  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 393

  • @Chequr_Prostate
    @Chequr_Prostate 2 месяца назад +62

    Art is one of the biggest money laundering scams ever created.

    • @Zizzyyzz
      @Zizzyyzz 2 месяца назад +4

      And "modeling".

  • @andrewwright9378
    @andrewwright9378 2 месяца назад +40

    They are always making jokes. The bashing of pans during COVID - that is what prisoners do.

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +18

      Good spot. This is exactly what they do, and this is the first time I've seen anybody make that reference.

    • @hamishanderson6738
      @hamishanderson6738 2 месяца назад +12

      Clap the NHS - in irons.

    • @andrewwright9378
      @andrewwright9378 2 месяца назад +11

      Another good one was the “George Floyd incident” Lots of people were on some vigil for him and they, apparently quoting Floyd, but also summing up the divoc con, had written on their masks “I can’t breathe” How they must have chuckled.

  • @RepusAmgine
    @RepusAmgine 2 месяца назад +96

    It's also money laundering...

  • @jamesmaio6465
    @jamesmaio6465 2 месяца назад +66

    100% correct Nigel.
    Keep em coming.
    The Truth shall make us Free.
    Thank you.

  • @green9832
    @green9832 2 месяца назад +47

    Nobody's to like J.K. Rowling anymore because she doesn't think men in dresses are real women.

    • @kathrynhamblin6479
      @kathrynhamblin6479 2 месяца назад +18

      JK Rowling is a slippery one. I have always had a bad feeling about her backstory. I've tried reading the first book and it was very dull and very old fashioned.
      She/the books must have been signal boosted in some way. Of course now she's coming out presumably 'On our side' but you can't engineer divide and conflict without two opposing parties.
      Just questioning. There's a story that John Hamer sometimes tells about how the Harry Potter franchise is a bit Tavistock-ish. I don't agree with Hamer on quite a few things but the behind the façade of Potter stuff has quite a ring of plausabilty about it. Basically it involves the Mitford family and ghostwriters.
      It sounds feasible because the Mitfords are about three generations behind current taste and Harry Potter reads like Enid Blyton crossed with Dennis Wheatley.
      Maybe she's wised up? I don't know.

    • @derekathomson
      @derekathomson 2 месяца назад +6

      She was accused of having ripped off someone else's story for Harry Potter. Was there not a court case? I'm not saying that she did, but she was definitely accused of it.

    • @green9832
      @green9832 2 месяца назад +4

      @@kathrynhamblin6479 Yes, her books are boring and I was never a fan. However, even if she's some sort of plant, representing one side of the dichotomy, there's only one reasonable side to be on here. It's not a false dichotomy where the true answer or solution lies beyond the two presented arguments.

    • @andyolsensovereignbeing.6211
      @andyolsensovereignbeing.6211 2 месяца назад +1

      How dare she say that. 😄

    • @catherine5294
      @catherine5294 2 месяца назад +4

      @@kathrynhamblin6479 funnily enough, I’ve had the same feeling about her.
      Her opposition was so widely publicised, whereas genuine opposition is silenced and not reported at all.
      Tried to read the first HP book years ago and it was so badly written that I abandoned it.

  • @paulbailey6251
    @paulbailey6251 2 месяца назад +56

    Yes, I agree with you, it's mockery of the kind that's designed to confuse, confound and disorientate the public.

  • @YllaStar95970
    @YllaStar95970 2 месяца назад +41

    Rod Stewart got booed on stage when he raised the Ukrainian flag, the other night.....He was pro too, with 3 close family members so far having an adverse reaction, one of which being his son.🎤

  • @DonWill-rk4xn
    @DonWill-rk4xn 2 месяца назад +16

    The first crime is when the public was forced to pay for anything.
    Let’s go voluntary.

  • @ruthie2222
    @ruthie2222 2 месяца назад +44

    It just goes to show you how easily people are manipulated 😂

  • @zigzogoid4591
    @zigzogoid4591 2 месяца назад +45

    Same here in England.
    1. Big contract means lots of money available.
    2. Those with the purse strings have pretentious, talentless friends in the 'Art' industry.
    3. Award commission to said friends at great expense , even if it's total tosh.
    4. Council is left to pay upkeep of so called 'Art'
    5 Everybody happy, rinse and repeat.

