The Dutch colony was established 370 years ago, not 307 years ago. To look at this another way, the Dutch/Afrikaners have been present in South Africa for much longer than the US has been a country. Also you use a verbal slight of hand in suggesting white farmers are not subject to disproportionate violence. You do this by changing the focus from "whites on their farms" to "whites", and then refer to an undefined "any other group". The fact is that since the end of apartheid violence in South Africa has gone through the roof. The fact that all may be effected by this does not reduce the problem for white farmers. Nor do you mention that commercial farmers in South Africa are overwhelmingly white (both Afrikaners and English speakers) and, as a result, are the the group that most subject to a particular type of crime associated with the physical isolation of farmsteads. This frequently comes with violence against them. In other words they are disproportionately targeted.
Your case is not valid. I am quite sure that if the crime stats in SA were summed up, the number of Black people killed would be FAR MORE THAN those of whites. That is not to say that the White people who have been killed do not matter. Rather, it is to disprove the lie you are telling without any facts. By virtue of the fact that Blacks are the majority in SA, it is common sense that more Blacks would be killed than whites. I wonder why British-descended whites are not whining like so called Afrikaners who feel they are somehow special. Get out of that rigid mindset man and perhaps dispute the facts as presented here by the fact checkers:
Many don't look at history in the lens of facts. Historians should look at the numbers of brutal murders and rap3s of women (and not just white women) from the recorded onset of the previous century to understand the nature of violence in this Country without control thereof and other reasons for segregation other than pure racial discrimination. Whites (English and Afrikaners) were a minority in an extremely hostile world and still are and are still getting rap3d and murdered in high numbers but swept under the rug under the guise of Marxism. More people die silently under the rule of "Democracy" in the world than in total wars.
@@redflag4255 I have heard of research that suggests those who cannot see the world in broad terms tend to be left wing. While those who can tend to be on the right. This may be why it is endlessly frustrating to converse with those on the left. In the case of South Africa though the overall consequences can be much more than frustration.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Nothing complex why does the european feel the to stay illegally in Africa they do it in Canada America Australia when will they get dignity to give these lands back to its owners repay them polluting our ways of living repay us for industrialization of our once great countries restore our resources stolen from our ancestors from which their offspring still benefit
My mom was killed by 3 black men. They only took her phone. In her bag next to her she had a few rand. She had a small television. But they only took the phone. Why, what reason was there for them to kill her. Is this because she were white. I believe it was. White South Africans are been slaughtered by black South Africans, especially those on farms. Why is the town there? To be save. If you are in this position in your country, wouldn't you do the same. Yes we have nowhere to go. To immigrate you need a lot of money or Dr, Prof, Postgraduate diploma. We do not have that kind of money to study further. We are not scared of working. We are not lazy. We love our culture. Like all others do. What happened in apartheid was the decision of the Leaders in the country those years. What happened now is not that we blame black people. But the leaders again, with the killing of white people. EFF is IN front of it all. We paid and work the land that we stay on. We do not want to harm anyone. And for the black people they deserve the same rights. But the government is taking the money for themselves and do not create jobs for people in squatter camps. When you meet all South Africans you will find great people in all races. You will also find a small group that is thieves, killers because of all different reasons. It is not about color of anybody any more.
to kill european invaders in africa or their offspring will never be wrong as long as europeans did not pay blood for blood for our ancestors they murdered
People often don't understand the level of racism by black people in Africa, and in S Africa it is particularly tribal Attacks in foreigners, both black and white, arw common. There is a long long history of tribal violence in S Africa.
if she is a european its about time if she was african its the curse of the european jesus and the jewish go since 1652 the christians has killed murdered rape and stole our lend and resources if european and jew get out of africa we will be a blessed people return also our resources
@@africanlipripperstaariqess2338 Where is the proof that land was stolen? If you are so educated please provide the proof and title deeds of the said stolen land. Some land was given to the Afrikaners by some chiefs of some tribes to settle disputes with other tribes. To be fair some tribes stole from other tribes as well. Get your facts and history right.
It's the old Republican flag not the "apartheid" flag. It was the united South African flag during apartheid times and unlike America we changed ours after the fact.
@@Waterford1992 True, no the name but it was the flag all the way through from 1924 -1994 From the Monarchy through to SA becoming a Republic and after.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
White Afrikaners are by far the most persecuted group in South Africa, the Afrikaners who first fought the bloodthirsty Dingane and his Zulu hordes, then the ever greedy British in 2 Boer wars for our own independence, we struggled to have a state in any form that was our own whilst there were many states dedicated to the preservation of blacks, the Afrikaners fought tooth and nail, spilled their blood and yet have been frowned upon when all we want is a state of our own, a state run by our people, for our people.
@@dixoncider3933just goes to show that we are the superior race. We do not own the resources of our own country, Afrikaans is systematically being replaced as a language in SA, the Afrikaaners are systematically being persecuted for their views whilst the kaffer Malema can sing "kill the Boer, kill the white man". Land is being expropriated without consent or compensation. Yet still we refuse to give up, we own the majority of wealth, we hold the vast majority of educated people and people with practical skills. We hold the majority of wealth even though we are outnumbered 3 million against 40 million apes.
Yes the Afrikaners used to rule South Africa. And before that, they were basically a non-British white tribe chafing under the British empire. And before that... have you heard of the Zulu Mfecane? It was one of history's great genocidal wars/ migrations. Imagine trying to rule a society that has just been through a holocaust like that, and trying to find ways to promote healing: The British did not succeed, the Afrikaners did not succeed, and the ANC has not succeeded either. There are no good solutions, but failed solutions do not mean intent for evil. Even the best intentions can go astray, and a capacity for forgiveness and generosity will be needed on all sides forever.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Africa still belong to Africans no matter who invaded raped stole looted oppressed imposed whatever european will never be Africans though they used false identity calling themselves Afrikaner they are european snake eggs in a chicken coop will still hatch snakes
Only healing for Africans is european imposters must leave Africa return resources with interest restore everything there offspring benefited from remove their religion traditions cultures languages legal systems their education systems and pay Africa for damages caused by the industrialization of our great continent restore every speck of dust coal gold diamond metal everything the european has stolen take your evil Bible and your Jews with you
Don't think any black people need a white man to lead them. It wasn't their place, they were visitors who had no business in local issues but because they were white and thought of themselves superior they murdered their way into power 🥴 from your comment i see you have some stupid assumptions.
Apartheid is a dutch word....afrikaners sounds yo me as a dutchy like old Dutch or something.What stands out for me they make the words little or small,for example.....kid they will say kiddy or in Dutch stoep ( sidewalk ) they say stoepje (small sidewalk ) It sounds funny and gangsta at the same time.Its sttange for me as a dutchy to see black African talk afrikaners (dutch) on the other side of the world.De Boeren weren't all bad or bad from the beginning? Some of them separated and became the scum they are? I know they where brave during the boeren wars but that worth apartheid will be forever connected to us dutch people.But to see how they are treaded now also stings.Nelson tried and he was a good man,the people who are ruling now are making a goddamn mess of that country😢
There are 9.6 million black people living in Europe with almost two thirds of them all living in the United Kingdom and France. And you people are complaining about 2,7 million white Afrikaners in Africa. Get out of here!
The tragedy of South Africa is rather the ANC inherited a functional nation. The ANC has done a poor job running that nation. Orania is growing because of the policies of the ANC. The nation is a mess even the late Bishop Desmond Tutu chastised the ANC for corruption and incompetence.
Just by blaming the ANC does not adress the root of the problem, the fact of the matter is, the ANC is full of blacks. Never been able to construct or maintain a complex civilization, most likely never will.
The IQ of the ANC is way lower than people running the country previously so no one should be surprised that South Africa has been in decline since the 1990s.
Every group has the right to have their culture. Afrikaners have also contributed to the development of SA. Having a white Only settlement is not a bad idea. White folks also have the right to display their SA Colours as they see fit.
@@sboneloblessingndwandwe5092 good question o bra that's the Verwoerd way of thought cause division by separating all citizens of a country along racial economic an other lines because the more division and less social unity among citizens of a country boom those in power can easily cause division an opress the majority by any means necessary
That doesn't make it less of an Apartheid flag just because it was waved before the actual Apartheid erra. That system of Apartheid was just official when it was implemented. But that doesn't mean that this oppressive afrikaaner culture didn't exist along with that flag even if it was before the official Apartheid era. So please,that is an Apartheid flag. What I mean by "evolve" is that even when it existed before the actual Apartheid era,but it turned out to be waved now officially as an Apartheid flag(during the time when Apartheid was implemented) because it's nature always existed that way even when it wasn't explicitly "Apartheid flag" yet. So once again please,That is an Apartheid flag!
It really isn't a simple issue or solution. One on hand, you could argue that like any post-colonial nation, South Africa is trying to rid itself of its colonial past. On the other hand, the Afrikaners have been in South Africa hundreds of years before the scramble for Africa by the major powers. They too have a culture that is cemented in African history. I feel like the way the South African government handled land redistribution, was a bit revenge oriented and created a lot of problems. What's interesting as well is that many people here in the US or even in Canada may say something about how it was Black South Afircans land a long time ago and therefore they should have it back, while we never had any plans to give our land back to the Native Americans. Ya get what I mean? Most people out of a new world country, that would say that the original native South Africans and their descendents have more right to the land, would entirely disagree with being forced from their own home to have a Native American family take it over.
@african1 most ethnic grouos don’t originate fron that region yet end up there anyway. Should we depopulate the Americas since many if the prople there are European? No, it happened hundreds of years ago and would just be genocide, sonething you should be very much against.
That's the problem when 1 innocent black person is shot by a police officer the world cares but when 75 south Africans are murdered for being white with black political figures aiding it on they're overlooked. You're the type of guy who would support slavery if it meant whites were the slaves because you live in a bitter tribalism mindstate. Also 80% of interracial murders in the USA are black on white. This isn't to compare or say who has it worse but just to open your mind
And they will continue to suffer even when there is not white man because that is the kind of people you are, the entirety of Africa is proof of this. Your very nature is that of a yeast that reproduces and reproduces and asks for more and more and only see the present. When you inevitably sink into poverty again, there will be no white man to blame and you will deserve every second of it.
I'm not Afrikaans nor South African yet I have lived in South Africa for 5 years and what I can say is that I stand with white South Africans who identify them selfs as a part of South Africa, not with those who believe they are the lost children of the Dutch colony and South Africa still belongs to them. Unfortunately, some black South Africans still hold onto the past and view white South Africans negatively, despite them being one of the pillars that make South Africa what it is, alongside black and coloured I also can say that the ANC is ruining the country and yet there are still some Black South Africans who lend their support to the ANC the current state of South Africa is crystal clear evidence that ANC is ruining the country and black South Africans should not aim to make South Africa like any other corrupted nation. Every citizen has the right to live in South Africa without discrimination, whether they are white, black, or coloured. If you think South Africa is solely for the blacks, you are harming the country. If you believe it is solely for the whites, you are also damaging the country. People who genuinely care about South Africa, regardless of their race, should unite.
So why they don’t allow blacks to live in orange (orania)if those white peoples are really good they must not discriminate blacks peoples in their own country.blacks people have to be careful otherwise they will be like Palestinians
It is always astounding how Europeans come to South Africa and just have an idea how the country works,. But then watching this shows they really don't.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Right now, ironically, middle aged educated white woman are the best people to work with in this country. It is ironic that, they grew up under apartheid, but they have over the years taken deliberate actions to shift their mindsets from what they where raised to believe about black people. I work with such people on a daily in harmony, we travel and share hotels. And its always professional and respectful. The younger generations are a different beast all together. They feel bitter and prosecuted over a perceived charge of ''hereditary theft''.
@@ireviewdopesht7216 white people themselves say multiculturalism doesn't work. But then when they see whites anywhere other than Europe they wanna change their attitude.
What culture? Your way of life? What way? Slavery, murder genocide that’s your culture. Anything you loved or was proud of, if it depleted or there of common love life and liberty then you had no culture.
modern life style that you can see and touch are almost built by white people. just look around,it everywhere ,like… without them,we’ll all live in barbaric life style.
what did the black actual contribute to civilization ??? transportation ? no. health care system? no. knowledge ? no. entertainment industry? no. Agricultural Technology?no. Architecture Technology?no. High Technology? no.
