Faith ISN'T Evidence Based | Jordan Peterson on How To LOVE God

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 967

  • @Ultimate.Meaning
    @Ultimate.Meaning 2 года назад +32

    If you want lectures & key-notes from Dr. Peterson *STRICTLY on religious & spiritual topics* you can subscribe to this channel:
    Ps. 👍 Like the video & and let's make Jordan Peterson unforgettable.

    • @ea32da32
      @ea32da32 2 года назад +2

      Jordan Peterson should be leading in Canada; he had no business hiding!

    • @nathancrawley5212
      @nathancrawley5212 2 года назад

      Jordan Peterson is an excellent man and is very wise many times but he doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to biblical definitions. guy goes off describing charity as if it is faith. XD
      good advise but wrong word.

    • @theredeemeriam
      @theredeemeriam 2 года назад

      Yes, faith and evidence are two very different entities You can now rejoice at never having to rely on faith no more. I hope you are sitting down, because your world is about to go from bad to good, up from down. So let's start off with, that within philosophy, there are 3 Philosophical arguments to prove GOD is real. One of these arguments, is to prove order. Now order can be seen throughout the world, by all of us, when it comes to seeing the natural order, as being, the definition of order. This is because, this is the only order we can identify. This understanding, that is based on a hierarchical structure, and survival of the fittest mentality, we look at, as proof GOD could not exist. And yes this structure of natural order, that we define order as being, and owing to a GOD, can be argued as evidence, or proof, that GOD does not exist. And rightly so! Now brace yourself! There is however another order that exists, and that is the order that is difficult to see. The order that conceals itself in every living object, that has been created, and been imbued with this specific design. Specific in the sense that, this design is in everything that is living. It is also a part of the language of numbers that GOD speaks through, as a verification of this. Now have a look at the Fibonacci sequence, or the Golden Ratio. This design that exists within everything living,. That could not come to be, without thought. Any less than a true and straight wall, could come to be created, from the chaotic pile of rocks. That in fact, the pile of rocks required thought, to become that wall, is clear evidence, that chaos is the absence of thought. This is why the big bang theory exists, as with all thoughts that exist. The alternate explanations that take you away from GOD, so as to confuse you enough, not to believe. It's the oldest play in the book of life, that Luciferianism or lucifer plays in the game called, good vs evil. You see the big bang theory could not create order, it only explains life in a way, that is chaotic and random, and uses natural order as it's defense, while at the same time removing the order that can be proven. Very clever, however, I am here now, to clear your vision, from one of chaotic, to one of order.

    • @theredeemeriam
      @theredeemeriam 2 года назад

      @Carbon Proksi Great name Carbon! So my response to your thought on GOD being evil I assume is based off of why would GOD create evil? is think about it carbon, it is GOD that wants to give you freedom. The only way he can give you true freedom is to have the ability (A) to know how evil, evil can be (B) and how good, good could be.
      So in order to live in a world of freedom there has to be freedom of speech and freedom of thought. These you can consider GOD's rules. And then you have satan's rules, where satan wants you to be deceived and in a state of continuous confusion so that we are constantly fighting amongst each other. When we live in GOD's world we get to taste the wisdom and knowledge that creates a much better reality, such as a world of peace, prosperity, and stability. When we live by satan's rules it's because we have been manipulated into thinking GOD does not exist, therefore we can follow natural order, as the defining principles that take us away from God. Where we become the GOD's we want to be, And we are in control of our destiny in this rat race we call life. And when we live in a world that does not follow rules of morality, that are based on an existing set of principles, that perverts GOD's word by blasphemy. It takes morality, and perverts it into behavior that can be argued as sinful behavior such as greed as one example. And this perversion of reality has led to all the varying ideologies, religions, and so called spirituality. All designed to take oneself away from the truth of a GOD, and the truth's that come along with that perception. And the power of that unity that has to battle the individuality we place so much importance on. And that place we create and live in right now, is the devil's playground, all fighting for our own perception of truth. When it exists in each and every one of us, if we just take a look inside, each and every one of our souls. The one thing we are all gifted with. You see we can create the hell or the heaven in our soul, because it's what guides your conscience. The decisions you have to live with, and the pain and joy of those decisions. You should be blaming satan, not GOD, for your perception of GOD....

    • @theredeemeriam
      @theredeemeriam 2 года назад

      @Carbon Proksi So I give you testable and verifiable evidence in my earlier comment and your response is to say you have zero interest in the fairy tale. So may I ask what about my evidence, is a fairy tale? which in fact is testable and verifiable. The problem is, we have only a small picture of reality that is very fragmented at best. What GOD wishes is for you to have truth and power, just not from the physical material world. Satan makes you feel you need leaders, when GOD makes you understand you are the leaders. Satan makes you think poverty is a neccesity of scarcity. God teaches how everyone can obtain abundance. Satan wants you to live in fear and the inability to act. GOD empowers you, and motivates you to never have to live in fear by getting rid of what you consider fearful. Satan loves death, destruction, and instability. GOD loves life, growth, and stability. Ask yourself whom you think is in control when you see the attributes associated with a shitty world. So this is my perception of GOD and satan. And you brain dead agnostics and atheists better wake up, because satan is taking you out, right now, as we speak! There is no time for sitting around anymore and debating this shit! I just proved GOD is real!! which means satan is real!!!! And the longer you wait, and sit around, instead of figuring this shit out, the worse it's going to get! We are at end times right now! In fact right in the middle to be exact. Satan has a big army and if you want your freedom and salvation, then wake up cause if you don't, it's gonna cost you your lives. I NEED YOU NOW ON MY SIDE!!!!!!! You save the world! you save yourselves! It is now go time folks! and I need you behind me!

  • @mikejacob3536
    @mikejacob3536 2 года назад +259

    God names Himself "I am". The definition of being.

    • @XYisnotXX
      @XYisnotXX 2 года назад +16

      Before Abraham was, I am!

    • @HeartInitiation
      @HeartInitiation 2 года назад +5


    • @rogue_cgm100
      @rogue_cgm100 2 года назад +13

      That's why in the garden when the Roman's came for Yeshua and he said "I Am" when answering them they fell down, the creation bowed to the creator because of the power in that

    • @blondboozebaron
      @blondboozebaron 2 года назад

      Eye see the middle.

    • @marisda_
      @marisda_ 2 года назад +2

      @Mr. Veks calming videos Do you even know what Jehovah means?

  • @dquin12
    @dquin12 2 года назад +18

    This man is so powerful and yet knows his limits. Such an incredible human.

  • @BabyBoomerChannel
    @BabyBoomerChannel 2 года назад +101

    I've struggled with my Faith for all of my 60 years. Recently, I've realized - none of us will know for sure until we die. The instant we die, we'll know. And so, we have a choice - to live with belief in the Heavenly Father, or Not. If you choose to be an Atheist - and live only for this life - okay - that's up to you. However, I will live my life with Faith and therefore, do my best to live in Christ, and His ways. We're all going to leave this earth - and I'll be more content knowing I lived my life in Christ - not wishing I did.

    • @donritchfield1407
      @donritchfield1407 2 года назад +1

      ......and just maybe, if I play my cards right, I might get to live for ever!!! PATHETIC!

    • @stephenwlodarczyk175
      @stephenwlodarczyk175 2 года назад +5

      1 Corinthians 15:12-20 (NIV) 12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. 20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

    • @markburke4170
      @markburke4170 2 года назад

      Don Richfield what's so pathetic is ppl who believes in something that has been proved to be wrong because we have no proof of how we got here yeah I know of the big bang it's why I believe in a God cause when we create those rare states of matter it's create equal 50 % matter 50% anti matter so when the bang went boo the big bang collided with matter/ anti matter they destroyed themselves so tell me how are we even here then

    • @stevepest4143
      @stevepest4143 2 года назад +8

      @@donritchfield1407 Why? 😂 It's no different from your faith but with better results.

    • @removingveils5824
      @removingveils5824 2 года назад +3

      What you say about never knowing for sure is against scripture and reason. Those who truly exercise faith in the present person of Christ will be granted the assurance of that faith.
      And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end,
      (Heb 6:11)

  • @scottford8280
    @scottford8280 2 года назад +12

    Thank you Dr Peterson. Thanks to most of the comments also. Y'all made me realize that I drifted away from God. That's when my anxiety and fear consumed me. God bless all of you.

