Oculus Rift vs Samsung Gear VR vs Virtual Boy | Battle Damage

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 329

  • @ultratails42
    @ultratails42 9 лет назад +6

    While not really VR, I wish the Tiger R-Zone was also used in this test as it was another head mounted device for gaming.

  • @paulycupcakes3465
    @paulycupcakes3465 9 лет назад +8

    at 2:50 the game cartridge was like fuck this shit I'm out

  • @richarizard526
    @richarizard526 8 лет назад +6

    now they have to test the HTC vive

  • @buttersddragon
    @buttersddragon 9 лет назад +3

    For me, it's just how much outer damage it took, not whether or not it could work, especially not just if it can't work correctly. Please just make it how well it holds together. I like that better.
    In how well they held together, I'd say Virtual Boy won, as I suspected. The older stuff is usually more protected.

  • @GrecoFPV
    @GrecoFPV 9 лет назад +54

    you destroyed a virtual boy WTF ????? this thing is collective

    • @mish0al3li
      @mish0al3li 9 лет назад


    • @askeen20
      @askeen20 9 лет назад +10

      KIL GOVERMENT The Virtual Boy needed to be put down

    • @VapeLordnative
      @VapeLordnative 9 лет назад +1


    • @larryinc64
      @larryinc64 9 лет назад +2

      KIL GOVERMENT It's fixable, the lenses go out al the time. The glue dries up. Just re sodder it like I did.

    • @mielekid.w1613
      @mielekid.w1613 7 лет назад

      Jimis FPV every winey b***h ever

  • @peter2oo151
    @peter2oo151 9 лет назад +41

    Please test out all the gameboys!👌💪

  • @MistrzBartek125
    @MistrzBartek125 9 лет назад +17

    You not tested Google card board.

  • @thisaccountisded8081
    @thisaccountisded8081 9 лет назад +1

    Justin: The battery's in the controller, because, sure.
    Erik: ooh! I think it still works!
    Justin: Damn it.

  • @slot9
    @slot9 9 лет назад +1

    Sweet hairstyle - also, I was shocked to see how the GearVR held up against it's competitors.

  • @MrWalker8800
    @MrWalker8800 9 лет назад +6

    But will it blend?! :D

  • @fortherepublic6727
    @fortherepublic6727 9 лет назад +1

    Is battledamage over?

  • @Boe6
    @Boe6 9 лет назад +2

    Samsung was OP, because they actually needed to break the phone for it to stop working. And phones are built for some damage. (not getting hit with a baseball bat, but at least a small fall). So the Oculus was severely outmatched here.

  • @Sam-ff7fd
    @Sam-ff7fd 8 лет назад +5

    What about htc vive

    • @girlsdrinkfeck
      @girlsdrinkfeck 6 лет назад

      check the date of the video before u type something dumb

  • @AndrewMackoul
    @AndrewMackoul 9 лет назад +4

    Do smartwatches! Moto 360 LG G Watch, etc

  • @aero9412
    @aero9412 8 лет назад +1

    Sadly this video came out before the HTC Vive came out but I have to say by gameplay the HTC is by far the best VR headset because of movement tracking, it's not nausea inducing, and makes you really feel your in virtual reality ( of course this is all my opinion but others feel the same way )

  • @nicosullivan3880
    @nicosullivan3880 9 лет назад

    Hey can you do all a battle damage with all the generations of iPads? And maybe other tablets as well?

  • @Thekilla.j
    @Thekilla.j 9 лет назад

    4:52 When the beat drops I'm like

  • @jakubjanicki4090
    @jakubjanicki4090 5 лет назад

    *mistake on the Virtual boy , Discontinued December 1996 not released in August and discontinued in March in the same year

  • @thisaccountisded8081
    @thisaccountisded8081 9 лет назад

    Just 1 problem: how will the Drop-O-Matic fit these?

  • @Sir_Kipper
    @Sir_Kipper 5 лет назад +1

    Why does everyone hate the virtual boy so much it’s just Nintendo history

  • @minor5027
    @minor5027 4 года назад +1

    laughs in oculus quest 2"

  • @cleansweepgaming2564
    @cleansweepgaming2564 9 лет назад +5

    Based on how these worked, this outcome was a given.
    Also VR is the future. A decade or so, but still. It needs work but will become a thing.