When I look at the respect and hospitality given to Indians in the UK, I often wonder whether the British ruled India. They allow Indians so much freedom. Why can't a similar attitude prevail in South Africa for Afrikaners. I grew up with them as an Indian on a farm and I could not even spell apartheid. We(whites, blacks, Indians) played, ate, lived happily. Vetri EC Komani 🙏🇿🇦🙏
afrikans living elsewhere outside their motherland submit to host country leaders and laws, europeans in afrika dont do that, afrikans outside afrika never gang up against host rulers and rules, europeans in afrika do, afrikans outside afrika never indulge massmurder and massrape as imperial tools, europeans do in afrika, thats the difference...
@@barengpooe8405 I agree with you Sir. I don't no much about Europeans in Afrika, but personally I live amongst all in harmony. Afrikaners, though, are hardworking people, without whom very little or no food will be available in stores. 🙏🇿🇦
@@thebadstation8416 I submit respectfully that the pronoun "they" is very broad to include all. We also have oppressors amongst our own kind. I work amongst Xhosa people as the only Indian and I would never leave this place. 🙏🇿🇦🙏Vetri EC Komani
Freedom to Indians and not Africans who are subjected to hardships in Europe. This video is about Africa, South Africa precisely. There are unbalanced facts as South Africa isn't Indians' but Africans'. That's my opinion.
Their land? Lol. Within the first minute. Simple question. How do you own a land you stole and have never paid for it? And another simple question. How many africans own 10,000 sq km of land in europe? The decent thing to do here is to stop lying to ourselves. The Afrikaans need to understand that the master slave culture is dead. They need to be humble and approach the situation with more foresight. Sadly many afrikaans I meet, and I go to Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia almost yearly, andmy observation as a mixed race european is that the afrikaans are heading towards violence if they do not stop and think. If the real land owners turned and paid the afrikaans back in kind with their attrocities I doubt we would be talking about land ownership issues. The worst barbaric racial violence was in south africa by the white europeans who think they own the land they stole at gun point. Karma can be a bit of an issue here.
All humans come from Africa so we all have a bit of African in us, some of us left and came back hundreds of years later. Some of us are leaving but we will be back again. Africa belongs to ALL of us, wither you like it or not. Its not up to you mate.
@@ThxGod_ItsOver So where do Nordic, Asians and Arabs come from huh? We all live on this little rock in the universe somewhere, unless its a simulation or we are some interplanetary kids science project. Yeah some Dutch people were unfair in the past but that has nothing to do with me as I did not do it. I have always treated people how they treat me. If you be nice, I'm nice. I no longer stay in SA and have since been welcomed in another culture and am almost fluent in Māori. I am a benefit to my new country and left because of people like you. SA has no skills and is falling apart which is sad as I love my country. I'm not Dutch, I'm Scottish/English. Get some education and then we can talk mate.
@@sueelliott4793 So where do Nordic, Asians and Arabs come from huh? WAKE UP RUclips - China / Asia's Original Black African Roots! RUclips - Ancient Nubia Now: How Egyptologists Removed Ancient Egypt from Africa RUclips - The Original Black African Arabs of Arabia (K.I.K) KING James the 1st of England was originally King James the 6th of Scotland. He was the son of a black father and a coloured mother both of royal blood. Without the necessary background, this may sound like a far-fetched story motivated by a crazy desire to identify black heroes in world history. We all live on this little rock in the universe somewhere, unless its a simulation or we are some interplanetary kids science project. STOP TRYING TO DEFLECT FROM THE TRUTH NOW SIN CE YOU KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING A LIE aLL YOUR LIFE!! WHITE EUROPEANS ARE NOT THE ISRAELITES OF THE BIBLE THEY COME OUT OF AFRICAN CONTINENT OR SHOW Y SCRIPTURE! RUclips - Ancient sculptures reveal their true colors RUclips - SCIENTIST COULDN'T HIDE HIS DISAPPOINTMENT AFTER FINDING OUT THE PHARAOHS WERE BLACK By Nadra Kareem Nittle Updated on July 04, 2020 Imagine a world where everyone had brown skin. Tens of thousands of years ago, that was the case, say scientists at Pennsylvania State University. So, how did white people get here? The answer lies in that tricky component of evolution known as a genetic mutation. EXODUS 15:14KJV! ISAIAH 14:29KJV! ISAIAH 11:11-12KJV! JOHN 10:1KJV JOHN 10:16KJV! Yeah some Dutch people were unfair in the past but that has nothing to do with me as I did not do it. THEY DID NOT HURT ANYBODY BUT THEMSELVES WHY? GALATIANS 6:7-8KJV! I have always treated people how they treat me. DID YOUR ANCESTORS OBEY MATTHEW 22:35-40KJV?? EXODUS 34: 7KJV - 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. If you be nice, I'm nice. I no longer stay in SA and have since been welcomed in another culture and am almost fluent in Māori. I am a benefit to my new country and left because of people like you. SEE YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YOU! LETS E VERY, VERY, VERY CLEAR THE REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY DOES NOT WORK HERE AT ALL! YOU SATANIST RUN AROUND THE WORLD SPEWING HATE, HYPOCRISY AND LIES ALL DAY EVERYDAY! SA has no skills and is falling apart which is sad as I love my country. SATNIST IN YOUR DREAMS YOU DEMONS ARE THE CURSE IN THE LAND! RUclips - THEY LIE ABOUT AFRICA - ventures TOOUP CHANNEL RUclips -They LIED To You About AFRICA RUclips - The Biggest Religious Festival In Africa, Ethiopia (Meskel Festival) RUclips - They Lied To You About Somalia (Mogadishu) RUclips - Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show RUclips - The South African town destroyed to make way for a whites-only suburb - BBC News RUclips - Americans Baffled After Finding Out Germany Is Trying To ‘Feed America’ With Emotional Advert! I'm not Dutch, I'm Scottish/English. Get some education and then we can talk mate. SATANIST YOU ARE A CULTURE VULTURE WHO SQUATTED ON AFRICAN LAND THINKING IT WAS YOURS HOW EDUCATED IS THAT???
@@sueelliott4793 maybe africans can repay europeans with their brutality. Spoken like true inbreed. If african belongs to everyone does europe belong to everyone?
These people were declared criminals in their country and they were assigned to work in ships. How did they own such vast amounts of land and minerals resources in a foreign continent?
WHITE EUROPEANS ARE THE COLONIZER OFFSPRING NOT AFRICANS! SLAVERY = HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND LINCOLN WAS A HUMAN TRAFFICKER OF AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT!! - JEREMIAH 34:8-22KJV! The Nobel Prize winner and civil rights advocate is remembered for his stance against discrimination, both in his native Germany and in the United States. In a speech at Lincoln University in 1946-the first US institution to grant degrees to African-Americans-he famously stated that racism was a “disease of white people.” - EINSTIEN The history of external COLONISATION of Africa can be dated back from ancient, medieval, or modern history, depending on how the term COLONISATION is defined. Ancient Greeks, Arabs, Romans, and Malays all established COLONIES colonies on the African continent, some of which endured centuries. In popular parlance, discussions of colonialism in Africa usually focus on the European conquests of the New Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa (1884-1914) era, followed by gradual DE COLONISATION after World War II. The principal powers involved in the modern COLONISATION of Africa are AMERICA, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy. During the Tulsa race riots in 1921, black businesses and homes in the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were destroyed at the hands of white residents. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Riots began after a white mob attempted to lynch a teenager falsely accused of assaulting a white woman. RUclips - THEY LIE ABOUT AFRICA - ventures TOOUP CHANNEL RUclips -They LIED To You About AFRICA RUclips - The Biggest Religious Festival In Africa, Ethiopia (Meskel Festival) RUclips - They Lied To You About Somalia (Mogadishu) RUclips - Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show RUclips - The South African town destroyed to make way for a whites-only suburb - BBC News RUclips - Americans Baffled After Finding Out Germany Is Trying To ‘Feed America’ With Emotional Advert! GENESIS 2:10-15KJV - HAVILAH, ETHIOPIA, ASSYRIA, EURPHRATES = AFRICAN CONTINENT! NOT EUROPE OR MIDDLE EAST! ⦁ NUMBERS 12:1KJV = MOSES ETHIOPIAN WIFE! ⦁ ACTS 8:26-27KJV = DESERT/GAZA/ETHIOPIANS/WORSHIPPERS! ⦁ ACTS 11:26KJV = CHRISTIANS/ANTIOCH = AFRICAN CONTINENT ⦁ JOHN 4:21KJV - Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. ⦁ JEW AND JEWISH ARE FAITHS JUST LIKE BAPTIST AND CATHOLIC. ⦁ 1 CORINTHIANS 9:20KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ESTHER 8:17KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ROMANS 2:29KJV - No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God. ⦁ GALATIANS 1:14KJV = RELIGION ⦁ PSALMS 118:8KJV - 8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. ⦁ RUclips - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 RUclips - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20 REVELATION 22:18-19KJV - 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. The first census asked just six questions: the name of the (white, male) householder, and then the names of all the other people in the household, divided into these categories: Free white males who were at least 16 years old; free white males who were under 16 years old; free white females; all other free persons; and slaves. The census reflected the values of the United States in 1790: “Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person. Indians weren’t counted until 1870,” Glass writes. 1 SAMUEL 16:7KJV - 7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
@@PunkDogCreations like the Lie of 1652 by Patrick Mellet...until the Lion are taught to read, history will always be written by the hunter...don't just read the books that fit your Narritve...
When the Dutch landed in South Africa...South Africa as a country did not exist. The land was not owned by anyone. There were no borders. It was not illegal for people to move from one country to another. It happened for thousands of years. So why are we judging today's laws on the past. You cant do that.
Finally, someone who knows about history. What we call present-day South Africa is nothing more and nothing less than a creation of the United Kingdom, uniting its slaves with Boers to have gold mines. South Africa as such never existed, and there were never people on that peninsula; the Boers founded it in two different nations that later, due to war reasons, joined, and eventually succumbed to the English, who created concentration camps for Boers
they have a right to live there,they made your economy,fought your wars gave you drummed music,won your worldcup,so yes they are making your economy way better than you would
Being ruled by basically a cargo cult people who are filled with envy and greed, while at the same time need the Afrikaners to run it and pay for it. Free Afrikaners! B
@@NyalBurns you mean stole and killed and grabbed land and jewels from them and for your info,africans civilised whites,we taught you education,writing and reading,we were way civilised before you brainwhashed everyone to thinking you discovered everything
Where is their place? Some of them are 5th generation South African. Their parents grandparents were African. They are African. I was not born in New Zealand but have been here for a while. I can speak Maori and Kiwis have accepted me as their own. You live and learn bro. We live on one planet.
Maybe go back to Europe? The land is for the Blacks as it was stolen from them. Can South Africa not offer reparations to people who need to give back that land that was stolen?
Nah come on dude be reasonable don't let your hate for them cloud your judgment thier culture wasn't Apartheid they most definitely used Apartheid tho to grow their national pride and culture but Apartheid was not their culture
@@siphokuhlelanga6377 which facts, if I may ask. Hence I said leak their ass remember SA is a democratic country, every 1 like you have the right to do whatever. Freedom is yours, take it
@@lebogangmoeketsi1614 fact is they are of Dutch and some French Decent these people have a history and that is why I said that Apartheid isn't their culture but rather something caused by their way of thinking but anyways I ain't here to fight with u nor defend Apartheid
And that is why the crime rates in Orania is basically ZERO. If they were "not good all", well then there would be violence and crime everywhere right? Maybe it is YOU who are not the "good people at all".
@@dasuta5047 you know you all think we are thiefs we work you know after apartheid what do you call your current goverment do they care about you??????
@@marianalmeida8980 give the stollen wealth back then make all the other arguments…until then it’s pointless… and why don’t white people want to go back to Europe..? I’m confused, it’s so much better there, lined with African gold, diamonds and blood
It has got nothing to do with ....what comes around goes around ...!!! ok ....nothing ..!.......We want a own homeland ....we want it ...!!! ....But the vindictive communist ANC government wont allow it ,,, know why .....???.....Because they know within 5 to 10 years a White Homeland will be an Utopia ..!!! a paradise ...!!!!!!!....and then all their incompetence will be open for the whole world to see a country must be run corruption stealing of the taxpayers money .....etc...etc...etc...!!!..........Put that in your pipe and smoke it !!
