「中大五十•人」胡秀英 | "CU50•The People” Hu Shiu-ying

  • Опубликовано: 21 май 2015
  • 胡教授生前是一位享譽國際的植物學家。她1968年來到中大,出任崇基學院生物系高級講師,課餘之暇,踏遍香江,收集香港特有標本,為大學成立了一間可供研究與教學兩用的植物標本館。多年來她著作不斷,採集植物標本超過三萬份,獲得「植物學活百科全書」之美譽。支持她研究的最大動力便是對自然的熱愛,她曾說「做研究的動力就是到自然,與自然合一。」
    在胡教授逝世三周年之際,我們特別製作一輯記錄胡教授生平的短片,作爲「中大五十 • 人」錄像系列之一,以緬懷這位心如赤子的學者。
    Prof. Hu Shiu-ying was a botanist of great international renown. In 1968, she joined CUHK as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biology of Chung Chi College and continued her research work in the diversity of Hong Kong vegetation. Over the years, Prof. Hu collected over 30,000 specimens. She was affectionately known to her colleagues as a walking encyclopedia on botany. She once said, ‘The motivation for my research is to go into nature and unify with it.’
    Let’s watch the video of Prof. Hu’s inspiring life story and appreciate her purity of heart towards nature and research.
    #香港中文大學 #中大 #CUHK #CUHK50 #中大五十人 #胡秀英

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