How Antarctica’s Tipping Points can Cascade and Destabilize our Overall Global Climate System Please donate to to support my research and videos joining the dots on abrupt climate system mayhem. Happy Holidays!! Antarctica's tipping points threaten global climate stability by University of Tasmania "What happens in Antarctica doesn't stay in Antarctica. Its future will shape the future of the planet." The Thermohaline Ocean Circulation A Brief Fact Sheet - by Stefan Rahmstorf article: Double dip: Antarctic sea ice sinks to new low for winter by Australian Antarctic Program Partnership (AAPP) National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) article: 2024 Antarctic sea ice maximum extent finishes at second lowest On September 19, 2024, Antarctic sea ice stalled out at an annual maximum extent of 17.16 million square kilometers (6.63 million square miles), the second lowest maximum in the satellite record that began in 1979 (Figure 1a). This year’s maximum is 200,000 square kilometers (77,000 square miles) above the previous record low set in 2023. It is 1.55 million square kilometers below (598,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average Antarctic maximum extent. Sea ice extent is markedly below average in the Indian Ocean. Extent is above average stretching out of the Amundsen Sea. This sea ice pattern is similar to last year’s record low.,in%201979%20(Figure%201a). Wikipedia page on Antarctic Krill: Antarctic Krill are the vital species surrounding Antarctica that are responsible for the huge carbon sink in the Southern Oceans. They really deserve their own separate video!!! Map of Bathymetry (Ocean depths) around Antarctica. Peer reviewed paper published online in Ambio on December 10th, 2024 Title: Cascading tipping points of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Abstract Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are key elements in the physical and biological Earth system. Human-induced climate change, and other human activities in the region, are leading to several potential interacting tipping points with major and irreversible consequences. Here, we examine eight potential physical, biological, chemical, and social Antarctic tipping points. These include ice sheets, ocean acidification, ocean circulation, species redistribution, invasive species, permafrost melting, local pollution, and the Antarctic Treaty System. We discuss the nature of each potential tipping point, its control variables, thresholds, timescales, and impacts, and focus on the potential for cumulative and cascading effects as a result of their interactions. The analysis provides substantial evidence of the need for more concerted and rapid action to limit climate change and to minimize the impacts of local human activities to avoid these cascading tipping points. Keywords Antarctic treaty system Earth system Ecosystem services Interacting tipping points Ocean circulation Sea ice Link: Please donate to to support my research and videos joining the dots on abrupt climate system mayhem. Happy Holidays!! I am hoping to do many more videos over the holidays, to keep people up to speed on abrupt climate system changes (and on many other topics as well, like China:)
Have they measured ocean PH around Antarctica, I ponder the nature of plankton found around the Antarctic vs the absence of Plankton found in the Northern Atlantic which is almost nil. Could the wall of current surrounding the Antarctic create a wall to separate the PH from one side to another like a thermocline?
My environmental science job was to align our agency with 'the latest research' so I had to read the 'Permafrost Methane' choss. Some professor and his graduate student booked a fly fish charter cabin in Yukon, had them did a backhoe hole in the tundra and cover it with a sheet of plywood, while they went fishing. Their research paper concludes, "We found NO evolution of methane, however we hope this INFORMS the permafrost methane research." The Climate Rags all shrieked "METHANE RESEARCH IN ARCTIC PERMAFROST", then the al-Goreians read the room, and added that to their Stranger Danger! Climate End of Days.
Nice presentation, thanks, Paul. For a comprehensive, commom sense, big picture run down of where were at and how we arrived at this dark point in history, check out Andrea P, Post-Doom Primer.
Many Thanks Paul ive always found Krill to be you said a keystone species with Whales,fish of all kinds and all different species of which Krill is their food source..Interesting about their carbon sink properties with their shells and feces containing carbon which i did not know about..very cool Paul thank you!!
The Thwaites glacier and its stability is the canary in the coal mine for our planet. Thank you professor Beckwith, this talk is what I have been waiting for.