The San were the original inhabitants of South Africa. Black people migrated from North-West Africa and inflicted similar atrocities and brutality on the nomadic San (as what the Dutch later did on native South Africans) in order to build their properous kingdoms. Black people could do this because they were not nomadic. They were the original creators of this idea of "land/property ownership" in South Africa. The San were far more "environmentally friendly" in their way of life - their population could not grow exponentially because of their continous movement, and they moved in order not to deplete the land of its resources. Technically, we as black South Africans cannot argue that this is our land. We must all go back to Nigeria (or wherever) and leave the land to the San. 🤷🏾♀️ This is clearly not feasible or even fair. Why should current generations pay for the sins of their ancestors? And if that is true for us, is it not true for white people? All these arguments about where the blame starts are not constructive. Ideological/racist politics is destructive to the fabric of society. Colonisation should never have happened. Orania should not exist, but neither should the racism, greed and corruption of the governing ANC continue unabated... We are all children of God (I am not religious when I say this) and the land - everywhere in the world - belongs to each and every one of us. It is tragic how we as humans unnecessarily keep repeating the sins of the past to our own detriment. Sadly, I am not sure how to propose a constructive way of solving this problem despite my firm belief in what is true and right.
Unfortunately The San Are Black People, We Don't Want To Be Separated By Colour Like Laundry, That's A White Man's Game, For Preserving His Own People. Us Africans We Are One People.
@@sergiokrigare why would you say unfortunate the san is black what is so unfortunate about it we are black and proud of it there is no mysteryu too it
There is a thin line to differentiate San / Khoi people from some Xhosa clans as history declares were intermarried in the past, I also think Tswanas might have San!/ Khoi blood, you can see with their dancing & traditional attire, this is my opinion, these things happen ages ago,in the dark ages so the is no actual or correct information as to how exactly things happened, we just found all of us here, so when it comes to history we have a quarter of knowledge.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Every race group has a good and bad quality. if we try to see each others good qualities and work together with love and mutual respect, we can learn from each other. Hopefully the new generation of African, White and Indian children are different and will form a better rainbow nation. I think the danger the Afrikaaners feel is more in their mindset. They do not want to integrate with other races and yet are born in the same mother land. They keep praising Europe, then why did your forefathers leave Europe. Its an ego and superiority complex. God wants people to integrate. You can still maintain your culture but integrate with other people. How do you expect the people who was oppressed under an extremist nazi racist system lime apartheid to react ? There is going to take some time to heal from the past. Excluding yourselves from each other is just going to make it worst.
Hi Mona..unfortunately the word afrikaaner is loosely put in these kimd of articles...its like when you watch a video on youtube and see black guys bombing up a CIT van or colored guys with guns with the four front teeth out(there is actually a stpry behind that teeth things which will drive you to tears)but we are conditioned around us to see things a certain way there are lekker afrikaaners ou there the same like there are lekker black,colored,indian,chinese,rich and poor people,this is just those minorities that feel that government is failing and its failing cos its black ...there is always that minority of any demographic that makes that specific demographic look bad in its entirety...lets not hope for the new generation...we all alive right just live correct,we dont have to be freinds with everyone but we should never feel apart(its difficult to be entitled standing in home affiars queue LOL) ...our privilage as people of color will never be the same...what apartheid did was give the wrong people(not reffering to white as a demographic but the white people that was behind it for their own gain and oppressing everyone else) was give them a head start...always keep that in mind
The blacks want the whites out. Look at what happened to Brendin Horner. The ANC and the EFF openly support attacks on the Boers and one of their famous songs is 'kill the Boer.' Julius Malema and the EFF can incite as many murders of whites that they want and nothing will ever happen to them. Have you never seen T shirts worn with words on them like fuck white tears and south Africa is for blacks only? Obviously not. The ANC are doing what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe. The ANC are responsible for a lawless country, doubling unemployed and a ruined economy with sustained attacks on farmers. Great job! It is not as if whites are safe in black areas. One doctor in Soweto was murdered for being white despite having zero involvement in the infamous massacre of the 1970s. Orania was bought and the people there have every right to do what they want with it. Any ethnic minority facing racial extermination would seek safety in numbers.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
@@thebadstation8416 being the minority in the human population Out of the rest of the world as with any species yes we can be considered as an endangered group
@@gerryk101 Endangered means your population is near extinction. Hundreds of millions of whites don't look near extinction to me. And you did not address my comment.
There are 9.6 million black people living in Europe with almost two thirds of them all living in the United Kingdom and France. And you people are complaining about 2,7 million white Afrikaners in Africa. Get out of here!
@@gevoel8293 how the hell do you compare African demographic with Europes, What outrageous is the mentality that the Afrikaner can now think they can create and maintain racist mentality in Africa. There are lot of Afrikaners who live amongst other races and theres this few lot who want a white Afrikaner only community. That total bullshit, if they want that, they can hop on the boat and go back to where they came from.
@@OldRhino these types of conversations are very revealing, it was always about revenge and not "reconcilliation" and they make sure to tell you of that
One could say that, especially with all the back and forth pillaging between whites and blacks when the dutch started colonizing SA. The problem is that Apartheid ended 30 years ago. I know that might not seem like a lot of time, but the country has just become more corrupt and rundown. No matter your skin colour or heritage, everyone in South Africa can agree the ANC messed up the country and is milking its citizens dry. What Afrikaans people want is fairness, since the world readily jumped into action against Apartheid but ignore racially targeted murders just because it is white Afrikaners. The newer generation can't keep on paying for the sins of so long ago. There are legitimate black South Africans that still blame their current poverty on whites, when around 80% of the population is black and Black Economic Enpowerment was put into place long ago in SA. When will this "debt" be paid? Is it when there are no longer white people in South Africa? Will people stand there and watch how they rape and murder and burn down the homes of millions of white South Africans? Can that ever be justified?
Are white Afrikaners under threat in South Africa? | South Africa short doc 1514pm 30.3.23 i have no interest in south africa. and i suppose that reflects on how Europe feels about south africa per se... but then why should europe care about south africa? when all the old certainties are being swept away you will run back to the old embrace of past glories or so they say... as for the notion that they need to do everything themselves to be "free". that's quite understandable considering the history of the place. they look after their own... again; who doesnt...?
You know what you have guys have to do right?.... "YOU HAVE TO PICK YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS" If anyone can appreciate that, i know it's you people.😉
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Any race/demographic supremacy has no place in this world...lets just respect each other,not hate...not relive the bad from the past also not be oblivious to the fact that there is still those that wish "everything was still white"...yes government is failing in so many ways but it should not be confused with "people of color is failing the country"...i feel for the farm muders however everyday here on the cape flats(and every hood/ghetto in SA is killings),remember who build it and designed it that way(and here is each "race" living here all when farm muders take place nobody here celebrates it(we may not have the black crucifix on our cars to show for it) but we all are being failed...there is no superior demographic...Oranje is by people who feel their future is being jeopordised by our countrys leaders/politicians and if thats where the people feel safe then so be it,there are people of color aswell ita merely just a reflection of our failing state...but keep this in mind remember not to long ago with forced removals the equal future for people of color was jeopardised and the bloodlines for them are still suffering because of least Oranje is a created choice...these kind of headlines "are afrikaaners being wiped out" etc is gross exagerations...afrikaans is a slave language not a white in Paarl is "die taal monument" and yes its about afrikaans history...go get some insight on it...also why is there nothing about Jan Van Riebeek in dutch history,nothing in those museums(this if for those supremacists). Let me end off by saying this incase somebody thinks we are equal...what and where is your land?how did you get it?if your wealth does not have a story "ie won the lottery,parents own fortune 500 companies etc then you have blood on your hands and will always feel as if somebody is coming for you..simple as that.
"Any race/demographic supremacy has no place in this world..." You start your comment by attacking freedom why? "yes government is failing in so many ways but it should not be confused with "people of color is failing the country"..." I don't see white faces in government and I don't think we will ever see a white president in SA again isn't that racist in itself?
You hit the nail on the head bro. Its the world gone crazy. We are all humans living on a rock. The fear is real. We should pick random people and try just being nice, we can do one random act of kindness every day. It would go far ❤in making of good habits. Don't loose the love people.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Almost all of those countries were built on the resources stolen by force from Africa. Many of those Euro powers were literally rebuilt by Blacks (England, France). I call the new immigration, "Chickens coming home to roost".
WHITE EUROPEANS ARE THE COLONIZER OFFSPRING NOT AFRICANS! SLAVERY = HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND LINCOLN WAS A HUMAN TRAFFICKER OF AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT!! - JEREMIAH 34:8-22KJV! The Nobel Prize winner and civil rights advocate is remembered for his stance against discrimination, both in his native Germany and in the United States. In a speech at Lincoln University in 1946-the first US institution to grant degrees to African-Americans-he famously stated that racism was a “disease of white people.” - EINSTIEN The history of external COLONISATION of Africa can be dated back from ancient, medieval, or modern history, depending on how the term COLONISATION is defined. Ancient Greeks, Arabs, Romans, and Malays all established COLONIES colonies on the African continent, some of which endured centuries. In popular parlance, discussions of colonialism in Africa usually focus on the European conquests of the New Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa (1884-1914) era, followed by gradual DE COLONISATION after World War II. The principal powers involved in the modern COLONISATION of Africa are AMERICA, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy. During the Tulsa race riots in 1921, black businesses and homes in the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were destroyed at the hands of white residents. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Riots began after a white mob attempted to lynch a teenager falsely accused of assaulting a white woman. RUclips - THEY LIE ABOUT AFRICA - ventures TOOUP CHANNEL RUclips -They LIED To You About AFRICA RUclips - The Biggest Religious Festival In Africa, Ethiopia (Meskel Festival) RUclips - They Lied To You About Somalia (Mogadishu) RUclips - Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show RUclips - The South African town destroyed to make way for a whites-only suburb - BBC News RUclips - Americans Baffled After Finding Out Germany Is Trying To ‘Feed America’ With Emotional Advert! GENESIS 2:10-15KJV - HAVILAH, ETHIOPIA, ASSYRIA, EURPHRATES = AFRICAN CONTINENT! NOT EUROPE OR MIDDLE EAST! ⦁ NUMBERS 12:1KJV = MOSES ETHIOPIAN WIFE! ⦁ ACTS 8:26-27KJV = DESERT/GAZA/ETHIOPIANS/WORSHIPPERS! ⦁ ACTS 11:26KJV = CHRISTIANS/ANTIOCH = AFRICAN CONTINENT ⦁ JOHN 4:21KJV - Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. ⦁ JEW AND JEWISH ARE FAITHS JUST LIKE BAPTIST AND CATHOLIC. ⦁ 1 CORINTHIANS 9:20KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ESTHER 8:17KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ROMANS 2:29KJV - No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God. ⦁ GALATIANS 1:14KJV = RELIGION ⦁ PSALMS 118:8KJV - 8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. ⦁ RUclips - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 RUclips - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20 REVELATION 22:18-19KJV - 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. The first census asked just six questions: the name of the (white, male) householder, and then the names of all the other people in the household, divided into these categories: Free white males who were at least 16 years old; free white males who were under 16 years old; free white females; all other free persons; and slaves. The census reflected the values of the United States in 1790: “Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person. Indians weren’t counted until 1870,” Glass writes. 1 SAMUEL 16:7KJV - 7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
@@sueelliott4793 Africa is for Africans. And the is no Bush whatever yoh say it . It's Khoi or San people. AFRICA is not for Caucasians . But for Africans. Plus you used to Killing and taking. Look at USA . AUSTRALIA and New Zealand you killed and took over. The Khoi Khoi population of the Cape you did the same. You took their cattle and hunted them down.. And any African History written about Africa written by Caucasians is null void.
@@tloutlou2655 In your selfish delusional mind yes. If you go to UK/US/Aussie/NZ any other country, they will not kick you out cos you African. Wake up mate. I have Maori grandchildren as I live in NZ. I was born in SA from British ancestry. I did not choose to be born in that shithole, but I left a long time ago. I did not live 400 years ago so dont blame me. Blame your thieving politicians as they continue to steal their citizens money and blame people that died ages ago. I am happy in a diverse country with minimal racism and I have learned to speak te reo Maori. Mixing with other cultures is good, maybe you should try it. You might like it. Stop living in the past.
