I fought the hair wars for decades with my fine, thin hair, but about five years ago I got up the nerve to cut it very short. I love the simplicity- it’s easy to wash, dry, and style and I’ve saved money by not having to buy lots of products or conditioner. Every day is a good hair day now 🙂
Yay!! Buzz cut is back! You know, I've had my head shaved for almost 3 years and you were one of the last people that I watched before I decided to do it a few years ago! For the same reasons you did for the environment to change social norms about female beauty and also to support women who may have hair loss for any reason whether it be cancer or alopecia etc.
I buzzed my hair 2 weeks ago.I have moments when I regret it and moments when I feel free and beautiful..It is so nice to have support! You are awesome.
Your video where you shaved your hair for the first time convinced me to do the same after two years of thinking about it nonstop but being too afraid to commit, and I’m so glad I did it. I love it so much, I trim it every sunday. Thank you ❤❤❤
I buzz every spring for the last couple years! I will do mine very soon.. your video made me even more pumped! I love the simplicity and how much lighter it makes me feel
I cut my hair very short. I love everything about short hair...the ease of care, the lightness of being, and the way my personality shines through, as does yours, Lia. I think you are quite beautiful this way, too! Such a strong statement to the world about yourself!
I keep mine exceptionally short, but not shaved. And you’re right. A man can shave his and there is no social implication, but a woman can’t. I keep mine short for ease of care and because I just like it
Oh my god I bet that feels amazing! I loved having short hair it was so easy and you can feel the wind breeze on your head and neck and it’s amazing. You look lovely.
I did this 3 years ago, and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I gave in to the pressure from my family and grew it back. So many people told me "you don't know how lucky you are to have such gorgeous curly hair, it's a shame you shaved it off". I reluctantly grew it back. I think I will shave it again after watching this ❤
I really love your simple style. You look so beautiful with a clean Brown buzzcut! Hope you keep it! With a clean face, free of any face makeup and simple fingernails, I find you to be very attractive. I'm not a weirdo, just please accept my heartfelt compliment.
you look beautiful with your hair any way i've seen you have it! but more importantly, your inner beauty of your thoughtful, considerate and compassionate personality and intelligence are the reason i like you and your videos so much! you're great, lia.
you're the second person (that I follow on youtube) that I've seen shaving their head in the last week and while it's so fun to watch it's also making my life very difficult because I've been trying to let my own buzzcut grow out (last shaved it in September, so I've been doing pretty good so far) but shaving it was also so funnn that I have to wrestle with the temptation almost weekly 😂 but it's still cold as fuck where I live so a buzzcut would not be a wise choice atm, I was planning on reshaving it closer to summer
I've watched ALL your videos countless times! I started following you later in your career only the last year or so tho! Anyways! I never got to truly know the buzz cut Lia!! I love the buzz cut on you and I'm happy to get to watch you shave it!!
I love it. You inspired me to try a buzz cut last time you did it and it was so freeing and so easy. Now I’m about 11 months into growing it back though. I just couldn’t get over how I didn’t feel feminine enough with it.
i have really long 13 year old dreads and your comment about how empowering it would be is what i needed to hear. i'm female, 60, and people say i'm looking frail because i'm skinny, so having a shaved head will draw further suspicion that i'm unwell or something. i don't want to feel compelled to explain or justify my choice to have a buzz cut. i just don't know if i feel ready not to volunteer more information than i should. i just want the other kind of hair freedom, i haven't needed to do anything to maintain my dreads and i feel like a buzz would be the other care free option. i'm tired of carrying all this weight around on my head. i need encouragement....
Yesss this is awesome Lia., you are a true inspiration for so many women 👍❤ The buzzcut is my favorite look and feel. I am 56 and it has been 2 years since my buzzcut and i miss the way it made me feel powerful and care-less (at my own fears of not fitting in) I can recommend it to anyone to do this at least once in their lifetime.
