As Pedras continuam rolando.Um amigo falou quando mandei este link.Ele resumiu BEM E para complementar,pedra que rola não cria limo.Longa Vida aos Rolling Stones!
They still have it, but I can't get used to Steve's sound on the drums,as opposed to Charlie's. He should have at least tuned his heads close to Charlie's sound. Wish I could tour with them, I know every song, every drum beat, and would have added a near Charlie sound backing the boys up.
Keith has an amazing voice 🎉🎉. He's a cool guy and a sweet soul 🎉🎉
Welcome back boys ,
Lovely Keith 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧♥️♥️
As Pedras continuam rolando.Um amigo falou quando mandei este link.Ele resumiu BEM E para complementar,pedra que rola não cria limo.Longa Vida aos Rolling Stones!
They still have it, but I can't get used to Steve's sound on the drums,as opposed to Charlie's. He should have at least tuned his heads close to Charlie's sound. Wish I could tour with them, I know every song, every drum beat, and would have added a near Charlie sound backing the boys up.
I agree whole heartily. But, he's his own drummer.