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +18

      Funny handshake club

    • @tonyhirst3628
      @tonyhirst3628 2 месяца назад +5

      Remember Damien Hirst's monstrosities (no relation, by the way!)? What they achieved, on the psychological level, was a deep reinforcement of the material, an absolute horror show and devoid of beauty.

    • @andyhobbs2812
      @andyhobbs2812 2 месяца назад

      ​@@nigelwatson2750The big G club 😮😮😮😮

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +2

      @@BigReptileCrew Jobs for the boys - The Godfather movie had a good bit in it with that singer they wanted to make it.

  • @douglasb.5601
    @douglasb.5601 2 месяца назад +16

    😂 You reminded me of something that happened years ago when I was at School. I went to a very small music school (roughly 40 pupils whilst I was there)) in Surrey called the Yehudi Menuhin School and we were quite often filmed and the school liked to project a very artsy highbrow image although the majority of the kids were quite down to earth..our favourite TV progs during my time there '77-84' were Top Of The Pops and Dallas!
    Some genius had the idea of filming Yehudi and the School Orchestra playing Vivaldi 4 Seasons whilst some 'modern artist' painted pictures to reflect the music. As it was done for French TV the School were sent a copy on film for the school projector which was played one evening to the whole school. When Spring started the artist picked up his brush (which was covered in green and blue paint) and smashed it into the centre of the canvas once in a stabbing motion (That was 'The Painting'). The entire room of kids erupted in laughter at the farce much to the anger of the staff. The next week all the kids were walking around laughing saying 'Spring' and then mocking the artist's paintbrush stab..the madder the staff got the more we enjoyed it! 😂
    You can't fool kids...they see the Emperor's new clothes! 😁👍🏻
    God Bless Nigel 🙏🏻❤

  • @stennerjs
    @stennerjs 2 месяца назад +52

    They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 2 месяца назад +1

      Which god would that be?

    • @honeyb1286
      @honeyb1286 2 месяца назад +3

      @@andrewlilley3660another mocker?…

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 2 месяца назад

      @@honeyb1286 What do you mean mocker, it was a perfectly reasonable question, there are supposedly many gods, all with a small g.

    • @honeyb1286
      @honeyb1286 2 месяца назад +3

      @@andrewlilley3660 God with a big G twice was in the post you replied to. No little g there! Hence mocker as well with your second reply … 🤣

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 2 месяца назад

      @@honeyb1286 They're all small-case gods and the Christian one is the same as the Jewish and the Islamic ones, the one chosen by these three religions has a very dodgy background.
      So, why the silly emoji, aren't you capable of an adult conversation?

  • @michaelgaskell1419
    @michaelgaskell1419 2 месяца назад +37

    Are you sure it's a sunny day? The bbc says it's cloudy.

    • @stephenchappell7512
      @stephenchappell7512 2 месяца назад +2

      That satellite cloud wave always
      seems to halt mid channel 🤔

    • @kimberlyfowler5748
      @kimberlyfowler5748 2 месяца назад +3


    • @Zizzyyzz
      @Zizzyyzz 2 месяца назад +4

      Don't believe your lyin' eyes. 😂

  • @gwenweston1854
    @gwenweston1854 2 месяца назад +22

    That Picasso looks just like an evil troll all scrunched up and laughing at us with an evil grin.

  • @pablolowenstein1371
    @pablolowenstein1371 2 месяца назад +44

    My local council are building a 'culture house' in the city centre. This included 'interactive installations' and other horseshit.
    Government and culture...oxymoron central.

  • @gillian6526
    @gillian6526 2 месяца назад +18

    Marcel Duchamp (hope the spelling is correct), who put a urinal in one of the big art museums and said, "This urinal is now a work of art as it has been displayed in an art gallery." (or words to that effect), summed up modern art nicely.

  • @nickglenister3832
    @nickglenister3832 2 месяца назад +31

    They make mediocrity look like a virtue.

  • @Iggypox
    @Iggypox 2 месяца назад +21

    They do this to denigrate beauty and creativity. It's art from hell.

