Shirlest's Hidden Pineal Gland Activation methods are a game changer. I’ve noticed a significant boost in my intuitive abilities and an increase in creativity. It’s like discovering a new version of myself.
you ever meet someone who just has this natural vibe, like they’re on a different level? i found out most of my friends like that all read Magnetic Aura and they swear it’s not about pretending, just being real and not letting negativity drag you down. it’s wild how hard it is to get tho, keeps disappearing everywhere, but maybe that’s what makes it worth it
I have meet people who vibrate on the same level and when you cross paths there is a chance you have meet them in another time or space and i always love having deep conversations with them it is awe inspiring who inter connected we really are!
he's selling his book on... he wants you to look it up and make purchase. Does this on numerous youtube channels. Pretty smart way to get free traffic. Don't buy it because he says its good do your research first.... I am just saying!
Astrology is satanic. It is the adversary to the Christian teachings. It is the person realizing their own power that is bound by the church. The crucifixion is a binding ritual. I'm not saying that astrology is inherently a bad thing.
The beginning of knowledge is the fear of the lord (Jesus Christ). I thought I knew it all until I submitted to the Holy Spirit. Everything else is vain human philosophy
HARRY I PURCHASED BOOK ONE AND BOOK TWO THEY'RE AMAZING BOTH OF THEM THESE ARE REALLY GOING TO HELP ME TO TEACH THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU REALLY REALLY HELPED ME I've had some heavy duty experiences and you're right once you see that you can't unsee it You're never the sam ❤❤❤ What a blessing
need a video on how to meditate. in depth. how to recieve knowledge and guidance while taking the single eye. how to stay in meditation when the mind wanders etc. TIA
Meditation is essentially being in a present moment of pure self acceptance. You don't attempt to do anything. Having said that, if you would like an in depth suggestion or instruction, read "A Course in Miracles"
My sons middle name is ἐνθουσιάζω= Enthusíaźó which means "The Essence of God Within" /"To Be Inspired By A God"/ its where the origin of Enthusiasm & Inspiration derived from. & when you think about it , both are divine inspiration.
I was curious about the Hidden Pineal Gland Activation mentioned by Shirlest, and I'm so glad I explored it. My intuition is on point, and I’m dreaming in ways I never thought possible.
In the Mayan astrology instead of Scorpio is a Quetzal and the element instead of water is fire, and the Quetzal is a representation of the phoenix Things might change according to your time, and year of birth
Thanks for your video, the next time I would wish you talk about zodiac signs, every zodiac and their powers and each dates , we are born under these signs.
i was a bit sceptic as one should be , cause i assumed the eagle is air and the body is water.. now why i comment this is cause ive been having some difficulties ,chaos inside. this makes sense what you say, my emotions are stress and whatnot, my desires are physical , my mind wants order, the body felt overwhelmed by energy of all kinds. i will try to put this into practice ,thank you
put more SUN inside your body. Fruit and chlorophyll. Less grains. No wheat. Your life will improve. You could go raw vegan or fruitarian for about 30 days or so. Things will greatly improve in your life. Go gluten free. No wheat. that is the best. This will affect your cells which affects everything in your life. be well.
The two greatest of the commandments, love God with all your will, love everyone else also as they are reflection of your inner state. You have to understand that we all have done something that got us here, we are dying as the perpetual occurrence here is decay, entropy. Sin is death, flesh is sin. We are in judgment watching our own existence flash right before our very own eyes, as they say the windows to the soul. The importance of forgiveness, compassion, and understanding with love towards the world of which you are in judgment for is apparent. There is no other besides you, not one. You are everything in your reality. If you can see it, you know it, you understand it only because it's you. I wish there was a way to communicate and express meaning more effectively as there are no proper ways to do so physically. I can only say that unconditional love is by far the closest way of expressing truth.
Outstanding content my dear brother of Brightness!! Thanks for sharing such enriching content. I'm curious to hear your thoughts about... What's the difference between spirit and soul?
