring into existence".

    • @diligenceeke3023
      @diligenceeke3023 Год назад +3

      There are two words referring to "create" in Genesis. One was creation from nothing and the other referred to creation from something, or what you call "bringing to order". God made all things from nothing (Hebrews 11:3) and then reordered it when things went south. The book of Isaiah and Jeremaiah and even Job explain these things. You need deep insight to unravel these things.

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 6 месяцев назад

      @@diligenceeke3023 Where do you get "deep insight" to unravel these things?

  • @AOmega72
    @AOmega72 Год назад +3

    You're way off base with creation and ancient man

  • @tonysurber9111
    @tonysurber9111 Год назад +2

    The word of YEHOVAH is always accurate. Many of us, in our arrogance, think that it's not true when we don't understand, or are erroneously ill informed, because we are indeed arrogant.

  • @henryodera5726
    @henryodera5726 Год назад +3

    It's true that ancient literature is limited by ancient language, and that ancient language is limited by ancient thought.
    So for example, if a 21st century AD unbeliever and a 20th century BC unbeliever saw... let's say the vision of Ezekiel of the Seraphim, their accounts would be quite different to the point that one may think that they saw completely different things.
    The 20th century BC unbeliever would say that he saw gods in the heavens. The 21st century AD unbeliever would say that he saw aliens in the sky. Yet Ezekiel would say that, actually, he saw seraphim. And the surprising thing is that a 21st century AD believer might also say Seraphim. But to the ancient unbeliever anything spotted in the sky was a god, whether it was a Seraphim or a shooting star.
    People don't realize how much the bible connects thoughts over thousands of years. And they also don't realize how dangerous it is to disconnect these thoughts in favour of modern thought. It would be exceedingly embarrassing for a believer to see Seraphim in the sky and say that he saw aliens. And not only would it be embarrassing, but it would turn Seraphim into mythical creatures that could only exist in the time of Ezekiel.
    So let's not go throwing out the creation account in Genesis 1 just because we don't believe that there's a literal vault in the sky holding back water. Moses' intention in mentioning the "separation between the waters above and the waters below" was to indicate that God created the atmosphere. That's the thing that didn't exist before the waters were separated.
    But Moses described it according to ancient thought, which also limited the language that he used. There is no "sky" or "atmosphere" in ancient Hebrew. So if we know that "waters above" refers to the blue sky or to the clouds, and that waters below refers to the oceans or the seas, then whatever is left between them is what God created on the second day.
    Even though languages have changed significantly over time, let's not disconnect or abandon the thoughts. They weren't written down and preserved by God for thousands of years to be made light of or done away with.

  • @jesscastillo8053
    @jesscastillo8053 Год назад +3

    Moses wrote the first 5 books inspired by God not man

  • @deliberativedisciple
    @deliberativedisciple Год назад +3

    I'm going to push back against some of the critical scholarship creeping into this video. Some of the arguments sound similar to those about the flood story being based on the epic of Gilgamesh instead of accepting the that flood actually occurred first but that the Babylonian epic was just the first corrupt extra biblical attestation to the real event. Similarly, there is much speculation involved in this "higher" criticism of the Genesis text about what the authors were really thinking or referring to, coupled with implicit evolutionary assumptions about man being dumber in the past. It is WE who may be ignorant of God's actual creative process and the underlying science behind these descriptions. A glaring example is discounting the creation of light without the sun. Incomplete information meets a lack of imagination and *poof* the information can't be right. Taking God's word seriously requires self-abnegation and pronounced intellectual humility, but I urge everyone reading this to heed the words of the wisest man who ever lived, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..."

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Год назад +3

    I dont see anything special on this presentation.....as the Genesis account seems quite straightforward, to me....one just has to take it....literally.....not as an allegory...

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад

      philip- yep! got THAT right! plain and simple!🙏👍🏻😇💜

  • @emettorah1
    @emettorah1 Год назад +2

    Watch video from Dr. Gerald schroeder, a orthodox Jewish physicist that explains it more thoroughly. The first light was neutrinos and not the moon or stars. Just like a Yom is a day or a period of time. In Hebrew context is essential.

  • @BoundyMan
    @BoundyMan Год назад +13

    Amen brother. You hit the spot. One thing many people don't realize is the Creation story was also meant to explain to Israel why they were to keep the Sabbath. In the Pagan Creation stories humans were created to do the dirty work the gods didn't want to do. So when they read about God resting on the Seventh day that was radical to them. Today many Christians believe the Sabbath was only for the Jews, but Scripture makes clear that the Sabbath was made for Mankind to rest and enjoy.

    • @matthew28-acts238
      @matthew28-acts238 Год назад +1

      Let's look at Jeremiah 31:31-34
      "Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the N1house of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) and with the house of Judah (the Southern Kingdom), [Luk_22:20; 1Co_11:25] (Jer 31:31)
      not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them," says the LORD. (Jer 31:32)
      But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," says the LORD, "I will put My law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they will be My people. (Jer 31:33)
      And each man will no longer teach his neighbor and his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they will all know Me [through personal experience], from the least of them to the greatest," says the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness, and I will no longer remember their sin." [Heb_8:8-12; Heb_10:16-17] (Jer 31:34)
      The New Covenant is the Law of God written on the hearts of men. It is very clearly stated, and why would anyone not want to honor our Creator with the very day the He set aside? Interesting.

    • @perfectpeace00
      @perfectpeace00 Год назад +1

      I understand what you are saying up until your last sentence of the Sabbath only being for the Jews. The law of the Sabbath was given to the Jews, not the Gentiles. The concept of resting with and worshiping with God of course is for all his creation. Christians recognize the Sabbath is Saturday not Sunday. However, Christians do not worship God on Sunday as the new Sabbath, it is the Lord's day because it is the day he rose. So Gentiles are not required to follow Sabbath law but are called to spend time with God any day of the week, preferably every day.

    • @hangtownranger
      @hangtownranger Год назад

      Agreeing with the other commenters here,
      “And the LORD said unto Moses, saying, ‘Speak thou unto the children of Israel, saying Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that does sanctify you….It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever:….”Exodus 31: 12-13 & 17
      The Sabbath is not a Creation Law. It is the binding token of the Mosaic Covenant . The same way the Rainbow was a token for Noahic Covenant, circumcision was a token for the Abrahamic Covenant, and some say the Tabernacle Solomon built was the token of the Davidic Covenant. And with the New Covenant in Christ the token is the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, in John 16. Also found in Ezekiel 36:26-27. He is the down payment that what Christ said will happen will come to pass.
      Some debate, Baptism or the Lord Supper is the token of the Covenant, but it seems those are memorials of symbolism. Where the Holy Ghost is prophetic and what Jesus said had to happen to initiate the New Covenant.
      Anyways, in Jesus reframing the New Covenant Law, He never mentions the Sabbath (Saturday) was to be kept.
      And Paul, Peter and the early church had a big debate whether to burden Gentiles into following the Mosaic Law as the church was now learning they were in a new era, a New Covenant, and the Holy Ghost was now their teacher. And the Holy Ghost showed them not to make the new believers follow the old covenants. But to embrace the New Covenant.