Absolutely Well done ! I did It the same 4 weeks ago and now it's Amazing.....i do the buzz every week and i want to stay likes this for a long period.. love love
"Living in the moment instead of sticking to old principles that no longer apply" Huzzah! I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary of going from thick waist length to buzzcut. Many of the same reasons plus a few more. 65 years old and adventures still abound!
I would love to shave my head. It’s been at least 2/3 years since I’ve had this thought.. but I keep delaying it. I'm tired of thinking about what society and the people around me would say if I did this. I admire you so much for deciding to do this twice. I hope some day I will find the courage.. hugs from Italy❤️
I’d love to have that much freedom, but I couldn’t deal with people staring thinking I’ve got a terminal disease. You also have a great shaped head for the buzz cut! Looks really good.
You have to do whatever. Feels comfortable for yourself! We can't control what other people think about us. I do wrestle with the same feelings myself because people often think that I'm going through chemo. But the narrative and society that a woman has to be sick in order to have very short hair or a shaved head won't change until more women choose to support the buzz cut or a bald head just because they want it for their own reasons! Part of the reason I shaved my own head was to shed my tendency to be a people pleaser and try to do what people want me to do versus what feels right for me! (That being said, you have to do what feels right for YOU, but if you think you want the buzz cut, do it for YOU. And ignore or educate the ignorant) 💛
I am also planning to shave my head this week.. I've been thinking about it for a year... but The thing is... ppl around me get weird out and start judging me when I talk about it.. I dont know why its so big deal for other ppl.
Schön, dass du zum Frühlingsanfang deine Wohlfühlfrisur zurück hast! Es sieht gut aus! Ich bin einer von denen, die darauf neugierig sind, ob du die Haare einmal auch ganz abrasieren wirst... Ich würde dir dazu Mut machen wollen. Für mich war das (ein paar Mal) ein ganz wichtiger Schritt, eine Frisur einfach ohne Kompromisse, als mir die Haare gar nicht kurz genug sein konnten. Das Beste dabei: Ein paar Millimeter Haare, also so etwas wie deinen derzeitigen Haarschnitt, kannst du dann in ein paar Tagen wieder haben, wenn du dann nicht doch für einige Zeit bei der Glatze bleiben willst...
I really love the current medium long hair cut. It suits you well. However, you look the best with the buzz cut. It's just my personal opinion and it doesn't matter. Nevertheless, I think you look the most beautiful with the buzz cut. And it is definitely more easy to take care of...I know because I have a pixie cut 😅
Olá Lia! Muito libertador seu estilo de vida! Sugestões de vídeos: mostrar sua alimentação, sua cozinha, seus atuais utensílios de higiene e como você escolhe seus cosméticos. Obrigada!
I shaved my head a few times in the past. It was cool and freeing. It looks great on you and you also look good with longer hair. I like my current hair (it’s short like what you had before shaving) but if I will become a Buddhist nun I will have to have it shaved again
Hello again! 😊 yes, I remember you from your earlier video. I buzzed my hair a little over a year ago, and I'm not going back any time soon- I am vastly happy with my 3mm length,.. I buzz it once per week 😎
DId you find your hair grew back different after shaving it? Your hair looks so healthy and thick! Also the buzz cut is super cool, I'm tempted! Not convinced I have the head shape for it though haha
It didn't really grow back any different. But when I was a kid and had cancer it definitely grew back super different after chemotherapy. And I know a lot of people have experiences like that. About the headshape: I have watched a ton of peoples videos and many of them were concerned about their head shape and it was fine every time 😊 But I am also not sure if I think that my headshape is good for hair this short because now its narrow and tiny... So I guess a lot of it might be personal insecurities that are not general "thruths"...