  • @Beyonder1987
    @Beyonder1987 9 лет назад +8

    Next test. Can it survive VR Porn

    • @virtualboy627
      @virtualboy627 8 лет назад +1

      Im going to stick by big black tripod into your tiny cartrige slot mah ds babeh
      thats how 3ds was born

    • @saniyesimsek102
      @saniyesimsek102 8 лет назад

      c o wwwwww fcc3ukbkri

    • @zorroapero8643
      @zorroapero8643 8 лет назад

      Saniye Şimşek y

  • @selfmadetray5836
    @selfmadetray5836 5 лет назад +2

    Me: Trying to buy a Vr
    Wired: Destriying Vr's

  • @thisaccountisded8081
    @thisaccountisded8081 9 лет назад

    Justin: The battery's in the controller.
    Erik: OPE! I think it still works!
    Justin: damn it.

  • @tyedyesage969
    @tyedyesage969 9 лет назад +6


  • @BektostheBlackBlade
    @BektostheBlackBlade 9 лет назад

    Remember that was a DEV kit Occulus rift. The final product will have a better impact rating.

  • @x00Al13N
    @x00Al13N 9 лет назад

    Please battle test the protective case you have on your camera!!!

  • @booolamp
    @booolamp 9 лет назад

    its been a long time since the last battle damage

  • @xxking100xx7
    @xxking100xx7 5 лет назад +1

    Please test Nintendo switch black vs Nintendo switch red and blue

  • @trapsanchez1
    @trapsanchez1 9 лет назад

    Please try all the Ds!

  • @KerrWilson
    @KerrWilson 9 лет назад

    the DK2 was working fine on the first test it was only juddering slightly

  • @cornycash
    @cornycash 9 лет назад

    You should battle test all the nintendo handheld consoles

  • @ajrleyva
    @ajrleyva 9 лет назад

    I feel that Justin was secretly happy that the occulas didn't make it to the 2nd round

  • @darkmatter9545
    @darkmatter9545 9 лет назад

    can you try 3DS and dsi and also headphones.

  • @CSB12004
    @CSB12004 8 лет назад

    What about Htc Vive and PS Vr

  • @noble7910
    @noble7910 9 лет назад +1

    Because we all drop are heads on the Floor like that

  • @clockwise3559
    @clockwise3559 9 лет назад +2

    what was the point of this?

  • @jomuffins6551
    @jomuffins6551 6 лет назад

    The vive is missing

  • @cornycash
    @cornycash 9 лет назад

    Destroy a sega gamegear with a cement filled dream cast

  • @pablo5425
    @pablo5425 8 лет назад

    0:46 how went the virtual boy discontinued 5 years BEFORE the release!??!?! OMGOMGOMGOMG

    • @owiehi987
      @owiehi987 8 лет назад


    • @whateveriam12
      @whateveriam12 4 года назад

      You didn't see the difference between a 5 and a 6.

  • @jasone6621
    @jasone6621 9 лет назад

    Do iPod 5th generation

  • @jomuffins6551
    @jomuffins6551 6 лет назад

    Did i miss by a year or is psvr gonna ever get battle damaged

  • @notawesomebread
    @notawesomebread 9 лет назад +4

    virtual boy released august 1996 discontinued march 1996???

    • @paulreeves8594
      @paulreeves8594 9 лет назад

      Awesomebread HhEHEH
      gO TO tRUtHcOntesTCoM< rEAd TYhe PrESent

    • @notawesomebread
      @notawesomebread 9 лет назад

      Paul Reeves do i win a free ipad?

    • @vknl99
      @vknl99 9 лет назад +1

      It says August 1995...

    • @notawesomebread
      @notawesomebread 9 лет назад +1

      DoritoKiller now that i get a closer look, it is a 5, lol. but it sure looks like a 6

    • @anattablue
      @anattablue 9 лет назад

      Paul Reeves MoThErFuCkIng MiRaClEs BrOtHeR

  • @jakeequilar5476
    @jakeequilar5476 9 лет назад

    Nice Matrix Reference!