@@sueelliott4793 now that was funny, but the difference between black settlers and white settlers in SA is that we took land that was not claimed we didn't fight natives in order to get the land that we had we only fought the San because they were hunting our live stock that's literally the only reason we may have fought them so we didn't come here to conquere and rule over the San
Have the farm murders ended?Are there any farmers still on their land?How many whites live in "decent" conditions?How much influence do Chinese have in South Africa?
You show an approximative knowledge of the history of your country, while the conductor of the video makes leading questions and not substantiated conclusions.
Oh please do tell us how land was stolen from people... Also tell us how pale ass white people ran into Africa and rounded up black people and forced them onto slave ships... While the west evolved and tried to re-dress, we still have slavery right here in Africa, we still have female genital mutilation, we still see daughter sold or traded for cattle, human trafficking, very little human rights and who controls it now my dearest, the same War lords where it all started back in the day. Leaders making poor decisions while you help blame their mistakes on others and keeping a destructive suppressing culture alive. The blood of innocent people runs rampant in the streets in Africa, today, by the hand of other black people, yet here you are, on about something that happened hundreds of years ago and something your clearly dont understand.
As far as I am concerned every India, Coloured & white irrespective of their cultures is under threat from both the ANC& EFF. As they have stated that Africa is for Africans & the rest of us must leave! Africa was & is still very much Tribal - enough said!
@sellamwani7300 Don't invent nonsense - we're not that stupid, with only about 8% of the population being white - educate yourself with FACTS instead of following propaganda!
@bafanamahlatse1923 And you could go back to aTribal mud hut! What you need to do is get educated & get rid of your hatred of people who have different colour skin - not all of us voted for Apartheid. And what are people like you doing - doing the same, only worse as your sort have destroyed the country in 30 short years! The ANC/EFF aren't interested in the people of any color but about self enrichment & your vote!
I think people like to confuse racism (these people are undoubtedly racists) and racial hatred. These people don't seem to display any racial hatred, and in a country where you are a small minority it's nothing but understandable that you would want to live close together with your own people.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
@chula686 as long as european controlled countries has got assets stolen from non european countries we have a right to be where our properties are being used return what you stole and fed your offspring with and we will return to our lands and european return to their countries restore canada america australia africa to name few
Imagine being born in Oranja than grow up and needing to go into South Africa for uni and so on, only to find out that black people exist and Afrikaans is an irrelevant language in the business world and having no other choice but to interact with the same people you call your enemy, all this does is the reborn of racism, I bet that they don’t even teach differences between people( maybe just to say that the others are inferior) and don’t teach on how to behave around other peoples, not really making everything better. I hope that this made sense in a way, to those reading, sorry and peace.
You are the racist here. Afrikaans as a language is an academic level language yet sotho, zulu, xhosa... Go take your hateful opions and throw it ina bin.
As a white man myself i know the zulu had south africa first but the boer fought for this land and won its still the land of boer and the country was better off back then now that we handed the country over its now a foreign slums land and its sad to see...ONS VIR JOU SUID AFRIKA
All Africans are saying give back all the land that belongs to Zulu South African their land and go back to Europe , Indians go back , Dutch in Netherlands go back fast time is up and against all land thieves.
Its funny that folk talk about seeking a common ground now that the tide of control has come. To blame the reign of apartheid on the govt when they were well represented in the govt. Their concerns now is the value of the land is high and it shall be taken away without any compensation due to the land was taken from the native witout compensation.
They should not leave their homeland. They live isolated because the government is encouraging genocide and the government is also corrupt and incompetent.
I saw more dutch 17th century flags than old Republican (so called apartheid flags). Dit the reporter not picked this up? House of Orange, Orania, commemoration of the first dutch in South Africa.
Die vier kleur sal weer wrapper !! Amen. God says He is taking back SA for His chosen Boervolk very soon, NOT the Afrikaner, the one that actually has Yahweh' name on their DNA, Israelites from the tribe of Judah, just pray harder, it's happening soon, praise our God, Yahweh for ever and ever more, Amen Raka' hourglass has run dry...!!!
You don't know what you talking about want to tell me South Africa is better off now ? Or Zimbabwe is better off now than when it was Rhodesia???
@@PunkDogCreations show some of that intellect that you people claim to have and add some context and explanation to your statement. Exactly how am I delusional?
God says His chosen Boervolk stole nobody's land, everyone here, comes from the North & He is going to chase them back to the North and nobody tells God what He can and cannot do, Amen
Paid for. Note nobody said that land owners are not willing to give up their land. They will, for a price. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Last I checked, driving out of any majority city, there is vast open land as far as the eye can see. Plus the government and their fraudulent claims failed to mention land owned by companies, trusts and so on, that are multi culturely owned. So don't blindly believe bogus claims about there being 80% plus ownership because it's not so easily defined. Any idiot with some sense knows the government loves to pander for support in any way it can. Especially appealing to the past, and racializing everything.
I wonder in Orania does the people live off grants. If not so what they breed they can feed. They dont get hand out from goverment. Wish i was a resident off Orania keep on making them jealous.
Hi sir you told me something i alredy know that they also fall under a acorrupt municipality. But it seems to me that you dont understand what i said in message . If you want to i can break it up for you to understand what i said in the message.
The Dutch colony was established 370 years ago, not 307 years ago. To look at this another way, the Dutch/Afrikaners have been present in South Africa for much longer than the US has been a country.
Also you use a verbal slight of hand in suggesting white farmers are not subject to disproportionate violence. You do this by changing the focus from "whites on their farms" to "whites", and then refer to an undefined "any other group".
The fact is that since the end of apartheid violence in South Africa has gone through the roof. The fact that all may be effected by this does not reduce the problem for white farmers.
Nor do you mention that commercial farmers in South Africa are overwhelmingly white (both Afrikaners and English speakers) and, as a result, are the the group that most subject to a particular type of crime associated with the physical isolation of farmsteads. This frequently comes with violence against them. In other words they are disproportionately targeted.
Your case is not valid. I am quite sure that if the crime stats in SA were summed up, the number of Black people killed would be FAR MORE THAN those of whites. That is not to say that the White people who have been killed do not matter. Rather, it is to disprove the lie you are telling without any facts. By virtue of the fact that Blacks are the majority in SA, it is common sense that more Blacks would be killed than whites. I wonder why British-descended whites are not whining like so called Afrikaners who feel they are somehow special. Get out of that rigid mindset man and perhaps dispute the facts as presented here by the fact checkers:
Proportionality does not prove deliberation.
@@willpower3317 So what?
Many don't look at history in the lens of facts. Historians should look at the numbers of brutal murders and rap3s of women (and not just white women) from the recorded onset of the previous century to understand the nature of violence in this Country without control thereof and other reasons for segregation other than pure racial discrimination. Whites (English and Afrikaners) were a minority in an extremely hostile world and still are and are still getting rap3d and murdered in high numbers but swept under the rug under the guise of Marxism. More people die silently under the rule of "Democracy" in the world than in total wars.
@@redflag4255 I have heard of research that suggests those who cannot see the world in broad terms tend to be left wing. While those who can tend to be on the right.
This may be why it is endlessly frustrating to converse with those on the left. In the case of South Africa though the overall consequences can be much more than frustration.
It's a complex issue... I hope everyone in SA has a bright future and there is respect and compassion for all involved..
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Nothing complex why does the european feel the to stay illegally in Africa they do it in Canada America Australia when will they get dignity to give these lands back to its owners repay them polluting our ways of living repay us for industrialization of our once great countries restore our resources stolen from our ancestors from which their offspring still benefit
My mom was killed by 3 black men. They only took her phone. In her bag next to her she had a few rand. She had a small television. But they only took the phone. Why, what reason was there for them to kill her. Is this because she were white. I believe it was. White South Africans are been slaughtered by black South Africans, especially those on farms. Why is the town there? To be save. If you are in this position in your country, wouldn't you do the same. Yes we have nowhere to go. To immigrate you need a lot of money or Dr, Prof, Postgraduate diploma. We do not have that kind of money to study further. We are not scared of working. We are not lazy. We love our culture. Like all others do. What happened in apartheid was the decision of the Leaders in the country those years. What happened now is not that we blame black people. But the leaders again, with the killing of white people. EFF is IN front of it all. We paid and work the land that we stay on. We do not want to harm anyone. And for the black people they deserve the same rights. But the government is taking the money for themselves and do not create jobs for people in squatter camps. When you meet all South Africans you will find great people in all races. You will also find a small group that is thieves, killers because of all different reasons. It is not about color of anybody any more.
The afrikaneers are also a threat special in robbing people I’ve lived in a hood call westbury a 12 year old afrikaneer carries a knife imagine 💔
Well you're free to go back to Europe if you don't like.
to kill european invaders in africa or their offspring will never be wrong as long as europeans did not pay blood for blood for our ancestors they murdered
People often don't understand the level of racism by black people in Africa, and in S Africa it is particularly tribal Attacks in foreigners, both black and white, arw common. There is a long long history of tribal violence in S Africa.
if she is a european its about time if she was african its the curse of the european jesus and the jewish go since 1652 the christians has killed murdered rape and stole our lend and resources if european and jew get out of africa we will be a blessed people return also our resources
Agriculture is worth more than gold & diamonds. You need food/water to survive. Respect ❤
And Africans need to control thier lands not whitey.
Of course they are being targetted!
It's not an "apartheid" flag it is just THE flag of South-Africa before it was illegally taken away from it's owners.
it the flag of white supermcist terrorists who kept terrorising the natives
What an intellectually dwarfed human 😂
@@sam3407 you can't take some of these guys seriously 😂 they stole your land, your people and our Indian people 😂
@@africanlipripperstaariqess2338 Where is the proof that land was stolen? If you are so educated please provide the proof and title deeds of the said stolen land. Some land was given to the Afrikaners by some chiefs of some tribes to settle disputes with other tribes. To be fair some tribes stole from other tribes as well. Get your facts and history right.
It's the old Republican flag not the "apartheid" flag. It was the united South African flag during apartheid times and unlike America we changed ours after the fact.
Its not called the republican flag as it was adopted over 30 years before South Africa became a republic
@@Waterford1992 True, no the name but it was the flag all the way through from 1924 -1994 From the Monarchy through to SA becoming a Republic and after.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
It's the apartheid flag 😂 there's no changing that
@@mooncake387 No you're just relating it to a time period as someone who is uneducated in the history is.
White Afrikaners are by far the most persecuted group in South Africa, the Afrikaners who first fought the bloodthirsty Dingane and his Zulu hordes, then the ever greedy British in 2 Boer wars for our own independence, we struggled to have a state in any form that was our own whilst there were many states dedicated to the preservation of blacks, the Afrikaners fought tooth and nail, spilled their blood and yet have been frowned upon when all we want is a state of our own, a state run by our people, for our people.
They're so persecuted that they own all of the countries wealth, land and resources 😂
@@dixoncider3933just goes to show that we are the superior race. We do not own the resources of our own country, Afrikaans is systematically being replaced as a language in SA, the Afrikaaners are systematically being persecuted for their views whilst the kaffer Malema can sing "kill the Boer, kill the white man". Land is being expropriated without consent or compensation. Yet still we refuse to give up, we own the majority of wealth, we hold the vast majority of educated people and people with practical skills. We hold the majority of wealth even though we are outnumbered 3 million against 40 million apes.
@@dixoncider3933 jy's ook 'n lekker kaffer boetie nê?
@@dixoncider3933 wil jy nie sommer malema se tril gaan suig nie?
@@Rvh1 I can't read that nonsense. English or Arabic
Yes the Afrikaners used to rule South Africa. And before that, they were basically a non-British white tribe chafing under the British empire. And before that... have you heard of the Zulu Mfecane? It was one of history's great genocidal wars/ migrations. Imagine trying to rule a society that has just been through a holocaust like that, and trying to find ways to promote healing: The British did not succeed, the Afrikaners did not succeed, and the ANC has not succeeded either. There are no good solutions, but failed solutions do not mean intent for evil. Even the best intentions can go astray, and a capacity for forgiveness and generosity will be needed on all sides forever.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Africa still belong to Africans no matter who invaded raped stole looted oppressed imposed whatever european will never be Africans though they used false identity calling themselves Afrikaner they are european snake eggs in a chicken coop will still hatch snakes
Only healing for Africans is european imposters must leave Africa return resources with interest restore everything there offspring benefited from remove their religion traditions cultures languages legal systems their education systems and pay Africa for damages caused by the industrialization of our great continent restore every speck of dust coal gold diamond metal everything the european has stolen take your evil Bible and your Jews with you
Don't think any black people need a white man to lead them. It wasn't their place, they were visitors who had no business in local issues but because they were white and thought of themselves superior they murdered their way into power 🥴 from your comment i see you have some stupid assumptions.
