Willfull Sin? No Sacrifice Left? | Andrew Farley

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 220

  • @bluefire5842
    @bluefire5842 6 месяцев назад +11

    Lord give us grace and mercy and help us overcome sin.

    • @Daniel12.4Ministry
      @Daniel12.4Ministry 6 месяцев назад

      You need to convert to receive the power to overcome sin. (Acts 2:38)
      Baptism as an outward sign of an inward change is not biblical.

    • @benprestridge6787
      @benprestridge6787 4 месяца назад +2

      If you’ve believed in Christs finished work, then you’ve already overcome sin

    • @Daniel12.4Ministry
      @Daniel12.4Ministry 4 месяца назад

      @@benprestridge6787 So you dont believe you have any part in your own salvation?
      You might actually read the bible instead of believing the lies of the preachers of Satan. READ - Romans 2:5-10
      READ - Hebrews 5:9
      READ - John 3:18-21
      READ - Ezekiel 18 & 33
      READ - Revelation 21:8
      READ - Galatians 5:19-21
      READ - MATTHEW 7:13-23
      READ - 1 Peter 2:1-3
      READ - 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
      READ - Matthew 19:16-21
      "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what must I do, that I may receive eternal life? And he said unto him... if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments of God. He asked, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."
      Your doctrine doesnt match the scriptures. May these scriptures bring you to the truth.

    • @NoeElyse
      @NoeElyse 17 дней назад


    • @savinggracechurch4112
      @savinggracechurch4112 3 дня назад

      What about the theif on the cross? He wasn't baptised!
      I'm not saying anything against baptism. I was baptised two weeks after I was saved.
      I talking about the grace of God and legalism!

  • @raukawa4732
    @raukawa4732 4 года назад +42

    Because I misinterpreted this verse I fell away from God at 21. Went to ywam as a young eager 20 year old, full of love for God. I got depressed toward the end and got drunk one night. Returned to base and made a scene. I wasn't brought up in Christian house, my father was a heavy drinker and heavy handed, in fact most of my family were heavy drinkers and fighters. I followed Jesus and stopped drinking, but I failed. I felt so much condemnation, I felt no peace and I started to sin easily. I was convinced I had been rejected by God, that there was no way back. I lived in fear for a long time, for many years I suffered from panic attacks, thinking I was going to die and be in hell. Took me 20 more years to begin to understand God's grace and His love. I'm still trying to understand it.

    • @michaelp5283
      @michaelp5283 4 года назад +11

      Brother I suffered under a false "lordship salvation" theology for years too. That God is brutal but the God of Grace is not. You'll come to find out that that brutal God is really the devil but we've been attributing that task master tyrant ideology to our loving heavenly Father instead! Don't give up! Let the truth set you free!

    • @frame3139
      @frame3139 3 года назад +3

      Me to Brother

    • @megabuy1
      @megabuy1 2 года назад +3

      Brother the Grace of God is this Jesus by himself did everything needed 2 save u 4ever he crucified ur old sinful spirit u have a new spirit seated next 3 Christ and ur new spirit will never sin plus nor will ur heart as God gave u a new heart an obediant heart that will never sin 😊

    • @EverydayNaga
      @EverydayNaga Год назад

      So Sorry to hear this. I was facing the same 😪 until I found out this. Our God is truly truly merciful and gracious God. Thank you Jesus. I'm forever grateful to you my Savior. Thank you my my closest friend holy spirit. Thank you for always being there with me.

    • @Daniel12.4Ministry
      @Daniel12.4Ministry 4 месяца назад

      The method of conversion was not properly given to you. The sinners prayer is not in the bible and believe means more than a cognitive belief, but means to live accordingly. The method of conversion that the early church taught for more than 1700 years is Acts 3:38. If you are baptized for the remission of your sins in the mane of Jesus Christ, you will receive pardon of your past sins and you will be freed from slavery of sin, but you then must live faithfully unto God and he will help you. (1 Corinthians 10:13; Romans 6; John 8:31-38) You can overcome as I did.

  • @tatianaG
    @tatianaG 3 месяца назад +4

    Willful sin literally hardens your heart to unbelief. Please pray for me. This is where I am.

    • @johannawickham5529
      @johannawickham5529 Месяц назад

      Im in the same boat. Are you any better?

    • @tatianaG
      @tatianaG Месяц назад +1

      @@johannawickham5529 God has been merciful to me. He continues to deliver me and heal me teaching me how to fight. Nothing is too hard for Him.

    • @johannawickham5529
      @johannawickham5529 Месяц назад

      @@tatianaG what do you do. Are you in a church? Do you fast etc?

    • @tatianaG
      @tatianaG Месяц назад +3

      @@johannawickham5529 those things did not help me. I tried that for a long time. What helps me is just going to Jesus and trusting Him. Thinking deeply on the cross and what He did for me. Thanking Him for all that He has done and being grateful. It’s a struggle for me sometimes but the more I do that, the easier it gets.

  • @ODaughterofZionMinistries
    @ODaughterofZionMinistries 3 года назад +42

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’ve just been consoling a woman who believes God hates her and she’s going to hell because she sinned something she already repented from. She was told this from a video we both watched and so many ppl have come out to condemn me and her for saying it’s a false doctrine. These ppl claim they accepted Christ and never sinned again and that’s the only way to heaven and if you sin after repentance you are done for and will go to hell. She’s leaving the faith because she feels she’s doomed no matter what she does from now on. It’s a lie that’s what the devil wants ppl to think. That’s how he comes in like a wolf to turn people who went to God away from him.

    • @beereaucrat3233
      @beereaucrat3233 2 года назад +8

      tell her to rightly divide the word of truth. Hebrews is NOT written to her. It is written to... drum roll please..
      the HEBREWS!!! How do we miss this?!? we are in the dispensation of the Grace of God. If she was saved to begin with, she is
      saved for eternity. We must look to Paul's letter for our doctrine that is, Romans through Philemon.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Год назад +3

      Tell her to read Romans 7 14-25.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Год назад

      @@beereaucrat3233 I want to agree with you. I do agree Paul is the Apostle to the Gentiles. Classic dispensationalism does make sense. I do question the doctrine that salvation plus works are for every other dispensation but ours. Also KJV only in that the original codex is inferior is equally troubling.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 Год назад +1

      @@beereaucrat3233 I am grace not works unto salvation.

    • @whome9936
      @whome9936 Год назад +5

      Point out that if this was true, then even Paul himself could not be truly saved, insofar as he explicitly admits to doing the things he knows are sin.
      I am of the flesh, sold into slavery under sin. I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.… I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do” (Rom 7:14-15, 19)

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 4 года назад +29

    Please pray for me I don’t want to reject Jesus

    • @megabuy1
      @megabuy1 2 года назад +7

      If u accepted Jesus & his Gospel u dont have a choice u cant reject him he lives inside u & will never leave or 4sake u even when u are faithless nothing will ever seperate u from Gods love u r his Child 4ever

    • @phineas8532
      @phineas8532 Год назад +4

      Once you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you
      -are Saved(acts 16:31, the entire gospel of John and 1st john)
      -Have everlasting life(john 6:47)
      -can never ever be lost or unsaved(john 6:37, john 10:28)
      -are born again of God with a perfect sinless spirit (1 john 5:1, 1 john 5:18)
      -and btw it’s the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing (john 6:63)
      -are Sealed with the Holy Spirit all the way till the day of redemption(ephesians 1:13, ephesians 4:30)
      Also read KJV it’s super reassuring and the best translation
      And also brother don’t panic when you sin, you don’t need to repent of sin to be saved, that’s a work. No work is needed from us to be saved.
      Romans 4:5 “but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness”

  • @stefaniebollinger4884
    @stefaniebollinger4884 2 года назад +18

    I prayed and asked God to explain this passage to me and He led me to your video. Thank God!