In my Language, Maori, the word "o" is placed before words as a sort of possessive word. Example Ozealantis would mean "of Zealantis".. our word for sun is Ra. Our word for life and also healing is Ora
The Hidden Pineal Gland Activation by Shirlest opened up a whole new world for me. I can't believe how much my creativity has flourished since I started implementing their techniques.
well thought through. parallel to sone ideas i kick around, though i differ, (ex: more suspect matter is alive not dead) but you provide a lot to consider there, thx. i’ll subscribe. As constructive criticism (from the land of nod): i really thought you’ll’d be addressing the self as emergent in lower four of the seven planes : 1) physical, 2)etheric, 3)astral, 4)mental. i’d say it’s relevant, because, if, as you say, one must link physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self - to one another - which sounds right, the question still remains - once they are in tune with each other, to what measure, standard or field of truth are they then weighed? this is where the higher planes would come in, beyond which “self” as such does not exist, but from which any standard of truth, even to oneself, or the evidence of one’s senses, must flow. note also: the crossed circle is also representational of … to be coy, let’s say: compasses and clocks..
Shirlest really knows what they're talking about with Hidden Pineal Gland Activation. I followed their guidance and can now tap into my intuition like never before. The lucid dreaming is just a bonus!
Actually, this is confirming a weird 3 to 4 pattern thats been occuring in my life rather a 334, so thats pretty insane, i write this at the beginning, i dont think i will be surprised but rather amazed.
Mind Body Spirit, I knew that much. Also, familiar with some aspects of Oneness through entheogenic plant medicines. (Aspects of Oneness… that’s funny.) Not sure that I’d heard “emotion” as a 4th essential portion of the balance. Although, I’ve begun to note that the mastering of the ability to conjure up One’s own emotional state, is an essential component for One’s highest manifestation potential. Hence, “loosh harvesting?” So, you say these 4 comprise the Soul/SOL. Interesting. Then you go on to claim that One must consciously surrender the 4 in meditation, in order to “access the Soul.” Seems as if this would indicate that One’s soul is not a matter of individuation at all, but merely an allotted portion of the one whole. Fractalization. Are you then saying that Oneness/Non-Duality/Objective Reality IS synonymous with One’s Soul… Or our Soul? Therefore One has no Soul to sell… other than to choose reject the reality of the whole? What is your perspective on such things as awareness of, or access to past lives?? Such as “Past Life Regression?” One would be quiiite interested to hear your take on that. Thank you for sharing. Be Well.
You’ll realise I’m working from my left brain by asking this, but how did you come by this knowledge? (Volume one and two of the book of wisdom arrived today! Can’t wait to get started this weakened!!
I'll add this, what someone suggested to me when I was uniting both hemispheres of the brain through different techniques over 10 yrs ago. They said start brushing your teeth with your non dominate hand, which was my left. This small stepped opened up a new pathway which unconsciously seemed to have a mind of it's own as I started doing so many other things with my left hand without even knowing it. It also slowly changed my awareness of things as this began to solidify as part of my experience. This is just to say that we live in a physical dualistic realm and any knowledge gained should be able to be applied into our experiences. Most people gain knowledge and know not what to do with it and it just sits on the mantle so to speak like a trophy collecting dust. It's like getting a scroll of fireball spell in a video game and never taking the side quest to get what's need to activate it. Even after that you will be required to use it a certain amount of times to level it up and solidify it into your reality. Any knowledge gained should be applied to change your experience here and that will be unique for each individual. Some things have to literally be experienced in order to truly understand them and not just acquired knowledge. Like Glenda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power to go back home but if I told you you wouldn't have believed me and had to experience it for yourself." Dorothy now knows should she ever go looking for her heart's desires she'll look no further than her own backyard (within). Certain experiences are locked behind one another and there are no skipping steps here. Certain teachings will change one's awareness to provide a different perspective to relate to their experiences. This is when the fun begins as everything is seen through a new childlike lens of curiosity as even the mundane is made new. These things lead to other experiences which allows one to begin the path of seeking that which is seeking you. Everything is a path of balance which allows one's experiences to relate differently in this duality as one consciously works in tandem with one's true self making the experience whole and yet most never achieve this. This is when you realize you no longer have to move mountains because the mountains already know to move and the inside now dictates the outside. Everyone's experience is different but from my perspective things should change for the better in one's life on this path and not stay the same or get worse. It doesn't mean there are no challenges but that the awareness around the experience has changed in order to further the progression of growth. These teachings should be allowing one to become balanced in every aspect of their lives. Most of the time this is achievable if one is able to let go and get out of one's own way being stuck in ego and not working in tandem becoming whole on the journey. Everything you need you already have and most of the time the outside is just providing confirmation of that, letting you know you're on the right path. This is so much fun as everything begins to play out so naturally, especially the gratitude of the experience itself and we realize we are not and have never been alone. God (Universe, Higher-self, interpretation varies) makes itself available to everyone but not everyone makes themselves available to God! Obviously this is just my opinion as seen from my perspective, so if it doesn't resonate no harm, no foul. Good luck! ❤
9:00 "The Sun (son) is our soul,and the 12 zodiac signs and 4 elements" 🤔 The Son (Yeshua /Jesus) ,12 "disciples" and the four main arch angels. Same.Same. 💡 Lightbulb!
