Come Follow Me - Romans 1-6 (part 2 of 3): Saved by Grace

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 49

  • @randylang7341
    @randylang7341 Год назад +44

    Dr. Halverson (Brother)… Words cannot describe how much your weekly expanding of the scriptures means to me. This week (so far) is my second favorite behind Joseph and the coat of many colors.❤ I have to listen to them twice to help me retain better. You are a Savior to me, in helping me better understand THE Savior. Bless you my friend and THANK YOU so very much for the time, effort, and energy you put into these each and every week!!!!!💪🏻👍🏻🙏🏻

    • @davidspjut9365
      @davidspjut9365 Год назад +6

      Amen…I feel the same…we are so blessed by this missionaries good heart😇❤️

    • @margaretdanic2560
      @margaretdanic2560 Год назад +2

      Couldn't agree more!

  • @marylindsay7653
    @marylindsay7653 Год назад +5

    You are an answer to a long time prayer. As a convert in my 20s I missed out on Seminary teachings snd always wanted more than was offered in SS. My personal study was enjoyable but slow going and only scraped the surface. Your videos feed me richly, I listen and re listen. and blesses me daily in my spiritual life Thank you thank you. I Pray for your whole family.

  • @ewasundwall5052
    @ewasundwall5052 Год назад +20

    Thank you for your wonderful lessons. The best thing that came out of the pandemic. Get filled every time I listen to them. Right now, I'm driving every day, 70 miles each way for radiation, and I'm happy for the long, wonderful lessons. Again, thank you for the time you sacrifice for us, your listener's.

    • @curtiste3235
      @curtiste3235 Год назад +8

      Sending prayers to you for angels of healing to attend your long journey and treatment.
      You and God make a great team. You've got this! 💗

    • @loisparrish2146
      @loisparrish2146 Год назад +2

      Healing prayers for you.

  • @pinecone7562
    @pinecone7562 Год назад +1

    This helped me understand grace and works and faith, thank you.

  • @davidspjut9365
    @davidspjut9365 Год назад +14

    Brother Jared…with your explanation of what grace really entails, Now for the first time in my life I truly understand😊. Again, your gifted teachings have returned my anxieties to the Celestial center…How we need the Lord as this center, now has given me a greater peace, and trust in my own faith in Him. Thank you our good brother😇❤️. David

  • @lesley4215
    @lesley4215 Год назад +9

    You never have to worry about pacing yourself with me. I've already gobbled down the first two and trying to figure out how I can make the next one last the rest of the week! Ahh, the Feast of Fat Things!!❤

  • @nanelf8002
    @nanelf8002 Год назад +2

    What a wonderful teachings about : Grace, Faith, Works and Law...! And The Mercy Seat! I love it, thank you so much for your time and effort, to give me and many others a better understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • @coreymcleod2899
    @coreymcleod2899 Год назад +5

    Man, this was such an awesome lesson!🙂👊💪 Can't we all have Bro Hal as our Sunday School teacher to clear up our misunderstandings?

  • @helenwilloughby650
    @helenwilloughby650 Год назад +15

    I love the painting when Christ is rescuing the drowning. It is such a true depiction of so much of our lives

  • @brittkelly6326
    @brittkelly6326 Год назад

    Beautiful explanations and clarifications about the necessities if obedience and the saving power of grace

  • @daviddenkers864
    @daviddenkers864 Год назад +2

    I wish I would have had a better perspective on these contraries of works and grace, faith and works on my mission decades ago. I served in Dallas, part of the Bible Belt. I remember a lot of discussions with my Protestant friends from the book of Romans. I was extreme on works and justice, and my Protestant friends were extreme on grace and mercy. I wish we could have met in the middle. Our discussions would have gone a lot better. Thanks Brother Halverson for carefully explaining the balance between grace vs works, mercy and justice.

  • @cheryl3309
    @cheryl3309 Год назад +3

    You had me absolutely shocked when you said: He will not re-weld your chain. He wanted it to break. Because if it would have held for you, then you wouldn’t need to hang onto Him.
    Those words hit like lightening and I suddenly understood the Lord’s “why” behind my trials lately. Thank you so much for the most beautiful and deep lesson I’ve ever had about grace and the law. I feel like I’ve learned a new depth to Gods love and mercy. May you be blessed for all you do in His name.