    • @AnnaOtero0623
      @AnnaOtero0623 Год назад +2

      Me too I have been feeling guilty for so many years 😢

    • @Daniel12.4Ministry
      @Daniel12.4Ministry 4 месяца назад

      It wasnt God who led you to this video.

    • @Daniel12.4Ministry
      @Daniel12.4Ministry 4 месяца назад

      ​@@AnnaOtero0623 If you feel guilty for committing sin, you remain in your sins and God is still calling you to himself.
      Read these scriptures and you may be led to the truth:
      1 John 5:16-17
      Numbers 15:28-31
      Matthew 12:31
      John 8:31-44
      Matthew 18:1-10
      Acts 2:38 & 3:19
      Romans 6
      Romans 2:1-10
      John 3:18-21
      Ezekiel 33:12-19
      Hebrews 5:9
      John 14:15
      John 8:11
      Study these scriptures with a pure heart before God and you will be led to the truth.

  • @ericdouglas8019
    @ericdouglas8019 Год назад +5

    I have recently repented off my sins against God and returning to my first love. I had a hard time with this verse. Thank you so much because a burden has been lifted!

    • @ericdouglas8019
      @ericdouglas8019 Год назад +1

      Same. I just recently return to my first love and trying to renew my mind to The days of my salvation. This verse burden me and I considered I had lost my salvation. But attempting to think that way no more! Prayers for you I ask the same for me.

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 3 года назад +33

    Please pray for me that I come to receive
    Salvation in Christ Jesus please pray that I come saving faith in Christ

    • @iamquestioning2195
      @iamquestioning2195 3 года назад +5

      I will pray for you right now

    • @0uz01
      @0uz01 3 года назад +2

      Go to Jesus yourself. Confess your sins. Repent with a sincere heart. Trust in Christ and Christ alone for the remission of your sins. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit so that you can please Him. Endure until the end. He will receive anyone who does these things. God bless.

    • @fgagaerhjhjyfyjfyyjkf
      @fgagaerhjhjyfyjfyyjkf 2 года назад

      @@0uz01 so you ignore all the multitude of verses like John 5:24?

    • @thefogisgone3662
      @thefogisgone3662 Год назад

      Lol never thought I'd pray to God to help tater salad but that happened

    • @Daniel12.4Ministry
      @Daniel12.4Ministry 4 месяца назад

      Obey the gospel - Acts 2:38 and then you will be freed from the slavery of sin and you will then live unto God. (Romans 6)

  • @stephennapier8365
    @stephennapier8365 4 года назад +20

    I remember growing up in the church and being terrified of these scriptures. There are thousands of believers who believe it wrong because of poor handling of the word. Thank you Andrew for rightly analysing and accurately handling the word of God. Now it is up to us to do the same for those still under bad theology.

  • @TheAllKnighter53-t8o
    @TheAllKnighter53-t8o Месяц назад

    This is so relieving. I thought that I was a willfull , desparate sinner that has cut me off from God by trampling his cross underfoot all my life. I was grim but maybe there is room for me in heaven after all.

  • @adaywithaleks6556
    @adaywithaleks6556 2 года назад +8

    Thank you for the great word and breaking down Hebrews. Yes and Amen! 👏🏼Thank you Jesus for the wonderful things you have done, for being enough! You're all I need and want, more of you and less of me 🙌🏼

  • @myflourishingfam
    @myflourishingfam 3 месяца назад +1

    Great teaching! Love how simply you put it. God bless!

  • @mark5694
    @mark5694 4 месяца назад +1

    Brilliant Sermon !!! And the Truth shalll set you Free ... Amen

  • @annec988
    @annec988 Год назад +3

    ' Please respect what Jesus did for you, it is final it is enough.' Thank you Andrew for clarifying what this means. If all that Jesus suffered for me wasn't enough, then I don't know what would be. I can only thank God for His grace and mercy for my sins, past, present and future and know that He died for me because He loves me so. I will never be enough, good enough, sinless enough, but Jesus made me enough. Amen.

  • @azucenatingley3649
    @azucenatingley3649 2 года назад +5

    There's no condemnation to those who are in Christ ( Azucena Tingley. 05.22.22) Praised Jesus Christ Thank You LORD ( 2 Cor.15:3-4) Amen!

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 6 месяцев назад

      who walk after the spirit and not the flesh. you have a choice while you're in Christ.

  • @allan9913
    @allan9913 3 года назад +11

    Pray for me that I will be saved! That Gods mercy, grace, and blessings would cover me

    • @michelemerryman6116
      @michelemerryman6116 3 года назад +3

      When you make that decision to ask the Holy Spirit to live in you and guide you in wisdom and truth, you will be saved. Confess in your heart that Jesus is Lord, confess with your mouth that He was raised on third day, and you will be saved. Seek Him and you will find Him. Knock and the door will be open.

    • @cmike5572
      @cmike5572 3 года назад +3

      You are saved. If you asked.

    • @colton7373
      @colton7373 3 года назад +2

      I have good news and bad news: The gospel very simple, anyone can be saved. But the enemy wants to make it complicated.
      Believe in Jesus and what He has said. Believe that He died and rose to forgive and save you. As the apostle John said, whoever believes that JESUS is the CHRIST is born of God. When you place your trust in Christ, you will be born again and have a new heart. If you’ve already put your trust in Him, you are saved

    • @nargesalove228
      @nargesalove228 3 года назад

      You to stop sinning; leave your fornication, drugs, and pride.

    • @megabuy1
      @megabuy1 2 года назад

      @@nargesalove228 thats not what saves the gospel is believe and is without works whatnur trying 2 teach is a works based salvation

  • @shailebeth
    @shailebeth 4 года назад +17

    Thank you Andrew! I’ve heard this passage explained all kinds of ways but yours is the only explanation that makes the most sense.

  • @colton7373
    @colton7373 3 года назад +4

    6:58 puts into words perfectly what I’ve been realizing after studying these verses more. Praise God that Jesus truly is the only way.

  • @zanykangaroo
    @zanykangaroo 26 дней назад

    Thank you, Brother Andrew!

  • @marialove8803
    @marialove8803 4 года назад +9

    Finally a clear message about willful sinning. Thank you so much for this message. I needed this. Bless you all in Jesus name.

  • @martinsantos3781
    @martinsantos3781 3 года назад +4

    That's why Jesus Christ the Lord teaches us to forgive and not to judge others because we are too vulnerable to keep committing willful sins.

  • @keith692
    @keith692 Год назад +1

    Absolutely fantastic preaching. You get it pastor! Keep preaching the truth.