I can't believe how effective the Hidden Pineal Gland Activation techniques from Shirlest are. After trying their methods, I've experienced a whole new level of intuition and even started lucid dreaming. It's like unlocking a hidden part of my mind.
I’m pretty sure the “sun cross” you presented is the symbol of Saturn which was called the Black Sun at some point in the past. Not the main star of our solar system. Soul is the highest stage of mind. All is mind. Soul is fire. Spirit is air, it is local. We breath spirit in and it whispers through wind because it is w”holy” spirit of the planet - the atmosphere. Soul is fire and is fleeting, it is cosmic and it’s medium is light. Body is both earth and water, yes you can attribute emotion to water as you did.
Sun is life...I am sun...sun make life...Sun is God for me yes that simple...Without sun life is not. So...keep it simple...LOVE is light O YEAH....Till the end of time...I am LOVE and will be forever! yes...LOVE is and will néver die...READ THIS AND KNOW I WILL LOVE YOU DEAR HUMAN FAMILY FOREVER!!! ÁND BEYOND...WE CALL IT UNCONDITIONAL AND YOU KNOW, IT IS !!!
You are the university, live inside urself and see how this body works in harmony, appreciate the life God has given us.. what a shame to sin against our greatest ally but if we weren't tricked by the dark.. their may have been no repentance for us of course that exist because we betrayed the heavens and chose hell, we are in this together, wake up to God and repent to the holy Spirit and watch the love transform ur shadow, I'm sharing and use to hold back, it's time and I come with no ego, God is the glory always, its for our Creator always for he gave me all and everything's ability to began with
Can u make a video about sexual energy- like does it run out? And how can you produce more of it cause I wanna work in creative profession and maybe harnessing it well can make my creative juices flowing
If you are not born with it, then you don't have it. DON'T play with your dick trying to use some form of black magic to get want you because guys like me would tell and just shit all over your plans because you're not real or really blessed by God
Nice video, but I must let you know that there are actually 7 bodies Physical Astral/Subtle/emotional body Causal/Etheric body Toroidal or Mental body Light or Spiritual body Iridium or Cosmic body Indium or Nirvana body This last body has many names and is unique as it’s tied directly to the 5th dimensional plane of awareness. It’s also known as the Higher Self body or Indigo body You’re welcome!!!
In fact i believe that the ( Inna Self) or the ( Soul) is a energy force that not only drives the physical body but ( Aluminate) the ( Physical Body) Peace ✌🏿
What if you made a childrens book, captivating these ideas in it’s most pure & raw form. Illustrated in a manner that makes a child dream and understand these ideas. I’d call it plain & simple - The Truth. Yes because it is The Truth & Absolute timeless Truth! Both Gnostics and Egyptians all had a hand in the final answer, or the one big door. What I realized is we always know and will be shown the steps to take in any given goal we take for ourselves. As they told us - Everything is possible the only thing standing between you and the dreams is the mind! While Gnostics taught about an ancient being / force that captivates 9 billion people granting them what I like to call Luck. Because Luck is always individual, no one will experience the same luck as no one wish for the same thing. Power in God I laid, in Kindness I thrive!
Pagans taught so above so below, the holy Spirit taught to love each other as thyself and forgive others without judgment, if you choose to make judgment you are playing as god and lose that connection, how do i know this? Ive done it
No, you're just staring dumbasses in the right direction. They have no idea what type of shit they're going to be in. If they get their spirituality from the wrong source It's good to know all types, but God is the truth
O wow GOD bless may the Lord and Saviour aka GOD Jesus Christ be with us all the time 🤍❤️💚🖤💛💖💜💓🧡💙✝️🌳🙏🏽 Romans 10:9 King James Version 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Shirlest's Hidden Pineal Gland Activation methods are a game changer. I’ve noticed a significant boost in my intuitive abilities and an increase in creativity. It’s like discovering a new version of myself.