  • @johndoty4362
    @johndoty4362 9 лет назад

    I'm thinking the take away from this is that you really don't want to get decapitated while you are using your Oculus Rift as your friends won't be able to use it after your demise...

  • @raintiangja8502
    @raintiangja8502 8 лет назад

    could ocos be used for xbox 360

  • @humanshrek1836
    @humanshrek1836 9 лет назад

    The game cartridge was like ''Screw this, i'm out!''

  • @atgaming2673
    @atgaming2673 9 лет назад

    Do Apple iWatch vs Samsung Gear 2 vs Samsung Gear S

  • @randomtech787
    @randomtech787 5 лет назад

    I'm more worried about the phone inside

  • @arthurcabrera17
    @arthurcabrera17 5 лет назад +1

    Test out every handheld console gameboy to psp

  • @m1n3c7afty
    @m1n3c7afty 7 лет назад

    damn, that must have been expensive

  • @Ponokyo
    @Ponokyo 9 лет назад

    It's not really a fair test with the Gear VR. It depends on how well the phone survives. They should have dropped it without the phone then tested it.

  • @johnnyaxon_
    @johnnyaxon_ 9 лет назад

    What about HTC Vive?

  • @vinnyrich325
    @vinnyrich325 9 лет назад

    DS and PSP Battle Royal

  • @armaanathwal1809
    @armaanathwal1809 5 лет назад +2


  • @gustav2417
    @gustav2417 8 лет назад

    Plz drop test a ipad PRO vs ipad air

  • @KashKatana
    @KashKatana 9 лет назад

    Google stop giving me longer ads!!!!!!!

    @MYTHIICOOL 9 лет назад

    You really deserve more than 300 000 subscribers this really small compared to that which you're doing, your channel best channel saw, really all I'm bored Open your channel, I hope that you will continue to download the episodes, and we will continue to support you👍 ( best channel )

    • @SickFlipFingrboardin
      @SickFlipFingrboardin 9 лет назад

      +MESHO - OTAKU lol Wired is a huge magazine company. they dont give 2 shits about subscribers.

  • @DennisOnTheInternet
    @DennisOnTheInternet 9 лет назад

    Do a slow motion camera DOH!

  • @amjadamur2578
    @amjadamur2578 9 лет назад

    Pls battle damage samsung s4 vs iPhone 4

  • @TheVRLover
    @TheVRLover 9 лет назад +2

    Who's the stupid to throw his device that way !!!!

  • @XDavidMcDonald
    @XDavidMcDonald 9 лет назад +1

    Im mad they dropped it with a head

  • @kevinpopescu9741
    @kevinpopescu9741 9 лет назад

    "it's a little more stuttery than normal"
    says the guy who plugs it in a macbook...

  • @varrellevan
    @varrellevan 9 лет назад

    Try an HTC One M8, if it's possible. Please.

  • @thisaccountisded8081
    @thisaccountisded8081 9 лет назад

    The Samsung note 4 changed back cover, Verizon to regular

  • @Domzdream
    @Domzdream 8 лет назад

    To be fair my 'scientists ', you didn't drop the red VR set straight down like you did with the other ones. The head broke the initial fall - twice!
    Why did you tape it to a head in the first place. It's not like the player gets decapitated - duh!

  • @dallasstreb260
    @dallasstreb260 8 лет назад

    I hate people that don't like the virtual boy just because it wasn't successful in production to change there opinion

  • @somethingsock6707
    @somethingsock6707 8 лет назад

    Why no htc vive

  • @dysonobsessed
    @dysonobsessed 9 лет назад

    Do a Dyson vacuum because they are suppose to withstand 10 years of wear and tear

  • @somethingsock6707
    @somethingsock6707 8 лет назад +1

    Test DVD players

  • @samserrorinc3619
    @samserrorinc3619 2 года назад

    Fun Fact: The Samsung Galaxy VR Is A Add-on For Samsung Phones S8-S10E
    Fun Fact 2: The Virtual Boy Has A Wired Controller Instead Of A Motion One. Plus, It Gives People S E V E R E HeadAches

  • @thisaccountisded8081
    @thisaccountisded8081 9 лет назад

    Do iPad destruction, and the iPad Mini.

