Fun fact......according to the old definition, Switzerland, Finland and Sweden would also count as '''3rd World countries'', because they were not allied either with Americans or Soviets in the Cold war.
Btw also Yugoslavia, which had its own way of "socialism" was non-alligned(being one of the states that actually founded it). But interestingly in this case they counted it as First world...
A note about the maps in this episode: the maps don't reflect the *most current* data and so there are a few countries that have moved up or down in classification. Specifically, the ones noted on this list: Apologies for the error & any confusion it might create.
Hello. That still make Venezuela a very strange case. Venezuela crisis comes way before 2016. And it's been worsening. I don't know why it's upper middle income, but I suspect it is because the world bank uses the official pice to exchange bolivares to dollares, a price that's very different, like 20 times higher than the market price.
lil trashcan Many world cultures are still intensely misogynistic and misanthropic. It's a shame that the largest political activist groups in the West don't spend more time trying to solve these issues. I'd be behind them 100% if they were.
I am from Venezuela and its still imposible that we are a an upper middle income country. You can't even buy half of what you eat in a month with a minimum wage here
Canadian here. Umm. We've never been part of the US. Sorry to sound like a negative nag, but we have our own economy and identity. I know we're smaller economically than you guys and we share a lot of similarities, but we aren't the same (speaking of the map). Otherwise, the video's point wasn't lost on me and I have learned something about the vernacular I've been misusing. Thank you for that. Please be more careful in future videos though. If Americans were treated with this disregard... well I'm sure I've made my point. 😊
Schools only teach the math and physics for how to create a manufacturing plant. The actual process requires 2 other skills. That of creative abstract systems design and designing many specific spatial mechanism to fit those abstract systems designs. These 2 are not taught by schools and are not something you can teach very well, but something which requires deep creatively unrestricted practice. Ambitious = more than just "try to the the right answer on this test". If we can find a way forcing people into that practice, then poverty will truly fall. But i doubt the usual 'greedy algorithm's for "forcing" would even help. (They could make things worse!) So, we can't just throw them in school. We would need something more like guilds or something something subtler still. But how does one "just make" guilds.
This is actually not true. High quality education does not guarantee an end to poverty. It helps, yes, but there are many cases of nations that produce high quality graduates and have no jobs to give them. You need education, you need to reduce corruption, you need to provide basic services, and you need to allow the countries to control their own assets and resources.
Yes! And also governments that ensure free markets and property rights without corruption. American's deciding not to use the term "third-world" because its offensive isn't gonna make a difference lol.
One thing I learned that don't trust comment section on RUclips comments section, anyone regardless of who side they on they trend to be incorrect and false.
1:53 Correction Gross national income (GNI) is defined as the sum of value added by all producers who are residents in a nation, plus any product taxes (minus subsidies) not included in output, plus income received from abroad such as employee compensation and property income. Per capita GDP is a measure of the total output of a country that takes gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country.
You deliver excellent content to your audience. It's very interesting material. All of your effort put into creating this video is much appreciated. I'm truly grateful for your help!
"western Europe colonized much of Latin America, Africa, and Asia ..." Surely western European powers colonized all of North, Central and South America, most of Africa, and some of Asia. Why exclude high income post-colonial countries like the US, Canada, Barbados, and Hong Kong from your analysis?
Because we never deliberately asset stripped or exploited the US or Canada, rather we settled them. Barbados is in Central America. Hong Kong is a city in China, not a country.
Fun fact: '3rd world' actually predates the terms 1st or 2nd world. It was originally used by a French dude to reference the fact that this was the area of the world best poised to shake up the world order, much like the 3rd estate of French society in the French revolution. Later, the term was appropriated with its new meaning as the 3rd best world, but I still like the original meaning, especially when you look at how in the Cold War many of these countries formed the non-aligned movement that did indeed try to shake up the world order by defying the Cold War paradigms of east vs west, capitalist vs communist.