CO2 is UNRELATED to Thwaites Glacier and it's progression to the sea. Including twaddle like 'Canary Island Tsunami' and '6th Extinction' (from pesticides) is simply ANTI-SCIENCE. Oh look an asteroid is coming!! *WE MUST ALL DRIVE EVs TO APPEASE THE SKY GOD!*
@@bellakrinkle9381 Maybe in Portland, but Puget Sound had its second COLDER Summer of No Summer, only 85 days before the rain returned in September and rotted pumpkins in the field. It's been high 20sF to high 40Fs for MONTHS now, overcast and cold rain Seattle. We haven't had the summer hammock out since Biden's No )ab No Job Freezeout. _Don't come. Don't come._
More of this Paul, and the other major phase change points. The detail here is about spot on for the general public. Excellent targetting of where such a talk should be pitched.
I remember krill has a lot of iron. Which is why I stopped supplementing with it. Now there may be a lot of nutrients in the deep ocean upwelling, but much iron probably won't be among that since it is scarce in the ocean. So, iron fertilization might be useful in increasing krill populations in the southern ocean. Given that it is useful in carbon sequestration.
Yeah, and unfortunately Russia and China are coming Downunder and totally over fishing these precious creatures which whales, seals and penguins live on and need to survive.
As usual you give a good dissemination of the paper and the facts. I think given the 'unfortunate' election result with the unpalatable root causes and consequences; the manipulation of the media by fossil fuel giants and countries like Azerbijan which are based 90% on oil and gas and who are never going to give this up, then the outcome is now set. As a race on various fronts we are now going to hit the buffers and our hands are going to be very badly burned. (I dont care if I'm mixing metaphors) There are some good things such as the inexorable rise of PVs which will come to be dominant say in the late 2040s and also a greening of the financial sector. But I dont think that will be enough now. Some of the consequences will be obvious such as punishing heat domes that will cripple nature and crop yields and hypercanes the Gulf of Mexico being one obvious location. Others are more nuanced and complex such as the Arctic and Antarctic environments, the oceans and short but severe cold spells all of which you have addressed. I think a sudden rise in the sea level wouldn't be until later and would be the planet's coup de grace. We are like in the 1930s when Churchill used to go on at length about the threat of Nazi Germany but was not heeded and was it 37 million died? Well it will likely be 100 times that - so 3.7 billion directly killed mainly but not exclusively in the tropics, i.e. between 30S and 30 N so half the planet's surface. And that will be this century. Most but not all of the remaining 4.7 billion (forget projections of 10 biliion their futures will never happen now at least not for a long time at any rate) will have a torrid daily struggle. And they will have the immense task of getting rid of the excess 100 ppm of CO2 and several hundred ppb of methane. Good luck mates and I wouldn't blame you if you cursed the 1940s to 2000 generations. It didn't have to be this way but I think what I've set out has a high probability of occurrence. I would love to be proved wrong.
ln'dia PM Modi's COP29 $300,000,000,000 ransom demand for 'Climate Reparations'(sic), ... *when ln'dia's top export is FOSSIL FUELS,* ... has blown the lid off the ClimateGate 'Carbon Tax' scam. _It's so over, even Scarlett Johannson couldn't save it._ CR $110Bn in 'Climate Disaster Recovery' Biden signed into law provides $30Bn to FEMA _to refill their Illegal Alien Free Hotel and Catered Meals Fund_ (YES!) *while the $80Bn remainder is going to INSURANCE COMPANIES AND MORTGAGE BANKS!* _American Workers are being looted blind by_ Science.Gov
@mattockman I've been several times. I use NZ softwood to build with as NZ and Germany had the closest to sustainable forest management worldwide. It's still degrading biodiversity and the land with the timber quality, low in durability. Compared to Australian mismanaged forests loosing money while damaging water supply and sending iconic species extinct, brilliant
@gehwissen3975 I think about things all the time and they magically get done! We can magically think about climate change and it will!! Thankfully we have magical thinking!
