Smartest man alive Ozymendias/Reed Richards scenes comparison

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2022
  • I still love marvel but that was garbage.
    #reedrichards #f4 #fantasticfour #drstrange #drstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness #watchmen #ozymandias
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Комментарии • 61

  • @MimDe
    @MimDe Год назад +197

    One outsmarted a practically omnipotent being
    And the other couldn't handle a crazy woman.

  • @raimiallpowerful2020
    @raimiallpowerful2020 Год назад +120

    literally outsmarted someone who lives throughout all time and is practically omnipotent.
    and mr fantastic just fails because he won't listen and dies at the hands of just some superhuman who wants kids

  • @JoelKellenProductions
    @JoelKellenProductions Год назад +86

    Ozymandias would’ve found a way to defeat Wanda. And probably counter her powers.

  • @darkwarriormaster9644
    @darkwarriormaster9644 Год назад +65

    Ozymendias wins

  • @auroraSLAP
    @auroraSLAP Год назад +24

    Reed Richards: (allegedly) the smartest man alive
    Also Reed Richards: decides someone in restraints who’s trying to warn him about an evil witch that can warp reality is more dangerous than said evil witch

  • @yannickvaz694
    @yannickvaz694 Год назад +43

    I'm not a fan of how they toned Ozy's intellect in the Watchmen show (although his character is still great and the show is still amazing), but comic book Ozymandias is absolutely scarily smart. It's portrayed okay in the movie, still good but could have been better.
    Mr. "Fantastic" however...
    Edit: To be fair though, you can't really compare Alan Moore's writing, to generic MCU movie writing. Alan Moore is a genius, and Killing Joke, V for Vendetta, and The Watchmen prove it.

    • @Dimmary
      @Dimmary  Год назад +4

      I guess it just goes to show you how the MCU has fallen

    • @yannickvaz694
      @yannickvaz694 Год назад +10

      @@Dimmary Although the early MCU movies are clearly better than most of what we have now, even the best of them aren't written as well as the Alan Moore comic books. The level of character building that each of the Watchmen get would never have been done by most superhero movies (both Marvel or DC). Even this movie fails to deliver the level of quality we got from Moore's comics, and the only reason some scenes are great is because it's pulled straight as a 1:1 copy of Moore's work (like Veidt's dialogue in this scene for example).
      I'd say the Netflix Daredevil, The Batman, and HBO's Watchmen are the best ways to tell a superhero story. They take their liberties with the characters, try not to tell the same stories as the comics, but capture the essence of what made their source material so great.

    • @Dimmary
      @Dimmary  Год назад +9

      @@yannickvaz694 hum.. HBO watchmen? Holy shit that was garbage. In my opinion that is. I hated the storyline but the whole plot was well executed . It's just that some stuff are dumber than Josstice league