@@marneoswald anti semitism is a mental illness
Afrikaaners ruled during Apartheid?, and not the English speaking whites?
Apartheid is a dutch word....afrikaners sounds yo me as a dutchy like old Dutch or something.What stands out for me they make the words little or small,for example.....kid they will say kiddy or in Dutch stoep ( sidewalk ) they say stoepje (small sidewalk ) It sounds funny and gangsta at the same time.Its sttange for me as a dutchy to see black African talk afrikaners (dutch) on the other side of the world.De Boeren weren't all bad or bad from the beginning? Some of them separated and became the scum they are? I know they where brave during the boeren wars but that worth apartheid will be forever connected to us dutch people.But to see how they are treaded now also stings.Nelson tried and he was a good man,the people who are ruling now are making a goddamn mess of that country😢
There are 9.6 million black people living in Europe with almost two thirds of them all living in the United Kingdom and France. And you people are complaining about 2,7 million white Afrikaners in Africa. Get out of here!
Live and let live. ✌️🙏
Are black people claiming Europe? Black over in Europe knows they’re not European
Like I said more blacks in Europe than whites in Africa. So who is colonizing who here?
Do they live in autonomous communities
@@gevoel8293 tell the white mining companies to leave africa
Respect to these afrikaan people from russia
Hell Yeah
That's awesome! They can all go to Russia
You can take the Afrikaans to Russia Mr. Putin.
Yes the people who brought Christianity to South Africa and stand for it still.
So basically you transported a cult via ships
Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion. Europeans have brought nothing but hate and racism to Christianity
@@lyndonjacobs5264Jy sit die pot vêr vêr mis boetie !!
@@Helgardt6189 Christianity IS a cult. So I wasn't wrong.
Christianity was already in Africa, the whites bought their own version of the Bible
The tragedy of South Africa is rather the ANC inherited a functional nation. The ANC has done a poor job running that nation. Orania is growing because of the policies of the ANC. The nation is a mess even the late Bishop Desmond Tutu chastised the ANC for corruption and incompetence.
It was already dysfunctional when ANC inherited it.
ANC made it even worse.
Just by blaming the ANC does not adress the root of the problem, the fact of the matter is, the ANC is full of blacks. Never been able to construct or maintain a complex civilization, most likely never will.
@@tlhogid663apartheid should’ve never ended
The IQ of the ANC is way lower than people running the country previously so no one should be surprised that South Africa has been in decline since the 1990s.
Excuse me. . .Desmond Tutu ? ? He was bad mouthing us for many, many years under the roofs of many churches worldwide !
Every group has the right to have their culture.
Afrikaners have also contributed to the development of SA.
Having a white Only settlement is not a bad idea.
White folks also have the right to display their SA Colours as they see fit.
You sound a little ignorant..sorry to say.
SA colours is not apartheid flag and having a white only area is racist mentality. Why can't they coexist with other races
@@sboneloblessingndwandwe5092 good question o bra that's the Verwoerd way of thought cause division by separating all citizens of a country along racial economic an other lines because the more division and less social unity among citizens of a country boom those in power can easily cause division an opress the majority by any means necessary
By killing us and throwing our bodies in the sea?
Why do you call it the Apartheid flag must I then call the American flag the Slavery flag?
"you can't be free if someone rules over you" imagine how it feels having that feeling for hundreds of years🤔
U will have it soon again
@@tanglietiedupreez4101keep dreaming, you are allowed to dream on.
where is that?
I can't imaginary that nether can you ore anybody
U are old
The Union flag was adopted in the 1920’s, a couple of decades before the Apartheid system.
@janviljoen9554 I’m not really into politics, I’m just correcting an error. Cheers.
It later evolved to fuel Apartheid,I'm just correcting an error you thought you corrected. Cheers.
@@rockymorokolo194 Evolved? It didn’t change (until it was replaced in 1994).
That doesn't make it less of an Apartheid flag just because it was waved before the actual Apartheid erra. That system of Apartheid was just official when it was implemented. But that doesn't mean that this oppressive afrikaaner culture didn't exist along with that flag even if it was before the official Apartheid era. So please,that is an Apartheid flag.
What I mean by "evolve" is that even when it existed before the actual Apartheid era,but it turned out to be waved now officially as an Apartheid flag(during the time when Apartheid was implemented) because it's nature always existed that way even when it wasn't explicitly "Apartheid flag" yet. So once again please,That is an Apartheid flag!
@@rockymorokolo194 You’re not even making logical sense.
It really isn't a simple issue or solution. One on hand, you could argue that like any post-colonial nation, South Africa is trying to rid itself of its colonial past. On the other hand, the Afrikaners have been in South Africa hundreds of years before the scramble for Africa by the major powers. They too have a culture that is cemented in African history. I feel like the way the South African government handled land redistribution, was a bit revenge oriented and created a lot of problems. What's interesting as well is that many people here in the US or even in Canada may say something about how it was Black South Afircans land a long time ago and therefore they should have it back, while we never had any plans to give our land back to the Native Americans. Ya get what I mean? Most people out of a new world country, that would say that the original native South Africans and their descendents have more right to the land, would entirely disagree with being forced from their own home to have a Native American family take it over.
Goed gezegd . Altyd dubbele moraal. Kyk naar nuuwseeland en Australië
Their culture it's foreign will never africans
@@african1 theyre a modern african community. racist
most ethnic grouos don’t originate fron that region yet end up there anyway. Should we depopulate the Americas since many if the prople there are European? No, it happened hundreds of years ago and would just be genocide, sonething you should be very much against.
@@saccorhytus 😂 what do u mean it doesn't matter where they come from Afrikaans is foreign end of discussion
the rainbow nation where one colour is culled and the others are not so not working then
Cry me a river.
It’s amazing how it’s OK when they are the majority. Our people suffered and continue to suffer. No sympathy from me
No sympathy then you will die a hate filled soul
That's the problem when 1 innocent black person is shot by a police officer the world cares but when 75 south Africans are murdered for being white with black political figures aiding it on they're overlooked. You're the type of guy who would support slavery if it meant whites were the slaves because you live in a bitter tribalism mindstate. Also 80% of interracial murders in the USA are black on white. This isn't to compare or say who has it worse but just to open your mind
And they will continue to suffer even when there is not white man because that is the kind of people you are, the entirety of Africa is proof of this. Your very nature is that of a yeast that reproduces and reproduces and asks for more and more and only see the present. When you inevitably sink into poverty again, there will be no white man to blame and you will deserve every second of it.
I'm not Afrikaans nor South African yet I have lived in South Africa for 5 years and what I can say is that I stand with white South Africans who identify them selfs as a part of South Africa, not with those who believe they are the lost children of the Dutch colony and South Africa still belongs to them.
Unfortunately, some black South Africans still hold onto the past and view white South Africans negatively, despite them being one of the pillars that make South Africa what it is, alongside black and coloured
I also can say that the ANC is ruining the country and yet there are still some Black South Africans who lend their support to the ANC
the current state of South Africa is crystal clear evidence that ANC is ruining the country and black South Africans should not aim to make South Africa like any other corrupted nation.
Every citizen has the right to live in South Africa without discrimination, whether they are white, black, or coloured.
If you think South Africa is solely for the blacks, you are harming the country. If you believe it is solely for the whites, you are also damaging the country.
People who genuinely care about South Africa, regardless of their race, should unite.
So why they don’t allow blacks to live in orange (orania)if those white peoples are really good they must not discriminate blacks peoples in their own country.blacks people have to be careful otherwise they will be like Palestinians
It is always astounding how Europeans come to South Africa and just have an idea how the country works,. But then watching this shows they really don't.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Right now, ironically, middle aged educated white woman are the best people to work with in this country. It is ironic that, they grew up under apartheid, but they have over the years taken deliberate actions to shift their mindsets from what they where raised to believe about black people. I work with such people on a daily in harmony, we travel and share hotels. And its always professional and respectful.
The younger generations are a different beast all together. They feel bitter and prosecuted over a perceived charge of ''hereditary theft''.
MATTHEW 22:35-40KJV!
1 JOHN 4:8KJV!
I was looking for someone with this kind of knowledge on SA.
@@samuelmbugua8414 White educated middle aged woman r most competent people in South Africa. That is just the truth.
Any woman of any race can be nice. We are all individuals and you get good and bad in all races. We are just humans at the end of the day
@Dr C. v/d Westhuizen ThD Only a pleasure Dr.
The arrogance of people that don't even belong telling indigenous people they are not welcome
Well if they want to stick with their own people I don’t see a problem with that
I agree.
Just as black people don't belong in Europe.
What do you mean by "don't belong"?
Those people are neither indigenous nor law abiding citizens.
Yes, they are under threat.
I thought multiculturalism did not work
@@thebadstation8416 it does. It's racial prejudice that doesn't work. You have to leave the prejudice behind for it to work.
@@ireviewdopesht7216 white people themselves say multiculturalism doesn't work. But then when they see whites anywhere other than Europe they wanna change their attitude.
What culture? Your way of life? What way? Slavery, murder genocide that’s your culture. Anything you loved or was proud of, if it depleted or there of common love life and liberty then you had no culture.
are you saying me as a white woman from Greece has no culture because my skin lacks melanin?
@@eastbow6053 your question is stupid,.....we africans understand his comment
modern life style that you can see and touch are almost built by white people.
just look around,it everywhere ,like…
without them,we’ll all live in barbaric life style.
what did the black actual contribute to civilization ???
transportation ? no.
health care system? no.
knowledge ? no.
entertainment industry? no.
Agricultural Technology?no.
Architecture Technology?no.
High Technology? no.
@@foverstay8233 Back to home.
When I look at the respect and hospitality given to Indians in the UK, I often wonder whether the British ruled India. They allow Indians so much freedom. Why can't a similar attitude prevail in South Africa for Afrikaners. I grew up with them as an Indian on a farm and I could not even spell apartheid. We(whites, blacks, Indians) played, ate, lived happily. Vetri EC Komani 🙏🇿🇦🙏
afrikans living elsewhere outside their motherland submit to host country leaders and laws, europeans in afrika dont do that, afrikans outside afrika never gang up against host rulers and rules, europeans in afrika do, afrikans outside afrika never indulge massmurder and massrape as imperial tools, europeans do in afrika, thats the difference...
@@barengpooe8405 I agree with you Sir. I don't no much about Europeans in Afrika, but personally I live amongst all in harmony. Afrikaners, though, are hardworking people, without whom very little or no food will be available in stores. 🙏🇿🇦
I'm not saying it's right but they oppressed blacks but now want to complain
@@thebadstation8416 I submit respectfully that the pronoun "they" is very broad to include all. We also have oppressors amongst our own kind. I work amongst Xhosa people as the only Indian and I would never leave this place. 🙏🇿🇦🙏Vetri EC Komani
Freedom to Indians and not Africans who are subjected to hardships in Europe. This video is about Africa, South Africa precisely. There are unbalanced facts as South Africa isn't Indians' but Africans'. That's my opinion.
Their land? Lol. Within the first minute. Simple question. How do you own a land you stole and have never paid for it? And another simple question. How many africans own 10,000 sq km of land in europe? The decent thing to do here is to stop lying to ourselves. The Afrikaans need to understand that the master slave culture is dead. They need to be humble and approach the situation with more foresight. Sadly many afrikaans I meet, and I go to Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia almost yearly, andmy observation as a mixed race european is that the afrikaans are heading towards violence if they do not stop and think. If the real land owners turned and paid the afrikaans back in kind with their attrocities I doubt we would be talking about land ownership issues. The worst barbaric racial violence was in south africa by the white europeans who think they own the land they stole at gun point. Karma can be a bit of an issue here.
All humans come from Africa so we all have a bit of African in us, some of us left and came back hundreds of years later. Some of us are leaving but we will be back again. Africa belongs to ALL of us, wither you like it or not. Its not up to you mate.
@@ThxGod_ItsOver So where do Nordic, Asians and Arabs come from huh? We all live on this little rock in the universe somewhere, unless its a simulation or we are some interplanetary kids science project. Yeah some Dutch people were unfair in the past but that has nothing to do with me as I did not do it. I have always treated people how they treat me. If you be nice, I'm nice. I no longer stay in SA and have since been welcomed in another culture and am almost fluent in Māori. I am a benefit to my new country and left because of people like you. SA has no skills and is falling apart which is sad as I love my country. I'm not Dutch, I'm Scottish/English. Get some education and then we can talk mate.
