NDIS with Surfing the Spectrum at Nobby's Beach, Newcastle

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • [Tahlia - Surfing the Spectrum]
    So today we're having our Surfing the Spectrum event at Nobby's Beach in Newcastle. We have
    enrolled a whole bunch of participants and local volunteers to come together as a community
    and put on this event, bringing children with autism down to the beach. We will do ocean
    awareness and water safety and get them in the water and let them have a go at surfing.
    [Aimee - Surfing the Spectrum]
    These kids are around a lot of other kids, and they can see and explore. They've got their feet in
    the water. They've been playing with the sand. They've been able to have that connection with
    other people in the community, laughing, smiling, and just having a go.
    [Parent - Participant]
    Their volunteers are just amazing.
    [Volunteer - Surfing the Spectrum]
    Meeting people that you wouldn't meet every day and giving back to them, allowing them to
    take part in something they might not get the opportunity to do is a really big importance.
    My best part about this is where I get to surf on my body and sit down on the board too.
    [Parent - Noah, participant]
    The first time we came to this event, we didn't know if it would be something Noah would like
    or Noah would take two. And these events have definitely improved his confidence, not just at
    the beach, but overall.
    [End Transcript]

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