    • @yannickvaz694
      @yannickvaz694 Год назад +1

      @@Dimmary Yeah, I respect your opinion. As a massive fan of the Watchmen comics (I would say it's objectively the best, and subjectively my second favourite comic book series of all time), I felt that Snyder's movie tried to copy the books but wasn't as good, while the HBO series told its own original story with the same level of storytelling we get from the books. I believe those that haven't read the comics would watch the movie and say it's amazing, while the HBO series would seem all over the place and way too confusing (with some questionable moments). The movie is definitely aimed at those that haven't read the books, but it still is a massive downgrade from the comics. The series on the other hand is the opposite, it's a show you can watch and might enjoy, but you appreciate it much more when you've read the books.
      This is going to be a VERY long comment, so don't feel bad if you don't want to read it. It's something that I feel needs to be said though.
      *Spoiler Alert for Watchmen comics, Movie and TV series*
      In the movie, the entire story is exactly the same as in the comics (for the most part). The biggest difference is that Ozymandias created an explosion with Manhattan's power in the movie, while in the comics he teleported a giant "alien" mutant squid (created with the same methods that made Bubastis) onto New York. Other than that, It's literally Alan Moore's work that's copied and cut to fit into a movie. The best parts of the movie are only good because they were good in the comics (name all of your favourite moments, and I'm pretty sure they were taken straight from the books), which means the movie's writers didn't really do anything. The cuts also left out some plot points, like how Nite Owl and Silk Spectre broke into the prison, how the Comedian found out about Veidt's plan, and what exactly is Bubastis. Because of its attempt at comic accuracy, almost all of the dialogue is also ripped straight from the pages as well. This gives us some great moments (like Rorschach's "I'm not locked in here with you... You're locked in here with me"), but also gives us some cringe worthy scenes (Laurie and Dan's conversation "There aren't many laughs around these days... What do you expect? The Comedian is dead"). The actors had to stick to the script word for word, which makes it feel more like they are reciting their lines than actually having a conversation. Even most of Rorschach's journal entries and Manhattan's dialogues felt forced to an extent. It could have been better if they were given a little more freedom to say what they wanted.
      Another major problem is that, Alan Moore loves to use juxtaposition with story telling and transitioning between scenes in his writing (and I mean a lot. it's done in Batman: Killing Joke, and V for Vendetta also, and it's awesome). Each issue of the Watchmen closes with a quote that perfectly encapsulates what you just read, and the way its done will give you chills everytime (a quote from Albert Einstein talking about mankind creating the nuclear bomb and ending with "...if only I'd known, I would have become a watchmaker" is used as juxtaposition in the issue about Dr. Manhattan, and how he wanted to be a watchmaker as a kid, but became considered as a living nuclear bomb). The only time we see this in the movie is when Jimi Hendrix's rendition of "All Along the Watchtower" plays while Nite Owl and Rorschach go to confront Veidt (and even that is pulled from the comics, which quoted the song at the end of the issue). Even the scene transitions to each characters memory of the Comedian at his funeral (which also happens in the comics) isn't done that well. It's a lot harder to film a smooth transition than draw it, so I don't blame the movie for not doing it well, but I'll get back to this point when talking about the HBO series.
      The characters aren't as well fleshed out as they are in the comics too. I don't think the movie showed the history behind Rorschach's mask and why he became a vigilante (the mask was made from special material of a dress, but he believes that the woman who ordered it was the same one who was raped and murdered outside her home a few days later), although we got the story behind why he kills people (about the kid who was butchered and fed to dogs). The man at the Newspaper stand, the kid reading the pirate comics (which also uses a lot of juxtaposition), the two officers that arrest Rorschach, the therapist that tries to help Rorschach in the prison, the Newspaper company which Rorschach sends his journal to, a whole case of famous people going missing, the Minutemen, and even Veidt's pet mutant cat Bubastis don't get enough screentime. It's understandable, because it would have been too long for a movie to add everything, but that cycles back to my point of trying to copy the story, but failing to do it justice. Their deaths are what makes Ozymandias' plan more painful to watch, and the fact that he even sacrificed Bubastis (probably the only living creature he cared about) doesn't play out as emotional in the movie.
      I will admit, I loved the fact that Snyder managed to direct and film most of the shots to look like the comic artwork, that definitely deserves some praise. The scene where Rorschach kills a guy in the prison bathroom while the door opens and closes was also new, and nice to see (in the comics he kills the guy in the bathroom, but you only see the blood flowing under the door as Rorschach, Silk Spectre and Nite Owl walk away). My favourite part though has to be the intro credits, which shows the Minutemen, what happened to most of them, and the Watchmen that were created years after the Minutemen disbanded, all while Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changing" plays. If the entire movie could have been made as well as that, I would have loved it. At the moment I feel the movie is a very mediocre 5/10, although I can understand why people would like it more than I did. Apart from these few good points, most of the credit that I can give to the movie is credit that the movie doesn't deserve, but the comics do.
      Now onto the HBO series. I will admit the story isn't as good as the comic book, and by extension that means it's not as good as the movie either. While the comic story is a clear 10/10, the series story is a 7/10. However, since the opening scene, you can see just how much the respect was given to the comic books. It didn't try to copy the same story, and it told a story that wasn't as good, but did it with the same level of passion we got from Alan Moore. Every episode ends with a song that reflects what happened in the episode, the same way Moore used quotes to do the same thing. Ending the first episode with a song that mentions the episode's name at exactly the same time a drop of blood falls into a police badge, mirroring the Watchmen's iconic smiley face with a drop of blood on it, that's the level of writing you expect from the Watchmen.
      Remember what I was saying about how it is difficult to film smooth transitions between scenes? The HBO series nails that too. The show is filled with scenes which blend seamlessly, just like the comics do. juxtaposition is used well in the show, and a good example is the episode about Wade. It opens with a scene as George Michael's "Careless Whisper" plays, right before Ozy's giant squid kills most of New York. The incident traumatized Wade, and we see most of the episode dedicated to him. At the end of the episode, he finds out the truth about the incident and contemplates his life for the past few decades, while an acoustic cover of Careless Whisper plays. It reminded me of the scene from Deadpool 2, where A-ha's "Take on Me" plays when Vanessa is killed. At the end of the movie when Deadpool dies, an acoustic version of the song plays.
      If we take away the actual writing and look at the cinematography, there's a lot to be praised there as well. The flashback episode about Hooded Justice has some great long shots, and every time the character switches between Angela and Will, it's actually the actors switching places in one continuous shot. In modern cinematography we'd likely get a lot of cuts and CGI in the scenes to make it easier for the director. That's one of the reasons why I love the Netflix Daredevil so much, and HBO's Watchmen has that same level of passion and dedication that most movies and shows lack. The story starts strong, but ends "pretty good" (although not as good as the beginning). The final two episodes had a change in the story which I didn't like, but the second last episode actually did justice to showing exactly how Dr. Manhattan's power of "being at all times in the same moment" works. Overall I'd give the HBO series an 8/10 or maybe a 9/10 if I'm being generous. I can understand why some don't like it, but it still is an incredible display of talent in film making.
      The comic book is leagues above both, the movie and the show. The movie basically told the same story as the comic books, but did it with much less effort and dedication and threw away most of what made the books so good.
      The HBO series had an original story that was not as good, but was executed in such a way that it feels like a proper Watchmen story. I personally feel the movie is mediocre, while the show is much better. That's just my personal opinion though, and everyone is allowed to have different opinions, so yours are cool too.