@@sueelliott4793 So where do Nordic, Asians and Arabs come from huh? WAKE UP
RUclips - China / Asia's Original Black African Roots!
RUclips - Ancient Nubia Now: How Egyptologists Removed Ancient Egypt from Africa
RUclips - The Original Black African Arabs of Arabia (K.I.K)
KING James the 1st of England was originally King James the 6th of Scotland.
He was the son of a black father and a coloured mother both of royal blood. Without the necessary background, this may sound like a far-fetched story motivated by a crazy desire to identify black heroes in world history.
We all live on this little rock in the universe somewhere, unless its a simulation or we are some interplanetary kids science project.
WHITE EUROPEANS ARE NOT THE ISRAELITES OF THE BIBLE THEY COME OUT OF AFRICAN CONTINENT OR SHOW Y SCRIPTURE! RUclips - Ancient sculptures reveal their true colors RUclips - SCIENTIST COULDN'T HIDE HIS DISAPPOINTMENT AFTER FINDING OUT THE PHARAOHS WERE BLACK By Nadra Kareem Nittle Updated on July 04, 2020 Imagine a world where everyone had brown skin. Tens of thousands of years ago, that was the case, say scientists at Pennsylvania State University. So, how did white people get here? The answer lies in that tricky component of evolution known as a genetic mutation. EXODUS 15:14KJV! ISAIAH 14:29KJV! ISAIAH 11:11-12KJV! JOHN 10:1KJV JOHN 10:16KJV!
Yeah some Dutch people were unfair in the past but that has nothing to do with me as I did not do it. THEY DID NOT HURT ANYBODY BUT THEMSELVES WHY? GALATIANS 6:7-8KJV!
I have always treated people how they treat me. DID YOUR ANCESTORS OBEY MATTHEW 22:35-40KJV??
EXODUS 34: 7KJV - 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.
If you be nice, I'm nice. I no longer stay in SA and have since been welcomed in another culture and am almost fluent in Māori. I am a benefit to my new country and left because of people like you. SEE YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YOU! LETS E VERY, VERY, VERY CLEAR THE REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY DOES NOT WORK HERE AT ALL! YOU SATANIST RUN AROUND THE WORLD SPEWING HATE, HYPOCRISY AND LIES ALL DAY EVERYDAY!
SA has no skills and is falling apart which is sad as I love my country. SATNIST IN YOUR DREAMS YOU DEMONS ARE THE CURSE IN THE LAND!
RUclips -They LIED To You About AFRICA
RUclips - The Biggest Religious Festival In Africa, Ethiopia (Meskel Festival)
RUclips - They Lied To You About Somalia (Mogadishu)
RUclips - Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show
RUclips - The South African town destroyed to make way for a whites-only suburb - BBC News
RUclips - Americans Baffled After Finding Out Germany Is Trying To ‘Feed America’ With Emotional Advert!
I'm not Dutch, I'm Scottish/English. Get some education and then we can talk mate.
@@sueelliott4793 maybe africans can repay europeans with their brutality. Spoken like true inbreed. If african belongs to everyone does europe belong to everyone?
No matter what ; this lands belongs to US black people .
Orania seems to be far more beautiful then what else is on offer. It’d be nice if there was a place for British South Africans to call their own too.
Now everybody has a claim. Whatever the ANC fought for was in vain. Can't wait for the arabic spring.
@@tshiamishogopane633 And what exactly did the anc fight for?
@@mazambane286 exactly should have slayed the enemy but as I said Arabic spring is on the horizon. I shall have my own sculps.
@@tshiamishogopane633 You make me laugh! All mouth no action. You lot are so scared of the AmaBunu it's actually a joke.
@@mazambane286 I have no regard for an opinion of le'kwerekwere lol.
These people were declared criminals in their country and they were assigned to work in ships. How did they own such vast amounts of land and minerals resources in a foreign continent?
SLAVERY = HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND LINCOLN WAS A HUMAN TRAFFICKER OF AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT!! - JEREMIAH 34:8-22KJV! The Nobel Prize winner and civil rights advocate is remembered for his stance against discrimination, both in his native Germany and in the United States. In a speech at Lincoln University in 1946-the first US institution to grant degrees to African-Americans-he famously stated that racism was a “disease of white people.” - EINSTIEN The history of external COLONISATION of Africa can be dated back from ancient, medieval, or modern history, depending on how the term COLONISATION is defined. Ancient Greeks, Arabs, Romans, and Malays all established COLONIES colonies on the African continent, some of which endured centuries. In popular parlance, discussions of colonialism in Africa usually focus on the European conquests of the New Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa (1884-1914) era, followed by gradual DE COLONISATION after World War II. The principal powers involved in the modern COLONISATION of Africa are AMERICA, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy.
During the Tulsa race riots in 1921, black businesses and homes in the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were destroyed at the hands of white residents. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Riots began after a white mob attempted to lynch a teenager falsely accused of assaulting a white woman.
RUclips -They LIED To You About AFRICA
RUclips - The Biggest Religious Festival In Africa, Ethiopia (Meskel Festival)
RUclips - They Lied To You About Somalia (Mogadishu)
RUclips - Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show
RUclips - The South African town destroyed to make way for a whites-only suburb - BBC News
RUclips - Americans Baffled After Finding Out Germany Is Trying To ‘Feed America’ With Emotional Advert!
GENESIS 2:10-15KJV - HAVILAH, ETHIOPIA, ASSYRIA, EURPHRATES = AFRICAN CONTINENT! NOT EUROPE OR MIDDLE EAST! ⦁ NUMBERS 12:1KJV = MOSES ETHIOPIAN WIFE! ⦁ ACTS 8:26-27KJV = DESERT/GAZA/ETHIOPIANS/WORSHIPPERS! ⦁ ACTS 11:26KJV = CHRISTIANS/ANTIOCH = AFRICAN CONTINENT ⦁ JOHN 4:21KJV - Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. ⦁ JEW AND JEWISH ARE FAITHS JUST LIKE BAPTIST AND CATHOLIC. ⦁ 1 CORINTHIANS 9:20KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ESTHER 8:17KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ROMANS 2:29KJV - No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God. ⦁ GALATIANS 1:14KJV = RELIGION ⦁ PSALMS 118:8KJV - 8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. ⦁ RUclips - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 RUclips - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20
REVELATION 22:18-19KJV - 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
The first census asked just six questions: the name of the (white, male) householder, and then the names of all the other people in the household, divided into these categories: Free white males who were at least 16 years old; free white males who were under 16 years old; free white females; all other free persons; and slaves. The census reflected the values of the United States in 1790: “Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person. Indians weren’t counted until 1870,” Glass writes.
1 SAMUEL 16:7KJV - 7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Go read a book, as you have no knowledge of SA history.
@@PunkDogCreations like the Lie of 1652 by Patrick Mellet...until the Lion are taught to read, history will always be written by the hunter...don't just read the books that fit your Narritve...
When the Dutch landed in South Africa...South Africa as a country did not exist. The land was not owned by anyone. There were no borders. It was not illegal for people to move from one country to another. It happened for thousands of years. So why are we judging today's laws on the past. You cant do that.
Dutch are invaders living in Africa
@@dixoncider3933 youre just racist
@@dixoncider3933 Cant be invaders if they left 400 YEARS ago. Today's people did not invade.
Finally, someone who knows about history. What we call present-day South Africa is nothing more and nothing less than a creation of the United Kingdom, uniting its slaves with Boers to have gold mines. South Africa as such never existed, and there were never people on that peninsula; the Boers founded it in two different nations that later, due to war reasons, joined, and eventually succumbed to the English, who created concentration camps for Boers
@@dixoncider3933 invaders of what? there was nothing ... or does your little brain not understand it?
they have a right to live there,they made your economy,fought your wars gave you drummed music,won your worldcup,so yes they are making your economy way better than you would
Being ruled by basically a cargo cult people who are filled with envy and greed, while at the same time need the Afrikaners to run it and pay for it.
Free Afrikaners! B
Cry even more.
Uyanya asiba funi Lana futhi sezoba khipha Lana ezweni lethu msunu wakho
Whites civilised South Africa. That is a FACT!
@@NyalBurns you mean stole and killed and grabbed land and jewels from them and for your info,africans civilised whites,we taught you education,writing and reading,we were way civilised before you brainwhashed everyone to thinking you discovered everything
Explain the term “their land”?
The fact that they still use those flags speaks volumes.
@Dr C. v/d Westhuizen ThD you must be from Mars to ask that rhetorical question 🤷🏽♂️🙄🤦🏾♂️.
It's quite weird though that they are quite successful, black townships don't seem to fare very well.
Hater 🙉
Flags don’t harm anyone. But the ANC and EFF have destroyed a once great nation.
The fact that infrastructure hasnt been maintained since apartheid speaks volumes.
I just love that flag.Ons Vir Jou Suid-Afrika.
Why don't they just go home this is not their place
Where is their place? Some of them are 5th generation South African. Their parents grandparents were African. They are African. I was not born in New Zealand but have been here for a while. I can speak Maori and Kiwis have accepted me as their own. You live and learn bro. We live on one planet.
I’m 5 generation in Europe I need land where do I sign up
@@TitanMind1 Europe somewhere?
@@TitanMind1 You dont sign up. You make a plan and work for it....
Pathetic biased journalism
yes we are under threat
Maybe go back to Europe? The land is for the Blacks as it was stolen from them. Can South Africa not offer reparations to people who need to give back that land that was stolen?
It's about time.
Define threat
@@zeesa7639 look it up in a dictionary
@@Vasbyt6540 you know it's meaning and you know it is not what is happening right now,stop being a cry baby 🚮🚮🚮
I don't know anything about south Africa but I sense the whole apartheid thing is probably a thing to mention in the intro?
One thing ave realized now is that in south africa no matter the race , black or white we all dumb this country will never go forward.
Afrikaners culture is Apartheid nothing else.
Nah come on dude be reasonable don't let your hate for them cloud your judgment thier culture wasn't Apartheid they most definitely used Apartheid tho to grow their national pride and culture but Apartheid was not their culture
Leak their ass is your right anyway
@@lebogangmoeketsi1614 no need to get aggressive man I'm just telling you facts nothing more nothing less🤣
@@siphokuhlelanga6377 which facts, if I may ask. Hence I said leak their ass remember SA is a democratic country, every 1 like you have the right to do whatever. Freedom is yours, take it
@@lebogangmoeketsi1614 fact is they are of Dutch and some French Decent these people have a history and that is why I said that Apartheid isn't their culture but rather something caused by their way of thinking but anyways I ain't here to fight with u nor defend Apartheid
they are not good people at all
They are good pretenders
How do you know? have you been there? have you spoken to them? what determines 'good people' ?
And that is why the crime rates in Orania is basically ZERO.
If they were "not good all", well then there would be violence and crime everywhere right?
Maybe it is YOU who are not the "good people at all".
Well being as how they literally live in white only areas you can see why
And I take it you are good people? Do me a favour.
Dutch people are in Netherlands this is Africa.
Black people in the netherlands aswell. All of europe. Dont get cocky
@@DAVID1986. if it wasnt us, it would be the chinese. In fact it already is aswell.
@@dasuta5047 you know you all think we are thiefs we work you know after apartheid what do you call your current goverment do they care about you??????
@@marianalmeida8980 not even a littlr bit. But they certainly dont care about you
@@marianalmeida8980 give the stollen wealth back then make all the other arguments…until then it’s pointless… and why don’t white people want to go back to Europe..? I’m confused, it’s so much better there, lined with African gold, diamonds and blood
Wtf is government doing? Raze their settlements down.
Modern world is no place for segregation and racial hatred
Raze it down? You are the reason this place exists, and many many others will appear
@@karlosthejackel69 and I exist because of them being racist in first place
@@Anshulhe you just destroy and destroy. That’s why the world doesn’t want you. You only destroy, you’ve never built anything, ever.
@@ThxGod_ItsOver Slavery!!!
Today, remains Africans only export to the world.
Says who...????Modern world ..???.........You can keep your modern perverted disgusting shameless world ...!!!
Haha. There are families who are bying up all the houses on streets. On both sides off the street. Far away from Orania. Little family empiries.