    • @DestinyAwaits19
      @DestinyAwaits19 9 месяцев назад

      God bless you too my brother. Love for life, love for being itself means you care for everyone and everything including you. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • @larphred
    @larphred 2 года назад +35

    Beautifully stated, Dr. Petersen. My prayer is that you accept Christ as your personal Savior. It’s so easy to do and you seem so close. Only then will the Holy Spirit make everything clear to you. I hope your lovely daughter is still hanging with Jesus. You are loved by so many. Prayers are going out to you and your family.

  • @curoseba5363
    @curoseba5363 2 года назад +31

    I love that last background “Spirituality and Rationality Finally Together”. 😊👍

    • @PursuitofMeaning
      @PursuitofMeaning  2 года назад +5

      Thank you! It's a new channel. Have you checked it out?

    • @osotrk514
      @osotrk514 2 года назад +2

      He didn't explained anything.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад

      @@osotrk514 Exactly. To me JP comes across as a con-artist. When ever he is unable to answer a question , he deflects it by saying, "It'll take me 2 days to explain" That's just cop out for me.

    • @hyacinthlynch843
      @hyacinthlynch843 2 года назад

      A whole lot of word salad if you ask me.

  • @SerafiaT
    @SerafiaT 2 года назад +46

    I reasently found what I feel is a faith, or at least a trust in God through the bible lectures that inspired me to a deeper study. I feel very grateful to Dr. Peterson, and inspired that he in spite of his torment is dedicated to share with all of us this knowledge, and to be able to explain one of the deepest and most terrifying relationships we as humans have, whether or not we are aware. Jesus said, you shall know them by their fruits, and I think we all can see more clearly now what this proverb actually means. To be able to understand the relevance and meanings of these immense subject is priceless. I actually prayed today to understand better what love is in general and what it means to love God, this made absolute sense, I actually believe that my prayer was answered. Please continue to explain these subjects for us Dr. Jordan Peterson, the world needs you! I pray for your health and recovery, I don't know quite how to do it yet but I wish it out loud in words every night.

  • @williampaul8556
    @williampaul8556 2 года назад +33

    I love observing Jordan's mind working. He works so hard at be accurate and truthful. I simple love it and wish so much for a sit down and an honest back and forth with him. I have not seen a mind like his in many years. Thank you Dr. Peterson for being you. You have picked up your cross. And you carry it well.

    • @audimaster5000
      @audimaster5000 2 года назад

      He’s basically just regurgitating past existential philosophers works. Jean Paul Sartre for example is one of the top minds that I argue is way more morally sound and genuine when discussing these ideas. Peterson is purposely (particularly the past few years) speaking to whatever this new conservative right-wing phenomena is.
      Instead of exposing a denial and the degenerative danger’s of ethnocentrism, he gives it some pseudo-existential philosophy excuse to exist in many people that simply have low energy cognitive function and believe the Bible or idea of Christianity is something divine.
      Maybe 20-30 or so years ago he could speak to the conservative Christian demographics and meet some higher educated or more informed individuals which would change his discourse and how it’s used or accepted by his audience, but today I’m definitely concerned with what he’s doing isn’t actually valuable or pro-society.
      Check out Jean Paul Sartre if you’re not familiar and into this existential philosophy thing. Even someone like Marxist has written many extremely intelligent and valuable things even if people have used them to excuse religious/racial ethnocentric and social-economic disasters- which are from people abusing power and a society not educating themselves to prevent such dysfunctional behaviors. Ect…

    • @debbielwilliamson8546
      @debbielwilliamson8546 2 года назад +2

      Whatever he is "regurgitating " it is moving the minds and hearts of people.
      People are listening to him and intentionally moving their lives in a more positive direction .
      That is more, much more, than pastors, politicians, professors and corporate leaders are doing.
      Criticize him all you like,
      but, how many people are not just "regurgitating " someone else's words or thoughts?

    • @paulneils3405
      @paulneils3405 2 года назад

      You said "I simple love it" I believe you ment "I simply love it" easy to see that's what you meant and it is simple love so either way it sounds good thank you for your comment.

    • @macjuk
      @macjuk Год назад

      Peterson is a fraud.

    • @macjuk
      @macjuk Год назад

      @@debbielwilliamson8546 He says nothing of value.

  • @josephvillarreal5594
    @josephvillarreal5594 2 года назад +16

    This is what I saw and felt. I was in his percance, was like all of the oceans in the universe pouring down on me in a tunnel, he was like the sun but not hot. He absorbed all of my shame and guilt to the point where I felt I had no free will or living pulse, he’s only mercy was to put me in a hell fire to allow me to feel anything again. I actually felt thankful for that. God was too big for me to support so I died. Was like a spiritual death. There was no pain in his presence but I also understood that all my imperfections could not exist in his presence for my own good. Iv also felt the hand of his son. He redeems. I believe that the only way to exist with the farther is trough Jesus Christ.

    • @enzocompanbadillo5365
      @enzocompanbadillo5365 2 года назад

      I was thinking about something similar last Night. You mention he was "like the Sun but not hot". I believe that is what the "sacred heart" symbolism is about.

  • @apkalluhall2760
    @apkalluhall2760 2 года назад +12

    This man is amazing and very open and transparent. I hope nothing but the fullness of life for him and his family and the being born again.

  • @shayneseltzer9052
    @shayneseltzer9052 2 года назад +21

    I do admire your honesty. “Like, “I’m out of brain power for the day”. There is a song called “Reckless love of God”, now my husband didn’t like it he said, “God is never reckless”…true, but when you come from a perspective not acquainted with the story of the cross it seems unfathomable that God would take a chance with humans, but He pursues us anyway.

    • @ryansieler827
      @ryansieler827 2 года назад +2

      1 John 4:10

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад +1

      How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

    • @estcado
      @estcado 2 года назад +3

      @@lawratify it actually the human arrogance/pride that is so blinding man thay he can't see God in every beauty and created order in nature around us. The only way to love God and know God is through humility. So if you humble yourself, He can work in your life and change you in the most incredible ways (much better than Santa :). Basically Gods wants us to be happy (even through hardships) and He knows better than we do how to get there (starting by erasing sin out of our life). Problem is that He can't interfere with our free will. He can only offer His divine ways as a GIFT. And like every gift, it has to be accepted by the other person otherwise it's a "lost" proposal. So if you're attracted by this idea of life - where sin isn't ruining your soul and making life hard- try humility towards God. Unless you've tried it there's no use talking/comparing..

    • @Gruuvin1
      @Gruuvin1 2 года назад +1

      @@lawratify where did everything come from? Did time and space create itself?

  • @flamingrobin5957
    @flamingrobin5957 2 года назад +19

    "THIS IS LOVE, not that we loved God but that HE LOVED US and gave himself up for us" "God demonstrated his love for in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly. The righteous for the unrighteous to bring us to God" God's love is on display at the cross of Jesus. "JUSTICE AND MERCY KISS" Jesus took the penalty we deserve onto himself "so then being just and the justifier of all who call on HIM" WE LOVE BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR US"

  • @jeffmulliken5794
    @jeffmulliken5794 2 года назад +5

    In the spirit of phileo, and standing in faith, I pray God gives you the continued strength and inspiration to persist in your striving to speak the truth in love.

  • @virtuosyc
    @virtuosyc 2 года назад +59

    What most atheists don't understand is that everything is based on faith. They rather have faith that there is no God, thus they think that their actions don't matter. In truth, many people don't want to believe in God because it assumes a responsibility to do the "right thing", whatever that may be. We all agree that there are definitely evil actions that humans may take, like murder. Yet non-believers have no way to justify whether certain actions are good or bad. We just don't live like that, where people literally think that "good and evil are subjective", because it isn't. Claiming "there is no good or evil" is pretty much evil itself. God has established a moral guideline and it takes more faith to be an atheist than believing in the obvious presence of God.

    • @PursuitofMeaning
      @PursuitofMeaning  2 года назад +7

      Beautiful said! Thank you

    • @peppereater3028
      @peppereater3028 2 года назад +5

      I'm an atheist and I can assure you that I know my actions matter. I don't have "faith" that God doesn't exist I just don't believe in God period. I don't need to believe in God to know the difference between good and evil or right and wrong. I'm a caring loving and compassionate person who chooses to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do not because I think there is some great afterlife reward. Most atheist want to live a good honest life because this is the only life we believe we get. And FYI 85% of the people locked up in prison for murder, rape, assault etc. Believe in God but their faith didn't stop them. I know several people that don't believe in God and they are good honest hard-working family people. I also know "good Christian's" that will stab you in the back for a few bucks. You shouldn't paint with such a broad brush my friend. 🙂

    • @smokingcrab2290
      @smokingcrab2290 2 года назад +5

      Correct. There's a ton of limits we what we can know and we a to on faith every day. When atheists say "I believe in science" they don't believe science. They believe puppets, lobbyists, propaganda, etc. It's mental gymnastics to deny God. God is science. God is reason. God is knowledge, wisdom, etc. All these things flow from God and through him. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. When the atheist finally climbs to the peak of the tallest mountain, he will find the Christian has already been there for thousands of years.