    • @matthew28-acts238
      @matthew28-acts238 Год назад

      @robertstephenson6806 I never said anything about dividing over this, I simply stated reality in Scripture. Please do not put words where they were never placed.

    • @marriage4life893
      @marriage4life893 Год назад

      Have a blessed seventh-day Sabbath 😊
      Isaiah 56:1-7, Isaiah 66:22-23

  • @SalvableRuin
    @SalvableRuin Год назад +3

    Light exists without the sun. Genesis is not wrong about that. God created light itself before creating the sun, moon, and stars. Everyone knows the sun is our source of light on earth, including all ancient peoples because it is self-evident. There is nothing unscientific or illogical about God providing a temporary light source (so that there would be night and day) before creating the sun and moon to GOVERN the day and night.

  • @marriage4life893
    @marriage4life893 Год назад +3

    God said the seventh-day Sabbath is the sign that he created the heavens and earth in six days. He blessed and sanctified the day, and called for us to keep it holy.
    Happy Seventh-day Sabbath 🎉

    • @lauriefaulkner1779
      @lauriefaulkner1779 Год назад +1

      And Sabbath starts sun down Friday to sun down Saturday, just like the days were created in Genesis.

  • @Leahloveisla
    @Leahloveisla 8 месяцев назад +3

    Yes! A flat stationary earth, scripture points to that, especially when The Almighty stopped the sun and moon, no mention of stopping the earth! The ancients knew this. We have been so deceived

    • @nicholassmith2237
      @nicholassmith2237 7 месяцев назад +1

      I think you missed the point of this one.

    • @Leahloveisla
      @Leahloveisla 7 месяцев назад

      @@nicholassmith2237 No, just picked up on something else said..📖🙏

  • @jueneturner8331
    @jueneturner8331 Год назад +2

    What I see in the Genesis 1 Creation story is the establishment to the 7 Cycles necessary for Life as we know it -- Day-Night Cycle, Water Cycle, Carbon Cycle making Photosynthesis possible, Earth-Sun-Moon Cycle, Marine Life Cycle, Land Animal Cycle including Mankind to be the Manager, Work-Rest Cycle.

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад

      very well stated! AMEN to that! 🙏👍🏻😇💜

  • @tammywright1188
    @tammywright1188 Год назад +4

    notice some examples of the harmony between science and the Bible. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis. 1:1) This was written by Moses through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit about 1500 B.C.
    In 1820 A.D. a man named Hubert Spencer gave the world five scientific principles by which man may study the unknown.
    They are time, force, energy, space, and matter.
    However, Moses, by inspiration, gave us those scientific principles in Genesis 1:1.
    "In the beginning" -time;
    "God” -force;
    “created" -energy;
    "the heavens" -space;
    "and the earth" -matter.

    • @tomballtexas6450
      @tomballtexas6450 Год назад +1

      Tammywright: If you read Exodus carefully you shall see Moses heard the story from God's mouth while on Mount Sinai - he was not inspired by the Holy Spirit. Many blessings as you reread and discover the whole Genesis account is from his time with God.

    • @tammywright1188
      @tammywright1188 Год назад +1

      @@tomballtexas6450 I understand Moses was speaking to God. I understand Moses encountered the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit which is God. Thanks Tom. 🖖🏼✌🏼🔥❤️‍🔥

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад +1

      ​@@tammywright1188-exactly! AMEN! 🙏👍🏻😇💜

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад +2

      ​@@tomballtexas6450- Tom! the Holy Spirit IS God!! God the Holy Spirit! 3 IN One! God head...Elohim- 'im': plural...'El': God...🙏👍🏻😇💜

  • @harveybishop2152
    @harveybishop2152 Год назад +2

    In Strongs Concordance (and the NAS Exhaustive Concordance) the Hebrew word raqia (7549) means an extended surface, expanse, and is translated that way in other Old Testament passages. So you lost me right at the start.

  • @lisabarnes6919
    @lisabarnes6919 Год назад +3

    Jesus is the Way The Truth and The Life🥰

  • @IamGoen
    @IamGoen Год назад +2

    I like what you are saying and it's logical, however, how do you know what Moses believed when describing the "waters above" was referring to the blue sky. What is your source/evidence for this statement?

  • @tonysurber9111
    @tonysurber9111 Год назад +1

    "YEHOVAH ( God ) is light ". 1st John 1-5 "This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all". Revelations 22:5 " And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever". So it is clear that YEHOVAH provided light before the sun was made , because he is pure light. This is why angels are depicted with halos. Radiance eminates from the holy spirit's light. You will find this true in both literal and in figurative senses. Shalom.

  • @gemradiant6350
    @gemradiant6350 Год назад +8

    Thank you for this insight and explanation of the view of those in the time after creation. Our God is, indeed, most high, merciful, and caring.

    • @sandraderoubaix734
      @sandraderoubaix734 Год назад +1

      God is Light and so no agent was needed to show that light. In Revelation we are told there will be no sun or moon because God will be the light. Somehow this has come full circle!

  • @Sharke3rd
    @Sharke3rd Год назад +2

    Like my mama says "the church is not corrupt only its people!"

  • @johnloftin2461
    @johnloftin2461 Год назад +1

    i don't wish to criticize, but please put your interpretation of Genesis next to every other supposed christian or cultist. It all adds up to be the disproving of Paul's "God is not the author of confusion" verse. What I've learned is that you're very right about creation not really being taught in churches. I don't understand how anyone can believe the gospel the way it's presented in the bible vs in the normal christians life. I'm not a militant atheist, but an ex christian who became confused because of the bible. I know the pain that comes from christianity when you truly humble yourself and give it all to god only to be ignored by a graceless and faceless myth. The gospel is a contradiction in terms because it's anything but good news. If any individual truly takes to reading the bible for what is written there rather than what a preacher says is there will be changed drastically. They may not aposticize (most I've met do), but they will be anything but a typical orthodox christian. I give you props for going deeper than the average apologists. You didn't seem to do as much framing as Turek and others like him. They generally shut off the availability of answers with all or nothing quotes and propositions that sound smart, but are generally time saving fluff comments. I'll check you out again.

  • @laurasilverstone9735
    @laurasilverstone9735 Год назад +2

    Gen 1 is the day to day creation, Gen 2 is the specific creation of man which is day 6 in Hen 1, so its not 2 creations hubdreds of years apart

  • @RobertMoffett-q7j
    @RobertMoffett-q7j Год назад +1

    Genesis 1:6 KJV does not mention a vaulted dome. The KJV is generally used as the most accurate. You will find in Deut 4 and Rev 22 warnings about adding or subtracting from the Bible. Please get your act together!

  • @jmrdrgz
    @jmrdrgz Год назад +1

    Truth 1 That's awesome. Lets take away from how God created the world and say it was not what Genesis said. Let's say that what was written is actually wrong because Moses, who was inspired by God to write what he did, was written that way because he didn't know any better. What's next? Man came from monkeys but Moses didn't know how to write it?
    Truth 4 was an interesting, and limited, understanding. But I liked it.

  • @nschlaak
    @nschlaak Год назад +1

    Pick up a copy of Starlight and Time by Russell Humphreys for a physicist's perspective inline with the Genesis account.