I know these truths. But it is helpful, in my experience, to listen to these mini-teachings as a tool for reinforcement. Thanks for making this. 😇🙏✌️
when one is at war, your own spirit holds back events and information for your own sanity.
you ever meet someone who just has this natural vibe, like they’re on a different level? i found out most of my friends like that all read Magnetic Aura and they swear it’s not about pretending, just being real and not letting negativity drag you down. it’s wild how hard it is to get tho, keeps disappearing everywhere, but maybe that’s what makes it worth it
I have meet people who vibrate on the same level and when you cross paths there is a chance you have meet them in another time or space and i always love having deep conversations with them it is awe inspiring who inter connected we really are!
Who wrote it?
@ptg32 If you can't feel that, then you're an npc
he's selling his book on... he wants you to look it up and make purchase. Does this on numerous youtube channels.
Pretty smart way to get free traffic.
Don't buy it because he says its good do your research first.... I am just saying!
Every video I watch from you is like a light bulb moment. Thanx...
Another excellent illustration. I don't understand how people can't see it. 😊
3rd 👁 isn't open. Meaning they don't have a open mind. Stuck in there own programmed concepts.
Every time I watch your videos they just make sense
Astrology opens the door to wonderful knowledge.
Astrology is satanic. It is the adversary to the Christian teachings. It is the person realizing their own power that is bound by the church. The crucifixion is a binding ritual. I'm not saying that astrology is inherently a bad thing.
The beginning of knowledge is the fear of the lord (Jesus Christ). I thought I knew it all until I submitted to the Holy Spirit. Everything else is vain human philosophy
Any astrological breakthroughs lately?
@georgeclarke8323 except Jesus is not the creator and is a metaphor.
❤Thank u For all you share ❤
Yes, very well conveyed connections between so much. This also reminded me of the balance of elements in our bodies for health ( ayurveda).
HARRY I PURCHASED BOOK ONE AND BOOK TWO THEY'RE AMAZING BOTH OF THEM THESE ARE REALLY GOING TO HELP ME TO TEACH THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU REALLY REALLY HELPED ME I've had some heavy duty experiences and you're right once you see that you can't unsee it You're never the sam
❤❤❤ What a blessing
Pleased l found you. Much gratitude 🙏
Wow my friend !!! Well done !!
need a video on how to meditate. in depth. how to recieve knowledge and guidance while taking the single eye. how to stay in meditation when the mind wanders etc. TIA
Meditation isn’t something you do, it’s what you are
Meditation is essentially being in a present moment of pure self acceptance. You don't attempt to do anything.
Having said that, if you would like an in depth suggestion or instruction, read "A Course in Miracles"
Medicine wheel also has 4 sections as well. Earth, Fire, water , wind😊
It's actually 5 ( ether)
thanks to our conscious for this video and content !
Thank you for sharing your awesome wisdom so amazingly, sincerely grateful for you🙏😘
My sons middle name is ἐνθουσιάζω= Enthusíaźó which means "The Essence of God Within" /"To Be Inspired By A God"/ its where the origin of Enthusiasm & Inspiration derived from. & when you think about it , both are divine inspiration.
Thanks for this enlightening explanation 👍 I would love you to talk about the Akashic records too🙏
I was curious about the Hidden Pineal Gland Activation mentioned by Shirlest, and I'm so glad I explored it. My intuition is on point, and I’m dreaming in ways I never thought possible.
Thank you so much, enlightening information for sure.💐
I can't wait til it gets here.❤ The book that is!
Great value. Worded that so well!
loved listening to this simple explanation. thank you.
Great video as usual!
GOOD teaching
Finally real ancient teachings!
This is where I need to be.
In the Mayan astrology instead of Scorpio is a Quetzal and the element instead of water is fire, and the Quetzal is a representation of the phoenix
Things might change according to your time, and year of birth
Phoenix 💜
Thanks for your video, the next time I would wish you talk about zodiac signs, every zodiac and their powers and each dates , we are born under these signs.
i was a bit sceptic as one should be , cause i assumed the eagle is air and the body is water..
now why i comment this is cause ive been having some difficulties ,chaos inside. this makes sense what you say, my emotions are stress and whatnot, my desires are physical , my mind wants order, the body felt overwhelmed by energy of all kinds.
i will try to put this into practice ,thank you
put more SUN inside your body. Fruit and chlorophyll. Less grains. No wheat. Your life will improve. You could go raw vegan or fruitarian for about 30 days or so. Things will greatly improve in your life. Go gluten free. No wheat. that is the best. This will affect your cells which affects everything in your life. be well.