    • @AlexanderJansen
      @AlexanderJansen 2 года назад +1

      That's very different from the definition of atheism. Not having faith in God is very different from having faith that there is no God. Atheists do not have faith in God, people who have faith that there is no god is a different group than the people who can be described as athests. I think it would be much more difficult to justify actions if everything were in relation to some god; without god it becomes possible to have responsibility. I've lived with religious people for over 20 years, but not found any evidence of gods. Moral systems can demonstrably develop through natural selection, in that societies with some moral consistency provide the grounds to produce offspring, and societies without it do not. What those morals actually are vary between societies, which is why morality is subjective.

    • @plainwhitepaper3898
      @plainwhitepaper3898 2 года назад

      JEREMIAH 4:22 These are the sins CHRIST died for! Not the sins during this time of grace.
      JEREMIAH 4:22-29
      As for who will live. See EZEKIEL 33:12-20

  • @onavendi8960
    @onavendi8960 2 года назад +12

    You always give new perspectives and contexts to complex issues. It is enlightening. You shine a light into all the dark corners. You are a genius, and God's gift to us.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад

      How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

  • @maryparsons4815
    @maryparsons4815 2 года назад +18

    What you are saying is true. When I pray to God or talk to God, He makes me feel so happy. Just to know He is my Heavenly Father makes me so full of joy. I can go to him for anything and everything. My joy is like living waters. Most of my prayers are for others and their well being, especially for the homeless and the hungry. When one really knows God, one is not afraid. His promises are true.

    • @nandoy10
      @nandoy10 2 года назад +1

      Yes and when u feel like he talks to u ur heart gets happy a feeling that u can describe like u just wanna cry ..idk it's a love that we don't understand

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      is not that wonderful, you get to pray for those who have real problems, and that absolves you from doing anything for them. WHat a typical good christian

    • @anna_le_corbeau
      @anna_le_corbeau 2 года назад +1

      @@michaelkahn8903 not at all. In fact it can make your endurance better because you feel protected and loved and it makes you more capable of helping others.
      People who pray and do nothing good is a myth. No one can actually (honestly and not hypocritically) connect with God and remain neutral when seeing pain and injustice. It makes you more sensitive to it and gives you strength to do good.
      Hope I could summarize well, I’m not the best at it.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      @@anna_le_corbeau funny, but I was homeless and in prison. None of my Christian family helped or visited me. They wouldn't even answer phone calls or emails i sent by the score. But they did tell me that they were praying for me---I had a multitude of friends- fair weather friends
      It gives much more strength to go through hardship and overcome by yourself, so I did benefit, but to say that I benefited in any other way is a lie. I had been homeless before, incarcerated before, and had always helped and cared for others before and during being Christian. I find what you said to be false, a total lack of insight.
      I understand the hell of Christ's kingdom, and the pain they go through made them unwilling to help me. I have gone through hell, and have always helped those to the best of my abilities. Rich people who live lives of luxury and shelteredness help nobody, they never feel the need to assist others, always blaming the needy for their problems, telling them to lift selves up by bootstraps. They have no concept of need. or of oppression or of exploitation, they think that those in need are always at fault for their problems. The biggest hypocrites are Christians, especially conservatives.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      what actions did you take to help the homeless or hungry?
      Mat 25:31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all of his angels, he will sit on his royal throne.
      Mat 25:32 The people of all nations will be brought before him, and he will separate them, as shepherds separate their sheep from their goats.
      Mat 25:33 He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
      Mat 25:34 Then the king will say to those on his right, "My father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world was created.
      Mat 25:35 When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me,
      Mat 25:36 and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me."
      Mat 25:37 Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, "When did we give you something to eat or drink?
      Mat 25:38 When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear
      Mat 25:39 or visit you while you were sick or in jail?"
      Mat 25:40 The king will answer, "Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me."
      Mat 25:41 Then the king will say to those on his left, "Get away from me! You are under God's curse. Go into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!
      Mat 25:42 I was hungry, but you did not give me anything to eat, and I was thirsty, but you did not give me anything to drink.
      Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, but you did not welcome me, and I was naked, but you did not give me any clothes to wear. I was sick and in jail, but you did not take care of me."
      Mat 25:44 Then the people will ask, "Lord, when did we fail to help you when you were hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in jail?"
      Mat 25:45 The king will say to them, "Whenever you failed to help any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you failed to do it for me."
      Mat 25:46 Then Jesus said, "Those people will be punished forever. But the ones who pleased God will have eternal life."

  • @elizabethcuevas-neunder6158
    @elizabethcuevas-neunder6158 2 года назад +3

    Dear Jordan, thank you for the love that you share and the kindness in your Spirit. Thank you 🙏 for the love, I’m honored and happy to listen and watch you, we need more people like you, special the Leaders ✝️

  • @susanlynne64
    @susanlynne64 2 года назад +15

    That was an excellent explanation of the need for both religion and spirituality. One without the other becomes either tyranny or nothingness. So perfectly said and true. I'm so glad Jordan Peterson not only thinks through these difficult questions for us, but he also can easily explain what he's discovered. As always, it's like his words scratch an itch that we had no idea was there. Something within people is satisfied and soothed after listening to him.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад +1

      a serpent's guile seems so sweet

    • @esperthebard
      @esperthebard 2 года назад

      @@michaelkahn8903 Sweetness is not an attribute of serpents. Their behavior is not sweet, affectionate, or even attractive. They produce nothing like honey, but rather venom. Snake attributes are things like stealth, cold-bloodedness, shedding of skin, flexibility, danger, fear, poison, and predatory hunting.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад +1

      @@esperthebard snakes in nature are not spiritual snakes. Spiritual snakes tell you that they love you, that they want to help you, that they are trying to benefit you with this or that. Naive gullible people believe them . Think pastors who tell innocent youth that believing in jesus brings them into heaven, while the real destiny is hell and their god called JEhovah is really satan. Ever hear of wolves in sheeps clothing?
      decisions. I have some scruples, and have passionate principles and the research that I have undertaken has unveiled much evil, and I intend to do something about it. What about you? There are so many lies out there, the deception wreaks of evil and oppression. There is so much evil that I cannot perceive that it can be so blatantly overruling our lives, and that it has been allowed to progress and to flourish.
      Let us be beacons of truth over the land. Let us hate deception above all else.
      John 8:44 GW You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what your father wants you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn't know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he's doing what comes naturally to him. He's a liar and the father of lies.
      To put the matter in a single phrase, the greatest deception of Satan is to prompt you, me and everyone in the world to believe that he is not Satan. He manipulates us to accept something quite opposite. Satan wants people to believe that he is a righteous spirit being who has nothing but your interest (and the interest of all human beings on earth) as his chief desire and that his ultimate goal is to promote your welfare and prosperity. Truly, he wants you to succeed and be prosperous if you will only do things his way. Using the vernacular of the present day, though Satan is truly a bad guy (the worst of the worst), he projects himself to the world and to you and me as a good guy (the best of the best) and Satan has accomplished his task quite effectively. Truthfully, however, Christ Jesus accurately called Satan a murderer from the beginning. He goes about as a roaring lion to devour whom he might, but the impression that Satan wishes to give of himself is utterly different. He wants to express to the world (and to you and me) the very opposite characteristics. And believe me, Satan has managed to pull off the grandest subterfuge ever conceived in the history of the world.
      by Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D., 1995
      Indeed, if Satan showed up in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork, you would know who he is, and you would run the other way. But he is deceitful above all else, and he is extremely crafty. What kind of entity wants you to grovel and to worship him, threatening to put you in torture for eternity if you don’t? He is a schemer, and loves to outwit and to fool the dupes that he can manipulate so easily. His joy is in strategy, and he delights in the jack-in-the-box surprise when you finally discover who he is, when you have thought that he is somebody else. Usually it is too late, and you are defeated into slavery and oppression forever and ever. But once in a while, you have captured the hearts of the demons, who can work on your behalf.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад +1