  • @LynetteJonesLDS
    @LynetteJonesLDS Год назад +2

    52:00 So grateful for a quiver full of lives influence for good by those who have spent a life time of living the gospel with charity toward all men.
    And it goes even greater than that. Too much for a simple comment.

  • @beckywright7906
    @beckywright7906 Год назад +11

    Yes we do Love Jesus as a example but we also do need to love him as our Savior, that is really what Paul is teaching. Thanks for the great lesson!

    • @larryfloydwimber3121
      @larryfloydwimber3121 Год назад +3


  • @ashleychristenson4823
    @ashleychristenson4823 Год назад +2

    This is a beautiful lesson. Your lessons have helped the scriptures be the best therapy I could hope for. The years through covid I went through some extremely hard things with a family member losing their testimony and children struggling with mental health. Thank you for helping me love Jesus as my Savior.

  • @jacquelinelatauska2363
    @jacquelinelatauska2363 Год назад +7

    Enjoy your lessons so much Br Halvorsen and so happy to hear my incoming BYU freshman grandson will be in a class of yours!

  • @arrluk8154
    @arrluk8154 Год назад +3

    “Patient continuance in well doing” seems to be the perfect way to describe repentance. We start with a particular weakness or sin. We make a commitment to change, and start practicing behaviors that will help us change, all the while putting our faith in Christ and His grace. This is the “well doing”. Now because this is a weakness of ours, we are not likely to change overnight. Some people are blessed with that miracle, but I don’t think most are. So we probably give in to our weakness again and again, but we choose not to give up. This is the “continuing” part. No matter how many times we fail, we never let discouragement keep us from trying. And then we have to accept that this process will take time, but that God is helping us climb that staircase one step at a time. We have to learn to be forgiving of ourselves so we don’t let shame discourage us. This is the “patient” part. And we continue following this pattern until we see the grace of God lift us out of our weakness and turn it into a strength.

    • @kensrobertson
      @kensrobertson Год назад +2

      This has been (and still is) my experience. And I grow a bit every day. Isn't this what everyone wants, to get over the weaknesses and things that trouble them? When I suggest that idea I often feel people take a little offense. Isn't it a hopeful ideal? And attainable?!

  • @novawarren5089
    @novawarren5089 Год назад +9

    Soo enjoy each letter from these Apostles,
    They only had letters to send to churches and word of mouth
    People who might have tried to take parts of talks and share.
    These are wonderful along special with JST
    Thank you for these videos and your family members
    Prayers for you and them.
    I think they still could make a great series of lessons from these Apostles Letters ❤️📖🙏

  • @lindacrichards
    @lindacrichards Год назад +3

    The richness, kindness, majesty, love, and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ just fills me with gratitude and love for Him and my fellow Saints. Faith and Grace. With some obedience and works have become a joy. Thank you, Jared.

  • @davidjeppson3574
    @davidjeppson3574 Год назад +5

    ". . . benevolence for the dead . . . "

  • @lesley4215
    @lesley4215 Год назад +1

    I remember when John Wayne was dying and he got last rights. I didn't understand but my My Mom explained it to me and at 13 years old i thought being wild and getting it all wiped away at the last-minute sounded pretty cool! She taught me about the value of living a covenant Life.

  • @kathleenhunter3161
    @kathleenhunter3161 Год назад +4

    I attended a Q & A with the actor who played Topel on the Fiddler on the roof one question asked was why it’s name. I loved it and you might be able to use it.
    His answer was that it’s explained in the opening song. Ie We are all like fiddlers on the roof peak. Trying to live our lives without taking a misstep that will lead to our falling off the roof. The play explained that the Jews have done it by there traditions. As members of the church we do it by following the councils of living prophets and studying the scriptures.