  • @theaveragegamer9632
    @theaveragegamer9632 10 месяцев назад +1

    I found God through my personal hardships. I finished Hebrews and I am now in James. Almost done reading the entire bible. I understand the context, but I still feel as though it could apply to me. The man I once was, I did not know God. After all of my praying and reading and time with Him, and now knowing His Truth. I cannot possibly go back to being the man I was, without first renouncing everything I now know to be true, in my heart. Which would put me in the situation stated in Hebrews 10:26. My old self and my new self are like water and oil, they do not mix. And I cannot be one, while also being the other. To go back, I would have to reject everything... Correct me if I'm wrong, because I've certainly prayed for clarity and understanding and this was the conclusion I came to.

  • @jonathanray7029
    @jonathanray7029 4 года назад +7

    The two side coin of the gospel that Mr. Andrew has explained so well has changed my life forever. Most of my life I heard about Jesus on the cross and forgiveness (that is awesome but that’s not all) and not the other side of the coin. The other side of the coin is the new heartware and new desires. I can now count myself dead to sin and alive to God. I’m a slave of righteousness now. Amen :)

  • @Ruffgemm
    @Ruffgemm 8 месяцев назад +1

    This is an excellent teacher. These are the churches you attend and healings will just flow effortlessly because legalism is dead here and the understanding of the workings of the spirit of grace is alive!

  • @the_light_wins1718
    @the_light_wins1718 Год назад +1

    Thank you 🙏 glory to God , Jesus the Christ

  • @rapidfire4528
    @rapidfire4528 3 года назад +4

    Amen thank you 🙏🏽 I needed to hear this ✝️❤️ all sin is willful

  • @lelenhaokip3943
    @lelenhaokip3943 3 года назад +2

    Praise the Lord

  • @edwardlongfellow5819
    @edwardlongfellow5819 3 года назад +8

    Paul's statement-"For if we go on sinning wilfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins...” (Hebrews 10:26) 'wilfully' ignores the fact that there never was a sacrifice by Jesus.

    • @drummerboy737
      @drummerboy737 3 года назад

      Can't willful sin say that to Jesus?

  • @servantofYeshuaAdonaiEchadYHWH
    @servantofYeshuaAdonaiEchadYHWH 4 года назад +5

    Thank you Andrew for staying obedient to the Lord. I am so proud of you and love you brother-Jonathan

  • @michaelp5283
    @michaelp5283 4 года назад +10

    The concept of "willful sins" is found in the bible in the book of Leviticus in the old Testament and applied to the Hebrews under the Law. The book of Hebrews is written about Hebrews! This is freeing stuff!

    • @westoftherockies
      @westoftherockies 3 года назад

      @jerry calvert right, all it means is "don't go get a goat and kill it"...i cannot believe so many people ignore the context, geez, there is an entire cult following about hebrews 26, won't anyone read the chapter and right it ties with with old testment animal sacrafices, those animals sacrafices, temporarily made people feel bette3r of sins they were aware of, thats the "wilful part", having nothing to do with christ not forgiving you if you sin intentional, what a mess people make of hebrew 10:26, i've had to explain it to people for years nd yearsm, its never ending.

  • @danmesser2166
    @danmesser2166 4 года назад +5

    Thank you, Andrew! I love this sermon series that you're doing. It continues to help open my eyes to the truths in God's Word and this portion you did on the willfull sin in Hebrews is no different. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  • @carolbattle8010
    @carolbattle8010 2 месяца назад

    I had never thought of this like this, but I thank you for explainging.

  • @austinrodriguez7401
    @austinrodriguez7401 4 года назад +5

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ 😇🙏 for the truth and wised and for setting me free love you Lord Jesus Christ and thank you Andrew fairly for your amazing awesome teaching the truth and real meaning this help me so much

  • @gregorylatta8159
    @gregorylatta8159 Год назад +1

    Good message here.

  • @RoodFeller
    @RoodFeller 4 года назад +5

    This is absolutely on point.💯

  • @Meowwolfwarrior
    @Meowwolfwarrior Год назад

    I have experienced sitting there, doing absolutely nothing wrong, and BOOM sin happened. Now I know that because I was ignorant of the darkness that was in my heart ,, God had seemingly let me start going down the track to being decieved by seducing spirits and doctrines of devil's and on my way to being damned, praise him for his mercy because he let me repent. do not abuse God's grace

  • @koreaboo1437
    @koreaboo1437 Месяц назад +1

    All sin is willful because we all make a choice to sin . Jesus did for all son whoever believes should not die but have enternal life .

  • @alanolson6913
    @alanolson6913 6 месяцев назад

    Those Hebrews passages used to frighten the daylights out of me when I was first a Christian , until a wise man in the faith explained to me “to whom was that written ?” Jews. Not Gentiles.
    The other passages that were cited here are so important but don’t teach that we can lose our salvation.

  • @roberthesseling832
    @roberthesseling832 4 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for this message!

  • @MrBiyi
    @MrBiyi Год назад

    thank you so much for making it clear i taught it meant when u repeat your habitual sin there will be no sacrifice

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 Год назад +1

    Please pray for me I need your intercession I’ve been suffering and am confused

  • @greganderson2239
    @greganderson2239 7 месяцев назад +1

    The willful sin Hebrews is speaking of is to reject Gods sacrifice for sins… it’s to choose to pay the penalty yourself and to attribute the life and work of the Holy Spirit to the devil.. this happens from a defiance and rebellion that is ongoing, eager and persistent and willful and rebellious… it’s to allow the devil to steal, kill, and destroy your soul when Gods trying to give you life through his son.

    • @Jeff-fu8is
      @Jeff-fu8is 4 месяца назад +1

      Exactly!! That is the most spot on definition of why blasphemy of the holy spirit is an unpardonable sin. Yeah the Pharisees in Matthew chapter 12 and Mark chapter 3 did exactly what you described

  • @veritasmatters2662
    @veritasmatters2662 Год назад

    Possibly the best, most concise explanation of Hebrews 10:26 I’ve ever heard. Thank you.

    • @dansimpson271
      @dansimpson271 Год назад

      If you go back and read all of Hebrews studying diligently with prayers you will see the error in this teaching. This is a warning to Christians . Don’t let him make the word have no effect in your life. God bless.

  • @davido8941
    @davido8941 3 месяца назад

    But it says " sin willfully!" Instead of just once you come to the knowledge there remains no other sacrifice. Also it says " seeing as how you crucify the son of God afresh.......

  • @36742650885
    @36742650885 3 года назад

    We must seek God to “ Grant repentance “

    • @colton7373
      @colton7373 3 года назад

      Would you say that Christ lives in you?

    • @36742650885
      @36742650885 Год назад

      @@colton7373 I have experienced Grace I haven’t always listened to him

  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 6 месяцев назад

    I think Heb 6:4-6 and 10:26-29 are talking about the same thing.....a believer who apostatizes. That's all. Compare 2Ths2:3. There are too many warnings in scripture to "hold fast", "remain steadfast in your confidence", "cast not away your confidence", "if any man draw back", etc., etc.