  • @leroyjenkins140
    @leroyjenkins140 9 лет назад

    This hurts me on the inside.

  • @cartooncomedy2339
    @cartooncomedy2339 9 лет назад

    Test out the portable console wars

  • @NerdFrequency
    @NerdFrequency 9 лет назад

    They didn't all land the same. The manican head dampened the impact more on the VR Boy

    • @jonathanhamstra3319
      @jonathanhamstra3319 9 лет назад +3

      Black Box TV nobody even cares anymore. this show is about breaking sh*t up. not that i don't like it, just it isn't really about testing

    • @NerdFrequency
      @NerdFrequency 9 лет назад

      Right, if they just take off the lab coats and stop presenting the methods as scientific itd be cool

    • @joegod9488
      @joegod9488 9 лет назад

      Black Box TV Just saying, the different shapes change the aerodynamics so even if they would dropped from the same position, the way they land would be slightly altered

  • @sugarhieroglyph
    @sugarhieroglyph 9 лет назад

    Baseball bat was a glancing blow.

  • @ReadyToFlyyy
    @ReadyToFlyyy 6 лет назад +1

    rip Battle Damage

  • @endymion7585
    @endymion7585 8 лет назад

    Did they buy you a new oculus

  • @jared9824
    @jared9824 9 лет назад

    Do note 1 vs note 2 vs note 3 vs note 4 vs note edge

  • @youthballers9473
    @youthballers9473 9 лет назад

    Do a old fashion Record player vs a new CD player

  • @xcalibur025
    @xcalibur025 9 лет назад

    it was not a fair fight because the gear samsung has almost no electronic parts that can easily damage

  • @danielecastoldi8956
    @danielecastoldi8956 9 лет назад

    Game boy advance vs Game boy advance Sp, who is the winner?

  • @yellowmarshmellowpuffnob6922
    @yellowmarshmellowpuffnob6922 4 года назад

    Now a oculus rift s vs vb (virtual boy)

  • @freemovies4089
    @freemovies4089 8 лет назад

    Next test Game boy vs game gear vs PS3

  • @yahia6187
    @yahia6187 8 лет назад

    Stop it at 00:16 ur welcome

  • @kedrikkrim
    @kedrikkrim 9 лет назад

    I want a rift so bad! Next big thing!

  • @johngaming6916
    @johngaming6916 7 лет назад

    I Realized The Note 4 Battery got out

  • @codyhossfilms7340
    @codyhossfilms7340 9 лет назад

    Test all iPods 1-5

  • @TGGaming-jh1vo
    @TGGaming-jh1vo 8 лет назад

    whoa the virtual boy released in august 1996 and discontinued at march 1996

  • @essm5334
    @essm5334 9 лет назад

    WIRED do the Nintendo 3DS Vs Nintendo Gameboy

  • @amrgaming5136
    @amrgaming5136 8 лет назад


  • @jaydencooper1460
    @jaydencooper1460 8 лет назад

    next do the weiss vr 1

  • @graytlo
    @graytlo 9 лет назад

    One of the eyes of my Virtual Boy is broken too. But it still works. And it still kinda sucks...

  • @lj147
    @lj147 9 лет назад

    DS vs 2DS vs 3DS

  • @h3rch3l57
    @h3rch3l57 8 лет назад +1

    Just here in my house,with my Cheap VR box from Lazada.

  • @DerpyHamHam
    @DerpyHamHam 9 лет назад

    Considering I'm not going to try and throw my my Oculus Rift on the ground I still think its better than both

  • @MikuTM01
    @MikuTM01 7 лет назад +1

    KO Vs Wired

  • @guruankam8484
    @guruankam8484 6 лет назад

    Do a htc vive on that video

  • @thehockeygamer3997
    @thehockeygamer3997 9 лет назад

    Please do an iPad mini!!