  • @philiphoel4290
    @philiphoel4290 11 месяцев назад +1

    I believe that God created the universe. I also believe that said creation took billions upon billions of years, and is in fact on going.
    It is incomprehensible to me to believe that a god with the power to create the universe only created life on one obscure planet, in one obscure galaxy. If that is true then the universe is an incredible waste of space.
    It is also incomprehensible to me to believe that something as complex as the universe, happened by accident.
    The Bible is neither a book of history, nor science, but rather it's a book of faith.

  • @manuelflores2044
    @manuelflores2044 Год назад +1

    What Bible translation is this I became curious as soon as I seen the words valted dome and opened 47 translations and CAN'T find these words anywhere. Would anyone share the translation ?

  • @raysalmon6566
    @raysalmon6566 Год назад +1

    Search in video
    Truth #1
    0:59 thing that most people don't know
    about the creation story is that it's written
    from a very different mindset and
    with a greatly different perspective than
    most of us have today see the truth is the people who recorded the account of creation saw the world very differently than most of us do they viewed it with the mindset of people living in the near East thousands of years ago
    thus statement us just plain stupid what you have in Genesis is as Origen called aligory. And no they did not have some pirmativd mindset
    he probably thinks the bible teaches flat earth which it doesn't

  • @richcam1230
    @richcam1230 Год назад +1

    Sorry, but I don't agree with your view of creation. We see but a small part of universe limited to the interior of the dome. Outside there is no need of a sun for light. Read Genesis again and again until you understand it.

  • @godswarriors7543
    @godswarriors7543 Год назад +2

    If it is upon every Christian to spread the gospel, then how does one do so when they are not public speakers, nor preachers nor a gospel singer? What if there has to be a way to spread the gospel without saying a word or being able to sing, your voice isn't something anyone wants to hear, but your duty is still before you? What are many of us to do to help our family, our community, our country? With each of these Techniques there are words added to the gospel.
    So what if we can spread just the gospel, nothing added? It doesn't matter if you do as Jesus says and preach,or how God teaches and plant a seed. What if those who make quilts can put a prayer or the Sermon on the Mount in the quilt, giving whoever receives it a covering in the voice of Jesus? Or a hatband with the Ten Commandments in it to allow someone to wear the very voice of The Father? If one is sick can we give them a prayer in a gift and pray with them?
    What if each of us worked together to spread the gospel and STOP with the downing of the way other Christians do their best to help us all? We have forgotten God in our deeds.
    By binding The Word, as God describes in Deut. 6:8-9, any part of it, placing it in gifts and spreading the charity, God blessed each of us and gave us an abundance of things we no longer need or want and give with The Word added as a gift to another who has needs or wants? Plant the seed of God's Word.
    Why can't we as Christians spread the gospel the only way we know how and be accepted by other Christians? We are one in our Lord Jesus Christ and some of us are not those who can speak or sing. There is more to the Body of Christ than just a mouth. What? Are we all talk and no action?
    People need the love, hope, mercy, prayer, songs, peace etc. that is in the pages of the Holy Bible.The Word, The Truth will last forever. Let's use every gift of God and spread His Holy Spirit across our land. This is something we all can do. Whatever you do, wherever you go, find a way to add the Holy Spirit.
    Psalms 119:151
    Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.
    Luke 8:11
    Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
    John 1:1
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    We have to plant seeds in order to reap a harvest. Where there is light, there is no darkness. Light up your world, spread the voice of God. Dress you and yours in The Lord.
    We cover the world in the Biblical spirit just as The Father did in the beginning.
    All world religions just lead to death, none has found life.
    There is more that you can do than pray.

  • @justjosie8963
    @justjosie8963 Год назад +1

    Which bible version are you refererncing that translates "firmanent" to "vaulted dome"?

  • @keturahrothschild2352
    @keturahrothschild2352 Год назад +1

    It's not yesebel, it is Lilith. The daughter of Anu, Ishtar. Queen of heaven. You will see it in the old testament

  • @sjs9354
    @sjs9354 Год назад +1

    No, I didn’t read anything about a “vaulted dome” as a child. Nor as an adult. King James says, as you pointed out, “firmament.” God watches over His Word. He is the Word. I can’t watch videos when the book used is not the Holy scripture. Return email notifications are not available at this time.

  • @stevpace1
    @stevpace1 Год назад +2

    “Let there be light”, The moon and stars were also created on day 4. So the light in Genesis 3 is not the moon and stars.

  • @aromaceleste20
    @aromaceleste20 Год назад +6

    Geeee!! Pastor Brandon; this means joy to my heart; of course I have a bias, but also this reminds me of my youth at College when I dared an essay that compared conceptual similarities between Genesis and Life Origin Oparin's Theory. My Professor maybe was not enthusiastic 😅 But it meant A LOT to me, and my brains. Thank you for this renewed delight; I love Genesis record ❤

    • @johnrobertd748
      @johnrobertd748 Год назад

      Pastor, and he doesn't even know the Bible?

  • @shawnbuell9540
    @shawnbuell9540 Год назад +1

    Why do we have to submit to a book.
    Can we get for free and not submit...

  • @sillyown
    @sillyown Год назад +1

    As Jesus spoke in stories, parables, some of the Bible is told in a way people can understand.

  • @WhatYourPastorDidntTellYou
    @WhatYourPastorDidntTellYou Год назад +5

    This might be your best video yet, Brandon. Good job!

  • @johnbennettusa123
    @johnbennettusa123 Год назад +1

    The Biblical account could be literal ie a flat earth and a firmament dome?

  • @williamtotherow3367
    @williamtotherow3367 Год назад +1

    Brandon do you surrender your biases when you read the Bible?

  • @RonMTube
    @RonMTube Год назад +4

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! As someone who attends an evangelical church, I'm surrounded by people who want to view scripture scientifically instead of according to its intention. I wonder how many people have turned away from Yaweh and Jesus because they were never offered the point of view you provide in this video. Once you see it, it seems clear that Genesis was created to speak to people in their time (not ours) and to point to Jesus.

    • @k.m.virginia7523
      @k.m.virginia7523 Год назад

      But, what else is he going to change. Does he believe in the Great Flood? If not, you should RUclips the Great Flood as there are many, many proofs. In fact, there are so many proofs, they make Darwin look kinda stupid. You are a Christian right? Then research it, it will be worth your time. Thank you.

    • @RonMTube
      @RonMTube Год назад

      @k.m.virginia7523 consider this. 500 years ago the argument was if the universe revolves around the earth. "God has set the earth on its pillars and it should not be moved." No one believes that now, even the most devout Christian. What we learned was that though the bible could be interpreted that way, it doesn't have to be. I believe in the inspiration of scripture. What we need to realize is that often, when defending scripture, we are really defending our interpretation or view of it. But as the brilliant mathemetician and Christian apologist John Lennox says, this is not something we Christians should be arguing over.

  • @alicialara17
    @alicialara17 Год назад +2

    I got saved after hearing a creation sermon. I was 12.