Hello Lia, it is of course your own choice and you have a beautiful face and head, but as a cancer survivor who was forced to be bald, i encourage you to celebrate your locks. Being happy with your hair and taking good care of it isnt vanity or being superficial, its being grateful for what nature (or God, or whatever your belief) blessed you with! ❤
I share your experience and am happy that Lia and others show that bald in women does not have to equal illness. I never wore a wig and women like Lia made that acceptable. 🙂
I can totally understand your thought and I hope too that short hair will at some point not be associated with illness anymore. Also, I had cancer as a kid and the treatment required chemo therapy, so that was the first time I had no hair and short hair. But I guess the experience might be different as a kid. And I think I wouldn't shave my head now if I didn't like the look. And I agree, we are all allowed to want to look good and care about are beauty! We just shouldn't feel obligated to 😊
Great. I've got a new trimmer from my land lord. So in 1 month I will try to shave my hair for the first time by myself )) I hope it will work ) I don't care about the beauty standards. They are made only for selling the shampoos and other staff. I like my 3 mm hair very much. By the way, your scar looks cool )) Some people shave the lines on their heads, very stylish.
I háve been wanting to do this for a really long tíme, but my husband doesnt like it... I am well aware I dont need his approval, he is a very nice man who supports me in all the other areas, he just doesnt like the look and while I dont give a.... what others think I want HIM to like my hair
@@ecofriendlia I did it while drunk and not thinking properly and honestly It was one of the best/ worst decisions I made I still am absolutely in love with it thought it feels so fresh and cool my girlfriend shaved hers to the skin and I might do that to ngl
A faild attempt at a backflip when I was 16... I hit a concrete edge of a pool. Luckily on a hospital property but then they couldn't stitch it up and taped instead 😂 I guess that is why it is so big, but I think it doesn't even look that bad.
You look lovely, just like last time. I admire your courage to challenge the standard society sets as examples of beauty. What is beauty? Who decides what is beauty and who decides what is feminine? `"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye" by Antoine de St Exupery ♥🌼🍀
The only problem I had with having a buzz cut was other peoples opinions. I got so fed up with people blurting out their criticism I ended up growing my hair out again.
Yes, it was pretty similar for me... It's definitely the downside. But then again, after a break I thought I'd give it another shot. Maybe practice helps and maybe it helps this haircut to become more "normal" for women 😊
Love the buzz cut😊 Can you tell a bit more about it? I have some troubles when I shave my own head😅 For example: my clipper shaves perfectly on my head but not around my ears and I don't know why that is. On my head I put it on 12 mm but round my ears on 9mm. I got a simple clipper from the drugstore. Maybe I should buy a better one? What is the brand of your clipper? I guess I need a good tutorial😂
Great news to see the return of the buzz cut. If you remember we campaigned for the return of the buzz cut when you first began to grow it back. Hope you can keep it up this time. It suits you. Get your boyfriend to take a soulful portrait photo of you. You see it will look good. If you were a little taller you could be a model! Maybe you could try beauty shots! Remember the buzz cut really looks good on you. Take care.
Also schneiden ist glaub kaum möglich mit dem Ding aber es ist absolut schlecht. Der Akku ist eine Katastrophe und ein Kampf ist es auch damit die Haare zu schneiden 😂 aber irgendwie funktionierts ja und deshalb hab ich den behalten und noch keinen neuen gekauft...
I've been shaving my head since October 2022 because of you :D Loving it and never coming back. I'm a 26-year-old girl, btw :)
I fought the hair wars for decades with my fine, thin hair, but about five years ago I got up the nerve to cut it very short. I love the simplicity- it’s easy to wash, dry, and style and I’ve saved money by not having to buy lots of products or conditioner. Every day is a good hair day now 🙂
Yay!! Buzz cut is back! You know, I've had my head shaved for almost 3 years and you were one of the last people that I watched before I decided to do it a few years ago! For the same reasons you did for the environment to change social norms about female beauty and also to support women who may have hair loss for any reason whether it be cancer or alopecia etc.