LOL a Homeland for Africaners. This is the same thing they did for the blacks years ago. Amazing what comes around goes around. 😂😂
It has got nothing to do with ....what comes around goes around ...!!! ok ....nothing ..!.......We want a own homeland ....we want it ...!!! ....But the vindictive communist ANC government wont allow it ,,, know why .....???.....Because they know within 5 to 10 years a White Homeland will be an Utopia ..!!! a paradise ...!!!!!!!....and then all their incompetence will be open for the whole world to see a country must be run corruption stealing of the taxpayers money .....etc...etc...etc...!!!..........Put that in your pipe and smoke it !!
The difference being, we can make any patch of land successful, yet you guys...
The San were the original inhabitants of South Africa.
Black people migrated from North-West Africa and inflicted similar atrocities and brutality on the nomadic San (as what the Dutch later did on native South Africans) in order to build their properous kingdoms.
Black people could do this because they were not nomadic. They were the original creators of this idea of "land/property ownership" in South Africa.
The San were far more "environmentally friendly" in their way of life - their population could not grow exponentially because of their continous movement, and they moved in order not to deplete the land of its resources.
Technically, we as black South Africans cannot argue that this is our land. We must all go back to Nigeria (or wherever) and leave the land to the San. 🤷🏾♀️
This is clearly not feasible or even fair. Why should current generations pay for the sins of their ancestors? And if that is true for us, is it not true for white people?
All these arguments about where the blame starts are not constructive.
Ideological/racist politics is destructive to the fabric of society.
Colonisation should never have happened. Orania should not exist, but neither should the racism, greed and corruption of the governing ANC continue unabated...
We are all children of God (I am not religious when I say this) and the land - everywhere in the world - belongs to each and every one of us.
It is tragic how we as humans unnecessarily keep repeating the sins of the past to our own detriment.
Sadly, I am not sure how to propose a constructive way of solving this problem despite my firm belief in what is true and right.
speaking like a play white apologist
Unfortunately The San Are Black People, We Don't Want To Be Separated By Colour Like Laundry, That's A White Man's Game, For Preserving His Own People. Us Africans We Are One People.
We are all one people. I agree.
@@sergiokrigare why would you say unfortunate the san is black what is so unfortunate about it we are black and proud of it there is no mysteryu too it
There is a thin line to differentiate San / Khoi people from some Xhosa clans as history declares were intermarried in the past, I also think Tswanas might have San!/ Khoi blood, you can see with their dancing & traditional attire, this is my opinion, these things happen ages ago,in the dark ages so the is no actual or correct information as to how exactly things happened, we just found all of us here, so when it comes to history we have a quarter of knowledge.
The Afrikaans nation, I hope them guidance
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Every race group has a good and bad quality. if we try to see each others good qualities and work together with love and mutual respect, we can learn from each other. Hopefully the new generation of African, White and Indian children are different and will form a better rainbow nation. I think the danger the Afrikaaners feel is more in their mindset. They do not want to integrate with other races and yet are born in the same mother land. They keep praising Europe, then why did your forefathers leave Europe. Its an ego and superiority complex. God wants people to integrate. You can still maintain your culture but integrate with other people. How do you expect the people who was oppressed under an extremist nazi racist system lime apartheid to react ? There is going to take some time to heal from the past. Excluding yourselves from each other is just going to make it worst.
Hi Mona..unfortunately the word afrikaaner is loosely put in these kimd of articles...its like when you watch a video on youtube and see black guys bombing up a CIT van or colored guys with guns with the four front teeth out(there is actually a stpry behind that teeth things which will drive you to tears)but we are conditioned around us to see things a certain way there are lekker afrikaaners ou there the same like there are lekker black,colored,indian,chinese,rich and poor people,this is just those minorities that feel that government is failing and its failing cos its black ...there is always that minority of any demographic that makes that specific demographic look bad in its entirety...lets not hope for the new generation...we all alive right just live correct,we dont have to be freinds with everyone but we should never feel apart(its difficult to be entitled standing in home affiars queue LOL) ...our privilage as people of color will never be the same...what apartheid did was give the wrong people(not reffering to white as a demographic but the white people that was behind it for their own gain and oppressing everyone else) was give them a head start...always keep that in mind
The blacks want the whites out. Look at what happened to Brendin Horner. The ANC and the EFF openly support attacks on the Boers and one of their famous songs is 'kill the Boer.' Julius Malema and the EFF can incite as many murders of whites that they want and nothing will ever happen to them. Have you never seen T shirts worn with words on them like fuck white tears and south Africa is for blacks only? Obviously not. The ANC are doing what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe. The ANC are responsible for a lawless country, doubling unemployed and a ruined economy with sustained attacks on farmers. Great job! It is not as if whites are safe in black areas. One doctor in Soweto was murdered for being white despite having zero involvement in the infamous massacre of the 1970s. Orania was bought and the people there have every right to do what they want with it. Any ethnic minority facing racial extermination would seek safety in numbers.
Well I encourage to everyone to Read How To Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Africa is for Africans european offspring will never be Africans (Afrikaan) ever
More like Becoming endangered .
Multiculturalism does not work according to whites
@@thebadstation8416 being the minority in the human population
Out of the rest of the world as with any species yes we can be considered as an endangered group
@@jo9932 Are you agreeing with me?
@@gerryk101 Endangered means your population is near extinction. Hundreds of millions of whites don't look near extinction to me. And you did not address my comment.
@@thebadstation8416 at the rate things are going and current situations it is heading that way
Ja ons is definitief onder bedreiging in SA deur en deur
I'd like to see black South African community anywhere in Europe too
There are 9.6 million black people living in Europe with almost two thirds of them all living in the United Kingdom and France. And you people are complaining about 2,7 million white Afrikaners in Africa. Get out of here!
@@gevoel8293 how the hell do you compare African demographic with Europes, What outrageous is the mentality that the Afrikaner can now think they can create and maintain racist mentality in Africa. There are lot of Afrikaners who live amongst other races and theres this few lot who want a white Afrikaner only community. That total bullshit, if they want that, they can hop on the boat and go back to where they came from.
Difference is that blacks don't have a history of segregation
@@gevoel8293 Do you know the history of Moors in Europe? These were black and they lived in Europe hundreds of years before you
@@lindambasa4963 The Moors were not black. They did however own black slaves.
What goes around comes around
white people have nothing to do with black missery
You should remember that as well.
@@OldRhino these types of conversations are very revealing, it was always about revenge and not "reconcilliation" and they make sure to tell you of that
@@soooslaaal8204welcome to the west
Well you reap what yow sow beat a dog long enough soon it starts to bite back they just displaying the hate the were shown
One could say that, especially with all the back and forth pillaging between whites and blacks when the dutch started colonizing SA. The problem is that Apartheid ended 30 years ago. I know that might not seem like a lot of time, but the country has just become more corrupt and rundown. No matter your skin colour or heritage, everyone in South Africa can agree the ANC messed up the country and is milking its citizens dry. What Afrikaans people want is fairness, since the world readily jumped into action against Apartheid but ignore racially targeted murders just because it is white Afrikaners. The newer generation can't keep on paying for the sins of so long ago. There are legitimate black South Africans that still blame their current poverty on whites, when around 80% of the population is black and Black Economic Enpowerment was put into place long ago in SA. When will this "debt" be paid? Is it when there are no longer white people in South Africa? Will people stand there and watch how they rape and murder and burn down the homes of millions of white South Africans? Can that ever be justified?
Are white Afrikaners under threat in South Africa? | South Africa short doc 1514pm 30.3.23 i have no interest in south africa. and i suppose that reflects on how Europe feels about south africa per se... but then why should europe care about south africa? when all the old certainties are being swept away you will run back to the old embrace of past glories or so they say... as for the notion that they need to do everything themselves to be "free". that's quite understandable considering the history of the place. they look after their own... again; who doesnt...?
South Africa mainly belongs to Afrikaners.They conquered and developed it.Africans are also citizens but they are more belong to their homelands.
Stop lying
@@ThxGod_ItsOver My answer is again simple:Conquered and developed.
What is done can never be undone.
They didn't develop south africa, they own 80% of the land throught theft and stop education for indigenous people during arpatheid
They are a threat to themselves.
MY O MY ..!!!!! did you become so "'cleva !!"".........
You know what you have guys have to do right?.... "YOU HAVE TO PICK YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS"
If anyone can appreciate that, i know it's you people.😉
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
What land do they have taken away?
simple question, simple answer:
can black people be racist?
yes they can, and many of them are.
@@Nickel_Eye ofc they can! you are one of the normals then :D
How racism is a system not a person
@@Nickel_Eye you can be racist all day but with out a system of oppression ur just talking racism is sorry not blacks allowed to work here
@@TitanMind1 oh really? then by your logic an ordinay white person can’t be racist, right?
What is White Afrikaner ? Afrikaner must be white it’s an white ethnicity
Any race/demographic supremacy has no place in this world...lets just respect each other,not hate...not relive the bad from the past also not be oblivious to the fact that there is still those that wish "everything was still white"...yes government is failing in so many ways but it should not be confused with "people of color is failing the country"...i feel for the farm muders however everyday here on the cape flats(and every hood/ghetto in SA is killings),remember who build it and designed it that way(and here is each "race" living here all when farm muders take place nobody here celebrates it(we may not have the black crucifix on our cars to show for it) but we all are being failed...there is no superior demographic...Oranje is by people who feel their future is being jeopordised by our countrys leaders/politicians and if thats where the people feel safe then so be it,there are people of color aswell ita merely just a reflection of our failing state...but keep this in mind remember not to long ago with forced removals the equal future for people of color was jeopardised and the bloodlines for them are still suffering because of least Oranje is a created choice...these kind of headlines "are afrikaaners being wiped out" etc is gross exagerations...afrikaans is a slave language not a white in Paarl is "die taal monument" and yes its about afrikaans history...go get some insight on it...also why is there nothing about Jan Van Riebeek in dutch history,nothing in those museums(this if for those supremacists).
Let me end off by saying this incase somebody thinks we are equal...what and where is your land?how did you get it?if your wealth does not have a story "ie won the lottery,parents own fortune 500 companies etc then you have blood on your hands and will always feel as if somebody is coming for you..simple as that.
Hi this is a very true and honest post. Not every day that you find a good mind that reply. Well said.
"Any race/demographic supremacy has no place in this world..." You start your comment by attacking freedom why? "yes government is failing in so many ways but it should not be confused with "people of color is failing the country"..." I don't see white faces in government and I don't think we will ever see a white president in SA again isn't that racist in itself?
Wow a very well balanced comment 👏👏👏👏👏👏🤝
You hit the nail on the head bro. Its the world gone crazy. We are all humans living on a rock. The fear is real. We should pick random people and try just being nice, we can do one random act of kindness every day. It would go far ❤in making of good habits. Don't loose the love people.
They celebrate farm murders.
Not only in SA the world is undermining our language and culture..even though so many are living in your countries..
Just be thankful that the people who colonizers robbed, rapped, and slaughtered only want justice and not revenge.
@@scottyrob82 a horrifying example of projection right here
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
Almost all of those countries were built on the resources stolen by force from Africa. Many of those Euro powers were literally rebuilt by Blacks (England, France). I call the new immigration, "Chickens coming home to roost".
these are western European people am black British but im still considered african in Europe
Same here 🙌🏾
Go to Europe
Go to hell 🤣
Go to africa
Make a man-made island and float off into the ocean with it.
SLAVERY = HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND LINCOLN WAS A HUMAN TRAFFICKER OF AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT!! - JEREMIAH 34:8-22KJV! The Nobel Prize winner and civil rights advocate is remembered for his stance against discrimination, both in his native Germany and in the United States. In a speech at Lincoln University in 1946-the first US institution to grant degrees to African-Americans-he famously stated that racism was a “disease of white people.” - EINSTIEN The history of external COLONISATION of Africa can be dated back from ancient, medieval, or modern history, depending on how the term COLONISATION is defined. Ancient Greeks, Arabs, Romans, and Malays all established COLONIES colonies on the African continent, some of which endured centuries. In popular parlance, discussions of colonialism in Africa usually focus on the European conquests of the New Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa (1884-1914) era, followed by gradual DE COLONISATION after World War II. The principal powers involved in the modern COLONISATION of Africa are AMERICA, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy.