  • @dansimpson271
    @dansimpson271 Год назад +2

    Sexual sin and idolatry are some of the main sins mentioned in Hebrew also the sin of a faith that doesn’t obey. Mr. Farley is twisting the scriptures. Hebrews compares setting the laws of Moses aside and setting the commands of Jesus aside.Let’s turn this video off and go back to reading the whole book of Hebrews and study to find the truth instead.

  • @john316godlovedtheworld3
    @john316godlovedtheworld3 Год назад +1

    I have sinned willfully and yes I know that God hates me. I lack love compassion my hearth is hard again I have demons in me. I keep repenting but nothing happens I cursed God saying I was better off before. I have no rest day and night. I don’t want to be Judas. Please pray for me that God will come back to me thank you. Pius muller here

    • @fem0000
      @fem0000 Год назад

      How are you? Did you get out of it?

    • @KD-vt8ug
      @KD-vt8ug 7 месяцев назад

      How are you now?

    • @bengreene3996
      @bengreene3996 2 месяца назад

      Read your Bible every day, FAST, and pray, and have a church elder who is strong in their faith lay hands on you and pray specifically for what you are dealing with. Don't give up, there is no one too far in sin for Jesus to reach. Read Romans 8:31

    • @bengreene3996
      @bengreene3996 2 месяца назад

      ”What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.“
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • @OnceSavedJesus
    @OnceSavedJesus 3 года назад +1


  • @Daniel12.4Ministry
    @Daniel12.4Ministry 6 месяцев назад

    Numbers 15:28-31

  • @Rayshader
    @Rayshader 4 месяца назад

    @6:05 enemies of God who say no to Jesus? And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10:10 Notice we as a reference? Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. Hebrews 10:32 further affirms Paul was addressing to an audience of believers. If what you claim is true, Books of Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead for cheating, were they not believers?

  • @barbaramartin9838
    @barbaramartin9838 Год назад

    Since Jesus gives salvation, how much greater than him would you have to be to lose your salvation.

    • @fem0000
      @fem0000 Год назад

      He gives but we have to receive. He will call us and convict us, but we can still reject Him.

  • @STEVEinNC
    @STEVEinNC Год назад

    We're perfect and sinless in our new born again selves which are in Christ, born of His Word, His incorruptible seed, Paul taught in Romans 7:17 & 7:20 that it was no longer him who sinned, but rather sin living in him that did the sinning.

  • @loveforpeople678
    @loveforpeople678 4 года назад +1


  • @larriveeman
    @larriveeman Год назад +1

    then what does Gal 5 mean?
    9 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,
    20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
    21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
    23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
    24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
    25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
    26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

    • @JC-li8kk
      @JC-li8kk Год назад

      Good question. That is a beautiful passage & brings so much hope for us because it shows us that we can & should get to this place. If we aren’t there yet, we know we have something in our mind that isn’t fully comprehending our salvation & what Christ did for us. I think once I understood “suffer” & that it’s okay to suffer & we should suffer (starving our flesh to death) my whole perspective changed. Honestly I just wanted to get as close to God as possible & I knew my habitual sins would never allow me to do that, so I gave them up in exchange for knowing God.
      If we know it’s wrong but keep doing it & have no intention of ever stopping that’s considered a “practice.” Read 1 John. Talks about “keeping on sinning” & “practicing sin.” The one who does this is not born of God but of the devil. He who keeps on sinning does not know God. The love of God is not in him & he does not abide in God. It doesn’t mean there is NO hope for him, but it is very difficult to stop sinning once you have the mindset of “it’s okay if I sin because God will forgive me through Christ anyway.” Whether it’s true or not, I am not willing to put my salvation on the line to find out. The real issue is that you don’t WANT to stop sinning & will make every excuse to CONTINUE sinning. When you are crucified with Christ you no longer WANT to sin. This is what it means to SUFFER. Your flesh is always going to want to sin. The Spirit is always going to want to obey God. If you continue to yield to your flesh & not the Spirit then who are you obeying? Who is your master? Is it any different from the sons of disobedience? By this they will know you are from God, by your love for one another. You have to make a decision. To Love or to indulge in the cravings of the flesh. If you continue to indulge in the flesh how is the love of God in you? Again, I say there is hope, but time is running out. I would not want to leave this earth in that kind of state.
      I was once very selfish & only seeking to gratify my flesh & used the “God will forgive me so it’s all good. I can be saved & still do these fun things. I’m not hurting anyone. Others are do much worse. It’s better than x,y,z.” excuse & trying to justify my sin. But then I got this massive revelation of what real love is. & God began to show me I was not abiding in him because my decisions were not motivated by love, but by selfishness & gratifying my flesh. Then instead of “I don’t want to miss out on that sin” it became “I don’t want to miss out on God.” My cravings switched from the flesh to wanting to please God, to know God, to truly love others, to be a living sacrifice, to walk by the Spirit, & every day it got stronger & stronger.
      It doesn’t mean we never sin again or don’t struggle against our flesh, but we no longer make it a practice, we no longer live as if it’s okay to sin, we begin to despise & hate sin, & we make it a practice to obey the Spirit & are constantly craving spiritual growth.
      It’s kind of like going to McDonald’s all your life, then one day you go to Whataburger & instantly that’s all you ever want to eat now. Yea if McDonald’s is right in your face you may be tempted to eat it, but you know if there was a Whataburger also in your face & had to choose between the 2 you would choose Whataburger 100% of the time without hesitation. Knowing God, walking in the Spirit, loving others, is so much better than indulging in sin that only brings death & destruction & condemnation. It’s just not worth the trade off & no longer appealing. I don’t want to hinder where God is taking me spiritually for a temporary unfruitful sin that I will instantly regret, that can never satisfy me.

  • @TraceyLynn0627
    @TraceyLynn0627 7 месяцев назад

    I'm not a saved woman, after knowing it for a year and a half after thinking i was saved. I then willfully, premeditated to go out an sin,namely pretending I was a Christian to my true Christian boyfriend. Does this verse exclude me from ever being saved?

    • @anthonypolonkay2681
      @anthonypolonkay2681 6 месяцев назад

      I'll put it this way, if this verse In hebrews just means sinning in general after being saved makes you lose salvation, then nobody is saved.
      And I don't mean less people than we think will make it, I do mean absolutly nobody is going to be saved.
      Because even if there was somehow a true difference in "willfully" sinning vrs somehow not willfully sinning (which there isn't. Sin requires will, the scriptures teach where there is no law, there is no sin. You have to know you are doing wrong for it to count as sin. All sin is willful)
      There is still nobody who has ever lived besides christ himself who has not willfully sinned post salvation. (Which christ doesn't need salvation he is the one bringing it, but you get the idea)
      Peter did it in galatians when he was trying to wrongly force gentiles into believing they had to be circumcised in order to be Christian. So I guess according to hebrews peter the apostle isn't saved.
      The point is that if this verse does just flat out mean any general willful sinning disqualifies you from salvation, then nobody is saved. Nobody. That is an impossible standard for people to uphold in our current fallen state. And anyone telling you that they don't sin willfully is full of it. They might be fantastic at hiding it, but if you could somehow see all the moments of thier life, abd see thier mind, abd intention it would be clear that they sin "willfully" pretty much on the daily.