You are correct the anartic sea ice area is withing the standard of deviations and no where near a record low its been like that for a week or more now
Of course, with natural climate cycle heading for the coldest point, when you reverse a direction, it will pass a average point of no change. The uneducated think this is evidence of no growth, others understand the significance of proof humans have geoengineered global climate to move the temperature to above human survivability over time.
@gehwissen3975 Christians blame God for human actions to justify their own sin. They would say this is proof of God yet seem too brainwashed to see the hypocrisy 🙄
Here in Puget Sound we had the second even COLDER Summer of No Summer only 85 days before the rains returned in September and rotted the pumpkins. But NWS Seattle, _located on 23,000 acres of smoking asphalt and concrete,_ shrieked CLIMATE BOILING! Well, our summer hammock hasn't been out since Biden's No )ab No )ob Freezeout. You remember, "I AM THE SCIENCE!" Favci? _Americans are being looted by_ Science.Gov.
@@martinlord9849 Anything thicker than ~150 microns of arctic ice will completely reflect low-incident-angle solar radiation back off into space. So your obsession that somehow, "thinner ice warms the arctic ocean" is provably false surmise. Your equal implied concern that somehow thinner ice is a Signs & Tribulations for No More Ice, has already been proven evidentially to be false surmise, as well. F + F = BOILING!
Yes, of course there's a maximum when humans have reversed the natural climate cycle and are decreasing ice extent opposite to natural cycles. It should be increasing, but we are melting it. Is that simple enough for your emotionally driven perspective? Proof of geoengineering is alarming to most, but you might be more stupid than others, maybe 😏
You know whats funny 30 years from now when i show these videos to my grandkids they will laugh at how dumb we were to think we warmed the earth in any significant way
@@jimicunningable Ahhh, the 'Appeal to Higher Authority' schtick. That worked in the Dark Ages, home's, but you are about to get your djck handed to you. The PRIVATE Fed Bank is looting $890Bn a year in usury, _that means $cience funding is kaput._ Your Mullahocracy will be begging out on the sidewalk with the 'climate refugees'.
Maybe and this is a guess it is due to Hunga Tunga releasing record Water vapor the greatest green house gas into the atmosphere in jan 2022 and that is why its so low but you dont talk about that
Hunga Tunga (and Krakatoa before that) demonstrates nature dwarfs human fossil fuels, The Science.Gov Ayatollahs cannot allow that. In June 2023, on the Day of Feasting for Biden's $84Bn 'Renewables' slush fund, the Ayatollahs announced 'The Hottest Day on Record!', _an amazing coincidence to the vote in Congress._ Buried in the report, (that my environmental science job had me read) it said: (... *climate model simulation* ...). They've been feeding us CLIMATE BOILING! fake climate models ever since, like that *"I AM THE SCIENCE!!"* Tony 'Safe and Effective' Favci
@jimicunningable the aerosols? Please use the term correctly understanding H20 is an aerosol. As someone who previously studied cloud condensation nuclei impacts, I feel alot more study is needed particularly for the changes in diesel additives and volcanic impacts. So, can you tell me where I can find information on the impact of aerosols from forests? The Australian study was cancelled due to funding shortages, has someone actually defined the impact proportion yet or is there still a large shortfall in funding for aerosol analysis?
Anartic sea ice is currently within the standard deviations and no where near a record low anartic ice flucuates greatly and you where not there in 2012 2013 or 2014 talking about the all time record highs also the 1966 minimum was most likely as low or lower than the 2023 minimum man does not control the climate not in any significant way
AMOC and equivalent PMOC inflows through the Bering Sea control the Arctic Ocean. Absolutely NOTHING to do with CO2, _and how would the Climate Ayatollahs know what CO2 levels are in the Arctic?_ They rely on the SOLE CO2 monitoring station in Hawaii, _on top of an active volcano!_ WTF!? Vlog eruptions have been so severe (choke) they had to adjust (couf) the CO2 monitoring station! *Look it up!!*
So you ignore the most important facts and wonder why your on a different page to the intelligencia? Natural cycle is for the ice extent, volume and thickness to increase to the coldest point called the deep minimum. Antarctic ice made Tasmania on average. If it's not increasing, who do you think geoengineered the climate with 750000 atomic bombs of heat energy released each day through burning fossil fuels to melt the largest block of ice, pigeons? Was it the whale's? Wind turbines maybe, Anyone else who knows?