      @@esperthebard 2Co 11:13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
      2Co 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
      2Co 11:15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
      the government pretends to be the good guys. I tell it like it is. Do not soldiers know stealth? I suggested that we use night and quiet to attack "pulbic servants" who plan to kill most americans. The police have been given military surplus weapons, tanks, grenade launchers, heavy artillery. Do you suggest that we come out in the middle of the street and say "here we are"? covid was not an accident. the vaccine is deadly. they have internment camps for us. But the one who risks his life and freedom daily is the bad guy for suggesting that we be careful and quiet while defending YOUR life. I have been forthright with EVERYTHING. right out in the open for the government to see, as they do, and I have been incarcerated repeatedly for my writings. been assaulted 30 times, sustaining fractured arm, jaw, and ribs. But you hate me for suggesting the kind of combat every soldier does. go figure.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад +1

      @@esperthebard excuse my sarcasm

  • @motleysue8171
    @motleysue8171 2 года назад +32

    Once you choose to believe God, not just believe in a God, but trust God in everything He says about Himself and His sacrificial love for you, you gain a fundamental “peace that passes all understanding”. That peace becomes your evidence, and no one can shake that. You then choose to follow God’s law to the best of your faulty human ability in order to show your love for Him and appreciation for the fact that His Son paid the penalty for your sin, and that His law is for your ultimate good and the good of everyone else as well.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад

      How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

    • @barbararussell9757
      @barbararussell9757 2 года назад +4

      @@lawratify Sorry for you. I believe in God; I begin every day in prayer to Him and I am not schizophrenic.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 2 года назад


    • @wms72
      @wms72 2 года назад

      @@lawratify Perhaps you should work on your comprehension skills. Please reread what Motley Sue wrote, until you understand it.

    • @motleysue8171
      @motleysue8171 2 года назад +1

      @@lawratify Your existence as a complex being, your fascinating intellect and existence in this unbelievably perfectly timed universe are evidence enough. You are loved by the God who formed you in his image.
      Ultimately, there is no argument or evidence to convince someone who will not exercise his or her faith to believe. There is a choice you must make to accept God without irrefutable proof, and once it’s done you are more convinced than you ever could have been by mere evidence or rational argument.

  • @BabyBoomerChannel
    @BabyBoomerChannel 2 года назад +4

    It's been wonderful to watch Dr. Peterson evolve his own path from logic, philosophy and medicine to the Ways of Christ.

    • @donritchfield1407
      @donritchfield1407 2 года назад

      You mean watching him totally lose the plot!!! Not a pretty sight.

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 2 года назад

      In other words, his path from rationality to irrationality.

  • @j.watkins2404
    @j.watkins2404 2 года назад +86

    These questions are incredibly important, and have changed the way I see life as a whole. Please consider reading:
    (1) how do we love God? What does that even mean?
    Jesus answered this. “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” - Matthew‬ ‭25:35-40‬. Also, “Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.”” - John‬ ‭14:21‬. Seek him with all of your heart, and you will find him.
    (2) What does the Bible mean when it says “God is love”?
    God could’ve revealed himself in the flesh as anybody-perhaps a King or wealthy man. But he came as a poor carpenter, the lowliest of society. He was the only man in history who didn’t sin. All he ever did was help people-the people nobody else would, such as the woman at the well with 5 ex husbands, an outcast to society, shunned by the religious leaders. You read his teachings and begin to understand that he is the definition of good-the definition of what it means to be human-the meaning of love. He came for the worst of sinners, the murders and adulterers and liars and thieves… and you and I, “Not to condemn them, but to save them.” And for our sins, he suffered immeasurably. As Jordan Peterson puts it: it was the worst death imaginable, “the aggregation of everything that people are afraid of… There was no death more painful than crucifixion. A slow, agonizing death by suffocation, dehydration, and exposure… so that sucks, that’s pain man, plus you know it’s coming, plus your best friend betrayed you into it, plus your people turned against you, plus they’re led by a tyrant who doubts truth, plus you’re a victim of the Roman Empire, plus you’re completely innocent plus everybody knows it, plus they choose to have a criminal released from this experience instead of you even though they know he’s a criminal and they know you’re innocent, and you’re young and you’ve done no wrong, and all you’ve done is help people.” And still, after he was mocked and tortured, as he hung on the cross on the brink of death, what did he say to his enemies? “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
    God is love.
    “For THIS is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” - John‬ ‭3:16-17‬. Sin brought suffering into the world, making it the place it is today. The story of mankind is that we have all turned against God’s good will for us, towards our own desires. But what did God do about it? While we were guilty, while we were still sinners, he sent an extension of himself in the flesh into the world as his one and only son, to pay the price for our sins so that we could be justly forgiven.
    “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” - John 15:13

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      HAHA you put in two scriptures- John 3:16-17, but deliberately, being christian, omitted the third scripture, as it negates the whole premise, and that you deliberately ignored it proves your deception like all lying phony christians.
      Joh 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
      Joh 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
      There was no hell in the Old testament= the realms after death were not hell- gehenna and Seoul. AFter JEsus came, he so loved us that he made sure that we would have eternal never ending torment and torture, excruciating pain forever and ever. iF WE DONT WORSHIP HIM AND PRAISE HIS "HOLY" NAME
      such love, we must bend the knee or go to hell. N thank you I will not bow down to an entity that hates me enough to demand my servitude or will torture me no end, not my kind of hero.

    • @BB-hw2tr
      @BB-hw2tr 2 года назад +9

      Michael seem to have a very strong but misguided opinion about God.
      It's sad, really. One thing I have learned, and it's difficult for most people to understand, is God will not send anyone to hell or eternal torment, you do that by rejecting God.
      God is the creator of all the heavens and the earth. He gave us a world and we continually find ways to destroy it. He gave us his word and we continually ignore or twist it. He gave us his only son and we killed him. I have to ask myself, why does God allow us to live ? We deserve death a thousand times over. Yet God continues to reach out to us and give us a way to spend eternity with him. I feel bad for you. But I will say a prayer for you.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      @@BB-hw2tr That you deserve death may be true, I don't know. But I am exceedingly righteous, have helped thousands of people, have loved my neighbor as myself, have volunteered over 45, 000 hours unpaid helping elderly, homeless, mentally ill, and others, have been selfless for decades, and have benefited in some ways millions of people, so I not only deserve life, I deserve the good life I Have, which is not wealth monetarily (I am poor) but is full of purpose and am knowledgeable of truth, as I Cut through the bullshit. But I do thank you for trying to bring me into your hell realm of Christianity. NO THANK YOU MOTHERFUCKER. I do not deserve to be in your worldly realm with you.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад

      How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

    • @j.watkins2404
      @j.watkins2404 2 года назад +11

      @@michaelkahn8903 Why would he force someone like you who doesn’t like him to be with him against your will? If you reject the light, how can you expect light instead of darkness? I suppose this is only an issue if you do not see God as the light-as good. And if you cannot read Christ’s teachings and see good triumphing over evil, I do not know what to tell you. But keep reading through 3:19-21! “And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”” Blessed are those who are poor in Spirit.

  • @s2a1ha1j2a
    @s2a1ha1j2a 2 года назад +1

    How many times can I say thank you Dr. Peterson?! We pray you walk in Grace.

  • @luva74
    @luva74 2 года назад +4

    One of the ideas he presents (paraphrased) is that an instance of betrayal by someone doesn’t mean you should stop your loving of people. That is a very good concept that is good guidance for someone who is trying to change their life by becoming a more loving person.
    Jordan explains that being loving towards someone “elicits the best response from them”. Sometimes, that response is still hurtful to you in some way, “but that happens no matter what approach you take.”
    Despite that there are times that you receive a hurtful response, “the loving and courageous approach is still the most effective.” Changing your approach to one that is not loving and courageous doesn’t prevent you getting hurt sometimes, rather it increases the number of times you will get hurt.
    This is only a small part of the entire message in the video. I’m hoping that someone who approaches situations that they are completely correct about in a confrontational way, will consider that approaching without anger is better. A loving approach doesn’t somehow mean that you’re sacrificing something that you’re right about. You’re not sacrificing anything. Rather, you’re increasing the chances that the person you’re talking to will learn something useful from you.
    The video is about so much more than what I’ve commented about, but if you are like me and commonly struggle to be loving in all your interactions with people (including people you disagree with), then I think there are good lessons in the video that will help you be more like the way you want to be.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      anybody can use a loving approach, and most of those who do so are not loving. true love has no fear of being hurt, true love has perfect integrity and will not deceive, as the devil is the father of lies. Deceitful and fearful people will always use the loving approach, they are snakes who put on a face of love while handing you poison... or religion.
      If satan came in a red suit with a pitchfork, you would run. What if he came in a designer suit, was well groomed, looked in your eyes, shook your hand, and said he wanted to help you-
      satan disguises himself as an angel of light, even so his ministers disguise themselves as pastors...oops I mean ministers of light

  • @rogindaUP
    @rogindaUP 2 года назад +2

    Love IS Responsibility!