  • @noskalborg723
    @noskalborg723 Год назад +2

    i love what you taught about us needing to rely fully on Christ and not just asking him to weld our chain. It is important for Latter-day Saints to learn, but also important for non-believers to learn. Especially those non-believers trapped within secret combinations, believing that there is no salvation for what they've done in any world from anyone. They must learn that even the smallest sin leaves us irredeemable.
    I for one believe that those compelled to murder innocence are indeed in need of repenting, but that God in his omniscience knows that their sin is not the same as those who seek out such sin without mortal coercion. Christians of all creeds must learn to be ready to forgive vile sinners when they pursues repentance. It is the only way to take away the bonds of fear necessary to maintain secret combinations. I weep that there is such a widespread cultural push to either excuse all immorality or never forgive those who abuse children. The devil laughs when our rage against his dark works push his slaves back into the clutches of his awful church of crime and immorality. He whispers "no person will ever forgive you, so just give up and keep serving the syndicate". It is so necessary to address in some capacity. I pray you will cover it at some point, even if not until Ether 8 next year.
    Thank you again and God bless you.

  • @SafeSpaceCafe
    @SafeSpaceCafe Год назад +3

    Love the title picture, reminds me of a poem I once...

  • @ronaldkirk4454
    @ronaldkirk4454 Год назад +1

    Brother Jared PLEASE READ THIS and if at all possible please respond to it..thank you...Your lecture on grace and works..exclusivity and inclusivity, unity and diversity, the Jews and the law and the gentiles and was all very informative and thought provoking. Faith in the grace of Jesus Christ is almost new to me. I think that i have been perceiving that concept all wrong..After 42 yeas a member of The LDS Church, I have been leaning more towards the line of thinking my works qualify me for that grace then grace qualifies me for access to Christ's Atonement...i am pretty sure that i am all wrong with that thought process...i feel as though i need to be mindful of the miraculous power of His is like having someone very close to me always giving me advice and comforting me when I fail..whispering warnings to me..teaching me to counter all of the negativity with service, scripture study, fasting, and repenting...unfortunately i have felt that although this friend has been a very significant influence on me and always wants to help me out and be better, as a result i have put way too much emphasis on repenting of this covetousness problem that i have had for has come to the point that completely forsaking it will not happen in mortality...i pray every day for forgiveness and assistance in overcoming it...i have no idea how God feels about my hopelessness regarding this issue...i am grateful for your lesson on grace in romans1-3 and i plan to continue to study those chapters and listen to your inspired commentary...however, another thought has popped up in my mind during this study on romans 1-3 and that is "exaltation"...i can't help but wonder why Paul has not touched on that subject....i am sure you have plenty of insightful thoughts regarding how grace-repentance-forsaking-atonement are all very much connected to exaltation..i am quite certain it is covered in D&C but so far nothing about it in romans..i am hoping you will get into that principle and give it as much time as you have with grace..i suppose that the number one question i have about exaltation is what are the criteria or what is expected of us to attain the various levels of exaltation...also is it completely determined on our "behavior" in mortality or will we receive further instruction on it in spirit prison..of course i hope to be exalted and dwell with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father for eternity or in other words attain the highest level of exaltation possible..of course i would never think for a moment that i will be assigned to that lofty level of exaltation....i want to think that if i fail to qualify for it based on my mortal performance i don't have a chance but i do have a feeling that because to be able to dwell in the CELESTIAL KINGDOM based on mortal thoughts, actions, sayings, and intentions is not looking to likely for me, i am hoping that because those that make it to that kingdom are eligible for eternal progress or increase that i do have an inkling of a chance to be able to work my way into that kingdom considering the fact that i will have eternity to accomplish that which i have set my eye on for a very long time...what say you?

  • @noskalborg723
    @noskalborg723 Год назад +3

    I love what you are teaching in Grace or Law, Faith or Works. It helps to explain why and how God is not an angry punisher nor a pushover friend. God is truly greater and benevolent. I think this chapter of the video justifies the excesses of the law of moses even better than the adoption analogy (but together they push God even higher).
    I LOVE this.
    And to top it all off, i've been listening to this while peering into incrediblely massive caves in minecraft. full of majesty. I will remember this. you better believe it.

  • @lynnmorrison
    @lynnmorrison Год назад

    I believe that a Convert is stronger then those who are born into the LDS Church. A Latter-day Saint that is born into the Church have the fulness of the Gospel, where a Convert has to search for the Fulness of the Gospel. Some not all take advantage of being born into this Church. A non-member gets to learn the Gospel and compare what he already knows. That is the same between Israel and Gentile!