Development Economist here with a few thoughts related to my field: GNI does not measure GDP per capita. GDP per capita measures GDP per capita. GNI is GDP plus incomes earned in foreign economies by domestic residents minus incomes earned in the domestic economy by non-residents. The idea is to capture the total income that is claimed by residents of a country as opposed to simply the total output of the domestic economy. The numbers that you were quoting were GNI per capita. Not really GDP related, directly. Also, you are mischaracterizing the population growth issue in developing countries. Explosive population growth is a standard part of development and it has very little if anything to do with lack of access to contraceptives, although they often do lack access to contraceptives. The issue is that countries, at one point, have high death rates, low life expectancies, and high infant mortality rates. When your country is like this, you have to have high birth rates or your population will collapse, so that gets built in to cultural practices. As their access to medical care and nutrition and education improve, all of those things decrease. When you have fewer infant deaths and everyone alive starts living longer, but cultural practices around reproduction do not change, population goes crazy. This always happens, especially when a country develops relatively quickly. Eventually, cultural practices change for various reasons, birth rates fall dramatically, and population stabilizes. You see this in countries like Japan, Korea, and China to a certain extent. Giving people better access to contraceptives and reproductive healthcare doesn't fix this unless your goal is to manually shape their cultural practices from the outside, but this has tons of undesirable ethical implications. Also, child labor is not as cut-and-dry an issue as your off-hand comment made it seem. There are kinds of child labor that are unequivocally bad like when children have to work long hours in some production facility or are pressed into illegal trades to the detriment of their own personal development, but there are some kinds of child labor that are not so clearly bad. For instance, there are many places in the world where children often assist their families in economic activity of various sorts in such a way that the family's ability to sustain itself is affected dramatically but the child is still able to get an education and everything else that is important for child development. These instances are often lumped in with the more severe cases of child labor, but it is not clear that the situation would be improved by ending these less negative instances of child labor.
This seems to imply that without colonialism everyone would be in a similar bracket. Respecting different cultures requires that you regard them as different enough to generate different results. They have different priorities and may have different ideas (of time, of the individual, or being part of a greater world) percolating. The west producing the current culture implies a deep cultural alignment with the culturally specific version of civilization (full of its assumptions, weird values). I think a lot of histories of the west would imply that the west had dozens of advantages/lucky breaks, such that western nations might well have infrastructure advantages even dating back 2000 years. It's not like everyone started from the same point.
Second world problems: "I forgot to get my ration card stamped. Now I won't be able to get bread from the bakery this week. Eh, beats waiting in a mile long line."
Nice job. It is worth noting that poor areas are not well equipped to handle the consequences what what we consider modern pesticides, or the debt and insecurity of high input monocropping practices.
The comment section in CC sociology is always so butthurt sigh... I'm gonna spread some love for the great work of this team ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Interesting to know that India (a major leader of the non-aligned movement emerging in the aftermath of our Gandhian-philosophy-driven independence struggle) found no place in any world according to the maps presented here.
Thank you for all the informative videos and knowledge you provide! Truly appreciate the effort. One question though on this video: It is said (5.22) that many women are kept from working due to religious beliefs. What religious belief system prohibits women from working? As I know none and in the video it is mentioned that indeed there are religious beliefs which do just that, I would appreciate further background on that!
in our country India, women who have BTech degree are also asked to not to work. It's nothing to do with religion but Male domination in our society which has many different dimensions
Religious fundamentalism is also one of the causes of poverty because it's against gender equality and birth control. Not just in poor countries either. The states in the US that have strict anti-abortion laws have seen an upswing in infant and mother mortality rates.
Since Roe v Wade, crime rate has gone down significantly in the United States. It turns out that unwanted children tend to be much more likely to commit crimes that children conceived intentionally, who would've guessed it. /s
Adrian Duran I guess they only look at mathematical mean and not modal average. Must be all the rich oil execs who cooperate with US markets who are driving up the numbers.
Atheus Maximus 1) Everyone is trying to persuade you and therefore most things you see can be called propaganda. 2) Capitalist propaganda is everywhere and I have no idea why you choose to point out CC's "propaganda" when you could criticize the uncountable instances of it you see before your eyes every day. 3) Can you explain how a country that cooperates with US markets is socialist?
Well, now I think I can guess the contents of the upcoming episode.Dependency theory, Cumulative causation and economic development theories could be discussed in the next episode.
Trinidad and Tobago has a GNI ; 2015 is 19,005 and in 2016 15,900. But is labelled as 3rd word while being industrialized and having gni over 12,500 rl
you need to update your maps. Oman in the middle east was labeled 3rd world and then it was labeled as a high GNI country along with U.S, how does that work?