  • @annb3376
    @annb3376 2 года назад +11

    I love this man! Such capable ways of explaining the “difficult” topics. I’ve always felt spirituality and religion must be one. For one becomes tyrannical and cult like, and the other too open and dissolves into nothing. Jordan Peterson has a such a way of explaining it all.

    • @chiptrimble
      @chiptrimble 2 года назад

      Scripture conveys that 'true religion, undefiled before God, is to TAKE CARE of the widow and the orphan. "
      An altruistic, (Agape) love choice!
      And there are billions of 'orphans' and ' husband-less) in the world. As with much of scripture, it has an 'in- context' meaning, then a deeper, heart- level and spiritual meaning.
      That's why God said in the Old Testament: " I will not leave you as orphans, I WILL come for you. "
      And He did, in the Messiah. The Christ. THE GOD-MAN! ✝️

  • @SoftHeartPC
    @SoftHeartPC 2 года назад +1

    The more I watch Mr Peterson's videos, the more I crave to watch more. I had all but given up on humanity, and I had asked the great maker, the divine, God almighty, what was it all coming to? Are there any good people left? Or are we completely without hope? And then I found these videos, so happens I found quite a few more from others, to find someone with as much intelligence, a brilliant genius such as Mr peterson, being led to the belief of God, with the tools of science, philosophy, and psychology, has given me hope, that society still has a chance. Besides this, I truly do enjoy listening to this man give his explanations and understandings, it is rare to find one with such reverence, willing to risk it all for his belief. This is the definition of a true Christian, willing to die for what they believe in if necessary. I have a newfound love in my heart, and I pray God keeps him close, and his family as well. All praise be to God, all glory be to God, and may God bless you and yours.

  • @Dolcedefence
    @Dolcedefence 2 года назад +20

    Hebrews 11:1
    Hebrews11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
    1 John 4:12
    No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
    1 John 4:16
    And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
    1 John 4:7
    Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад +1

      Anyone can quote the Bible or the Quoran, Torah, or any other books, but they are meaningless. How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

    • @micheleanderson3326
      @micheleanderson3326 2 года назад +3

      Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality- Neville Goddard

    • @G_Ozare
      @G_Ozare 2 года назад +2

      @@lawratify you are a FOOL if you believe reality is merely what you can perceive with the limited capacity of the human eye. Your comment reveals your shallow intellect. Santa Clause eh?

    • @jerome620
      @jerome620 2 года назад +1

      The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Psalm 14:1

    • @nathancrawley5212
      @nathancrawley5212 2 года назад

      yeah, he doesn't understand faith hope and charity and how those things are different. He is more a psychologist then scriptural expert.
      Hope - is believing the future will be brighter and that you can overcome any obstical with enough effort.
      faith - actions that you actually believe in (how to avoid dead works, do works alive in Christ) also you could easily go the other way belief to the point of action.
      Charity - this is love to the point of action like faith but based in love, and this doesn't have to have hard evidence. he is literately defining charity and not faith.

  • @tracyfleming2678
    @tracyfleming2678 2 года назад +1

    I love you Jordan, you bring sanity to this world. May God bless you and yours 🙏

  • @EzioAuditoreDaFirenze99
    @EzioAuditoreDaFirenze99 2 года назад +4

    I would say love is a combination of two things. Mercy and justice. We wanted to know the difference between good and evil; love is the line between that order and chaos. If you love someone, you not only forgive them but also show them the consequences of their actions. From a theological perspective, I would say this is the answer to the question of evil.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад

      How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

    • @EzioAuditoreDaFirenze99
      @EzioAuditoreDaFirenze99 2 года назад +1

      @lawton ratnam The human experience is created in such a way as to be loving. We live narrative based lives based on mercy and justice. This is evidence of a divine plan. Also, why are you conscious at all? And further more, considering the quintillions of simpler lifeforms that have existed on this planet, why were you born as a highly intelligent, moral being? What are the numerical chances of that? Then, consider that every event in your life teaches you something. Then consider what that might be leading to, the development of a moral intelligence free of physical restriction, perhaps?

    • @artemisk.2334
      @artemisk.2334 2 года назад

      Well yeah if he didn't exist you could say that but he does. 😂

    • @EzioAuditoreDaFirenze99
      @EzioAuditoreDaFirenze99 2 года назад

      @@artemisk.2334 I'm arguing for the existence of God, not against.

  • @teresaoftheandes6279
    @teresaoftheandes6279 2 года назад

    Oh my Dr. Peterson, I read a paragraph in Divine Intimacy (PG. 413) today that I wanted to put in a comment on the most recent of your videos I could find. I just saw this video and the title of it could have been the 1st sentence of the paragraph I was going to quote! A blessed Triduum to you! Here it is: Holy Saturday: "It was their love that kept them near the lifeless Body. This is a sign of real fidelity, to persevere even in the most darkest & painful moments, when all seems lost, & when a friend, instead of triumphing, is reduced to defeat & profound humiliation. It's easy to be faithful to God when everything goes smoothly, when His cause triumphs; but to be equally faithful in the hour of darkness, when, for a time, He permits evil to get the upper hand, when everything good & holy seems to be swept away & irrevocably lost--this is hard, but it is the most authentic proof of real love."

  • @MsFreedom62
    @MsFreedom62 2 года назад +8

    God is Love. 1John 4:7
    There is nothing like the love of God. I can love because God first loved me. I have felt this Love, this Love will never betray me. This Love is like a raging fire, it's consuming, it's pure and all together wants the absolute best for us. God is LOVE. Stop now and ask God to enter within your heart now, Jesus desires to live within you and He gives you His will never be alone. He desires you more than you will ever know. God loves you so much. Walk with me in this life knowing God loves you. It's worth everything! Truth me, truth God 💓

    • @PursuitofMeaning
      @PursuitofMeaning  2 года назад +2


    • @Mark16v18
      @Mark16v18 2 года назад +2

      Yes God is Love - therefore love is defined by who God is - powerfully Majestic - King - Lord - Saviour - one to be Trusted and Obeyed

  • @ericjohnson6665
    @ericjohnson6665 2 года назад +2

    "God is the ultimate judge..." really gets in the way of loving God. Since it's the Ancients of Days who do the actual judging of whether we're resurrected or not, that frees God up from that source of fear of Him. I realized that when I experienced the Divine Father's Love Big Time! All fear of being judged by Him fell away like a load of snow all sliding off the roof at once. Whoomph!
    That freed me up to establish a more intimate relationship with the Father. One where I experience Him as a best friend.

    • @diecomedianharmonistin8859
      @diecomedianharmonistin8859 2 года назад

      Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

  • @mr.fordnite1909
    @mr.fordnite1909 2 года назад +5

    “Faith isn’t evidence based” is exactly what keeps people like Dr. Peterson from literally believing the gospel. Christianity is a truth claim - it should be evidence based.

    • @ZoomZoom-ng6sn
      @ZoomZoom-ng6sn 2 года назад

      My faith is so strong that I believe the Bible literally. The bible has proven itself with wisdon, prophecies, witness accounts, and etc. You'd be a fool to follow a book that cannot prove itself to be truth. If i'm not mistaken, Dr. Peterson seems to have partial faith or a different kind of faith other than the type of faith that's described in the bible. I could be wrong about Dr. Peterson here, I probably just misunderstood him in one way or another.

    • @artifacthunter1472
      @artifacthunter1472 2 года назад

      So many people do not know that Isaiah has the best definition of faith! Evidence of the unseen! Faith and believe are the same word, faith is the noun and belief is the action verb!

    • @mr.fordnite1909
      @mr.fordnite1909 2 года назад +1

      @@artifacthunter1472 To clarify, I believe there’s a distinction to be had between how one knows their faith to be true and how one shows their faith to be true. The phenomenal way that I know my faith to be true is through the inner witness of the Holy Spirit. However, when it comes to showing my face to be true, I need to be able to present arguments and evidence for my faith if I am to convince an unbeliever that my worldview is true. If an unbeliever hears “faith is not evidence based”, I think they would be more likely to dismiss Christianity than if they were presented with arguments and compelling, logically sound evidence.