  • @Digitally_Faith
    @Digitally_Faith Год назад +22

    Thank you for this insight! It came at the right time because I just started a Christian Apologetics course and we’re going over creation and how those beliefs are impacted by our worldview and culture. )PS Luckily, I’ve become a student of Brandon Robbins before then 😅 so I was able to be aware that there is more going on with a Bible verse than what I anticipated!)

    • @RichM1967
      @RichM1967 Год назад +2

      There are many different insights on creation -- and I feel we shouldn't get too bogged down in it. If the bible had mentioned every scientific fact and detail, We're nothing but a spec on a tiny planet orbiting a sun thats a million times larger than we are, in a galaxy that has billions of stars, some even larger than our own and are hundreds / thousands of light years away. This would be complete fiction to anybody outside of modern times. The meaning of Genesis is to say: God did it. At the same time we know the universe has a beginning, the bible agrees with that. Everything that begins to exist something causes that existence, nothing just appears without cause. What is the cause of our universe? God.

    • @Digitally_Faith
      @Digitally_Faith Год назад +1

      @@RichM1967 I agree. At the end of the day, God created and is upholding the creation as He said He would.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Год назад

      What does your apologetics course say about this... There never was multiple Gospels by multiple authors. The Gospel was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.

    • @perfectpeace00
      @perfectpeace00 Год назад

      written by Lazarus? @@termination9353

    • @ghostwhite1648
      @ghostwhite1648 Год назад

      @@RichM1967 the Word of God says the Heavens cannot be measured. That means we cannot trust what NASA does...measure the Heavens with "Lightyears"

  • @jannaswanson271
    @jannaswanson271 Год назад +2

    Space is a lie. Let God be true and every man a liar. God's firmament is truth.

    • @jannaswanson271
      @jannaswanson271 Год назад

      @D-Bunker-zv1bj ...and when Christ was hanging on the cross they mocked Him and told Him He looked silly.

    • @jannaswanson271
      @jannaswanson271 Год назад

      @D-Bunker-zv1bj They are either liars or deceived. It has been proven that if you give someone a degree for believing lies that they will defend those lies all the more vigorously.
      It is true that the first three books of the Bible differ from the book of John. I call that a stumbling stone, a rock of offense.

  • @cranberrysuit7114
    @cranberrysuit7114 Год назад +1

    I had to figure out all the stuff on my own, I’m 58 now, a lot of churches preach milk. Not meat

  • @CRN2412
    @CRN2412 Год назад +4

    Thank you for showing us how caring and tender our Father is from the beginning.

  • @stevewright6800
    @stevewright6800 Год назад +1

    2 Timothy 3:16 says that All Scripture is God Breathed.. So Regardless of where and when and who wrote The Bible it was Breathed to them by God..I don't agree with your assessment

  • @deltadaze6836
    @deltadaze6836 Год назад +2

    In my original KJV, that verse says nothing about a 'vaulted dome'; It says firmament. The original versions say FIRMAMENT. The 'vaulted dome' is the phrase some other versions translated it as later on. Light on the first day was the ORDER out of CHAOS (light and darkness was divided to set the difference between them). Interesting video. :)

  • @bock1965
    @bock1965 Год назад +1

    explaining away the bible by saying ancient people were less informed than us is an atheist tactic. The Bible was not just written by people. It was directly inspired by God. The reason most chirchres do not teach creation your way is because Moses wtote the account as given directly to him by God. Your intentions may be good but you are way way off base. The creation story is scientifically accurate as is the rest of the bible.

    • @bock1965
      @bock1965 Год назад

      @@D-Bunker-zv1bj every serious Christian scholar believes Moses wrote the Pentateuch .. That is every one that believes that the Bible is God inspired. Only people whose eventual goal is to diminish the Gospel believe Moses did not write Genesis. Real Christians who have accepted the errant notion to the contrary have caved to the pressure of modern critics who believe that since they have a bunch of degrees that they are authoritative in the matter. Highly educated men oposed Jesus in His day just as they do today.

  • @jordamnarchuk6725
    @jordamnarchuk6725 Год назад +1

    The thing about the bible is.. when a point is made.. it is made more than once. He is not a God of confusion.

  • @alastairhopkins245
    @alastairhopkins245 Год назад +1

    The Old Testament is about what was there, what became wrong/inadequate about it and how it was going to be put right. The whole of the Old Testament in some way points to Jesus. If we were to discard the Old Testament we would forget why Jesus had to come.

  • @teejay9395
    @teejay9395 Год назад +1

    As with all scripture it is too deep and rich to be just one thing. The creation account is just as much for us now as it was for Israel then

  • @SalvableRuin
    @SalvableRuin Год назад +1

    If I understand what you are saying, it sounds like you think the Bible's story of creation is based on false, primitive understandings of the world and the universe. Are you claiming that these primitive people wrote the Bible based on their already-existing cosmology, and that therefore the Genesis account is not an accurate accounting of the days of creation? If the creation story is not literally true, then neither was the creation of Adam and Even on day 6. Yes, the creation story has a pattern and multiple purposes for being written, but saying that it's just another story written by men that is similar to other stories is false. Similarities can come about by people having common memories, which is why there are hundreds of stories around the world about the Great Flood. The Bible contains the actual history of that event in Genesis. There are always spiritual lessons to be learned by literal things. Genesis is not "science," but it is HISTORY, and is therefore consistent with science. You claim that these people had a pre-existing cosmology which they recorded in Genesis, but clearly Genesis is God-breathed scripture, and the cosmology of the people was based on their reading (and hearing) of the Genesis account of creation and their attempts to understand it. Since they didn't have science and couldn't fully comprehend it, they interpreted it based on their "primitive" understandings--hence the inaccurate cosmology.

  • @isaaccastro7522
    @isaaccastro7522 Год назад +4

    Good message, Brandon. Great way to end it, tying in the connections we need to make and highlighting the encouragement it brings.

  • @_stephanie-A
    @_stephanie-A Год назад +2

    Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Glory Glory Glory in the name of Jesus Christ Amen, and Amen

  • @isaaccastro7522
    @isaaccastro7522 Год назад +1

    The connections between Yam and the (original creation myth epic featuring the) Babylonian Tiamat were well understood by the culture of that time and following. We see throughout history that the same mythology filters down through the cultures (like the Greek and Roman) using different names and reworked stories. It's the same lies retold. Genesis cuts through them all with its simple visual.

  • @jasonkara7281
    @jasonkara7281 Год назад +2

    And… didn’t he rest on Saturday, yet we go to Church on Sunday ??????

    • @melvahash1837
      @melvahash1837 Год назад +1

      We go to church on Sundays to celebrate Jesus's resurrection.