  • @moonspirit6555
    @moonspirit6555 2 месяца назад +20

    Absolutely agree. Reminds me of that sketch Harry Enfield used to do "I saw you coming", where he ran an antique/Art shop in somewhere like Brick Lane and sold old rubbish at extortionate prices to rich Londoners after convincing them it was the "in" thing to buy.

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +11

      The last good bit of comedy the BBC ever produced?

  • @garryclegg6499
    @garryclegg6499 2 месяца назад +10

    they had a laugh with us making us think Hawkins was a genius.🤣

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +2

      No, that IS hilarious!

    • @garryclegg6499
      @garryclegg6499 2 месяца назад

      @@photonigarcia how gullible are the British people.

  • @patriot8769
    @patriot8769 2 месяца назад +20

    Tracey Emin "Unmade Bed." Woke me to this garbage 25 years ago.

    • @dorothysimpson7040
      @dorothysimpson7040 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes, me too. ❤

    • @MHLivestreams
      @MHLivestreams 2 месяца назад +2

      She's copying all our work. My bed has been unmade for decades. The kitchen sink is really bad, nobody in their right mind would want to recreate that.

    • @paintingtosser3814
      @paintingtosser3814 2 месяца назад +1

      'Everybody I ever slept with in the tent,' was Tracey's other work of art. This all happened during Cool Britannia, when Tony Blair was walking on water and Oasis were the new Beatles. She was part of the YBA, Young British Artists conglomerate, which also included Damien Hurst. She was from Margate and they built an art gallery down there because of her genius. Performance or Fine Art, they call it. I had a few mates in swinging London, who were part of the scene and I think I got taken in by all the baloney, until I woke up a few years later.

  • @lucyallsop88
    @lucyallsop88 2 месяца назад +40

    Well said. I've never understood what people see in this ugly art.

    • @vic6820
      @vic6820 2 месяца назад +21

      They don't see anything in it, they just pretend they do.

    • @mariaivanoff-lo3jh
      @mariaivanoff-lo3jh 2 месяца назад

      It's something people may see when there on heavy drugs.

  • @bornagainspirit
    @bornagainspirit 2 месяца назад +32

    Excellent observations about modern art and beyond. Thanks

  • @anyasilka2325
    @anyasilka2325 2 месяца назад +15

    Spot On Nigel. 'THEY ' know the types of human psyche who have a Need to belong collectively. ....

  • @grahamrichards384
    @grahamrichards384 2 месяца назад +22

    Said it for years, thanks for the clarity Nigel.

  • @Michael-hm8cs
    @Michael-hm8cs 2 месяца назад +17

    Yep...I saw an exhibit of Picasso's blue period about 18 years ago in Johannesburg and reached the same conclusion, that he was just taking the piss

    @Les-OZZYTHEOSCAR 2 месяца назад +19

    Totally with you on this. That sculpture looks like it's been put there, ready to be taken to the local tip

  • @amandagribbin2638
    @amandagribbin2638 2 месяца назад +13

    🤣Good one 🤣, I"ve just paid £50 000 for a painting done by an elephant

  • @neddkelly4477
    @neddkelly4477 2 месяца назад +20

    All b.s.
    Laughing at us.

  • @apz202
    @apz202 2 месяца назад +14

    it is like roadworks in the UK

  • @diannehalliday2165
    @diannehalliday2165 2 месяца назад +9

    Blue Poles in Australia was a pure peasant mockery - I hope I have my countries correct, well put Nigel.

  • @gannet58555
    @gannet58555 2 месяца назад +13

    Sometimes when I have a shit...I look back and say piece of art

    • @GingerTomCat
      @GingerTomCat 2 месяца назад


    • @guitarscoffee17
      @guitarscoffee17 2 месяца назад

      I used to do the same thing, especially when I went through a phase of eating lots of Sweetcorn, like knobbly sticks they were 😲

  • @catherine5294
    @catherine5294 2 месяца назад +4

    I totally agree. My heart soars when I look at an old master,a Rodin sculpture or perfectly symmetrical old world architecture.
    The modern garbage has exactly the opposite effect on me. Which I think is their goal…to dispirit us and to snuff out genuine human creativity and artistic genius.
    Pori looks beautiful 😍

    • @StarBibiBrownGal123
      @StarBibiBrownGal123 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes, the amount of people and amazing art currently and before that they look over!