  • @pgm960
    @pgm960 4 года назад +2

    I went too far in sin😡😡😡😢😢😢

    • @devan9534
      @devan9534 4 года назад +6

      P GM Might I ask why you believe that? I don’t need exact details unless you felt necessary but I don’t believe there is anything our glorious God can’t forgive. His grace is not limited, he is infinitely loving and always has our best interest, there are murderers in the Bible that we’re still saved when they truly came to Christ. I struggle off and on in believing that I am worthy to be saved, but the more I try to learn about Christ and his character, the more joy and confidence I have in my salvation and to walk in a path of light. I know I will still sin and can never meet perfection in this life but gods love is what makes me want to try harder to overcome through his strength. I’d still consider myself a baby Christian but if you need to talk just message me on here and I’m glad to chat. I will pray for you right now once I finish typing this message, I promise. God still loves you, whatever you feel you did in sin that was too far just keep speaking to God and try fiercely to believe in his grace and just run the opposite direction of sin as best as you can. I’ve been addicted to smoking weed, other drugs, lust and pornography for a long time but the more I have seek to understand the Lord savior Christ, I truly tell you, he has been helping me slowly but surely overcome. I still slip but I trust God is working in me to overcome. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you need to talk more I am very responsive. 🙂god bless you!

  • @lisagant9420
    @lisagant9420 Месяц назад

    Thank you for this but I'm confused you said even if us Christians with The Incorruptible seed are faithless he is still faithful without faith it's impossible to please him so how could we be faithless If we are Christians?? Just curious, sorry

  • @RossStancher
    @RossStancher Месяц назад

    is this passage also talking about repentance?

  • @besaltandlight184
    @besaltandlight184 Месяц назад

    Can you repent of wilful sins???

  • @beereaucrat3233
    @beereaucrat3233 2 года назад +1

    The simple answer is this: Hebrews is NOT written to us today. Ummm... how about the very title of the book?
    the epistle to the Hebrews!! Duh! How do we miss this?!? This book is written to the Hebrews in the time of the Tribulation. So this passage DOES mean what it says.
    Those people CAN be cast away if they go back to their sins.
    It simply does not apply to us today in this dispensation. What dispensation? The dispensation of the Grace of God. But it is true that once saved, always saved for us today.
    We must look to Paul's letters for our doctrine. That is, Romans through Philemon. This goes to 'rightly dividing the word of truth'.

    • @letstalkbiblewithshun.s
      @letstalkbiblewithshun.s 2 года назад +1

      This teaching/ video is making people feel comfortable in their sin and in their dilution.

    • @arelixxro
      @arelixxro 2 года назад +1

      This is stupid. So then what you’re saying is the whole chapter only applies to Hebrew then this also means…
      Roman’s is only for Roman’s
      Corinthians is only for people in Corinth? Please gain more knowledge

    • @beereaucrat3233
      @beereaucrat3233 2 года назад

      @@arelixxro then how do you explain it? It's clear... someone is losing their salvation in Heb. 10:26. You need to understand dispensations.
      Today we are in the dispensation of the grace of God. Ephesians 3:2.

    • @whome9936
      @whome9936 Год назад

      I do not read your interpretation as accurate at all. Paul wrote this letter to be read in the Hebrew church. It may be reasonably inferred that such a letter was for the edification of the Hebrews then--the people who were reading it in the moment. These are not eschatologically prophetic statements. They are immediate statements. You have to take into consideration the historical context in which these verses were written. Paul was writing practical letters for the immediate consumption of the people in the very early days of the church. If he was referring to some far distant time in the future, you would think that the letter itself would include some indication of this future tense. What verses can you provide to prove that it does such a thing?

    • @beereaucrat3233
      @beereaucrat3233 Год назад

      @@whome9936 so you think a person CAN lose his salvation?

  • @typestufff
    @typestufff 3 года назад

    Matthew 3:2 .

  • @Daniel_Antonio_Arellano782
    @Daniel_Antonio_Arellano782 Год назад

    Willfully and willingly is not the same. They have different affects. Remember free will? Willfully is when you deny the Lord Jesus and God. And your will is to destroy the belief in Christ. You even preach about it. In effect 11:55 undermining the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sin.
    Another thing, the Bible has to be rightly divided. You see who is speaking, who is the hearer, when was it spoken.
    Here the speaker is God through the scripture. The ones being spoken to are the Hebrews.(Jews) And the time was after the Sacrificial Lamb was crucified. It is for the unbelievers in the Jewish communities. Who deny Jesus Christ .

  • @chriskuehni7506
    @chriskuehni7506 2 года назад +2

    a SIN is a sin whether it'd be rejecting Christs blood or willing to still live in sin because the Bible says "he became the source of eternal salvation to those who obey him." Paul is even including himself in that verse because he's using the word "WE"(in hebrews). Jesus says to the women at the well, "He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” She asked first though "GIVE ME THIS LIVING WATER (THE Holy Spirit) SO THAT I DO NOT THIRST. JESUS was telling her that she needed to REPENT FIRST before getting the Holy Spirit. faith alone doesn't save, but the TRUE faith (repenting from your sins first) and then living in obedience to God (we can obey God perfectly with his blood) causes us to do his work and give glory to him. Jesus says "no one can enter heaven unless they are born of the water AND the SPIRIT" (John 3:5). You need to be born again. when you live in sin you are rejecting Jesus because another verse in the Bible says "this is the condemnation that light has came into the world but men rejected it (living in sin) because their deeds were evil"(John 3:19-21). Repenting isn't a change of unbelief to belief it's a change of HEART because Jesus says "only the PURE in heart are going to heaven "(Matthew 5:8). "If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood cleanses us from all sin"(1 John:7). "the DEvil works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2) "Depart from me ye who work INIQUITY'(Matthew 7:23). living in disobedience and rejecting Christs blood are both sins. I can prove it. Paul was concerned about an individuals salvation because he did some perverted things and wanted to deliver him to satan for physical death because we need to die with the Holy Spirit in us to finish the RACE. Obeying Jesus is Faith which produces works that gives him Glory. disobedience while just believing in Jesus gives no God glory because you can't do Jesus' works without the Holy Spirit in you "the Devil works in the sons of DISOBEDIENCE". hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord" (1 cornithians 5:5).

  • @rossdaboss1959
    @rossdaboss1959 3 года назад +1

    Isaiah 53:5, But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed. For salvation, people just need to follow the way they did it in Acts? They were baptized in the water and of the spirit. Here's why! The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If we are to follow him, we must do the same thing. Death= repentance, Burial = baptism, and resurrection = being filled with the Holy Ghost and rising again from the dead. That's what Acts 2:38 is. We must obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ... Matthew 7:21-23, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in Heaven. St John 3:3-5, EXCEPT a man, be born of WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD. We can't come up with our own gospel. Galatians 1:8-9, But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Don't be cursed. One way for all people. Jews, Gentiles, and Samaritans. Our salvation has to match-up with the scriptures and no scriptures on the subject can be taken away. Eternity is TOOO long to be WRONG! st, John 5:39, Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. The gospels show what Christ has done on the cross for us. The book of Acts shows us the beginning of Christ's Church and how to enter the Church, obeying Acts 2:38. The letters were written to the Church to show us how to behave now that we are born again into the Church. It's better to walk alone than to walk with a crowd going in the wrong direction. Are we supposed to follow the teachings of the apostles? Acts 2:42, They continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrines. Ephesians 2:20, We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. Jesus Christ was our perfect example back to God. He was baptized and received the Holy Ghost and we must be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. He was holy and walked in righteousness and we must be holy and walk in righteousness. He died and rose again, and we must die to the things of this world and rise to walk in the newness of life. He prayed to the father showing us how to pray to the father. If you believe in this message, help spread it in the name of Jesus Christ. God bless you for doing so!