I've been shaving my head for 5 years now
I buzzed my hair 2 weeks ago.I have moments when I regret it and moments when I feel free and beautiful..It is so nice to have support! You are awesome.
I've been shaving my head for 5 years and it's great
My wife grew her hair for our wedding (at her mother's insistence) then got it buzzed 5 days into our honeymoon !
Your video where you shaved your hair for the first time convinced me to do the same after two years of thinking about it nonstop but being too afraid to commit, and I’m so glad I did it. I love it so much, I trim it every sunday. Thank you ❤❤❤
I buzz every spring for the last couple years! I will do mine very soon.. your video made me even more pumped! I love the simplicity and how much lighter it makes me feel
I cut my hair very short. I love everything about short hair...the ease of care, the lightness of being, and the way my personality shines through, as does yours, Lia. I think you are quite beautiful this way, too! Such a strong statement to the world about yourself!
I buzzed my hair a few days ago, in part inspired by your first video. I love it! I find your minimalism and commitment to authenticity inspiring.
I keep mine exceptionally short, but not shaved. And you’re right. A man can shave his and there is no social implication, but a woman can’t. I keep mine short for ease of care and because I just like it
💓love lady's shaving there heads my wife shaved hers and really loved a bald head
I love bald/buzzed ladies. My wife has a shorter buzz cut.
I think it depends on the culture for men.
I love you with a buzz cut - it really suits you! You've got beautiful facial features and it lets them shine through. Well done!
Oh my god I bet that feels amazing! I loved having short hair it was so easy and you can feel the wind breeze on your head and neck and it’s amazing. You look lovely.
I did this 3 years ago, and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I gave in to the pressure from my family and grew it back. So many people told me "you don't know how lucky you are to have such gorgeous curly hair, it's a shame you shaved it off". I reluctantly grew it back. I think I will shave it again after watching this ❤
I love your haircut! And the short hair feels so good
Absolutely love this buzz cut!💖♥️🩷💕❤️
I absolutely love your shaved cut. I wish I had the courage to do that (I absolutely DO NOT). You are beautiful with any coif.
I really love your simple style. You look so beautiful with a clean Brown buzzcut! Hope you keep it! With a clean face, free of any face makeup and simple fingernails, I find you to be very attractive. I'm not a weirdo, just please accept
my heartfelt compliment.
I'm not a weirdo 😂 lol ❤
you look beautiful with your hair any way i've seen you have it! but more importantly, your inner beauty of your thoughtful, considerate and compassionate personality and intelligence are the reason i like you and your videos so much! you're great, lia.
you're the second person (that I follow on youtube) that I've seen shaving their head in the last week and while it's so fun to watch it's also making my life very difficult because I've been trying to let my own buzzcut grow out (last shaved it in September, so I've been doing pretty good so far) but shaving it was also so funnn that I have to wrestle with the temptation almost weekly 😂 but it's still cold as fuck where I live so a buzzcut would not be a wise choice atm, I was planning on reshaving it closer to summer
I send you strength! 😂 And at least it's good to know that you are going to cut it off and that you want it for sure 😊
Love it! I have very short hair that I cut myself. It's a creative thing for me and so liberating ❤
I've watched ALL your videos countless times! I started following you later in your career only the last year or so tho! Anyways! I never got to truly know the buzz cut Lia!! I love the buzz cut on you and I'm happy to get to watch you shave it!!
I love it. You inspired me to try a buzz cut last time you did it and it was so freeing and so easy. Now I’m about 11 months into growing it back though. I just couldn’t get over how I didn’t feel feminine enough with it.
So empowering. F the beauty standards - you are fabulous 🥰
i have really long 13 year old dreads and your comment about how empowering it would be is what i needed to hear. i'm female, 60, and people say i'm looking frail because i'm skinny, so having a shaved head will draw further suspicion that i'm unwell or something. i don't want to feel compelled to explain or justify my choice to have a buzz cut. i just don't know if i feel ready not to volunteer more information than i should. i just want the other kind of hair freedom, i haven't needed to do anything to maintain my dreads and i feel like a buzz would be the other care free option. i'm tired of carrying all this weight around on my head. i need encouragement....