Thank you 🤲🏾😌🌿🖤🤍❤️🌿
Thank you for sharing ❤
The two greatest of the commandments, love God with all your will, love everyone else also as they are reflection of your inner state. You have to understand that we all have done something that got us here, we are dying as the perpetual occurrence here is decay, entropy. Sin is death, flesh is sin. We are in judgment watching our own existence flash right before our very own eyes, as they say the windows to the soul. The importance of forgiveness, compassion, and understanding with love towards the world of which you are in judgment for is apparent. There is no other besides you, not one. You are everything in your reality. If you can see it, you know it, you understand it only because it's you. I wish there was a way to communicate and express meaning more effectively as there are no proper ways to do so physically. I can only say that unconditional love is by far the closest way of expressing truth.
Love this so much
We appreciate
Thank You
Excellent !!!
This makes alot of sense.
The Firefly in the heart shaped jar is my Huggy Bug.
Outstanding content my dear brother of Brightness!!
Thanks for sharing such enriching content.
I'm curious to hear your thoughts about...
What's the difference between spirit and soul?
In my Language, Maori, the word "o" is placed before words as a sort of possessive word. Example Ozealantis would mean "of Zealantis".. our word for sun is Ra. Our word for life and also healing is Ora
The Hidden Pineal Gland Activation by Shirlest opened up a whole new world for me. I can't believe how much my creativity has flourished since I started implementing their techniques.
Love this!! Would love to make art for your channel. I dig this vibe.
Make perfect sense...
Makes sense 👍🏻
well thought through. parallel to sone ideas i kick around, though i differ, (ex: more suspect matter is alive not dead) but you provide a lot to consider there, thx. i’ll subscribe. As constructive criticism (from the land of nod): i really thought you’ll’d be addressing the self as emergent in lower four of the seven planes : 1) physical, 2)etheric, 3)astral, 4)mental. i’d say it’s relevant, because, if, as you say, one must link physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self - to one another - which sounds right, the question still remains - once they are in tune with each other, to what measure, standard or field of truth are they then weighed? this is where the higher planes would come in, beyond which “self” as such does not exist, but from which any standard of truth, even to oneself, or the evidence of one’s senses, must flow. note also: the crossed circle is also representational of … to be coy, let’s say: compasses and clocks..
4:33- all 4 equal LIFE 4 letter word.
Shirlest really knows what they're talking about with Hidden Pineal Gland Activation. I followed their guidance and can now tap into my intuition like never before. The lucid dreaming is just a bonus!
Can you please make a video about how to avoid the soul trap ??
Can u make a video on meditation.
learn about watching this video thanks.
Great work in all the books. But can you explain more about empat peopel? Tanks
Actually, this is confirming a weird 3 to 4 pattern thats been occuring in my life rather a 334, so thats pretty insane, i write this at the beginning, i dont think i will be surprised but rather amazed.
The sky is the limit! So they say...
Big believer in spiritual awareness or physical presence
.. i was going to post a video on this today. We probably disagree on stuff.. but there is something on this topic we consider LIKEWISE
Mind Body Spirit, I knew that much. Also, familiar with some aspects of Oneness through entheogenic plant medicines. (Aspects of Oneness… that’s funny.) Not sure that I’d heard “emotion” as a 4th essential portion of the balance.
Although, I’ve begun to note that the mastering of the ability to conjure up One’s own emotional state, is an essential component for One’s highest manifestation potential. Hence, “loosh harvesting?”
So, you say these 4 comprise the Soul/SOL.
Then you go on to claim that One must consciously surrender the 4 in meditation, in order to “access the Soul.”
Seems as if this would indicate that One’s soul is not a matter of individuation at all, but merely an allotted portion of the one whole.
Are you then saying that Oneness/Non-Duality/Objective Reality IS synonymous with One’s Soul… Or our Soul?
Therefore One has no Soul to sell… other than to choose reject the reality of the whole?