    • @Notevenone
      @Notevenone Год назад

      There’s a whole history of why we go to church on Sunday

    • @marriage4life893
      @marriage4life893 Год назад

      Yes. He rested on the seventh day, blessed it, and made it holy. The blessing, sanctification, and day has never changed anywhere in scripture. People can go to church on the first day. Worship daily, but we're supposed to keep the seventh day holy. It a sign that he created the heavens and earth in six days, which were without death and sin. So, each seventh day, we get to remember a time of perfection. And Christ being Lord of the Sabbath is more reason to remember the seventh day, isn't he?
      Have a blessed Sabbath😊

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад +1

      ​@@marriage4life893- the basic idea of what you're saying is true-ish...yes, rested 7th day...problem is- modern day calendars are NOT God's calendar...so no one really ever knows exactly WHEN the REAL 7th day IS...and it's not the 'Jewish calendar either...they don't go by the exact 'God's calendar' either...but i guess one could use the modern day calendar and still 'observe' the 7th day just 'in honor' of what God did...Jesus IS our 'sabbath rest'...🙏👍🏻😇💜

    • @marriage4life893
      @marriage4life893 Год назад

      @@teesawatkins5720 The calendar doesn't matter, unless you're basing the weekly Sabbath off of a purely lunar calculation, which is wrong. The seventh day of the week is the Sabbath regardless of the calendar.
      The Jews living under Roman rule with a Roman calendar were still able to keep the weekly Sabbath in Judea, Rome, or Antioch. Acts is full of examples of Paul observing Sabbath throughout his travels regardless of the location and dominate Roman calendar.
      Do you apply your same logic to those who observe the first day as the day of resurrection as well? Do you tell them the first day of the week isn't really the same first day as the resurrection because of changes to the universal calendar?
      That would only be fair.

  • @LadyCin611
    @LadyCin611 Год назад +13

    I certainly appreciate your work on your channel. For the first time ever, I am understanding the Bible, Jesus, and so very much more. Thank you!

    • @DA-yd2ny
      @DA-yd2ny Год назад +2

      Cindy, Don’t base your teaching on a human only. Make it your goal to grow in your knowledge so you can make an informed opinion based on the Spirit’s guidance!

    • @technicianbis5250
      @technicianbis5250 Год назад

      Well put, i was watching a tv ministry this morning talking about false teaching. As we all know the Bible is the Word of God and so it is the final authority even above a pope, a bishop, a priest or pastor.

  • @Leonardokite
    @Leonardokite Год назад +3

    I am fortunate enough to have a pastor who did a complete series on Genesis. He is also quite the geek. He did an awesome job of explaining how everything written in Genesis was easily backed up by scientific fact. The only time it doesn't make scientific sense is when one does not have a Godly worldview. God's creation is beyond awesome, and the more one knows his word the more incredibly complex and perfect it is.

    • @cjdjkdietz
      @cjdjkdietz Год назад +4

      Yes! This! So glad you have a pastor that can put science and the Bible together. We need more pastors like that... losing too many young people because they have been taught they are incongruent.
      For great information on how the book of Genesis actually IS supported by science, look up Hugh Ross and Genesis. Amazing teachings by a guy way smarter than me. But now it all makes sense to me. Just wish it had before I people close to me left the faith because of the perception that science and the Bible can't co-exist. They DO, actually! God is the author of both books - the book of the Bible and the book of Nature -- why would they contradict each other, then?

    • @Leonardokite
      @Leonardokite Год назад +4

      @@cjdjkdietz Amen brother, science cries out God is our creator. He IS the author of science!

  • @donnastorey3830
    @donnastorey3830 Год назад +3

    Thank for explaining in detail about creation.

  • @donparsons8743
    @donparsons8743 Год назад +1

    I think you missed the whole point. God Almighty the God of impossibility created this. If what you say here is what's intended, there is no God of Creation and Jesus has no more authority to forgive sin than you or I. I vehemently disagree.

    • @mikeheath8318
      @mikeheath8318 Год назад

      I am so glad to see your response. This presentation was an example of seeing real insights into the Biblical text and history, by someone presenting themselves as more enlightened, yet avoiding the real central issues. Adam is central. The fall is central. The author of scripture is central. I am seriously concerned about Brandon now. He has made some excellent presentations but the touchstone is right here in Genesis.

    • @donparsons8743
      @donparsons8743 Год назад

      I am thankful for the Amen confirmation, but I have to admit no one has likely ever talked to him about Creation. Unfortunately, this is acceptable with literally every preacher or lay person I know. I wish we could at least tell him. He already has more listeners that we will ever have, and he's definitely not stupid. We need someone like him to stand up against this blasphemy, some preachers don't teach this, but they won't stand against it either.@@mikeheath8318

  • @deniss2
    @deniss2 Год назад +2

    It is so difficult to explain to people that God stands outside of creation (matter, energy, space and time) To reason that He literally created in six evening and morning days, by His spoken word is therefore irrelevant and places God in a LESSER position. There was NO time to measure a day when He started, there was no air to carry a word from His "mouth" (what mouth?) But, we can see that the story is poetry (through the pattern you mention), intended to convey greater meaning, and we can see that God created Adam around six thousand years ago. Thanks for boldly proclaiming the truth.

    • @Fire-Proof
      @Fire-Proof Год назад +1

      Isaiah 46:9-10 basically says that God has shown the end from the beginning and from ancient times. So God created the world in 6x24 hour days and 6x24=144, so if God has shown the end from the beginning then we should find this same number at the end, and we do, The tree of life in Revelation 2:22 the tree of life bear 12 new fruits each month and 12 months times 12 fruits is 12x12=144, also at the beginning Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves, and the end in Revelation 2:22 the leaves of the tree are for healing of nations. There is so much more also.

    • @teesawatkins5720
      @teesawatkins5720 Год назад +1

      ​@@Fire-Proof- excellent! well stated! 🙏👍🏻😇💜

    • @Fire-Proof
      @Fire-Proof Год назад

      @@teesawatkins5720 Thank you for the comment, but God deserves all the glory. I’m just doing my best to find him. The 144 thing is also beautiful, I found the 144,000 in the Old Testament, remember we are the Temple of God if we have the Holy Spirit, we’ll the 144,000 are the Holy of Holies, 1 Kings 6:1 Kings 6:20 (KJV) And the (((oracle in the forepart [was] twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof:)))and he overlaid it with pure gold; and [so] covered the altar [which was of] cedar.
      Oracle means Holy of Holies. It’s where the High Priest went in through the Veil once a year to sprinkle blood on the altar. Anyways the Holy of Holies is 20 cubits tall 20 cubits wide and 20 cubits long and we multiply 20x20x20=8000, a cubit is 18” and to find the cubic cubits
      We multiply 8000x18”=144,000 Cubic cubits, When I turned 50 on my birthday God showed me this, not one person said happy birthday not one person remembered, but God did, his gift made me cry. Now it’s my gift to you. PEACE🕊

  • @lwells3937
    @lwells3937 Год назад +2

    Thank you Brandon. God has blessed you with the gift of wisdom

  • @lupitaolson7837
    @lupitaolson7837 Год назад +3

    Brandon, thank you again for sharing your God giving wisdom with me.🙏🙏

  • @rosalindfeemster8049
    @rosalindfeemster8049 Год назад +3

    I love this understanding thank you

  • @brotherandrew3393
    @brotherandrew3393 Год назад +2

    This was a very Catholic approach to Genesis. I agree with your opinion that Genesis was not written as a scientific explanation. But this comes with a price: Alleging that the human writers of Genesis just revealed their own understanding of how creation works in order to transport spiritual truth simply means that the frame of this spiritual truth is only their imagination. Does God´s revelation really work this way?