Wikipedia has a different map of the first world, second world, third world. I saw it under the Wikipedia article “First World.” They don’t have Libya, Ethiopia, Burma... how come those are considered first world?
but the gdp of Poland is less than $12,500? Also, wouldn't it be more productive to have an upper higher tier? I imagine that many ex-soviet Central European countries would disagree with being placed in the same bracket as Western Europe. It's actually causing a serious rift within the EU right now,
You mean 2nd speed EU? :p People here don't complain about for being compered to east europe rether because avarige non-political people here seen EU as infinite source of money and politics are obsessed with it (primerly becuase lot of that money gets drained by local corruption), people don't think about making self-sustanable country because EU pays for most of it, thats current mentality of pro-EU people here. 2nd speed means less of that so they all scream with panic. I would even say 2nd speed is just way to scare poorer countries to chain themselves up to EU even more, Pro-EU Polish politics openly saying that they want Euro not for any benift but to just prevent potential Polexit and make country forever loyal to Brussels, note that whole idea magicly revied right after brexit it always revives when Greece start to scream from pain in there current state again, in risk of breaking ties with Germany, throwing away Euro and reseting there broken economy.
Most countries including the poorer ones are always trying to attract capital investment from Corporations today. Russia and Venezuela invited oil companies to help extract their oil reserves . But Venezuela then confiscated and nationalised the infrastructure. .
This video is full of inaccurate information & false premises. I like CrashCourse, but this is embarrassing. GNI falsely labed, inaccurate maps, wrong economic data. It greatly hurts the credibility of this channel as a a reliable source of information.
It seems as though they just dumbed it down since this is meant to be an introductory series. Because if we look any sort of academic reference defining GNI it says that GDP is taken into account for the GNI, plus other economic factors. So what we see here is maybe the message getting muddled by the act of simplifying and condensing complex topics and issues into a 10 minute video. Ultimately I think things just happened to be lost in translation rather than it being the result of ineptitude. I mean crash course has been doing this for almost 5 years now, and they have a team. I think they know what they're doing.
My only issue is Venezuela not being at the right income level. It is low, without a doubt. I was living there util three months ago and trust me, there's nothing there but poverty.
GDP and GNI don't accurately represent a country's microeconomy, since in countries like Mexico the 10% controls 50% of the income, and that 10% boosts up the GDP per capita
Hey Crashcourse! Absolutely love your videos! They're amazing! I was looking for a video on Universal Basic Income (UBI) and couldn't find any in your resources. Any chance we'll get one?
You included North Korea in the group of nations which is the lowest income and then talk about how these nations have basically no education... yet there they are, doing literal rocket and nuclear science. Something tells me your grouping is flawed.
To solve this problem i don't think we can depend upon government to help humanity. I would like to see a grass roots system of people rise up, that realizes that government and politicians can't save them. Something like this maybe Remove the spiritual side and it could still possibly be a good system but problems will arise if it isnt built on equality in status. In this system there is no human leader only guides, known as 'pastors' who job was to keep the peace. Not to make a profit off the congregation. This was their system... 44And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; 45and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. ¶And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. 33And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. 34For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need. You could argue the apostles were getting rich off the system, but they were not supposed too and the apostles were not meant to be leaders over the people. They were equal. Jesus commanded "do not call yourself leaders for their is one leader, Christ. Few if any Christian follows these teachings anymore.
I've seen somewhere that, even though colonies were exploited by the colonizers, they end up faring better than neighboring regions that didn't have this "advantage", as it brought some wealth and infra-structure necessary for the whole colonial deal, and possibly even institutions from where locals could eventually benefit from, as moral evolved and so forth.
CrashCourse In the 50's it was. Now the middle class doesn't exist and we're getting poorer every day. The info you worked from is seriously wrong, at least in this respect
My $0.02 is that mean GDP per capita isn't a great way of measuring _typical_ citizen income, since it allows a relatively small number of people owning highly-profitable businesses to drive the average way up. Venezuela, being a big oil producer until fairly recently, could easily fall into that statistical area. Same with Saudi Arabia, for that matter, though I'll admit I don't know much about either.
You say access to "modern seeds and fertilisers" makes people richer. Let us not to insinuate GMOs and chemical fertilisers make people richer. Agroecological techniques like Pierre Rabhi's really make agricultural communities flourish and rich through food security. Check out more at this link if this is interesting to you: . Check out the rice farmer's testimony at page 3 and share your thoughts! Take care!