How Antarctica’s Tipping Points can Cascade and Destabilize our Overall Global Climate System
Please donate to to support my research and videos joining the dots on abrupt climate system mayhem.
Happy Holidays!!
Antarctica's tipping points threaten global climate stability
by University of Tasmania
"What happens in Antarctica doesn't stay in Antarctica. Its future will shape the future of the planet."
The Thermohaline Ocean Circulation
A Brief Fact Sheet - by Stefan Rahmstorf article:
Double dip: Antarctic sea ice sinks to new low for winter
by Australian Antarctic Program Partnership (AAPP)
National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) article:
2024 Antarctic sea ice maximum extent finishes at second lowest
On September 19, 2024, Antarctic sea ice stalled out at an annual maximum extent of 17.16 million square kilometers (6.63 million square miles), the second lowest maximum in the satellite record that began in 1979 (Figure 1a). This year’s maximum is 200,000 square kilometers (77,000 square miles) above the previous record low set in 2023. It is 1.55 million square kilometers below (598,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average Antarctic maximum extent. Sea ice extent is markedly below average in the Indian Ocean. Extent is above average stretching out of the Amundsen Sea. This sea ice pattern is similar to last year’s record low.,in%201979%20(Figure%201a).
Wikipedia page on Antarctic Krill:
Antarctic Krill are the vital species surrounding Antarctica that are responsible for the huge carbon sink in the Southern Oceans. They really deserve their own separate video!!!
Map of Bathymetry (Ocean depths) around Antarctica.
Peer reviewed paper published online in Ambio on December 10th, 2024
Title: Cascading tipping points of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are key elements in the physical and biological Earth system.
Human-induced climate change, and other human activities in the region, are leading to several potential interacting tipping points with major and irreversible consequences. Here, we examine eight potential physical, biological, chemical, and social Antarctic tipping points. These include ice sheets, ocean acidification, ocean circulation, species redistribution, invasive species, permafrost melting, local pollution, and the Antarctic Treaty System. We discuss the nature of each potential tipping point, its control variables, thresholds, timescales, and impacts, and focus on the potential for cumulative and cascading effects as a result of their interactions. The analysis provides substantial evidence of the need for more concerted and rapid action to limit climate change and to minimize the impacts of local human activities to avoid these cascading tipping points.
Keywords Antarctic treaty system Earth system
Ecosystem services Interacting tipping points
Ocean circulation Sea ice
Please donate to to support my research and videos joining the dots on abrupt climate system mayhem.
Happy Holidays!! I am hoping to do many more videos over the holidays, to keep people up to speed on abrupt climate system changes (and on many other topics as well, like China:)
Have they measured ocean PH around Antarctica, I ponder the nature of plankton found around the Antarctic vs the absence of Plankton found in the Northern Atlantic which is almost nil. Could the wall of current surrounding the Antarctic create a wall to separate the PH from one side to another like a thermocline?
I still put my emphasis on the escaping Arctic methane as the #1 threat, but you have so many to choose from now.