  • @SilverSquirrel
    @SilverSquirrel 2 месяца назад +10

    The Big Club members buy the "art" and get their art flunkies to rave about it. Next, they have it appraised by a friend at a value of millions of dollars before they donate it to a museum and claim the tax write-off. The final stage is a line of peasants saying "Ooooh!, Aaaaah!" as the look at the masterpieces they were told are great.

  • @Jules-kv2sf
    @Jules-kv2sf 2 месяца назад +22

    Same with 'fashion'

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +7


    • @TheSwissChalet
      @TheSwissChalet 2 месяца назад +7

      Same with “high end” food…one single scallop on a plate garnished with one blade of grass and a drizzle of dandelion sauce. That’s supposed to be special.

  • @1111jojo
    @1111jojo 2 месяца назад +15

    I know what Paul/ Pauline Calf would say about that monstrosity. Yes, they are all in on it, in da club. Peasant mockery indeed.

  • @gannet58555
    @gannet58555 2 месяца назад +11

    I remeber a brick art piece once ...just bricks on the floor...someone called that art

  • @phyllislovelace8151
    @phyllislovelace8151 2 месяца назад +7

    Thank you Nigel. Stay free! God bless you & yours

  • @michaelgaskell1419
    @michaelgaskell1419 2 месяца назад +38

    It's all about money laundering

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +17

      Don't forget the mockery: they laugh every time some middle-class m0r0n admires some new art commissioned to mock the peasants - Melyvn Bragg says it's good, so it must be good

    • @thomasdudoso
      @thomasdudoso 2 месяца назад +12

      Remember "that's life" got the elephants and monkeys to paint on canvas with bicycles and brushes then they brought in the unwitting art critics to fawn over it 😂😂

    • @Jimmybarth
      @Jimmybarth 2 месяца назад

      Uh huh huh huh ok Cletus

  • @dawnjohn64
    @dawnjohn64 2 месяца назад +27

    Reminds me of the unmade bed by Tracey Emin..😂..not for me....see they have just made her a 'dame'..

    • @mememcd4885
      @mememcd4885 2 месяца назад +3

      Yeah I was thinking of that one. Crazy

    • @paintingtosser3814
      @paintingtosser3814 2 месяца назад

      Mindbenders. A dame ? No way this is what they done. No way.

  • @davelowe1977
    @davelowe1977 2 месяца назад +11

    So... imagine I conspired with a group of rich people. I pose as an artist and produce a limited number of 'paintings'. We then organise a high profile auction where the bidding is rearranged. The rich guys purchase assets which can be written off for CGT and both I and the auction house profit handsomely. The 'art' then becomes a tradeable asset on the black market, allowing for deals to be made.

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +8

      Most of the art is bought with your taxes, peasant

  • @pauldby1479
    @pauldby1479 2 месяца назад +10

    There a large amount of emperors new clothes going on in the art world

  • @jackspring7709
    @jackspring7709 2 месяца назад +4

    P.S. Holidays are there for people to relax and recharge their batteries. I go to a seaside town in Portugal - and while I'm there I stay up late, smoke cigars in the patio, listen to music, walk, swim and drink coffee. Its my obligation to myself, not to other people. :)

  • @Jeru185
    @Jeru185 2 месяца назад +6

    The Picasso 'artworks' looks like the output from a seriously demented mind to me.
    I was in London recently and in a small park there was a piece of 'modern art', it most definitely resembled a pile of dog t*rd painted silver. This was in Starmer's constituency...
    We are being openly mocked.

  • @nickob55
    @nickob55 2 месяца назад +6

    Totally agree and that sculpture is garbage

  • @feduplisteningtobs
    @feduplisteningtobs 2 месяца назад +8

    The Independent article 'Modern art was a CIA Weapon' (22nd October 1995) is worth a read. Its an interesting add on to the topic that youve covered here. Only heard about this CIA op a few weeks ago.

  • @petersoakell6950
    @petersoakell6950 2 месяца назад +10

    sculpture would not last long in UK

  • @kerang9240
    @kerang9240 2 месяца назад +8

    Hi Nigel, i agree fully with what you are saying here. I love art, but a lot of it is utter garbage.