Hair holds memories, give yourself a blessing of a fresh start. Let your beauty shine from within @@ivanmaroto8792 🙌
You look wonderful with a buzz cut!
Yesss this is awesome Lia., you are a true inspiration for so many women 👍❤
The buzzcut is my favorite look and feel. I am 56 and it has been 2 years since my buzzcut and i miss the way it made me feel powerful and care-less (at my own fears of not fitting in) I can recommend it to anyone to do this at least once in their lifetime.
Absolutely Well done ! I did It the same 4 weeks ago and now it's Amazing.....i do the buzz every week and i want to stay likes this for a long period.. love love
I love it, great for swimming and the summer!
You look radiant, Lia! It suits you well, and represents you strength of character!
Love your videos, Lia. Thank you for always sharing your thoughts with us
It looks amazing on you! ❤
Loved it the first time. Love it this time. ❤
I adore the scar ❤
"Living in the moment instead of sticking to old principles that no longer apply" Huzzah! I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary of going from thick waist length to buzzcut. Many of the same reasons plus a few more. 65 years old and adventures still abound!
Oh my god I love your haircut so so much ❤
It suits you! I just grew my hair back out from being shaved and now I'm tempted to shave it again!.
You look incredible. You have a beautiful and kind face and the buzzcut suits you so well ❤
I would love to shave my head. It’s been at least 2/3 years since I’ve had this thought.. but I keep delaying it. I'm tired of thinking about what society and the people around me would say if I did this. I admire you so much for deciding to do this twice. I hope some day I will find the courage.. hugs from Italy❤️
P.s. you look stunning 🌿💚
I want to shave you in Greece soon you will come to do this?
I’d love to have that much freedom, but I couldn’t deal with people staring thinking I’ve got a terminal disease. You also have a great shaped head for the buzz cut! Looks really good.
You have to do whatever. Feels comfortable for yourself! We can't control what other people think about us. I do wrestle with the same feelings myself because people often think that I'm going through chemo. But the narrative and society that a woman has to be sick in order to have very short hair or a shaved head won't change until more women choose to support the buzz cut or a bald head just because they want it for their own reasons! Part of the reason I shaved my own head was to shed my tendency to be a people pleaser and try to do what people want me to do versus what feels right for me! (That being said, you have to do what feels right for YOU, but if you think you want the buzz cut, do it for YOU. And ignore or educate the ignorant) 💛
I buzzed mine at the same time as you last time, and I just buzzed it again a couple weeks ago! 😂
Hi Lia you look fabulous! Love your short hair!
Started to look at your vids when you shaved your hair last time. Thought you was cool! Youre good any way!
May I ask what
the scar on your head is from?
Please let me know the name of the trimmer/shaver brand you used. I was looking for a good one for some time.
Unfortunately mine is terrible, and about ten years old. Hope you find a good one! 😊
what are some things to think about or do while its growing out again to maximise growth n health etc?
I am also planning to shave my head this week.. I've been thinking about it for a year... but The thing is... ppl around me get weird out and start judging me when I talk about it.. I dont know why its so big deal for other ppl.
Schön, dass du zum Frühlingsanfang deine Wohlfühlfrisur zurück hast! Es sieht gut aus! Ich bin einer von denen, die darauf neugierig sind, ob du die Haare einmal auch ganz abrasieren wirst... Ich würde dir dazu Mut machen wollen. Für mich war das (ein paar Mal) ein ganz wichtiger Schritt, eine Frisur einfach ohne Kompromisse, als mir die Haare gar nicht kurz genug sein konnten. Das Beste dabei: Ein paar Millimeter Haare, also so etwas wie deinen derzeitigen Haarschnitt, kannst du dann in ein paar Tagen wieder haben, wenn du dann nicht doch für einige Zeit bei der Glatze bleiben willst...