My environmental science job was to align our agency with 'the latest research' so I had to read the 'Permafrost Methane' choss. Some professor and his graduate student booked a fly fish charter cabin in Yukon, had them did a backhoe hole in the tundra and cover it with a sheet of plywood, while they went fishing. Their research paper concludes, "We found NO evolution of methane, however we hope this INFORMS the permafrost methane research." The Climate Rags all shrieked "METHANE RESEARCH IN ARCTIC PERMAFROST", then the al-Goreians read the room, and added that to their Stranger Danger! Climate End of Days.
appreciate your work Paul
Nice presentation, thanks, Paul. For a comprehensive, commom sense, big picture run down of where were at and how we arrived at this dark point in history, check out Andrea P, Post-Doom Primer.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Hangin in there, Paul 🙂👍 Thanks for keepin it on point.
Many Thanks Paul ive always found Krill to be you said a keystone species with Whales,fish of all kinds and all different species of which Krill is their food source..Interesting about their carbon sink properties with their shells and feces containing carbon which i did not know about..very cool Paul thank you!!
The Thwaites glacier and its stability is the canary in the coal mine for our planet. Thank you professor Beckwith, this talk is what I have been waiting for.
CO2 is UNRELATED to Thwaites Glacier and it's progression to the sea. Including twaddle like 'Canary Island Tsunami' and '6th Extinction' (from pesticides) is simply ANTI-SCIENCE. Oh look an asteroid is coming!! *WE MUST ALL DRIVE EVs TO APPEASE THE SKY GOD!*
Hey Paul thank you🤠 still waiting on a real freeze this year. Always happens by halloween🙀 still waiting🤯
Oops OKC Ok🇺🇲
I want to visit tazmania. Heard it's clean there❤
Here in WA state we're miles from a freeze...mostly in the 47 - 53 F range, even during nights. February is typically our coldest month.
@@bellakrinkle9381 Maybe in Portland, but Puget Sound had its second COLDER Summer of No Summer, only 85 days before the rain returned in September and rotted pumpkins in the field. It's been high 20sF to high 40Fs for MONTHS now, overcast and cold rain Seattle. We haven't had the summer hammock out since Biden's No )ab No Job Freezeout. _Don't come. Don't come._
More of this Paul, and the other major phase change points. The detail here is about spot on for the general public. Excellent targetting of where such a talk should be pitched.
Thanks Paul
A whole continent left for the taking!
Important topic
take care
Thanks for the information!
Wow...thanks for covering krill...
This will focus on the thermohaleine system - but not just the Atlantic Meridional Overturning bit? Pacific and Indian Oceans get a look in? 😊
The east Australian current seems to be changing too. T it's all linked
I remember krill has a lot of iron. Which is why I stopped supplementing with it. Now there may be a lot of nutrients in the deep ocean upwelling, but much iron probably won't be among that since it is scarce in the ocean. So, iron fertilization might be useful in increasing krill populations in the southern ocean. Given that it is useful in carbon sequestration.
It’s Tipped Over.
_"It's the Concatenating Feed Back Loop Tipping Points!"_ Tony 'I Am The Science!' Favci
little dudes but together have a huge impact
Everyday that goes by more and more ppl wake up the climate scammers.
Yeah, and unfortunately Russia and China are coming Downunder and totally over fishing these precious creatures which whales, seals and penguins live on and need to survive.
As usual you give a good dissemination of the paper and the facts. I think given the 'unfortunate' election result with the unpalatable root causes and consequences; the manipulation of the media by fossil fuel giants and countries like Azerbijan which are based 90% on oil and gas and who are never going to give this up, then the outcome is now set. As a race on various fronts we are now going to hit the buffers and our hands are going to be very badly burned. (I dont care if I'm mixing metaphors)
There are some good things such as the inexorable rise of PVs which will come to be dominant say in the late 2040s and also a greening of the financial sector. But I dont think that will be enough now. Some of the consequences will be obvious such as punishing heat domes that will cripple nature and crop yields and hypercanes the Gulf of Mexico being one obvious location. Others are more nuanced and complex such as the Arctic and Antarctic environments, the oceans and short but severe cold spells all of which you have addressed.