In the real world, the meaning of the terms first, second and third world have changed from their cold-war meaning to simply sorting them into three categories by national income. I personally refer to my country as second world because it's not rich enough to put into the same category as countries like the US, but not poor enough to qualify for third world. I'm personally not a fan of World Bank classification, the cutoff income puts countries that have GNI of 4-5 times less than the US in high-income category, while as you can imagine, the disparity between them is clearly apparent.
Orwell wrote that it is hardest to see what's most obvious/right in front of your face. That the poorest countries have the highest amount of black africans is not a coincidence. How many great black african inventions do you know? How many great black african scientists do you know about? How many advanced/impressive black african cities do you know about? I am sure I will be accused of hating black people. I don't, in fact I look up to Neil deGrasse Tyson! Also you are overestimating the effects of malnutrition. The same holds true for black africans living in developed countries. East asian babies adopted get a higher result on intelligence tests on average than adopted black african children. The studies are out there, it is not like it has never been tested. Ask yourselves: what if serious studies proved that black africans have lower intelligence on average because of genetics, how would those studies be received even if they were correct? Really, how would they be received?
After skipping 24 episodes I thought I would try this one just to see what kind of cool facts and figures it might have and all I got were some unlabeled maps that I had to pause to read. -_-
Hate to break to you but most Brazilians do not have comfortable standards of living. People die in lines waiting for emergency care and children in the Northeastern part of the country don't have drinking water. Define 'comfortable ' again?
Fun fact......according to the old definition, Switzerland, Finland and Sweden would also count as '''3rd World countries'', because they were not allied either with Americans or Soviets in the Cold war.
Yeah, I noted their lack on the map of third world nations shown
Btw also Yugoslavia, which had its own way of "socialism" was non-alligned(being one of the states that actually founded it). But interestingly in this case they counted it as First world...
So is Indonesia, being the co-founder of non-aligned, but they're in non of the maps.
ahhh, why I discover this in my last day of sociology. This explain more that 100 books pages. Thank you so much
A note about the maps in this episode: the maps don't reflect the *most current* data and so there are a few countries that have moved up or down in classification. Specifically, the ones noted on this list:
Apologies for the error & any confusion it might create.
Hello. That still make Venezuela a very strange case. Venezuela crisis comes way before 2016. And it's been worsening. I don't know why it's upper middle income, but I suspect it is because the world bank uses the official pice to exchange bolivares to dollares, a price that's very different, like 20 times higher than the market price.
lil trashcan Many world cultures are still intensely misogynistic and misanthropic. It's a shame that the largest political activist groups in the West don't spend more time trying to solve these issues. I'd be behind them 100% if they were.
I am from Venezuela and its still imposible that we are a an upper middle income country. You can't even buy half of what you eat in a month with a minimum wage here
Canadian here. Umm. We've never been part of the US. Sorry to sound like a negative nag, but we have our own economy and identity. I know we're smaller economically than you guys and we share a lot of similarities, but we aren't the same (speaking of the map). Otherwise, the video's point wasn't lost on me and I have learned something about the vernacular I've been misusing. Thank you for that. Please be more careful in future videos though. If Americans were treated with this disregard... well I'm sure I've made my point. 😊
Rodney Crum sorry about that. I rewatched and you are absolutely right. My bad crash course.
These learning playlists are amazing. I always leave a like to show my support. I try to comment often as well, though I comment much less.
Maybe do a Crash Course playlist on adulting for college students? Particularly for financial applications (loans, taxes, etc.)?
MaryAnne Tran go to their other channel on HowToAdult for that :D
This series is amazing!! I’ve learned so much.
You end poverty by investing in high quality education. Education opens the gateway for all opportunities.
Schools only teach the math and physics for how to create a manufacturing plant. The actual process requires 2 other skills. That of creative abstract systems design and designing many specific spatial mechanism to fit those abstract systems designs. These 2 are not taught by schools and are not something you can teach very well, but something which requires deep creatively unrestricted practice. Ambitious = more than just "try to the the right answer on this test".
If we can find a way forcing people into that practice, then poverty will truly fall. But i doubt the usual 'greedy algorithm's for "forcing" would even help. (They could make things worse!) So, we can't just throw them in school. We would need something more like guilds or something something subtler still. But how does one "just make" guilds.
True but not so straight forward
This is actually not true. High quality education does not guarantee an end to poverty. It helps, yes, but there are many cases of nations that produce high quality graduates and have no jobs to give them. You need education, you need to reduce corruption, you need to provide basic services, and you need to allow the countries to control their own assets and resources.