  • @pieterlindeque7798
    @pieterlindeque7798 2 года назад +2

    Believe = hold something as true.
    Faith = trust.
    To believe in God is to hold that God is real. To have FAITH in God is to trust that God is truth and that God loves you and to then live by that as best you can.

  • @nohandle257
    @nohandle257 2 года назад +5

    OK, I hated the title but Dr. Peterson is exactly correct here. However 'Christian' faith is wholly evidenced based. HOW we go about it is wonderfully explained here by Dr. Peterson. Almost perfectly.

    • @PursuitofMeaning
      @PursuitofMeaning  2 года назад +1

      I hope the title seems appropriate now that you've seen the video!

  • @johnmcclain3887
    @johnmcclain3887 2 года назад +1

    I came to faith against my will, due to many things coming together unexpectedly, and Jordan's thoughts crystalize bits and pieces I've never been able to delineate myself. He's a great help, speaking out his own thoughts on himself, while certainly being able to see they are also issues for others. These are things extremely hard to pin down, to name exactly, yet we know they are real and important.

  • @supernautacus
    @supernautacus 2 года назад +3

    For me, Faith came first, than the evidence came AND just keeps coming. To back up faith. I can't just believe, I also have to do. And that requires evidence that proves what is real and what is not real. What is True and what is false. What is possible and what is not possible.

    • @simonrunswick5730
      @simonrunswick5730 2 года назад

      I'd be very interested in your evidence for your faith. Things like the babies dying of AIDS? All the innocent children dying in wars? This kind of evidence of a loving and caring God?

    • @supernautacus
      @supernautacus 2 года назад

      @@simonrunswick5730 ...First, I can't share what I've lived. I don't try. i can't share my memories. The very impossible events of my life, that, yes, WERE impossible to me too! Until I lived them. The thing about living such things i found out, for me, is, I would either NOT accept they were real. And become non-functionally insane. Or, accept that they WERE real. And be seen as insane by the rest of the world. Family included.
      Now, we can talk about your points, as I can't offer you proof of what i have lived. Well, not till the proper time comes. And then, you won't NEED my humble words. And my office will close, no longer needed ever again.
      But you won't like or accept what I to say. The system has been corrupted, exactly like run away computer viruses. And that wasn't the fault of the Maker. Their real choice is, how DO I, allow the usefulness of evil, as a tool, to advance what and how I want my family to develop? The things you mention, are, currently, allowed to exist, because the ability to love, requires choices. And What is the nature of humanity? Is it seen or understood by most? or not? Is the Driver also the car? Or does it just appear so, to a certain Point of View, that they are. This is used as an example of using the seen, to show the unseen.

  • @248SUPERMARIO52811
    @248SUPERMARIO52811 2 года назад +2

    you might and CAN find peace from the spiritual and religious world. But when you find Christ, you find an overwhelming JOY.

    • @charongeurrier
      @charongeurrier 2 года назад

      Jesus says: you will be hated for my sake, so its not just sunrays and happyness 😉

  • @mayraaliciarob.hdez.5665
    @mayraaliciarob.hdez.5665 2 года назад

    You are on the way!!🙏THANKS GOD JESUS CHRIST💖💞

  • @viktoriaregis6645
    @viktoriaregis6645 2 года назад

    It is strange. Few times if ever have I heard somebody Express God is such loving way and Shown such respect towards Him adms Dr Peterson. And it is as if I feel a little flickering light inside my soul that as soon as I listen to him becomes steadier and start to shine brighter. I want (and hope) to call it love.

    • @donritchfield1407
      @donritchfield1407 2 года назад

      Why not call it by its real name, SELF DELUSION!!!

  • @carolynnr.6409
    @carolynnr.6409 2 года назад

    God is a person to me that created all that is good, therefore he is seen in abundance. That gives me gratitude in my life. People who show and give love; are thankful to one another.

  • @lawrencevandenberg7725
    @lawrencevandenberg7725 2 года назад

    J.--how looking at Love/God seems to me--thank you. Gratitude. Thanksbeing. I love you because you are. That's enough. Good doesn't get better, or aim to besting. Good doesn't compete. Does NOT compete. Good is constant. Thanks be to God.

  • @konradkow
    @konradkow 2 года назад +1

    I pledge allegiance to our Father, the one and only creator. And to the Love for which we stand, One World, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for All.

  • @marianking1379
    @marianking1379 2 года назад +2

    Love is not a feeling ,it's an act of your will x

  • @kentborges5114
    @kentborges5114 2 года назад +1


  • @travisfishwater7734
    @travisfishwater7734 2 года назад

    Hebrews 11:1 "faith is the evidence of things not seen, the substance of things hoped for."
    Love Jordan Peterson. He's the real leader of Canada, it's obvious.

  • @pamelahall7614
    @pamelahall7614 2 года назад

    I think responsibility (ability to respond) is an attitude upon which we must stand before Love.

  • @ericjohnson6665
    @ericjohnson6665 2 года назад

    Just for clarity's sake, let's go with this definition for "love": it is the desire to do good to others.

  • @caseymckinney4101
    @caseymckinney4101 2 года назад

    God Bless Us All

  • @annewatkis9600
    @annewatkis9600 2 года назад +1

    When I was pregnant aged 18, I had a kind manager who helped me when I had terrible morning sickness. She was so understanding. When I started on my career path, I had a tough, brilliant manager, who was so motivational and believed in me. When I started therapy, I was so very blessed to find a fabulous therapist, who helped me by being unjudgemental. She taught me about boundaries. I have had tricky challenging times in childhood and overcame them through people like these people. Thank you to them.

    • @ratoneJR
      @ratoneJR 2 года назад

      Maybe a Higher Power sending you exactly what you needed, at just the right time? Just maybe.

  • @rosegomez6591
    @rosegomez6591 2 года назад

    I love you mr. Peterson. I sure wish i had met you at sixteen when i was at lost as a teenager .

  • @fnfjedi
    @fnfjedi 2 года назад

    Faith isn't evidence based, it **is** the evidence. And this is not a work, so that we can boast. It is the gift of God. I think one of the things I enjoy and admire most about Dr. Jordan Peterson is his willingness to say "I don't know".