  • @briiigiiijaureguiii
    @briiigiiijaureguiii 2 месяца назад +4

    I've said the very same.
    You know who's just as good at this?
    Mark Rothko.

  • @JeffSBoro
    @JeffSBoro 2 месяца назад +14

    I also went to the Picasso museum in Malaga. I went in thinking he was a Mickey taker but I came out thinking he was actually a very talented artist as can be seen from his earlier work.
    I do agree though that art is a giant hoax, as can be seen from those pieces of wood you have shown.

    • @jungatheart6359
      @jungatheart6359 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes, Nigel's way out on this one. Picasso was a very bad example. This was a bit cringey to be honest.

    • @StarBibiBrownGal123
      @StarBibiBrownGal123 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes I went too! He basically changed his work into those block cartoons. On one hand I understand postmodernism in art/design is very important in its particular ‘energy’ if you know what I mean and does break away from the old overly oppressive religious mould all the societies were in (having said that Picasso ripped off simple African prints) (& yes I’m putting all non classical into the postmodern box of the last 100+ years, maybe not ones like cubism as that’s more it’s own, I won’t get into it though).
      To expand on that, you can see the difference in current religious/‘third world’(?) design and the western world’s varied art-despite being postmodern and 90% obviously inferior to art such as that of the Italian Renaissance. So from an aesthetic and ‘spiritual’ perspective (well, basically art) I agree with Nigel that the works before are so much better and have so much true art within their forms of being art (only male though, female were overlooked too, so still frmsnry or at least written out of history?).
      And now I think it’s time we need to move on (which in the genuine part of the art world it may be) to a different form/s of art and energy than the 20th century to peak at early 21st century postmodern one, something that more values the aesthetic and spirituality just like our culture now is changing and becoming deeper again. For instance, a current type of art I think is absolutely amazing is wire art (and even more so when mixed with paint on canvas), I wish that instead got more fame and reception than the tired “postmodern” art. And have you seen videos such as that man who created a portrait by hammering glass? All examples of amazing art/forms that are 90% superior to postmodern!

  • @sunlightprism
    @sunlightprism 2 месяца назад +2

    My view of modern "art" took a 180 degree turn once I understood the psychology of those who finance it, and the same goes for TV, movies, and media. All this celebrated garbage is easy to see through when the spells and witchcraft are no longer effective. Thanks for another quality post, Nigel.

  • @FraserBailey-jm5yz
    @FraserBailey-jm5yz 2 месяца назад +5

    Finland looks so civilised and serene. And nuclear power to boot. I want to live there.

    • @YannickRazzle
      @YannickRazzle 2 месяца назад +4

      There are a lot of noisy green wokers here too. Luckily we still have enough common sense in the parliament to deal with them - until we don´t. And yeah the summer is beautiful, too bad it only lasts for a few months.

  • @piggypiggypig1746
    @piggypiggypig1746 2 месяца назад +1

    I’m not afraid to say the P word. It’s a load of old Pollocks.

  • @stephenogden5470
    @stephenogden5470 2 месяца назад +18

    Tracy Emmen has just been made a Dame for similar works of utter shite!
    Have you ever seen the comedy film, The Rebel, starring Tony Hancock. If you haven't I would highly recommend it, as it is all about the pretentious world of Art.

    • @stephenchappell7512
      @stephenchappell7512 2 месяца назад +2

      Saw it years ago but it's
      certainly worth another look
      Thanks for the reminder 👍

    • @pablolowenstein1371
      @pablolowenstein1371 2 месяца назад +3

      Same with Hirst and 'banksy'. All manufactured by the control grid. Better 'art' has fallen out of a cows arse.

  • @busdriver6278
    @busdriver6278 2 месяца назад +1

    Do you know what... This video absolutely nailed it..
    I had to watch twice as it is so modestly put..

  • @leannecotterell6757
    @leannecotterell6757 2 месяца назад +4

    Look at advertising!!! Unbelievably juvenile in many cases. And why is there a koala bear on the packaging of my toilet rolls? Am I supposed to be so infantile that a cuddly character would sway my purchasing decisions??? It's everywhere!!! I believe the psychology runs along the lines of treat someone like a child and they will soon behave as such......