I agree with Pinkerton00 in Iraq and Iran the population is highly educated but there arent enough jobs that's one factor which drove the unrest
Yes! And also governments that ensure free markets and property rights without corruption. American's deciding not to use the term "third-world" because its offensive isn't gonna make a difference lol.
One thing I learned that don't trust comment section on RUclips comments section, anyone regardless of who side they on they trend to be incorrect and false.
1:53 Correction
Gross national income (GNI) is defined as the sum of value added by all producers who are residents in a nation, plus any product taxes (minus subsidies) not included in output, plus income received from abroad such as employee compensation and property income.
Per capita GDP is a measure of the total output of a country that takes gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country.
You deliver excellent content to your audience. It's very interesting material. All of your effort put into creating this video is much appreciated. I'm truly grateful for your help!
"western Europe colonized much of Latin America, Africa, and Asia ..." Surely western European powers colonized all of North, Central and South America, most of Africa, and some of Asia. Why exclude high income post-colonial countries like the US, Canada, Barbados, and Hong Kong from your analysis?
exactly my thinking
Because we never deliberately asset stripped or exploited the US or Canada, rather we settled them. Barbados is in Central America. Hong Kong is a city in China, not a country.
Fun fact: '3rd world' actually predates the terms 1st or 2nd world. It was originally used by a French dude to reference the fact that this was the area of the world best poised to shake up the world order, much like the 3rd estate of French society in the French revolution. Later, the term was appropriated with its new meaning as the 3rd best world, but I still like the original meaning, especially when you look at how in the Cold War many of these countries formed the non-aligned movement that did indeed try to shake up the world order by defying the Cold War paradigms of east vs west, capitalist vs communist.
Very good series and I love the host!
Absolutely better than our Indian professors.
Development Economist here with a few thoughts related to my field:
GNI does not measure GDP per capita. GDP per capita measures GDP per capita. GNI is GDP plus incomes earned in foreign economies by domestic residents minus incomes earned in the domestic economy by non-residents. The idea is to capture the total income that is claimed by residents of a country as opposed to simply the total output of the domestic economy. The numbers that you were quoting were GNI per capita. Not really GDP related, directly.
Also, you are mischaracterizing the population growth issue in developing countries. Explosive population growth is a standard part of development and it has very little if anything to do with lack of access to contraceptives, although they often do lack access to contraceptives. The issue is that countries, at one point, have high death rates, low life expectancies, and high infant mortality rates. When your country is like this, you have to have high birth rates or your population will collapse, so that gets built in to cultural practices. As their access to medical care and nutrition and education improve, all of those things decrease. When you have fewer infant deaths and everyone alive starts living longer, but cultural practices around reproduction do not change, population goes crazy. This always happens, especially when a country develops relatively quickly. Eventually, cultural practices change for various reasons, birth rates fall dramatically, and population stabilizes. You see this in countries like Japan, Korea, and China to a certain extent. Giving people better access to contraceptives and reproductive healthcare doesn't fix this unless your goal is to manually shape their cultural practices from the outside, but this has tons of undesirable ethical implications.
Also, child labor is not as cut-and-dry an issue as your off-hand comment made it seem. There are kinds of child labor that are unequivocally bad like when children have to work long hours in some production facility or are pressed into illegal trades to the detriment of their own personal development, but there are some kinds of child labor that are not so clearly bad. For instance, there are many places in the world where children often assist their families in economic activity of various sorts in such a way that the family's ability to sustain itself is affected dramatically but the child is still able to get an education and everything else that is important for child development. These instances are often lumped in with the more severe cases of child labor, but it is not clear that the situation would be improved by ending these less negative instances of child labor.
I am so thrilled to see colonialism discussed in this subject!
This seems to imply that without colonialism everyone would be in a similar bracket. Respecting different cultures requires that you regard them as different enough to generate different results. They have different priorities and may have different ideas (of time, of the individual, or being part of a greater world) percolating. The west producing the current culture implies a deep cultural alignment with the culturally specific version of civilization (full of its assumptions, weird values).
I think a lot of histories of the west would imply that the west had dozens of advantages/lucky breaks, such that western nations might well have infrastructure advantages even dating back 2000 years. It's not like everyone started from the same point.
