They are listed all over Craigslist. I recommend a V6 conversion as the stock Renault 4cyl just doesnt get the job done for many reasons that will sadden you. You can pick these up really cheap $500 and plan to slap in a conversion yourself. Lots of work, but if you can weld, you probably have the rest in the bag. Check out the website link to learn or discuss more.
I have vandalous, scandalous men sabotaging my LeSharo...can you tell me about the battery ? There was power to it, now the wire is missing, they also cut some other wires....they need to go to jail...I need help to decide what exactly they have disconnected...
Nice video, I have an 84
Lovely looking Itasca. I've heard of it, but I've never seen one in person. :)
I really want to get one of these!
They are listed all over Craigslist. I recommend a V6 conversion as the stock Renault 4cyl just doesnt get the job done for many reasons that will sadden you. You can pick these up really cheap $500 and plan to slap in a conversion yourself. Lots of work, but if you can weld, you probably have the rest in the bag. Check out the website link to learn or discuss more.
Where do you sleep
Thanks for the information!
I have vandalous, scandalous men sabotaging my LeSharo...can you tell me about the battery ? There was power to it, now the wire is missing, they also cut some other wires....they need to go to jail...I need help to decide what exactly they have disconnected...
What's the headroom height? Sorry, no time to watch the whole thing.
Not good. Barely 5 foot 7
$500 REALLY!? I got one and paid $4000