  • @silver-en7kl
    @silver-en7kl 2 месяца назад +2

    Lol, that’s what I’ve always thought about most of the “fine works of art”. As a tradesperson (Carpenter) if my work looked like like these artists work I would be fired, not admired. You are 100% correct, it’s peasant mockery, gaslighting and hatred towards us scum.

  • @markcross8649
    @markcross8649 2 месяца назад +7

    Curiously, Picasso was technically accomplished in the works he produced at the start of his career. Don’t know what drove its subsequent development but it certainly wasn’t divine inspiration, the desire to create or channel something beautiful.

  • @pablolowenstein1371
    @pablolowenstein1371 2 месяца назад +10

    Are the locals collecting for bonfire night nigel! 😂

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +4

      At least it would be of some use - LMFAO

    • @pablolowenstein1371
      @pablolowenstein1371 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@nigelwatson2750nigel, you should see the guardian today about how male hillwalkers should not hassle or 'mansplain' female walkers...hilarious woke bull.

    • @pablolowenstein1371
      @pablolowenstein1371 2 месяца назад

      ​@@nigelwatson2750article is from Monday 17th.

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад

      @@pablolowenstein1371 What???!!!

    • @pablolowenstein1371
      @pablolowenstein1371 2 месяца назад

      @@nigelwatson2750 just you be a good boy when out walking...ok Tiger?

  • @warrior9085
    @warrior9085 2 месяца назад +4

    Tracy Emin's bed springs to mind.

  • @georgereed2947
    @georgereed2947 2 месяца назад +2

    Actually looks like a tax payer who has been bent over. 😮

  • @DJMarkcuson
    @DJMarkcuson 2 месяца назад +1

    Was there 2 weeks ago. Went to Picasso’s birth place, one of his earliest drawing had the single eyes on it. I laughed and thought no getting away from the all seeing eye!

    • @DJMarkcuson
      @DJMarkcuson 2 месяца назад +2

      Fine art for me is just about money laundering and being able to move vast amounts of money around the elites.

  • @terryharrison5185
    @terryharrison5185 2 месяца назад +23

    Same as the Banksy shite 😂😂😂

  • @Ducky-b8y
    @Ducky-b8y 2 месяца назад +2

    There is a shopping reciept from Coop framed on the wall in the TAT modern in London - a true masterpiece

  • @sparkymlarky
    @sparkymlarky 2 месяца назад +4

    How long till Pablo Picasso looks like the double of David lammy in history books.

  • @user-zz9gn2dc3l
    @user-zz9gn2dc3l 2 месяца назад +1

    Yes that bit of wood set-up they called a sculpture is pure peasant mockery.

  • @kaycee625
    @kaycee625 2 месяца назад +5

    Ive lived in Malaga and surrounds for years. Picasso was a truly awful man and his paintings are indeed a piss take. I refuse to go into that museum if I have visitors. There’s a lovely little bar just opposite the entrance where the wine is fabulous!

  • @jackspring7709
    @jackspring7709 2 месяца назад +3

    From what I can see there was a huge push in the 1960's to make things ugly in the art world along with everything else in the world they were trying to 'uglify'. The odd thing about Picasso is that I've seen his earlier paintings and they were excellent, traditional pieces: so he clearly decided in later years to start painting this rubbish or he was paid to.

  • @user-xe4sn6he8w
    @user-xe4sn6he8w 2 месяца назад +6

    Hi Nigel, have been watching you from France for some time now.I love the way you always end with ‘God bless’. Coming back to today’s topic, something that struck me a few years ago is the scribbly tree logo of the Conservatives. I mean…
    P.S: the red trousers gang exists here too with the same social level as in Surrey.
    PPS:the Canadian, Jason Christoff, whose field of expertise is mind-control speaks of what he calls ‘uglification’ of buildings, offices etc…as being a deliberate way to keep the masses depressed. God bless!

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +1

      The Red Trouser gang in France are mostly British, no?

    • @user-xe4sn6he8w
      @user-xe4sn6he8w 2 месяца назад +1

      @@nigelwatson2750the ones I’ve observed are French. Maybe it’s a city thing as I live in Lyon.