Second world problems: "I forgot to get my ration card stamped. Now I won't be able to get bread from the bakery this week. Eh, beats waiting in a mile long line."
Nice job. It is worth noting that poor areas are not well equipped to handle the consequences what what we consider modern pesticides, or the debt and insecurity of high input monocropping practices.
The comment section in CC sociology is always so butthurt sigh... I'm gonna spread some love for the great work of this team ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Econ guy here: GNI is NOT GDP per capita. This is incorrect!
What is it then? Please cite a source.
I second this. GNI is a country's GDP plus it's international investments.
from: Globalization and Diversity, 5th edition (textbook)
Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. I think the intention was GDP/ GNP per capita?
i really hope that you'll talk about Castells and the Network Society :)
Interesting to know that India (a major leader of the non-aligned movement emerging in the aftermath of our Gandhian-philosophy-driven independence struggle) found no place in any world according to the maps presented here.
....Did you not watch the video? 3:27
iCraZ Explosion 'Any world' as in the first, second and third world maps.. not the income group maps.
Yeah that would make more sense, because I was like wtf? To be fair, this was probably the most inaccurately depictive episode in history.
Thank you for all the informative videos and knowledge you provide! Truly appreciate the effort.
One question though on this video: It is said (5.22) that many women are kept from working due to religious beliefs. What religious belief system prohibits women from working? As I know none and in the video it is mentioned that indeed there are religious beliefs which do just that, I would appreciate further background on that!
in our country India, women who have BTech degree are also asked to not to work. It's nothing to do with religion but Male domination in our society which has many different dimensions
Melhor canal de todos
Religious fundamentalism is also one of the causes of poverty because it's against gender equality and birth control. Not just in poor countries either. The states in the US that have strict anti-abortion laws have seen an upswing in infant and mother mortality rates.
Since Roe v Wade, crime rate has gone down significantly in the United States. It turns out that unwanted children tend to be much more likely to commit crimes that children conceived intentionally, who would've guessed it. /s
Love the shirt!
How is Venezuela considered a high income country after everything that is going on there?
Adrian Duran
I guess they only look at mathematical mean and not modal average. Must be all the rich oil execs who cooperate with US markets who are driving up the numbers.
Atheus Maximus
1) Everyone is trying to persuade you and therefore most things you see can be called propaganda.
2) Capitalist propaganda is everywhere and I have no idea why you choose to point out CC's "propaganda" when you could criticize the uncountable instances of it you see before your eyes every day.
3) Can you explain how a country that cooperates with US markets is socialist?
I think that's what CC was addressing when they said the maps don't reflect the most current data.
They clarified that it's not anymore, although it used to be, as the map data they used is out-of-date.
Lamprey Milt
Wanna explain what you mean? That's a vague and unsubstantive claim.
I never usually use this for revision now, it's too fast. Even if I think it's better for being a re-revision because I don't learn much.
good educational staff thanks
who misses crash course kids with the lady with the black hair
😭😭😭😭i miss her
Why tf is Goku Black looking for Sociology help? 😂
Thanks sister 💜💜💜 greatful to u.
love this video your chanal is awesome good job.
I'm here for all the panda shirts!
Ah yes, a cultured individual
Well, now I think I can guess the contents of the upcoming episode.Dependency theory, Cumulative causation and economic development theories could be discussed in the next episode.
Plz share some reàding too preferably the readings you consulted
Trinidad and Tobago has a GNI ; 2015 is 19,005 and in 2016 15,900. But is labelled as 3rd word while being industrialized and having gni over 12,500 rl
Great Video!!!
you need to update your maps. Oman in the middle east was labeled 3rd world and then it was labeled as a high GNI country along with U.S, how does that work?
Wikipedia has a different map of the first world, second world, third world. I saw it under the Wikipedia article “First World.” They don’t have Libya, Ethiopia, Burma... how come those are considered first world?
When did canada become part of the U.S.?
but the gdp of Poland is less than $12,500?