    • @rossdaboss1959
      @rossdaboss1959 3 года назад

      @jerry calvert Do you even know that you are of the devil? You don't even know me to say I'm not coming with love. The message is of the truth to be saved the right way. Just saying you love is not going to save you. That's what's wrong with the preachers today. A water-downed gospel while many are dying going to hell because people only think God is a God of love only. Please show me just one scripture in the bible that shows love saves you. If I didn't have a love for many to be saved, then I wouldn't be wasting my time spreading the gospel. I would let people end up in hell and don't even tell them how to escape it. Don't be stupid, God is love, but he's also a God of judgment too. Look at Noah in his time and Lot in his time. Was it love or judgment that came down from God because of disobedience? Wake up and stop letting the devil make a fool of you. If you were following me a half-mile back and I tell you the bridge is out be careful, is it love if I don't tell you or love if I tell you? If you would read it WITH LOVE then you would be able to see the love and not let the devil put negativity in your mind. I do what God leads me to do. It would be a cold day in hell if I listen to you instead of God. You are a liar because all do not know Jesus. If all did then it wouldn't be no need to be a witness for the Lord. Think! You just say things that don't make sense. Why would God fill me with his spirit if I have no love or care for souls being saved? Have you received the Holy Ghost with your love? The message is the same for everybody. What scripture did I mention that's not of the bible? Please show me.

    • @rossdaboss1959
      @rossdaboss1959 3 года назад

      @jerry calvert If you stop minding my business and look at other pages you will see that I put the same message on pages that have nothing to do with the subject of the video. I'm trying to warn the world before they leave here without salvation. Can you understand that souls are dying forever and ending up in hell? it's up to you if you don't want to know, but there are plenty out there that are being blinded by the devil and their mind is not on where they are going if they level here without Christ. Is it love that I stop warning people and just let them go to hell when I have a chance to help some escape it? Do you think God will be pleased with me to stop warning the people or to continue to warn them? Be careful! The devil is using many to stop the warning of the message. God sees all and all will come back on the day of judgment.

  • @margaretheuer5091
    @margaretheuer5091 Год назад

    If I keep committing the same sin. Will lose my salvation

    • @willc539
      @willc539 Год назад +2

      The Bible does not teach that you can lose your salvation. To get free from any repetitive sin you should walk with God in relationship and ask him to help you on your journey and to change your heart. Prayer is important. Walking in the Spirit is something that takes time to learn, I am learning this myself as well. As long as you have accepted Jesus as your personal savior and have been born again, meaning you have received the Holy Spirit, you are saved and will not be lost.

    • @fem0000
      @fem0000 Год назад

      @@willc539 The Bible does actually teach that you can lose your salvation. You are right we have to walk with God in relationship, walk in the Spirit. Anyone in Christ and walking in the Spirit is saved. But if we start walking in the flesh we can lose our salvation. Jesus warns about hell so many times, and tells us to hold on to the end.

    • @willc539
      @willc539 Год назад

      ​@@fem0000 With that view you are making salvation about yourself, not Jesus. I am sure that you do not walk in the spirit constantly because no Christian does. Obedience and walking in the spirit are encouraged but are not required for salvation. There are many worldly Christians who never do anything for Christ and don't try to learn/grow but because they trusted Christ as savior, they will be in heaven. Salvation is a free gift and if you have to work for it then its not free. The Corinthian Christians were worldly believers and some were living in open sin aka not walking in the flesh, yet they do not go to hell. Why? Because they believed on Christ to save them.
      John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. In Acts 16 when the jailer asked what must he do to be saved (Paul and Silas in verse 31): And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. BELIEVE and you HAVE eternal life. No one is born again twice, stop trusting your works or ability to walk in the Spirit and trust the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. God bless you.

    • @fem0000
      @fem0000 Год назад

      @@willc539 I'm not saying that you have to do anything for Christ, you don't have to do miracles or be a missionary or something. But live in a way that pleases God. So love God and others, and stop stealing, murdering, lying, adultery etc. Someone who keeps doing that, even when the holy spirit convicts them that it's wrong, but they continue anyway, someone like that won't be in heaven. And of course a Christian will struggle and sin sometimes , but doesn't make a habit of it.

    • @fem0000
      @fem0000 Год назад +2

      Someone who trusts in Jesus will try to live in a way that pleases Him

  • @edgarmorales4476
    @edgarmorales4476 2 года назад

    It must be understood that down the centuries - people perceived that facets of human behavior were detrimental to the welfare of others. They witnessed killing - stealing another's wife and possessions - causing much pain and grief in the community - making life difficult and at times - intolerable. It was reasoned that surely this behavior must be contrary to the will of "God." They gave this behavior the name of "sin" and termed it "evil." Eventually - the Prophets reasoned that such aberrant behavior must emanate from an "evil" force opposed to "God" and they called it "Satan."
    The Prophets threatened and punished each other in the belief that "sins" were evil and that "God" would punish men for their wrongdoing against each other. This behavior is practiced to this day in the churches. Ministers try to control people by fear.
    THE CONCEPT OF "SIN" against God - the Eternal and infinitely Mighty Creator - was a clever and powerful method of controlling other people!
    Church beliefs are a tragic travesty of all that Jesus tried to teach.
    Moses first enshrined the belief in "sin" and "punishment" in the form of the Ten Commandments.
    Moses said that they were given to him by "God" and that if the Israelites broke them - they would have to suffer the penalty - in some cases - this meant death by stoning. They were taught that by breaking the Laws - the Israelites would be sinning against "God."
    The exact truth is - Moses went to the mountain to pray for a means by which to control the unruly Israelites. In answer to this prayer - the Ten Commandments were inspirationally given to him to help him in his task of bringing the Israelites safely through their desert sojourn with the least degree of trouble-making.
    Christians are happy to accept and wholeheartedly believe that "God" reputedly instructed Moses to engage in aggressive procedures and massacres when conquering the "promised land." A beautiful and productive land was callously grabbed from hard working people who were slain in their thousands. This was regarded as the right thing to do since "God" had promised them a beautiful land in which to settle. To this day - Christians believe that since "God" spoke to Moses - it must be "God" who decreed the ensuing bloodshed. There are many similar horrific descriptions of war and bloodshed in the Bible considered permissible - just and right - because it was believed that "God" had instructed them to go to war - against Gentiles.
    Can you not see in the history of the Jews - the rampant EGO-DRIVE in which even "God" is "used" to exempt them from blame? In the moment of self-aggrandizement - it became permissible and equitable to ignore the Ten Commandments and indulge in wholesale massacre.
    They believed no sin was involved because the killing had been ordained by "God." What a "God!"
    Can you not also perceive why it was necessary for Jesus to be born to live among the Jews in an effort to help them see that their traditional beliefs and practices were all contrary to the very Nature of GOD who had truly given them being?
    Since then - down the centuries - men have battled with the concept of "sin" and many sincere people have grieved concerning the way they offend "God" and they beg for forgiveness. Long ago - they sacrificed animals beyond number in the Temple in Jerusalem - to appease "God" and to hopefully escape the effects of their sins. Since that time - innumerable books have been written on the subject - expressing grief and horror at the condition of men's souls - seeking ways to change their behavior - beating themselves with whips to torture the flesh and make it pay for its wrongdoing in thought - words and deed - and many of these books have been applauded by "Christians" and housed within the archives of religious institutions.
    They bind people to Jesus' age-old persona - preaching the "salvation of man from punishment for his sins" by Jesus' death on the cross. These beliefs are physically impossible and contrary to the facts of creation. No payment is extracted for "sin" by any superior "Deity." This is a human concept entirely - and pagan. All blood-letting of any description for the purpose of religious rites is paganism. Christian churches have presented its followers with nothing less than a "glorified" version of paganism.
    When people make other people unhappy in any way - they are creating their own future "comeback." Not as retribution - but as a "consciousness activity of creation."
    Therefore - it is a matter of urgency that these beliefs in "sin" and "salvation by Jesus' death on the cross" should be strongly combated - and replaced - by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and the TRUTH of EXISTENCE.