    • @kevin8360
      @kevin8360 11 месяцев назад

      I disagree… I think the creation account in the Bible is as close to a modern day scientific explanation the the writer of Genesis could do with a limited vocabulary and lack of scientific instruments.
      The creation account perfectly spells out the “Big Bang” and Evolution.
      Let them be light… bang.
      Light before the sun… earlier stages of the development of the sun.
      Life started in the water, then air, then land.

  • @MD6-127
    @MD6-127 8 месяцев назад

    This one about creation you got it ALL WRONG......GO BACK TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ASK HIM.

  • @quetzelmichaels1637
    @quetzelmichaels1637 Год назад

    I enjoyed your video. Well done. My compliments. I think you underestimate the understanding of the author. It is written within man's ability to comprehend. The flood story of Noah comes from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and is used to inform you that there will be waters above the dome of the sky, likey an icy one, in the new heaven and new earth. Albeit, it sounds like the new heaven and new earth are a differnt location.
    Light and vegetation are created before the sun and moon because the story is about the new heaven and new earth. Yahweh is the light and the Christ is its lamp. Your creation story is when, in the beginning, Adam found you in a wasteland, empty, and void of understanding, having become corrupted by sin, and he shielded you as the apple of his eye.
    There was as yet no man to till the soil. Adam tilled the soil and created the Garden of Eden, a promised land, a heavenly home, a new heaven and new earth, according to the plan of his Father, and then he settled east of Eden and has tilled and cultivated the soil ever since. I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Mat 28:20 NAB) Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (Mat 25:34 NABO)
    The kingdom of the Shining One (Snake???), David, the Morning Star, was in need of salvation. This is David's kingdom. His people set out from Babylon seeking a promised land. Blessed is the kingdom of our Father David that is to come! (Mar 11:10 NABO) No one comes to the Father except through me. (Joh 14:6 NABO)
    The Son of David rules from his father's throne and over his kingdom, preserving and restoring it for him. Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father (1Co 15:24 NABO) Adam, the Christ, is not of this world or these heavens. He is a third-party mediator between you and your Father. You will not always have me (Mat 26:11 NABO)
    The Sun and Moon are David and his Bride. The Man and Woman are Christ and his Bride. The sin of Adam is prophetic of the sacrifice, when he wields the fiery sword guarding the way to the Tree of Life on the day of vengeance AS jugment, setting up the abomination of desolation in him, as the Temple without one stone left standing upon another. On the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, The light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater (like the light of seven days). (Isa 30:25-26 NABO)
    Master of the Demon Sin:
    If you do well, you can hold up your head; but if not, sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master. (Gen 4:7 NABO)
    Who, robed in splendor, judges, nations, crushes heads across the wide earth, Who drinks from the brook by the wayside and thus holds high the head. (Psa 110:6-7 NABO)
    Esau, the firstborn, lives by the sword (sacrifice) and serves his brother, Jacob, who was born gripping (striking at) his heel.
    Isaac blessed Esau saying:
    Ah, far from the fertile earth shall be your dwelling; far from the dew of the heavens above! (Gen 27:39 NABO)
    you will not always have me (Mat 26:11 NABO)
    I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Mat 28:20 NAB)
    My kingdom does not belong to this world. (Joh 18:36 NABO)
    Where I am going you cannot come. (Joh 8:21 NABO)
    Then I took my staff "Refuge" and snapped it asunder, breaking off the covenant which I had made with all peoples (Noahic covenant) (Zec 11:10 NABO)
    Then I snapped asunder my other staff, "Heritage" (Deu 32:8) breaking off my brotherhood with Judah and Israel. (Zec 11:14 NABO)
    the one who ascended far above all the heavens themselves (Eph 4:10 NABO)
    never to return to corruption (Act 13:34 NABO)
    "By your sword (sacrifice) you shall live, and your brother you shall serve; But when you become restive (weak; faint; infirm; a worm; man of suffering; restless; wanderer in the desert; way of the Lord in the desert), you shall throw off his yoke from your neck." (Gen 27:40 NABO)
    Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau! (Gen 32:12 NABO)
    Esau ran to meet him, embraced him, and flinging himself on his neck, kissed him as he wept. (Gen 33:4 NABO)
    Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. (Mat 11:29-30 NABO)

  • @lonecar144
    @lonecar144 Год назад

    Deut 4:2 (KJV) and Rev 22:18-19 (KJV) tell us there can be only one preserved Word of God. And yet version after version is spewed out to deceive.
    There is not a power that is not given by God. Through providence God raised up the most powerful nation there ever was or will be, the U.S.A., and in its infancy it was given the preserved word of God; “Robert Aitken, a Philadelphia printer, was the first to publish the first American edition of the K.J.V. New Testament in 1781 and the K.J.V. Old Testament in 1782, omitting the Apocrypha. On completion, he petitioned and received from the Congress of the Confederation, an official endorsement that Aitken added to the binding of his Bibles, to assure colonists that they were buying a non-royalist edition: “Resolved, that the United States in Congress assembled… recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States and hereby authorize him to publish this recommendation.” As a result, the Aitken Bible (KJV) is often referred to as “The Bible (KJV) of the Revolution.”
    The nation was given the KJV, not the dead sea scrolls, not the book of Enoch, not Hebrew books etc. but only the KJV. If God wanted us to understand his word in Hebrew he would have raised this nation up speaking Hebrew. Back in the 1600’s God saw to it that the certain scriptures were translated into English “KJ Bible” and was put into print so that all could read for themselves the truth that in in the scriptures. God did this because he knew that he would bring about this powerful nation [U.S.A. and the English language] of ours to lead the world. The scriptures were written by apostles and prophets inspired by God through the Holy Ghost. The compilation and translation to English was also done by the direction of God through the Holy Ghost and he did not make any mistakes, i.e., the fourth horse being “pale” was no mistake, the horse is not green.
    In Greek mythology, the name Chloris (Khloris Χλωρίς, from khloros χλωρός, meaning “greenish-yellow,” “pale green,” “pale,” “pallid” or “fresh”) appears…
    Pallid 1. pale; faint or deficient in color; wan: a pallid countenance.
    People say that they believe that scripture was written by the direction of God and the Holy Ghost, which is true. But what you people don’t seem to realize is that the compilation and translation of the bible (KJV) was also done by the direction of God and the Holy Ghost. If the bible (KJV) was written and compiled by men of opinion and perspective and translated by incompetent translators then you might as well throw it in the trash. The prophets were told what to write and how to write it, 2 Peter 1:20-21 (KJV)
    The nation was given the symbol of the Eagle, 37 … Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together. Luke 17:37 (KJV), the body being the Church, the body of Christ. The nation has the motto and preamble “in God we trust” and “one nation under God”. This greatest and most powerful nation the U.S.A., has been given the last and best chance to lead the world to heaven on earth or destruction. But like all other nations of power before it (symbolic Israels, Rev 11:8 (KJV)) the U.S. has chosen destruction and is now the great “liar” saying “in God we trust” and “one nation under God”, it is now the conglomerate of the dragon, beast, false prophet, and harlot, it is Satan loosed from the pit, 7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
    8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Rev 20:7-8 (KJV).
    And yet no one seems to know of or speak of a very clear fulfillment of prophecy in our recent history. We (U.S.A.) are the ones who brought down fire from heaven in Aug. of 1945 and we are the ones that gave life to the image of the beast in May of 1948. Rev.13:13-15 (KJV).
    All glory to God. Amen