Also, wouldn't it be more productive to have an upper higher tier? I imagine that many ex-soviet Central European countries would disagree with being placed in the same bracket as Western Europe. It's actually causing a serious rift within the EU right now,
You mean 2nd speed EU? :p People here don't complain about for being compered to east europe rether because avarige non-political people here seen EU as infinite source of money and politics are obsessed with it (primerly becuase lot of that money gets drained by local corruption), people don't think about making self-sustanable country because EU pays for most of it, thats current mentality of pro-EU people here. 2nd speed means less of that so they all scream with panic. I would even say 2nd speed is just way to scare poorer countries to chain themselves up to EU even more, Pro-EU Polish politics openly saying that they want Euro not for any benift but to just prevent potential Polexit and make country forever loyal to Brussels, note that whole idea magicly revied right after brexit it always revives when Greece start to scream from pain in there current state again, in risk of breaking ties with Germany, throwing away Euro and reseting there broken economy.
I have life in Ghana the past six years and the main reason Ghana is poor and corrupt is because Europeans still maintain 97 percent of Ghana resource
Great vid.
Most countries including the poorer ones are always trying to attract capital investment from Corporations today. Russia and Venezuela invited oil companies to help extract their oil reserves . But Venezuela then confiscated and nationalised the infrastructure. .
David Kirby
Yup. Free enterprise is the way to go.
France still has colonies!!!
Im from Venezuela and it really doesn't feel like a high income country
One of the vice-principals in the credits is called ‘Mike Hunt’. Somehow, I suspect that is not his real name...
Venezuela? Please up date your info.
Your data on GNI per capita is outdated - Russia was below $10K mark more than 15 (!) years ago. Since 2011 it has been at over $22K.
Latvia is not a high income country. On your map it is marked as one. the Average salary here is 600 euros per month that's 7200 per year.
my GOD slow down. Where's the fire
8:35 global poverty is getting better = oxymoron.
Well I often say that the United States has a 3rd world power infrastructure. And maybe where I live at least a 2nd world transit system.
I think that the first time someone tied a rock to a stick our technology exceeded our wisdom.
This video is full of inaccurate information & false premises. I like CrashCourse, but this is embarrassing. GNI falsely labed, inaccurate maps, wrong economic data. It greatly hurts the credibility of this channel as a a reliable source of information.
It seems as though they just dumbed it down since this is meant to be an introductory series. Because if we look any sort of academic reference defining GNI it says that GDP is taken into account for the GNI, plus other economic factors.
So what we see here is maybe the message getting muddled by the act of simplifying and condensing complex topics and issues into a 10 minute video. Ultimately I think things just happened to be lost in translation rather than it being the result of ineptitude. I mean crash course has been doing this for almost 5 years now, and they have a team. I think they know what they're doing.
@@InternetLawman Yeah but there's a difference between just GNI/GDP and GNI/GDP per capita... They said GNI GDP per capita which is false...
If you really need to divide the countries of the world into the dominant/rich ones and the poor ones, there's the Global North and Global South.
What about differences in income equality between countries? The US and Sweden are both equally rich, but only one looks like a 3rd world county.
My only issue is Venezuela not being at the right income level. It is low, without a doubt. I was living there util three months ago and trust me, there's nothing there but poverty.
How is India a lower middle- income country if its GNI per capita PPP is $6,030.
GDP and GNI don't accurately represent a country's microeconomy, since in countries like Mexico the 10% controls 50% of the income, and that 10% boosts up the GDP per capita
Why are (mostly) african countries so bad of in comparision to for example some asian countries which where also colonised?
What about Wakanda?
Hey Crashcourse! Absolutely love your videos! They're amazing! I was looking for a video on Universal Basic Income (UBI) and couldn't find any in your resources. Any chance we'll get one?
You included North Korea in the group of nations which is the lowest income and then talk about how these nations have basically no education... yet there they are, doing literal rocket and nuclear science. Something tells me your grouping is flawed.
Indonesia is part of the "third world countries" or non-bloc nations.
We're not humans anymore, we're Noise. 💆
That was a cynical joke.
Elijah Bradshaw
Ike Okereke 😐😒😐
Great show but I have to watch her at X .75 speed. Otherwise she starts sounding Charlie Brown's teacher...
To solve this problem i don't think we can depend upon government to help humanity.
I would like to see a grass roots system of people rise up, that realizes that government and politicians can't save them.
Something like this maybe
Remove the spiritual side and it could still possibly be a good system but problems will arise if it isnt built on equality in status. In this system there is no human leader only guides, known as 'pastors' who job was to keep the peace. Not to make a profit off the congregation.
This was their system...
44And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common;
45and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.
¶And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.
33And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all.
34For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales
and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need.
You could argue the apostles were getting rich off the system, but they were not supposed too and the apostles were not meant to be leaders over the people. They were equal. Jesus commanded "do not call yourself leaders for their is one leader, Christ.