    • @conserztasfia0078
      @conserztasfia0078 Год назад +1

      @@yannickvaz694 holy God u wrote an entire essay, are your fingers ok? I wish I had as much time and energy as urs

  • @conserztasfia0078
    @conserztasfia0078 Год назад +15

    I can't help but notice how funny the costumes look,😂😂

  • @mr.dystopian5554
    @mr.dystopian5554 Год назад +8

    Narrator: *And with that, he was no longer the smartest man alive*

  • @turtleboi1547
    @turtleboi1547 Год назад +35

    Daily reminder that some Mcu fans are so salty that you don’t like phase 4 of the Mcu that they hate comment on every video giving you more views

    • @cringekiller348
      @cringekiller348 Год назад

      Nah it's mostly salty dceu fans who watch his channel and still cry out loud when he criticises garbage shows like flash

  • @captaincharismachristian
    @captaincharismachristian Год назад +11

    technically the presence is the smartest man alive but he’s a being

  • @TheOneTrueNoName
    @TheOneTrueNoName Год назад +1

    Reed: Wanda I'm about to tell you a way we could stop you so you can do something about it

  • @adamwarlock8172
    @adamwarlock8172 Год назад +10

    matthew goode would have been a better reed richards

    @MAGAMAN 3 месяца назад +1

    I will show you how smart I am by telling you exactly what you need to know to defeat the guy who can destroy you. That's SMRT smart.

  • @jakelewis1669
    @jakelewis1669 Год назад +6


  • @Ispint
    @Ispint Год назад +2

    Are you using bots to vote your community posts

    • @Dimmary
      @Dimmary  Год назад +10

      Lol no

    • @ArcTrooperRod-269
      @ArcTrooperRod-269 Год назад +1


    • @Dimmary
      @Dimmary  Год назад +9

      @@ArcTrooperRod-269 I hate phase 4

    • @ArcTrooperRod-269
      @ArcTrooperRod-269 Год назад +3


      @LAUGHINGRIOT Год назад +1

      @@Dimmary I don't get the I hate marvel or I hate dc mentality I've liked both of them equally my whole life

  • @CowKilla-
    @CowKilla- Год назад

    MCU fans 😢😭

  • @lanternslight4161
    @lanternslight4161 Год назад +4

    after seeing his content, Bro hates marvel more than Adlf H. hates his Jews 😂

    • @turtleboi1547
      @turtleboi1547 Год назад +26

      Maybe he wouldn’t dislike it if it were actually good😐

    • @lanternslight4161
      @lanternslight4161 Год назад +1

      @@turtleboi1547 then where's the DC stuff then? Lmao... I call that bias 😂
      I love me some DC content... but I would be stupid if I said that there's no stupidity in DC content... lol

    • @alexguzman9997
      @alexguzman9997 Год назад

      @@lanternslight4161 I mean... his channel info literally says he's a DC fan, so there's definitely bias in that sense, but his channel his content...

    • @Dimmary
      @Dimmary  Год назад +9

      @@lanternslight4161 you don't have to criticize both sides in other to be impartial. There's probably 2 or 3 videos that are me expressing my feelings or opinion. The rest is pure facts.

    • @Dimmary
      @Dimmary  Год назад +5

      @@alexguzman9997 Being a DC fan doesn't necessarily invite biais . It would be the case if my criticism of Marvel was in a global scale and a Major part of it would be me expressing my feelings and opinion regarding marvel. Which is 90% not the case. Yes I like DC more than marvel but this isnt the marvel hater channel. Most of my points are logical criticism of Marvel phase 4. I loved the MCU till Endgame. But I couldn't believe people liked TFATWS so I decided make people see through the BS by showing simple and logical points that anyone can understand. It worked.