  • @lonecar144
    @lonecar144 Год назад

    “Why didn’t the disciples know that Jesus could feed the 4,000 after he had fed the 5,000 in the previous chapter?” Matt 15:33 (KJV)
    The so called “Christian” leaders of today teach that it is because they didn’t have faith. But the fact is that anyone involved in such a miracle and still skeptical would not only remember it but would be anxious for a similar situation to arise and prove it one way or the other. The discrepancy is put there to prod those with eyes to see (those sincere in search of truth) to investigate.
    The answer is given in the 16th chapter where Jesus speaks of the leaven of the Pharisees.
    Matt 16:6-12 (KJV).
    If that bread were literal then the disciples had every reason to believe that Jesus was being literal about the leaven and he therefore had no reason to chide them. But that bread being symbolic he chided them for not considering and taking to heart his teachings even after the third time of bringing up the subject. That teaching is what you are reading now.
    The bible (KJV) says that Jesus followed no will of his own but the will of God.
    John 6:38 (KJV)
    His life in the flesh is an ensample (representation) of God's laws. Jesus says that bread represents his flesh (his life) which in turn represents God's law (the bread of life).
    John 6:51 (KJV)
    Jesus’ death gave us the New Testament. Matt 26:28 (KJV) and Heb 9:16 (KJV)
    The New Testament brings meat to the scriptures, represented by the two fishes.
    The meat is the symbolic code and patterns that bring/bind all scripture in the bible (KJV) together. Heb 5:12-14 (KJV)
    It has been 2 thousand years since Jesus, so each fish represents 1 thousand years. In turn the five loaves of bread represent 5 thousand years that God gave his laws to man.
    21 And they that had eaten were about FIVE THOUSAND men,…Matt 14:21 (KJV)
    This gives us a glimpse of Gods timeline. 7 thousand years ago Adam was kicked out of the garden. It also shows us that we are at the end of our time on this earth;
    13 … and in the earthquake were slain of men SEVEN THOUSAND: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. Rev 11:13 (KJV)
    What does all this prove? It proves that the stories in the bible (KJV) aren’t meant to be taken literally. Also different parts of the hidden truths and patterns are written by different authors hundreds and thousands of years apart show that the bible (KJV) is the preserved word of God orchestrated, compiled, and translated by him and the Holy Ghost.
    It tells us that the bible speaks of itself and that it is for OUR admonition.
    4 Neither give heed to FABLES and ENDLESS GENEALOGIES…1 Tim 1:4 (KJV)
    It tells us its message is hidden in the fables, parables, and stories through symbolism.
    And above all it gives us a major key in unlocking the hidden timeline and agenda of God. It tells us that the following verse is meant to be taken as literal. 2 Peter 3:8 (KJV)
    So taking 2 Peter 3:8 (KJV) as literal tells us that each creation day is 1k years.
    5 .... And the evening and the morning were the first day. Gen 1:5 (KJV)
    Another thing that shows the creation days are 1k yrs. is if you take the phrase “the evening and the morning” and do a search verbatim of the whole bible (KJV) the only verse that comes up other than the creation days is Dan 8:26 (KJV) There is no way the events of the vision it speaks of could happen in one 24 hour period.
    Okay now to get down to it. When you make the creation days 1k yrs. long you will notice there is a big problem. There is no way that plants (created on the third day) could live 1k yrs. without the sun (created on the fourth day). The only way for this to work is to switch the third day with the fourth day. And you can’t just switch verses at your leisure; you need to get permission first. That permission is in the book of Revelation with the seven seals, (a pattern of symbols that REVEAL the second week of Gods timeline, the time of man's dominion). Remember we are looking to move the 3rd day. So when you look at the 3rd seal we read; Rev 6:5-6 (KJV)
    Balances are symbolic of the weighing of two things (choices). It’s giving us a choice, “A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny;” And in that choice it warns us, “and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” not to spoil the flow of things in your choice.
    So when we switch the 3rd and 4th days we see a definite pattern (a flow).
    On day 1 you have the one earth with no life created.
    On day 2 God splits the earth in two, still no life created.
    On day 3 God creates the sun and the moon and it is mentioned! that he also created the stars. Three cosmic entities, No life created.
    On day 4 God creates plants. One form of life created.
    On day 5 God creates fish and fowl. Two forms of life created.
    On day 6 God creates cattle, creeper, and beast. Three forms of life created.
    One would argue that man was also created on the 6th day making it four forms of life.
    But a cow is a beast, the redundancy put there again to prod those with eyes to see to investigate. When we go to Matt 25:31-46 (KJV), we see that sheep are used to represent the righteous and goats are used to represent the sinner. When we go to Ezek 34:17 we see God judging between cattle and cattle and between rams (the righteous) and goats (the sinners) making cattle represent the only ones left the innocent. Not because they didn’t do anything wrong but because at the creation they didn’t know of God’s laws.
    Therefore three forms of life created on the 6th day, man (cattle), creeper, and beast.
    And we can go further with this creation of man. In Gen 5:2 (KJV) God calls “their” name Adam, meaning more than one. When we go to Rev 17:15 (KJV) we see that waters are used to represent peoples, and when we go to Gen 2:11-14 (KJV) we see the creation of the four races of man represented by the four rivers.
    And this story of the creation of the four races is only given once, which means that the story of Noah’s flood is fable also. So when we go to 2 Peter 3:5-6 (KJV) when it speaks of the earth being overflowed with water it is speaking of the earth in the first day of creation. It also mentions that there was life on it before it was overflowed, similar to a vivarium, or a prep-station.
    Let's do a recap:
    God overflows the earth with water, then after 500 years of darkness (called the evening) God says (speaking to the heavenly host) “let there be light” or to paraphrase [lets go to work]. Then for 500 years (called the morning) God and the heavenly host start setting the foundations of the earth, such as putting the continents and their rich resources in strategic places. Then God lets the earth settle for 500 years, being the evening of the second day. Then the morning of the second day God splits the earth in two. Then 1k years later he creates the sun and the moon and like I said it is mentioned that he created the stars also, not necessarily in that 1k year day. Then 1k years later he creates plant life, 1k years later fish and fowl, 1k years later man (cattle), creeper, and beast. And God and the heavenly host rested from physical labor the last day of the first week of God’s timeline.
    An observation of note, water is an accelerant of decay, and the earth was overflowed with water for 3,500 years. And the calibrations of calibrations that need to be calibrated before an accurate reading can be given make carbon dating iffy at best. But no matter, just because you know the age of something doesn’t mean you know its history. Just because something is buried in 70,000-year-old mud doesn’t make that thing 70,000 years old.
    Just as it took 7 one-thousand-year days for the creation, God allotted 7 one-thousand-year days for man's dominion on this earth (the seven seals).
    All glory to God. Amen

  • @termination9353
    @termination9353 Год назад

    Most churches won't tell you...There never was multiple Gospels by multiple authors. The Gospel was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.