I really love the current medium long hair cut. It suits you well. However, you look the best with the buzz cut. It's just my personal opinion and it doesn't matter. Nevertheless, I think you look the most beautiful with the buzz cut. And it is definitely more easy to take care of...I know because I have a pixie cut 😅
Olá Lia! Muito libertador seu estilo de vida! Sugestões de vídeos: mostrar sua alimentação, sua cozinha, seus atuais utensílios de higiene e como você escolhe seus cosméticos. Obrigada!
I shaved my head a few times in the past. It was cool and freeing. It looks great on you and you also look good with longer hair. I like my current hair (it’s short like what you had before shaving) but if I will become a Buddhist nun I will have to have it shaved again
No pressure or anything, but I look up to you a lot, Lia 🙂
thinking of shaving my head again🙈 i loved my buzz cut but not really the growing back part
There is an easy fix to this: keep buzzing!
Hello again! 😊 yes, I remember you from your earlier video.
I buzzed my hair a little over a year ago, and I'm not going back any time soon- I am vastly happy with my 3mm length,.. I buzz it once per week 😎
Es betont deine Augenpartie total schön!
oh no now I miss my buzzcut... :D
Love it I think you couldn't wait this is a good look for you.its you.your countenance that's most important
Oh Lia, you're amazing! You are so beautiful 😊
I loved shaving my head. Did it last time at around 50 yrs old. So easy and freeing ❤
It's not for me, but it's very cool that you do it ❤
Oh my god! 😍😍😍 You are Very strong woman!
Smoking hot buzz cut. My wife also has a short buzz cut. We both love it.
love it!
love the buzz:)
I considered it for myself but I hate to cut my hair that often, you look amazing whatever you choose, hair is not that important
I really didn't like that either last time. So I thought this time I might just cut it a lot less often and let it grow out a bit. But we will see 😊
I would love tips on how to shave my own head :)
DId you find your hair grew back different after shaving it? Your hair looks so healthy and thick! Also the buzz cut is super cool, I'm tempted! Not convinced I have the head shape for it though haha
It didn't really grow back any different. But when I was a kid and had cancer it definitely grew back super different after chemotherapy. And I know a lot of people have experiences like that. About the headshape: I have watched a ton of peoples videos and many of them were concerned about their head shape and it was fine every time 😊 But I am also not sure if I think that my headshape is good for hair this short because now its narrow and tiny... So I guess a lot of it might be personal insecurities that are not general "thruths"...
that's is amazing! i shaved my hair before, it was for feminism. in my country, south korea, here are '4B 6T' for women rights activity!
2:04 Well said! 💕
Hello Lia, it is of course your own choice and you have a beautiful face and head, but as a cancer survivor who was forced to be bald, i encourage you to celebrate your locks. Being happy with your hair and taking good care of it isnt vanity or being superficial, its being grateful for what nature (or God, or whatever your belief) blessed you with! ❤
I share your experience and am happy that Lia and others show that bald in women does not have to equal illness. I never wore a wig and women like Lia made that acceptable. 🙂
I can totally understand your thought and I hope too that short hair will at some point not be associated with illness anymore. Also, I had cancer as a kid and the treatment required chemo therapy, so that was the first time I had no hair and short hair. But I guess the experience might be different as a kid. And I think I wouldn't shave my head now if I didn't like the look. And I agree, we are all allowed to want to look good and care about are beauty! We just shouldn't feel obligated to 😊
I agree with you 100%. Beautiful hair is a gift from God.
icky… just let her live how she wants to live ffs, no need to guilt trip
@@charlotte.allan333 The look on her face as her clippers approached told me that a big part of her did not want to shave it off.
Love it!!😊
Love it!!!
Dream hair cut ❤🇦🇺
You're a wonderful woman and person with long and short hair!