Few if any Christian follows these teachings anymore.
Looks like the Sakhalin island has split away from Russia and suddenly is a high income part of the world 😀
I've seen somewhere that, even though colonies were exploited by the colonizers, they end up faring better than neighboring regions that didn't have this "advantage", as it brought some wealth and infra-structure necessary for the whole colonial deal, and possibly even institutions from where locals could eventually benefit from, as moral evolved and so forth.
That's not right about Ukraine. GDP per capita there is about 8000 and has never been lower 4000, so it's an upper middle income country.
Venezuela is a high-income country?
It was, though the data we used for the maps is slightly out of date and it has since be re-designated as upper middle. Sorry about that!
Got it, thanks for clearing that up! 👌
CrashCourse In the 50's it was. Now the middle class doesn't exist and we're getting poorer every day. The info you worked from is seriously wrong, at least in this respect
My $0.02 is that mean GDP per capita isn't a great way of measuring _typical_ citizen income, since it allows a relatively small number of people owning highly-profitable businesses to drive the average way up. Venezuela, being a big oil producer until fairly recently, could easily fall into that statistical area. Same with Saudi Arabia, for that matter, though I'll admit I don't know much about either.
No one seeing capitalism itself as the cause? no?
You say access to "modern seeds and fertilisers" makes people richer. Let us not to insinuate GMOs and chemical fertilisers make people richer. Agroecological techniques like Pierre Rabhi's really make agricultural communities flourish and rich through food security. Check out more at this link if this is interesting to you: .
Check out the rice farmer's testimony at page 3 and share your thoughts! Take care!
they forgot egypt and im pressed
Wait North Korea is a upper to middle economy ...
In the real world, the meaning of the terms first, second and third world have changed from their cold-war meaning to simply sorting them into three categories by national income. I personally refer to my country as second world because it's not rich enough to put into the same category as countries like the US, but not poor enough to qualify for third world.
I'm personally not a fan of World Bank classification, the cutoff income puts countries that have GNI of 4-5 times less than the US in high-income category, while as you can imagine, the disparity between them is clearly apparent.
oh. america is the first everrrrrrrrrrr in everything
firsttttttt woooooooooorlddddd babyyyyyyyyyy
Orwell wrote that it is hardest to see what's most obvious/right in front of your face.
That the poorest countries have the highest amount of black africans is not a coincidence. How many great black african inventions do you know? How many great black african scientists do you know about? How many advanced/impressive black african cities do you know about?
I am sure I will be accused of hating black people. I don't, in fact I look up to Neil deGrasse Tyson!
Also you are overestimating the effects of malnutrition. The same holds true for black africans living in developed countries. East asian babies adopted get a higher result on intelligence tests on average than adopted black african children. The studies are out there, it is not like it has never been tested.
Ask yourselves: what if serious studies proved that black africans have lower intelligence on average because of genetics, how would those studies be received even if they were correct?
Really, how would they be received?
744rd... still pretty early
Damn missed it
You put Yugoslavia as a 1st world country?
Yogoslavia no longer exists.
I live in Croatia, believe me I know it no longer exists. But when she was talking about 1st-3rd world countries the map was incorrect.
I think Mericans made this and they can't Europe.
Pablo Bronstein Yugoslavia isn't a country ya twerp
Did you just watched the video on mute or you just didn't payed attention?
live in an ex-British colony myself, Queensland Australia ,I migrated from NZ. Despite that fact I didn't at least feel poor in either country.
I hear eugenics
Learn how to ruralize
After skipping 24 episodes I thought I would try this one just to see what kind of cool facts and figures it might have and all I got were some unlabeled maps that I had to pause to read. -_-
Moscow and Russia are different countries
Hans Rosling would have approved of this video, I think.
Saved me needing to say that - thanks :-)
Please it's pronounced RWANDA NOT RUANDA Thank you
Say what
Сахалин це Япония
Сеул це Північна Кореа
Holy braces
Hate to break to you but most Brazilians do not have comfortable standards of living. People die in lines waiting for emergency care and children in the Northeastern part of the country don't have drinking water. Define 'comfortable ' again?
Nicole! can we be friends ?!))
I wish I had the confidence and authority of the presenters on the show. And I wish I had the snappy dress sense.
I have always called those #whitepeopleproblems