  • @oldcountryboy
    @oldcountryboy Год назад

    But isn't the Bible divinely written By God Are you saying God doesn't know everything Interesting Seems to go against what the Bible teaches

  • @JoseBaez-hg5es
    @JoseBaez-hg5es Год назад

    Wonderful explanations; however, you have to read the scrools of Bereishit "The Beginning " in the original language or the transliteration of the Afro-Asiatic Semitic languages or language
    Elokim is plural used in the singular masculine
    Blessed be the Holy One of Abraham, Havayah is Elokim

  • @amyrenee1361
    @amyrenee1361 Год назад

    If it's written at a time different than ours, then we are not bound to that book. It has become obsolete, twisted, confused, and misused. If you believe in God, and that God is living, YOU DON'T NEED A BOOK

  • @nute742
    @nute742 4 месяца назад

    Inside the LDS Temples, also talks about the creation too! (and the story of Adam & Eve)!

  • @paul9120
    @paul9120 Год назад

    The Bible was not written, according to men’s imaginations and men’s perspective! The scripture is God‘s word. You have no idea what you’re talking about and what you’re saying.

  • @Raddflyer
    @Raddflyer Год назад

    IT's so funny, ancient thoughts "Well light came from the moon when he said "let there be light"" we discover that, after the big bang no light could form because of the intense heat. Then, 100,000 years later, BAM light out of the formation of photons from all over, throughout the universe. That is God intensity!

  • @josephaney
    @josephaney 8 месяцев назад

    The truth about creation. Jesus is my best friend. Back in the mid 80s, I asked the Lord to tell me the truth about the creation of the world, and he showed me Moses' vision of the creation. It did not take long to figure out that the days of creation were taking a lot longer than 24 hours a piece. So I asked Jesus, "How long is the day?" He asked me, "How do you calculate one day for man?" "Well, one revolution of the earth on it's axis." Then Jesus said, "But man had not been created yet." I said, "So then the earth going around the sun." Jesus said, "But the earth had not been created yet either. So what is next?" The solar system revolving around the galaxy?" "And how long does that take?" he asked. I looked it up. It takes several hundreds of million of years. Now that might work. Now I have revisited the vision many times and this is what I see today. The creation of the earth begins in a nebula out in the galaxy. Inside the nebula are father stars and mother planets. I saw a father star and God said, "Let there be light," in other words, "Let there be life." And I saw a fire ball go out from the sun and it fell into the ocean of a mother planet and a new planet was conceived and for the next several hundreds of millions of years, the earth grew in the womb of the mother planet. At the start of the second day, I saw that baby earth had grown and was ready to be born and I saw the mother planet turn on her axis so her pole was pointed toward the star and baby earth fell to the pole and popped out of the ocean. There was the greater water above, the mother, and the lessor waters beneath, and there was a space between them. and for the next several hundreds of millions of years Baby earth grew, at first as a moon revolving around the Mother, then by the time it reached full grown, broke away from the mother to become a separate planet. At the start of the third "Day" there was a crack that opened up in the earth's crust under the ocean and volcanoes grew up from the floor of the ocean to create land, and continued to spew out magma until there was on Giant continent. When the land was suitable to support plant life, God gave the earth power to create seeds and the earth created seeds in the ocean and on the land and the seeds grew and produced all manner of plant life in the oceans and on the land. Then in the fourth day, I saw that star we call our sun enter into the nebula and as the sun passed through the nebula, I saw him gathering planets, including the earth, and moons and other space debris and after several hundreds of millions of years, the sun emerged from the nebula and became the solar system we are familiar with. In the fifth "day", God gave the earth power to create animal life in the oceans and on the land. On the sixth day, God gave power to the earth to create the large land animals and mammals. At the end of the sixth day, when the earth was deemed habitable for humans, God said to his wives, Let us go down and make babies, in our own image and likeness, boys and girls. God and his wives planted seven colonies on the earth, and then God rested. For the next several hundreds of millions of years, while God rested, his children created an advanced global civilization. There were pyramids dotting the earth that provided light in the night. Earth was a paradise for man and there was no war, hunger, disease or death and people evolved into higher states of existence without death.

  • @anibalcartage
    @anibalcartage 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @katherineking3174
    @katherineking3174 Год назад

    LORD help!!! An astronaut states they went through water!? What's that about!!!?
    Also, He does show us time by sun for days, moon for months, and stars for years!!!

  • @jonmcclenahan8379
    @jonmcclenahan8379 Год назад

    When the suggestion is made that the creation story reflects a scientifically ignorant man's primitive explanation of the origin of the universe, I'm left with the choice of rejecting that idea or rejecting scripture as the word of God. At what point does God's word become an account of what actually happened? And by the way, all of scripture references back to God's mighty acts of creation ... in their authors' primitive way. Not a good choice for me.

  • @nhartigan72
    @nhartigan72 9 месяцев назад

    Wait a second though, God is a God that brings storms, drought, turmoil to our doorstep. He does it with purpose, though sometimes we may not understand the purpose. It can be a result of the actions of others in our nation, not necessarily something that we've personally done. It's often done to get us to see our mistakes, repent, & return to him. Let's not forget all the troubles that were sent when the Israelites strayed from God, such as the Babylonians, Assyrians, serpents, etc..

  • @philiprobe755
    @philiprobe755 Год назад

    Story of creation is in the Bible ... completely available. But if you read it in the word of God without a pastor's help, you might actually believe that God placed the spherical ball of water in a freezing-cold void.. and then that he placed an atmosphere below the obvious ice.. and the non-frozen portion water within the sphere. Called it a firmament he did. Actually, that is the only way we could have huge huge animals and insects

  • @toddhouston4523
    @toddhouston4523 Год назад +2

    Excellent Bible study. This is what I always believed but couldn’t find any teaching on it. Thanks for the great insight.

  • @mandolinJo
    @mandolinJo Год назад

    @7:34 the order seems incorrect as the hot plasma then >>> stars f then planets are formed by elohim .... then cooling down >>>> material and waters....then life fills the waters and ..then life fills and multiplies on the land ...elohim is plural Gods ... in hebrew language.....

  • @FloridaIndependent
    @FloridaIndependent Год назад

    Your accusation based on your evil teaching:
    1. Moses and people of old didn't know what they were seeing.
    2. God could not communicate well to early people.

  • @roycehuepers4325
    @roycehuepers4325 9 месяцев назад

    Ironically both the sky and underground have literal oceans of water vapor. So this passage isn't inaccurate, though I doubt our ancestors understood it like that

  • @jhssavedbygrace9460
    @jhssavedbygrace9460 Год назад

    Doesn't John also hint at this is chapter 1 of the Gospel in Jesus being the Word and the Light in making sense and bringing order and Peace to the lost sheep of Israel and then to the nations: Kingdom of God is at hand. Excellently articulated. Well studied

  • @julief5291
    @julief5291 Год назад

    Wait!! You believe in this bible that was written by these 'primitive' people? There have been many, many books written since then that show the proof of science and the world.