What is your perspective on such things as awareness of, or access to past lives?? Such as “Past Life Regression?” One would be quiiite interested to hear your take on that.
Thank you for sharing.
Be Well.
Want you amke vidoe on how to unify our four main bodys in other to manifest our desire
Nice ❤❤❤
How work our emotion body and spirt together to be align with whatever we want to achieve or desire
Beautiful thank you! Will you be doing a teaching on the 12 zodiac signs and corresponding aspects of self?
You’ll realise I’m working from my left brain by asking this, but how did you come by this knowledge? (Volume one and two of the book of wisdom arrived today! Can’t wait to get started this weakened!!
Master your right side your life will change God bless you
I’ll tell you he just copy and pasted from Jordan Maxwell, santos bonacci , divine being divine and manly p hall and many more your welcome
I'll add this, what someone suggested to me when I was uniting both hemispheres of the brain through different techniques over 10 yrs ago. They said start brushing your teeth with your non dominate hand, which was my left. This small stepped opened up a new pathway which unconsciously seemed to have a mind of it's own as I started doing so many other things with my left hand without even knowing it. It also slowly changed my awareness of things as this began to solidify as part of my experience.
This is just to say that we live in a physical dualistic realm and any knowledge gained should be able to be applied into our experiences. Most people gain knowledge and know not what to do with it and it just sits on the mantle so to speak like a trophy collecting dust. It's like getting a scroll of fireball spell in a video game and never taking the side quest to get what's need to activate it. Even after that you will be required to use it a certain amount of times to level it up and solidify it into your reality. Any knowledge gained should be applied to change your experience here and that will be unique for each individual.
Some things have to literally be experienced in order to truly understand them and not just acquired knowledge. Like Glenda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power to go back home but if I told you you wouldn't have believed me and had to experience it for yourself." Dorothy now knows should she ever go looking for her heart's desires she'll look no further than her own backyard (within). Certain experiences are locked behind one another and there are no skipping steps here. Certain teachings will change one's awareness to provide a different perspective to relate to their experiences.
This is when the fun begins as everything is seen through a new childlike lens of curiosity as even the mundane is made new. These things lead to other experiences which allows one to begin the path of seeking that which is seeking you. Everything is a path of balance which allows one's experiences to relate differently in this duality as one consciously works in tandem with one's true self making the experience whole and yet most never achieve this. This is when you realize you no longer have to move mountains because the mountains already know to move and the inside now dictates the outside. Everyone's experience is different but from my perspective things should change for the better in one's life on this path and not stay the same or get worse. It doesn't mean there are no challenges but that the awareness around the experience has changed in order to further the progression of growth.
These teachings should be allowing one to become balanced in every aspect of their lives. Most of the time this is achievable if one is able to let go and get out of one's own way being stuck in ego and not working in tandem becoming whole on the journey. Everything you need you already have and most of the time the outside is just providing confirmation of that, letting you know you're on the right path. This is so much fun as everything begins to play out so naturally, especially the gratitude of the experience itself and we realize we are not and have never been alone. God (Universe, Higher-self, interpretation varies) makes itself available to everyone but not everyone makes themselves available to God! Obviously this is just my opinion as seen from my perspective, so if it doesn't resonate no harm, no foul. Good luck! ❤
@ I play guitar it changed everything
"The Sun (son) is our soul,and the 12 zodiac signs and 4 elements"
🤔 The Son (Yeshua /Jesus) ,12 "disciples" and the four main arch angels.
Shout out doelow da pilotman✈️
I can't believe how effective the Hidden Pineal Gland Activation techniques from Shirlest are. After trying their methods, I've experienced a whole new level of intuition and even started lucid dreaming. It's like unlocking a hidden part of my mind.
How to manipulate or change the inner pain of human body ??? Without using any painkillers !!!!
I’m pretty sure the “sun cross” you presented is the symbol of Saturn which was called the Black Sun at some point in the past. Not the main star of our solar system.
Soul is the highest stage of mind. All is mind. Soul is fire.
Spirit is air, it is local. We breath spirit in and it whispers through wind because it is w”holy” spirit of the planet - the atmosphere.
Soul is fire and is fleeting, it is cosmic and it’s medium is light.
Body is both earth and water, yes you can attribute emotion to water as you did.
So still didn't understand the différence between soul and spirit exactly.