  • @marynotmartha3139
    @marynotmartha3139 3 года назад

    Where in west Texas are u brother? Do u have a church or just speak and preach at churched?...i live in west Texas! I would like to come to ur preaching

  • @larryhoward-e6e
    @larryhoward-e6e Год назад

    I think this guy is very misleading there's a difference in willfully sinning and sinning because you are sinful in nature. WILLFULLY IS CHOOSING TO SIN, unwilfully is sinning by nature.

  • @cocfeverclan9382
    @cocfeverclan9382 2 месяца назад

    Hebrew is written to christian to the believers....

  • @truthnow902
    @truthnow902 10 месяцев назад

    Wow talk about twisting the word how did you come up with all of that and not one verse you don't know your Bible very well he says specifically I'm not a god of confusion and this is why he tells people do not add or take away words from the book so the only way you're coming up with what you're coming up with is by adding words because it does not say what you are preaching if he meant what you were preaching he would have just came out and said it so you better think about what you're saying here really think and think hard it's never too late to repent

  • @jp9097
    @jp9097 11 месяцев назад

    Rev 3 , Rev 19 expects you to do Good. Understanding white linen will make this clear.

  • @westoftherockies
    @westoftherockies 3 года назад

    all hebrews 10:26 means is this..."if you sin don't go get a goat and kill it"...THATS IS!!!!! there is no more sacraficed= BECAUSE christ died ONCE FOR ALL, so STOP KILLING BULLS AND GOATS...all it means, most people/pastors etc won't read the chapter from the beginning, get with it people.

  • @KJ-gp4tt
    @KJ-gp4tt Год назад +1

    Repenting of sin to sin again and again unto forgiveness does not exist. God is holy. Hebrews 10:26 explains that sin after knowledge the truth results in complete separation from God. Jesus cleanses from all unrighteousness so to be in sin again is not keeping unto repentance. Therefore, Jesus at the time of judgement will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you."

    • @thefogisgone3662
      @thefogisgone3662 Год назад +3

      The very fact that someone feels bad about what they have done means that the holy spirit lives in them and is convicting them. And if your feeling convicted it means God loves you. It is literally impossible to not sin.

    • @KJ-gp4tt
      @KJ-gp4tt Год назад

      @@thefogisgone3662 No, what you are speaking of is called the conscience.

    • @thefogisgone3662
      @thefogisgone3662 Год назад

      @@KJ-gp4tt God bless you

    • @KJ-gp4tt
      @KJ-gp4tt Год назад

      @@thefogisgone3662 Romans 2:15

    • @thefogisgone3662
      @thefogisgone3662 Год назад

      @@KJ-gp4tt God bless you

  • @OpieApproved
    @OpieApproved 3 месяца назад

    The fault in your argument is that most of the gentile churches you mentioned were in Asia Minor (Turkey) only a few of them were in Greece and Hebrews wasn’t written to the gentiles but rather the Jewish Christians who were in Jerusalem. It refutes your premise. Your generalization of willful sin is quite limited in consideration. What do you call a sin that you did accidentally? Like say you killed someone by accident? Would you call that willful? Or what if you were under duress like say Peter when put on the spot and he denied a Christ three times? Do you think he did that willfully? I’m not saying that a Christian is free from sinning as clearly it’s quite the opposite. They also sin per the truth in scriptures. The only difference is they don’t continue to sin. Willful sinning in this case is described as deliberate continuation of sin after you were born in the spirit, given a taste of the truth of gospel, understood the commandments of the new covenant and have shared the gift of the Holy Spirit, yet knowingly and without remorse you continue in your life of sin deliberately then there is no salvation for you. It would’ve have been better if you never heard the truth of gospel like what Peter said 2 Peter 2:21. Because if you go back to your sinful ways after being washed you are likened to a dog who eats its own vomit.

    • @Killerz_GD
      @Killerz_GD 3 месяца назад

      So does that mean I'm damned for eternity?

    • @Killerz_GD
      @Killerz_GD 3 месяца назад

      You see, God has shown me the truth. He showed me His kindness, mercy, compassion, faithfulness, and etc. I even had the fruit of the Holy Spirit which He gave me the ability to love people, understand them, and to not plant a seed of judgement upon them, I didn't cussed, I didn't disobey my parents, whereas before I do the exact opposite to the extreme.
      But lately, more like yesterday, I've sin foolishly because of my ignorance, In fact I sinned and fulfilled the desire of my flesh, and I have done it again today. It seems to be a willful act, I believe, and the guilt in my heart even to these days devastates me. If there's truly no salvation for me anymore then idk what to say. I love God but I'm starting to sin deliberately to Him, its just my heart feels sorrow knowingly I defiled His temple. But yk, I still yearn for Him praying to forgive me, and I don't want to go back to the old ways either, I hate that kind of living now. If this were ever true, thank you for informing me, and God bless you.

    • @OpieApproved
      @OpieApproved 3 месяца назад

      @@Killerz_GD Your first question was really directed to your conscience but since you’d given more info in your follow up then the next question would be if you were a baptized Christian so I could give you an answer that could help you? If you were and was taught well, you must at least know what baptism was for. So to answer your question, if you were baptized and you fell into sin and you felt guilty and sincerely asked for forgiveness, Christ is merciful to forgive. That feeling of guilt is a sign of a clear conscience achieved through baptism and presence of the Holy Spirit that brings the believer to repentance. However, based on your statement I will guess you’re not fully a baptized Christian. You see there are two baptisms that happen to a true Christ believer. First is by water and second is by fire. That is when the true Christian is chosen (remember what Christ said about many are called but few are chosen?) That baptism by fire is done by Christ through the Holy Spirit. That is when a believer is given the Holy Spirit to teach, remind, help the believer in their path to righteousness. If you had that spirit in you, you would’ve not deliberately and knowingly chosen to satisfy your flesh, not just once but twice. It’s impossible for someone with the Holy Spirit. The light in your tunnel is you feel guilty so sin hasn’t fully brought you to death yet. I want you to read James 1:13 to 1:15 it will tell you why you did what you did. I would be alarmed when you get to the point when you still do the same sin and no longer feel guilty about it.