During the Tulsa race riots in 1921, black businesses and homes in the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were destroyed at the hands of white residents. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Riots began after a white mob attempted to lynch a teenager falsely accused of assaulting a white woman.
RUclips -They LIED To You About AFRICA
RUclips - The Biggest Religious Festival In Africa, Ethiopia (Meskel Festival)
RUclips - They Lied To You About Somalia (Mogadishu)
RUclips - Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes | The Amber Ruffin Show
RUclips - The South African town destroyed to make way for a whites-only suburb - BBC News
RUclips - Americans Baffled After Finding Out Germany Is Trying To ‘Feed America’ With Emotional Advert!
GENESIS 2:10-15KJV - HAVILAH, ETHIOPIA, ASSYRIA, EURPHRATES = AFRICAN CONTINENT! NOT EUROPE OR MIDDLE EAST! ⦁ NUMBERS 12:1KJV = MOSES ETHIOPIAN WIFE! ⦁ ACTS 8:26-27KJV = DESERT/GAZA/ETHIOPIANS/WORSHIPPERS! ⦁ ACTS 11:26KJV = CHRISTIANS/ANTIOCH = AFRICAN CONTINENT ⦁ JOHN 4:21KJV - Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. ⦁ JEW AND JEWISH ARE FAITHS JUST LIKE BAPTIST AND CATHOLIC. ⦁ 1 CORINTHIANS 9:20KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ESTHER 8:17KJV - BECAME JEWS ⦁ ROMANS 2:29KJV - No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God. ⦁ GALATIANS 1:14KJV = RELIGION ⦁ PSALMS 118:8KJV - 8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. ⦁ RUclips - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 RUclips - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20
REVELATION 22:18-19KJV - 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
The first census asked just six questions: the name of the (white, male) householder, and then the names of all the other people in the household, divided into these categories: Free white males who were at least 16 years old; free white males who were under 16 years old; free white females; all other free persons; and slaves. The census reflected the values of the United States in 1790: “Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person. Indians weren’t counted until 1870,” Glass writes.
1 SAMUEL 16:7KJV - 7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
Blacks out of Europe then.
What are Caucasians doing in Africa 😡😡😡😡
The same thing that you are doing on bushman land
@@sueelliott4793 Africa is for Africans. And the is no Bush whatever yoh say it . It's Khoi or San people. AFRICA is not for Caucasians . But for Africans. Plus you used to Killing and taking. Look at USA . AUSTRALIA and New Zealand you killed and took over. The Khoi Khoi population of the Cape you did the same. You took their cattle and hunted them down.. And any African History written about Africa written by Caucasians is null void.
@@tloutlou2655 In your selfish delusional mind yes. If you go to UK/US/Aussie/NZ any other country, they will not kick you out cos you African. Wake up mate. I have Maori grandchildren as I live in NZ. I was born in SA from British ancestry. I did not choose to be born in that shithole, but I left a long time ago. I did not live 400 years ago so dont blame me. Blame your thieving politicians as they continue to steal their citizens money and blame people that died ages ago. I am happy in a diverse country with minimal racism and I have learned to speak te reo Maori. Mixing with other cultures is good, maybe you should try it. You might like it. Stop living in the past.
@@sueelliott4793 bushman are africans 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@sueelliott4793 now that was funny, but the difference between black settlers and white settlers in SA is that we took land that was not claimed we didn't fight natives in order to get the land that we had we only fought the San because they were hunting our live stock that's literally the only reason we may have fought them so we didn't come here to conquere and rule over the San
Why are the translated words so small
Preacher who says he’s actually so in tune with his culture… then why does it seem like your whole congregation can’t or won’t speak Afrikaans. LOL
This exposes advances made by those pushing ''The Great Replacement Theory''.
MATTHEW 22:35-40KJV!
1 JOHN 4:8KJV!
The great replacement is not a “theory”.
Bruh white people are losing demographics all over world
Extinction is not replacement, it's merely natural order
Have the farm murders ended?Are there any farmers still on their land?How many whites live in "decent" conditions?How much influence do Chinese have in South Africa?
Better to work with the Chinese than Whyts
"Their land" was stolen from someone else.
You show an approximative knowledge of the history of your country, while the conductor of the video makes leading questions and not substantiated conclusions.
Have we all forgotten how Piet Retief tried to buy land, and made the payment and then just got killed anyway?
Oh please do tell us how land was stolen from people... Also tell us how pale ass white people ran into Africa and rounded up black people and forced them onto slave ships... While the west evolved and tried to re-dress, we still have slavery right here in Africa, we still have female genital mutilation, we still see daughter sold or traded for cattle, human trafficking, very little human rights and who controls it now my dearest, the same War lords where it all started back in the day. Leaders making poor decisions while you help blame their mistakes on others and keeping a destructive suppressing culture alive. The blood of innocent people runs rampant in the streets in Africa, today, by the hand of other black people, yet here you are, on about something that happened hundreds of years ago and something your clearly dont understand.
Even black politicians admitted that the land was not stolen.
@@isrbillmeyer What 'black politicians?'
As far as I am concerned every India, Coloured & white irrespective of their cultures is under threat from both the ANC& EFF. As they have stated that Africa is for Africans & the rest of us must leave! Africa was & is still very much Tribal - enough said!
Not too long ago Europeans said SouthAfricq is for Europeans!
@sellamwani7300 Don't invent nonsense - we're not that stupid, with only about 8% of the population being white - educate yourself with FACTS instead of following propaganda!
You could just go back to Germany Mr Kruger
@bafanamahlatse1923 And you could go back to aTribal mud hut! What you need to do is get educated & get rid of your hatred of people who have different colour skin - not all of us voted for Apartheid. And what are people like you doing - doing the same, only worse as your sort have destroyed the country in 30 short years! The ANC/EFF aren't interested in the people of any color but about self enrichment & your vote!
@@sellamwani7300 unlike the Europeans, the eff and anc commit gen0cide.
I think people like to confuse racism (these people are undoubtedly racists) and racial hatred. These people don't seem to display any racial hatred, and in a country where you are a small minority it's nothing but understandable that you would want to live close together with your own people.
africa will only be great and have peace if we can return to pre european and pre christian time christianity is the biggest curse to hid Africa America's Asia' Australia And every Place where it wsa spread by european colonialist so we need the removal of european religion culture literature languages traditions the slave identity names and surnames imposed on us their legal systems we never ask them to built structures to access our resources to loot our land only by the complete removal of european from Africa North america Canada Australia will the world have peace as for south africa we need to remove the european by violence if need be
What happened to diversity is a strength? Does that only apply when millions of people are going to Western lands?
@chula686 as long as european controlled countries has got assets stolen from non european countries we have a right to be where our properties are being used return what you stole and fed your offspring with and we will return to our lands and european return to their countries restore canada america australia africa to name few
A better term is racialist which is distinct from racist
@@marneoswaldchristianity came from judea
No we love them very much we miss our E T
Imagine being born in Oranja than grow up and needing to go into South Africa for uni and so on, only to find out that black people exist and Afrikaans is an irrelevant language in the business world and having no other choice but to interact with the same people you call your enemy, all this does is the reborn of racism, I bet that they don’t even teach differences between people( maybe just to say that the others are inferior) and don’t teach on how to behave around other peoples, not really making everything better.
I hope that this made sense in a way, to those reading, sorry and peace.
You are the racist here. Afrikaans as a language is an academic level language yet sotho, zulu, xhosa... Go take your hateful opions and throw it ina bin.
This is our LAND .
haibo boetie, the freedom charter says the land belongs to everyone who calls SA home
You mean the black Africans who where there first until the whites came uninvited?
@@lm_b5080 The Charter is full of shit... ANC doesn't give an F about it
You're murderers and savages.
African land for blacks peoples 🙌🏾the rest did came with boats 🛥️ to South Africa 🇿🇦 for killing and stealing 🙌🏾
As a white man myself i know the zulu had south africa first but the boer fought for this land and won its still the land of boer and the country was better off back then now that we handed the country over its now a foreign slums land and its sad to see...ONS VIR JOU SUID AFRIKA
Africas invaders time is up
All Africans are saying give back all the land that belongs to Zulu South African their land and go back to Europe , Indians go back , Dutch in Netherlands go back fast time is up and against all land thieves.
@@NubiansNapata you are invading europe, who is the invader? prepare yourself africans, this will not last for ever
@@filipesugden1982 🥱🥱🥱
Based. Europeans are always better at warfare than any other group
Free State Flag.
Goeie mense met goeie bedoelings.lank leef die wit man
Hy het lank genoeg ge lêwe
Its funny that folk talk about seeking a common ground now that the tide of control has come. To blame the reign of apartheid on the govt when they were well represented in the govt.
Their concerns now is the value of the land is high and it shall be taken away without any compensation due to the land was taken from the native witout compensation.
You mean the Blacks stole the land from the Khoisan .....after they wiped thousands of the Khoi san out .......??Without compensation...?
You don't know SA history.
Dingaan killed Piet Retief after they signed a contract for a piece of land. The only thieves, are people like you.
We hope Future will be better and that we will have racial war
lepa devojka u srbija
@@mty1 Yea and thats we need world racial war to save beauty from ugliness
@@alexandartheserb7861 I want to have Slavic slaves as we did in the past...
@@NubiansNapata Good, that leads to my goal, racial hostility 👌
@@alexandartheserb7861 Slavs= slaves 😂😂🤣 know your place
This video aged well...
A state within a state. If they don't want to integrate then they should leave South Africa.
They should not leave their homeland. They live isolated because the government is encouraging genocide and the government is also corrupt and incompetent.
I saw more dutch 17th century flags than old Republican (so called apartheid flags). Dit the reporter not picked this up? House of Orange, Orania, commemoration of the first dutch in South Africa.
Die vier kleur sal weer wrapper !! Amen. God says He is taking back SA for His chosen Boervolk very soon, NOT the Afrikaner, the one that actually has Yahweh' name on their DNA, Israelites from the tribe of Judah, just pray harder, it's happening soon, praise our God, Yahweh for ever and ever more, Amen
Raka' hourglass has run dry...!!!
the other word for your yaweh is impoverished land stealing scum you and your god means the same thing to africans vokol
I want that flag with the lil boy on it
You don't know what you talking about want to tell me South Africa is better off now ? Or Zimbabwe is better off now than when it was Rhodesia???
Of course it is
@@Tmac_305 how delusional of you...
@@PunkDogCreations show some of that intellect that you people claim to have and add some context and explanation to your statement.
Exactly how am I delusional?
God says His chosen Boervolk stole nobody's land, everyone here, comes from the North & He is going to chase them back to the North and nobody tells God what He can and cannot do, Amen
Using religion to suit your needs... isn't that what your ancestors did
You are so indoctrinated its sad
Stop with your racism and blaspheming!
Afrikaner independence now!
Or go to Netherlands.
@@GreoGreo 🤡
Independence from what?
Nederland 🇳🇱 is waiting for thm
What land?
This is Orania, South Africa
Lol, how does it phucking feel?
Thank God South Africa land was heavily otherwise 😂their ancestors could took it to Nederland 🇳🇱🤣
Their Land???? WTF!
Go tell them that .
Obtain a land before a fair war counts
They bought and paid for it legally. It's their land.
Paid for. Note nobody said that land owners are not willing to give up their land. They will, for a price. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Last I checked, driving out of any majority city, there is vast open land as far as the eye can see. Plus the government and their fraudulent claims failed to mention land owned by companies, trusts and so on, that are multi culturely owned. So don't blindly believe bogus claims about there being 80% plus ownership because it's not so easily defined. Any idiot with some sense knows the government loves to pander for support in any way it can. Especially appealing to the past, and racializing everything.
@@jesseking9254 true
I wonder in Orania does the people live off grants. If not so what they breed they can feed. They dont get hand out from goverment. Wish i was a resident off Orania keep on making them jealous.
Orania is inside an ANC municipality. lol
Hi sir you told me something i alredy know that they also fall under a acorrupt municipality. But it seems to me that you dont understand what i said in message . If you want to i can break it up for you to understand what i said in the message.
@@mariusrandall9753 No it's fine Madam I understood what you said. I was being subliminal if you can read inbetween the lines.
@@tshiamishogopane633 This thread shows how divided human beings are, its pretty sad.
They can't farm l o l
Afrikaner ❌Europianer ✅
Africanas ❌Nederlands ✅✅✅
Je get’s to live is Afrikaner culture everyday while being a preacher in English 🙄