    @TOMMYSURIA 2 года назад +2

    1 Corinthians 13:4-7
    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

  • @777drfrank
    @777drfrank 2 года назад +2

    What is Love. In my opinion and experience love is defined as trust and respect, no more no less. When I was presented to this definition it was like the scales fell from my eyes, my whole 40 plus years of existence suddenly presented itself in a completely different light. Suddenly I was able to receive all of my seemingly unfair, unfortunate and uncomfortable experiences as my own creation. One frequent state of mind that I found myself in increasingly often was self pity. I mostly thought that the universe once more turned against me, and it made the cut with surgical precision, exactly what it took to stop me just before the goal line, happened time and time again. With my new insight I became aware that every time it was me who created the failure, I connected the dots and identified the loveless actions that brought on the seemingly unwanted consequences.
    If an action, a person or a community does not eminate trust and respect, love is not included in the relationship. Love can not be quantitated, there is no such thing as a little love, some love or a great love. Either love is present or it is not. If you do not trust somebody or something, there is no love. If you do not respect somebody or something, there is no love.
    By this definition it is possible to, unconditionally and without compromise, live up to the words from the bible: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
    As we are created in the Lords image, it follows that we must love ourselves first. If we want to give love we must have something in store, that is basic logic.
    Facts are that every human is provided with a free will (some will argue that it is not so…but that is an intellectual ballgame that i will stay out of) Everyone on earth have the possibility and god given rights to do exactly what they think is right for them to do. Albeit the cosmic laws (in my opinion and subsequent experience) dictates that every action has a consequence that will return, eventually. So when we speak of gods will, it will present itself whenever the seed that was sown starts growing in you.
    In this perception we can regard this planet as a “university of love” or an institution which we attend to learn the consequences of our actions, with the sole purpose of constantly raise the “market cap of love”.
    This endeavour can seem impossible as every action and the resulting consequence does not play out in real time, and when it does play out we most likely blame someone or something else. We do not link it to an action we our self was responsible for. Another fact that can blur our vision is the human ability and tendency to judge, subdue and repress the reality when it is not to our liking. In hindsight, if we are honest with ourselves, it is possible to acknowledge that our motives for a certain action was loveless. For me loveless actions are actions were I was motivated by example: greed, jealousy, vengeance etc. also actions that were designed to use my surroundings to seemingly support my self-confidence. The latter is loveless because that kind of support is only seemingly and non-sustainable.
    I myself had to acknowledge that my true motivation for my actions where hidden in the sub conscience. Mostly my actions were identified, if at all, by completely different motives which presented me in a much purer light. I was not able to be honest with myself, and therefore a need to justify my actions arose. So every time I have the urge to justify what I am about to do….maybe/most likely my subconscious motives are quite different than what I like to think.
    It is possible to learn how to act and treat yourself in unconditional og uncompromising love.
    26 years ago I was told that God, the universe, The All, or call it whatever you want, has equipped us with a set of guidelines that helps us to materialise our true self. As mentioned earlier we have a free will so in every choice we will make in our lifetime there will be a great number of different possible choices, and if we don’t choose to procrastinate we can only act out one at a time. It is said by many that we should listen to our heart, when in doubt. I totally agree, but what does it mean, how does it feel, and where do I learn to listen to my heart? I find it interesting that we in our western societies have a great emphasis on the importance of living in and with love and many say that to do so we have to listen to our hearts, yet these concepts are so vaguely defined. For me, as implied before, it was a cathartic relief to be presented with an exact definition of love and at the same time a recipe to materialise my true self.
    The guidelines are given by our emotions. As I was told and chose to believe we only have four, actually only three as the fourth is a consequence of acting positively on the three. It is quite simple at a first glance. For most, as it was for me it turned out to be quite a complex task. As a human I am extremely gullible and my self, the lower one, managed to turn it all upside down and confuse one emotion with another as I tried to hide myself from myself in a wast number of labyrinths throughout my existence. Why did I hide myself from myself?, that is mostly based on one also simple fact. At a point in my childhood I had the experience that I was not good enough! That experience was enforced and it turned into a fact. I started to seek approval from first my parents and later everything and everyone. Now I was a full blown addict. Addicted to approval and confirmations from my surroundings, Now I had to create what I thought was love outside myself, it seemed to work many times for long or short periods, alas I already forgot that I decided that I was not good enough. So my subconscious motive was to prove that I do not love myself, the consequence of each such choice had to return with the message: “this is a dead end, love was not included, you have the possibility to cash in a valuable experience that can help you to choose more wisely next time” This is were I experienced the universe being cruel and with surgical precision destroy, what I believed was my honest and pure effort. In hindsight however, if I am honest, I often did try to manipulate and deceive in order to achieve my goal.
    The emotion grief is truly created
    by loss of any kind, also the subconscious ones.
    The signal you receive is:
    ”I need to take care of myself”.
    Take action on the signal,
    take care of you,
    and you become trust.
    And you will create joy
    The emotion anger is truly created
    by any crossing (or neglect) of your boundaries,
    also the subconscious ones.
    The signal you receive is:
    “I need to mark my boundaries.”
    Take action on the signal,
    mark your boundaries,
    and you become respect.
    And you will create joy
    The emotion fear,
    which is your survival signal,
    is truly created by any
    situation, you put yourself into,
    where you are not sure of the outcome,
    also the subconscious ones.
    The signal you receive is:
    ”Now I need to pay attention”.
    Take action on the signal,
    pay attention,
    and you become attention.
    And you will create joy
    The emotion joy,
    created on a foundation of truth,
    signals healing.
    Healing is taking place in peace,
    harmony and bliss.
    True joy is obtained
    through taking positive action
    on the signals, you receive,
    and you become love.
    Take positive action
    Love is trust and respect. Have a love
    affair with yourself.
    I thank my God for the fact that I was led to my friend, danish author Arne Olsen, and the guide he materialised in 1997: “Dine Valg Er Dit Liv, hvordan vælger du?” (Your Choices Are Your Life, how do you choose?) The definitions of the emotions and love is quoted from his work.
    That book contains the mental fitness program that I have used since. It is my goal to share this with the English speaking part of the world, and I am in the process of translating it.
    Danskere kan læse mere på dine valg er dit liv (i et ord) .dk

    • @raewynurwin4256
      @raewynurwin4256 2 года назад

      Thank you so very much I've just been moved a good inch inside my soul. By that I mean I'm looking out from inside. I always considered my soul to be my conscience. I called it my Gods spoke, inspirational in that if I couldn't honour myself I must honour and respect God within me. I'm 74 yr old woman baptised in RC faith. Challenged the dogma 3 yrs ago but never stopped believing in my God. Thank you again I believe I was guided tonight because I watch Jordon Peterson whenever I can. He has influenced my life in a beneficial way. Mainly the necessity to undertaking personal shadow work, it undid me for several months until I realized the malevolence inside me was my potential only, whew. I really believe I'm a better version of myself to this day. Thank you again Mr Jorgensen. Arohanui from New Zealand.

  • @aaronharthun3602
    @aaronharthun3602 2 года назад

    Love, leaning and walking with

  • @alvincabello3216
    @alvincabello3216 2 года назад

    Im a son of Christ im ruff around the edges your teachings are putting words to my thoughts i so often get judged fo Loving God is privlage let go n let Him love you brother stay blessed glad i found this.

  • @69erthx1138
    @69erthx1138 2 года назад

    @5:41 "not power for God's sake." The dominance of the shadow over our ego projected toward others.
    Without religion as emphasis, I'm starting to adopt the notion of self-actualization (Abraham Maslow, heirarchy of needs) as the personal connection with God. Self-affirmation with complete honesty. When a sufficient number of members form a likewise affiliation, social norms could be moved toward a greater good, still advancing the Human species.

  • @MakeWithMike
    @MakeWithMike Год назад

    Love = care plus energy

  • @lemonlimepunch1
    @lemonlimepunch1 2 года назад

    Absolutely beautiful. I love this man

  • @Emilia-tw8zf
    @Emilia-tw8zf 2 года назад

    God bless Peterson!

  • @rebn8346
    @rebn8346 2 года назад

    Faith and reason go together.

  • @thenbaplayoffs2020
    @thenbaplayoffs2020 2 года назад +1

    The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. C.S. Lewis

  • @1Hope4All
    @1Hope4All 2 года назад

    I believe love is "part of empathy" but *not* part of agreeableness.

  • @chrisbrown3278
    @chrisbrown3278 2 года назад +1

    I admire the way Jordan takes on these huge questions . For me the way we love God is firstly to look for God and accept the possibility that God exists . We usually and often look for God when in a dangerous or dire situation or even when we see and feel an emptiness which brings these desires . There is an acceptance followed by a trust in God which is accomplished in hope and faith . This is intuitive or can be described as a feeling of some kind .Then submission followed by alignment and agreement . There follows what many call the work of the Holy Spirit or the Christed presence which begins to assimilate fully with the ego the small self it is that which seeks in each of us it’s full fruition or described as the spirits desire to become fully active and known , it then begins to lead . Whereupon the Divine if you like recognises the divine in everything and everyone it meets and sees . It can be described as the opening of the heart more so than the ability to think it all through . Remember Jesus teaching all those in the sermon on the mount . Many were probably not great thinkers or even educated but they had the desire . It is said you do not become the Christ the Christ becomes you . We will then recognise the presence of God in all even in those we might not like . This is possibly the beginning of illumination and moves us towards unconditional love . We love God through Gods creation . Think of Jesus being crucified whereupon he forgives those killing him. The victory of the cross and this colossal act of love allowed for the removal of the curse of unforgiveness that had been put upon mankind . Thank you

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify 2 года назад

      How can someone "love" something or some imaginary creature that does not exist, unless of course one is schizophrenic? Man has created gods in thousands for millenia. God is infact the Santa Claus of the adults.

  • @cog1140
    @cog1140 2 года назад

    Jordan your countenance is that of a righteous man. Seems to me you always have been, but the Lord has touched you, I've seen the change. You are blessed.

  • @panthergal7399
    @panthergal7399 2 года назад +1

    For anyone born all really should get into studying the is eye opening, alive and heart moving...awesomeness

  • @n3qdz
    @n3qdz 2 года назад

    My best definition of God, God is love. 1Corinthians 13:4-13

  • @raewynurwin4256
    @raewynurwin4256 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing your understanding.

  • @coolhandphilip
    @coolhandphilip 2 года назад

    I once lamented, "all the great thinkers are gone." I don't think that anymore.