I think a sudden rise in the sea level wouldn't be until later and would be the planet's coup de grace. We are like in the 1930s when Churchill used to go on at length about the threat of Nazi Germany but was not heeded and was it 37 million died? Well it will likely be 100 times that - so 3.7 billion directly killed mainly but not exclusively in the tropics, i.e. between 30S and 30 N so half the planet's surface. And that will be this century.
Most but not all of the remaining 4.7 billion (forget projections of 10 biliion their futures will never happen now at least not for a long time at any rate) will have a torrid daily struggle. And they will have the immense task of getting rid of the excess 100 ppm of CO2 and several hundred ppb of methane. Good luck mates and I wouldn't blame you if you cursed the 1940s to 2000 generations. It didn't have to be this way but I think what I've set out has a high probability of occurrence. I would love to be proved wrong.
ln'dia PM Modi's COP29 $300,000,000,000 ransom demand for 'Climate Reparations'(sic), ... *when ln'dia's top export is FOSSIL FUELS,* ... has blown the lid off the ClimateGate 'Carbon Tax' scam. _It's so over, even Scarlett Johannson couldn't save it._
CR $110Bn in 'Climate Disaster Recovery' Biden signed into law provides $30Bn to FEMA _to refill their Illegal Alien Free Hotel and Catered Meals Fund_ (YES!) *while the $80Bn remainder is going to INSURANCE COMPANIES AND MORTGAGE BANKS!*
_American Workers are being looted blind by_ Science.Gov
Concise, accurate, true.
Not wrong at all. We’re talking humans here.
Greenwashing, calling Methane "natural gas" is like calling coal "natural coal".
That might be true if the phrase had not come into common usage 200 years ago.
They call timber renewable but as a forester, I've never seen a sustainable harvest plan yet after 25yrs.
Try NZ. Radiata pine felled at 12 years. You'll need a passport.
@mattockman I've been several times. I use NZ softwood to build with as NZ and Germany had the closest to sustainable forest management worldwide. It's still degrading biodiversity and the land with the timber quality, low in durability. Compared to Australian mismanaged forests loosing money while damaging water supply and sending iconic species extinct, brilliant
c 4 over 96 23
Thankfully Antarctic ice extent and area has now reached the 30 year multi decadal average. So according to the data, no ice loss for almost 40 years.
""Thankfully"" Christians lie like hell😂😂
@gehwissen3975 I think about things all the time and they magically get done! We can magically think about climate change and it will!! Thankfully we have magical thinking!
You are correct the anartic sea ice area is withing the standard of deviations and no where near a record low its been like that for a week or more now
Of course, with natural climate cycle heading for the coldest point, when you reverse a direction, it will pass a average point of no change. The uneducated think this is evidence of no growth, others understand the significance of proof humans have geoengineered global climate to move the temperature to above human survivability over time.
@gehwissen3975 Christians blame God for human actions to justify their own sin. They would say this is proof of God yet seem too brainwashed to see the hypocrisy 🙄
Except that 2015 had the greatest ice coverage in history. Climate alarmism fail.
Thin ice perhaps, but that's not what matters most.
Area Volume
Here in Puget Sound we had the second even COLDER Summer of No Summer only 85 days before the rains returned in September and rotted the pumpkins. But NWS Seattle, _located on 23,000 acres of smoking asphalt and concrete,_ shrieked CLIMATE BOILING! Well, our summer hammock hasn't been out since Biden's No )ab No )ob Freezeout. You remember, "I AM THE SCIENCE!" Favci? _Americans are being looted by_ Science.Gov.
@@martinlord9849 Anything thicker than ~150 microns of arctic ice will completely reflect low-incident-angle solar radiation back off into space. So your obsession that somehow, "thinner ice warms the arctic ocean" is provably false surmise. Your equal implied concern that somehow thinner ice is a Signs & Tribulations for No More Ice, has already been proven evidentially to be false surmise, as well. F + F = BOILING!
