Well no wonder there is no unity in christianity, apparently it's about agreeing on a list of 'facts'...? That comes from the saying that 7 things are 'one'? That is an amazing leap. From 'faith' and 'knowledge of the Son of God' being what we are united in, to a list of facts that, apparently, this man has exclusive to others. I can only assume he has decided that 'knowledge of the Son of God' must be 'knowing' this 'list of facts'? What if you did a quick word study and found that 'epignosis' comes from God...from being 'knit together in love', from 'putting on the new self, which is renewed' in it, from 'sharing of your faith', from 'repentance' granted by God...? The kind of 'knowledge' that isn't a list of facts, but only comes from 'participation' in the 'oneness' of the faith, spirit, hope, Lord, and baptism. It is interesting that he begins by talking about the diversity of the body but that unity somehow comes from denying diversity of thought. 'Unity through division' is literally the lesson from the speaker. "What holds us together is what we believe ABOUT God", he said. What we believe 'about' an infinite God, even if it was accurate, wouldn't amount to more than a drop in the ocean, if it were water. But that is somehow what we're supposed to 'unite' over? The opposite of dis-unity isn't agreeing on a list of facts, and Paul never claims it is.
Well no wonder there is no unity in christianity, apparently it's about agreeing on a list of 'facts'...? That comes from the saying that 7 things are 'one'? That is an amazing leap. From 'faith' and 'knowledge of the Son of God' being what we are united in, to a list of facts that, apparently, this man has exclusive to others.
I can only assume he has decided that 'knowledge of the Son of God' must be 'knowing' this 'list of facts'? What if you did a quick word study and found that 'epignosis' comes from God...from being 'knit together in love', from 'putting on the new self, which is renewed' in it, from 'sharing of your faith', from 'repentance' granted by God...? The kind of 'knowledge' that isn't a list of facts, but only comes from 'participation' in the 'oneness' of the faith, spirit, hope, Lord, and baptism.
It is interesting that he begins by talking about the diversity of the body but that unity somehow comes from denying diversity of thought. 'Unity through division' is literally the lesson from the speaker. "What holds us together is what we believe ABOUT God", he said. What we believe 'about' an infinite God, even if it was accurate, wouldn't amount to more than a drop in the ocean, if it were water. But that is somehow what we're supposed to 'unite' over?
The opposite of dis-unity isn't agreeing on a list of facts, and Paul never claims it is.