Made a transmission for our old robot for vrc a few months ago for high stakes that got cad designed over the course of 18 months, worked perfectly on a mechanical aspect, took it apart. Good to see their at least usefull for vex U
No way this was a strat I was thinking about around two months ago. The only thing I’d do is maybe latch onto opposing alliance’s mobile goals before they’re filled and carry two rings with us to cancel out that mogoals worth. Maybe even some sort of shield that allows rings from your intake to go on mobile goals with as little clearance as possible and that shield prevents the robot on the opposite alliance from further scoring rings onto the mogoal while dragged along. I love this game :)
this might be one of the most insightful fun interviews ive seen yet. W blrs
Made a transmission for our old robot for vrc a few months ago for high stakes that got cad designed over the course of 18 months, worked perfectly on a mechanical aspect, took it apart. Good to see their at least usefull for vex U
Their really not. Regular drives did just as good as the transmission at this event.
so good
No way this was a strat I was thinking about around two months ago. The only thing I’d do is maybe latch onto opposing alliance’s mobile goals before they’re filled and carry two rings with us to cancel out that mogoals worth. Maybe even some sort of shield that allows rings from your intake to go on mobile goals with as little clearance as possible and that shield prevents the robot on the opposite alliance from further scoring rings onto the mogoal while dragged along. I love this game :)
The tech
the tech
First Comment Lets GO
ftc mentioned
@@darryltang4679 I think it's great to show that teams from both programs can take inspiration from reach other.