Yes, of course there's a maximum when humans have reversed the natural climate cycle and are decreasing ice extent opposite to natural cycles. It should be increasing, but we are melting it. Is that simple enough for your emotionally driven perspective? Proof of geoengineering is alarming to most, but you might be more stupid than others, maybe 😏
You know whats funny 30 years from now when i show these videos to my grandkids they will laugh at how dumb we were to think we warmed the earth in any significant way
😂😂😂 enjoy denial while it last
Said a person with NO education..
@@jimicunningable Ahhh, the 'Appeal to Higher Authority' schtick. That worked in the Dark Ages, home's, but you are about to get your djck handed to you. The PRIVATE Fed Bank is looting $890Bn a year in usury, _that means $cience funding is kaput._ Your Mullahocracy will be begging out on the sidewalk with the 'climate refugees'.
@@jimicunningable Ahhh the Dark Ages 'Appeal to the Higher Authorities!" schtick.
@@Jc-ms5vv Ahhh the Dark Ages 'Appeal to the PapaI Inquisitor' heretic schtick.
Maybe and this is a guess it is due to Hunga Tunga releasing record Water vapor the greatest green house gas into the atmosphere in jan 2022 and that is why its so low but you dont talk about that
If you looked around these channels, instead of inbreeding, you'd see we addressed that volcano long ago. ty. ..back to your meth pipe!
Hunga Tunga (and Krakatoa before that) demonstrates nature dwarfs human fossil fuels, The Science.Gov Ayatollahs cannot allow that. In June 2023, on the Day of Feasting for Biden's $84Bn 'Renewables' slush fund, the Ayatollahs announced 'The Hottest Day on Record!', _an amazing coincidence to the vote in Congress._
Buried in the report, (that my environmental science job had me read) it said: (... *climate model simulation* ...). They've been feeding us CLIMATE BOILING! fake climate models ever since, like that *"I AM THE SCIENCE!!"* Tony 'Safe and Effective' Favci
Just as likely to be the reduction in shipping diesel aerosols but speculation is not very helpful, that is why we love science.
@@nottenvironmental6208 The aerosols have been studied extensively. funny.
@jimicunningable the aerosols? Please use the term correctly understanding H20 is an aerosol.
As someone who previously studied cloud condensation nuclei impacts, I feel alot more study is needed particularly for the changes in diesel additives and volcanic impacts. So, can you tell me where I can find information on the impact of aerosols from forests? The Australian study was cancelled due to funding shortages, has someone actually defined the impact proportion yet or is there still a large shortfall in funding for aerosol analysis?
Anartic sea ice is currently within the standard deviations and no where near a record low anartic ice flucuates greatly and you where not there in 2012 2013 or 2014 talking about the all time record highs also the 1966 minimum was most likely as low or lower than the 2023 minimum man does not control the climate not in any significant way
You cherry picking rubbish to science majors like us, is like watching a toddler "correct" his Daddy. TY for the lols clown.
@gumpyflyale2542 The new data from NASA confirms what you say. We are now within the 30 year multi decadal average for ice extent and area.
AMOC and equivalent PMOC inflows through the Bering Sea control the Arctic Ocean. Absolutely NOTHING to do with CO2, _and how would the Climate Ayatollahs know what CO2 levels are in the Arctic?_ They rely on the SOLE CO2 monitoring station in Hawaii, _on top of an active volcano!_ WTF!? Vlog eruptions have been so severe (choke) they had to adjust (couf) the CO2 monitoring station! *Look it up!!*
@@jimicunningable Ahhh the 'I AM THE SCIENCE!" feckless Faucian fade. Pathetic.
So you ignore the most important facts and wonder why your on a different page to the intelligencia? Natural cycle is for the ice extent, volume and thickness to increase to the coldest point called the deep minimum. Antarctic ice made Tasmania on average. If it's not increasing, who do you think geoengineered the climate with 750000 atomic bombs of heat energy released each day through burning fossil fuels to melt the largest block of ice, pigeons? Was it the whale's? Wind turbines maybe, Anyone else who knows?