    • @Killerz_GD
      @Killerz_GD 3 месяца назад

      @@OpieApproved Yes, I'm not fully baptized, I'm surprised you guessed it right. But the main concern is this, what must I do?
      To give you a follow up to what led me to this point, I don't have a church to go to, I don't have any believers in Christ whom I can have fellowship into, I'm not knowledgeable enough into the scripture like anyone does, nor did I received a baptism in the first place. You see, most of the people in my place are usually occupied in their life, and the church here is rather sketchy (I'm speaking about churches like seventh Adventist), hence, I'm also having a trouble in it.

  • @Hoops590
    @Hoops590 3 года назад +3

    Willful sin is defiance unrepentant sin. Saying to yourself I know this is a sin and I don't care I'm doing it anyway. A Christian who sins should feel conviction they sinned and repent and struggle to stop. Willing sin is saying I know cheating on my wife is wrong I'm gonna do it anyways I don't care if it's wrong. So the preacher is wrong.

    • @mistyflores3176
      @mistyflores3176 3 года назад

      No, this scripture mentions something else, not the willful sin you are talking about. In context is where the real answer is. Study scripture and ask God to help you see. He will. This chapter is referencing to rejecting CHRIST sacrifice and going back to the sacrificing of bulls for the remission of their sins. That is the shadow of what was to come! Jesus! He is are properation for our sin. The only true sacrifice that God received for a perfect lamb without blemish who was slain for the remission of our sins. To me and you! That is the willful sin!

    • @okonkwochikelue3115
      @okonkwochikelue3115 3 года назад +1

      Ur right

    • @Hoops590
      @Hoops590 3 года назад +3

      @@mistyflores3176 I dont have time for back and forths on internet but im not just talking nonsense I am a christian 10 years I study pray and ask God for clarity of scripture - I dont just say things I dont know about - Willlful sin is a type of rebellion against the holy spirit a christian will know when they are rebelling

    • @janetgardner4287
      @janetgardner4287 3 года назад +3

      It’s the KNOWLEDGE of the truth saying here in Hebrews and the Jews rejected the KNOWLEDGE of Jesus’ the only sacrifice for sin. Jesus came to give Himself as the only sacrifice for all sin. He who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved……..

    • @johnnyjohnson1370
      @johnnyjohnson1370 2 года назад

      You’re not listening.

  • @briandashbrian1544
    @briandashbrian1544 Год назад

    What must do someone help please help 🥺

    • @jammer4578
      @jammer4578 Год назад +1

      Trust I Jesus, not yourself

  • @rsar61
    @rsar61 3 года назад

    U would define willful sin as planing out sin you're intentionally sinning its no slip up sin; no ignorant sin

    • @megabuy1
      @megabuy1 2 года назад

      Sorry but we arent saved by repenting of sin period we are saved by believing in the gospel Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.
      John 6:47 the theif on the cross proved it it is by grace alone through faith alone in christ alone

    • @letstalkbiblewithshun.s
      @letstalkbiblewithshun.s 2 года назад

      I agree with you 💯%

    • @yamomma5053
      @yamomma5053 Год назад

      False because every human has and will plan sin! Knowingly and unknowingly ? We don’t even know every sin that god would consider willful so to say we lose it all by willfully sinning makes no sense

    • @JC-li8kk
      @JC-li8kk Год назад +1

      @@yamomma5053Because we know it’s wrong but keep doing it & have no intention of ever stopping. That’s considered a “practice.” Read 1 John. Talks about “keeping on sinning” & “practicing sin.” The one who does this is not born of God but of the devil. He who keeps on sinning does not know God. The love of God is not in him & he does not abide in God. It doesn’t mean there is NO hope for him, but it is very difficult to stop sinning once you have the mindset of “it’s okay if I sin because God will forgive me through Christ anyway.” Whether it’s true or not, I am not willing to put my salvation on the line to find out. The real issue is that you don’t WANT to stop sinning & will make every excuse to CONTINUE sinning. When you are crucified with Christ you no longer WANT to sin. This is what it means to SUFFER. Your flesh is always going to want to sin. The Spirit is always going to want to obey God. If you continue to yield to your flesh & not the Spirit then who are you obeying? Who is your master? Is it any different from the sons of disobedience? By this they will know you are from God, by your love for one another. You have to make a decision. To Love or to indulge in the cravings of the flesh. If you continue to indulge in the flesh how is the love of God in you? Again, I say there is hope, but time is running out. I would not want to leave this earth in that kind of state.
      I was once very selfish & only seeking to gratify my flesh & used the “God will forgive me so it’s all good. I can be saved & still do these fun things. I’m not hurting anyone. Others are do much worse. It’s better than x,y,z.” excuse & trying to justify my sin. But then I got this massive revelation of what real love is. & God began to show me I was not abiding in him because my decisions were not motivated by love, but by selfishness & gratifying my flesh. Then instead of “I don’t want to miss out on that sin” it became “I don’t want to miss out on God.” My cravings switched from the flesh to wanting to please God, to know God, to truly love others, to be a living sacrifice, to walk by the Spirit, & every day it got stronger & stronger.
      It doesn’t mean we never sin again or don’t struggle against our flesh, but we no longer make it a practice, we no longer live as if it’s okay to sin, we begin to despise & hate sin, & we make it a practice to obey the Spirit & are constantly craving spiritual growth.
      It’s kind of like going to McDonald’s all your life, then one day you go to Whataburger & instantly that’s all you ever want to eat now. Yea if McDonald’s is right in your face you may be tempted to eat it, but you know if there was a Whataburger also in your face & had to choose between the 2 you would choose Whataburger 100% of the time without hesitation. Knowing God, walking in the Spirit, loving others, is so much better than indulging in sin that only brings death & destruction & condemnation. It’s just not worth the trade off & no longer appealing. I don’t want to hinder where God is taking me spiritually for a temporary unfruitful sin that I will instantly regret, that can never satisfy me.

  • @briandashbrian1544
    @briandashbrian1544 Год назад

    I have watched pron but i want go out 😢😭

  • @typestufff
    @typestufff 3 года назад

    Repent Jesus Christ is coming soon .

    • @megabuy1
      @megabuy1 2 года назад +1

      Repent means change ur mind and believe that jesus is the messiah who died for the sins of the world was buried and rose again 3days later

  • @prasadbabuboyi2551
    @prasadbabuboyi2551 2 года назад


  • @williamhoward-t8e
    @williamhoward-t8e Год назад

    being a sinner and willingly sinning is two different things. this guy is a joke. you can sin but its out of our sinful nature, meaning we have no control over it this is not willfully sinning, willfully sinning is actively making a decision to sin.