  • @raphaelsamonte457
    @raphaelsamonte457 2 года назад

    Faith is also another term for TRUST as Dr. Lennox puts it.
    Going to the marriage analogy - you can ask "Do I have enough evidence to trust and spend the rest of my life with this person?"
    You do not know everything about the person...BUT based on the number of evidence(s) you've seen / experienced with this person, you can TRUST them...
    But totally agree with Dr. Peterson,,, there will always be a portion that you need to take - that step - that decision to accept and get to know that person.
    And GOD is a person. Unless a person reveals himself / herself to you, you will never get to know the person...and based on what GOD has revealed in the person of JESUS CHRIST, it is most wise to put you "faith" or "trust" in HIM😇
    May GOD Bless you Dr. Peterson. May your search for Truth lead you closer to JESUS.
    May GOD bless us all 😇😇😇

  • @juihsiangtan2260
    @juihsiangtan2260 11 месяцев назад

    Dear Dr. Peterson, i enjoy and benefit from listening to your RUclips messages, especially for the perspective they bring. i do find that the sound of your voice comes across as slightly thin and wonder whether you could increase the rendering bitrate of the audio channels of your video recordings.

  • @natalien.9528
    @natalien.9528 2 года назад +1

    Many thanks to whoever asked that question. I was wondering about that very much

  • @John-bv2ft
    @John-bv2ft Год назад

    Such a wise man

  • @tomcha75
    @tomcha75 2 года назад

    Love the explanation the difference between spiritual and religious at 8:29.

  • @bradcarroll3094
    @bradcarroll3094 11 месяцев назад

    "You're going to get hurt no matter what approach you take. "
    -Jordan peterson

  • @johnfoy3576
    @johnfoy3576 2 года назад

    I have spent years studying Love in scripture. Your doing a better job explaining it than most preachers
    The answer to the question is Yes!
    God is love. We were created in that image. Since the Garden we have all searched for it. That empty spot inside that needs to be filled.
    Faith works by love.
    Roman's 13 tea has us thst in vs 8 love (the Greek word Agapeo, a verb) causes us to grow into Agape, (the noun, back into that image of Gof)
    Out if that flows all spiritual resources and experiences. When we love others,we are applying the spiritual practice of agapeo, (in how we treat others) in doing so we fulfill our own desires and HIS
    To learn to love and become Love (smaller example of Him in this reality) we fulfill the journey. Paul said to make it the greatest journey in life to pursue Love.
    Love cannot be separated from Truth, when it is you get into new age and even hyper grace .
    Love is the answer.

  • @Razzlyn
    @Razzlyn 2 года назад

    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Heb 11:1

  • @colenepeterson6396
    @colenepeterson6396 2 года назад +1

    I have struggled with "love", what it is and how to express and share it. As a child I was molested and told that he was loving me the greatest way he knew how. I don't want to make someone feel as worthless and repulsive as I felt "being loved so greatly". It's been a real struggle

  • @mikeomonkey
    @mikeomonkey 2 года назад

    Faith is not keeping your fingers crossed hoping for the best

  • @Kamon67
    @Kamon67 2 года назад +2

    Beautiful and powerful words again sir, Thank you. Very inspiring !

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      call him jordy baby- you lower your status by calling him "sir" his name is Jordan, and I have no respect for evangelizers and those who promote an evil deceptive faith that has brought billions into hell. NO respect for peterson

    • @Kamon67
      @Kamon67 2 года назад

      @@michaelkahn8903 lol what kind of idiocy reply is that LOL my gosh., Houston we have a problem.

    • @michaelkahn8903
      @michaelkahn8903 2 года назад

      @@Kamon67 I dont call people that I respect "sir"= that is for judges and police and politicians, and such. They like to lord over others, to have special privileges and to be regarded as better and "Higher" than others- Nobody is my superior. I put people on an equal ground, and call those that I respect "brother" NOT "sir" PEterson is a celebrity and has sold his soul. HE is popular not for helping others, but for putting on airs as if he is highly intelligent, which while he does have intelligence, has not used it totally for mankinds'benefit, but has promoted himself as a great thinker. Great in my book is measured by integrity and benefit to mankind. I am not totally disrespectful as I would be to a cop or judge or politician, who I may call "sir" but would secretly or openly show contempt of.

    • @Kamon67
      @Kamon67 2 года назад

      @@michaelkahn8903 We normally call sir people who we respect, I assume no one call you sir and it make sense l) with that being said. I call you idiot, now you just prove it. I will call sir who I want and you, call people whatever you want its the least of my concerns

  • @martingreenfield3023
    @martingreenfield3023 2 года назад

    This is why in the Torah the instruction is Love and Fear . Fear thy mother ( since Love towards one's mother is instinctive) and Love thy father (since Fear of one's father is instinctive).
    The highest form is when the 2 combine. Fear of loosing the Loved relationship.

  • @keepi9887
    @keepi9887 2 года назад

    exactly. just love it!!! thank you for putting ithis n clear words and in an understandable way.

  • @karenduncan7135
    @karenduncan7135 2 года назад

    God gives peace. When we do things for each other, it makes us feel good. Praying for someone that has a problem you have, that you don't like. How about I got healed praying for you. I works out that way sometime.

  • @TheMtpleasantbc
    @TheMtpleasantbc 3 месяца назад

    thank you for this, doctor

  • @Vingroth2
    @Vingroth2 2 года назад

    Thanks Doc!

  • @sofiamiau3420
    @sofiamiau3420 2 года назад

    God bless him and his family 💙

  • @danielwollin4143
    @danielwollin4143 2 года назад

    The gift of love cannot be seen or weighed or calculated. It is infinite and eternal . Step out it faith and watch it strengthen evolve and grow . God is love Mr. Peterson . The love of Christ surpasses knowledge.

  • @jSheapullen
    @jSheapullen 2 года назад

    God is the love between religion and spirituality

  • @kellyford5903
    @kellyford5903 2 года назад +1

    Yep…once AGAIN…Dr. Peterson demonstrates what an OUTSTANDING TEACHER he is!! Thank you, Sir, for sharing your God-given gifts ‘n talents with the likes of me - appreciate you!

  • @DanFedMusic
    @DanFedMusic 2 года назад +1

    Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.
    Faith is absolutely based on evidence, not having all of the answers but more than enough of the answers to put faith in the things we don’t have the answers to.

  • @rosegomez6591
    @rosegomez6591 2 года назад

    God is love. Your right again

  • @gailsmilanich9272
    @gailsmilanich9272 2 года назад

    God is love and God is truth. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things nor seen. Hebrews 11:1

  • @baris81g-oae
    @baris81g-oae 2 года назад

    Thank you Dr. Peterson! 🙏☯️☮️❤️🖖

  • @smashleyscott8272
    @smashleyscott8272 2 года назад +1

    Faith, according to Scripture, is absolutely evidence based. Faith is the trust and hope placed on that which is evidenced or true.

  • @kokoro.theheart
    @kokoro.theheart 2 года назад +1

    I should have listened to this person sooner. Instead I foolishly went to other people of 'faith' (not pastors) assuming that God would want me there instead when before I felt led that I should go see his content 😔 and then watching some clips.... It really did help.

  • @NatNg-zm7lx
    @NatNg-zm7lx 4 месяца назад

    I always ask my kids when they were having a dispute, i asked what is that you ultimately want, is that the toys or the candies or our family😂n all of them know the correct answer. And i realised that's really a matter of decision. We would really go for a cool toy instead of our siblings feeling. I just pray for Gods mercy and grace to help them truly understand.

  • @RJ-9ers
    @RJ-9ers 2 года назад

    I love your spiritual journey Jordan.

  • @kirktaylor4954
    @kirktaylor4954 2 года назад

    Nice - JP! Thank you. I hope we can meet and chat one day.

  • @bruceb2839
    @bruceb2839 2 года назад

    I'm so happy you're here and for your past and future journeys. I noticed you a few years ago when you were suggested by a family member during a time when I steered from listening to my historical alignment with conservatism in the US. I had decided that even Christain-based conservatism was driven by bitterness in a end-justifies-the-means manner and I wanted their movement to fail if it wasn't honorable and be purged by grace.
    I used to practice law and I know what "advocacy" was -- artificially minimizing your opponents positions and artificially enhancing your own. What I heard left and right wing media was the same type of advocacy -- and it suffered from lack of grace and even a balanced search for truth to solve societal issues. Then I heard and felt you -- and although I still can't listen to polemists on the right or left, and read my news from many sources instead, I listen to and learn from you and benefit from seeing you do it -- a lot.
    May God continue to speak through you as you give fair account to the issues at hand in a time when that is so rare. You are exciting youth and mentoring them in this way. I pray God's blessing in responding to this calling.