One thing you can do for the extra deck and main is if you are wanting to cut ty-phon and you could also cut photon lord since you do have apollo (for monster negates) for atum and accel stardust. And add assault synchrons as well since the help with a dis pater opening play as well as keeping on the board as the game goes on. If you play atum you can cut brotaur since seyfurt can be a better target and if you use seals you can just summon a bystial. Chaos Valkyria is an interesting chaos space target as well. Im currently on the same deck without og tdrags and the horus cards (dont have em)
One thing you can do for the extra deck and main is if you are wanting to cut ty-phon and you could also cut photon lord since you do have apollo (for monster negates) for atum and accel stardust. And add assault synchrons as well since the help with a dis pater opening play as well as keeping on the board as the game goes on. If you play atum you can cut brotaur since seyfurt can be a better target and if you use seals you can just summon a bystial. Chaos Valkyria is an interesting chaos space target as well. Im currently on the same deck without og tdrags and the horus cards (dont have em)
Lets goooooo
What’s the full name of the card right after ringoworm 7:32
Omni dragon brotaur