Sun is life...I am sun...sun make life...Sun is God for me yes that simple...Without sun life is not. So...keep it simple...LOVE is light O YEAH....Till the end of time...I am LOVE and will be forever! yes...LOVE is and will néver die...READ THIS AND KNOW I WILL LOVE YOU DEAR HUMAN FAMILY FOREVER!!! ÁND BEYOND...WE CALL IT UNCONDITIONAL AND YOU KNOW, IT IS !!!
Is there any order to your videos? As I’d rather not guess.
Thank you
There are three stages of Scorpio. The scorpion, the eagle, then the phoenix 🔥
Fascinating, thanks 🦂🦅🐦🔥
Actually the Grey Lizard not Phoenix
What is the difference between the soul and spirit in this video?
I'll be able to afford the university one day
Me too.
Me too
Change your mentality...
there's plenty of VALUABLE information in his vids on YT
You are the university, live inside urself and see how this body works in harmony, appreciate the life God has given us.. what a shame to sin against our greatest ally but if we weren't tricked by the dark.. their may have been no repentance for us of course that exist because we betrayed the heavens and chose hell, we are in this together, wake up to God and repent to the holy Spirit and watch the love transform ur shadow, I'm sharing and use to hold back, it's time and I come with no ego, God is the glory always, its for our Creator always for he gave me all and everything's ability to began with
Great info as per - Shouldn’t there be 13 signs ? Ophiuchus
Can u make a video about sexual energy- like does it run out? And how can you produce more of it cause I wanna work in creative profession and maybe harnessing it well can make my creative juices flowing
If you are not born with it, then you don't have it. DON'T play with your dick trying to use some form of black magic to get want you because guys like me would tell and just shit all over your plans because you're not real or really blessed by God
You think you can get some form of creativity from jerking off Just proves how fucking brain dead yall truly are.
Kundalini..... and yes you can harness this sacred energy & fully utilize it
Make a video on what happens after you die! Please and thank!
You will know when you die. Change your mentality.
You rot and finally gets punished by Satan.
The Bible describes cherubim as having four faces: an ox, a lion, an eagle, and a man.
Nice video, but I must let you know that there are actually 7 bodies
Astral/Subtle/emotional body
Causal/Etheric body
Toroidal or Mental body
Light or Spiritual body
Iridium or Cosmic body
Indium or Nirvana body
This last body has many names and is unique as it’s tied directly to the 5th dimensional plane of awareness. It’s also known as the Higher Self body or Indigo body
You’re welcome!!!
In fact i believe that the ( Inna Self) or the ( Soul) is a energy force that not only drives the physical body but ( Aluminate) the ( Physical Body)
Peace ✌🏿
Summer winter spring fall?
Agree but we call people air heads because they’re empty like a balloon not paying attention simply floating about without purpose
What if you made a childrens book, captivating these ideas in it’s most pure & raw form.
Illustrated in a manner that makes a child dream and understand these ideas.
I’d call it plain & simple - The Truth.
Yes because it is The Truth & Absolute timeless Truth!
Both Gnostics and Egyptians all had a hand in the final answer, or the one big door.
What I realized is we always know and will be shown the steps to take in any given goal we take for ourselves.
As they told us - Everything is possible the only thing standing between you and the dreams is the mind!
While Gnostics taught about an ancient being / force that captivates 9 billion people granting them what I like to call Luck.
Because Luck is always individual, no one will experience the same luck as no one wish for the same thing.
Power in God I laid, in Kindness I thrive!
Good day to you too!
Pagans taught so above so below, the holy Spirit taught to love each other as thyself and forgive others without judgment, if you choose to make judgment you are playing as god and lose that connection, how do i know this? Ive done it
No, you're just staring dumbasses in the right direction. They have no idea what type of shit they're going to be in. If they get their spirituality from the wrong source It's good to know all types, but God is the truth
Will Book of Wisdom (Volume II) also be available as an ebook? 👀
Maybe Basic rituals what do you think
Muito interessante!
How about in other languages that are not English soul sum
John 14:12 🤍🙏✝️♾️👑
is it the black hole sun that's projecting from the north pole of the hollow earth?
O wow GOD bless may the Lord and Saviour aka GOD Jesus Christ be with us all the time 🤍❤️💚🖤💛💖💜💓🧡💙✝️🌳🙏🏽
Romans 10:9
King James Version
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Please how much is the volume 2 PDF
how do i integrate this?