  • @MenGrowingTOWin
    @MenGrowingTOWin 2 месяца назад +2

    And I thought "the kings new clothes" was just a child's bedtime story.

  • @pda49184
    @pda49184 2 месяца назад +3

    I've thought the same as you for years when it comes to art . My theory is that Picasso had a pet Baboon that did all the painting for him. I remember in the 1980's an independent film maker did a 'set-up' job by introducing a (bogus) new 'artist' to the New Your scene.. He was a very 'arty' cool looking, introspective type played by an actor and his diabolical paintings were produced by a load of children from an elementary school in Texas. All the 'experts and art critics got completely taken in and hailed this fake artist as the next star of abstract art. The children's paintings sold for $thousands .. It was hilarious, especially when he told them all they'd been completely conned..

  • @PRC420
    @PRC420 2 месяца назад +5

    They've done it with the buildings so why not do it with art 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @nostorynow9350
    @nostorynow9350 2 месяца назад +4

    govern-to guide or control...ment-the mind.

  • @lindajenking3323
    @lindajenking3323 2 месяца назад +2

    That sculpture 🤣🤣🤣

  • @vic6820
    @vic6820 2 месяца назад +5

    Champagne and expensive wine is a similar thing. An association of culture and wealth but really just showing off as would be the case for an expensive painting of a few coloured stripes.

  • @fasteddie8980
    @fasteddie8980 2 месяца назад +3

    Our Tracy 'of the p'd on bed' has been enobled 😂

  • @elim7228
    @elim7228 2 месяца назад +1

    Agree 💯 percent. The club of hiding hands.

  • @discodave2733
    @discodave2733 2 месяца назад +3

    Art is like charity's just money laundering

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +2

      100%, and these days, governments fund both money laundering activities using tax, i.e. our money.

  • @roboutaboutintas5444
    @roboutaboutintas5444 2 месяца назад +1

    If those grotesgue things are "sculpture" then I am Michaelangelo!

  • @d23890w549874A
    @d23890w549874A 2 месяца назад +4

    Having went to the same museum a few years back i almost spat out my coffee this morning as we had very similar impressions. I'd never taken much time to look at his art before a friend suggested we go there.

  • @Happy_Limpet
    @Happy_Limpet 2 месяца назад +2

    On point ! . Been thinking the same for long time about plenty they try to feed [us].

  • @carolebarker2195
    @carolebarker2195 2 месяца назад +1

    I agree with you, I've always thought that about Picasso. Charlatan. And it's only got worse hasn't it, with unmade beds and brick walls being lauded to the skies by the Arts Nobbling Councils, as Douglas Adams said in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy! Mocking the "peasants"/humiliation rituals indeed.

  • @jmac4952
    @jmac4952 2 месяца назад +1

    This is brilliant. What an amazing truth drop session. It's strange to be awake to this insanity, which is actually obvious if you just pay attention.

  • @aprilnelly
    @aprilnelly 2 месяца назад +1

    Picasso was classically trained by his father. I was always dubious until a trip to the Barcelona Picasso Museum. He was quite accomplished with many examples of landscape paintings and other well executed examples of representational art.

  • @familymediacablevasquez8563
    @familymediacablevasquez8563 2 месяца назад

    I was there at that museum in 2006/2007 with fellow students at the local Spanish language academy.
    We all thought it was rubbish.

  • @jonathangault3335
    @jonathangault3335 2 месяца назад +7

    100% Agree....😂😂😂

  • @andrewlilley3660
    @andrewlilley3660 2 месяца назад +5

    I can't believe that people fall for this stuff, I was watching 1984 the other day, and I recall the first time I watched it I thought nobody would ever go along with this rubbish, we have recently experienced a living example and continue to do so.
    It is the same with many so-called artists, it's just one giant piss-take, but if enough people say something is good most people go along with it, two and two really equal five, hahaha.

    • @ninajanecooper
      @ninajanecooper 2 месяца назад

      I haven’t watched 1984 and have seen it is free to view on Amazon Prime so I plan to watch it this weekend. Thanks for the tip 👍

  • @eamonanthony6767
    @eamonanthony6767 2 месяца назад +6

    This morning in Ireland at 6AM the sky was completely blue at 9AM it was covered in chemtrails the last sunny days we had were in early May, does this happen in Finland Nigel please?