Greetings from Germany! Angela
Yäy you did it!! Go you!! :D
Great. I've got a new trimmer from my land lord. So in 1 month I will try to shave my hair for the first time by myself )) I hope it will work ) I don't care about the beauty standards. They are made only for selling the shampoos and other staff. I like my 3 mm hair very much. By the way, your scar looks cool )) Some people shave the lines on their heads, very stylish.
I háve been wanting to do this for a really long tíme, but my husband doesnt like it... I am well aware I dont need his approval, he is a very nice man who supports me in all the other areas, he just doesnt like the look and while I dont give a.... what others think I want HIM to like my hair
You are what you are, with hair or not! Freedom! You're very pretty without haïr it's my own advice 😊
Gorgeous!! ❤
You look tough as hell! And your eyes stand out even more. 😯
Always a good hair day when it’s time to chop 😂😅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bellissimo taglio stai benissimo 👍👍👍👍
I’m a girl and I want to shave my head so should i
Yes, if you want to, you should 😊 but if there are really good reasons not to, then maybe not...
@@ecofriendlia alright I’ve been thinking about it for years and i keep you updated
@@ecofriendlia after some consideration I’m gonna do it I’m honestly sick of my long hair and it’s downsides
@@ecofriendlia I did it while drunk and not thinking properly and honestly It was one of the best/ worst decisions I made I still am absolutely in love with it thought it feels so fresh and cool my girlfriend shaved hers to the skin and I might do that to ngl
Nice! I just did the same!
What is your scar from!
A faild attempt at a backflip when I was 16... I hit a concrete edge of a pool. Luckily on a hospital property but then they couldn't stitch it up and taped instead 😂 I guess that is why it is so big, but I think it doesn't even look that bad.
Girl I love it!!! Why'd you shave it? Also may I repost? xx
Well done.
You look lovely, just like last time. I admire your courage to challenge the standard society sets as examples of beauty. What is beauty? Who decides what is beauty and who decides what is feminine? `"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye" by Antoine de St Exupery ♥🌼🍀
The only problem I had with having a buzz cut was other peoples opinions. I got so fed up with people blurting out their criticism I ended up growing my hair out again.
Yes, it was pretty similar for me... It's definitely the downside. But then again, after a break I thought I'd give it another shot. Maybe practice helps and maybe it helps this haircut to become more "normal" for women 😊
Love the buzz cut😊 Can you tell a bit more about it? I have some troubles when I shave my own head😅 For example: my clipper shaves perfectly on my head but not around my ears and I don't know why that is. On my head I put it on 12 mm but round my ears on 9mm. I got a simple clipper from the drugstore. Maybe I should buy a better one? What is the brand of your clipper? I guess I need a good tutorial😂
Great news to see the return of the buzz cut. If you remember we campaigned for the return of the buzz cut when you first began to grow it back. Hope you can keep it up this time. It suits you. Get your boyfriend to take a soulful portrait photo of you. You see it will look good. If you were a little taller you could be a model! Maybe you could try beauty shots! Remember the buzz cut really looks good on you. Take care.
But... you look so beautiful with shaved hair...
You rock and so beautiful
I'm still pixie
i love you hair
Have you ever tried clean shaved head look
They relate short hair to being gay and there are alot of gay women with long hair. Hair does not determine who u are as a person.
Mein Kopf dauerhaft: „Oh Gott, bitte tu dir nicht weh, tu dir nicht weh, tu dir nicht weh“, nicht dass du dich schneidest. 😅
Also schneiden ist glaub kaum möglich mit dem Ding aber es ist absolut schlecht. Der Akku ist eine Katastrophe und ein Kampf ist es auch damit die Haare zu schneiden 😂 aber irgendwie funktionierts ja und deshalb hab ich den behalten und noch keinen neuen gekauft...
@@ecofriendlia Alles zu seiner Zeit! ;)