  • @reacting_to_stuff_
    @reacting_to_stuff_ 5 месяцев назад


  • @Chanstin1
    @Chanstin1 Год назад +1

    Propitiating is used 3 times in 1 John. 1:7; 2:2; and 4:10 😊

  • @novawarren5089
    @novawarren5089 6 месяцев назад +1

    Watching this video again 1:41:37

  • @sherielink601
    @sherielink601 Год назад +1

    Those that even think people accepting the gospel latter in life is great, I say NAY. In my case I did not raise my children in the gospel so I'm liable and my children are not sealed to me. In fact that was one of the things that troubled me about the church. How could I have happiness reaching the celestial kingdom if all my family is not with me?

  • @La13Ka41
    @La13Ka41 Год назад


  • @babx1
    @babx1 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @wadeenglund5095
    @wadeenglund5095 Год назад +2

    Jacob is good, but Nephi is quoted in the temple. ;)

  • @jeff3olsen
    @jeff3olsen Год назад +3

    Society, in large degree, has fallen for the adversary's deception or philosophy of men mingled with scripture that says: "Don't judge me." This deception is greatly taken out of context from the scriptures and is overemphasized and expanded far beyond the intended boundaries laid out in scripture. A judgement delivers a sentance or punishment. Warning someone or society in general of the dangerous path of misery and destruction that sin leads to is not judging, but it may be one of the most loving and selfless things someone can do. A warning or invitation to repent is not a punishment. Calling wickedness for what it is, is not judging an individual, it is simply being real.
    Unfortunately, I fear this deceptive philosophy of men mingled with scripture is creeping its way into the culture of the church.
    We should consider the responsibility we have to leave future generations with a wholesome society and culture that encourages them to grow up in righteousness. We should not fall for the "Don't judge me" philosophy and allow our society to fall into chaos simply to save our fragile perception of being loving and accepting. That sounds more like a selfish facade. 🤨

  • @marilynsmith3551
    @marilynsmith3551 Год назад

    Where do we find the JST of Romans 1:10 and others that I don’t find in my regular scriptures? I checked the back and the cross ref’s and can’t find what you shared.

    • @KyleWright
      @KyleWright Год назад +1

      One good online source, of the many, is Scripture Citation Index. It has the whole JST available there.

  • @SusanSwitzler
    @SusanSwitzler Год назад

    I can't find your show to print out some of information

    • @ronaldkirk4454
      @ronaldkirk4454 11 месяцев назад

      go to just below the video you will see "Come Follow Me - Romans 1-6 (part 2 of 3): Saved by Grace" then below that you will see UNSHAKEN.....Subscribed ...a thumb up a thumb down...Share ......Download...then you will see three on the three dots.. you will see "Click" then below that "Save" then below that "Report" then below that "Show Transcript" on Show won't see the transcript because you have to now scroll down until you see "featured playlist" then slowly scroll a bit more until you see "Transcript" then just below that you will see "Follow Along Using Transcript" then just below that you will see "Show Transcript" in blue print click on it but hold down your button for about two seconds don't just click and let go for some reason you have to hold down on it for about two seconds..then scroll up to the video of brother jared and to his left (your right) the transcript will then can then read along as he speaks or stop the narration and scroll to any part of the lesson he is giving..i hope this helps you

  • @beverlynanihiga9118
    @beverlynanihiga9118 Год назад

    Brother Halverson where are you? We are on Romans 7-16 Over come Evil with Good. Paul and Nani went to do our scriptures and you were not there. We could not find you? You are not going to leave us? We been with you from the Book of Mormon, D & C, Old Testament, and now the new Testament and you are the only one is our instructor... We cannot study with anyone but you... Where are You? Are you going to end with us? Please come back to us. Paul and Nani have been doing the scriptures with you every day since we started and found you which is the greatest, We cannot study with anyone but you. Our scripture time is every day at 3:00 p,m Hawaii time. Yesterday we were sadden because we could not find you on the RUclips. Please answer our plea....🥰🥰🥰🥲🥲🥲🥲