    • @nigelwatson2750
      @nigelwatson2750  2 месяца назад +3

      I don't film until the afternoon. Have you seen my video on trails in the sky? It's easily found on my channel

    • @eamonanthony6767
      @eamonanthony6767 2 месяца назад

      Thank you@@nigelwatson2750 i'll have look.

    • @petiadavis5122
      @petiadavis5122 2 месяца назад +2

      Same in York

  • @gitteawwal5447
    @gitteawwal5447 2 месяца назад +1

    I totally agree! I have always thougt that the real artisk are the ones that can paint a portrait that really looks like the person they paint, or the things they paint because that is really difficult!

  • @SheriffofYouTube
    @SheriffofYouTube 2 месяца назад +11

    i would say your son's art is pretty good next to a picasso, maybe even better

  • @jazzsoulbrothers
    @jazzsoulbrothers 2 месяца назад +1

    "Urban intellectuals from Putney"! 😂

  • @coldpotatoes2556
    @coldpotatoes2556 2 месяца назад +2

    A book called 'The Re-enchantment Of Art' by Suzi Gablik explains what you are talking about, who chooses, the reasons, the money making, power and also how to change this sad paradigm art has found itself in. Worth a read.

  • @Bigmart56
    @Bigmart56 2 месяца назад +1

    I think you are bang on there Nigel , good stuff 👍

  • @rocklover7437
    @rocklover7437 2 месяца назад +8

    Expensive wines also bullshi .

  • @gwenweston1854
    @gwenweston1854 2 месяца назад +3

    It's the same with all the junk that has appeared all over the UK. From the 11.5 m Earth Mother Goddess idol in Cornwall to the Floozies in the Jacuzzi in Birmingham and elsewhere. Most regard them with disdain.

  • @user-pe2pt2bs7x
    @user-pe2pt2bs7x 2 месяца назад +2

    Thanks Nigel

  • @honeyb1286
    @honeyb1286 2 месяца назад +4

    I’ve always thought some of this modern art looks like they are on drugs when do their ‘art’ … not something I’d want to look at more than once …

  • @DavidWilliams-qs6lz
    @DavidWilliams-qs6lz 2 месяца назад +11

    Here's another one. Has anyone ever questioned this time zone nonsense. It was apparent nonsense to me last year on our return journey on Le Shuttle. Here are the times on our tickets.
    Departs Folkestone at 08:50
    Journey time 35 mins
    Arrives in Calais at 10:25
    Friday 07 July 2023
    Departs Calais at 12:50
    Arrives in Folkestone at 12:25
    In other words we arrived in Folkestone 25 minutes before we have even left Calais. I said to my wife: this timetable is absolute nonsense. How can we arrive in Folkestone before we have even left Calais yet no one questions it. So, just because there's a strip of water dividing the UK from France they tell us they are in a different time zone. So, if we travel from Folkestone to Glasgow, a much further trip than from Folkestone to Calais, there's no time difference then. They're messing with our heads.
    Yet everyone accepts this as normal. Unless I'm missing something lol.

    • @petiadavis5122
      @petiadavis5122 2 месяца назад

      Belive this is something to do with money loundering as well

    • @JohnHughes2002
      @JohnHughes2002 2 месяца назад

      France is in the Continental European Timezone, which is one hour ahead of us. Scotland is north of England, which has no real bearing on timezone, which is to do with the rotation of the earth. Timezone is east-west, not north-south.

    • @DavidWilliams-qs6lz
      @DavidWilliams-qs6lz 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@JohnHughes2002 Really, ha ha. You've convinced me - NOT.

    • @garyburrows3965
      @garyburrows3965 2 месяца назад +1

      @@JohnHughes2002 The Earth rotates? Never felt it, no instrument has ever recorded it. Fly East to West or West to East, takes same length of time.

  • @robertorhymes
    @robertorhymes 2 месяца назад +1

    It's the same MO Creating a need that serves the order followers greed Wether it's the Britneys or an art show Bless your heart Nigel have a great day my sun

  • @bentuffin6357
    @bentuffin6357 2 месяца назад +3

    Hahaha something for the birds an dogs to piss on